HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-8-24, Page 1the !ru. %ttf o t POST PUBLISHING HOUSE BRUSSELS, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1938 ►,..... , Obituary Rally PEEP%!G WE KNOW, LOCAL NEWS 1 rEMS Listowel aw.wvswwvwti%sNNN ISAAC CHARLES RICHARDS District W.1. R Planned for Lis Bruce, N, Perth, N. Wellington• and East And West Huron To Be Represented The Women's institute conven- tion 'Poi the distaicts of Bruce, Ninth Penth North Wellington Huron East and West, will be 'Held at Listowel in Maedonald'e Hall, September 27 anti 28, The area executive, wrioh includ- es Mrs, Bert Cleland, Listowel, chairman; Mils. Maurice Johnston, Britton, secretary; Mrs, L, G. Croz- ier, Walkerton, vroviaciai directir; G, K. Armstrong, Formosa, and Mrs, R. Davidson, Dungannon; have plans under way and a large and representative gathering is expec- ted. Speakers' from hhe institutes beanie, department of agrdultul'e, the provincial board and others Qualified to deal with the various phases of W. I. wort( will be in at- tendanee, Reports will be given by the conveners of the standing committees in tate area. A banquet will be served in Knox Church, Lis- towel, on the evening of the first day. DANCE IN TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31st Music by Florence Sauer And Her Orchestra Enjoy dancing after the Stratford -Brussels Football Game Admission - Ladies 250; Gents 35c PLAY "Marrying Anne" will be presented by Union Young PeoplQ TIE In the Church Shed on Tuesday, August 30th Weiner lunch will be served Come and enjoy a gocd play and a good time Admission 25c and 10c Rev. H. Snell, pastor THE UNITED CHURCH 'M'ss Itaitleen Willits is visiting Mr, and Mee, W, Huggins, Mr, W. A, Lowy was a visitor at New Lielteard during tie past week, Miss Petty Wilson of ,Tamestown is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, attend, Wright, 'Miss Helen Barber of Conuecti^ Road Improved cut has. been visiting at the home Two county graders at'e busy of Dr. W, D. S, and Mrs, Jamieson, these days surfacng Mill street and Mss Jean Davidson of Windsor is the 5th of Morris to Ed, Pollard's visiting with iter parents', Mr, and They have a notice nip reading that Mrs, R. Davidson, all Iran tired vehicles anus' keel) •Mr. and Mrs. C. Buschleu and' off this road until the surface dengQl(ter Iiiaren nwehe weelo-end hardens, guests with. Dornock friends, - Mrs. J. T. Brown of 'Stratford CARD OF THANKS spent 'a few days fast week at the To those our friends -who by word home oi' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burgess, and deed helped cheer and comfort Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Hinds of at the time of the waning of our Albion, Mich., yere renewing old sister we tave this opportunity of friendships in town, saying Thank you and our heartfelt Mr. Wm. Wright is being esu- appreciation. Ployed at Walter Rose', who is re- The Hunter Family modelling his Walken ]louses _.a --z-- Scott Davidson and sisters Agnes Ladies Bowling Jitney and Jean have gone on a boat trip De:ptte the cool weather a large on the St, Lawrence. number of lathes competed far the •-lir, and Mrs, Mark Gardiner and weekly jitney tournament held at Yvonne were Sunday vis'itirs at the the bowling green on Tuesday even - home of Mrs, Champion, ing, Miss Doris 'McDonald taking Mrs. Lewis Fraser and Miss the honors with Mrs. R, J. Mc- Laughlin winning second prize. Band Concert A sacred Band Concert will be bele at Victoria Park, Sunday even- ing, The Pulb)ie is invited to REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., B,D- Minister August 28th. at 11 a.m.- Sam Henderson, of Palmerston During August Sunday School will meet at 10 o'clock a.m. ,.Theer will be no evening services „during the roliday season. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH M'JDERN AIR CONDITIONING NOW PLAYING Gene Autry • Boots and Saddles Smiley Burnette Judith Allen Gene Autry helps an impoverished Earl to manage his ranch Bertha Fraser of Chicago are guests at the home of W. A. Lowry, Mrs. Walter C. Seott and son Kenneth of Loudon are holidaying with Mr, and Mrs.. James S. Arm- strong, Mrs. John Graham and daughter Monica were week -end visitors with Chatsworth and Owen Sound friends. Mr, and Mrs. Victor Spooning and Dorthea spent a week's holiday with Mrs'. A, Leith, She accom- panied these home. George and flies. Johnson and Are You Interested son Billy and James and Mrs'. In Achievement Day? Armstrong and Master Ted sPent The 'Busy Hoeree Branch of the Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Armstrong, Girl's Garden and Canning Club 'Flora St. are holding their achievement day Mr, and Mrs, Milton Oliver of oil Friday, August 26 in the library. Sault Ste Marie has been visiting Mr, MoLeod and Miss Durnin with the loaner's s'is'ter Mrs. R. S. will speak; a demonstratieh and Waewick, j canning will be given. Each 0 Mr. and Mrs, E. D. Ewan and 1 the .members Will take Part in the daughter Mildred, vivito(' on Sun- 1 progr aanane; Everybody is wet day with the formers' mither, Mrs. lome, D. Dense Fog Cause of Mishap While returning home to Win- throp after the induction iu Mel- ville Church, Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Blanshard and Mrs. Dodds of Win- throp, were unfortunate in running into the ditch, upsetting the car on its side, No one was injured, Tile thick fog was accountable for the accident, MIDNIGHT MIDNIGHT SHOW Sunday Aug. 28 beginning 12.05 p.m. MON„ TUES., WED„ Goodbye Broadway Alice Brady Tom Brown Chas. WInninger Trese ham hoofers wanted a chicken farm so they could raise there own eggs Instead of having them thrown at them NEXT THURS„ FRI., SAT Francis Lederer Francis Drake The Lone Wolf in Paris Also John Luden Eleanor Stewaare Rolling Caravans Bowling Jitney i The dearth ocnumred, of Isaac A mixed Jitney wvs held on Fri- Charles Richards at 140 Dowling day evening, the following were the AVe„ Toronto on Saturday morn' winners, Alex Rutledge rink firet; ing, August 200, 1938, The re - 1 I. Ross 'Craig'v lt}wan, 3Ir, and Mrs. D. C. Ross and lies, Joe Burchill Had Maguhe of Ethel and Mr. and Mrs, I Hand Cut By Hatchet Munroe Blain and Sheila of Toron- ' to left Saturday for a motor trip to Joseph Burchill, suffered a cut Maine l wrist, the would inflicted by a Mrs Maud Eclentier and Glenn; hatchet in the hands of a compan- Mrs. (Dr.) J. Field and daughter, ion. The injured lad, along with Barbara, of Manchester, Conn. were several otters was playing along visitors at the home of 1Mrs', E. the banks o1 the riven when the ao- McKe1vey last week. eclent occurred. The lad wielding Mr. and Mrs, Tom Taylor and the hatchet was cutting nicks in a daughter of Blyth, Mr, Jas, Cutt and tree when the mishap occurred, The daughter of Goderich visited on boy vvas' taken to Listowel liemor- Sunday with Mrs', McKelvey, ltd Hospital for treatment. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Miller Jr„ Mrs. This, This, Miller, Sr, and Mona BELGRAVE MAN ADVISES spent Sunday with their grand- FOLLOWING A HOBBY mother Mrs'. A. Wilson, Atwood John Bell, 04 Belgrave, celebrated celebrated her S i:d birthday, Mfrs. Alfred Lowry is spending his riah birthday hobby asy last Saturday, His hohUy has been part of yon vacation with her wood -working and. he has kept at it daughter Mrs, Matthews and Gln- all his life, doing it more extensive- ily et Forest. I ly since his retirement from the Mr, Geo. Kelly of Winnipeg and barns a number of years ago, Sev- Mr, Win, J1uLeod of Cypress River, eral of his violins, made from bird's - Man„ are visiting old friends in eye -maple, nv111ch was grown on his Brussels and vicinity. The gentle- 1 old homestead and seasoned for men are blothers iu.law, 11 over 75 years, have been considered Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Norton of as valuable, Always handy with Toronto were visitors in town. lir, tools, he made and built an entire Norton WAS a resident of Brussels house on this farm in Morris Town - when a boy and so thought he'd like sdhip to see the old "ewtmniing hole." 1 Mrs. Norton is a daughter of Sir Henry Follett. 11. Downing rink second p 1 Parlors ,Queen tereet west, from Teacher where funeral services were eon. BTakes Clifford ducted an Monday, August 22nd,. Takes Cliffood Post with interment being made in The Schno] Boatel of Clifford ('on- tinuaticn School has engaged John Brussels cemetery, The services T, Smith of Brusesis as principal were conducted by Rev, Vesee o4 of the public school. 'Mr, Smith Toronto and Rev, J. Graham, Brus- sueceeds W. S. Argent who has' ac. sets. ,firs, Hartley Peffer sang the favourite hymn of the deceased, "Abide 1Vitli Me," The late Mr. Richards was a real - rize j mains rested a1 i le Single Copies 5c Rev. Samuel Kerr Inucted At Brussels An induction service for the Rev. Samuel Kerr into the pastoral charge of Melville Presgyteriau Mama), Brussels', was held on Fri- day evenlug when Rev, J, R, Greig of Bluevale, presided, and' Rev. Lseer of 1t1PleY, conducted Divine worship, Rev, W. A, Williams of Cranbrook, narrated the steeps to the call and Rev, K. McLean of. \\'In :ham, addressed the minister, and Rev, C. H, McDouaid of Luck - now, addeessed the congregation. George Noatrwood and Archie Bal- lantyne sang a duet thatwas much appreciated, At the close of the service Dr, T, McRae and Dr, W. D. S. J$amiesxtn iuteeduced the .mem- hers and adherents to the new minister and his elle. after which a social bane was .Fee nt in the base- ment of the churnh where refresh- ments were serve 4, Rev. Samuel Kerr was formerly pastor in Avon ton Presbyterian Church. cepted a Position in Toronto. Moving Picture Sattended tow he dent of Brus•}els en A Bond crowd reale. While here he conducted a , !motion. picture show here at the y' ' town hall on Monday night, The Harness and Shoe Business in the Gamulage block, which be owned. show was sponsored by the Deus- sets was a member of the Melville ano Legion. It is expected thatthPresbyterian. Church, the I. 0, F., nearnashow will and put on in the St. John's Masonic Lodge end the fLegion re again the ort.menC.0, F. Ile served for a time on of ask for your support• the Brussels council. Pr -a _- The deceased was 'born in Bay'- Good This ects Lookokis Year Herd on August 5th, 1859, being the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Richards' of One of the best looking younger k . H a 'Married to COMING - George Brent Olivia de Haviland Gold Is Where You Find It F. F HOMUTH Optometrist Harriston, Phone 118 GREY Clinton Has Case Of Infantile Miss Betty Best of Brussels is i Paralysis li t f her holidays with I Mrs, Paz' o h Mrs, Cecil. Robinson of the 1•ith Home Quarantined By Order of orchards in Huron this year is that that Puce e was of Mrs, Robert Thomson, She has Alice Jane ,Collison, who passed about 14 acres of twenty -year-old away same years ago. They mov- tr^ees which are going to bear ex - where from Brussels to Hamilton j eePtonally heavy crop of apples where they resided for four years • this' fall, Many growers through• before going to Pasadena, Calif. out the district have been visiting where the death of Mrs, Richards the orchard recently, She is to be oeeurred, After five years residence congratulated on having such a well there lir. Richards retuned to To- 1 kept orchdd, onto, where be Passed peacefully T• in his sleep, There survives to mourn the death of their father, three sons, 1 C. D. Richards, Toronto; Dr. P. W, Richards', Mount Vernon, \Wash,; and H. A. Richards of Glendale, i Cailf, 'Pile sympathy of family friends in Brussels is extended to the be - 1 Dr, non. of Grey. J. W. Shaw, M,O,H., As o The many friends of 11. L. Taylor , Dread Malady Attacks Boy - were sorry to hoar of the cleatr et Clinton, Aug, , .-A case of in - their mother, Mrs. David Taylor and their symnpathy wee shown by the Janine -paralysis has broken out large funeral last Thursday. I here. BobbY, younger member of Well the harvest is nearly over I rho family of William Tidewell was for 1038 bat the showery weethel' taken ill ote Friday and when Dr, has delayed the stook threshing, I It. Douglas' was called he diag• Augus Brown whose barn was Dozed the symptoms as tbode of destroyed two Weeks ago has the ' that dread diseae, The home on foundation repaired and the falvneis j Huron entitled rnbreet. West der of IlasJb en quer- Shaw, aro busy getting the timber tagetlroa' Y M.0,1•I', Bobby Tidewell is a little and will soon have it, un, Mr. Hemingway and Stan- tot of 8 years of age. The family ley, of Detroit, returned to their eollallets' of the 6tartnts. Iwo ileegll- home last Sunday after spending 4enf, Misses Nora and Pearl and two weeks' of his vacation at . his four boys, ITar'rp, I`c'ed, Billy and In Brussels the Second cottage at Tn verhuron and with his Bobby, Dr, Douglas' stated .hal Thursday each month. parents, Mr, end' Mrs, W. J. Hent- the child has every symptoms of Phone 26X ingtway, Women's Institute To Hold Short Course The Brussels Women's Institute are bolding a Short Course of five days, from Sept. 5 to 9th in Plan- ning and Prelgiring Meals', This Contract Let For Oil DrillingIn Hullett Twp. According to informatioa given out by the promoters, e contract has been let to Jackson & McItii- boP, drillers, to drill for oil ou the Mann farm in Hullett townsbiJI, and the drillers are now on 111e Property prevaring to commence operations. Indications are said to reveal a '"lure of oil'' on the property, which is a mile or Iwo east of the Trewar- tha farm on wbch promising Indi- cations were reported some months ago. This new project is being financ- ed locally by the Hidden Lake 011 Com.'pany. This company is dis' Course le to be held in the Public 1 tinct frown the Huron and Brace LilIraiy and the Instructress is reeved relatives, { 011 Company, thatugr the personnel is Mise Jean Scott. Iis open to ce rtn ro of the two companies is much the ail ladles and teen-age girls in tele same J. A.Daly, Seaforth, is Community. Any .further particle MRS. GEORGE TAYLOR semletary of the Hidden LCke Com- lars own he sullpliecl by the W. I. Isabella McIntosh, widow of : pany, members President, Mrs. W, S. Scott or David Tay(or passed away at her j It ie expected that the drilling in members af the Brandi, home, Lot 15, Con, 16, Grey, atter , now being commenced will strike oil at about 1500 feet, and the pro - motors are looking forward hope- fully to the coming in of a gusher that will make history in Huron cannty, The Huron and Bruce Company also is said to be ,coming along" in ship, Her husband predeceased its preliminary operations. the average yield for the province -* +- au illness of one week, Fall Wheat Crop She was the daughter of the late Largest Since 1926 Donald and Janet McIntosh, the Ontario department of agricnil last remaining member of a family ture estimates Ontario's 1935 fall of twelve. She was born on July wheat crop at 20,030,000 busreis 14 1856 and was married in 1378, largest crop since 1926. The month- • living her whole life in Grey To\wn- ly crop report issued recently sets at 27 bushels an acre, eompared her in 191.1. with 26 bushels in 1937 and a 15- Of a family of three, one eon, Year average of 21,1 bushels en ' Robert Laren survives, One son acre, 1 David died in infancy and one The acreage this year is estimat- daughter Jennie, Mts. John E. e clot 7.12,0811 acres and is the high- 1 Evans predeeeased her in June 1923. est :dace 1927. Last year's acreage Mrs. Taylor was of a kindly lis- ne=etion, honest and .upright in all was estimated at 718,813. Leaf and steam rust reduced the her dealings, And a woman who geld in Eastern, Western and "Dr,ke uo ill of her neighbor, Her Ontario, but the improve- kind influence will be greatly miss- ment in Southern Ontario of more ed bit the community. than five bushels an acre more than t The funeral was bold on Thurs- day. August 18 and Was very largely att ended, Mullein how highly es- teemed she was. i11 the ('0111x1101111'. The service was conducted by Rev. offset the decline in other sectioue, —*—*— Church Notes Services in Melville Pres'byteriau Church on Sunday were conducted W. A. Williams of Knox Presby - for his morning text John 1-14, .And ter'ban Church, Cranbrook, of which for his morning textt'n Ji 1-14, deceased t "And •1 ea e1 was a member° During Ston, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas McKay and Mrs. John Benneweiss of Brod- bagen and Mrs, V. Brown. Stratford. Anna Elizabeth Hunter On Aug. 16, at the Megrim Gen- eral Hospital, Toronto, Anna Eliza beth Hunter entered the life i mortal, after an idlnese of theth mons diaration. Born at Pi River, Bruce Comity and later 1 ing in Morris, Huron County, t. fancily moved to the village of Brussels. After living three years in Fergus, site and her sister took up their residence in Toronto. In the capacity of a nurse for a nmm- ber of years she ministered to the blit' word was made flesh and dwelt thee service two favourite. hymns of a chapel service among us," and in the evening .firs. Taylor were sung. and George sick, toevening of Aug, 17; front Luke 21-10, ''In your patience Evans very appropriately sang a was held on the 'In Toronto Aug, Mut filo p ssess Ye yowl souls:' Mrs. J, C. ! beautiful auto entitled: "In the Land and at two t'ceotenerai service was held in the United 'Clntnch, Brussels, where she once held membership, This service was in Change of Rev, A. IV, Barker, and Rev, D. M, Guest, close friends of the family. The interment was in the Brussels cem- etery. Surviving are twee° sisters, Misses Mina and Clara Hueter, Toronto and Rev, \V. Fai11s Hunter, Waldwick, New Jersey. Floret tributes were presented etc follows;- basket pillnw, Miss Mina, Clara and Rev. W. Fallis Hunter; spray, Mrs. J. 1;. Hunter, Alma, Betty and Ronald; sprays, nieces and nephews Elizabeth, Anmett, Clara, Haley, Robert end Roy Peter, A. .Wreath by Brussels friends; spray, Mr, and Mrs', Milton Lake; eyeteeth and bouquet, Dr, and Mrs. Elliott and Mrs, H. Noble; spray, M1', and Mrs L. Jones, Lawrence and Sarah; s'h0y J. MacKay, R. Gordon and R. Clark, Many friends frown. Auburn, Blyth, God•erieh and Kincardine and from Brussels and vicinity were present at the service. Brighter, (Meet far, than laving, Scott of Calgary sang a nolo at the \\-here the Roses Never Fade.' morning service, and the choir She was laid to rest beside her gave an anthem at the evening h-ueband end ch1111•en in Cnanbrook service, Morning service in St. cemetery. The pallbearers were John's Anglican Church was con- friends of long standing viz; John ducted by the rector, Rey. John . McNabb, Louts Steles, John. Steiss; Graham, wro is preaching a series John Shiels, Geo. Hoegy -end. 110005n of sermons on St. Paul's epistles. I Johnston, Service in the United Church on liany and beautiful we1'0 the Sunday morning was conducted by ' floret co1111 tiius: pillow, R, L. the Rev,A, M. (rant, B.A., 13.11,,, it Taylor; spray, Janet McNeil; spray, Wroxeter. Evening service is web - The licNabb family ; spray 7'he drawn during the minister's ale IInnter fatuity; spray, bar, and Mrs senna on his holidays, Geo, Evans and J, Stess; spray, Mr. BORN and Mrs. L. H. Gordon;spray, Mr. and Mrs Joliet Benneweiss, spray, RUTLEDGE-To Mr, and Mrs, :Mr. and Mrs, John. Evane, spray, Jack Rutledge, 011 Wednesday, Wm, and David Harvey. spray, Mr, August 24111, 1933, a son,, DEATHS McLEOD-1n Rowlett Twp., on Tuesday, August 231'd, 1938 Margaret Ellen Herr, beloved Miss Janet E. McNeil of Seaforth; wife of WM. McLeod, In her Mr, and Mr's. Edward Clark, Miss 32n11 year, Nellie Clark and Melvin Hamilton k`unerai will be boldboldfrom the home of Lislo\v^e1; 'Win. and David Har - of her sister-indaw, 11rs. Ilegh vey, 1Tr, and airs, Wm, Ward, Mr, With no trace of or pain; \V, Edgar, Lot 31, Concession 6, I Harvey Snelling Mr, Nelsotl Davide Robed in a erlwoe orapai Idawirk Twp, Service at 2 p,m. son of Moukton; 1'tr, and Mrs, W We will sea her once again. Interment in Wroxeter Cemetery, J. Manley, til`, and :Mrs, P, .J, John - and tins, \V, C, Stevenson Friends in attendance from a dis- tance wet o: air Harvey Tarr, of Sarnia; Mr, and Mrs. Neil McNeil of Belmore; Il. J, MacMillan. and