HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-8-10, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST
cl3urne , hire.
Mr, and Neu. J. h7 y
W1'EDNI' SDAY, AUGUJST 10th; 1938
Of Special interesttoVorneD Readers
Plantes should be hapPy events
1' •everyone, and hi n0 s+ tv} ,bottld
the enjoyment be marred by crab
Com1>inatlon of Fresh Vegetables
such as Cucufl bens, Tomatoes,
)')titled Beets
Buttered Bread or Roils
Pratt Salad
(carried in covered seater)
Gila erbreud
Milk Shakes fur All
r.,+,w+r,,.•,.v..r.++a �. N.w..1++HIN
The Jtome of Mr. and Mme, Calvin.
A. I illen of McKillop was the scene
of a very pretty wedding on 1'Ved-
u1 vi.,,t7 afternoon et tows o'clock,
Tiny 27, when )heli daughter Bessie
orate pr partutions, The campfire EXPERT ADVICE Arndt)), became the bride of Keit-
is voted as among the most neth bbald Cowan, sou o'f
popular, probably because it is a ON EYEb1ZOWS and Mrs. Georgie Coteau, Bly
real change franc regular meal:, noel Rev, R. W. Craw officiated,
takes little time awd effort in home bride, given in marriage by her
preparation. No matter what type father, encored the drawing room to
of picnic, theodshamper should include the nlueio of 'Lohengr[n's wedding
a variety e foods that will combine to k as if tltry march, played by the br'ide's later,
to provide a complete, balanced d ti i e ebrosys at cl t,id Aries
meal, and in figuring the amlount%
required, allowance should he
made for the hearty appetite; 01
ways In evidence ou such occas-
The following menus may suggest
some new ideas for picnic ha.tkets:
Campfire Menu 1
Toasted Bacon and
Tomato Sandwiches
Fruit Salad, Berries oe Melon
Pluck Only Hairs That Are De.
finitely Out of Line
Too many girls o Edith Hiller, and took her
hadn't like their y •
the wrong things about them. It place before an arch of ferns and
you diclndt 1[Ice yours', here is some wore loess r flop Q1ae1p1rinietu bride
expert advice from the August iOresheer over taffeta with pale park
sue of McCall's an what to du, and
what not to do. shoulder veil embroidered in blue,
•,Are you eyebrows too light? Duel carried a chewer bouquet :1f
Use both mascara elle eyebrow P3 "4 Rapture roses and Maicleo,
pencil to darken; touch hairs de- hair fern IHer orange blossom
licately with hascara on a berate cothttet, white lace gloves and
damp beast, Then brush hairy white shoes completed her costume,
straight up, and shape to a belie:' Following Ilia ceremony a wed -
asthe lustrous Canadian traits line, Pencil ends lightly; match ding supper was s'erved to thirty
a,. they cedo in net+son) mascara and eye pencil. Don't use guests on tables tastefully decora•t-
n ButteredIhScones eyebrow penult alone to draw, at, ed with bouquets of - sweet peas,
Lemon afore Tarots artificial line on your brows. Deu t the bride's table, being centred
COeoa for All pluck any 'hairs except those that with her wedding cake. The
orAre definitely out of lino. Don't use toast to the bride, given by Rev,, R.
Otfee or Tea for Adults --Cocoa for black mascara when yomr brows de. , W. Craw, us responded to by the
Children mond a brown shade to blend, groom. The waitresses were tour
girl friends of the bride. Mteael
Apply. Antiseptic 1 Ethel Dennis, Marion Little, Adak
"Are your eyebrows too heavy? Gtasby and Helen Elliott,
After the supper Mr, and Mrs.
Pluck theau carefully—or have it
Cowan lett on a short motor zip,
done expends,—at least once a i the bride weeping a smart navy
week, First, hold cotton wet with marquisette over taffeta dress ++'0"1:
hot water against eyebrows Twc.ze flannel coat and accessories, Oa
each hair firmly in the direction it their return they will reside on
grows. A 0tlantiseptic. Be,:'•uChristian Island, Georgian
smooth. Don'' t pluck your ey'e- i
brows to a hair line. Dont pull
hairs in bunches, 00 against the
direction in which the hair grows. I
Don't let scraggly hairs grow out
between eyebrows over the nose.
Don't use a depilatory or a razo:.
Campfire Manu 2
Cheese Fi110d Rolls --Toasted
(Split rolls, and spread Due side
generously with ,grated cheese
mixed with butter, Put together
and toast over coals of campfire)
Fresh Vegetables such as Rndishee,
Lettuce, Green Onions
.cI''reeit from tate garden, market 0r
Fruit Shortcake
Split Melt tea biscuits. Colter bottom
halves with sweetened crushed
berries, or sliced fruit. Betties.
may be prepared at home and
canted in covered sealer:
Cocoa for All
1'twee or Tea for Adults—Cocoa for
Hamper Menu 1
Cheese Sandwiches •
(.Wade yitlt svhol(uheat bread)
)(Vary the cheese sand}riches front
time to time by combining g'•atecl
c•lmee0 and salad dressing with
eke:aped peanuts, chopped gree:1
-mutter, chopped cooked baccm or
cropped cucumber)
'Chopped Eggs & Onion Sand.twiclu-x
Fresh Fruit in Season
Spice Drop Cakes
Milk for Everyone
Coffee or Tea for Adults—Milk tor
'Hamper Menu 2
'Salter Plate—Devilled Eggs and a
Milady, who may not care to be
clothed in a basket of drips m a
bucket of milk. has a further
choice, according to :McGill Uni-
ve1C»'ily scieatiets box of old
broken bottle.
Milady can he dressed iu glass
anti need not be either scratched
or embarrassed, It has been toting
pessibie to spin the sheerest of
fabrics from glass, and these fab-
les, a e resistant to aci1 , wIll not
mildew, rot 0: -1811'n. So fine are
these glass, fehrirs that they can
be worn next to the skin without
any sctatehy effect, Any color
cam be added to eliminate the
transparency, end . rains rua orf
as otttufids a window,
:Sam MiUButuey 044 son, M1 1,41.
MOI3urney visited to Detro t and
Windsor lair week.
Mr. arts M0Buruey, 1$ having the
interior of his barn remodelled, 11r.
L, H, Keonig, Mildmay has Lite cow
Mr. 11o1:1Per of W6nliitam will
have charge of United Church ser
vicet5' On Sunday morning next.
The following. Sunday there w;11 be
no services,.
Guests' this week at the Item o'
01r, and Aire, Ward 'Sharp[n are;
Ills. E. L Grafton and son crco''ge,
hils..es• Gladys Campbell, Weide
and Revery MaeDo-gall of ]Iam14
ton, +Suualay guests at the Sharpie
home were 1Ir. Reward Neob a o:
1loieeworth, 111, and Alis, Emerson
Stafford of St. Thomas, Mr, and
Mrs), W, 1)01110 of I<ippen, 11r. and
Mee, J. Vittie and daughter, Jew, of
At the Baptismal Service on Sun-
day morning in the United Church.
two children, Hazel Maxine and
Nora Clara, daughters of 11r and
Mrs, Jacklin were received into the
2Irs. L, W, Rae spent a few days
recently with Lucknow friends,
T. ki. Mowat and children,
Douglas and Ruby of Orangeville,
spent part of last week with Mr,
an11 Mrs. D. S, MacN0tlghtou,
)Ir. Wm, Rae ant 0'011, \Vate••1oo.
spent a fete days lust week with tate
former's father, D. W. Bae. The
Rae fancily have Just returned from
A holiday at Oliphant Bay.
'Mrs. Wim, Mundeil, Mess Mary
Harris and Hiss Aileen Schaal) at-
tended a tiosseau tea at the )come
or ,Hiss 010100ret Doig on Saturday
Rev. A. M. Armstrong am fa;oily
Mt on Monday for their cottage at
Gilead Bend, where they will spend
the month of August.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Campbell of
glot't'is, were visitors at the home u
111x. and glrs. Iiew MaoNaugltton
one clay last week,
.13r, and Mrs. Brown and daugh-
ter Eleanor of Blyth, were week -end
guests of Mr. and glrs. Won.
Golf Week inThe Canadian Rockies
The Banff Springs Hotel's an-
nual golf weolc is set for
August 22-27, and the contest for
the long list or cups and prizes
will be waged in a mountain set-
ting so beautiful as to matte the
old 'admonition, keep your oye on
the ball, doubly difficult of fulfil -
Golf week at tho Banff Springs
course will see many notable U.S,
and Canadian amateurs with a
sprinkling of British and Jur-
•opean entrants, fighting it out for
the Edward Prince of Wales tro-
phy, put up by former Icing Ed-
ward VIII, and the Wtliingdon cult
for mon, Associated Screen glows
cup and the Brotvster trophy and
a hast of other coveted awards
for wotnen.
As much a social as a golfing
event, Banff's golf weep is the
signal for a round of informal
entertainment centred at the baro-
nial Banff Springs hotel, beneath
the terrace or which the great
golf course winds down Over the
Spray River for .0;640 yards of un-
rivalled fairways and greens, A
'golfer% ball' in the big hotel
A �
ballroom Saturday night brings
the week to a Close with preseutA-
tion of Cups and prizes.
The spectacular Banff Springs
course has its fairways laid along
the valley of the Bow 1Bivor into
which the rushing Spray dumps
its green waters beneath the,
towering first tee, Unmatched
for beauty, the course also ranks
among the world's best for its
length, trickiness and general
smartness of design. Pictures
above Show the Edward Prince of
Wales Cup and views of the
A warmed -up roast often loses
its moisture, If you wrap it in
greaseproof paper that has been
greased heavily before you put tre
roan: in the oveu, it '0111 re heat
a better flavor and be juicier than
if heated in the ordinary way.
Milk won't boil over 11 you
'smear some butter on the edge of
the pot or saucepan in which you
are boiling the milk. It will rise
only to the rim of butter, and tea
Keep a piece of sandpaper by
you; it is useful for something the
surface Of chipped china or giase.
ornaments. These can then be
handled safely without risk of cut.
tiug the fingers on rough edged.
Sandpaper will also an10ot11
down chipped wood in a. shelf or
R piece of furniture, and $0 Pre-
vent damage from splinters,
It is wise to haveaperiodical examination of the Eyes,
least every two years.
It is also wise to have your eyes thoroughly examined
Here you are assured of expert, truthful advice and when
glasses are necessary you receive the best at moderate cost-
ost•-• A.
« Stratford', Leading Optor;netrist
R„�i1C� For Nearly 20 Years
'P'hone 51 for Appointment
A sunburn may be prevented by
the previous application to the skin
of e. solution of Epsom salts or by
similar use of a tannic acid solu-
tion, two teaspoonfuls to a glasu(1!1
of warm water. Even strong tea
may be used in an emergency
Excessive or hard work ha the hot
stn may cause prostration, Int sev-
evere cases the victim may have
erensps in his legs. The profuse
sweating involves not only a loss of
water from the system, but 11 00 -
(Astons a loss of salt that seems' to
upset the chemistry of the body, Un
der such circumstances very dilute
salt water is quite palatable aol,
oddly enough quenches thirst better
than plain Fater,
Pleat strokes, popularly called
!sunstt'oke, is due to exposare to
Beat under conditions of high hula-
idity wrihh prevent the normal heat
loss from the body. The beev
noilmal best -regulating inechauie°11
has failed. This tondiition may be-
gin with headache, dizziness, thirst
or nausea; oftener there is a sud-
den lose of oonse10us11eet5. with a
rapid rise of body temperature as
sigh, as 107 nr 110 degrees F. Beat
strokes' should be avoided if at ell
possible because the victim of
heat stroke is thereby rentle.ca
Sp: [nkle the damp leaves from
your teapot over the bottom of
the pan in which fish has b_en
cooked, cover with colts water and
stand: in a cool place for half an
hour, When the saucepan is rinsed
out there will be 110 smell let.
Cleaning utensils used for mak-
ing pasttiy and cakes iv :.)ways
considerable work, but it won'r be
if yiu take this tip: Rinse bowls
as soon as you're finished with
theme in cold water to remove
flour, dough or batter, then
Plunge into )tot, soapy water and
wash to usual sway.
01 you want to make a lightning
Jab of damping down 111e clothes
before ironing, try this scheme.
' Mgllt the :gas in your oven and
Place a piedish of warm yater In
it, Roughly poli all the garments
to be damped and pines them on
the shelf above the Wettish. In a
few minutes the gentle steaming
heat will have done the job.
Mint jelly goes' well with lamb.
spiced 11011 les 04111 beef, pickled
apples or apricots with baked
hath, apple sauce with pork, pre-
esrved melon rinds with cl1lelcen
and currant or Pluto jelly with
Ono of 111e 11o;s1 annoying aced -
dents one can have is to upset
scent on the dressing -table, I; 11
does happen rub stains with meth-
ylated spirit and then inumeliiatcly
polish with linseed oil, the stains
—even those of g113te long stand-
ing ---maul be removed by this
'When 11111 king ice cream at
1101110, try adding a drop of pepper-
mint Ilevotdog to cll010iao: er
ldlteapple tee cream.
To utilise sm011 soup wraps, put
in a jar or warm water and allots'
to ills:401 ne, into tt soft soap or, if
111•y, grate them into soap gratn-
ules on a course cheese grater,
Pesten a PINT of telt to ie,,
underside or the tray 7011 tts,> for
serving on the dinner table, 'Thio,
Will save those disfiguring scratch.
es that will appear from time to
time, !however carellul you are.
The idea also 1»81ies serving much
quieter, The best way to fasten
the :felt is either With braes head-
ed carpet tacks 00 braes' drawing
sensitive to tutn00 heat exposure
even' es low as 80 degrees V.
High external temperatures cem-
pltcated by stagnant or moist air,
twhieh fails to assist the coo1111,1 of
the body surface by evaporation, are
causative of heat stroke. Under
such eoud[tions bodily exertion
must be limited. The wearing of
light, well ventilated headgear give:
a degree of protection.
If actual beat stroke has occur•'ad
or appearrs about to Decor, the per-
son should at once be removed to
the Molest available spot. Tire bare
body should be wrapped in a sheet
wet In cold water 00011 115 by evapo-
ration should be aided by fanning so
as to gain a moving current o: air.
The temperature should by token
frequently and artificial aids to heat
loss discontinued yhen the tempera -
attire Jigs fallen to 102 degrees 0'.
Plenty of fluids should be given. by
mouth, Many of these cases are
most serious and is all cases ,hooch
be under the supervision of aoetcr.
Sunburn, heat prostration and heat
stroke are some of the hisativantag
es of sunshine, These may be
avoided. After all, they do not
e0unter-bal¢tnee the good that, In a
11 variety of directions, come Mtn the
rays of the sun.
John W, S. McCulloigh, M.D..
Brilliantly lighted beach subjects, with no harsh shadows, take less
exposure. For this, 1/28 at f.16 (or the large lens opening on a box camera).
1f subject faces sun, or for a "long -shot" beach view, use 1.22 or the small
lens opening on a box camera).
ANY writers make a great to-do
ILL about exposure, so that it seems
complicated. As a matter of fart, for
most ordinary subjects out of doors,
itis simple.
Light in very early" mottling or
late afternoon is quite weak, but
from an hour or so after sunrise to
about an Motu' before sunset, it is
fairly constant in its intensity. Dur -
lug the middle daylight hours, cam-
era loaded with chrome type or
"pan" typo film, set your lens and
shutter as follows:
Average subject, 1/25 second and
1.11 lens opening.
Open landscape, 1/25, 1.10.
Water or beach eoenes, 1/25, 1.22.
Average sttbject, 1/25, f,8.
Open landscape, 1/25, t.11.
Water or beach scenes, 1/25, 1.16.
Average subject, 1/25, 1.8.2.
Open landscape, 1/25, 1.8,
Water or beach scenes, 1/25, t:8.
When you must use a high shutter
speed, use a larger ie11s opening. Re-
member that 1/25 second at 1.11 is
the same as 1/50 at f.8, and about
the same as 1/100 at f.6.0 or 1/200
at 1.4.5.
Follow these exposures this spring
and summer, and yin won't go
wrong. 14 you use a box camera, take
snapshots on bright days only. On
a dull day, Place the box camera on
a firm support and give a very short
time exposure (one-half to one sec-
ond, or about as fast as you can
work the shutter when on "Tinto")
using the small lens opening,
With any camera, when you aro
taking pictures shortly after sunrise
or before sunset, you must use a
larger lens opening, or a slower
shutter speed, M such times, light.
tends to be yellow and the "pati"
type flim will be best as It is deli-
nitely faster in such light,
190 John van Guilder .