HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-8-10, Page 8Th'e e, Store 15c Bisma-Rex GIVES YOU QUICK RELIEF FROM ACID INDIGESTION 35c Lavender OR JASMIN TALCUM PERFUMED AND ABSORBENT Kodak Films ALL SIZES IN STOCK BRING IN OR SEND US 1YOUR� FILMS TO BE DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 1 11 �' Parowax, Memba Seal, Jar Rubbers, i� Citric Acid,Tartartic Acid,Saticy l is Acid Both for 10c LAVENDER SHAVING CREAM AND 5 STAG RAZOR BLADES 20c Elkays WHITE SHOE CLEANER WITH BRUSH AND APPLICATOR lin-A-Septic 50c AND $1,25 WHEN SOMETrING IS NEEDED FOR MUSCULAR ACHES DR PAINS HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Scholl' s lino Pads A SAFE AND QUICK RELIEF FOR CORNS AND SORE FEET Rienzi] Tooth Brushes A SHAPE TO FIT YOUR TEETH 251 Bathing Caps Briten Tooth Paste ATTRACTIVE SHAPES KEEPS TEETH AND COLORS WHITE 25c AND 29c EACH 29c TUBE I . R. SMITH T-ELEPHONE NO. 62 DRUGGIST and STATIONAR TELEPHONE NO. 62 t'MOW m.:�,� MMIIMMIK THE BRUSSELS POST BROTHERS' JEWELLERY STORE CLOSES IN BRUSSELS , •-- AUGUST 27 Special Bargain Close -Out Prices on all Remaining Stock Buy Your Gifts For Christmas Now and take advantage of these savings China to be cleared at half-price -- Cake plates at 25c up Brush Comb and Mirror Sets from $1.75 Military Brush Sets as low as $1.00 Genuine Leather Key Cases 15c High quality leather Bill -Folds, Cigartte Cases at Give Away Prices Watches, Jewelry, Silverware Etc• at Close -Out Tremendous Savings Second Hand Watches to be cleared for Cash —No trade-ins accepted— ---All repair work must be called for by the closing date August 27. We cannot be responsible for articles un- called for after that date. BROTHERS, JEWELERS, Brussels, Ont. awolawrktgr i ATTENTIQN PLEASE !' I\ Sunaco Service Station PREPARE YOBS CHILDREN for School Opening by having their EYES EXAMiNED, EVERY CHILD'S Eyes should be Examined at least once every two years. If your Children Are Backward at School. If they suffer from Headaches, Nervousness, Sick Stomach, or if they see double Have Their Eyes Examined at Once. We can tell you the cause of the Trouble and can supply the proper treatments or Lenses necessary to remove the cause. REMEMBER Backward Children often go quickly forward at School when wrong Eye Conditions have been put right. I expect to be at my Brussels Office in Miss Maude Bryans' Home all Day 1HURSDAY, AUGUST llth to give Expert Eye Examinations and supply proper Corrections where needed. Frederick F. HornuthPhm, B1, R, O, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Harriston Phone 118 Brussels, Phone 26X Itiommigures We have now added to our Equipment an Automatic Air Greasing Gun with Special attachments for springs and brake cables. A complete 100% Grease •Job •is •Assured you on any make or model of car For quick and Thorough Work On Any Make of Car You May Drive SEE US HarryChampion R.Gemmell Prop. Mechanic WEDDING MUNDELL,-DOIG St, Andrew's Presbyterial cl:urel. Molesworth, was the scene of an in- teresting event Saturday. when Miss Margaret Rae Doig, daughter of .lir. and Mrs, William Wroxeter was married to Mr John Gordon Mundell, son of Mr. John Mundell, PAnevale, and 'tt, late Mrs. Mundell. Rev. Arthur Leggett officiated and Miss Jun Lan of Wroxeter played the w,-dc,n)e music. Rev, Mr, Greig of LVuevade was suloist, Ferns and ra: l r floyers decorated the erlir'•h; anti the bride, whose father gay, bet' in marriage, wore a floor-leng+l. ;goo u of white Silk marriusetie o,,,- white taffeta, ylth lace trimming awl fashioned on princeps litres Fier waist -length veil of silk arranged with a coronet n• seed pears, and she carried a ao ,c,u, if white and Pink roves tivilh curn- floyers, Miss Dorothy I)a,g w•:,5• her sister's only attention, in a gown of blue silk net and la._e ovr,r taffeta, made with sfuare neckline and hrall buttons from 1' (k to waist Tier picture hat of 'vat y 1•ire had blue and pink trimmin;. ..y . 'aN''ryt Lin+S•...' i, G..ye'.'.ta.4iw.cX• srtr l:ai' .. RED BAND STORE P12ne SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Clover leaf Salmon Fancy Red Cahoe 1 Ib. tin 25c ZIbs.lSc H. Homes pure Jelatine 2 pkgs 25c Hemphill's Wheat Berries • • • • • • • • • 725c Nu -Jell with sherbert 3 pkgs 25c -H. Hornes Pure Cocoa in tumblers 15c Hupfer's Pure Clover Honey 5 11, pail 49c p 10 Ib pail , • • • • 99cCampbell's Tomato Juice 3 large tins 23c McCormick's Butter Sodas 2 1b 29ci Big Bath Toilet Soap 4 bars 19c WI S A. RUSSELL ,BRUSSELS Campbell's Assorted Soups 2 tins . 23c Campbell's Tomatoe Soup 2 tins —^. 19c Ideal Shaker Salt 2 pkgs plain or 11c iodized Kellogs Corn Flakes with shopping 23c bags 3 pkgs Rinso Large 45c medium 23c small 10c Super Suds 1 reg. size 19c 1 medium size .....••••• lc Blue Ribbon Matches 3 boxes 23c Magic White per bottle , . • • 8c Our special Vanilla 2 8-ounze bottles • • • 25c she carried a boutiuet at c:airkia and baby's breath. Mr, H•"g:• Mu::• dell, brotrer of the bridegroom, was best man. A reception was held afteryard at the home of the br'1p'- parents, and Mrs. Doig r csdced wearing a gown of ameth- si•eni• broidered georgette, with pith hat trimed yith amethyst flowers and ribbon, Later the couple ,eft for a motor trip, the bride tra,e'l.uf; `l1 a navy blue two -Piece crop, su" with navy felt hat and wi1'te ac- ceaeores. They will live in Gorrie on their return. WidDNl'OSAA.Y, A,TIG,TJST 10•tb, 1`lSS QUALITY SERVICE POLLY PRIM PEAS 17 oz. 2 tins 15c Aeroxon Fly Coils ••• 5 for •••••••.•.•••• 10c Pat -a -Pan Pastry Flour 24 Ib 59c S. O. S. Sciuring Pads per pkg 14c Toddy in 1 Ib tins Each . 39c Silver Skin Pickling Onions per Ib . • • • • • • •••• • • 10c Special Assorted Cookies per 1b •••• • • ••••••............ • • ....... 19c Maxwell House Cofree per .tin • • •'••• • .. • . 23c Superior Baking Powder 16 oz. Hillcrest Shortening 2 It • • . • . _ 25c Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 pkgs 25c Hillcrest Soap Chips . • • • , 3 1b 25c Lifebuoy Soap •• . 2 cakes 15c OUR SUPPLY OF VINEGARS AND PICKLING SPICES ARE OF BEST QUALITY fleecy Zinc Rings per doz , 25c Have You Tried Our Wonder Bread Sliced 10c Brussels. ( Thursday Phone 641\L L W Eckoeier I Friday I r Saturday innorns BLUEVALE MPS Ora Abbott spent a couple of weeks with her uncle and aunt Miss .McEwen, she returned to To- ronto on Saturlay. Mr. and Ms. Jas. Peacleh, and Mr, and Mrs, George Peacoc:. 5 511. ed Sunday aftenonn with. M.. and Mrs. Richard Johnston and Emma, 1s1 line. Mr• and Mrs, John Bosman and son of Dutton is visiting 51111 his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ros- man and uncle John Perdue at11 Mr. and Mrs. Chas, I3os'man, 2n0. lire, Vera Hamilton is visiting with uncle and aunt and 00115171 at Ethel, Miss Dona Smith spent Sr•ndey with her mother and brother un the 2nd line. Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Jamestown was the hostess on Thursday of Nr- noon for the monthly meeting of the Woman's Association of the United Church. The meeting was in charge of the president, Mrs, Rob- ert McLennan, Following the scripture lesson from the book of Galatians, read by Mrs, 1rira I,'ell, all repeated the Lard's Prayer In unison. Business tlisaucion followed the reading of .the minutes and the financial standing of the society. After Rev, A„ V, Robb had closed the meeting with prayer, the lanles gathered of the lawn, under the trees and enjoyed a social hour when lunch was served by SIrs, Wilson and Mrs. Simpson, Col, Sutherland, Toronto, is a guest at the 110a115 of Mrs Mary Sanderson, Miss, Sanderson, Mr, and Airs, George Donaldson alit] Mr, Thompson atlegtded the funeral of Iheiirr friend, the late Mlss Sin- clair of Toronto, helot at tlielborne Miss Eliza 13rayntr, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs', Arthur Sbanv and other friends, AUGUST PAINT SALE APPROVED HOUSE PAINT Colors WHITE, IVORY, CREAM GREEN & BROWN GALLONS ONLY $1.69 Price Good Until Aug. 31 C. lilliax & Son HARDWARE Phon 40 Listowel The Store With the Stock FLASH! THE NEW FALL BRITISH SUITINGS & OVERCOATINGS HAVE ARRIVED FROM.. TIP TOP TAILORS New Patterns — New Weaves Greater Values Order Your Winter Overcoat NOW— for future delivery TIP TOP TAILORS A. WOOD Brussels —• Phone 24 AVEMEMUsgatignelliallEMMEIBEDEM Brussels General Sthr PHONE 61 We have noy in stock Neva Wet Treated Hosiery by Circle Bar in service, crepe and chiffon. The Neva Wet process improves resistance to perspiration, water spots, water stains, strengthens th silk fibre ad helps prevent snags. CIRCLE BAR has exclusive rights in Canada to Neva Wet process in Hosiery D and A Foundation Garments— We have a good stock of leading lines and can supply you with your requirements TOWELLING IN IRISH LINEN, RUSSIAN CRASH AND TERRY CLOTH MEN'S AND BOY'S POLO SHIRTS FROM 25c to $1.00 SPECIALS IN MEN'S SUITS CrJ $15.00 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS—with collar attached and separate OUR GROCERIES ARE ALWAYS FRESH Fiowerdale Tea 80c Ib Gold Medal Wax 25c Gold Melia' Coffee , . • 50c Ib Shortening 2 Ib 25e opiz+szavStmevnat ttC tettnCtC1VCeLnnClel VOUCK'tgt HeaCeaMitittft[0f E. J. McTAVISH GENERAL STORE 1