HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-8-24, Page 3'wG THE BRUSSELS POST News and Information For the Busy Farmers (FURNISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE) FAIR DATES Central 'Canada Exhibition, Ot- tawa-Auguet 2247, Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto -August 26 -Sept, 10, Wesiteicn Flair, Loudon,--+Septom- bee 12-17. Intennational Plowing M teet- Minesing, near Barrie, Ont, -Oct. 11, 12, 13, 14. Ottawa Water Pair -November 8- 11. Royal Winter Fah' -November Guelph Winter Pair -November 20 -Dec, 1st, Co-operative Movement Hon, P. M. Dewar; Ontario min- ister or agrietilture, recently an- nounced the Ontario Agricttitural College, at Guelph, would tpey more attention in future to study of the co-operative moveanent, He said arrangements bad been cone Meted with the antinomies depart- ment or the O.A.C. to put a course In co-alerative education in the regular curriculum. Initial action would be the hold- ing of a conference et the college en dates tentatively set as Sept. 20-23. Prof Drummond, head of the economies department, would be chabinlan, and it was hoped to obtain A, B, McDonald, of Nova Scotia, n graduate of 0. A, C., to lead the discussion on co-operative enterprise, Many Corn Borers IIeavy corn borer inlestettion to corn being ma1-keted from Es- sex and Kent Copnties iq report- ed by London truckers. A Lon - cion district market gardener and trucker, dee4rayed more than 'lair a .shipment of 100 dozen ears of cans he trucked to London r.•eently, round to be infested with the borer. Other truckers have exper- en•ed similar cases, athougit damage was found to be less than in the case sited, 1'p to the present time the wideepread damage done by the borer has tended to beep early FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 INGERSOLL BRUSSEL! PHONt.- 72 corn prices at a higher level tea t mewl, Per dozen ears, corn re. tailed at 20 to 25 cents' en Lon -tion market, Praetlse Strip Farming Stele 'farming has arrived in easter!' Canada, The !tobacco growers in Ontario are suffering [Mom drifting and severe 'humus depletion. On their light 511102 land, rye is about the only fail. crop •they can grow and they are using it fir the double punlpse of windbreak and a green crop to plow under, J. L. Stansefl, Staffordville, seeds' all of the tobacco land to rye in the fall, Next •spring the rye is plowed in strips, one third beind ]eft, Once in three year's, therefore, all ,of the land is in rye that is allowed to Wow until the tobacco Plants 0a longer re.tuire protection, when It too is plowed under. With this rotation, Mr. Stansel) and his son expect to keep on growing tobacco on the same iieds' almost in- definitely. Early Peach Crops A peach crop survey conductded by the Ontario Department of Agrloultule last week shows that canning peaches of the ilantone "V" type, Vidette, Valiant and Veteran, will reach Ontario rarkets t weak of August 15th, These varieties, originated at the Horticultural Expeument Station, Vineland, have largely replaced 111e Crawford in the af- fection of Ontario houselvive_s. They will be followed by the E1- berta two weeks later. The entire crop will he ,ten days earlier than last year, grow- ers agree. They point out that Rochester, a good canning peach Mit not quite so free at the pit as. the "V" .peaches, was first picked last year August 19tH and was ready by the 10th this year. In discussing crop prospects, growers stated that owing to in- 011155ed produc.tlou as a resalt of mare trees coming into bearing for the first 'time this year,"V" peaches will show an increase of 15 Per cent over 1037. Elbertas are down 19 to 15 per etre which will make the canning crop just about equal tre total for 1037 with quality better than last year. iPrieue will be joist as rea- sonable, growers predict. Boys' and Girls' Contests Rural boys and girls, to the number of over 2,000 will Delete- 4rsate in special •comtpetitions at Class "A" tall Lairs' to be held within the next few weeks, On- tario Department of Agriculture ATTENTION PLEASE1 Sonoco Service Station We have now added to our Equipment an Automatic Air Greasing Gun with Special attachments for springs and brake cables. A complete 100% Grease Job •is •Assured you on any make or model of car For quick and Thorough Work On Any Make of Car You May Drive SEE US HarryChampion R.Gemmell Prop. Mechanic officials Have announced, These competitions cover 'special activ- 'ties associated with boys' and ,gll{t;' club work rend junior Farther and junior Institute lir(' ects•, Phew activilles were censldet•ahly curtailed last yeas' owing to tate epidetuie et inficntile 'paralysis, but reports recently received paint 10 he most successful competitions 1n the history at club work, A livestock +judging competition for boys. w'.lI be •:e_d at Petellbor- ouelt industrial Exhibition Wednes• day, August 1711), with hoarse mak- ing club exhibits and jtidgIng Com- petitions for girls who wilt also stage Inter -county telnnn deniotlsta'a- tions', On T hutsclay, Augtust 18111 the boys will 11o111 calf chub and showmanship conypetitions, Hou, P. 12, Ontario Minister of Agt±iraltune, will address the boys and girls at tt banquet on Ute Wed- nesday evening, lion, lir. Dewar will also address the Junior Club banquet at the Central Canada Exdiibition, Ottawa, Sianiiaa competitions, will be held a+t Ottawa, Toronto and London Class "A" lexhlbitdone and at the following Clasts "13" Faits; Barrie, Bellerdlle, I3ra+mplon, Galt, King- ston, Leatnington, Lindsay, Port Ar- thur, Renfrew, Richmond 11i11, Sinl- coe, Woodstock and Stratford, l.'xcellent pidzes are offered at all the above fairs with special entertainment being tnovitded the boys and girls by the fair managements, Current Crop Report Threshing of alsike and wheat and cutting barley and oats have been the ('hied aotivities of Sinlcoe County farmers, In Brant County rains held up threshing opnerations. Quality of wheat there Is not too high as much of it is shrunken as, a result at d1•y bot weather anti rust, One ]larnier in Brant reported au average of 60 oucbels of Alaska oats per acre over a large acreage, la 1-Ialdimanl rant has also held up harvesting, but threshing is continu- ing with all possible speed. Har- vesting as well advanced in Lamb. ton County, The earn crop there has grown splendidly, Middlesex reports that hogs have registered clisal3;'ointing price recessions in :he last few weeks., dropping front $11.75 to $9,00 per cwt. Prom this county- also conte report, of wheat yielding 50 bushels per acre, barley 05 bushes and oats over 8(1 bushels The apple crop there. is sizing up 21len did ly. Sante wheat fields in Oictord are yielding as high as 45 bushels to the acre. Cone and root crops there look promising and quite a few Reids of Miele wheat are in bloom. Wentworth reports Ohat early vas'ieties or sweet corn nee retailing at .15 cents per dozen, Raspberrtcs there have been a heavy crap anti some difficulties were exper- ienced in nrau'keting, the pride per crate or 36 ,flints running from $1,550 to $2.00, en Eastern Ontaeo, Renfrew re- ports that harvesting is 10 days tar -ie' than usual, with yields °aiw average, :Spring wheat crop there is almost a complete failure due to ens t, Coronation Wheat, however, stood up 100% against She rust and will yield from 20 to 30 bushels per acre The quality- of grain in Grenville will be good bat.:,he yield not heavy due to d'r'y 'weather most of June and Jluty, Early potatoes there a poor crap but late potatoes look better after recent rain's, The Weekly Chuckle AIN'T LOVE GRAND In love affairs+ there always does come the teethed moment. Here is one kind: They stood at the garden gate, the scent of lilacs flllbig the warm spring air: Geoter'ee( w"itispeeing hoerasty) we've been going to- gether Lwo Years,-" Sally (breathing deeply) - "Fes, Geoffrey!', Geoffrey -'And we've grown close to one another -gotten to trust one arrest. haven't we?" Stilly tltlteleiwg) -"Of t'.ou1's]", Geoffrey!" Geoffrey fga+lping) -- "Well, well -will you --- wile you - will yolt lend cue carfare home? I'm busted!" Don't Tell Your Troubles To tell thy miseries will no t'onitot•t breed; Men help thee most that think thou hast n° r'ee'l; Blot if the µvoted once thy misfor- tunes know, Thou semi nllait lose a. friend, and find a foe, WEDN1t1'S>JAY, 'AUGUST 24t1t, 103$ WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent, Conveyance; anti Commissioner General Insurance °Bice Main street, -- Ethel. Ontario Hunters - Take Note REGULATIONS MIGRATORY BIRDS OPEN SEASONS - Ducks, Geese (ether than Brant) Rails, Coats, \Vi6son's or Jack-Stuipe, 111 that part or the Province et Ontario lying nor, and west of a Ione commencing at the southwest tingle of Bruce County; thence in a genteel easterly 21101ion along the southerly boundries of Bruce and (trey Counties to the southwest angle or Nottawasaga Town:shitl in the County oe Siu,cae, along the small bo meta ries of Not tawasaga Sunnidalc: and Vespra Toemehips to the line of mean high writer of Lake Simcoe, along the said line of meta high water on the south side of bake S1nrc•oe to the northwest angle of Block Township in the County of Ontario, and along the nerd) boundary of Brock Township to the centre of King's highway no. 12; thence southerly along the centre line at the said Highway to the centre of the right-of-way of the Canadian Pacific Railway in tre vicinity of Myrtle; thence in a general easterly direction along the Feld centre line to the city of Peterborough, aloup the centre line et Icing's+ Highway no. 7 to the west boundary of Lanark County. along the west and south boundaries or Lanark County to the line of mean 11+1gd1 water on the Hanel side of Rideau Lake, and along the line of mean hdgb water on the north side or Rideau Lake anti Rideau River to a point opposite the northeast tingle or G:euviile County; thence south- erly along the east boundary or Grenville County to the northwest angle of Dundas County; thence easterly along the northerly bound- aries' of Dundas, Stormont and Glen - emery Counties to the interpro- vincial boundary; September 15 to November 15, both dates inclusive. In that part of the Province of Ontario lying south of the line de- fined in the preceding paragraph: Oetaber 1 to November 3n, both dates hnt>lusive, except that iu the Counties of Essex, Kent and Elgin she open season for geese (other than Brant) shall be fro inlctotter 15 to December 15, both dates inclusive, I:1DER DU.OKS - North of the Quebec, Cocluane, Winnipeg line al the Canadian National Railways: September 15 to Notenlber 15, Nl-OODCO('K-September• 15 to No30, ,CLOSED SEASONS -There is n Nosed season throughout (he year on Brant, Wood Ducks, Swans, Cranes, Curlew, Willett, Godwits, Upland Plover Greater and Lesser Fellow Legs; Avrocets, Dowitchel's, Knots, Oystercatchers, Phalaropes, Stilts, Surf -births, Turnstones and all the shore birds not provided with ale open season in above schedule. There is' n closed segoon thriugh- out the year on the foilowing non - game girds, Auks, Auklets, Bitterns, Fulmars, Gannets, Grebes, Gatilemnts, Gulls, Herons, Jaegens, Loons, Murres, Petrels', Putties Shcarw'aters 01:11 Terms; and there is a closed season tbrou+geoltt the year on the follow- ing insectivorous birds; 1301 to - Linke, 'Catbletis, Chickadees, Cuc- koos 1+'licke's, Piy-catchers, Gros- beaks Hummingbirds, Kinglels, 1lantins eleadow5iarkst iel7hltllawks, or Bath -bats, Ntuthatebes, Orioles, Robins, Shrikes, Swallows, Tan- agers, Titmice, Thrushes, Vireos, Woodpeckers, and Wrens, and all other petk'htng birds, which feed ell• tirely or chiefly nn insects, No per:toms 510111 kill hunt, cap- ture, Injure, take or molest any migratory genre 1)1; 11 during the el..ee(1 season; and no person shall sell, expo1.e for sale, offer for sale, buy, trade or traffic in any migra-, tore game bird atany time, The Inking of t e meets 1W eg,;s of eget% ore game, Migratory ((111' -- tiverotts and migeatory non•gmne birds Is prohibited, Tile killing, hunting, ramming taking or n1(11(5ting of n113(1)11(y 121- seetiVar0111> and oratory non. game birdq, their nests' or eggs is Itr(whilljted. The peasession of nlh;