The Brussels Post, 1938-8-31, Page 7The Brussels ,Post
N. W. KENNEDY Publisher
Published Every Mednesday
Subscription price .$1,60 per year,
paid In advance. Subscriptions in
United States Will please add 60o
for postage
THE rosy' PetUNT
Telephone 31 —.— Brussels„ Ont.
Dr. J. B, Reynolds', President of
the Toronto Milk Producers) As-
sociation, Made a statement in a
recent address to the effect that On-
tario farmers were facing the
danger of peing reduced to the
status of peasants by reason of the
the disparity between farm and city
,Prices. That statement has been
variously challenged. The editor
of the Farmers Magaelne is certain
Dr. Reynolds' put too much black in
the picture; claims farmers are
still buying and they do not weave
their own clothes nor de they mould
their own cantles. R. J. Scott,
President of the U, F. 0, Co-
operative, believed that more could
be done by legialation to regulate
(production and prices so tbe condi-
tion of the farmer could be made
We are moved to doubt whether
Canadian farmers fill resort to the
standard of the peasant class as it
is known in Europe. The peasant
class has been there for centuries;
it has seldom if ever known a class
of living such as we enjoy in this
country. The peasant hay little
to offer for sale; In many cases he
Is paid a very small amount for his
labor. No; we hesitate to believe
our farming class is Beaded for
Apart from ,bat it is a fart that
people in edties fail to realize often
enough that the standard at which
they are living is indirectl4 deter-
mined by what Es taking place out
in tbe country. We do not often
recognize the faun influence be-
cause it ie something which we can-
not see; it works in a round -about
way an awe may never pause to
think it has anything to do with us
—but It has. e
One has not to think long finding
'the reason. We have so many farm-
ers in this country that what is
happening to them has a direct
hearing on what is going to happen
to the reet of us, 'les a greater ex-
tent than we may realize a good
deal of ori' 'business depends on
bow much the farming population
man purchase from the city popula-
tion. Cities are populated by
people who are net Primary pro-
ducers.. They offer services and
nrrrnufact red goods for sale, and
if oar farmers are not in a position
to purchase freely !.hen we have
forfeited many of the customer on
whom 'we have been depending,
If their purrhasing power has been
reduced by fifty percent then we
arca going to feel It. If Dr, Rey
nelds were correct In his prediction
Paint does more than pro-
tect andreserve
p It
brightens all indoors:
makes the home a happier
place to live in. So, why
not renovate for the shut-
in days of winter? Let us
give you an estimate on a
tainting acid decorating
job for a single room, a
group ef rooms or the
whole house. Finance the
work, if necessary, under
the Home Improvement
that our fanners were headed to-
ward peasantry then it would mean
that our urgan 'emulation would
come to a lower level We do not
believe our farmers wall become
peasants, They are too intelli-
gent; they have a 'knowledge of
farthing and marketing and they
also have a genius dor ultimately
fittai::g a solution for their own
probleam, and they Iposaes: pro-
diute which the urban centre must
'maltase from them in order to
Captain George Eystan drove bis
Thunderbolt along the Salt Flat
stretch in Utadi at a rate which is
said to have been six miles per min-
ite, bit the delina•te timing appara-
tus which has' to record the speed
officially failed to operate, The
Englishman says he will try it
There are eight wheels on this
giant machine, and it Is related
that each time an attempt is made
to the record it is necessary to
place a new tire on each wheel and
the tires are of special design
which, cost several hundred dollars
Parts of the machine immediate-
ly addacent to the tires are so cut
by the salt thrown at them by the
wheels that °hey have to be renety-
ed. Evidently it is a sport of
those with considerable financial
The practical side of the ease is
difficult to see. it has of course
demonstrated that engineering and
designing have been brought to ai
remarkagiy !sigh point, but there
krill be no demand for such engines
in land machines. It is perhags a
good illustration of the determina-
tion of an intelligent Englishman
to show that he can drive a car
faster than any other human ever
did. Also that his, designers and
engineers, are the greatest in the
.By W. Jeffers in Globe and Mail)
But there will, nevertheless, it
is hoped. be a large exportable sur -
Plus of these good spring wheals.
What will the farmer get? The
wheat I3'oarrl's guaranteed Price as
spread between grades delivered at
Fort William is as follows; No 1
hard, 81 ,cents; No 1 Northern, 30
cents; No. 2 Northern, 77 cents;
No, 3 Northern, 7 cents; No. 1 1 am-
ber durum, 70 cents, 70 cents, and
No, 1 C.W. Garnet, 72 cents.
The estimate of R. D Colquetde
joint editor of the Country Guide
1 stoat "on the average, under these
guaranteed prices, the farmer will
get in the neighbor -!rood of 00 cents
a bueihel for No. 2 Northern, That
means that he will get a rent a
pound for the grades which in in-
spections so far have been shown
to be in the majority -
'lo every man, woman and child
hr Eastern Canada as well as in
the Weet, the mark, ting of the
mama '1 and the prices received are
all-important, because these guaran
teed prices will be provided by the
foreign consumer- only so far as
vontpe•titive values enable the
Wheat 130ard to reimburse itself,
and the rest will have to come opt
te the general taxpayer, The farm-
er is helped in the meantime and it
aids all who sell hint, but so long
as the taxpayer has to foot the loss
the problem reafatns unsolved.
In the United States Washington
talks of their "fair Slhare of ,the
world's market. Of course, there is
no such fair share except as deter-
lumia<i by price and emality. Crap
loans andexport s1rbsidfes ere bar-
riers to woad trade on the one side
as march as 1011)014 quatns anti high
Harries are on the consumers' side,
The phychoiogy which prodnees
wlk of 'our fair• satire of the
orld' markets"
one to marltatiug anything favorable
getting the world back to trailing
William Street,
Hrussais, Ontario
'Phone 86
Day or Night Calle
8mbelmer and Funeral
Western fair, Sept, 12th - 11th, 1938
One of the most attractive
features at the Western Fair In
1937 was the UNIVERSITY
hibit on the second floor at the
east end of the Manufacturers,
Building. Thousands of people
visited the exhibit and found
It intensely' Interesting.
It will be In place again this
year in an enlarged and im-
proved form. Do not miss It.
Young people who are look-
ing forward to a university
career should not fail to see
this exhibit.
The man who walks around with,
chip on his shoulder generally has a
head made of .118 some sort of
The 1939 models are better than
ever. All might be well if the de-
signers and engineers' had a chance
to work on the 1939 drivers,
Reports say that 60 persons are
being kept to .the hole in the
prison at Stony Mountain, Man,
and a count of those on the outside
would show probably more in the
same condition.
Brantford Expositor says when
nations of the world are spending
14 billion a year for arms it is time
to suggest that something be set
aside to build a cage for the dove
of peace,
The Methuen News is inclined to
doubt the truth of the ciaitn that a.
young man out with his girl and
thawing with one arm is not attend-
ing to business.
The Sault Ste. Marie Star tells of
a hollyhock 13 feet high, The Star
insists that the village constable
shall verify all such reipprts :before
accepting tthean for publication,
Hardly a day goes by without its
report of a car crashing into a tree
and that of course causes us' to
worry a little about what may
happen if we go deeply into the
business of reforestation,
London denies the report that the
King and Queen are going to pay a
visit to Canada. To that we might
acid that the welcome sign is out
whenever they care to come,
Each week Japanese soldiers in
China are supplied with printed
postcards which say. "I ams tine,
The war is splendid. I will soon
be hone," The soldier merely
signs his name and addresses it,
A man arrested for wild driving
turned out to be honest. When
police asked hien wiry Ile was In
such a hurry he replied: "I was
trying to get away from you be-
caase,I was leaning the scene of
an accident."
The wife of Premier Mussolini
has' gone away for a visit, the first
time she has ever been outside
of Italy . By the time Benito gets
a week's dashes stacked in the
kitchen sink the worll better be-
ware of more wear tall;..
People suffer at times from ail-
ments with such long names that
we cannot well understand it, but
when it is, announced that Premier
101ug is troubled with a touch of
shtatite a good many people
know just bow he feels. Even a
sciatic Tory night be 'Milne(' to
otter a bit of sytnlrathy,
Anyhow, it sept the boy to thtnk-
Jerome (after Sunday Sabool)
—"Say, Dad, our lesson today told
about the oval sphlts entering the
Dad—"Yes, and whet do you
wish to know about that, son?"
Jertmie--"Was that the way they
first got 1eviletl harm?"
READ 1T OR NOT i — The
planet Neptune is never visible to
tite naked eye
Mortgage Loans oh unproved farm
properties at 5%, No valuation
fees or Chattel. morgago required.
11. J. COTTY & CO.
Fame Bathe Service, Stratford
Hari Ln nem Takeo l'r0811
Piles of tha Poet of SO
clod 11S Tsar, Ago
T, C, Iiarbottie, merchant, bas
gone to Hamilton this week to
Purchase fail and winter goods,
Mrs, J. Harbottle is away at Pre8'
Cott visiting friends.
* * *
Rev. R, 13, Mcltae is away on a
trip to his old home In the East.
Rev. John Law has arrived borne
'from Scotland. His parys'hioners
Presented him with a purse and an
address of we]cme.
Mise Mitchell, London and Miss
McDougall, Detroit, are spending
a few weeks at Jas, Mitchell's, con.
* s: * *
Miss Lizzie Delgatty, who
been in Detroit about a year,
returned home.
* * *
Dave Grant, 19th eon. is build-
ing a peautiful brick residence.
* a
Mrs, Samuel Shine, Winnipeg is
visiting friends in this locality, She
is a daughter of Mrs, Oakley,
Miss Joan Ross,. has returned to
her school in. Tecumseb, Mich.,
atter spending her vacation in
e * *
Miss Francisis home from
* w *
Mds. Wm. Vanstone is on a visit
with Friends in Galt,
A suiet wedding took place at
the home of Ben and Mrs, Riegle?
of Hawek, on Friday afternoon
when thed only daughter, Jean,
was united in marriage by Rev.
R, S. Laeltd-an•d, to D, Krug, of
* * *
Jno, Rutledge returned on Fri-
day from a seven week's trip
through Saskatchewan and Alberta.
airs. J. W. McKay and daughter,
of Newark, N. J, are spending an
extended visit with Duncan and
Mrs, McKenzie, Grey,
.Miss Verde Po lard arrived home
Monday night from two week's
visit to Rochester, 34, Y„ Niagara
Falls and Hamilton.
MTs, Wm. McDonald and
Scott of Calgary, erre visiting
mother Mrs, E. Monay,
* s 5
Adam Foerater, son and daugh-
ter, of Detroit and Hiss Millie of
London, were visitors' to the ,home
of their father, V, Foerster.
* N: *
'rhos, Brown, wife and fancily, of
Manitoba and Miss Sadie Brawn,
alooktott, visited friends le this
vicinity last week.
Miss Attridge of Flint, is visiting
lids, Ill, Kreuter,
James and Mrs. Nilholson of
afonkton end Jno Waters of Bay
City ',Michigan spelt, Sunday at the
lom.e of George Baker,
Jobe and Mrs. Wilburn spent a
few days in Montreal, Mrs', Wil -
burn's mother returned with them.
James Masters oras resented
words after being on the sick list,
* * *
Thee, Brown and wife aud two
daugbaters of Hunhbolt, 'Min„ and
Miss• +Dertie Bros1'tt, nurse, of
Sarnia, move been visitors with
le, and Maas. Brown,
Miss Maud Ferguson and Miss
Nellie McArthur enjoyed a week at
Bargain Excursions -Sept. 8 Trtlm Brussels
(Tickets also sold from all adjacent C:N.R, Stations),
To C.N,R. .Stations in the Maritime Provinces
I'davince of Quebec, New Bruns/week, Prince Edward Ie],aud, Nova. SetoilIa
Sept. 9-10 to Ottawa, ,$8.90; Montreal, $10.25;
Quebec City, $14.25; Ste, Anne de Beaupre, 914.85
For Fares. Return Limits, Train Intonnatton, Tickets, consult nearest Agent, See HmulOiils.
the Summer School at Goderioh,
• *
Miss Mabel Haycroft of Port
Arthur was visiting at Miss Fergu-
'Colin Shaw, of Spr'infleld, Glee,
was renewing old acquaintances in
town 00 Wednesday,
* a *
Miss Dolly Baeker is a holiday
visitor at her old home here coming
last week from Winnipeg.
* * *
Alias Lizzie Ferguson is here on a
month's visit from Calgary,
* * *
Miss Beatrice 1ficQuarrie of Wire
nipeg is here en a holiday visit,
vita relatives and friends'.
* * *
Mrs, Edward Grundy, of Clever
land, Ohio, bas been renewing old
acquaintances here,
Mrs. J. N. *Green of Spokane.
Wash„ is here on a short visit with
Mrs, N. F. Gerry.
Guests at the house of Mr. and
Mrs, George Cowan this' week are
Mrs. Richardson and sons Roy and
Robert of Port Colbom•ne, Mrs.
Richardson is a sister of Mrs'.
Cowan, also Mrs, Thomas Evans
and sons Billie and Kennetob of
Stratford; Mrs: Duffield and child -
den of Guelph are guests of the
former's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Benj. Thiene and babe of Ingersoll,
have been guests this' week at the
haute of Mrs, Nellie Leslie and
other friends in town,
BIyth Citizen's Band presented
another of their splendid concerts
on llentoria1 Hall grounds on
Thursday evening These concerts
are well patronized and math en_
George E, Cowan, Jr., is enjoy -
dug a holiday visiting his brainier
Kenneth and Mrs, Gowan of Christ-
ian Island, in Georgian. Bay,
Miss Maly Milne entertained a.
number of echoed friends, also oth-
ther friends to a miscellaneous show-
er for Mies Stella Rtctmond , a
bride to -ye of early September. Re-
freshments were served by the
(By (A. R. K.)
Good Farmer Jim can't under-
stand, the way things ten in foreign
thed, and le- w:' seeking light. he
reads of million •men in arms, they
can't be working on their farms, teem
all they do is fight.
la These 'million men le uniform
can't hill their spuds or hoe their
corn, can't pitchfork in the arrow,
they're in the ampy all tbe time,
tact' coulll't help to tend the
swine, nor milk the brindle cow.
How do they live asks Farmer
aim, to keen some fat beneath the
skin, how does the money come.
theydon't get out and plow in
s1p011g, and they don't grow or make
a thing, Just shoulder up a gun.
11. If they were working on the
land, good Farmer Jim could under-
stand, for they'd have lots to do;
not often could they get away,
they'd have to grub around each
day, at bed•tme be half through.
If all those folks had lots of
chores', they wouldn't have much
time for wars, East wouldn't
bother West; for when it wore on
toward the night, they wouldn't
stint to pick a fight, but get a
chance to rest,
Good Farmer Jim is certain
sure ,he bas for warring folks a
cure, ',would fix all ancient sores;
he'll spread them out upon the
farms, and make them tidy up the
barns— then give them lots of
photoflash and then quickly close
the shutter --and the pietnro has
been taken, Simple, isn't it? Por this
HHAVE you ever taken mirror pic-
tures; that is, for example, a
picture of sister or the "girlfriend"
standing in trout of a mirror perhaps
"dolling up" a bit or maybe just ad-
miring herself?
It is the unusual that attracts at-
tention but it is necessary to use
your eyes and a little imagination
and Ingenuity to ferret out the ex-
ceptional and get pictures that show
When making mirror pictures and
focusing for reflected images only,
it is necessary to add the distance
from the mirror to the subject, to the
distance from tbe mirror to the lens
of the camera and then set the focus
If it is desired to include the sub-
Ject in the picture with the reflected
image the focus should be set for the
distance from the mirror to the lens.
The smaller the lens opening the
greater the depth of field and the
sharper will be both Enrages. Of
course, the nearer the subject is to
the m1i'rcr the less is required in the
matter of "depth".
Let us euppose that sister Mary
Is two feet aud the camera six feet
from the mirror. If you want to hn-
elude sister, as well as her reflected
image, in the picture, set the focus
at six feet. If you want only the re-
flected image in the picture, you set
the focus alt eight feet, A photoflash
temp simplifies your exposure prob-
lem and permits a small enough lens
opening to gain a sufficient range of
After locating your subject ie. the
finder and setting the foetus of your
camera at the proper distance, act
the shutter for "time", place a
photoflash bulb in an ordinary floor
lamp within reaching distance from
the camera, tilting the shad n slightly
upward and toward the subject. If
you cannot tilt the shade, remove it
from ilio lamp. It 1s beet not to have
any bright lights burning near the
lens of the camera. Set your lens
opening according to the table on
the /Metaaasis lamp container, Take
your*positioh at the camera, press
the cable release to open your shut-
ter and immediately turn 011 the
A section for unusual pictures will
brighten the pages of any album.
type of picture a No. 10 photoflash
bulb will furnish enough light.
I0 amateur photography, expert -
meeting 'becomes the Spice of life
and you will be surprised at the in-
teresting effects you will got in work.'
ing out "stunt" pictures on gloomy,
rainy days when outdoor activities
are taboo. ltesnits, in some instan-
ces, may be rather grotesque but
you will have a lot of inexpensive
amnsenietst and pictures that show
individuality. Anyone can take the
ordinary run of pictures but it re-
entries a little ingenuity to get the
nnusnai. That is what you should
"shoot" for, and the resulting pic-
tures will be far more inteltissting
than ordinary record pictures and
breathe life itself into your photos
graph album.
1611 John Van Guitdee