HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-8-17, Page 6THE BRUSSELS PAST Wb7nNi6SD C, ,A,UCrZT T 37t,h, 1638 News and Information For the Busy Farmers (FURNISHED Ey THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE) N.cir1 Drop Report 13ruce County reports its wrest an areas), (041 1lelal yielding well an oe.rasbell !'rests yielding well with Koh( quality. In 1)ufft r1n the nrop is hails affected with rust enol ix Un y a. sivatlsr eondttion the beat Ill five years, but a gee. eras outbreak of smut and aiOny worm inroads have reduced pro• silents to average. Wheat is run- ning up to 40 bushels per acre in Uraut depending on the winter kl11ing and rust. lialdimand also has a wheat crop running 40 bush- els to the erre or better, The nar- kot for new grain in Lanrbton ds' very low, prices quoted being: has made the yield disappolntinl,, 1lttrley and oats' prospects in that A'. 401(1 are exceptionally good; Iknst also did much damage in 11:-l0'agton (helots, liktstrisp in North Slno's', In the latter come ty the Prop of oats pinnised tc be New wheat Olc; barley 42o and' cute good yields of satisfactory purposes is looking splendid in 1,)ncoln and has made tremendous growl h reoeul ly, Some crops in Middlesex have been Deasy lodged by 0urnis, but carry threshing re- turns of wheat and barley indl• I cats giod Ylelkls of salleta.etony quality. Rust has damaged Treat' and oats; 1n Oxford county, Fruit Crop Report Total clue* production this season is estimated at 123,600 I1n:esu+ls as contpar-:a1 with 101,900 in 1037, A 3% 'decline a produlhfiOn I of peals is indicated, with cane, ditions se fin' very fatveurnble for good sizing and clean fruit Pro. 1linlion, Tree and fruit (levelip- meat nl' peaches Is excellent, with ; mhnhntun of fungus' or insect In- jury apparent., lirhile some early varisUl's have shown split -pits, 010 condition 19 not expected to be snore serious' than (Muer, 'Pim pre- linlinaly forecast 01 yield places the crop at 515,200 bushels, as compared with 026,700 bualtols last yeas'. W11f10 the set of plume Is very irregular, the existing prop is now developing well, with 0011 normal drop having taken place, Pests are well under rotntrol. Ptt- drtei.1011 is expected to be about the Manse us a vete ago, - Cotl(idtlon of grapes is excellent for good devel- Dumont of bel'l'ies an .d0ine gr}wtr, '('1111 copper and other pe5'ls well controlled, Sunnier Care for Brood Sows An nbuudant's of good pasture during the sunu1101' greatly 1'e- 7fr BLUE SU ... left out the blue color ad called at "Canada's New Gaso- line". . . then matched it against gasllnes, including 13 pre- mhu paced fuels, in tests made by 1059 :otorists in six cities t LUE StINiCO letri4 p 4:12a TO.WHOM IT MAY CONCERN-- Sealed ONCERNS r n unidentified water— whitelocal Sealed. drums received by gasoline in Montreal, Ottawa, London' Quebec, eToronto, Hamilton the soak, and resentatives broke line to gallons of this gaso motorists in gaps ten 8 eleven hundred ed out the approximately having drain these cities, after h as in their tants' called upon those mot g our representatives their Later, motorists and obtained unbiased answers. We tabulatede tnass of certify to the core reports and the figure in this advertisement, 1938. This Study was conducted. during LTD MIGHT DIRECTORIES, ti. T. Do $aa» R Cw., LIMITED ,r., oi'.• ..u.,n momwmaam June 21st, 1930 Sun Oil Company, Limited, Toronto, Ontario. Gentlemen: This will advise you that our representative was present during the filling of diems of gasoline. In both Montreal and Toronto, used In tho teats which you are making'on gasoline named by you Canada's Now Gasoline". These drums were scaled mita our marks with tamperproof seals. Samples of this new gasoline were compared in our laboratory with samples of the New Blue Sunoco taken at random Prem retail dealers' tanks, ,Our analyses show that the gasoline used In (heat, tests was the same is every respect as the Now Slue Sunoco now on male to the public except for the blue coloring Which. we understand, was omitted to avoid Identifica- tion by motorists an rho teats. In our opinion rho coloring, dooa'not affoot.tho pertormanoo of this gasoline in any way. Yours very truly. J. T. DONALD AND COMPANY, Limited. site Vinic. VIceeProaldent. tkiN t%ehaI&en 920 OUT OF 1069 MOTORISTS CONVINCED THEMSELVES THAT THE NEW BLUE SUNOCO IMPROVED THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR CARS ! These motorists were people like yourself, came from all walks of life, drove practically all makes of cars. They tested New Blue Sunoco on the highways and byways, wider exactly the same conditions you will encounter—tested Blue Sunoco against the gasolines they had been using, 30 of them, 13 of which were premium priced, PROVING THAT BLUE SUNOCO IS A MOTOR FUEL OF SUCH AMAZING SUPERIORITY THAT IT RANKS AS AN OUTSTANDING GASOLINE. LABORATORY ANALYSIS PROVED THE GASOLINE THEY TESTED WAS THE SAME AS THAT SOLD TODAY AT ANY BLUE SUNOCO PUMP AND AT REGULAR GAS PRICE. Test this New, Improved Blue Sunoco today in your own car. Do like these motorists did. Convince yourself that Blue Sunoco is today's outstanding motor fuel at any price! e and Inip to 1� IL AT AT REGULAR GAS PRICE Harry Champion's Garag FREE SERVICE' OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "'COLLECT" fo WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 • INGERSOLL DRUSSELC PHCNk . 72 duces the cost of maintaining broad saws. 'Crops such as a'ape nl' clover supply needed inbterals, 'viltunies and other nutrielits. The exercise obtained in grazing aloe contributes in no small measure to tate gene -:'al health of the breed- ing stuck, with consequent bene- ficial results at furrottdng time. Sows raising only one litter' per year need, but little grain after the pigs are weaned, if .good. pastures are provided. While it is a miss take to allow suit's to bec:Olne too int, 11• IR equally unwise to allow thcat to became too thin. E0ou, Kraig shcerbl be riven to keep the setr•s in t:llritty eteldi((rnl, and ie any erect they should get some gran 1415)( las a mixture of ground oat,, ground barley and middlings supplemented with skirnanllk of Deb meal. for ttvo or three weeks before eroding tithe in the fall. Soma raie:rg two litter's per year naturally require more feed than than:.' Tai's:1..g only one, but if early spring and ),all litters Ma be ac- (' 1(10nida;ed, the average cost of reeving pigs to weaning age will be lc.wtl' if taro 111tet's per year are raised. ket herr•, m.uice faster gains When c etfined ti a pen but sole Pigs- r W hien ere to be reserved for breading, should be given gond pasture to ensure good vigorous breeders, They should: be fed lib- erally to ensure satisfactory growth when they ere on paters-, but If their yard is small and the gilts get °Illy a 'limited unmet of exara'ise, heavy feeding should be avoided. Bladder Campion Bladder Campion is couslder'ed one of the most serious Weedpests in (Jnta:io by the t'rup, Reeds and Weeds Branch of the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture. it is difficult to kill owini to its deep fleshy rootstalke and the numbers of stems growing from 1 crotch, The. /Town ns often down six to twelve Rit'((('z In the soil and this expiates the diftictdty in vet- ting it off with +tee plot/ and the need of deep plolving follofed 11y a stiff toothed cultivator with wide shares which overlap. Roots and foot stalks brought to the sur- face will not sut•rtve but ally per, Moe left in the soil with a :bud at- tached, will produce a new plant. T1lorough cultivation wi(1 eradi- cate Bladder Campion in cultiva- tion areas. Chemical weed killers is the only prmetiea) solution if the weed Is prevalent and cultivation impossible, The first plant found on your ,plepetky is a danger signal, says the Department. .Eradicate it and save trouble later. The Crops, Seeds 811d Weeds Branch, OM. Dept, of Agriculture, Toronto, will gladly forward. you free of charge a pamphlet on how to get rid of this dangerous pest, Write for ft Immediately. Bladder R;amitdon is souletintt's mtenalned "White Cookie" or "Catch,ity", Campion, however, can be easily idealized by its free- ly bt'ltm:Meg t('tsens, smooth leaves in pains which meet around the stem, its ,white flowers found in loose clusters often drooping and its Inflated bell-shaped calyx or pod, It Is from this. the ,plant sometimes gets the name of Bladder der Weed or Cow Bell. 'I1 is adapt- ed to h(1111 lam) soon llecu.mes' established if negieeted, Get after it new. Is. the best ad- vice of (11e Ontario Department o1 Alnico ltnre, ---- _^– TENDERS WANTED Tenders' will be received by the undersigned till August Oth, far two new closets for School Section No, 8, Morris, of th0 drawer type. To be delivered at the school before Sept. 1st. IatvesT O1' any lender not neces- sarily accepted. Phone 11-r-14 r, J, S11.Lr,131tS See. -Precis., Wingltanl, Y, 0. THANKSGIVING DAY SET FOR OCTOBER llth Ottawa —A proclamation wises the lode for Trnlhksglving Day 0h Oetober 13th, the second Monday in the month, was p11401$118d T8- 1T1181y in the Canada Matte.