HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-8-17, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAC, AUGUST 170,1, 1338 NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents CRANBROOK R'•,•, Pritchard of Montreal was in charge of the Sunday service at Knox Presbyterian church, He was' accompanied by his - sen brie of Gerrie, Rev, W. A.. Williams..11rs, Wil. Hants and aver. who are Vacationing at 13ruc•c Beach were home Over the weekend, :Vise A. Forrest, etre, M , Bagel and .4,111 at)rdltrt were guests of Rev, W. A, Williams and Mrs. Williams at Bruce Beach for a few days last week. Mies Mined Williams has been en:,aaed to teach S `, No. F, Grey. for the cnnsinr; term, Ralph :Seen. was a visitor at the home of his brother Jack In I3an- over on Snnday. GREY Don't forget Roe's church anni- versary on Sunday, Sept, 11th and the eerie -tailspin on Monday, Sept. 12tb. Watch the Post fur further partrc uleie. Ruth Thintas of Brussel, is vieteng rer cousins Dorothy and Francs Dennis of the 4th Con. Few, even of the oldeet resdents, of this tOw.ship renall a. worse storm than the one which lashed the countryside on the evening of Aug. 10. Damage was particularly heavy in the area about Jamestown, and Rees church. Chimneys were blown down, roots ripped off and valuable shade and fruit trees up- rooted. Tre damage to gardens, corn crops and the apple crop was quite severe also, Mr, Wm. McNeil of San Fran- cisco, California, as old resident of Grey was calling on friends last week, He saw many changes both in petaile and the surrounding country. He is the youngest son Of the late Mr. and Mrs. John linNefl. Duncan McNabb of Stratford rail- ed on rriends in Grey and Morris Iaat week. Mies Kate and Helen AlnNabb are home from Toronto where they were attending Sumaner Schiol. Mr, Angus Brown is preparing to build again, you can't keep a good man down, Harvest will be nearly over this week and threshing is the order of the day, the big etOr'm last week delayed It somewhat, but the re- turns to the farmer will be good this year. The many friends if Mrs. Angus C'armiehael were very pleased to see her home from the Sanatorium in London and looking so well, But she has to return for further treatments this- weak. Mt'. and Mrs, Wm. Ford and sort SS'nr, of Detroit alai Air, and Mrs. Hath l uclmaus of Grand Rapids, Mich., spent a few clays. wilt trends in Grey, They are old residents• beer except Mr. Pooputaus sad it 1 was his Met visit to Ontario, they' were ve:y ranch welcomed, • conte again. f` 17r. and Mts. H. (1, Armtsrong and fancily of Torauto were week -end vi tor? with the romp -Se brother Jae. acrd 1Ir. Armstrong, M:s. Kemp and grandaughter, es Pat McCalla of Newark, N.J. who have bean visiting with lits: Kentp'e brother, R, L. and Martin McDonald left on Monday fur home, Mrs. Kerne is bettrr known to tll,> old residents as Blanch MuDouahl. Mr. and Mrs. I;'rorge Hart of N•:w:y called in frieudsr in Grey over the week -end. M:'?, Jas, Armstrong and sou t Jimmie were holidaying in Toronto during thept . tat week, Ed, McNeil if Winnipeg was can- ing g on friends, la Grey ad Brussels title week Ile is the y'ougeet son of Heetor McNeil of Winnipeg, a fnrmIer s eekaown resident of Grey, Mrs. Will, Smith and Mrs. K. B. Heisey and sun of Toronto were visitors with Jas. S. and Mrs. = Armstrong. The many friends of Mrs, David Taylor`of the 16th con, will be sony to hear that she Is not as well as they lige her to be and Hope for a speedy recovery. The township stone crusher was working n Baxter Stevenson's gravel pit and 'moved to John Fischer s. Misses Jean Scott and Dorothy are Holidaying in Toronto, The School House or S.S. No. 8, Grey has been painted and other inrprovermeuts. Messrs H,lnee, and Brent of Ttowfridge had the con- tact, Mr. and Mrs, David Shiele who have been living near Ethel have moved to Gra.ita indurvey, south of Busseis and have bought the prop- erty of the late James Mann, we welcome them to their new hone, ( Miss Dena McInnis, Ethel, was a visitor with Jas, S. and .firs. Armstrong. One of the severest electric storms. was 'witnessed Wednesday of last week throughout Vie town- sbio, hlrees and cattle being killed, shingles blown off buildings and also roofs being endangered, the like of it has not nienys' qday. Airs. Meekel, Toronto, is a glest at the home of Dave and Mrs. Inglis. Wm. Hoy, 61.11 nln., was visited one night last week by .chicken thieves, and over tote rundred vain - able fowl was stolen, which means a great lose' to Mr. Hoy. Miss babel Cardiff, 4th con„ is a visitor this weey ut hone of her cousin, Mrs. F:.plt, Parish, Wine:tam. Will. and Mrs, McDonald and 11511 • daughter Nancy Lou, Detroit are enjoying their vitiation, at tete, home of the former s, brother and slater Duncan and aldss Annie .Mc- Donald. beet seers in Meeting held August 6th, 1935. Minutes of Iaat meeting were read and approved 011 motion of Leslie McVay, seconded by Alex. Alexander. Moved by Leslie McVay, see, by T. C, Wilson, that we insure our roads, parks, buildings and road maintainers with the General Ac• rident Assurance Co., for property damage at a coat of $162.00. —Carried Moved by Alex Alexander, sec, by Leslie McKay, that the Township rate by set at 3 mills, —Carried Moved by Thos. Dougherty, see., by Alex Alexander, that we in- struct the clerk to send to the Dept. of Highways, a statement of the Expenditure on the Beauchamp Creek Drain and also request them to send their Engineer to inspect the work. —Carried. Moved by T. C, Wilson, sec, by Thos. Dougherty, that all approved accounts he paid. —Carried. Moved by Alex Alexander, sec. by Thos. Dougherty, that we do now adjourn to meet on. Sept. 3rd or at the call of the Reeve. —Carried, The following accounts were Tata: School Section No, 7 $400.00 Snhool Sectio No. 7 500:00 Geo. Dunbar, stamps 3.00 School Section No. 2 158.00 School Sectlon No. 8 100,00 County Court Cerk, discharge mortgage Gen. Dunbar, stamps 3.00 Treats, Twp F.'lma, relief account 8.00 H. A. heys. asst Inspect Beauchamp 3.00 Alt pee ide 7,90 Freight .50 Prole-Treas. Indulin 1.46 J. H. Fear, weed inspector 3.35 Twp. Road Accts. 2334.74 J, H, Fear, r'lerk, Nova Scotian Lights and Shadows A lesson in the value of preserv- ZM natural beauty is written plainly across Nova Scotia's 21,- 000 square miles which retain an old-tim,e charm not to be found 10 as great a degree anywhere else in Canada. Three-quarters of the province remain forest clad, literally web- bed with rivers and lakes; the eternal Atlantic, and the mighty tides of tate Bay of Fundy lap its sun -kissed shores; a wise pro- gramme of fish and game protec- tion ensures sport for years to come, an inexhaustible supply of salmon from the ocean affords the world's best fishing in the coastal rivers each year. The remaining One-quarter of the province Is a, beautiful blend - Inc of sleep§ farmland, bustling cities, and secluded resorts, toned by the mellowness of age. The provinee is rich itt historic siles, which, because of their association with the early days of the Continent, are of peculiar In- terest to visitors. Annapolis Royal, Fort Anne, and the fortress of Loutaburg are among the rare - fully preserved places where im- portant pages of history were written, The Park at Grand Pre stows the land of. Lrtngfellow'a lvangeiine as it was In the days of the Acadians, Nova Scotia has stilt further apneals to the visitor—good rail- ways, modern .roads, and splendid hotels where provision hag been made for all types of summer sport: 01 these hotels, the best known are The Pines at Digby, open. from June 24 to September 14; Cornwallis Inn at Kentviile, open all year; and Lakeside Inn at Yarmouth, open from .lune 28 to September 8. The pictures above, top row, loft to right, show: 8 visitor examining lobster pmts down by the doekrt; the Queen of the Anna- polis Valley Apple Blossom Fes - deal an ox, the beast of burden common to the Maritimes; and the Canadian Pacific Steamship "Princess lieleme," which oper- ates a regular schedule aerosa the 13ay of Fundy between Nova Seo- tla and New Brunswick. Left to right hi the bottom tow are seen Fort Anne, l0vangeline's Cherah at Grand Pre, and a wharf -aide scent, f'NEE As an aftermath of the ec'lebraton 1 of Aug, 4, at Ethel, an nterestng act was proceeded with et the ]rile of 1. M. and Mrs, Beare, during the .past week, when a picture was taken of a group of the older cite zensr oe Ethel, which aenelU'ed in August 1211t twee of Stretford Beemou-Herald tueetter with a amort account of the ltlntroy ft Ethel of 'former years, Mr, Stevens' and Mlse E. Fear teacher+ its lltdiel 'public ,school have boot been re..engaged at ad increased salary. Sahel Presbyterian church, deo creme social was. dated for Aug, 16. John A. Wilson is installing a watts' supply system thtiughout ]tis fox ranter as, well as the residential part of his propel'tt'. C. R. Metier has had the exterior of cis village residence repaired, And whin painted the improvement u'ili be comlpleted. The pillage trus''ees base set a food example bf havng the weeds cut in the atm udder their control. The Cocuty has had similar work dine in the :Satan road, only, so far up to date, The freguemt rain and wind storms, are causing considerable damage to ripe uncut grain craps and delaying harvest uot'k in general. Many persons who have been slpendrg part time of their holidays In Ltrei and vicinity, have gone away to other parts n cintnuace if reerrea tion, A xneeting for tate initiation of C. 0. F, candidates was held Friday, August 12 in Crey Twp. Hall The membership of Court Ethel No. 261 C. 0. F. has been almost doubled within the recent weeks. This ceing the third occasion for initia- tions: ^Considerable storm damgaes to buildings, fruit trees and uncut grain and buckwheat crops are noticeable iu 'many sections of the cotnamm ty, The west end Of Con, 6. Grey for some distance, was ap- parently, in. line with a heavy storm. After several week's absence, while taking a special course in musico culture at Loudon, Arnold Earl was again. in attendance at Ethel Untied church Sunday School last Sunday as leader of tate orches- tra and song service conductor. Tre street dance at Brussels was an attraction and was the •centre of interest last Friday night for a number of young people of Ethel, Mr:s'. Wes. Armstrong and daugh- ter Glenna of Toronto have been holidaying at the home of Mr, and Mr's, JPlnnee for the past two ,seeks, Dr. H. G. and Mrs. Armstrong and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Wm. and Mrs, McInnes, BEL.GRAVE /eery GenTanip of Exeter spent the east week with relatives here. lIls. John Pearson of Toronto spent the week with C, R. Coulter and Albert Coultas; .Mrs Clayton' Proctor and daughter, Grace of Fort Francis, are visitors with. Ma,. anri Mrs. J. C. Proctor and other relatives. Mr. anti Mrs, Bent Yuill and John Yutdl of Teesnvater were Sunday visitors, with. Mr. and Mrs, le, J. Mckenzie, Mt: and Mrs, Gerald Vanderburg were honeymoon visitors with the bride's brothers, Charles and Albert Coultas; They flit nrnke their home at Athens, Ontario, Jerk Mttcllell of Rothsay, who is visiting with relatives here hall the miefor(une to fail off n horse al his uncle's, Robert H. Coulees, and break 1119 right ann, A very enjoyable evening was spent on Friday night when the members• of the Triple V Class of the United Church ententahted bile memlb!'rs of lee Excelsior .Clads, The hyo Pili$ ,r gatlu'rcd on the heath of Lake Huron at Fantail. After some had enjoyed a dtlp in the lake, all feathered Ingather and a number of 71'11€ were played The cumlptire was lighted and songs were enjoyed, 11u.rshurttltows were toasted unit laugh was( served, after wh4oh a few lryutus were sting and a very Medulla evening btougitt to a erose, eine, Irene 1Valslr of tale Stratford tle•ns t al •Hospital event a IVOt+k Will) her pa rents, Mr, and Mrs. Nonmen Walsh, The August meeting of the 'lVo• nor'n'e Association of Knox United ('baron was held nal the (home of Mrs, Cyrus. Scott on the sixth line of It:taI Waavanoah on Friday atter. noon with a splendid attendance present, Sirs, C, Proctor, site presi- dent, was in 4,erga. l'he meeting wee opened with the winging of a hymn,. Incere' by Nts, C, Scott, and LOOK TO YOUR EYES It is wise to haves periodical examination of the Eyes, at (east every two years, It is also wise to have your eyes thoroughly examined at REID'S. Here you are assured of expert, truthful advice and when glasses are necessary you receive the best at moderate cost. Stratford's Leading Optometrist R. A• Reid Far Nearly 20 Years AT BRUSSELS OFFICE —MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 %tale 51 for Appointment scripture reading by AIrs. M Gras, • by, The minutes of the previous ! meeting were adopted and the treasur'er's' report received, Mrs, A, Vincent <lisitlayed the guilt made by her gr•oulp. of ladies and it was sold. A piano solo by Merles Scott and readings by Mrs W, C. Scott and a solo by Mrs. Clayton Proctor, were all much enjoyed, Lunch. was served by the ladies and a social time spent. The services ie Knox United Church and Brick Church, were taken by the Triple )7 Bible Class of Belgrave Church on Sunday, Several members of the class, took part. The chess formed the choir and sang an anthem, A quartet with Charlie Higgins, Leslie Vin- cent and Borden Scott as members sang as a quartet "The Old Rugged Cross." The address was given by Leslie Vincent, the president of the class. There will be no service in either church next Sunday and on Sunday, Aug. 28, the services will be taken hy the 1Sxcrt:sit • Cines of the Belgrave Church. MORRIS AH', and Mrs: Hinds, of Albion, Mich., and Rev, and Mrs. McLauch- lin of Seegtatre, Ont„ are visaing at Margaret Kelly's. Soh line Morris. Airs', W. Gulley, Gunfod, 13.0„ Mrs. Roht, li'ad'wick and Mrs, Chas, Camtebel1, Morris, aceompan- fed the foraner's daughter, Miss Winnifred Colley, Reg_ N„ of Tra- verse City, Mich., who had spent the ,week -end at the home of her uncle Robt. Warwick, home for a week's visit DEATHS Hunter—In Toronto, General Hos- pital, on Tuesday, August 16th, 1938, Anna Elizabeth Hunter, The funeral will be held from the United 'Church, J3russels', on '. h rstla,y, August lath, 1938. Service at 2.00 pen, Imtermemt in Brussels Cemetery, Taylor—In Township of Grey, on Tuesday, August 1611,, 1938, Ise - belle Taylor, in her 33rd yeas', Funeral will he held from her late resldenee, lost 15, con, 16, Grey To vnsbi,p ou Thursday, August lath, 1938, Servide at 2.00 and 2,30 p.m. i'atttn•nrent inl Cranbtook Geanetery, BLUEVALE Rev. A, V, Robb left Iasi week on a three 's'eek's hohlay. Mr, and Airs'. Jas, Moses and Archie of Gray vsited on Sunday with Mr, Henry 'Mothers and fancily. Me. Andrew Hollies is visiting with firends in 9'oronto. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Ro'hertsoa and family visited on Sunday even- ing with Mr, and Mrs. Melville :gathers. 31r. and Mrs, Jack Battersby and Mr, Isaac Clugston of Freelton spent tre week -end with Mr, Henry Mothers and family, Sit'. and Mrs. Robs. Hoover of Cr'ey t'ltweewwEb .lir, andspMtrsa, Roldossartcllost Ja esee,kton, ist line. We are sorry to hear Mrs. David Johnston is not as well as her many friends would like to see her, Service in Knox Preshylerian Church ,vas conducted by Rev, Angus MacIver of Tiverton, speak- ing on the subject of "Christian Balminess" and the enemies to fight against. The regular service ,rill he 'withdrawn next Sunday owing to the re -opening of the Presbyterian Church at Gerrie. Clarence McCIenagl,an of White- church, president or the Young Peoples' Inion of Huron Pr•eeby' tery of the Unitcvl Ohurelt, took the services of Bluevale and Ebenezer United Churches on Sutulay. George Hetherington, president of the Y,P.U. at Bluevale, presided. Sunday visitors at the home of Miss Duff and Mrs, Aitkens were Air, and :Mrs. Mason Armstrong, Mr, Robert Armstrong, Misses' Loreee Bensinger enol Mable Faulkner, Howard Welsh, Donald Street and ClIliord Goodell a of Mooreileid. Mrs, Robert 'MacLean and two sons, Jlinl and' Donald of Wambau- shene, are with Mr, and Mrs. 1, J. Sellars; Mr. and Mrs', John Bos- nian and. baby of Dutton with Mr. and Mrs, Henry BOsmtan; Mr, and Mrs, Robert Hutc'htson have re- turned from a fire weeks' stay in Toronto. They have as their guest Mrs, Edith Taylor of Toronto. Mr. and Airs. Lowry, Listowel, and Miss Muriel Meadbw9, Milverton, with Mr, and Mrs, D. 13, Lowry, Mr. Young and son, Jim, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. 3, C, Higgins. Round Trip Bargain Fares' From BRUSSELS Fri. & Sat., August 19th & 2 D h To Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobuurg, Trenton Jet., Belleville, Napanee Kingston, Gananoquo, Brockville, Prescott, Mornisburg, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboto, Cam.pbellford, Newmarket, Penetang, Colldngwood, Mulford, Barrie, Orelict, Mid. - land, Grevenhurst, B,'acebridge, Huntsville, Calendar, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in New Ontario on line of Temis- kansing & Northern Ontario Ilrly„ Ndpissing Central R1y., Kaplskaa• ing, Lomglac, Naktna, Tasoota, Sioux Lookout, Geraidton, J'olltcoe Beardmnore, Pont Arthur, Meofoed, Barrie OrillIa, Meaford, Gravenburs.', Bracebridge, Sat. August 20th to TORONTO Also to I3ramtilotld, Chattbamy Ohestley, Clinton, Duritaan, the eter, Fergus Goderiob, Guelph, Hamilton, Jlunover, Iengston, Inger- eon, Kincardine, Kiteben.er, London, Lielowel, Mitokell Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paiaiey, Palmerston, Ports, Port 'Ogle., St, Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton, Wiarton, Wdnghant, Woodstock, Far Fares, Return Limits, Wale Information, Tlukets, consult nearest Agent, For Fares. Return Ltmtrs, Train rn)ormation, Telma, eolith nearest Agent. Sce Handbills. J CANADIA N NATIONAL.,