HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-8-17, Page 2THE ERUSSELS POST Don't Miss This New Romantic Story Starting Tozday ENTITLED "FORBIDDEN" Bv lAllan Rhodes • • sts t' • •:r ' nst,tt:: 3t w1:1 "1. •. A e..:tadt fou sr: aommented th• , ' :'•. 7.3 tiy 3:333tt, te'.et4 3,34: 33.33 31.3.34.eit.-- r, , :tsi• sttrised ary rty• nty thvies " her ve...e Itarden-sl s!rte htt.1‘.54,c4,1. ‘13:4 fe..t he.r bed!: gW42. 114.1 nnderstarti "Puttes! dot: t suppose Y.1 bay,' e3:1:1":Sekl. thein-ateoetitng • .1i.tr. •:', 4' . - • =3. '.•:". ts duty. ' Eh: pans- ..ted ided. but tf this were to earth, .3.. 1.1 :oek ba.k at ard say well She st'intW., restIess7,, then sad - site bsard. the 3s. m- ..4:7 3:3 -it A 'Iing 'eta: clttttbe:1 . arm. tr. a panic of silent a3:7411:-- -.3"73e• ...t sa-sep -In off. Bat • • ' • . 37 "..t :Pt,: ti:'S :i• :.:: 4-4- shan't "'tat_ ant' ted Ls,- • • IA,•' :31.34 each. rtsk? You a,:-. ••• n•-v•fr dy agatt'. not :on; :• .... • 7, tl3;t ts. . zr: tny lzustar I s • ' - " rteese. st.e sa `73,0 1. as e: ' i wtre, 3:3•::: 3 antatatre sltt witate31. :tve ir. 7„.3 1re ILL,: 44" LI": tak• W.:Z1F:t : $S, 3. nit J4.4 :t I .s72. take tit It ▪ • . ehs ta., 7:3: '•, 17441: liegt :3 • :- .* ,4*.rw,e1 .3.7:(43:12,7 371,:ye :s • - 3:4 " a:7/ La -713.74. 31 3.3= 7,731 tryir4g 7.1., 2 7. " ' .1, • 34 .33e. 433. '331'4•ft"teritt3,7» - , 3sT .4171_7 • e.itt, 7: .4,3 •3 a':"."3" a 3 ''i am a ad -r_133, . 4..i a ar.,1 Strcitti i71,71 ".Lte‘r rae7-: Y311. :ar.24,:t •1 baek ll rain yo;;.• t 7 ZS: 'was tr.:bran:. , • :.;•1 ' ..„•33, : , • .47. "ta.,..1:4.-4,13'•zatee. over ber. • ,1131 3,33.,3tagt 3:33 yt3.11-1.01.1te'' wl;ispered, huskily. yott-taustr:::'" "I must, E aching -dying fer yearU.. 1ha4N• wanted to: kt.se yon e:%er since I. ti ▪ 1:zolte1 at 'Yon. Those ltt:s aL1-! m' - S1 h4ld her breath. Fear. •3.- ait Gib m11stur. •,-33'. icr-gtr she :he darkness .)t the, langer- s":- :tad ears :he ones of the: betis's v.:!...se lard ;eh., - y.:135 deaf to all. J.L. Mar. " h:ated •'`,7".37.1 71-11.33-t - -me" ' teants,„. ▪ w • aWaT. "i'333.A It wa.s r17.43 Sue :eared -it w%as :terse:V. ••`(..e.t are a: my mer.:y," he. WI: '44- b.tt-- "zet•Zre. .117,3!.. 1 wa.rneti yca- ',Of danger Of deatht-yes. the danger ol • thte hunts= passion in man - He 3irtigg.,3:d t,.• irins, 434.1 pr 111 his face • Sr baraitc4; tins may be oar las: itLt. w,i»1-v- ynsver see tits moctt ris1. ,:r '2.4W aga, 1.,V.:7 are and There 31.39r.1.: Why let all that space ha your basement go t1 waste? Let us show you how little it costs to turn it Into a game room cifet.ing inn and. relam- nom iot- young and old. Welt do the job quickly and with, - eat disturbance to the house- hold rounne. And, best a Au, it's another of those jobs you. zan iirtance, ir necessary, ander the Home Improve- ment Plan. LAL ADVERTISER'S NAME HERE 4 3.'7.4 .•; v ..•3•41 • :re...3,e „ 3, 1 „. • 741.1 4 • • -Arei:. 2.: , - " .3; v.31 ; • a , .3 • . • t -.1.T.3.a • 34 =3,g 1' tn..' • 14313.1 :" 3 .4.41 1:14 • : ,. :', Ifi..344'2 /a 1.; .14 :i 1 'o 4,3 ;131, 3431 t 1.3 i33• 3.-1: .4/33 THE WORLDS GOOD NEWS V• II 1441 '14.411013344 31;34:17 V. w..., -/,'.4r 431 3):3eCer335 443 'au 1101441,3 1e.0,34The rdonitor 'ANS 'AM ergAtut :r!Inu 13 ernmelon; :retter 300341 'beta. 4131 It34411 444»1413433 -vat ,Dern. 1,113 ,flen sad ad .110 °mato. ateiteltng Vregle, Iltuittatie ire1:14e2, -vvil ',94r ,1011:10. ereugit THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR me chriettrin lakenee oultilsolng !eoeler.e. ,..)no, Sorrel., Areet. Soston. :411.4.710:11144tt5 Pltetz-e enter 44.1 100,431)$/0n .0 rho .:111r,tiett aeieltee ^,losutur :or • 3 .:3e4V 41.10 3 71 „ 11011411 /50 entir, YMTzrzis , Weenestiov Issue, netutAng 91...veatte lectlen. • rear 12.40„ 11 .er,ues ISa ;tune ........... Addren )a13api13 .8155 '4» (3.344731144 .1) 41:3, :,3 • 7 3s1" 1141 VIA :Li: !17:3 1t3 .33 1 ,p,P,,1;11: • " I" ' , 3:1' 41414 Itor 117.441 114-1.3 4 !I 34,z344111r. '311 4313.1 '141:`,- 1::(1 z: k 1 1 .4, '4'' 314, ' -37414! '37 ' 1317,, • .311 133.3. :3/18. 473i13. 1.31 3..,233413.'.. • 11,1 •13. 0444' ,•148. fl;:$ L'3.,r'el• 14 Iee.44,4e 11- ,411.1 •rwitidCt11.5 7.,»I31A4 threUgh her Veins Witit frightening fire. She shrunk from kim. and yet with all :ter soul she longed W ding iterseilf into his amts to bide her face aganst his heart. "Why are you so cruel to me?" she vihispered. "Always bebqe ytm have peen splendid. You have iloaDed u gte1 me courage - row you make taw aerated.' Vark and burning his eyes Met hers. 'We have never been alone -fac- ing; death-beforet' he said. itcarsely. 'Now life and all it St,t41144 ..C4 tar away. You and 1 are alone together on the :edge of lirmtensity, and we. love-, -*We mustn't rove:" site crieli cLinging to her loyalty with all her frail strength. "Oh, 1don't think 1 ant afraid t4,t» die. but I ant afraid .34 ---of you: Wizen you took at me like. that I feel as if all that was good had gone away eniy evhl -temptation remains,' Incoherent and broken as the words were. they were eloquent, She it:d her fare lc, h h31.731e. UW." 11.5whiS- 41,:wr Sob atliwerett. Pe34,s'eltately fierce he dragged :7.a14d11 ..swar from her face a1413 ker. them h3s ;MI", holding her r3owerless. y -yr a DaTe 1.s,r31... The world is far away: W'e are alone-alcne with. Love and Destia:'' Wlth a3.4fere,* he drew her arms atAl. as her head tell h'as 1:11.-ts tlose11 on. hers. It was I ktes: of passi:n--of triumph. •-311 »?i3311i31fl !44e 15t3 151, prond of her dwn. -0 saltness for that m•:rient's m443.- I34sany ea:me. Slis remembered she vras a wee -re- membered these kisses were a .304. and with. a smtlefere:4.11z. n:zt her ewn, she WVi••=i:1:1,1 herself frent b -s arm. With a bonnI1 she was or - her feet-rur.s.M.*,--rrennitr, 113:the: tf the: PramPie 14,11,t. 2.5 fransed. wdth lel fear W11.3. was that scit Pad13an4: 141 111e san.i behind her! Her hand tiew tz, 'I:34: rev 31rer. and them she shrfii of dismay. Masters1131311411344111 fae:ta her: Fe:rilesi she st.,:cd, to 3- rt.+, sce,p, :teen:tr. attd. WEUN1.Ii3DAV, AVOUST V7Ib 1033 it Was. !Ile: Mari and that he %vas ai.finzst dpop. her, Of what use to run further? And if she d3d, to what end? What hope 3:331 est3iipeq A.117.3133t tainting - from shetr exraustion :She 433i.3433.1. stiR1.1.1.71 made no sound aaS Belie Masters swung her Into his arms. A:most size tried with relael: as she felt the warin, strong atritts en - :odd 1.3.t.r 43.111 knew he was striding back towards the lirelit spot which Lt tiast au.,- ant .401: y from Wild beasts. AImest she longed to Put he.r arms round his neck and sob eat her einotiin against his brown cheek. AliteirSt- He did not speak ane yard after yard 41,4 bore h.er back /1. pregnant silence. Suddenly he Stripped abruptly. Her eyes were closed, but sla4 knew he was loosing at her in tite geide41 light et the Incen, and half lYrnetised. she raised her lievad. TheLr eyes me': and merged tut(' ane long :ender Look,. ^twin Then he bent his bead and his 131111 brushed b3,3", and v.'lth 44 shah cf : exquisite pain she yielded her first klss of passionate love. TO 14131 C(JNTI-NT:ED) Should Look Over List Tins- is, elte eine of Year 5311.'"n• 211.5 vQ.e,rs'i.. e be:n13 1533321134•1 ar. 13al 'a:1161:41; :14,1144. IV% ts4441 tillititere:et:743: ln 3^11e1f. 12 cenvsys 44meaniz; t 1.1 rat,i.payers 531113111 1111»:'211.l .4r311_3144 that.. interest. ra: 44 ,,;7814: 1 .511»11 - 33h43n k1 usually dlces. If swirled to a vote would k's":: in =Aral that it Is 3.hi17 0444114343312 4121 '• 3313111 over the voters' hst I 0454114+:-.11.4.i2y "..2.1:3; 24,-14 I 3.3 :east .:m:e• ytar. N24.1 I .1.33 he that disappc;.m•an•r_t 44231 1:2-1.:13b1e 2114.1.4 s.rC-pti 1.1.4 544124i14 1513144 k141»L 4,31 e:e3e: 1:-. :3 aeld scale re - ' vu -e. 11:14fait. 13.11.-3 1444 fez scme reascr. 42313441 •••'^ :311111. 1: m.c.5t 3144114411 : 11.111 :Se •:c LW: 114 Callt4.4"4, ": '212: same, I. 241e 11.244114.1:733 e. tt 3333 X ehe fan:" .3f. 44411'»: 413. 41.4 :1.11 ▪ 4311-44CI,31 Read the Ads. THE BRUSSELS POST C For 6 Months A community weekly newspapers I you have any friends visiting you or news items send it in, or Phone 31 Warren Oland who made ',Char» ley ettali"live on the acmes Is dead. H4 was more Chinese than the Vhinese themselves and the movie world. has lost a Alle charac- ter :tutor In his passing, iteetweveseesesewev.....evesosweet, REMEMBER YOUR WEDDING NITith a PO RTRA IT By The Russell Studio Listowel, Ont, 11 IVIVR D. BELL, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc• Phone 20X - Brussels, Ont. HAROLD W. LOVE Ethel, Ont. - Phone 22-8 General Insurance Agent James McFadzean Howick Mutual Fire Insurance -Also- -Hartford Windstorm -Tornado Insurance -Automobila Insurance 'Phone 42. Box 1, Turnberry Be, Brussels, Ontario JAMES TAYLOR 14e40r4e4 Anctioneer.lor the County a Huron. Sales attended to in all Parts of the coun'Ty. Satisfaction Guaranteed or no pay. Orders left at The 'Post' promptly attended to. E.5lgraTe Post Ot5ce PHONE: - Brussels Phone 14-r-9 D. A RANN FURNITURE : FUNERAL ▪ AMBULANCE SERVICE 4, L cersed Funeral Dlrector and Embalmer Phone 36, Brussels \b- 4** .-exe.verwirso.ww.sews;Cetise'et wt. t 3.71t nti. *1. Nr,, X • /4 NOW IS 1 HE TIME TO HAY. VC.UP. HARNESS REPAIRED N MAW Brussels, Ont. rEILDREN of all nges thrive on :" CR 0 W N BRANDI CORN SYRUP. They never tire of its della- nun flavor and It really is so good for them -so give the children "CROWN BRALNID" every tiny. Lending lAuyeiclans 1161.111C41 "I'MOWs.? BRAND" CORN sy-Rup a moat satis- factory nerhohydrate to use as st milk =edifier in the feeding of tiny infants and net an energy producing food for growing children. V*3 TM FAMOUS A BliBROY OD 044*S14 Ce. The, 054110,1 STARCH COMPAHY Litueeil