HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-9-7, Page 6THE BRUSSELS News and Information For the Busy Farmers (FURNISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE) Sugar Beet Crop The beet crop never looped more Promising than it does this year. The commercial crop of approxi- mately 26,000 measured acres is unitounlly good in all districts and losses since seeding have been slight. An abundant growth and healthy appearance of leaves gives ,laronitse of good rant development, and un0eee high temiper^atures with excessive humidity cause Lear Spot within the next few weeks, the yield Should be excellent, With a gum wateed price or one dollar per ton above that of last year, the price comParea favourably with prices of other term emits, most of which are helm the level of a year ago. Corn for Husking r Two-thirds at corn for husking erop in Ontario i$ grown in the C'ountiee or Essex and Kent, In E::=ex the condition at the present tints is p^articuuarlty promising with fields showing a. good colour. Even fields penetecl the latter .part ot June, which may not mature. are staking setistfaetory progress. hat Kent the major part of the acreage was pleated six to eight days later than usual and for a tante growing conditions were not favourable, Dating reeeut weeks, however, excellent growing con - prospects are reported good at the dittoes have prevaied and crop present time. There are mane in- dications that the corn borer in- festation ,may show an upward trend this year, but it is too early Yet to forecast to what extent the crop may be injured. although the vigorous, growth wi•11 doubtless tend to offset the damage. The aernage of earn for husking this year Le estimated at 100,130 acres as compared with 165,693 acres in 1937. The Tobacco Crop Heavy precipitation throughout the flue -cured tobacco districts •ogetiter with high temperature drains the first three weeks of Augur -t, promoted very rapid growth. of the tobacco crop. Har vesting was retarded to some ex- tent by the excesisve moisture, but Is now about half completed and barring an early frost, a re- fold crop will be taken off. There is every indication that a good quality yield will be obtained. In the burley and dark tobacco type's tt is now estimated that the losses caused by tobacco root -rots will exceed those experienced in the 11)37 crop. The measurement of the burley acreage shows that 01113' 9,369 acres ot the total 10,320 areas allotted this season were planted. Together with consideralpie water damage on low Relies; this will re- sult n a smaller crop of burley to- bacco than anticipated. FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently, Simply phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 - INGERSOLL BRUSSELS PHONE . 72 si e., ^, ^t ? t ,d hr' e a -�1 7 , 4 ikseue Focus Your Wants aft/sallied Want Ada will fill all your re. tr erste atria. They tact 1t -rata which will coi'nccrktrwtet aril rout rleeds, acrid bring theta to ettperfect foctia of matitffesetorr results.. 1 Western Ontario Fruits Weather and moisture conditions duihng the past month have been favourable for good sizing or apples, but owing to excessive heat, parti- cwlally !tot nights, eolounilg has been s'ltghfly reterdt.d on early varieties, While scab and side - worn Injury are severe in conte atchar'ds, fungus and insect Pests, generally. are under fair cantor] In well -eared for commercial orchards. Due to good sizing the total pro- duction of cherries was somewhat larger than at first anticipated, and with the exception of eligrt Irregularity in maturity anti some btulsing of suuirs by wird. a gaud tltt tity crop was harvested. Weather and.moisture condi• thins have been exceptionally favour:OR . for pear development mid the August a:etntate of pro- duction is slightly higher than the July estimate, Fungas and in - stet pests are well controlled. Hale vesting of peaches is unusually early this year, and the stain crop is now being leaveduu the market, The to:a1 yyield is note estim- ated at 536,214 bushels, en increase or 10.500 busrels over last year's crop of 5255,700 basbele, All var. tetiee of plums are sizing well. There is a slight amount of insect injury in same varieties, and brown rot is also in evidence due to excessive prec'itditatiou and high humidity. Intensive spray- ing and dusting or both plums and peaches have been carried out by growers to ensure sa.tistttctory carrying quality. Grapenies generally have a healthy appearance and berries are nt4 king good growth. The acreage or cantaloupes is a little higher than last year awing to increased plantings its the Leam- ington area.. Quality has been ex- cellent. Cutting Alfalfa for Seed In trans of eastern Canada suit- able for alfalfa seed production it was formerly the practice to cut the first crop for hay and the sec - mew taken for seed which is cut prmtluciug areas the first crop is ROW taken for seed which is out in August. In Western Canada the cueing of the first crop for seed rias alw=ays been the practice fol- lowed. A decision which is sometimes difficult for the grower to make is M regard to the proper time to harvest the cop far seed. Since alfalfa seed does not stature even- ly due to the prolonged hlossominl; period, a plant may betty pods oarying from ripe, which are dark brawn in colour, to green and im- mature, Becausethe ripe pods shatter easily, there comes a time when more seed le (being lost by shabterieg than is being replaced by the n:pening of hie green pods. Jutit before such a time 1$ reached Is the proper time for cutting. This will be waren about half to two-thirds of tate pods are brown. Muoh or the immature seed will mature in: the swath. In sea1005 when a hay shortage is imminent the grower may be rimtpellt-d to take the first crop for hay and if the second .c'r ei is polidny up well it may profitably be cut for seed. The decision as to when to cut this crop should he decided by the average dote or the first fall frosts for the Iur•.ality,- if the craps cut after a severe frost, not only is the germanabillty of the seed lowered but the satn,pte will contain much discoloured seed resulting in a. lower conroner- eial grade. Alfalfa increases Production 'rite atfalre plant is remarkable for to abilityin increase produc- tion 11101141 more linos thea one. A:: a saf banding crop it has few ;iv - ale, Tis, deep rooting character+ isle enables it to snake use of plant rood reserves' In the sub- soil, cod being a legume, it en- riches the soli with nitrogen through the action of nitrifying 1tacderia of whirl'it is' a hos'. The alfalfa. in the rotation improves the fertility of 111e soil, with re• setting inrreasea• in. the prodncfien of ether crops' The sleep -rooting habit also enables this crop to grow vigorausly and erodatce free- ly in spite ot prolonged periods of cloy weather, The nutritious 31181117 of •alfalfa PICOBAC: PIPE TOUACCO rOl2 A rt 11 n COOL SMOKE hay is recognized and highly prized as a uneana at increasing prodetiau w'itlt rile kinds of live stock, in adddtlon, it is one of the most portluctive of hay crops, In those parrs of the country whish enjoy a long enough growing pet'- lod, rite crop can be cut •two and trree tines a season, producing large tonnages per acre, and thus Increased production is obtained over tplants that can be cut bat once. Ewen the more northerly parts where the season is short and only one cutting can he made, large yields are obtained, For ina.ance In Northern Ontario, w'her'e it is not yet considered advisable to sow this crop alone, the addition of a few pounds per acre or alfalfa to the usual hay mixture, has been found very worthwhile, r 1'�f� �if;`tyl:,kLl.J;h;i�'L�l�► ,Western Fair AL taw Judging Dates 1938 For tate information of the Public, the Western Fair announces the Judging Pcogralme far its 71st Ex- hibition, to be held in London, Oat„ September 12 -17th, 1935, Awards will be ntacle iu the various classes as follows-: Light Horses (Breeding Gasses'), Commencing iMIonday, Septemebr 12th; Clydesdales, Wednesday, Sep- tember 14th;- Belgians, Tuesday, September 15121; - Agricultural and day, September 12th; Heavy Draft (Breeding and Harness), Thursday, September 15t•; Agricultural and Express, Tuesday, September 13tht, i liort1totns. Monday, September 12th; Ifeteeurds, Tuesday, Septem- ber 13.11; Aberdeen -Angus, WWed- ne:'day, September 14th; Fat Cattle, Thursday, September 15th; Ayr- shireh, Tburstlay, September 1511; Jerseys, Tuesday, September 13111; Holss.cins, Wednesday, Septenfber 14111. Dorset, Cheviot and Suffolk, Sheep, Monday, September 12th; Shropeitires, Southdowes, Hstmp- htl'ee, Tuesday, September 13th; Lincolns, Leictste:s, Cotswolds and Oxturddow"ns. Wednesday, Septem- ber 14th. Tantworths and Berkshires, Mon- day, St member 12th; Yarkshirus; Tuesday, September 13th. Poultry, Eggs, Pigeous, Rabbits, Conunteiaclug Monday, Septembef 12th. Agricultural Porduots, Monday, September 12th; Dairy Products and Honey, Mondale September 12th; Fruit, Monday, September 12th, Calf Club Competition, Thursday, September 15th; Junior Farmer Judging competition, Tuesday, Sep- tember 13th; Give' Judging Com- ptt,tion and Demonettationa, Tues day, September 13th. ,Contentious Act To Go At last the .coutentous Partners' Arrauge,ntent Act Is to go, 1n Ont- ario tt passes at the end of the Present year. There will be a gen. oral feelfug of relief. This was un- doubtedly one of the most unsatis- factory ants ever put on the sta- tutes. Through its operation tate farmers' credit was 1101 but ruined. There will be no tears shed when 1t peeves into oblivion on December ala t. UNIVERSITY EXHIEIT Westernrair, 'apt. 12th- 111h, 1938 One of the most attractive features at the Western Fair In 1037 was the UNIVERSITY iOF WESTERN ONTARIO ex. ji14Mf sal + It ttietiond hoar et the east end of the Manufacturers' Building. Thousands of people visited the exhibit and found it intensely interesting. It will be In. place again thls year In an' enlarged and Im- Proved forte. Do not miss It. Young people who are look- ing forward tit a university career should not fail to see this exhibit, POST ,,East Wawanosh Man Escapes Instant „Death Harry Cook, a resident or the sixth concession or East Wawanosh, eaeeped death by a fraction Wed- nestitts night and attributes this W tate rubber boots he was wearing. During a severe eleotrioal aid ratatttt= he was sitting he the kitchen of his home under the te)evhone on the wall, Other nietn- bers of the fancily were in the house at the lime aucl there was a particularly violent blast of light- ning that seemed to come in from the telephone wires, Cook felt a numbing sensation and slumped to the floor In a dead faint. Other members of the reit. ily described it as a blue hall of flame that seemed to explode in the roots and then disappear. Cook WAS unconscious for over half an hour, and one si•cle of his body wee back after the accident. The lightning severed the tele- phone wires as neatly as 'if they - had been clipped with a pair of shear's, HOW DAYLIGHT SAVING BEGAN. Was Aopted Generally In Europe During the Great War -Called "Summer Time" Daylight saving was adopted in nearly every cauntry in Europe in the second year of the War, the idea being that, by getting people up an hour earlier, there would be a great saving in fuel for lighting and heating. In many countries, however, it was drop- ped when war ended, "Summer time" is observed to. day in France, Belgium, the Neth- erlands', Spain and Portugal. Stam - mar time hills were also approved in Canada in 1934, and iu New Zealand in 1027, The United States seems unable to make up Its lninti, Some states use it, while others do not. He originated It The idea was, advocated long before the war by a Chelsea (Englund) builder, William Will- ett. Willett was himself an early riser, Sud used 10 ride in Petts Wool, Clrisielturst, on summer niotnings before coming to town for business, It was While enjoying the.ee recreations In 11)07 that he con- ceived the idea of extending the !tours at daylight available for leisure, He devoted himself to a campaign, and in 1900 Mr. (af- terwards Sir Sibert Pearce Intro- duced a Bill in the British House of Commons to put the olock on by law. At first it was laughed at, but the Bill continued to come 11,p year alter year with increaslog support. \\'fillet never liven to see the act in force, for he tiled in March,- 1915. A memorial to blm now stands, in Petts Wood. Summer time was introduced for the first time on .Slay 21, 1916, but it was not until 1925 that the final and permanent Act was passed. READ 11' OR NOT : - The Planet Neptune Is never visible to the naked eye Read the Ads. WILLIAM SPENCE. Estate Agent, Conveyance* and Commissioner General Insurance Office Main Feet, - Ethel, Ontario C.ZI WAX X &SON. WDONESDAY, SEM. 1111 1,933 Get. Glasses NOW ! If Your Eyes Need Glasses Get them from R A. REID At Once. Take Advantage of His Wonderful Eyesight Service - Complete in Every Detail Reid Stratford's Leading Optometrist R. A. - ei For Nearly 20 Yearn AT BRUSSELS OFFICE .-.MISS HXNGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 'P'hone 51 for Appointment New Year Book Now Available By authorization oe the Hon. W. D. Euler, Minister of Trade and Commerce, the Canada Tear Book, 1933, is now available from the King's. Printer, Ottawa. at the price of $1.50. By a special concession„ teachers and ministers' may nobtain btain paper -bound cordes at Y each, but only, a very limited num- bet' have been set apart for this purpose. The Year Book covers a wide var- ietiesof subiects• on all nvportatd subjects within the borders of Canada emhtr'aaing its geogriaphy, orography, geology, climate, etc. In addition other chapters are devoted to shatters of Dilative, vital statstive external trade, trenapartabton and communication, fires life and lois- eel'ameous insurance, as well as a ]hart of outer subjects too numerous to ntentttsn. The volume is. carefulll indexed and, a eta• etieaI slur itu1.y or the progress if L'awad•t from 1071 to 1937 leriverles the chapter material, There are over thirty maps and chtets contained in the volume w•l:r.rb gives reliable inforntaton on a wide variety of subjects of inter- est 10 men 10 all walks or life. ADVERT I.,l'ING RATES Card of Thanks 25c 50c Birth anti Death Notices FREE In Memlorium 35c Classified Advts, 26c Oath (Over the Phone 35c) Engagement Notices LIST OF FAIR DATES IN SURROUNDING TOWNS Following Is a. list or dates on w•luiclt surrounding communities will hold their fall fairs: Atwood .. Arthur Sept. 23, 24 Sept, 20, 30 Ayton Sept. 29, 30 Brussels Sept. PJ, 30 Chesiey Sept. 13, 14 Clifford Sept, 16, 17 Drayton Sept, 27, 28 Elmira Sept, 2.5 Fergus Sept. 0, 10 Fordwich. Septa 30, Oct, 1 Grand tialley Sept, 30, Oct.1 Gad erich. Sept, 20, 21 Hanover Sept. , Hat't•iston Sept. 29, 3016 Holstein Sept• 2015, 30 Kincardine Sept, 15. 16 Lucknow ,.....•........ .....•... Sept. 20 30 Mount Forest Mitchell Milverton. , Sept,Sept2722, 2823 Sept. 15, 16 Neustadt Sept. 23, 24 Orangeville Sept. 16, 17 Palmerston Sept. 27, 23 Parsley Sept. :;7 28 Port Elgin Sept. 29. 30 Seatfortlt . Sept, 22,23 Tara Oct. 5, 6 Tiverto er Oct. 4, 5 Tiverton Sept. 22, 23 Wiarton 5... Sept. 15, 111 International plowing match and 18101 machinery demopstraticn 44..1 be held at 1Nlrnesing, near Berrie, on October 11, 12, 13 and 14, Lose Weight .. but Don't Lose Energy Bread Diet keeps up energy -helps burn up fat! FOLLOW THIS BREAD DIET PLAN This Diet Plan gives about 1600 Calortee a day - the reducing altowauc* of the average woman. • BREAKFAST 1 glass fruit Juice Small earring meat, cab et eggs q SLIG69 TOAST, 1 sq. butte' 1 cup coffee (elder) 1 tap. sugar • LUNCH OR SUPPER /dedicate serving meat, Sib of Average serving 1 green vegetable 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 eq. butter Average eoreing fruit salad 1 glass Wilk • DINNER 14 glees fruit or tomato Jules Generous serving meat, tab, er fowl A 1 a tee serving 7 vegetables, roon Small -serving simple dessert 7 SLIDES BREAD, 1 eq. butter 1 Cup coffee or tea (clear) 1 tap, auger HE Bread Diet is a safe reducing diet. It takes off pounds. Yet you will feel splendidly energetic while you reduce - not weak and irrit'r able. Extreme diets cut down too much on energy foods, and they often break down vital tissues- Avoid the extreme diet, unless your doctor ad• vises it. Everyone should know that bread itself is not fattening. It is not just a "starchy" food- but a combination of energy. giving carbohydrates and a special form of protein that helps burn up fat while you are reducing. 4 If you want to reduce safely, follow the Bread Diet. It gives bread as the main part bf your energy food. ti. r