HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-9-7, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST W'1 RNa$DAY, SEPT. 7th 1038' Obituary O, SPR`OULE NEWS OF THE DISTR!G1 more than €i After an illness of m t H. Written for the Post By Our CRANBROOK The ,-Lniererw'ary services of Knox 3'Cee'bytesdan cdluro1i Cr n'ltrrook, wlll be held on the last Sunday oR Oa month, Sept. 25, 1538, Rev. W, A, and Mrs, Williams, banned and Ivor returned borne after o-tpending a month at Bruce Beach. Mr, John Noble Of Hanover was visiting at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Noble over the week -end, Mrs. John Noble and daughter Yvonne returned home with him alter speeding a week with telatives here, 'Miss Lodi[se iVloQallltm returned to her home in St. Thomas on Mon- day after spending her holidays at the hone of her aunt, Mrs, C. Olmstead. Miss Mae Fis'crer spent last week with Miss Eluned 'Williams at Bruce Beach, BLUEVALE Mr. and Mte. les. Moses spent Sunday with his father Me, Thos. Alathers in Biuevaie. We are sorry to hear Mrs, Jas. Peacock fell ar.d hurt her leg, site uas been in bed. Own Correspondents solar, O. H. Sprats of the 4,h eon- ETNEL A lady resident of Ethel, but not having always resided hi linnet, re- I 32 con'sevutive years trait she has 32 conseeutve years that she has not been sending some one of hes immediate family conneetb0Us to. school, from her home; either to public school .high echoed of busi- ness college. , Mrs, RaZplt .arrived home Wed' usslay of last week after an enjoy- able three week's visit with rela- tives and friends at London and other places. Grey Twp. Municipal Council met in 'monthly session, Sat„ . Sept. 3rd at the Clerk's office as. per usual. Mrs. Mary Gill suffered a heart week and 1 Toronto, with the formers arieter, his 45th year was barn on a farm eeselon, Rime township passed away in a Laudon Ilespiital, on Wert - end were: Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Scott needay. Mr. Sproule, who was in Anniversary services were observ- ed in the, United Church Sunday conducted by Rev. J. W. Johnston of Fordwdch, At both the morning and rvenling services Air. Johnston :delivered messages suitable to the ueeaaion. Special music was rend- ered by the chair under the dir•ec- tiun of Mrs. W. J. Johnston, Rev. A. V. Robb, paster of the church, Hca: present and assisted with the et, ning service, also Rev, .Mr. Towriend of Belgprave United Church and Rev. J. R. Greig, of Knox Presbyterian Church, Blue - vale, The c'hur'ch was beautifully dec- orated with baskets of gladioli, Regular set vices will be withdrawn next Sunday au account of annd- ceisary services being held in Eben- ezer United Church Mr. and /Vies. Arthur Shaw, Arnold Lidlaw, Ernie Falconer, Claude 13els.ttith, Wilson Thorn- ton, Smith Robertson, Gordon: Greig and G, \--heeler, visited the C.N.E. at Toronto; Mr. ,and Mrs. A, D. Smith and daughter, 101ennore, with Mr. and Mrs, Neil MacLean ill To;outo; Mr. and Mrs Robert Shaw with J4r. and Mrs, Earl •Hysdip, near Barrie. Visitors in the village: Mr. and Mns. Hearth and son, Leonard, Kitchener, Mr, and Airs. Hens Weaver, Hastings, Mich,, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wettlatufer and son, Keith, of Maplewood, with Mr. and, Mrs, J. W. Wettlaufer; Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Harris and son, Till- sot/bung. with Mr, ,and Mrs. Edward Johnston; 'Silas Esther Greig, Reg. N., of Toronto, with her brother, Rev, J. R. Greig and Mrs, Greig; Mr. and Mrs, C. R, yliesaer, Toronto, with Mr and Mrs. Raymond 331,- IBott, Frank Gannett, Fairfield, Ohio, Miss Cr'oa Gannett, Wing'bam, Mr. and Mils, John COMM, and daugh- ter, Audrey, of Duncan, Vancouver Island, B.C„ with Mr. and Mrs. George Gannett; Mrs. Sarah Mas- ters and Mrs, Olive Gallaher, Bras - sets, with Thomas Stewart; Miss Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wills, WIt Thompson, .Toronto, sad Mrs'. Willtiam Griffiths, Montreal, with Mrs Mary Sanderson; Mr. and Mrs. G. Rttlph, Delo. it, with Mr. • M... W. Mann; :vs. Jamas Moats, Bi-nris,aly, with her father Thomas Mathers; Mr. and Mrs, Earl Mathers, Embro, with Mr. George Mathers, Wawanosh in the loan' elt7eitilk res., _ house by fire last u ale the bailee .of which, was lightb r,: t'he tann- fly were away to .a reliRltih at :Lake - SI de et the time but neighbors' were able to carry out ,considerable of the furniture, ter,bee was hold on Saturday to ocean et out thct cellar preparatory to cotli'tnen0irig to 'irit'ld a new heave, In the meantime the the family are occupying one of Chambers' apartnten ,,' rien street north. ' s 'JVdr. Jas. Brigham has sold. ,;a barn on her. g, at.s 1'ar'rii, '{r Alf. Flaggdtt, who is new. taItieg; j ,tltF'tvit to be 'used at his farm, 4`on. 0, Moe rls. A large nnanlbcr werecin,,,,attend- ante at Toronto 1xyltlfr1 la'ct week, many retut"Xting .thirdly and Monday, Anoong them were Ruth Hi/born, Jean Fairserviee Willota Watson, Jamie BJ a,a.,,/ , Cook, Mr. and, MIS. Gd;°r1olil.��. ui9iafi'erty `wild Mis's Alike Gillespie, Visitors In town over the weelt, attack during the past was in a weak condition for some time. Within the t,ast two weeks Cuth- bert Hutchinson of con. 6, Grey Twp, has had repeated heart at- tacks, making complete , rest and quiet, essential, Bertha, daughter of Les and Mrs. Earls of con` 8, Grey Twy, nurse -in - tinning in Seaforth hospital, under- went an appendicitis operation, re- cently, Up to date, under tole etre um1'2anees, conditions are normal, Next Sunday. Ethel United Dhurellt Sunday School, will be held as usual at the usual hour 10.03 a;n, The fololwing Sunday at the same hour the.Order of Service for Rally: Day Will be presented, G. H. and Mrs. Edward; , moved to Wroxeter last week, where Mr. Ed:wads wit lagain be in the black- smith-Mg lacksmith-Mg business. -Mr, and Mrs, le, Mitchell who have ocoupied the Grover Gill pcperty at Ethel C.N.R. station far some months, are moving to a farm on Con, 16, Grey. B. F. and Mrs. Carr celebrate- the fiftieth anntvesary of their wedding Sat. o2 last week, Sept. 3, heartiest greetings, were wxtenled by sumer- ous friends ant many renrElmbranc- es presented, Mrs. Les. Earls was an, the sick list for a week or more, but is Pre - greasing favourably toward .recov- ery, we are glad to know, R, A, Brown and family who re-, Gently came to Ethel from Listowel will take up residence in the Prop- erty vacated last week When the EI'wardis family moved to Wroxeter, Bertha Earl uneiervicent, an, oper- aton In Scott ,Memorial( Hospital in Seaforth on Tuesday of last week and is progressing favourably ;we are glad to report, Arnold Earl has beent successful in meeting the requirements of the FfJlamentary Vocal. and al o the Ele- mentary Instrumental Coarse which gives taxa the standing o Sudervsor of Music in Public Soho° s,' ' Mrno er of etiss Edith Zii b7aa,';re- r, It}i, turned home atter seen. ln.g,a YeW days with Mr. and Mrs. '% m, Zeigler: Mr. and Mrg, Wan. Zbt'gler "aid Billy visited at Noradoh over the holiday and took ill" CitB'Ei lft'lilefol5, 11tH s. Jno. Farservice, Chas, Come, near Britton, a son of Mrs. Hannah London, with its mother, M:11. A, Cole; Mies Moss, London, with Mrs. Jolie Craig; Atlas hazel Pettie, LOn- don, wit? her parents, Mr. and Mr's, Jori Petds; Mr. Buchanan, Sarnia, with his brother -In-law, Jas.or- rite, . The funeral of,,MrS. George Pat- terson was held Thursiday with a large attendance of relatives' and friends present. Rev. Arthur Sin - (deli had charge of the service. The pallbearers were Armand Ker. nick, Garfield Doherty, Robert Nes- bitt, James Walt, William Mills and J. H. It. Elliott, interment taking P.'rave is Burns Cemetery A daugh- ter Hannah from New Y oak reached home just in time for the 2Uneral The floral tributes were numerous' and beautiful. Services were held in. the United church on Sunday with v, �1ur Sinclair in change.'' At service the snubject of was ',The Cost Book," if evening service "A Neglect den?' At the Sanddy grc:r1 stop a duet was sung by Jean and Irene McCallum, Muth sympathy is ie1'ts he fondly- of Mr. M. Dtaymrple In Ease GREY James Keys met with a sevote accident last week. Ile had his team hitched. to the wagon and he threw h114 coat up onthe seat and fr:gbtened the horses, they gallop- ed away knocking him down. He received injuries to hack and other :parts of his body. His many friends have a speedy recovery, Mrs, Martin McDonald who has been bothered with her tonsils had, them removed last week at the Searforth Clinic, We htt;:e site will stave a p.'eedy recovery. The many friends of Mr, and Mrs, Archie Engel in this township join in wishing gent many years Of rappiness and bliss', ' Fall wheat seeding is all the go now with the threshing nearly fin- ished arts week, Next week will be the fall plowing and ,then the city man says, the farmer will have nothing to do till next :tiring, but we in the country knew different. Well to -day is the 8th Anniversary of the dark Monday at 2 o'clock in, the afternoon the chickens had gone to roost. Your scribe know a lady that had set that day to be the end of the world and she sure thought she was light when it got dark at 2 o'clock, .Mrs, A. D. McCosh of Kincardine spent last week at the home of Crawford Strachan, 4th con, Dr, le, C. and Mrs, Fraser, Sud- bury, and Miss Villa F,'aser, Good- wood, were visitor during 'the past week with J. G. and Mie. Fraser and George and Mrs, Fraser. Annversary s'er'yLces in Roe's Unit el Cllurclt 1vd11 fe held on Sun- 3c j'oule, who stakes her home with her daugther, Mrs'. W. Johnston, 82 Wellington, St„ St:s.iffed, and the late T. J. Sproule. Since his marri- age to Hazel Burgess, of Brussels, about eighteen years ago, he had lined an the Erna farm, He ,also Argent a short time 1p.,Teronto, Bac- falx and Hagerstwilde, 03russois and Se&forth, Mr, Sproule was Iden.ified with the Pt'esbylerian Crurc.h. . Besides his wife and mother he leaves to' man= their lois one daughter, Ardath and tour sous, John, Harrison, Billy and Bob- by and two sisters, 'Airs. rS, Geog- hegan of Lislowei and 'Mrs, John- ston of Stratford. The funeral ser- vice was held at the hone of bits. S, Geoghegan, Listowel Friday af- te;'noort et two o'clock and inter - t ua' made in Fairview Ceme- tery, Listowel. day, September 11th. On the fol- lowing Monday evening the W.A. of the church will sponsor a pLag by a very talented group of FlaYers. This will be a splendid entertain- ment, don't miss. it. Consult ad- nertisement in this issue for fall Particulars. Miss isobet Ross of Wingham spent the latter part of her vacation ' ylsiting at the home of L. and Mrs. Frain, 4th Con. We are sorry to learn of the 1IL r' nese of Cuthbert Hatcltilnson of the - 6th Con. His, Criend.s are hoping Mrs. Wm. Shiels Passes Away Word has been received here that Mary, wife of W'iF;'iam Valets of Vancouver, B.C., passed away on tate 24th of August in the Vancouver Hospital, She took sick early in July, There mourns their lass be. sides, her now bereaved husband, one son James C. Shiels of Maryte- 'i111e, B.C., also four grandchildren She was married, to her husband in 1901 and they went to the West portly afterwards and made their home there, Mr. Sh:lels wi11'ha.vs sympathy of the community as he was well known here by the older n'osi dents. Last Wednesdayls storm was severe and there was some sharp legit tntug, Win. Dunn Who was 1 asalstipg ath Lynne ('.'van's thresh., ing rel'eivad quite a slack of=ligit- ng: as re. C.ZI LUAX &SON. Couple Is Honored By Friends At Ethel On Tuesday wf'tetnoon Mrs, J. H. 1 ,Feur was hostess to the W.'VI:S, of the Preubytertan Church, At the close of the regular meeting an ad- dress to lis, EclwaSIe was read by Mrs. H, Merinnts, Mrs. G. Dun- bar, president of society, made the Pres:na.ation, Mrs. Edwards was r taken completely by surprise. The I iadies of the society were its deep .suspense. as Mr, and Mrs. Edwards hod taken a load of funiture to Wroxeter and they feared 'she wouldn't be back, but Mrs. Edwards who was' always a regular attendant arrived before the close of the meeting, Take Possession of Home Tuesday evening while Mr, and Mrs. Edwards were out cabling their neighbors and friends' took possession of their hoarse, When everyone was comfortably seated J. H, Fear phoned Mr. Edwards and told him to come home, ,that they bad cotngeny, When Mr, and Mrs. Edwards arrived Monte the lights' of their home flashed on, They were escorted to the laving room and G. A. Dunbar read an address Mr. and' Mrs, Edwards were pre- sented with two upholstered) chairs which they were seated in. Mr, and Mrs. Ed'alards were taken complete- ly by surprise and thanked their friends and neighbors very kindly. Seasons Set For Hunting Districts throughout Canada have been 'assigned varying dates dila' year for the shooting of migratory ,birds, in regntlatlone issued by Re- sources Minister T. A. Crerar, The number of birds that may be bag- ged are designated and certain oth- er reatriotlons are continued. 12 Ducks Per Day In all districts the daily limit for w8'Ld ducks is 12, and .for geese, five; but the season's total is vari- able. In some places' this is fixed at 100 ducks mid '25 geese, in others at 150 thinks and 20 geese: ming bat survived, ��MIIII1010.`.�+alraacw:.s^amV.sss>•rwwy WALKER'S FUNERAL HUMS William Street, Brussels, Ontario PERSONAL ATTENDANCE 'Phone g6 Day or Night Calls MOTOR HEARSE B 25. WALKER f mbeilner end /*tweed 'director, WESTERN CANADA Special Bargain Excursions Frgm all ,Stations In Eastern Canada GOING DAILY — SEPT, 24 -' OCT, 8, 1938 INCLUSIVE Return Lmit 46 Days TICKETS GOOD IN COACHES fat .ipares 'approximately 11/ac per mile TOURIST. SLEEPING CARS At fares approximately 1e/ao per m114 STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1%o. per mile COST GF ACCOMMODATION dN SLEEPING CARS .ADDITIONAL BAGGAGE checced, Stopovers at Port Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago ,ani west. Tickets, Sleeping Car .Reservations, afi8 all+-'itffdrmation" • from any Agent ASK FOR HANDBILLS nnuun"ununuu"upn„ ,lllll uu"u ,un ,,,,,, ll I ll ‘01111"n" „ ,uuu"nni llllllull 1 lllllllllll 1.1 CANADIAN NATIONAL the prncipala adapted two Ceara ago, which were made more restric- tive than formerly' in order to meet set -loos' depletion of waterfowl 00- easioned by the drought in West- ern- Canada, as meld as by over- 1 shooting. Nurses of Ireland threaten to organize and demand shorter hou'r's, better Pay,' greater oppor- tnnity for rest and reereatioa 1n f off -time and pensions atter long service, In the tiVe Eastern Provinces Ontario, Quebec, New 'Brame/01r, Nova, Scotia ani Prince Edward Ye - land --tire shooting or Black Brants 1s prohibited, . Everywhere the prohibition upon rising hail and live deeoyst con- tinues. In general the regulations Jo11ew ^^- a • •r"}'ice '�� �'� i $7. 4. • • t. oA Focus Your Wants Classified Went Ada will fill ail your re- quirennenta. The not mit a lens which will cortcentrale udll Ycour needs, and bring them to h•perfieci. focus df datlsitfCtat'y resutlb., r cteSNAPSuOT CUIL PROPER EXPOSURE Brilliantly lighted beach subjects, exposure. For this,1/25 atf.16 for the l tf subject faces sun, or for a "long-sho lens opening on with no harsh shadows, take less arge lens opening on a box camera). t" beach view, use f.22 or the small a box camera). MANY writers make a great to-do about exposure, so that it seems complicated. As a matter of fact, for most ordinary subjects out of doors, it is simple. Light in very early morning or late afternoon is quite weak, but from an hour or so after sunrise to about an hour before sunset, it to fairly constant in its intensity. Dur- ing the middle daylight hours, Cam- era loaded with chrome type or "pan" type film, set your lens and shutter as follows: BRILLIANT DAY Average subject, 1/25 second and 2.11 lens opening. Open landscape, 1/25, 2.16. Water or beach scenes, 1/25, f.22. CLOUDY BRIGHT DAY Average subject, 1/25, 2.8. Open landscape, 1/25, 2.11. Water or beach scenes, 1/25, 2.16. DULL' DAY Average subject,' 1/25, 2,6.3, Open landscape, 1/25, 2.8. Water or beach scenes, 1/25, 1.8. When you must use a high shutter speed, use a larger lens opening. Re- member that 1/25 second at 2,11 is the same as 1/50 at f.8, and about the same as 1/100 at 2.6.3 or 1/200 at f.4.5. Follow these exposures this spring and summer, and you won't go wrong. If you use a box camera, take snapshots on bright days only. On a dull day, place the box camera on a firm support and give a very short time exposure (one-half to one sec- ond, or about as fast as you can work the shutter when on "Time") using the small lens opening, With any camera, when you are taking pictures alertly after sunrise or before sunset, you must use a larger Jena, opening, or a slower shutter speed. At such times, light tends to be yellow and the "pan" type film will be best as it is defi- nitely faster in such light. 190 John van Guilder a Get Glasses NOW t If Your Eyes Need Glasses Get them from R, A. REID At Once. Take Advantage of His Wonderful Eyesight Service — Complete in Every. Detail _IA Stratford's Leading Optometrist • i(,: For Nearly 20 Years AT BRUSSELS OFFICE, —MISS HINGSTON'S'STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 ''Phtrne 51 for Appointment