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Brussels, Seyt, 12th, 1938
The Menie'4pa1 Council of the
V4tlage of Brussels met in. the Pub-
is Library on the above date, All
menthe:se being present,
The minutes of the last meeting
being read it wee moved by W.
Little; seconded by le, Sainte that
the minutes, as read be adopted,
The 'following bilis were r
Jno. Wright, Policeman's
E. Bates, eseicem'an's
D. C. Ware lel, Firemen's
L. Tureey, fire drill
Wm. Palmer, fire drill
13, Galbraith, fire drill
Chas. fowry, fire dtil•1
Wren. Bell, fire chill
D. C, Warwi c, fire drill , , ,
Geo. Campbell, salary as
wa teliman
Jas', Tdmell, cleaning drain
Geo. Campbell, cleaning
E. Somers, hauling gravel , ,
Hartley Rutedge, painting
Jas. Kernaghan, 'cleaning
Treasurer, Huron Comity,
Lanterns & oil etc.
II, Workman, hauling
Teles;hone Company, flag
Geo, Baker, hall chi nney
H. Thomas', removing
le, Bowman, removing
R, \V, Kennedy, printing
voter's lists
G. McDowell, August salary
R. S. Warwick, •August
salary ............ .. . ...
Hydro -Electric, street
Hall lighting
Relief for;, thRemeeth 24,36
It was moved: by I•I, Chanlmion;
seconded by W, Cameron that the
bills be paid. —Carried.
There being no further business
the meeting mol adjourned.
Man Is Badly Cut
By Windshield
As Car Hits Tree
Oliphant Smith, Brussels,
Has Head ;Driven
Through :Glass When •
Car Leaves Road
Mebane Smith oe Brussels, was
severely cut about the face when
his head was driven through the
wtmdehield or the car in which he
was riding with Oliver Turnbull
when it tailed to mak, the turn at
George Lawlors corner in
Blyth just before noon Saturday.
The car skidded in loose gravel and
21g -zagged across the road into the
ditch hitting El large maple tree,
Dr, 13. C. Weir gave medical aid
to the injured man, The driver
of the ear w^as uninjured but both
men suffered from shook, Traffic
Officer Norman Lever Jr., of Clin-
ton luvest:gated the accident. The
men were on the way to visit with
Mr. and Mrs, Neel Wagner, near
W.F.A. Semi -Finals
At National Stadium, Stratford
Game cartel at 5.30 sharp
Admission — Gents 25c
Ladies 15c; Children Free
Return Game
At Victoria Park
Game Called at 5 p.m. sharp
These teams are at present
deadlocked with one game each,
so rally round and support the
boys, as the winners will meet
the W.F.A. Finalists,
Admisison — Gents 25c
Ladies 15c; Children Free
Gene Autry Smiley Burnette
The Old Barn Dance
Wedding Announcement
At Gvion United Church on Sat-
urday, Sept. 17 at 4 &WeeJk w'111 be
the scene of a quiet Autumn Wed-
ding when Bertha Mildred, 3rd
youngest daughter of the late Geo.
E and Mrs. SYeitan wile be united
In marriage to William Clay
Phillips Bruce son of the late Geo.
W ,Bruce of Toronto,
Faithful Collie
Saves Life Of Farmer �.
Attacked By full
Condition of Joseph Maloney, Mc: -
Kilian Township farmer, whose We
was saved by itis collie dog "Rover,"
on Saturday, is much improved.
Maloney suffered a creamed and
dislocated ankle and his body a
mess of cuts and bruises. 'Maloney
was leading the bull to water when
suddenly it reared and rushed him.
Unable. to control it, Maloney was
thrown aganat a fence gate with,
the bull almost on top of hint. The
tenacious grip which . Rover secured
on the hind legs of the enraged ani-
mal is the only tltittg that saved
his. life, Maloney affirms, Six-year-
old Rover has been the pet of the
eleloneys since he was• a Pup. "5
wouldn't sell heel. for $10,000." Ma-
loney" vale. •
- +
Sunday, Sept. 18 beginning at 12.05
Warner Baxte Freddie Batholomew
Arleen Whelan C. Aubrey Shtith
Kidnapped that lusty, Aoid adven-
ture story,, which has thrilled
millions for half a century
Edward G. Robinson
Slight Case of Murder
Jane Bryan Allen Jenkins
She was a gangsters daughter to
love with a cop—So Pop had to go
straight or elsel
Joan Btondeil Melvyn Douglass
There's Always
A Woman
W. M. S.
The September meeting • O1 the
ly, M. S. of Melville Presbyterian
Church was hell on Friday after-
noon with Mrs. Harold Parker pre-
siding, A. Scripture (passage was
read by Mili, Parker. Mrs, Joe
Wilton gave a paper on ``Church
Community; and State," and Mrs,
D. Inglis led in prayer, Mrs, Thomas.
Walker gave the current events,
With the appointment of J. H.
Kincaid, fanner York County school
teacher as school inspector of North
Huron, there has been a rearrange-
ment of territory in Huron County
for school inspection purposes.
Sir. Kiueaid, who originally came
from the Listowel district, has al-
ready arrived in Goderieh where 110
will reside.
hleretofore, school districts have
been divided earn ant. west. Hence-
forth the duvisl011 will be north and
south, with IS, 1', Beacom, formerly
of Rest Iluron, now the inspector'
of South Huron,
lIr. Kincaid replrtces John hart -
ley, who has retired, owing to 111
health, Ilr. Hartley, to his position
less than two years, resided at
Melville Church
Y. P• S.
The executive of Ilelville Presby-
terian Young People's Society plan
to hold their first meeting of the
1938-39 season on Monday evening,
Sept. 19 at 8 o'clock. This meet-
ing will he in the faint of a social
Ali Young People of the enigre-
gation are invited. Lunch will be
Baptismal Service At
St, John's ,'Anglican Church
On Sunday morning last the Rev.
J. Graham baptized the following
children, Helen Frances Fay infant
daughter of Mr, and Mrs'. Roland
Marks, MMticlreel June and Eddie
Patricia infant daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. edifice•' eeet rks; and Ken-
neth Lorne etisgn sen of Mr, and
Mrs. Joh'a'm1eock. Mr. Grahams
Preached on the subbjiect tea Bap-
tism taking as
Matthew chapter 28 and verse 19.
Cranbrook Presbyterian Church
50th Anniversary of the
Rebuilding of the Church
Special Preaching Services will
be held on Sunday, Sept. 25th,
Guest Preacher—
Rev. D. C. Hill, BA., B.D.
Exeter, Ont
Services 11 a.m. & 7.30 p•m.
Old time Hymn singing led by
Mr. William Ritchie of Galt
Everybody Welcome Especially
old members of the Church
15th :Annual
of the Huron Association
will take place on
on the Dundas & Dennis farms
1 mile East of Leadbury
The Dundas farm will provide
the sod
The Dennis_Farm the stubble
Kindly keep date in mind, we
will be looking for you
on that date
Bert Hemingway, President
L. E. ;Cardiff, Sec•-reas.
10 A.M.—Sunday School.
11 A.M.—Church' Service,
7 P.M. ---Evening Worship
The anniversary services and fowl
supper will be held at Melville Pres-
byterian Church o1r Sunday, October
30 and Fowl Supper en TuesdaY,
November 2nd, Watch for further
Band Concert
Despite tike emit weather a large
crowd attended the Band Coneet't
at Victoria Park Sunday evening.
These band concerts have been
mach appreciated by the band
lovers of music during the summer
Women's Institute
A most worthwhile meeting of
Brussels Women's Institute is to be
bald Friday afternoon, Sept. 16th,
at 2,30 o'clock, In the. Pubic
Lililary, The motto "Don't walk
this year in last year's. rats" Is to
be taken by Mrs. A. C, Backer. The
Roll Call is "Footle for Emergency
Shelf." A detmoustratien .on the
'Cooking et Meats" and Salads Is
to be carried out by Mrs. Demmer -
ling and Aire', Wright, of Fordwicll,
This should Prove very interesting
to all. A hearty invitation is ex-
tended to every one in the mire
mnnity. Remember the change of
tJ'me-2,30 pen. and be on hand to
eniuy the cup of tea to be served.
A very succes,situl Short Course
wee, held last week in 'Preparing
and Planning of .heals.' less Jean
AI, Scott, Port Elgin was the,
teacher. There were twenty-two
ladies took advantage of attending
the classes. The Course was held
under anspice•s of Women's Insti-
Ralph Connor Is
Visiting At Melfort
Mr, Ralph Connor of Brussels',
Ontario, arrived in Melfort Tuesday
!morning, for a six week stay. While
here he will look after his farming
interests in the district. He advised
The Journal, that wheat in Ontario
in sonne parte of the province, was
badly tested, Mr. Connor is one of
theoldest living settlers (n the Mel -
fort d'strict, coming here shortly
after John and James Flett, He
makes the trip every harvest sea-
son from Brussels and is in the best
of health.
—The Kinetino Times, Sask.
Nobody Is Injured
When Car flits Trailer
Oliver Hemingway escaped ser-
ious injury liondey morning when
110 crashed into the trailer of A. L.
McDonald, cattle drover, also of
Brussels, Archie McDonald. nephew
of A. L, McDonald, was driver of
the car drawing the trailer and
was going south on the county road.
SIr. Hemingway was driving east on
the twelfth concession of Grey. The
accident occurred 2Ise miles east of
Cranbrook. Mr, McDonald said he
never telt the trailer being torn off
the car. .lfi•. Hemingw'ay's car was
turned over.
Bride -To -Be Honored
By Brussels Friends
In honor of the approaching max -
rine of Miss "Mama Lowe, a num•
ber of young people gathered at
the home of her aunt, Mrs, Margaret
Cearcliff, on Friday evening to Pee -
her with a kitoben s'howe'r.
M1.t Lowe was, completely taken
by surprse. Mrs, W. King brought
iu a basket beautifully decorated,
filled with the gifts which 'Miss
Lowe opened, To each gift was at-
tached a suitable verse which caus-
ed ntatr11 laughter. Mist Lowe made
a suitable speech tliaaiking her
friends for the lovely gifts, Miss
Lowe has been a most poeular
young lady in town having been. a
member of !Aielville Presbyterian
Church choir and alive took an
active pant in the Young People's
Society, She else was clerk in tlfo
Fanners' Club store for the past
few years. Her marriage to Mr,
Douglas Hemingway w'i1l ince Place
on Thursday, Sept, 16, at high
11001), at the home of her cousin,
1•Iarold 'Cardiff, 16th concession
Grey Township, On their return
from their wedding trip, they will
make their home on file groom's
farm on ,the 10th coneesslon Grey
hi Brussels
1•Iar0le McDonald is atteudiiU 8t.
Jerome's College in Kitchener.
Miss Margaret Scott is attending
13uslitess College in 'l'orono.
The Rev, J, Graham is' !aerating
the Alumni mer -rings at Buren
College in Lor.c.4 is tree wr:uk. I
Mr. and Mrs. Waller leneeele,
town visited with eteseds +e 00 In the first hake
ham last week. „ . - .. ',neer :s she second tied e
Mr, and Mrs, 3, L. 11.ar: n a .xd ir: -31e Intermediate W.
family spent. the weeek-seee a-
home of Mrs. John 5 •eg.
Mrs. Green and :Hiss Lsiwe of
Cayuga spent a week -e; r
former's' nephew aid is •..:;':
and firs, W. H. Bell.
Mrs W H Ketr and llteeyI?e
spent the weep end w!t
Lillian Kay. a cousin, in Duedee.
airs. Jas. Spiers and daughter
Mut. Currie Dunbar spent the week
end with the fotmer's shier, Mr,
and Ilia. Chas. Watts, Dundas.
Mr, and Mrs. 13. C. S:okes of
Single Copies Sc
Wilson and Magee
Keep Nats in
Running For
W, F. A. Title
The nest tune you are out in
your garden take a look around and
see if you have any vegetables
which are notably more than avec
age in size. You may have notie•eel
the largo tomato displayed in the
window of L. W. Eckmier's More
it weighs lee pounds and is a pro-
duct of the ,garden of Mr. Jack
Wright. The Wright eecm to be
right goad gardeners for Mite
William Wright took from her
garden a potato measuring 16
Indies by 10 itches and it wee not
the only potato in the hill, Now
who else can show us vegetables
like Biose mentioned stere,
le A. pe<eene between Stratfordt
eels, etel Brtl sei:, when they met
game at National
eseeseensii Thursday,
already won the
5. •.+' gym', 2 5,)! 10 1111 and ware
ee t , - e in being capsula
.f n rutfnrd team when
,.': fi'l'l Trier to the
A re' • w , ',f spectators eves
pree r came and they were
glesee a herd,f t -t exhibition of soc-
cer by bub teams, While clever
Jamestown visited with Mr, and r•;:r , .... tail ing, busifn
\\'m, Wright of Brusse]s, ane
hen bustle well long swinging kicllO
day last week. helped to make the game wide. open.
Air. and Mrs. Harry Wright and ant many exciriog moments were,
Marie of Jamestown spent Sunday seen in broth goal mouths,
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Milton Brussels' — —Riley; Nichol ands
Parr, Bowler; ; King, Bryens and Fox;
Hiss Agnes Davidson, Reg, N., Russet,, Peareon, Steles, Miller and
and sisters Misses Jean ait3 Geedys Baker. Subs, Rutledge and Lowe.
and Chaa. and Scott spent a Stratford C,N,R,—Disch; Fisher
week at the Lake Shore with their and White; D. James; Fltsrrisko and
aunt Mr, and Mrs, Walter Rose. Mertens; J, James, Flood, Wilson„
and -lies. Will Loltg and 00n McGee and Braiden. Subs, Ater
have returned Name after spendug strong and Thomas.
their holidays with the fornter's Referee—A, Fisher, (Stertlard),
mother and sister in town. Will is
manager of the Bank in Haileybury. ; Minute Goal. • EPMss Ella Kerr, Reg. N., spent last + Stratford kicked off and carrdea
week at the h0me of Mr. and Mus', play right in to the Brussels goal
Garry Wilson, Cayuga, nursing her month where the ball cause to vine
aunt, \Tis: Jessie Kure. A well_ son and the diminutive Stratford
known former resident of Bruswets, centre forward drilled the ball bead
as she used to be tate Librarian for
several years.
between a elOwd of players to pat
1 Stratford one up 4n the opening
Mr. and Mrs, James A. Sbarpe of minute of play Brussels had hard,
Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. John H. ly realized that thegame had start -
Sharpe, Mrs. T. W. Kingswood and eel before Wilson had whipped.
Mrs. A. A. Affleck, of Lonclon were thee.
ball past Riley to cut the visitors,
vLikors ac Mrs. Ida LOwrY'a, S lead to one goal,
Mts. Proctor and daughter :Mss Brits. eta, however, was not ktag
Grace who were . visiting at the in fighting baek and with a slight
for'1n.er'e sister'in-law, Mr. and Mrs.. breeze at their backs they kept drive
Wes. Kerr returned to their home ing in or, [he S ratfotd bucks who
In Fort Frances last Saturday night, were a little Shakey in the !gaming
Rev. Jia. and firs Ttlutoul and minutes but gradually settled down
fancily of Ilnntrcnl, spent • a few to a good defenoesitie game.
Claye visiting the fnrnttl's brattier titeirs got his f0ew rid. going and
Chester and Aster Mrs Jim Kerr they swept in on Desch who bad
and Mrs. Rintoul's sister and rant-. to `tear with three inside forwards
ily. lits, Parker aid sons'.
hampering hila,
lI1s, Rabt. Dane of Gerrie s elft Stratford took a turn at atiactk-
a few days last week welt Mrs% ing and a long shot into the goal
Stanley Wheeler, Mrs, Wheeler and area by Barri-ko saw a wild snram
Mrs. Wes. Kerr as well as' Mrs. • bre talc` place with the ball. being
Dane spout two days in London banged around before Nichol final -
last week, visiting Sirs. Dams ly cleated.
of -der and Mrs, Wltayawn Spat Ling' The goal k:ckr at the Brumes'
St. John's
Ladies' Guild
The regular monthly meeting or
the, Ladies Guild was held at the
Monte of Mrs, Davis with a splendid
number attending.
On account of the absence of lir.
Graham, the meeting w:ts opened by
prayer led by hr:,, Graham anal a
passage of seeetttre: was read by
Mrs, Graham.
Trite minutes of the previous meet-
ing were react and adopted, The
Roll was called and a strbe tantittl
offering was received,
It waS moved that a letter of
thanks be sent to Mrs, Pedgrifi, for
steeling a donation to the Guild,
It was decided to have the Annual
101103 Supper m1 October 10141,
Watch rot further announcement.
Arrangements were made for tla
Fowl Supper,
After tb.e business' was eonupleted
a very dainty 11111011 1V11.0 served by
the hostess. A hearty vote of
thumbs wAS accorded Shia. Davis
for her hospitality,
After a long Balli on the value of
Venn, goodwill and disarmament
a teacher asked his elass if they Ob•
jectc'd to war:
Boy—Yes, sir, I dol
TeaoherGoodl Now :tell us why,
Bey --Because, Site wars made
histo'y—aid I hate history!
end were being taken by Nichol and
the hefty Brussels back was c
ping his kicks well over the
way line and they were Pr
troublesome to the Stratford
fence who were fared to dor '
a fast rushing lerusf'els 'lurwaree
litre coning in. on thelia.
On Friday, Srptrans,er 0th Brus_ Brussels were having Just as
sols Belles clashed with Pocswa,ter murk of the game as tale
Lassies at WVingham Town Park in
Nationals but their finishing, Nita
a sudden death game. The girls 1t11):;tochwar weak, Many
woowooin tip-top shape but Brussels gcilaiv a s'coriug ances were dir t-
proverl to have little edrge over ted away with the instate fog
Tecswater, Brussels started off i wards being too anxious to maare
with I ea held n the all.:inlportant goal. Strutter*
should have had the round tied mgr
before halt tinge but Rtley in goal
and Nichol art. frill -back •tuhnishld
!stale many- Vizad efforts by the
Itailroaders' forwal'ds•.
Half -Time,
or the gnlne Teeswa,ter brought in Brussels nil
nue run but due to the sensational Stratford C.N R , . , , , 1 goal
pitching or Wiltmu Lowry Brassets With the slight breeze now be-
came through with flying colors. hind them the Railroaders 11aa1 the
Within forty-eight hours after the header of ilte exchanges in the set -
game Brussels ``calved an official 0nd half and kept Nichol and Bow) -
notice of a nteotes�t issued by Tees- er busy bolding them out. Brutese)s'
water against two Br011llos players, however, were not done with ands
Ata meeting held Mendey night It ,part up a fighting game that bad
was ulianimously decided that Bails^ these in on Bloch a few 511115 and.
sets was entirely in the right, chased ]Hiro a few anxious mwne-
f russeis now goes into the last lab encs when he 11ai1 to dive full length[
for cup finals playing the 1?dPlo. to tura a• low shot. around the nee
Reds, The date, as yet, is in- right that Pearson shot at him,,
definite' The corner was cleared and StrsL_
t r h a 4-0 lead and eld it until
Teeematt'r broke through with a
rally in the 5111 inning and tied the
game up, Front thenon both teams
put on the pressure, In the last
Inning Brussels :wine through with
two runs, In the `lying moments
The lineup:
Brnsselts--Jervell, Eclunier, Rt1c
set, Fox, 13aeker, Rowland, 'Stoker,
Hunter, Fax, Wright, Seopltenson,
Teeswater--Bell, Bahlegh, Brolt'n,
13allagh, Hailiday, Atwood, Ireland,
Keith, Jeffery,
Te nveels-•••-l0 Hits; 4 Errors; 6 Rune'
Teeuswatcr-7 Hits; 5 Errors 5 Rune
ford were hares on the attack but it
was not until the fifteenth Inin fte
of the ;second half thnt the round
tieing goal earn?. •W!tlson crroea I
the ball from dile right wing aril
McGee dashing In on Tetley beet
the goalie to the ball and shot lined
into the baok of the net, Rile?
(Continued on Page 111)