HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-8-24, Page 4------------
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
bilidaying lth their graneparents,
Mr. and Mrs, 'IL A, Shaw,
Mrs, Mary SandersOn, Mr and
"Mre Rain. lintchison and Mrs.
Edith Taylor, of nironto, visited
at Du: liant, Mrs. Sanderson's for-
mer home,
MIPS Florence POIVIer, Min
ETHEL and Mrs. Earl Hamilton 011
Hilda Fowler, Lois Elliott and
of Mr.
Frankie Fowler visited Mends .at
, Friday, Sentorth.
stooR threshiug was remitted in,. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. DuMPrtes liof t Robert Shaw conducted the ergo.
D, B. Lowry, who has had a gen
many sections el this aisfalet Mon. 1 Walkerviile are visiting trionns lar se:vice in the United Church
eral. store in the village for three
day afternoon, after the week -end , 111 the village, they have just returnEb
' 1 Bluevale atul enezer an SunditY,
yc,ars, has disposed. of Di 0810011 to
I ed fro(1t u motor trip to Eastern On- , Rev, A. V. Robb will be home to
ch01'ge ot the aerriees neat I J. W. Welflaufeh anti has moved to
Wingliam where he is engaged
with the Supertest Co, 140111011,
to The death of MrS. Doctor Mc- 111010 calling on ftlends in Almon
showers of. rain.
Master of SPalonit. so lovingly re- , Smith Falls, Ottawa and 'Montreal. Sunday,
this entire they also visited friends in. North. Miss Emma Johnston is holiday -
in iu Toronto,
uwanhere t nu ,, .
municipality, r'eaused sad regret, In .0011 New 'York,
Mr, and Mrs. R. Harriston it Ver- , Rev, J. V. Mills of high Park
token or this sentiment a sympa- ; WROXETER
dun. Quchee, are visiting the I Presbyterian ChUrell TOV011tu will
th”tle public offers to Doctor Me- .
iatter's sliter, Mrs. 16. Habrk. preach in Enox Presgyterian
Nies; e r and daughters, sincerest Visitors: ,eits, Percy Rogers, De-
ympathy in their bpeavement. i Miss Jean Habkink Who has been Church and at Nettles next Sundth ay.
troit with Mrs. E. Paulin; Mr, and
We are -Korey te know Mutt Miss , spending her holidays in Verdun,
Ella liansuld, who had an ankle in. Quebec, with her 0001. Mrs, R.
Jared in early summer, has not re- 1 lituristun has returned home,
tove1,s1 sufficiently, to resume her 1 Jacb and 13-111Ie il:aton of Toronto
1'' 111 as scholl i eacher. She Wau who have been spending their. holt-
daYs with Leslie Rutledge have re-
hing in S,S. no. 1. Grey.
Farmers willing to rusr harvest 1000031, home,
work. are finding it 1017 much of 0 1 The Yeung 1.4"oPle at the United
Charch are le -Acting a picnic at
• problem to. secure satisfactory help.
J. T. and Mrs. Nicholson will Octlerich on TherstlaY.
have the management of the farm Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Hull ot De-
troit spent the day with Mr, and
of W. H. Speiran, on. 12,
„,o.. write mr, speiran and Mrs. Atthur Rail of 'Walton.
ties C. S. route, to the western ie Toronto 10 vlsit• her daughter,
home of Mr. and Mrs, B. Martin,
Mrs. A, Meaelen and cltSdree are
visiting with friends at Stratford
and London,
Mr. Ed. Gamma, of Haniiiten,
spent the week -end with 1118 sistera,
Misses Marlon and Elsie GibSon,
Mr, and Mrs. T, G. Hemphill and
Mr, and Mrs, J, 3, Allen and Jim-
mie, spent the week -end at Dyer's
Mrs, Alex. Sanderson alai ohild-
ren of OWen %n11, are visiting
with the former'e mother, Mre,
Alex, McDougall,
Women's Institute
The Agust seeeing of the W,
will be held ou Thursday, August
25, at 3 p,m,, at tthe home 1 mrs.
J. N. Mien. The guest speaker will
he Mrs, Carter who will tell ot the
work or the "Home Makers' Club,'
in the West, Refreshment Cam:
lire. Adams and Miss E, P, Hazel-
family are away 011 a motor trip .by
Mrs. Robert Livingston has gone
of Canada. Mrs, C, Neable.
provinces .
' Mr. Will 11811011tinil Miss Norma
'rile attendance, last Sunday at ;
Bale of Rochester, N.Y., are visiting
Eli' Cnited Chutvh Sunday School !
friends in the village.
wis approximately, 60. There :
i%"'0 1:, vbdtors present. Mr. F. Rutledge, John Mager and
T. Currie or Toronto spent the week -
1. E. .Maguire accompanied mei wall Mr. and Mrs, F. Rutledge.
her sister Mrs. 0, C. Ross of Brus. On Sunday morning Rev, C. Cim-
osis and other members of the Rosa ming took for his text Exodus
family. on a pleasure motor trip. 20:14,
1., avin 7, Et he 1 Saturday morning, The Young People's Society o‘f
i,,,,11,0 or :iwir sistvr. lIrs.m,,,ussa Duff's Clued Church are • having
a Picnic Thnrsday at Gotierich.
Ang. 2.1). they expected to be at the
Durgin In Canton, Mettle, V. S., Fred Rutledge and jack Drager
Sinaluy morning. And will visit of Toronto spent the week -end at
relatives in Michigan and friends at their homes' in the village; Mr. and
.her places, before returning.. Mrs. Ivan Young and sons of Port
,kt the ending or three weeks Huron spent Sunday with me. and
period of vacation, service in Eitel Mrs. 0, Hoy; Ms. H. Stoddart who
1';:ited Church will be resunied at has spent two weeks in Detrot, 18-
th, nsual how 7.30 p.m.; u'xt Sun- turned home Saturday; miss Betty
Smalldon M. visiting her grand-
'•"'''' A"!4% 2''. 5.v, :Sill. Jolinsqn
of rordwleh wiI 0 in el;:o•ge of the tt-.'1 111% MrA. Smaill ot at Ethel; 1
R,v. Mr. ; 11,e,,•111 Anialltion anti ''11 Jack via -
service. ao the 13.14' 0.
i::.+1 fr:ends at Ethel au Sunday.
Suoil will cowinct annivermry s -r -
vices in Fordwich church for Mr. - -
Rut», Duff, ;petition a
Woman's College Hospital, Toronto,
Mrs, Ross Douglas and Mise Olive
Douglas, 11011410, are visiting tholr
7AG1170. A3alvmiens '1'N'S7firattyg-:
Hissers Miss Dull and Mrs. Mice] atinntla
TOrOntO, Wilk Mrs. Jolla Gray; Mr.
Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Campbell
and Mrs, Iters Gibson and Ed.
and daughter, Miss Belle Campbell,
Gibeon, Hamilton, with the Misses
Seato.th visited with '.11r, and Mrs,
Gibson; Carl Hooper, Montreal,
George Gannett. with Mr, and Mrs. Laurie Jane
Rol; 110011*')' has returned to TO. Dobbs and
lento after spending the summer 1
Nd‘aluThitler, NBlerteionS,aa‘litrYd Mrs. H. H.
vacation. -with Mr, and Mts. A. •
Miss Dorothy Aitken spent Sun-
day with friends at 110,0,e.
130. and Mrs, It, F. Garniss, Mac
Scott ad Miss Olive Scott witn 1(10.r. 1
Brandon and daughter, Toronto,with 'Mr. and Mrs. Rohl_ Stock.and Mrs;. Neil B. McEachein at
;Mrs. Robt. Hupher had the nits -
Mount Forest,
fortune to fall and break a shoul-
Miss Duff and Miss Dorothy
Aitken visiting with Mrand Mrs. der hone while visiting her daugh-
Duff an . d family at ter, Mrs, H. McMichael, last week.
Louis Blake
Mrs, Les, 1311111011111111l1 511.11 daughter,
Nellie, with Mrs Rohl, McLaughlin;
Mr and Mrs. R. McAllister, Grey;
Mercer anti sons, Markitale, wit
Mr, and Mrs. D, D, SandersonMu;
Mrs. Olive st, Ingersoll, with
Mrs, Irwin Dural.; Mrs Norman
Johnson on that date.
Mr. and Mrs, Leonard BLUEVALE Sinclair
at, receiving eangrainettions. The MI. and Mrs. Richard Johnston
eccasm being the birth of to hairy mei Mr. and lIrs. Thos. Johnston.
illorrt to non ltt Sea- and can Harold also Miss Emma
forth Hospital last week, j oh n ston spent SundaY afternoon
Lou Cale of Listewei is spemin, with Mr. and Mrs, Cooper NetherY.
Roy Mooney returned to
a. few days with relatives In Ethel.
Tolt:nto after spouting his holidays
Muriel Michel. school teacher,
with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith of
svent part tittle of the mid.su.mmer
holiday* elle»Ilgle with her sister
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Churchill,
Mrs, Bert. Vodden. In the remain-
Velon and Florence spent Sunday
Mg days of the holiday period, she
with friends at Whitechurch.
will visit at Goderich. Mrs. Silas Johnston and Jim
Mrs. William, Ziegler and Billy spent Friday with .Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
returned home after spending a Johnston and fatuity.
week with Petrolla friends, A bailY girl arrived at the home
Ask your local
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to save dollars by filling your
fuel bin with "Canada's finest'
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at a fraction of regular
cost. See your dealer.
Ask him, too, about
the new
Church At Gorrie
Re -Dedicated
beautitill re -dedicatory Service
was held in. Corrie Presbyterian
Chianti on Stinday mopping, When
the church was officially re -opened
atter being remodelled and redecor-
Rev. Mr, Greig, Satanie, mod
enter ot hituitland PreSbytery, , Con-
ducted ate dedication, which was
one that will m
ill reain In the minds
and hearts of all present, The PAS -
tor, Rev, A, Leggett, gave au im-
preseive message to the large con-
gregatiou, basing his text on pint
Peter 3:3-4-5,
The evening service Was equally
beautiful, with Rev. C. H. McDon-
ald of Luc:know, moderator of the
Synod of Hamilton and London,
anti Rev, 14, 'Watt of Gerrie United
Church, each bringing greetings
and assisting in the service,
The patsolos evening text Was
found in Matthew 27:39, The music
for the day was well chosen, being
very faMiliar and in keeping with
the occasion. John Neilson sang as
a solo "The Beautitul Garden ot
Prayer" at the morning service,
while at the evening service "Have
Thine O•wn Way, Lord,', was sung
as duet by Miss Bernice Day and
Clarence Sperling. Rev. Mr. Leg-
gatt read 111050)100' 01: greeting
fro maninisters not. able to be pres.
Reeve E. L, •Cardiff has a bad
tench of 1110011 poison 111 his right
Moved To Monis
Mr. Roy Mann and fatuity, who
have been residents of Myth for
same mouths, moved last wet* to
the seventh line Morrie where they
will make tRteir home.
Well :o(1, 1 Mr. Bent Martin has sold his
MI's, E. S. Coates, Philadelphi,a blacksmith shop to Mr. Edwards of I
who spent two weeks with relatives Ethel wbo gets possession SW. 1
and friends at Ripley, joined her 1.
husband, Dr. E, S. Coultes here at
the home of 1110 movher,
Mr. and Mrs, Sellars, accompans
Thomas Coultes, and after spending
ted Mr. and Mrs. Les Hetherington
f Toronto on a motor trip to tile
a tew days returned to the
n Philadelphiir home
• J P C ultes 1105. Anhui. Robinson, Saskation.1
a accompanied by Sn°'
DI. F. 0
Gordon 1\lundeR and his bride
have returned home from their
honeymoon and are spending
few days at the home of his father,
John Mundell,
'Surma and Francis' Shaw are
Sask„ M visiting with her sisters', •
Misses Mary and 13eatrine Howe.
Mr. Lloyd McMichael, of Toronto,
is bniidaYing with bis parents. Mr.
and Mrs, Robt, McMichael,
Mrs. Lawrence Moffatt, of London
spent a few days last week at the
Classified Want Ads.
will fill all your re-
quirements. They act
as a lens which will
concentrate all our
needs, and bring them
to a•perfect focus of
satisfactory results.
Stratford Vs. Brussels
At Victoria Park, Brussels
Kick-off At 6 O'clock Sharp
•=oalso....=•..am==:"'enatwimnow.m.=.=Niewmem....s. •"'M'k''=''''wrscI...""""ffls•••m•ratmm•...•
1 he winners of these "home and home" games will
meet Owen Sound9 who are strong contenders for the
W. F. A. honors.
Admission Gents 251 Ladies 15c
Children Free
Come Out and Help the Boys VVin