HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-8-10, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST News and Information. For the Busy Farmers (FURNISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE) FAIR DATES moisture during the uext •two weeps, Central Oanacla Exhibition, 01- The planting of male crop pota- tawa--August 22-27. toe's area little less than in 1937. Canadian'National Exhibition. V- I but were generally planted ear• :ontn Angnst 26 Sept. 10.tier, Oerratea.tion was good but Westeim Fair, Loudon -Sept 4fl gro wtb to date tans been uueveu ber 12-17. and while some fields are knotting Irnterna'tional ptowiug "'Web- I for bloesonls, the late plaatin; etre .Nrines1ng, rwar Barrie, Ont. -Oct, just well above ground. It is too 11, 10, 13, 14. early as yet to estimate the pro. Ottawa Winter Fair -November epective yield. 8-11. tltoy"'al Winter Fair -November 10-20, Guelph Winter Fair--INov'enuber 2u December 1st, Apple Crop Conditions In Fla=teru Ontario the weather ]nits been favourable for the neve.- element eve.- ele ment. of tree traits during the la' mirth. Apples are debelop- leg setieractarily with present size average or better and a vigorous Vilaee in all well -eared -for or- chards, The fruit is quite free from apple scab infection in et feast 90e.. of .the commercial or- chards. Leaf roller 'injuey is rather severe In a number of cr- chatds near Nearcaetke and Bow- manvflle. fielding moth injuy is also qu`•te apparent in orchards where this insect has been trouble - :dine in past seasons. The pre- liminary estimate. or total apple prodvi•tion in F'aatern Onaarie .:arty; u 20% increase over last y,•-,.,r,n. \v ,tern Ontario weather and mei.«ure conditions have been favourable during the past month for good colouring and sizinn of apple, Scab infestation on fruit is fairly well controlled in well. sprayed commercial orchards, and serious side -worm injury is on'.i' apparent in a few localities. Prac- tically all varieties of apples show a decrease in estimated production except Spys, where a crop 20ec• larger than last year is firecast. The Potato Crop The eatly crop is moving in 1.0'- urne from Leamnigton, Harrow. Dundas and ,Burllltlgton. Some grower., in the Oakville -Clarke MI district are also marketing to e les: -ger extent, The quality ie, re- ported good with no rot in evi- dence. Size is not so large as iu 1937, but the No. 1 grade is being well maintained. Yields are low- er on account of lack of sntficieat moisture. Supplies are equal t" demand and the market is firm al $2.00 to the wholesale dealer. The early crop will be well cleared up in July, The acreage planted for mid- season marketing Is equal to aver age. The crop is developing well but requires more moisture and bea beetles are plentiful and quite active. This crop will commence moving le market about the last week to July with the yield de- pending largely on the supply of FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE eemoved promptly and efficiently. Sinpiy phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 - INGERSOLL BRUSSELS PHONe. - 72 1 ft4 MATO AGb p.opts ...* 0 to rral,t tbxnmselvns beard by shoutiatl frost Olaf ho,ira Cops. 9e eoo t115a n..a to.A.7.rem Weald pretb.b17 *Asa to .pp..e batons a cm:Wilirldn to tsu.aia, +! k10iW.A+D %14 2itleebeNb. ,ym mus our tW.at.Aiw$ aokiaaloa• *Aar( (, e kill than a young growth of the sante sipecies,. Keeping down all toll grow•tA front July 15 to the end of the growing season will greatly re- duce the stand of perenutal weeds but for complete eradication of a persistent weed like couch grass, this treatment Should be followed up In the next year by a hoed crop suer as corn or potatoes. Sanitation For Poultry Hygiene and sanitation are fab, tors as important to the puultr•y Rock as good stuck, clean 11(0.0. proper feed and range. Failure 10 Maintain clean acid sanitary swe oundlegs is frequently the weak spot in poultry managenlea.. ileanlinese is eegonial, as high mortality and reduced egg pro- duction follow disease and ilnlrlir- ed vitality. To ensure healthy surroundings remove droppings daily and Scatter an ab.serbeut such as land pla&ter over the drop- ping boards. Renew litter before it becomes. too dirty, and ouppiy clean water in clean vessels: dis- ease may spread rapidly tb:ukelr the medium or dirty water or cow miners. At lea1t once a year, with a hue and broom, scrape and sheep clean the floors and walls of the Poultry house, removing dent and cobwebs, and if running orate: is available use the hose at high pressure. Paint roosts and sup- ports with a good coal -tar disin- fectant, full strength, and 5111•aY frequently with a solution . or the same product according to the in- structions of tre =inure •tures The range also demands its eharc of precaution, Gravel or sandy loam provide the best sauilars renditions mid is easily w';rke. wi'h a quielegrowiug crap. Sudan range and yards should he plough- ed and cropped yearly and seeded with a kuickgrowing crop, Sudan grass is palatable and greatly rel- ished. To ensure a good sanely it is well to cut Sudan when about six inches higilt before allnw'ius the birds acccess to the ya ds or range. Ideal sanitary conditions are supplied with a two or three year range' rotation; a hoed crop intervening 1.11 the three year ro- tation provides additional pretet: tion against parasites' that Itouriau in contaminated soil CANADIAN PRIME MINISTERS Denies the 71 years since cau- federation theta !rave been 16 Min. lsterle1 and there have been 11 prime ministers in Canada. In the 34 years up to 1901 there were seven prime ittinlatere and in the 37 since then only four leave been added to the net. The most frequelt,t changes' lu the premiership carne after the death of LIST OF FAIR DATES f Sir John A. ai•cdouald lu 1891, Be - IN SURROUNDING TOWNS i ,ween that year and 1596 there were five new prime ministers -'Sir John Following is a list of datoe on I AbbOVt, Set' John Thompson, Sir which eul'rouuditrg communities I Mckenzie 'Bowen, Sir Charles will bold their fall fairs: Sept, 23, 24 Sept, 29, 30 Sept. 29, 30 Sept, 20, 30 Sept. 13, 14 Sept. 00, 17 Sept, 27, 25 Sept` 2-5 Sept. 0, 1U Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Sept, 30, Oct.i Sept, 20, 21 Sept. 15, 16 Sept, 29, 3'l Sept. 29, 30 Sept, 15. le Atwood , Art bur Aytolt Brussels C lies ley Clifford Drayton Elmira Fergus. , Fnt Ow'ich Grand Valley tlnderit4l Miniver lid listen Holstein Kincardine Luc'know ............... ....,.... Sept. 29 30 Sept. 22, 23 • ,.... Sept, 27, 28 Sept. 15, 16 Sept, 23, 24 Sept, 16, 17 Sept. 27, 28 Sept. 27, 28 Sept. 29, 30 Sept. 22, 23 Oct, 5, 6 Teeswater Oct. 4, 5 Tiverton Sept. 22, 23 Wiartolr 5....._._ Sept, 15, Ib International plowing match and farm machinery demonstration will be held at Minesing, near Berrie, on October 11, 12, 13 and 14. DUMPLING DIVORCE In S.tLouis, Mo., a man wanted a divorce because his wife's dump- lings stuck to the roof of his mouth, Mount Forest Mitchell Milverton Neu:ead4 Orangeville Palmerston Paisley ..........., Pont Elgin , Seaforth Tara A round whisk broom is a han- dy agent for dampening clothes evenly and quickly, Perennial Weed Control When the infestation of peren- nial yeeds has spread over a large area, cultural and cropping meth- ods have to ire relied upon tor their eradtleation. It is advisable however, to use sodium chlorate for the eradication or small patches of perennials. The latter half of the growls season is a good time to make an attack on petenn0al weeds. 'There is not quite the same rush of work then, as In the spring of tha yeal. and the weather is nst1a,iy more favourable, particularly mien grass. The roots of this weed are killed by a few days' exposure during dry warm weather and since couch guasta is a allalloly- rooted weed, a large percoatagc of 115 roots can be brought to the surface by cultivation. Another advantage in favour of killing weeds in the latter half of the growing season, is that it per mils the growth of an early crop such as hay or oats cut for g' -en reed, before the treatment cam• nlellees; or the Land may be used for pasture during the time of the year when pasture is Moet 5)111• duel lye. A partial sarikmer•rallow con - slats of ploughing In mid -summer followed by cultivation to keep down weed growth cluring t,,,, 1"» Meth of the graying. sea. on, This treatment should not be tem - monied kilter than August 1, be clause it 301005 about three tnul,ttrs or c'a.l35%laUon each time any top* growth appears .to exhaust the food reserves stored in the routs of suer weeds HSI perennials star blrtstie, Canada thistle and chicory. There .is, 1loysver, oontalicletable villins resuired to kill perennia; 'rations reyuir•ed to kill perennial weedtt and Ott ahead be remember- ed that an old established stand Of perennials is mere diftiunit 10 Tapper toed Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Si Jilin Macdonald was leader of 1. the government for about 19 years, f the longest period, but Sir Wilfrid I Launder, leader for 15 yeas, had the 1 longest unbroken terms Sir Clnal'lea' I Tupper had the shortest term, only two months and one week. Sir Robert Borden was in office for eight years and 10 months W L. Mackenzie King, the present bead or the government, had been prime r ministeraltogether for about 11 years. All M', Ilelghen's predecessor'* except Alexander Mackenzie, were given titles. Si Charles Tuppe • re- ceived a baronetcy. The widow of Sir Sohn Macdonald was created a baroness, Arttbdr Meighen, W. L. King and R. B. Bennett have re- mained untitled. Notice To Contractors The Municipal Council of the township of Morris' are askir g for tenders for painting the Cruicle shank's bridge, The bridge Is to be brushed and painted. Tender in two ways. supplying the paint or having the council sup ply the paint, Tandems will be consider,nl at the township hall on Monday, Aug- ust 'fifteenth at two o'clock. A. 1faoEWEN, Clerk WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent, Conveyance, and Commissioner General Insurance Office Main street, -- Ethel. Ontario WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10Ve 1938 Round Trip Bargain Fares From BRUSSELS. Fri. & Sat., August 19th & 20th To Oshawa, Bowmanville, Pont Dope, Colman,' Trenton Jct„ Belleville, Napanee Ii;ingston, Gare nogne, Brockville, Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peteoborio, Oampbel0ford, Newmarket, Penetauig, Golltugwood, Memford, Barrie, Oriilia, Mid land, Gravenhtrrst, Braeebridge, Huntsville, Calendar, Nortih Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in New Ontario on ling of Tonne - training & Northern Onntario filly„ Nip/eking Central Rly,, Kapieka& Ing, Lomglac, Necking, Taspota•, Sioux Lookout, Geraidibon, Jenice. Beardmore, Port Anther, Meoford, Barrie OrilUa, Meafoi'd, Gravenburst+, 13racebridge, Sat. August 20th to TORONTO Also to Brantford, Oba•Uhane Chesney, Clinton, Dunham, Ea. eter, Fergus Goderlch1 Guelph, Han ltton, Hanover, Harrdsiton, Inger, sell, Kincardine, Kilcbener, London, List wet, Mitohell Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Pants, Port Dg'In, St. Catharines, Sit Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton, Wiamton, Wlingharn, Woodstock. For Pares, Return Limits, Train Informatron, Tickets, consult nearest Agent, e - For Farw, Renee Limits, Train fniormatton, Tiekeu, cont ile nearest Agent. See Handbills. '', 0 CANADIAN NATIONAL � First Tennis Game A sporting event of unusual in tercet took place recently at Lull- ingsltone in Kent, England. ,PC w'aw the restaging of the first game of tennis ever played, It was, at a weep -end party at Lull- iagstone Oastle ,in 1873 that Sir Wtt taon Hdalb Drake, Disraeli's Chief Whip, sept a ladder on two barrsle and played a new game with two guests, Miss Sullen Mar- shall and Mr. J. H. Iieathcote, Miss Marshall's, trouble with her drinoldne and Mr. 1-leatltcote's anx- iety over his silk !vat were lived agalin when members of the North Kent Lawn Tennis Association dresed the parte to play ntatchee on the old site. The count /perked out for the oeacsion was slurped more or less like au hour -glass, as was tine Reit count, Rackets, were abucei pear-shaped, Two barrels were bought up from the yeller and an old pruning ladder placed across thein. The ball -boys on this occasion were over 80 years er age. They were the brothers T. and A. 'Beep- er, who were the ball boys,, In the original neatoh.--BracebrkLge Ga tette, C.ZI LLIAX &SON. Firemen's REET DANCE AND JAMBOREE Brussels, Wed., Aug. 24th Music by Florence Sauer And H e r Orchestra Come and help the Firemen and enjoy an evening of Jitney Dancing the street will be speically treated for this occassion, ammINM _SPECIAL PRIZE An Electric Packard Razor will be given away This is the third of a series of dances to be held by the Firemen in aid of purchasing new equipment (Ins r •Hall) case of rain the dance will be held, �n Town