HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-8-10, Page 4THE BRUSSEiS, POST W121)1001)0', AUGUST 1064. lila $ HOWICK John Andrew Seraules Earls At noon, Wednesday, July 27th, there passed away a1 the home of 111s uopli0ws Andrew and David Mo - Lennon, 2nd con, of Grey, one of the Old places or Hawick Tow11- .>1hiIp, in the person it John Andrew Sir.nules Naris, at the ripe old age or SS year$. Bora near Ennis- tdillen, C,Outrly Fermanagh, Ireland, he caane with his parents at the age of twelve to Canada, then a land of forests and settled on a fano on the 2nc1 con. at Howlett, later on owned by the late Richard G•ratuger In hie early manhood he married Sophia. 1-1o111ugsh .tl) also A resident of the 2nd Con, of How. telt and practically 011 of his ti1't was spent on the old 41o111ngsbead homestead except fo ra number of years spent in construction work at Niagara Pals, 'Dlie past two and a half years he hes lived with his nephews in Grey. Atter the death of 15411 first wife Ile married Mics Isabella llieNell of McNab St., Hamilton, formerly of Banbridge, Co„ Doyn, lretau1, She prede- ceased hint about ton years no, , The subject or this notice was the son of the late John Earls and Margaret Campbell, both natt(,es or Ireland Brought up an Anglican, he later pained St. Andrew's Ties byterian church at Molesworth, where for many years he was a regular attendant, Owing to the absence, on holidays' of his minister, Rev, A. Leggett of Molesworth, Rev,: H. Snell, the Putted church Pastor of Roe's church kindly conducted the funeral services. Interment was made in the Molesworth Ceme- tery, Hawick and Grey Boundary. Pallbearers were six nephews, Wn1. J. and Audrew McLennan, 'Robert J. anti David McLennan, Prank Earls, Wvoxcter and Wnl. R. Little, Brussels. Ia polities he was a Conservative. FIe was an ardent Orangeman and never missed a "walk" as long as health permitted, Three years ago ou July 12+141 he celebrated hie Stith birthday by holding a Re -union of old frieullls, relatives aed neig111oes at his home on the banks of the Maitland in ilowiek, Honest in 1rJs dealings with his fellowmen, a good nelglhbor cud a favorite with the C1111dmeu whole he dearly loved, he will be missed In the homes of iris friends and acsusintances, The last of his faultily, he was prede- ceased by his sisters, Mrs, John McLennan, Grey; Mos, John Means, ltlue.vate; \firat. A'lagi,^ie Hurter,. New York; 1tlrs. Annie Barton, New York and brothers, Robert Darts of Wroxeter and Jamey Darla. of Porn lege La, Prairie, Man, Mrs, S. J. Wright and Mrs. Stan, Dunbar, Ethel; Miss Jane McLennan, Germ - ley; Mrs. lien 13.0113enbecg, of Palm- erston. and lifts, W, 0, McBride, Hamilton, are nieces of the de- ceased gentleman, Notice A Court of Revision on The Hack - well Drain will be hold in the Town. ship TIa11, Morris on Monelty.. August 15th, 1938 at 2 o'clock. Panties interested please attend A 1VbacE r'eir Clerk Morris TY WE PUT /kip BLUE SUNO.0 0 .8. '1'. DON.AI.r> R CO,. Limns° ,a, e., .rw.wr Sn,0T141:t14. Jana 21st, 1938 Sun 011 Company, Limited, Toronto. Ontario. Gentlemen:— This will advise you that our repreoontati a was Present during the tilling of drums of gasoline in both Montreal and Toronto, used in the testa which you Aro making' On gasoline named by you Canada's New Gasoline", These drums were sealed with our marks with tamperproof seals. Samples et this now gasoline were compared 10 our laboratory with samples of the New glue Sunoco taken at random from retail dealers' tanks. 'Our analyses show that the gasoline used in these tosts war, the same in ovary respect as the New Slue Sunoco now en sale to the public except for the blue coloring which, wo understand, was omitted to avoid identltloam tion by motorists in the tests. In our opinion the coloring does'not affoot •tho porforoanoo of this gasoline 10 any way. Your[ very truly. J. 4. DONALD AND COMPANY, Limited. JaM;EMoIt. itiao-proaidobt. OT... left out the blue color and called it "Canada's New Gaso- line". . . then matched it against 30 gasolines, including 13 pre- mium priced fuels, in tests made by 1Q69 motorists in six cities g6C- that the E LUE SUNOCO giwe ifiette4 peieunanee than tha4e7halkenl 920 OUT OF 1069 MOTORISTS CONVINCED THEMSELVES THAT THE NEW BLUE SUNOCO IMPROVED THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR CARS! These motorists were people like yourself, came from all walks of life, drove practically all makes of cars. They tested New Blue Sunoco on the highways and byways, under exactly the same conditions you will encounter—tested Blue Sunoco against the gasolines they had been using, 30 of them, 13 of which were premium priced, PROVING THAT BLUE SUNOCO IS A MOTOR FUEL OF SUCH AMAZING SUPERIORITY THAT IT RANKS AS AN OUTSTANDING GASOLINE, LABORATORY ANALYSIS PROVED THE GASOLINE THEY TESTED WAS THE SAME AS THAT SOLD TODAY AT ANY BLUE SUNOCO PUMP AND AT REGULAR GAS PRICE. Test this New, Improved Blue Sunoco today in your own car. 17o like these motorists did. Convince yourself that Blue Sunoco is today's outstanding motor fuel at any price! dew and In,p,,o� 'vhe epi AT REGULAR GAS PRICE Harry Champion's Gara CLASSI FED ADS, FOR SALE--- °numbers, Poppet's, and.. Silve1r shin Onions. phone 19X Harry Querin FOR SALE..-,- Good Road and ,Cement Gravel, else 3 Massey Qtarmis "Binder Truck. phone 4.2.20 Baxter Stevenson FOR SALE— A small Kitchen Stove in good condition at Wm, Smith, Grey Twig. Phone 5$.r-8, FOR SALE- S Pgs, 0.weeka-old, also year•old Leghorn Betts, phone 51-1.0 Dave Shiels„ FOR SALE- Seven Pigs 0•weelts-old, Janes' Riley SM, Lok 25, 'Con, 7, Morris FOR SALE-- Brick ALE—Brick Veneer house, on Princess street, fann1Qr home of the late Waiter Yulll, 2-p apply to John Yuill 01 John Bowman, Executors FOR SALE— Anyono wanting to purchase house or wanting to rent Mrs, W. phone 79 Mrs', Wm. Sinclair , WANTED Peng man o1' woman to solicit sabscriptans for 'Ladies Hon1e Jour- nal and Country Gentleman (5 yrs, $1:)- will pay $5 per day, w:lte to P. C. Dreier -Curtis, ren, Formosa, Oat FARMERS ATTENTION., MONEY TO LOAN Mortgage Loans on Improved farm properties at 5%, No valuation Nes or chattel morgage required. H. 3. COTTY & CO. Farm Sales Service, Stratford WALTON Miss Iris Bateman of Hamilton is spending her holiday's with her grandparents \Ir, and Mrs. R. IioY. Miss Levey of Brussels is spend ing her holidays with her grand- parents Mr, 111,1 Mrs, Eg. Roe, .Miss. R. Burns who has been visit- ing her sister in London has return- ed home, . Mrs. K. Rutledge and Evelyn of ']'0l1, ito are Speltding their 11011days with the former% mother ells. C. Drager. :lir, Fred' Rutledge of Toronto is spending his hosdadye with his par- ents Mr. And Mrs. Rutledge, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Hum:phltles spent Sunday with friends in Elm. Mr. alhd'i1is. C. Neabla and family Of Toronto spent the weekend with the latter's mother lslrs. R, Living- Ston, The Walton group of the W,M.S. of Duff's United Church 11e1b1 Ps regular molutltly [meeting Thursday with a good attendance. The meeaing was opened by singing "Jesus Loves: Me." Mrs, D. Living- stone presided and read Psalm 96. Prayer yas offered by Mrs. W. Hackwell. 'Tile roll -call, minutes of the last meeting and treasurarts report were given. A chapter of the study book, "Through Mission- ary }Vintlows," was read by Mrs, C. Drager. "Rescue the Perishing" was sung and the sheeting 0103rd with prayer by Mrs, D. Living- stone, The ladles spent sono time in quilting, Mit and Mrs, H, Last of Windsor sent the week -end with the letters sister, Mrs{, R. Hoy, Mrs. K. rare and baby Maxine spent the ,past week with iter par-' parents Mr, and Mrs. G111 of London, Mr. and Mrs, J, H, Humphrey of Wallterville spent lite past weep with friends in the village, they lett. on Monday to visit Wends. in Hast- en Ontario and New York stole, Dr, and NM. D, I3aclewel1 and family Of 3altond, N.Y., are visiting tate tomato's brothels and Sisteits' in the vicinity, M•r.s P. B, Gardiner and Vera of Toronto are visiting friends is the village, Mr, and Mrs, 0. 33ewnettl and Gamily ,x281111 1130 week -end with ,frien[ie in Toronto. Mish Rete Campbell of Gotiaurielt spent the Past yeek with her (tousle Mtiy. W. J, Hluthlybries, Mr, and Mrs, Silas. Jennison drd Jim spent. Stinalaty ht Sarnia, mho August meeting of :.tit U,k'.. W.0, will be held al, the notate of ilIrs, Gorden AleGavin on Weders. clay, Aug, 17th at 2 p,tt' The 'rapid "Dreseinnkinge to Its taken by Mrs Clarence Bennett. Ttyl, Call tD he alasnvoed y "What 11 tape to sew Best." -