HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-8-17, Page 3THE t3RUS$ELS POST
Attend Western Ontario' bright, busy, up-
to-date exhibition, the gathering place of
big crowds and all that is best in agricul-
ture, industry, home and other exhibits.
PRIZE LIST .a $32,000
W. D. JACKSON, Secretary
1�iftl,l i
E;p'.I'SM'.B`ER 13,fi `''ON7API®
It Is peach time in Canada. Early
varieties If peaches grown in the
Niagara Peninsula, Ontario, and In.
the Okanagan Valley, British Col-
umbia are now on thcl market, and'
w-111 soon bee followed by later varie-
ties, -Tire year the mop if peaches
1, a good one, and the vitality is ex-
cellent. Of all the tracts grown none
es more lus'lnts nor more healthful
than pea( -hes, The fotlowiug recipes
tray prove timely,
?'.i, c'lp butter
1 eye
lir cup sour milk
teaspoon ground ginger
11,i cup, flour
l s tem blown sugar
1.11. Cup molasses
teaspoon soda
?Skil teaspoon ground ehma-
1 teuspo0n baking powder
f'r,-am batter and sugar, add egg
o ral heat well. Add molasses, then
hour milk. to which sicca, ginger,
an,' cinnamon have been added,
31ix well, i11.01 add flour anti bak-
ing prrwder sifted together. Bake in
g reased pan i,u minutes in glow
o ven 1225 degrees F.) Split while
trot and pile fresh sliced peaches
e t r
g u r ,usly between and on top.
Whipped errant may be served it
drat:' d.
2 elms 11,11r
15: teaspoon salt
1 egg
1.i ''1111 butter
31_ teaspoons baking powder
Is c•ltp sugar
6 (trite peaches
1 cup mlik
:Mix and sift flour, laking powder,
Sugar, and salt. Beat egg and
Milk and add to sifted Ingredients.
Add peaches, Stir as little as
possible to bleed well, Bake lu
Moderate oven (350 to 370 degrees'
P.) 25 minutes, Serve hot,
6 large Itemises
1 egg
2 tablespoons butter
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1S cups flour
% cup milk
5 coo granulated sugar
Peel and slice Fresh Peaches,
Sprinkle each layer with sugar.
William Street,
Brussels, Ontario
'Phone 65
Day or Night Calla
Director, ' 1
6 mbalmer and Funeral
Make a batter of the ingredienis
and drop by .apo0nfuiq over the
peaches, 13ttke ?i hour in hot
1 cup flour
3. cusp sugar
6 poaches
?1 cup butter
Pee] and Slice fresh Inaciles and
sprinkle ?e coup sugar ut r r -them,
Mix remaining coup sugar with
Ilcur and 1tb in butter t:(.0 well
blended and of crumb consistency.
Spread over Peaches and Lake in
moderate oven ':a hour, Serve hot
or cold,
Your mattress will be much vas-
ier to turn it you cut a yard of
wile tape. Into lour and sew a
"huudle" to eaoh corner,
When washing woollen sweaters
Pull gently into the correct shape
while damp, then tack to an old
sheet, This can be pegged to the
tine and the sweaters will dry jet
good shape,
Before :sorting to i,ou, put all
towels and glass clouds under the
ring blanket. When ironing is
finished you will fled them all
nicely pressed, '^_
Instead of tacking a long seam,
1111 a pae:•r clip t'very t We WOWS'
Steep the seam in place. It takes
a few' seconds. to remove the clips
1055wo gds,
Supposing somebody wants to
Play Nle piano at your party? You
will want those keys to gleam
whitely and Unite spotlessly at
the plefist, won't you? Rub them
over with methyltaetl spirit on a
(lean rag — It will 'clean and D01-
1411than at the same lime.
For really hall rases, mix whtt-
h(;; tied solution of potash to a
haste* anti spread it on the. keys.
Leave It for 24 hours, and when
you remove it, those keys will be
as white a5 when the piano was
Here's a hint for brnglug back
the original colons tc the carpet
that hat's been stained and stain
removed at sacrifice of nolnr, Rub
the damp part 01 the carpet, im-
mediately atter you've removed
the stain, with a Mire vinegar on
a .clean rag. You'll be surprised
when you see how brightly the
carpet rotors will shine, No one
Willi know there was ever a blem-
ish there,
To Visit Plowing Match
An official vislit by His Excel-
ency, Lord Tweedsmuir, Gayer-
tot•-Genera.l of Canada! to the in-
e4'natlotutrt Plowing Match at
Alinesing, rear Jlnrlle, Ont., 011
Phursday Ontober 13th, is an
Now Open Under New Management
Amerkan Hotel
(Fully Licensed)
All Home Cooked Meals
All white help throughout the hotel
Make it Your Home When Away
From Home -- Courteous Service
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pensen, Mgrs.
L. K. Parr, Prop.
mourned lby j, A. Cat'rill, Mara.
gar of this annual agricultural
event, the gr(atesi plowing match
1101 only in the British 1]mpire, glut
la the elitre world, '
Lsss4 year the Mt ertlauue was
oval 100,000 at the four-day event
and this record, it is expected
will he shalte:,xi this year, The
dates are October iltit to 14t11 In-
"'Phere is no doubt" states Air.
Calton. '`that 1111, ttvitalloll of Ole
Unt.aulo Plowmen's ' Association
Was act opted by 13is i(xcellency
because of his geltUille Interest in
all phages of trgreieulture and Par-
ticularly good plowing and fine
deutiard, the birthplace of Lord
Tit u,•t onuir, is rich In plowing
lone, and h'•, sons, well-ratl11et1 1n
the art hare trantp(utte6 a desire
101 frond euitivatiotl 111 every pert
IL tine. British Empire, particularly
Canada, %stele for over 1ti(i yeais
plowing (teethes, have been held.
"While there may be 70 or nxrre
modern and powerful tractors In
opt'rutiou on a busy day, double
that number, about 148 eompetis
ors, will uv0 strong reliable and
es 11 -groomed horses, the cream of
they pl,,wing trains in Canada, ''.1
hfotse Show is a s:peaiat feature of
1111. Mash', Mattes Mr, Carroll.
Should We Dye
Our Gray Hair?
That's the Question — Sometimes
Gray Locks Are More Becoming
Than the Original Shade,
it'ee all very well for the 25 -year-
old to say, "I'll never dye my hair,"
or "1 think gray hair is beautiful,
and why In tine world do women
!tate it?' But it is true that the
day a woman notices that she has
not hist gray hairs, ,but gray hair,
there is an important decision to be
Job For An Expert
In the first place, hair dyeing is
a job for an expert — —not an ama-
teur. Ono should go to a very good
beauty shop, .put herself In the
hands, of an experienced operator,
test that (,he gra yng locks be
dyed to match exactly the hairs
that are not yet white, It is' a nibs.
i s-
take for a woman whose brown
tresses are streaked with gray to
have her Iutir dyed red, or black,
or blonde. When the job is finish-
ed, her hair ,should bt' simply 11305511
tas tt once wee) instead of brown
and gray,
Only She Can Decide
However, if a woman holds a
job where a youthful appearance Is
an advantage, all of tate trouble and
expenfie involved may be very much
worthwhile. Or if white hair makes
a young woman look ntoi•e lake her
husband's mother than his wife site
certainly le justified In dyeing it,
Perhaps It doesn't, Perhaps it only
serves to soften her features, and
ntltkes her more attractive than
Only site can decide. And if her
decision Is in Passe* of tl'yeing, she
need never be ashamed to admit it,
Any beauty routine that makes for
et lovelier appearance and more
Itappiness L wortha trial.
by Grant Fleming, M. D.
The tiny baby does not have
measles provided• the mother hila
had: 1(11.5 disease, Tile 9itbes tattler
mush (el1'eUnl,'tllttee$ is' (111111tnn1e. to
n11'85les, Why, Rhee only about
17 or all persons escape Measles,
Is the little baby immune?
The reason for this pr01.000on is'
flet the baby ]las eithstanc•cy in its
vlootl, gained it is aluoet certain
.from the Mother, ,wlrirh prevents
for a (tint' at least, its tinting
It Is well known that one attack
rf measles almost invariably rot -
2055 It (won Ito iroteel ion age Met
sal/sentient atteudts, Rather rarely
t1 parson rimy have a second dose elf
measles, blit this is uncommon In,
a stades of 14.744 cases in Petty'.
armee, (5.5, 659 hada second attack
and of these 41 had tnc'nwitis a-
thh'd time. The slate similarity
between measles and Gorman noels -
lest aanonttti for ninny of the so•
r Ule'd Nevoli6' attacks,
1i1 :markt fever and dipllthera,
immunity conies with adult lira to a
eonsitieritale extent; this is not
the slate with measles for ln,
measles adults are just as' sescep-
\)'14DIN7tlSDA1C, .A,1:T.GUST 17th, 1928` reit, 10$
Is the Centre for Higher Education for
these Fourteen Counties
Lambton Elgin Waterloo Wellington
Brant Perth
'Huron Grey
Arts (General and Special Courses), Medicine,
Public health, Nursing, Business Administration,
Secretarial Science
For particulars: Matriculation, Scholarships, etc., write
London -- Canada
tilde is eh lid 1.=111 in feet measle,
is rather malignantin virgin 1'011.
Both ntoa les and influenza tray
wipe nut tt large Portion of people
who had never before ismer. t1c•r•1
these affections, In 1775 uloawlc"s.
was introduced into the San4w1021
1$111111111, and in -1 months, •1O,uUU of
a population of 150,11011 died,
The eon of the Chief of the F1ji
1"lanch carried the disease from
Sydney, Australia, to his home
with tis • result ,hat (me -fifth of 11"
population 151, 8)) died, These
facts iodinate that a certain amount
of resistaurte to the (11,:ase is re-
quired by tentauuuities iu which 1P
has trevaile.'d for a long time.
After au attack at nteaeles the
blood is rich its what ore called im-
mune 1(1(511115, able to neutralize the.
virus if the disease. This property
or the blood gi'adnally Weakens with
ad5aneing age but retains its ef-
ficacy for eft. Because if this,
convalescent serum, that. ie the wet-
ary Part of the blood or a 'Jers'on.
who has had measles, is now used
to cut short an attack. If given be-
fore the middle of tike peeled of in-
cubation, an appropriate close of
exposure. an appropriate dose of
this serum w^il lasually protect the
Person exposed. This pl'otection
will last for three weeks, Fresh
whole blood tv(13 art quite us wren -
'Phe serum is injected into mus -
('11 smr tissues.
If given hrtw-een the 6th and Sth
clay atter exposure tate ;cram will
not prevent but 111 likely to modify
the seriousness of the attack, Al'toi
the rats'h appears the serum 8ee•nte
to have no effect,
Measles is art extremely "catch-
ing" disease, Its virus is prollahly
transaudtted by means of the secre-
tions 1,r the nose and throat and
Moet often (11111118 tate early stages
of the. disease.
1t is always Wise' to pte.vent, if
possible, ('11111 ren taking measles, It
is foolish, as parents used to do,
needlessly to expose their rhiider•n
to this or any other infectious dis-
ease, Over Otter of the fatal cuse11
occur during the first flue year of
life, Ilf confalescent 80112110 55
pronitply used we can prevent Cleats -
les, or at tenet lessen its ill effeots.
Frank and Gordon Eliiltt, their
sister, Miss Gertrude Elliott, aJeo
the Misses Chttter of London return-
ed house this week from a two
week's trip to Beardmore ware
W. A, Elliott, who Is manager of
Rit'rgreen Mining Company, aaier-
tained toren. 'Tele trip was mode
by way of Chicago. Duluth, Font
and Nlptgon where they
went by tail to Beardmore, The
return trip was Houle by Saue,. S.c.
Marie and North Bay,
Allss Kathleen Logan, oat•;( 11.•
training at Guelph General Hospital,
visited her parents. Wm, and hi. e,
Logan tris week; Mr, and ?t'a, 1R,
D. Philp and family are enjoyla5 ac
Motor trip this week.
Rev W, J. Taylor of Dort',, ,re's
will have charge of the morning
service ill Gaited Crural on Sunday
next, The evesine' stltlia•e y(11 he
withdraw ,dtnu•ing the month of
Mr, and Moe. Peter Douylas of
Hamilton spent a few days with
Airs: hlcinnee and Mrs, Younb,
Myth Tennis Chub now has their
new court 111 excellent condition.
The hull on the agll(ui(1)1`.1'
grouulls ,:licit wag taken clown,
and rebuilt Will be in 1eadine•., 111
the Fall 1•'air t(•, be held in N•- 'en(.
Weeds! Weeds!
i,i1 owners of property take notice
that weeds !growing ml their lands
meet he curt alowu and destroyed by
August 16th and kept cut 1Ln,0rah-
out the year. Failing this tete weed
Insprc•lor will Misr the sato:' to 1)0
(lestrOyed and the cost charged
against the property let taxes,
brussels Council.
Two Cltinego women picked six
be something In intuition after all.
Winne!rs in seven tatces. There masa
Mode For Autumn
Will Be Colorful
Even Coats Are Brigrt: red, Rust
Wine and Cr^pe Peptdar
NEW '. .1sK-- .•:u;:'r• w.'1( In
KAP', in autumn, says a 'hemline,
(1111 w'1, wide gay in 1111, Spri"• and
all ,4U1 !met' long,
We're glad, however, that color
we ;be wean dnriug the autumn and
tri: ❑-r. color helps to uplift spirits,
witirl1 nlliy h'. 41t-)n-o'o1',( d -,y tor,
mutt black, , though 111at'l( Is.
always smart. g
Not One Black Costume
A fashion 'liow«t$ •:;1 (•,1 re.
11.11(li'--all coats and suits -and not
one black ntutlr•I among (iletni A
reit rust Was tt 2ss\'uri11. shade. Wine
and gentle are tee, lying a gond deal
of attention, al.d ioRu5ing them are
"purple pinln," deep (om'el greet,
slate blue and brown.
Coats are seen in beth fitted and
stlatght .ruelels, tre fitted models
leaving quite full skirls,
Sir Stafford Crisps le 1101 very
original. He is travelling incogni.
to in Jainaies under the name of
"Sir. Brown."
Crooks in 'Toronto held up the
wrong man, The latter rte under-
stand dict not insist upon them go-
ing ahead with the thing.
Recent 11111521(011 show's that
while it may not he possible to fight
on soft drinks, it is not difficult to
tight over them.
Canadians seem to 11e made
tough stuff, They can get lost
the woods for days and emerge
stu,prisingly good shape,
in l
1 ('1irat:0 broker has played 144
11911,$ of golf ill a day, out regret-
fully woe hove 10 report that most
the world's major problems still
rctuetu unsolved,
i'ustibieti's of disposing of Can-
ada's new wheat crap abroad are
etntsidered bright, The Dominion
can stalttl a lot of that kind of news.
It is said that l6,t1UU cars park
illegally in Toronto every day, This
prnhb.m of what to do with auto-
nmbiles when they ate not in. use
.111' to be tut big fur municipal
Meve1lune nte everywhere.
A nitstt.r,rist stats described fa To-
ronto pollee court 118' note of those
feljosss wits valued 'wait 'a little
while," There are a lot of them
stud they cause a large number of
the ae'idents.
Tornn10 new•spapere announce
that Toeotlo henceforth is' to have
a sane Sabbath. We inlagiue, how -
e' 1,r, that it will still seem like a
week to a Montrealer,
Toronto paper reports the play-
ers of a gob: club De. carrying on
with their gauges despite the des-
truction of the chtbhous, by fire.
Best what did they do about the
nineteenth hole?
The fate of Mieltey Cochrane, De-
trntt, manager, :should serve to con-
vince young athletes in every $port
that the rid :laying, a hero today
and a tramp tomorrow, is 100 per
cent, true,
Oshawa lar has been chased
out of bit house by grasehoppor's.
That is. contrary from the usual
(shoats custom as it is gettetatlly
the bailiff who does the trick.
,Clean Sweep Sale of
Cars.Trucks Tractors
1937 De Luxe Ford Sedan with Heater & Radio
1937 De Luxe Sedan with Heater
2 1937 De Luxe Ford Coaches
1937 Standard Ford Coach
193(1 De Luxe Ford Coach
2 1936 Standard Ford Coaches
1936 Standard Ford Sedan
1935 Standard Ford Coach
1934 De Luxe Ford Coach
1933 De Luxe Ford Coach
1932 4 -Cylinder Ford Coupe
1936 Terraplane Sedan
1932 Chevrolet Coach
1931 Chevrolet Sedan
1929 Chevrolet Coach
1929 Chevrolet Coupe
1929 Chrysler Sedan
1931 Chrysler Coupe
1930 Plymoth Sedan
1929 Plymoth Sedan
1928 Plymoth Sedan
1927 Plymoth Sedan
1931 Ford Victoria Coupe
1930 Ford Coach
1929 Ford Coach
1927 Ford Coach
1927 Buick Sedan
Model T Touring like new
1926 Essex Coach like new
1937 Heavy Duty Ford Truck (like new)
1936 Heavy Duty Ford Truck (like new)
1931 Ford 11,2 -Ton Truck
1930 Ford 11/2 -Ton Truck
1932 4 -cylinder Ford Pick -Up (like new)
1929 Reo Panel Speed Wagon
1932 Fordson Tractor (like new) $475.00
1927 Fordson Tractor '(toe -conditioned) • • • • $275.00
I Re -conditioned Fordson Tractor & 2 -furrow Plow
Complete $250.00
1 Black Percheron Horse 6 -year-old
L. & W. Jackson
.1 a't-
,. 1911,
1' 00
nes -
fol -
s on
1 rate
a paid
meet -
'ed at
bid Ion
11 be