HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-9-7, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST
WEDNiESDAS- Si4PD 7ttt 1938
Notices in this coins= cost
25c•,up to four . lines; 50 . for
every extra .,, line. ;Cash must
•accompany ad. Orders taken
over 'Phone 35c.
18 Pigs, ready to wean. 1-p
phone 82-r-7
Milk Fed Chickens, dressed 20c
a lb, 1T
phone 23 -t -l6 Dan Mainnon
Pigs, 6 -weeks -old.
Lot 20, Con, 9, Morris,
phone 1S-1-9 !Gilbert SteOallum
White Leghorn Pullets.
Phone 46-18 J. A. Nichol.
A Bunch of Pigs about 100 lbs.
phone 6 Seeker Bros.
. All kinds of °lay tide and skeh
Wood. At the Walton Mills
2-p Duncan Johnston, Prop.
A pair of Glasses in case. Person
can have same for paying cost
apply at 'Post'
The Orpheus. Male Quartette and
Concert: Party—Naw .booking for
Fowl Stoppers, Church Festivals,
etc. Reasonable Rates, For fur-
ther information phone or write:—
F. G, McDonald, Sec.
Stratford, Ont.
Ne-w prices on Super -Leslie Tires.
Pay cash and buy tor leas, at
Campbeil's Garage, Wdngham.
Prone 184 tor prompt service.
Quantity dry soft wood, length
144ndhes, 1n'.tced reasonaihle, apply
phone 40-10 Ross Stephenson, Ethel
Anyone wanting to purchase
house or wanting to rent half of it.
phone 79 Mrs.. Wm. Sluclai;
Mortgage Loans on Improved tarn
properties at 6%, No value Lion
'tee's 00 ohatltel morgage required.
H. J. COTTY 100.
Farm Sales Service, Stratford.
Notice To Contractors
The Municipal Council of the
'Township, of Morris wi011 let by
Public Auction a contract to repair
the Seller's' 'Municipal Drain.
The Contract will be let at the
Drain near the Railway crossing,
third line at 2 ,o'clock Ip.m. on'
Thursday, Septenrbei 8t11, 1938,
A. MaoDwen, Olerk.
Clerk's Notice
Grain In
But Price Low
Need Control Next
For weeks the thresher had made
itsellt 'heard down at tre barn. Rain
srequently halted the harvest, but
Whenever the sheaves were dry the
tractor roared and the thrted:et—
well, it is dtffl+cult to name the
racket a threshing machine mattes,
There is such a variety of noises
and groans coming from the old
null. L'lten one day the hast
sheat was thraw^ri onto the fender
carrier. The cylinder gave a final
groan and for a 'few minutes the olds
machinejust rat idle, The last
of the straw came out of the ex-
tended bloweripi.pe and the last
kernel of grain rolled down into the
grain spent. Harvest was over.
There wasn't any more guessing
as. to what the final results of our
labor would be, The grain was in
the granary. The straw in mow
and stack.
-Voters 4Lista,1938, Village of
Brussels, County of Huron
Notice le hereby given that I have
complied with Section. 9 of the
Voters' Llats, AOt and that I have
posted up at mY office, 'Br•Uesels,
Ontario, on the. 31sIt day of Augnst,
1038, the list .of all person entitled.
to vole in the said, Municj,pali'ly Cor
Members of Parliament, and et
Municipal Elections, and that such
list remains there for inspection.
And 1 hereby call 04100 all vOtere
to take tninnediate proceedings to
have any errors or °missions cot"
rested according ,to taut', the Inst
.day for appeal being the last' day of
September, 1938.
Village Clerk
Dated ibis' 31st day 01 August, .1938,
Read the Ads.
Froni a harvest standpoint at
least the year has bean a good one.
In our immediate locality a 'few ad-
ditional sltowerts+ at rain during the
Summer months would no doubt
have somewhat increased the yield.
Showers seemed to have an un-
canny ability of passing off to the
north or south, east or west, and
yet the crop is' probably above the
average of the past ten yeah -and
the quality of the grain, especially
the oats, is et the very beat.
There mush be a large supply of
grain in some localities; else the
grain market would not have de-
clined: to present most unsatisfac-
tory levels. an fact, grain at pres-
ent is practically unmarketable,
and farmers are quite anxious to
know what of the future, Will the
increased yields of grain in Can-
ada for which there is aplparently
no •market except through animal
Products result in such an increase
In the production of beet, pork,
milk ani its geroducts that the mar-
arket for these products will be low-
ered to an unprofitable level? No
one knows, And that Is one of the
best things. about the situation—no
one knows.
Of course, farmers sometimes
discuss that very question. The
break 1n the grain market of 1929
with its break in produce Drees 4n
due course is not yet such anclent
history that it has, been forgotten,
Will history repeat itself?
So August has come to au end.
The days grow shorter—and Fall
.ploughing proceeds. Soon the
harm of the corn -blower will be in
the air. To -day on many farms the
Falk wheat seed is being sown; and
so preparations go on for another
season. .Possibly a feature of tits
season. is the increasedamount of
after harvest cultivation and the
earllnesls of Ploughing, Given a
fair Fall the fanner should have a
reasonable chance of doing some-
thing abeult weed.control this Fall
—and a drive ,trough the country
will convince one tilat' the farmexc•uva + .,>,+11a
la wide awake to the silence lie has,
On the question Of the Proper Mwellovseeveweeeehsavesessanikweyesw
method of weed.eOnitrah In the Fall I MURRAY- TAYLt�jt r � � i
farmers are widely divided as an Wtugltamt united Church 'was } the r
some other problems. For instance, scene of a altartuing autumn wedgy
same farerrers sowed their 0011 wheatdog at ;four o'clock Mos1tlay when;
a week ago, They plaint that Ls the
Nora Taylor, daughter of 'Mo. lincti
best time, Others will watt. an -
Mrs, James Taylor 00 BeJgi ave
other meek, just as Rnunly eonviuc- xis United in marriage to David
ed that that will be the best. seed Alexander Murt•ay, son of Mi. and
tag date, Just so, some will use
the gang plow right after harvest
and then ploughing deep later on.
Others plough deep early and then
work the soil and, if possible, re -
plow. 'Pact is the seeding date
of wheat is not so important as the
results or next harvestt% ; The
methods of killing the weeds are
not aa imlportant as the results.
Will they wither and die?—+that Is
the question. And all methods that
require early cultivation, either
deep or shallow, will certainly be
bard on the weeds --providing
weather conditions are right,
,Some Thoughts
On Testing Cream
Oh, the job of the cream tester
Is a job that's' mighty bad.
You can make a farmer happy;
You can make men ver mad.
If his cream Is grading Special,
An the lest away u:p high,
He kicks about the price a hit.
But will never breathe a sigh.
If his cream is not so fancy
Anyou grade it Number Two,
He takes his can and thunders
That he is through With you.
If ,the test is sometimes lower,
All the blame Is 1'ald on you;
Someone has turned the separator
And never touched the screw,
They most always blame the tester
For the law, the State has made,
And they do not understand it
If their cream is not first grade.
There are some that always tell you
When they step inside the door,
They a few cents more were offered
Just a day or two before.
There are same that understand it,
If their cream is thick or Rhin,
They take their cheque end tell you
They'll be seein' you again'
And here's sincerely hoping
When their work on earth is done,
That St. Peter's test will suit them
And they'll all grade Number One!
Home and School
Clubs To Meet
A Regional Conference of Home
and School Clubs will be held in
:Stratford on Friday, Sept. 30th
when representatives from, the
counties) of Huron, Perth., Waterloo
and Wellington will be preesntt
Further particulars will be given
when the plans for the programme
are completed.
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.
Phone 20X - Brussels} Ont.
Mays. Alex Murrey of Walton. The
ceremony was persolimed by Rev,
Mr, Anderson of W.ingham.
The bride entered the church on
the arm. of her father, attactively
gowned In pink chiffon. She was
attended by her sister Miss. Lillian
Taylor who wore a frock of lovely
blue dimitu, %Attie Miss Vaucamm
was a Winsome flower girl,
The groomsman was Thomas
The church was beautltullk decor -
Med with gladiolus and asters, The
guest pews' were marked with white
ribbon and flowers.
The groom's gift to his bride was
a handsome gold bracelet .and to
the bridesauaid a cameo ring,
The happy couple left for a
honeymoon trip. to Lansing, Mich,
On their return they will reside in
A profusion of late Summer flow-
ers were used effectively to decor-
ate the living room of the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzgeorge, 208
Wellington street, for the MarriageSaturday afternoon of their daugh-
ter, Edith Margaret, to Robert Wes-
ley Mee, son of Mr, and Mrs, Fred
Mee, Bay street. Rev. 0..9: Oke
performed the ceremony. The
hylic, given [n marriage by:. her
uncle, Mr. V. 2. Cook of Amulree,
was charming in .a floor -length
gown of white triple sheer with
bouquet of roses, Miss Ivy Cook
of this city was bridesmaid in a
gown of pink triple sheer made on
princess lines, .She wore, a wt•eatdi
of roses in her hair and parried an
arm bouquet, lir. Clifton. Fitz-
george, brother of the bride, was
groomrrman, Miss Grace McKellar
of this city was pianist. and Miss
Marguerite Logan of Brussels• sang,
"Because" and "0 Promise Me,"
during the signing of the register.
A wedding breakfast was, served to
the guests in the dining room,
beauttuIly arranged with pink and
white streamers and bells, The
bride's mother was attired in navy
shewith a corsage of roses and
Mrs. Mee, mother of the bride-
groom, also chose navy sheer with
a corsage, of roses. For a motor
trip to Toronto and other -points
the bride donned a British tan
redingote direst with dee•per''ten ac-
cessories, Upon their return" Mr.
and Mrs, Mee will reside Nat 189
Queen street.
finger -Op: veil. Sre carried an arm
A marriage of such interest took
Place at 2:30 n.m. on Wednesday;;
August 31, at the home of 'Mr.,
Mrs, George H, Leonhandt, M,
' illo,p,.
when. their daughter Irene W,, be-
came the bride of Gordon, W. Eisler,
son of Mr, and Mrs. WM. 37isler et,
SEPT.E16 , 17 TO CHICAGO $12.50
adjacent C. N. R.
Stations. Equally low fares triton
For Fares, Return limits, Train >Otonnation, Tickets, consult nearest Agent, Sce Handbills.
Logan. The ceremony was perfoom-
ed by Rev. A. C. Hahn of Grace
Lutheran. Church; Mitchell, Mists
Edna Maier, Stratford, sister at the
groom, was brideslmaid and the
groom was attended by Mr. Edwin
Leouhardt, brother of the bride.;
The wedding music was played by
Miss Ruby Ilenaewies, who also '
sang "I Love Tree Truly' during
the signing of the register. The
bride wore crepe in plum shade and
bolero style and brown accessories.
Her flowers were salmon colored
gladiolus. The bridesmaid was
dressed in dark beige trimmel with
satin accessories were brown, and
flowers red and white gladiolus, The
gr'oom's gift to the bride was a
chest of silver; to the bridesanaid,
a birthstone set of ring and neck -
lace; to the groomsman a gold tie
clip and pin; to the organist a silver
cookie ipila•te, House decorations
were in pink and w'bite with eurm-
user flowers, Ceremony took place
beneath an arch of evergreens with.
Pink and write decorations and
wedding hells. About 35 guests
were present at the wedding and at
the supper served at 9.30 o'clock.;
Misses Ruby Bennewes, Irks Sieber,
Olive Fisher and Kathleen Smith
were the table waitresses. In the
evening a reception and dance was
held at which music was provided
by Messrs, Harry Bennewies, Ed.
Boyce, Oscar .and Edgar E11igson,
and Arthur Prieatap, Mr. and Mrs.
Eisler Will reside in Logan and the
best wishes of a host of friends. 1n
the community are extended.
Ask your local
dealer. Learn how
to save dollars by filling your
fuel bin with "Canada's finest
Coke" NOW.
at a fraction of regular
cost. See your dealer.
Ask him, too, about
the new
Brussels Vs. Teeswater
In VNingham Town Park, on
Gaffe Called 5.30 Silver CoIIec::tlon
Come Out and Cheer the twirls to ' Victor