HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-8-17, Page 1(tile ttIS trg POST PUBLISHING HOUSE BRUSSELS, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17th 1938 Single Copses 5c To Be Inducted Here The INDIC7troN of Rev. Samuel Kerr of A'vonton into the pastorate o: Me1vi'lle Presbyterian Church is to take place Thursday evening, Mr. Kerr is extended a hearty welcdme to Brussels. ICE CREAM SOCIAL At Ethel Presbyterian Church Unner the Auspices of Ladies Aid TUESDAY, AUGUST 23rd Program and Games Booth err Grounds Admisison 10c Everybody Welcome REGEN T THEATRE SEAFORTH MODERN AIR CONDITIONING NOW PLAYING JOE E. BROWN Wide Open Faces Bob Alien Eleanor Stewart Ranger Steps In MIDNIGHT SHOW Sunday, Aug. 21, beginning at 12.06 MON„ TUES., WED„ The reckless Ritz boys off on an- other laugh fued in Kentucky Moonshine Tony Martin Marjorie Weaver Slim Summerville NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT Gene Autry Boots and Saddles Smiley Burnette Judith Allen Gene helps an impoverished Earl to manage his ranch COMING— Alice Brady Charles Winniger Goodbye Broadway Melville PrestFbyriaa Church SUNDAY, AUGUST 21st the services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, will be conducted by REV', SAMUEL KERR 10 a.m.—Sunday School Induction of Samuel Kerr Into the pastorate of Melville Presbyterian Church, will take place on Thursday August 18th, at 8 p.m. Tavistock Is Defeated By Brussels 1.0 Victory' Ousts Greemshirhs; Roth +Suffe.re Broken Leg --- Brunets elliniated the TaviatoeJt Greenshirts from the W.F.A, play - clowns here Friday night in a fast game that saw the home club walk off the peld with a 1-0 Seeore atter Carman Baker tallied the only goal of the game about half way through the second session, Baker broke away alone anti scored on the ane -man ruin. Hie goal gave his teammates a four -goal ;lead on the wound, Brussels won the first game in Tavistock 'last Tuesday 4.1 Tavistock—Goal, Iltarris; backss Rudy, V, Stein; naives, Waddle, wings, Vogt, Zimmerman, M'attbies, wings, Gogt, Zimm'eman, Matthies,. Rotch; alternates Scitbltt, Mel- bourne, Brussels — Goal, Riley; backs, Nichol, Bowler; halves, Ming, Bry- env, Fox; centre, Steles; wings, Lowe, Russell, Pearson, Baker al- ternates, Telfer, Rutledge. Referee, A. K. Fisher)Stratfeed. Tamistock, Aug, 13 --.Bill 'Mickey' Roth, speedy left .winger for the Tavistock Greenshits, W. F, A. entry, is in the StraNford General Hopital today, his right leg frac- tured in a football game at Baust sets. Friday night, Roth was kick - in the leg by a Brussels fullback as the engineered a drive on the Brus- sels goal. The accident occurred only thane manatee after the game had started and the Greenslhhts, who had to melte up a three -goal delia cetreinly needed the servic- es of their star left {{finger. Green - shirts' manager Stan Melbourne told The Beacon -Herald "You could hear the creek all over the field when he was leteked. I had an idea what had happened and yelled to Mickey to lay still.' Roth was removed from the Held and after the game was taken to. the Stratford hospital. PROTECTED PURITY. Two shipments of 1felOrol Ice Cream go up to the Quints eyery week , , whit all its• ''fresh -from -the - freezer" goodness and fine flavour in'eserved intact , , absolutely pure and wholesome, not touched by band. These advantages make Borden's MelOrot entirely different from or- dinary ire einem, Moreover, Mo1O- tol Is scientifically blended and frozen amazingly fast, making it, smoother, creamier, more satisfy- ing. Try Borden's -\IelOrot Ice Creams today, Try it in cones, sun- daes, sodas, malted make. Mothers, lasist on it for your children, Sold locally at— A, GREWAR CASH ANI) CARRY We Sell For Less THANKSGIVING DAY SET FOR OCTOBER 1 l th Ottawa —A proclamation setting the date for Tranitegiving Day an October llth, the second Monday M the month, was published re- cently in the Canada Gaette, MOTION PIeTURES UNDER AUSPICES OF BRUSSELS LEGION Town Hall, Brussels Monday, August ,22nd HOWARD HUGHES' WHITE-HOT THUNDERBOIT tjjj�: ...,,, Ils� Oh PAUL MUNI • ANN DVORAK OS0OCO PERKINS • KAREN MORtel BORIS "FRANKENSTEN" KARLOFF a HOWARD HAWKS prod•rtton`'-,• Adepled by Ben Hecht from• the' novel 6y Armitage Trail . UNITED ARTISTS PICTURE EXTRA COMEDY AND SHORTS ADMISSION — — Adults 25c Children 15c '11 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS II!2EWE KNOW, Mrs. G. Matrnnon Toronto, has Band Concert Another well attended hand concert was given by the local Citizen's Band at Victoria Palk on Sunday evening. Library Closed Owing to the Librarian's absence on vacation, the 'Brussels Public Library will remain closed during the last bee weeks of August, be- ginning Thursday the 17tb, Softball At the Park Weather permitting there will be three softball games played in Brussels park on following dates': Thursday-1iit.01ml! at Brussels Pr•iday—Blyth at Bruseets Tuesday^—Ttveiton at Brussels Women's Institute To Hold Short Course A !Short Course In Meal Planning is to be held 1n the Public Lib any from Sept, 6th to 9th, This course is being sponsored by the Women's Inatitu'te and the Instructress is Misr; Jean :Scott, who cornea very highly recommended. Dverylbody !n tlhe community is invited to at- tend this five-day course. The fee is 26 cents for Institute members and fifty cents for uenv members. FAMOUS FIVE ENJOY A MEL O F OL CONE ON FOURTH BIRTHDAY What an. occasion for the little girls! Ice Cream for their birth- day! Of course, it had to be the finest ice cream obtainable, Those produced ann that is for those who Quints always insist on the best, and that is why they chose Borden's MelOrol Ice Cream: in preference to any ether, They knew that these rich round, individual portions of whole- some ice cream are automatically wrapped right at the freezer, This Special wrapper gives- the utmost sanitary protection to 1IetOrol . preserving its parity, perfect fresh- ness and flue flavour. Sold exclusively in Brussels, by— A. GREWAR CASH AND CARRY We Sell For Less _a—,x— United Church W. M. S. The Augu it meeting of the W, M. ,S, of the United Church wee held at the Church, Friday, August 12th, A large attrndence of the membership present, Mrs, R. S. IIantiltoa having returned from her vacrttou was at the piano, The President Mrs, Parker pre- sided and opened the worship ser- vice with the well known hymn "13e Idvetli long a'Iio liveth well," and the Lord's Prayer In unison. A shot 1 business session was held, Jllrs. R. Downing acting sec'y, read the minutes of the previous meeting. Mrs'. A, C. Baeker gave treasur'er's report. It was decided to use the new Study Book on Canadian Missions and de- votional leaflet for the coming year, The Scripture lesson was read by lilies Forrest after which on be.. half of Woman's Missionary Society Mrs,. E. Bales pesented her with a life anecberettip certificate, , Mrs'. Speiran reading a letter of ap- pectatiml, Prayer was offered by \lies' Skel- ton, firs, Proctor was in charge of Study Chapter. The theale being: '"11he C1Iui'ah anti Social Welfare," ;Miss, F. Me* Nonhgbion read a very concise article on the need for Twenty Candidates for W. 1\1, S. Service in the various mission stations. The President, after giving a short talk by way or continent closed the hneetng by singing the hhyrmm "0 holy City Seen of Jelin' null prayer, TENDERS WANTED) • Tenders will be received by - the undersigned till .August 6th, for two new closets for School Section No. 8, Morrie, of the drawer type. To be delivered tit the school before Sept. 1st, Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, phone 11-r-14 J, J, stuaRS Sec,-Treaa;, Wingham, P. 0. been the guest of Mrs. I. McKinnon. Died In Toronto George Davidson has gone north Friends, here learned with deep to ate mines at Metaohawau, regret of the death of Anna Bunter 1 J, A, Ballantyne, London, is of Toronto, a former resident of spending his vacation at Itis, home ' Bnusse•1S for many years,, here. Mies Hunter, who was a nurse, was highly regarded by a large circle of friensls and acqua!ntanees, Her stele -l'5 the Misses Mina and Clara Hunter conducted a Variety Store where the Swift Canadian Co, are now located, for some years. They moved from here to Fergne later going ie Toronto, Church Notes Services in. Melville Presbyterian Church on Sunday we're conducted by Rev. W. A, Williams', Crenbrook. Miss A, Gibson. -contributeda pleas - lug solo at the morning service. The induction of the Rev. Samuel Kerr into the pastorate of Melville Presbyterian church will take place on Thursday, August 13, at 8 p.m. Services in the United Church on Sunday morning was conducted by Samuel Henderson, of Palmerston, in the absence of Rev. H. 3, Mah- oney, on itis holidays, on August 21. Rev. A. M. Grant, B,A., B,D„ of Wroxeter, will conduct the service. Morning service 4n St. John's Anglican Church was conducted 'by the rector, Rev, John. Graham. We Appreciate Your Help Theer has never been a newspap- er printed that satisfied everybody, But there le a very simple method by which better newspapers can be responsible for the well-being of the subscribe to 'them to take an indi- vidual interest in seeing that they get more local and personal news. Not that you are expected to be- come a reporter when you become a eutbscrber, but because the news- paper stands as an exponent of all that is good for your community and because civic ,pride should lead $ou -to encourage such an incaution. if you have visitors' on. a visit or if you are going on one, your neighbors are sure to be in- terested about it. Tell them through your home town paper. 'very little itemh of a local or per- sonal nature helps jtrst that much to make a still better newspaper and getting it to the editor require's ,very little exertion on your - part. That le how you can help make your newspaper mere interesting, and you are invited to start doing so at once. Leave or send your items to the office or phone 31, Eleven -yenta' -old Hartley Fiseh- 0r of Grey township, near Brus- sels, Is scell lie 111Ing the remnants of the pair of shoes which, were literally ripped from the fret of his mother, Mts. Jacob Fischer by a bolt of lightning during lns't Wednesday night's tellrifflo Storni. The beta: of the left shoe was' torn to pieces and a pierce of the stiffening in the heel was picked I up latex' in a bedroom across I from 1111' one where Mrs, Fischer, heti been sitting, The maks of f the ten eyeholes in the left shoe were burned into the instep of her foot, - Miss• 9lyrtle Ituuter of Trow- bridge is renewing friendship in towel. Bert McIntyre, Motet -beware Noethhern Ontario, was in town while on a three week vacation. Rey. J. T, and Mrs. Strachan of Sauble Beach silent tat week with Miss Annie Strachan, Mr, Harold Currie of Hamilton was a visitor with Miss Maude Ba'yans on Monday. -Mrs. Ira Parker is spending a week In Kinara.rdine with her sister anti other friends, Mrs, D. 11. Scott of Hamilton, spent the weekend at the home of Mr, and Mrs. 8', (1, Semis, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Hay croft of Ingersoll were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, George Saris, Mr. anal Mrs, George Thomson and son, Toronto, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, J. C, Baeker on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Sylvester Fox and Mr, and Mrs, James Bird of Cran- brook spent Sunday in Parkbill and Grand Bend, Mrs, Robert Hopper and children of Wingham are visiting al the home of Mr, and Mrs, James Bryans, Mr, ad Mrs, R. W. Kennedy and eon Robert were Suuday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, H, Chap- man, Kitchener, Mrs. W. H, Kerr and clary Helen and .Miss Ella Kers-, Reg N„ spent a day last week with firs. A. 1I, Kay in Stratford. Mies. Ruth Strachan who has been ill for sumo weeks at the Toronto General Hospital has been removed to the Mouuzain Sanitarium at Hamilton for treatment, Mise Alberta. McLean, nurse -in- training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, ondan, spent last week at the home of MT. and Min F. M, Santis, Mrs; Roy Pryne and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bedfordand 1Ir, and Ma's, Rolfe Pryne and Miss Betty Pryne of Toronto were Sunday vsttors at the home of W. J. :McCracken, Mrs, John Pryor and Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Brebner and Miss Mary Brenner of Windsor {vete guests at the home of Mr. M, Buchanan last week, Misses Marion and Bate Smith of Hamilton, Miss "Peggy'' aleLanch- lin of Sal Coates, Sask., and Miss ldiietabetit MaLanclrlin of Toronto visitors with 1lise Grace Stewart and 0(1111r friends in and around ,awn, Geo::ge Dark, who has* been visit- ing his mother for the laert month retried to his home in White Fox Sask., on Thursday of last week it is twelve years sine George was here and the sees pulpy changes since he went West thirty-two years ago. Mr. Will. :McCracken and hiss= es Mande, ,Eva and Carrie 1i-cC'rack- mei and Miss Fin, Buchanan. spent Sunday at Bright';; .Grove with Mr. and Mrs, A, E. Dixon aid 11r, and Mrs, Ward Buchanan of Detroit and other friends, Hanley of the Royal Bank, Chatham was visiting his mother, 1lrs, Geo, Hanley ahld while here took her to see her son-in-law Mr. Scantlehtny who is in the Stratford hospital, with a badly broken leg caused by being thrown off the hay - (newer, when a wheel .came off, Itev, 5, J. and Mrs, Allan 01 To- ronto event a few days last week with lire, W. H, Herr, helping cele- brate her 75th birthday: Mary Helen Kerr and 111s. Dunbar took the Milne Milne to Toronto and brondaht Mrs. Bell back with 1115111, who call spend a week with her mother Mrs, Jns, Spiels, ]h'. Vernon hese, London leas a vietiiu or .t car accttlenIt withal tee enrrect on Saturday evening, He is 1n Vintoria hospital, London, suffering from a broken knee cap and minor bru!secs, The mishap oecoerocl on No, 4 lhighway near Hemet), when Dr, Ross swerved to avoid lltilting a hay Mick and a col- lision with an eeproaching ear (1115en by Albert Shirley of Bonsall ensued, Mr, Sihirrey sustained a fractured toe and knee injury, De. Ross is a eon of 111r, and, Mrs. D. 0, Rees of Brussels. Has Narrow Escape From - Lightning People frutu here and front the sureuunzllin+g distract are stillbeat- ing a Week to the home of Jacob Fischer in G•rejI Township, And to all wire wine ore displayed the rem - limits of a pair of sihoes which were literally torn from the feet of Mrs, t';stihet' by a bolt o0 lightning dntr- ing the vicious' electrical and wand storm Liutt raked the district Wed- nesday night. Recovering from intense shock and 000 able to be up Mrs, Fisa111- er kuows what it means to es- cape death by the proverbial eye- lash. Never again, she saki, does' she want to go through the experi- enee hvhich befell he last Wednes- day night. Elen:trical storms in future, she is mni-viuced, will al- ways remind her of the frightful in - cadent, is IMre. Fischer was sitting on the side of her bed writing a letter when the bolt of lightning struck the chimney and boomed Into her reaps. She scarcely retells what happened, 4t all occurred in a split frscton of a second, Screamed For Help "We were downstairs when the Ightnng struck," Mr. Fischer - nar- rated. "The coal oil lamp wentout aid we heard -my wife scream at the top of her voice as the house was plunged in darkness, We raced upstairs to the bedroom and She was still sitting there on the side of the lied. The room seemed to be full of blue smoke and the first thing she said was 'Take me out of Isere.' ''I picked her up and started downstairs with her, but she went suddenly limp and she was lumen - kitchen, Her shoes hid been prac- tically ripped front her feet and later we found a piece of the stiffening in the heel that had been blown into the next room. My wife's feet were stone cold and awfully white when 'we got the remnants of her shoes off. She revived in a few minutes and com- plained of terrible pain in her feet and legs, se my daughters' started rubbing her feet. Within ten min- utes her feet had turned blank and had started to swell, The discolora- tion and smelling have not yet dis- apepared entirely and the pain in her feet is still very eevere. The mark of each of the ten eyeholes iu her left shoe Ls nttuelly burned into her instep. The ten red holes on her ewolleat foot are to be seen: as plain as can be." Like Terrific Explosion The bolt of lightning made a ter- rific explosion when it struck tate chimney and screamed down V flue. "It sounded as if a 200 -path gasoline tank had exploded over a bead," 11r, leiseher observed, After coming down the ahem., and entering the bedroom where Mete F'Iselter was sitting, the light niug was diverted four different direetiuns. One bolt bnocked down the stove pipes 111 the bedroom and went thro ugh the ceiling into the tinning -room it tore up a piece of the Medellin on the floor, A second went through a door into an ad- joining bedroom and out through the wall of the house. The third travelled between the ceiling and floor and rtore down a large portion of plower 08 it entered the kitchen, Then It jumped to the telephone wire in the kitchen and went out- side, on the ground wire, The fourth Holt is' the one that struck 11re, Fisehcr, The sheets and bedelahfing on 1011101 stile iniad lhctsl sitting 001'0 r ippe d to shred,,. Bricks frons 111e ('1110lales- {vera scattered all aver the yard acrd only five of them were not broken into small fragments. THE UNITED CHURCH REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A„ B4O. Minister August 21st at 11 a,m,— i3ev. A, M. Grant, B,A., ILD., of Wroxeter August 28111. at 11 a.m.— Sam Henderson, of Palmerston During August Sunday School will Meet at 10 o'clock a.m...Theer will be no evening services ..during the roliday season. u od lei - rect.- the Meat BO ere- nes- after= aron- 7.22 3.43 '.40 7.29 ..96 7,18 34 3 :09 47 foY- =Letax- 001- .ills; and on only ever rate love Paid 2.00 1,83 2,00 2.00 0.00 9.00 4.00 2.00 :,00 1.60 1.00 7.60 .60 1.00 1.60 1,46 let - at ion ace be