HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-9-14, Page 3OfSpecialInterest �leaders
In view of the 1171entiful .supply of
tomatoes, the following recipes for
the hone canning of this. fruit may
prove useful.
Pickled Whole Tomatoes
1 peek srnall green tomatoes
1 quart boiling water
.cup pickling salt
1 burnt vinegar
3 pounds brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon cinnamon
,1 teaeIpioon mixed spice
1 teaspoon celery seed
10 whole cloves
Dissolve salt in boiling water. Put
in a few tomatoes' at a tine and boil
for twelve minutes Remove each
tomato carefully with a wooden
spoon to prevent spoling shape,
drain thoroughly and pack in jars.
Tie spices In muslin bag, put into
vinegar, add sugar and boll until
slightly thickened. Remove spice
bag, pour liquid over tomatoes, fill-
ing Jars full and seal tightly, .
Tomato Catsup
10 pounds tomatoes
34 pound salt
lz ounce whole cloves
1.S ounce whole pepper corns
1-7 quart. vinegar
14 pound sugar
1 ounce allspice
1/4 ounce cayenne
Simmer tomatoes until soft and
then make puree by brushing,
through a fine sieve Tie all the
spires loosely in a muslin bag.
13o11 until quite thick, preferably
using an enamelled vessel,
Bottle and seal hot,
Tomato Cocktail (No. 1)
13 ripe tonva:toes
1 chopped celery
cup chopped onions
2 tablespoons vinegar
3 sweet green. peppers
1 sweet red- pepper
2 tablespoons salt
34 cup sugar
Mash and cut tomatoes but clo not
peel Chop the peppers finely, Mix
tomatoes, celery, onions, pepper's
and sat together. Boil for one-half
hours. Strain through coarse sieve,
Add the vnegar and sugar. Boil
three minutes, Seal in sterilized
Tomato Cocktail (No. 2)
1 bushel tomatoes
1 small head celery-
elery'.I teaspoon white .pepper
rf-' cup vinegar
1 cup chopped onions
teaspoons salt
Boil all together- for 20 minutes.
Strain and bail 5 minutes. Bottle
and seal.
Lace Curtains Are
Back In Fashion
Revilval of Hangings
Buried ,For Such
A Long Time
Lace ,curtains art stetting the
fashion show again when it was
thought they were lead and buried
long, long ago
But, of course, .the new, lace cur-
tains are really new, so its' no wo-
nder they are popular in current
interior decoration, There are per.
featly lovely sheer nets, both white
and ecru, not to mention the pearly
looking heavy meshes,
Lace ruffles and ruching edges
are the Iasi word for curtains.
They are dainty and have beauti-
fully finished edges.
Fringes, Too
You will also find lace curtains
with fringed bottoms — some have
a straight hanging fringe, others a
boucle fringe. And of course, the
usual ball fringe which is' nice on
The rex, headings, include one
curtain in a horizontal stripe with
rows of heavier stripes at the top,
called sewing lines, so you can ads
Just then to your windows with-
out having the stitches show, And
then there Is a heading with slots
for the rods• which don't show when
the curtain is hung. A new frill tep
no matter what length the curtain.
ts, gives a nice finish to the top
of the window
Tiredness May Be
Due To .Worry
Often Fatigue. Is Not
Caused By. Organic
Trouble At All
A patient visited a physician and
complained of a tred feeling all the
time. After a careful examination
he advised him to visit his dentist
and bring a report as to the con-
dition of his toedh including an X-
ray examination. When the pati-
ent returned with a statement front
the dentist that there was no in-
fection of the teeth or gums, the
physic:an sim.piy turned to the pa-
tient and said "Suppose you tell
me the whole story, I find no curse
for your tiredness nor does your
dentist, go that your tiredess iS
not clue to organic trouble of any
kind. You have something on your
hind, something that has YOU think-
ing most of the clay and part of the
eight: it Is tit's constant thinking
—.worrying, or puzzling of your
brain—that is keeping you con-
stantly tired. And until you gest it
settled in scnno way you ~viii re-
main 'tired,"
Not The Work itself
Tiredness is sometimes' said to
'''rr to overwork buit it may be
the worry about the work, not the
work ltsell that causes the tired-
tiesst And if the individual cannot
adjust himself nlceiy to his work,
then the constant upset state or
this. lack of adjustment is going to
keep Win tired,
Advice Given
On Stockings
To Make Them
Last Longer And
Look Better
"Buy the proper weight for your
um: 2 or 34hread for "dress -up"
wl.th light slippers, 4 -thread for
general wear with street shoes, 7 -
thread for hard wear with heavy
shoes, lisle .for sports. A crepe
twist, with its extra silk and firmer
duller finish, means legs snagging,
longer wear, tlf you want extreme
sheerness for everyday, don't blame
the stockings if they can't take it!
"Buy the Ifeoper size. Size 9
means that the foot length is ac-
tually 9 inches, but a broad foot ob-
lotusly needs a larger size, So if
toes or heels wear out, try a ,half-
size longer. 'Runners' often come
from garter's fastened below the
garter welt. if you're very tall,
short or heavy, you should choose
stockings' krait to your proportions
or with adjustable garter welts.
Two Pairs At Once ,
"Buy at leant two pairs of the
same weight and color, You'll get
three times as much wear out of
two, since, wthen one stocking
'goes' you can match its mate
with the others. Gnsist on perfect
pains, with no 's'nags' from careless
handling in the sttore. By the gold-
en rule, be gentle In your own hand-
ling at the counter—or better, let
the salesgirl examine them for you,
"Wash stockings after each wear-
ing to remove the dirt and perspira-
tion that weaken silk, Use l;uke-
wvatnn rude from mild soap Rakes
or granules. Squeeze suds' through
and through. Gently work flakes or
granules into stubborn spots. Rinse
three tunics in clear, cool water.
Squeeze odt excess; tbttt never
wring. Ease into shape. Hang
over suumsth rod Dry away from c
heat and sun,
Invagination was given a man to
convpensate him for what he is not,
and sense of humor was provided
to console him far what he is. •
Eagle's View of Rio for Cruise Members
Not flying nor rolling down to
Rio but leisurely sailing there
aboard a luxury liner will go a
happy crowd Of winter cruise tour-
ists next January 'when the Can-
adian Pacific liner Empress of
Australia heads south from New
York January 15 on a West In-
dies and South America cruise,
The glamorous Latin pity that
was named Rio do Janeiro be-
cause its harbor was discovered
in the monthof January and mis-
taken for the mouth of a river
claim$ that the harbor is the
world's rood Beautiful, Certahly
other pots] Would have to show
mueb to -rivaY th ie claim, and
sengers iv111 return confirmed
"Rio fans."
From the heights of the lofty
(oroovado, a mountain peak on
which stands a huge figure of
Christ, and from the summit of
Pao d'Assucar, the famed ''Sugar
Loaf," members of shore excur-
sions will have an eagle's eye
view of the city and harbor,
Thrilling in itself is the ascent of
the Sugar Loaf by aerial cable -
car hi two rides, first to the half-
way 'station on. Penedo de tJ'rea,
then to the liummit of the conical
Sugars Loaf itself,
Resided those twd excursions
Mere hire biller ti' pp11 arranged for
there Is Hardly the five-day visit, The lovely
Empress of Aust aliases that
the mountaiainouSn resit ntial secand
of Petropolis will bo the objects
of excursions and each evening
there will be a party excursion to
enjoy the exotic night -life.
Rio is 1101 the only port or call
on this cruise, Barbados, Grenada
and Jamaica are islands that will
be visited during the 32 clay trip,
while on the mainland of South
America, La Guaira, Venezuela,
will share with Rio the attentions
Of the Empress of Australia's
passengers who will be back in
New York on _ "_
Pictured above are the Theatre
Municipal at Ilio, a view or Beta
fogo Day from the Concovado
showing tide Sugar Loaf, the ea-
blo-car ascending the latter, and
the Empress of Australia, the
oralse ship that will visit Pio,
The hat silhouettes for 'autumn
are largely practical, and with an
ociaatonai exception in a tiny ]tat
for formal wear, are designed for
general acne tante, There are
pillboges with bnigltt trintimngs or
irregtdar fa'nntaionw, 101001es
which are of comfortable proper -
tions with bows for ;height, and
many ape tater sports bats with
brims that expose the hair at one
side and with conical, high crowns,
ttr eheJght; augmented by off -shoot -
Mg quills'.
Aauong the brimless styles are
a number of very high fez shapes,
made of suede in a combination of
two or more colors', striped or in
patchwork effect. Also numerous
are the visor effects, %'lt1ch cOm-
'dement different small silhouettes.
with or without brims,
Fashion Flashes
Fur prints are especially well -
liked for jackits to top knitted or
woollen dresses, Burunduki is new
this year Leopard is a carry-over
from last year and more popular
than ever, There is also a python
print Munched this year that is
interesting sportswear designers.
Sateen is among the cotton re-
vivals that is of interest to those
who like fabricsthat are different
far housecoats, One print is an
al] -over paisley design carried out
in characten etic cashmere color-
Dark velveteen is featured in
suspender dresses with plaid, silk
sh nt, Sometsmes the some fabric
is used in a bolero to top this
costume which is a good children's
as well as college style,
Criss cross tied sashes enfonti-
ing bodices and encircling waist
lines are a "must", nice for in-
troducing a touch of color on the
clerk dress, and fine for adjusting
a fitted line to suit the figure.
Piaid velveteens, are much fav-
ored in the fall version of the
dirndl that has less .fulness in the
Teal green --a bluish green --its
very smart is velveteen for little
•de'esses and suits' to take back to
Dark colors for evening dresses
that are strapless and very full
skirted. •
Velveteens are important for
coats of ensembles including a
woollen dress.
Jewel colors in velveteens that
can go teeing or dancing alter
footballs games.
Severely tailored Ottoman silk
sults in 'white are being worn for
dinner •costumes.
Beaver suggests a inedible suc-
cessor to Persian Iamb as a trim-
ming on coats and snits!
In sportswear velveteens are
liked in solid milers and in Ipr'ints.
Paisley and dot prints are the
One hoose is featuring velveteen
dirndls with baby caps' to match.
"Goo hick" jewelry is important,
' A hooded jacket sequined in
gold is worn over a white frock,
Chiffon jerseys are popular for
draped dresses,
Lanvin Fuses fine black lace for
evening dress'iis.
Lace or lingerie trintttming is ap-
Proved for black woollen dresses.
brown vt•ivet dress bus a
cream lace lrlastron.
The newestwine reds have 31
rusty tinge
Greens Meiotic, Mince, chartreuse,
emerald and bottle tones.
Mrs: Dnsher li'hon we were in
EXPOPt we visited 1110 pyramids,
Sarno or the stoles were literally
covered with 1vie1'Ogiyppules,
litre, (ruches --,I 1101131 n0no of
theta gat on yon, They say Some
or 'ithose foreign insects are ter -
la. 4.141
Wi'1DNIIIS17AY, still?T, 15th, 1933
Round Trip Bargain Fares
Fri. & Sat., Sept. 23rd & 24th
To Oshawa, Bowmanville, Pont Hope, 00oourg, Trenton Jet„
l3ellevdlte, Napanee Kingston, Ganaaoque, Brockville, Prescott;
Morrisburg, Cornwall Uxbridge, 'Lindsay, Peterbotto, Oampbeilford.
Newmarket, Penetang, Oolhingwood, Meaford, Berrie, Ovinia, Mid-
lapd, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, Calendar, North. 'Bay,'
Party Sound, Sudbury; all towns in New Ontario on line of Torahs -
looming & Northern Ontario Rly., Nipissing Central Rly., Kapiskas-
ing, Longlac, Nokias., Tas'.ltota, Sioux Lookout, Geraldton, .Peliicoe
Beardmore, Port Arthur, Meoford, Barrie Oriliia, Meaford,
Gravenhurs'1, Bracebridge,
Saturday Sept. 24th to TORONTO
Also to Brantford, Chatham, Chesney, Clinton, Durham., Ex-
eter, Fergus Godericll, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Hermiston, Inger-
ngersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchell Niagara
Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Pubis, Port Bgin, St.
Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy,
Walkerton, `Viarton, Wingham, Woodstock.
For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult
nearest Agent,
For:Fares, Rerun Limier, Train l'nfarmadon, Tickets, consult nearest Agent. Sae Handbtas, " 0
Be sure to get stockings plenty
long at the toe. Stockings that
cramp the toe cause ingrown toe-
If feet perspire, rinse hosiery in a
Wong borax solution after they are
washed; wear without ironing,
Sprinkle foot powder in the shoes
and set them in a 'sunny window
for airing.
A nightly foot bath with baking
soda in the water is helpful,
With proper care. pimples and
blackheads may be overcome before
they develop into an acne condition.
As you know, pimples are infected
blackheads, so treat the blackheads
as soon as they, form. Scrubbing
with soap and water and a complex-
ion brush will do wonders, Morning
and night is not too often, Finish
off with a cold water rinse or an
astringent lotion to close the pores.
White hair needs the same caa'e
that blonde hair requires, Wash
with pure costae soap which bas
been reduced to liquid form, The
egg shampoo is recommended for
this type of lair. A: a rinse use
water to which blueing has been
added, to offset the possibilities of
yellow streaks, ,
Bair that breaks off easily and
splits at the ends may be the result
of an undernourished scalp. Cut
off the spilt ends and message the
scalp, The message . brings the
blood to the surface and putts new -
life into the hair growth. The use
of a too hot iron on the hair will
make hair brittle.
To cure dandruff, apply sweet a1 -
mond oil to the scarp every night,
Rub it in thoroughly, and in the
morning shampoo with stoop and
sort water, rinsing with plenty of
cold water,
For blonde hair that has been
bleached and is eoanse in texture,
you'll find vinegar is softening,
'rat' it in the last rinse water alter
shampooing yoat' hair.
There never have been any im-
ports of hay and straw into Switzer -
laud from Canada The ocean freight
rate makes business in these cam -
malities practically impossible.
Recently, however, enquiries have
been made from Swiss importers
to the Canadian Trade Commission-
er at Rotterdam, Holland, but the
comparatively Saw tpir'ice offered
could not be endertainel
You have heard, I know,
Of "the man with the hoe,"
Attd "the man behind• the gun,"
We have heard so long
Their little song,
They have their laurels' won,
But I lay a claim of well earned
fame, >•e°ic
And bring her my best wishes— t :,3
For sterling grit,
She is surely "it"—
The worma.n who washes• dishes.
We have wept at the "hurt"
In the "Song of the Shirt,"
And groaned at the doleful tale.
Do you ever think
Of the one at the sink,
Of what we'd do it she'd fail?
Three times a day,
With never a nay.
She gathers the greasy pile;
The pots and spans, with tired hands 10,c.
Site washes up with a smile, nvq
, sena
Then sing if you w111
With voices shrill,
. Sr.
Of the roan with the hoe and gun; at
But this I say,
(('an you say me nay?) fell"
She, too, has her laurels won.
So, I lay a claim ry to
0i Well-earned tame—
And give her Rly bent wishes, t„
For sterling grit, rogf' on
She is surely "it"— - old
The woman who washes dishes. '
Cantr'ibuted, Sank
Things Work Out
is of
Because it rains when we wish 3t ' 2n11;
Because men do what they often ' the
Because craps fail, and plans go mad
Same of tis grumble the whole day mad
Ent, somehow, in spite of the care
and doubt,
It seems at last that things work
So bend to your trouble and meet a
your care,
Let the rain canoe clown as it must
For the clouds roust break, and the On
sky grow fair. ion t
an:d will, Mets
But keep on working and hoping
For in shirts of the grumblers' 'who
Mond about,
Somehow, it seems all things. wankf L3,01
10d,n 0
A pair of Glasses in case, Person
can have sante for paying cont
apply at 'Post'
Keep a day or two - Sept.12-17
i The week of Western Ontario's own big exhibition
l PRIZE LIST a $32,000
Speed Events Daily—Night Horse Show—Photography Salon
Dog Show—Superb Grandstand Spectacle—Hobby Fair
Carnival Midway—Hundreds of Exhibits
`V, D. JACKSON. Secretary 2H
ere $9,�