The Brussels Post, 1938-8-10, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10''1, 1938 11 Now Open Under New Management American Hotel (Fully Licensed) All Home Cooked Meals All white kelp throughout the hotel Make it Your Horne When Away From Horne — Courteous Service Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pensen, grs. L. K. Parr, Prop. L, K. Parr New Prop. Of American Hotel L, K. Tarr, proprietor of the Parr hotel Windsor, has purchased ,the Amerean hotel business in Brussels. Mr, Parr' Is an experienced hotel lean anal is widely known as a stockman +being an importer and dealer of I>urebred Percheron Bel- gian and ,Clyde stallions and mares'. Sime 1917 Parr has imported from the 13, S. A. over 2,000 registered etellons, and mares Into Western Canada, 'Calgary being the head- quarters at that time. Among the horses wits, the Grand and Senior Champion of the 1917 International Livestock show at Ceinego. The stallion was brought to Western Canada by Mr, Parr to teed ,their herd of purebreds on .their stock - ranch near Calgary. The 1919 Grand 'Champion Belgian Stallion of the Chicago Livestock Show was bought at •lite sunt of $11,000 and im- ported, by Mr, Parr to head their herd: of Belgian mares', This was the highest purchase price ever paid hi Alberta for a stallion, The stallion "Paul" Was sold to a send!, vale, Grand Prarie City, Ata., for $10,000, The Percheron stallion •`-Mercer•' a gratia champion of Western Canada in 1921 was also soul for that sone Many other high priced horses were dealt and bier by this drat. We understand that Mr, Parr is continuing hit•, importing of stallions' and high piked stock with his hotel limbless a sideline in Ontario. Me, and Mrs'. Jack Penson, who hare been associated: -Mitt Mr, Parr in the hotel business ear some time, will conduct the American betel bueineve here, The hotel is to 'be re -decorated and re-iarnisheti, I-Iome cooking will be a feature 01 the dining room service, First class service will be maintained through- out the hotel. WALTON The monthly meeting of St. George's Ladies Guild and W.A, was field at the home of Mrs. Chas', Pollerd with ,Mrs. E, Hollinger as assisting 'hostess. The meetng took the form et a jeelendiship Tea, with each_ enentther briging a friend. The Guild' meeting was opened by all winging the hymn "Best be the 'Tie that Binds" 8ollowing wbioly ptoyea• ,was offered by the Rector who also read' a passage of scrip- ture, The .preeld,en,t Mrs. ` Fred 'Scarlett occupied ,the oltair and conducted the busllness of the day. Pynuptuti>y was expressed: :to the hostesses for the fact that their htts- bade. were in the rospltal nue to car atc°Ident. The president reminded +tbe mienubere, of the copper contest whit&h will °lose in Ootdber, Mrs. Scarlett donated. an apron to be passed aroma the Congregation to receive donation of patches for a built and 110110, for the lining, It: was' decided, to hole a bake sale anti tan on Sept. Ord and a commit- tee was named' to be in charge. Mre. Graham invited' the lnemcbers' to the Rectory for the Sept, meeting. The W. A, meeting was opened by ell repeating the memlbe-r's' Pray- er, The president lrre.leunripliaies yes to the chair the minutes of the prevents meeting were read by the secretary Mrs'. E. Bollinger, A shoat program was given consisting of hlstruntetal movie by, Misses +13. Shannon, M, •Setters, and M, Huron- pht'ies; a reading by lvlrs. Scarlett; solo, Monied Graham and a duet 'by Beth Sitanlion- and Dorothy Balton, The guest speaker of the atter- nopn Was' Wes, A, 'C, ,Calcbee of (loderich who gave •a deeply slniritn- al ,and )neat hepil'ilg address,, '' tressting ttte foot that We can all tto sonretlti;ng in some Way toe Christ, Merv, J. Graltatn Moved a vont of thanks, to the hostesses end titev, A, Oielder prbnovinced the bened'atlos, 'McIntosh and Scott Re -Union On Monday, August 1, 1938, the deseendeats of Alexander McIntosh and Peter ,Scott held their s80on11 re -union, near Molesworth, One, in the grave by the Maitland on the term or Chas McIntosh. One hundred and flue guests registered their mutes during the day. After a hearty lunch a. mole :11r. John McEyan, the president, took the chair, ante alter a few approp• relate remiarks, he °ailed on several of the Menne present who were to take part in the program, which was as follows: solo, tier•rude Ful - helm; step -dancing, by Allister hh'tntos+la; address, Mr. Robt, Scott; reading, Miss Vela Wright; instrumental music, Ace and Harald Fullarrton; song, Colin and 'Nell McIntosh; reading, by MN. Clar- ence Taylor! a talk on a motor trip to Calgary and other po ',is Weet, by Mrs, R, J, MoLennan; addre_e Mr. Dan Mcentoslt, All were pleased indeed to have Mr, Scott, of Cobourgh, Ont., pre s eat at :the re -union, Mr, Scott gave a very interesting talk about .lit•, Peter Scott's brother's and sisters, yho had, spent their days hi Lanark County. This, was particu- larly enjoyed by the Scotts very few of whom were acquainted with this branch ot the family. • 'Mr. Dan McIntosh came from Revelstoke, B.C„ to be present at the re -union. Tu this address Mr. McIntosh Metered vividly a scene in the 13, 0, halls', when he travelled to the tinmber region to stake claims of timber for himself and other men interested. 'Phis' program was followed by softball games, pitching horse shoes, swimming and boating, The race,: long distance swim Ol- iver Smith, Colin McIntosh; long distance swam uncles water, 'Galen Mc+Iutosh, 01;ver Smelt; boys' race, 10 and ander, Glenn Fraser, Mack Moipet; girls, 10 urn under, Edlith' )brLenn'un, Gerry Fullerton; boys 15 and under, Colin McIntosh, Roy eleIntash; married men's race, Win- ston elodpbet, Ace Fullerton; mar- ried women's race, Mrs. C. Thomp- son, 'Mrs, Morethet; relay race, A, Malntosh, Vera Wright, 0, :Smith Vera Thompson, 11e1 with Chas, McIntosh Jr., Ellen McIntosh, Lloyd Mc01us'kie, Dorothy Green, Arfter the races, supper yes served and Mr. Wm. Finlay, of Listowel was appointed President for 1939 re -union to take place on Civic Holiday in August; the sechreas', is Mrgc R. J, McLennan, Bluevale, Ont, Executive 'Commrittee for 1930: Frank Green, Cts. A, Wright, Gordon leicEwan A. Futlatrton, Chas, M,cLntosh Sr„ Peter McIntosh, Alan Reids Nelson INI8'lntosh, Bruce Sruith, 11, J, McLennan, Mrs', John Fraser, ,firs'. Annie Murree, GREY Mrs, ,Panles Moses, Inas' returned home after a most pleasant vdsti.t at Sault Ste Marie. ,flys. May Welibelave of Easton Seek., is, a visitor at the home, et her brother, Peter McArthur, also Misses' Magaret and Tena McMenne Toronto, are enjoying their holi- days. 7t is several yenie since Mrs. Wslibelotve visited the abd home and is n former getedeiete of (9111 General Hospiest, 'Miss Adeline 'Ca'rniff spent the past week at the Batch, P'oi't3igln. Mr, ad Mrs'. J, L, Dana and daughter Rite and Mr. and elm, A. E. 1Vestove'p and daughter War - cline of Nen .nes, Palls, spetlt the ereek•end ,vitiv Mrs; , A. 1;, Dace Con, 8, There will be no service in Roc's .United clutch 'tor the next three Sundays ns the pastor le on his holidays. Bear In MIntl Roe's chinch anndvorsary services 011 Sunday, Sept,- 11th and winch this pipet' for further anitouneetnenta. Ent' EL 1 were: Mr, and Mr's, W. G. McBride and Mrs, L, Parrott of Iiatnllton; Mrs, Agnes Earls and son Frank of Wroxeter; 111x, and Mrs, Tom McDonald, Molesavorith; David' 1119• Lcuntan and daughter, Doris, Con, 2 they and :lir. and Mrs. S. J. Wright, Con, $, Galey, After an enjoyable visit of two week's duration wl:h Ethel ttntl Cranbrook 'trienus, Prank start Mrs. Heater and ,children Marlon aucb Irvlfl returned Saturday, Aug. 0, thy motor to their hoarse in ehawa. At tltue of writing, very little !tope was entevectiped Tor the newt-. ery of 'Mrs. Vector 'MoMaster of Seaforth who has been critically til for s,everul weees, Mts, homes', eeniot', who has been In falling' health for some time, suffered a severe heart a'ttanl: dew- ing the 'last week and wee 'sc5rcely expected to rally, The many friend •of Charles and 'Ivies. Cleaver of 'Con. 6, Gray were glad to know, that Mr. Cleaver, al- though in uasce:Main beelth, for many Months; was able to be Pres" ens and enjoy the 131g Day cele- bration, Aug. 419 at !Ethel, Harvesting and 111reaiting are In full swing, in tits copnanuatty this week. Rev, JIr, Snell of Uulted Church and Rev. Mr. \Villai s of Pr'esby- teria 'Church, ' being on their holi- days, there was no preaching ser- vtee in Ethel churches Sunday of last week. 11. motor car •nilshep occalred the n41vt at August 9th about 2 miles yell of Ethel, when a car driven by Arthur Henry of Etbel, ,Who was returning alter taking some friends to Brussels', bumped into a car park- ed without tights on the roadside, Both care were damaged. No other injuries.. Soma weeks ago during haying operations, Glenn Ames' flag Trick sey narroyly escaped disaster by Coming to contact with the mower, one foot was' cut (Utile seriously. It was considered' fortunate that it was no worse as six likely goon col- lie peps were dependent on her for tteoessery care, Auy person 'desir- ous of securing an animal of this kind could have a choice at a reas- on'a'ble piece, out of this lot, at Lot 12, Con. 8, Grey tw^p, Glenn Snell and' Bobbie Bateman who are cousins are spending the school n1ddlsumaner' holidays togeth- er et Tames'tawn anti Ethel, The W. 1I, S, of Ethel United Church met on Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 2nd at the home of firs W, Sorters,. The president occupied the chair and 12 ladies were press ens, The meeting was opened with hymn 252 and The Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes. of the last meeting were read, and approved and ire Roll Cal answered with a favourite ver's'e, Mrs, King read the Scripture Lesson frolu Romans 09. 12, The President then conducted the Wor- ship Service which had as Its. theme "Tire Church and Social Welfare,'' Mrs. P, Stephenson read the Dev. Leaafet after Which Mrs, Maguire led in prayer, A splendid synap- sis of C11. V. of the Study Book, "Trite .Light of the Mind," was givens by Mrs. Q. ,Dobson, Mts. Bray contributed, an article on Korea for the Watch Tower, The meeting was closed With prayer and the Benediotaon, A very ,successful Lce-cream social was held neer ,the auspices of the Woman's Assoctation of Ethel United Church on Thursday even- ing, July 28th, at the hone of Mr, and bibs, Jos, Pearson, The open- ing feature a sbft-ball game, the marital men vs. the single Wren re- sulted it a victory for the former., Then foe:ow-ed a splendid program of musical numbers and- readings, After ,lunch was served ,the young 1)e01110 enjoyed same group games'. Many thanks' and great credit for the success •of the evening are date 1111, and lies, Pearson for so Willing offering `their lovely home and spacious grounna to rime occasion and nese for the pi'ei)aaxations they made, The steady all-night rain or July 31st, made the land in good shape for plowing in this area. And, will be very beneficial 'for the latex' d,evelop'lrng clops, Rev, Harold and Mrs. Snell of Ethel Tindted dhU,reh commenced a three week's vacation period Mon- day, Auguslt lst, They will spend a fete drays in Tomato for the fleet pelt of their hell -tiny, The 'clesltnueltion by fire of the batt') and contents, or Angus Brown 1911) wan, of Grey, 1419lch lrappeneti about 6 o'oloek 'pan", Saturday, July 30, wee a regrotftil occurrence, restaging in loss which eannol as Yet he fnily eslttmateci, The disaster is all the more regrettable, In as /nub that the building destro e.1 wale one of the beet, Composedof tike choicest timbers anti lumber and rooting and cattle senreelY be replaced, with the same quality or Material at any price, Guests al the home of Stan, Aird Mrs, 'Dunl*t', Sth colt„ on Sttltday Obituary weeseresesseessweseesesseesseetieensesi WILLIAM E. RUSSELL William E. Russell, age 85, of 1(121 Thurman Street, died 'Tuesday, Jury 19th, at Saginaw General Hos- pital, Mr, Russell was a sou of the late Thomas and Mrs, Itueeell of Morris' Township, He married Alice Boyers of Saginaw in 1519. He leaves his wife, two sons, Evert it Detroit; Hugh at bome; six brothers, Dr, John of Sheet Thomas of Merrill; Leonard of care- b;id•ge Springs, Penn,; Robert of Saginaw; James' of -Saginaw and Alex of Brussels, predeceased him also three sisters, Mrs. John Halley of Saginaw; Ml's; Joseph Long of Brnseels; Mrs. Charles' Agin (de- ceased) also three grand children Delores, Marilyn and Marilyn, The funeisi took place at 2 pan. Thursday at the W. L. Case Chapel a14 burial in Raliacon Saginaw. The paLIhearet's' were: six ne- hews: Lenard and Hugit Sheldon: Harold Russell; Tom Afin and John Swat, The floral tributes were many and beautiful testifying the esteem In which lir, Russel was held, Rebecca McNair With deep regret we record the deabh of a flue woman In the person of Rebecca McNair who departed this life on the 4th. ar August at the Waterloo-Kllcheer Hospital after four weeks' of illness; She was the youngest daughter of the late James and Sarah McNair She received her educ'aton at To. 8 Grey and at Seaforth Collegiate and le ussels •Contituuation School, Later she atended London Normal school. She taught in Hawlok, No. 2 Over, Cranbrook and Blyth, Her work was: a delight to her. Hews was, a quiet, retiring nature, .She went about her duties, quietly, dropping a word of cheer to the discouraged, a wind of sympathy to the lonely heart and with. a helping hand fur the needy. She was a 'member of Knox Pres- byterian Church, Cranbeeek. Sate was deeply devoted to: her church being regular and constant in at- tendance. Tire inipress've funeral service was conducted by Rev. W. A, Wil- liams, Cranbrook and Rev H, J, Mahoney, Brnasels. Two beautiful Solas, "The Christian Good Night," and "The 'Beautiful Land" were sung by Mrs, .J Meadows and Miss' Carrie leings,bou, The pall -bearers were her three brothers William, John and Marten McNair and her three brethersain law, Alex Perrie, J'eune8 Perrie and Alex ledger. The dowers bearers were Mrs, Will. Perrie, Mrs. John Perrie, A:lece Forrest, Clvuistena Dickson, Eliza- beth Dtokson and Luella Mitchell, she is survilred by three sisters, Mrs. Alex Perrie and Mrs, .patties Perre, Bnuss'els and Mrs. Alex Ed gar, Gornie and three brothers Wil- liam and Martha of Grey Township and John of Brussels, To Lite soriro,w atrialrem friends is. extended ,the sincere sympathy of a large °irete of ,friends. "I canoe say and I well not ,shy - Tlrat she la dead—She is just away W,ith a cheery while and a wave of the hand da11,4 And left us' dreaming bow very fair It needle must be, since she lingers there And you—Olt you, who the wildest yearn For the 014 time step and the glad return (Think of her, raring on, as dear In the love of There as the love of Here Think of her sled as the same, T Say She is not dead -5ile .is just away." BELGRAVE - The regular Institute meeting Ma be held at the home of Mrs. Lyle Hopper on Tuesday afternoon, August 16, '13he program has been prepared 'by the cottlmlidt.ee on Canadian Iudustrles', Convenors, Miss Laum laP te1' Mrs ,Nelson TI;gig s. Roll Call, An Industry in n iluron 'Conary; Current Lvents, Atm. S, Procter; Address', Miss Ferrol Biggins, "Canadian indus- tries;" M1tstc; Lunch. Comiuittee, lis, N. Higgins, firs, N. heating, Miss Laura Hopper; All ladies of the community are cordially invited, SUMMER CLEARANCE August 4 to 13 WOMEN'S DRESSES SPECIAL GROUP OF CREPES & VOILES REGULAR UP TO $6.95 $1.00 SPUNTEX, EMPIRE CREPE DRESSES $2•49 OTHER GROUPS AT $3.95, $4,95 & $5.95 Rough Crepes 59c yd Non -creasing Shantussa Reg. 89c 69c SHEER DRESS Lengths reg• $4.95 03.59 5 yd. Tubfaz: Print Special 75c Vest & Bloomer Sets .....•,•• 89c Pure Silk Slips • • • • $1.39 Taffeta Slips • • • • . • • • • 79c Girdles 89c Bobby Sox 1Dc pc Frilled Curtains reg. $1.00 pr. 2 pairs • • • • $1.49 Net Curtains reg. $2.25 • • • • • $1.29 Tyilled Sheeting 81" 79c year guaranteed Shees • - • • , • $1_95 ea. Men's Wash Pants $1.39 Flannel Slacks regular $4.95 $2.49 Polo Shirts • • • • , • • • • • • 79c 1 Boys' Bathing Suits reg. $1.00 59c Boys' Polo Shirts . • • • • 49c Phons 71 K 1 N G' S Wingharn MORRIS Mr. Glen McKercher is stending a few clays with his grannparets in Wroxeter, Clarence Grainger hae returned home after spendhig the past month in camp. He was In cha'g•.1 u' the Listoyei onlmunity Club Boy's! Camp near IIenfryn. Miss Monica Johnstone of I;ly tit is spending a tee- days wits Helen Riley of Jamestown, A pleasant evening was spent Mon- day night at the home of ,lir, and llrs. Roy Turvey when the friends of Mr. and Mrs, Carmen Walsh gathered and presented then' with a miscellaneous shower. The first part of the evening was in the Dorm or a programs consisting of Readings, Helen Sellers, Margaret Turvey; Istruntentals, Maine 11'•alsh Lois' elishaw; Guitar selections, Clark Johnston, The following address was read by Irene Warwick, Dear Cameron and Isabel:— We your friendie and acgnaintauces have gathered here tonight to wish you the best of luck on the golden! road to happiess, Althougb Cameron is a stranger to most of us, you Isabel, have spent the years' oe your past life with us and' were always filling at any time to do nhat ever was asked Of you. We know the rest of your life will ' be. spent amidst deferent associates I but may you look back with pleas- ant thoughts to ,the years spent on the "second line." Life is mostly troth and bubbles Two things stand like stone Kindness in another's, trouble Courage in your own. Signed Irene Warwick, Lila Agar, Margaret Turney, Glenn Bray, Geo_ Johnston, BORN RUTTAN—On Monday, 1935, to Mr. and Mrs, lan, of Mortis twp., Harriet Caval. August 8111, Arthur Rut- a daughter Clean Sweep Sale of Cars-Trucks.Tractors 1937 De Luxe Ford Sedan with Heater & Radio 1937 De Luxe Sedan with Heater 2 1937 De Luxe Ford Coaches 1937 Standard Ford Coach 1936 De Luxe Ford Coach 2 1936 Standard Ford Coaches 1936 Standard Ford Sedan 1935 Standard Ford Coach 1934 De Luxe Ford Coach 1933 De Luxe Ford Coach 1932 4 -Cylinder Ford Coupe 1936 Terraplane Sedan 1932 Chevrolet Coach 1931 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 1929 Chrysler Sedan 1931 Chrysler Coupe 1930 Plymoth Sedan 1929 Plymoth Sedan 1928 Plymoth Sedan 1927 Plymoth Sedan 1931 Ford Victoria Coupe 1930 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Coach 1927 Ford Coach 1 c 1927 Buick Sedan - Model T Touring like new' 1926 Essex Coach like new TRUCKS 1937 Heavy Duty Ford Truck (like new) 1936 Heavy Duty Ford Truck (like new) 1931 Ford 11,2 -Ton Truck 1930 Ford 1 %-Ton Truck 1932 4 -cylinder Ford Pick -Up (like new) 1929 Reo Panel Speed Wagon TRACTORS 1932 ,Fordson Tractor (like new) ••• • • • • • • $475.00 1927 Fordson Tractor '(re -conditioned) • • • • $275.00 1 Re -conditioned Fordson Tractor & 2 -furrow Plow Complete $250'00 1 Black Percheron Horse 6 -year-old L. & W. Jackson MOTORS LTD. LISTOWEL QN 1 ARIO