HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-8-10, Page 1�Je 73rootto Pot .POST -PUBLISHING HOUSE BRUSSELS ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10th, 1938 Single Copies 5c 11 LOCAL NEWS ITEM I16 - PEOPLE WE KNOW. -Football Team Plays Here Fri. The Taystoalt Greeuehirts' 'face a fourgoal deficit tor the return panne agatust Beue5eis in the W.F,A, in- termediate playdawne, having suf- fered, a 4.0 setback .in Tavistock Monday night. The second game or the series will be ,played here Friday niatut, The Brussels team were full Value for' their victory, playing a Mart, head'sLup brand of football. Brussels snored their first goal after three minutes of play in the first half when Pearson headed In Baker's paste. The second half had no sooner got under wary than Pearson kicked his second goal of the game. Tavistock missed a couple of good scoring chances when Zimmerman and Roth both missed the net. L. Russel scored third goal for Brussels on a pave from Telfer and Baker added the fourth on a beautful end=to-end run. Mother Is Remanded On Child Murder Charge Mts, Rebecca Magee 37 -year-old Morris Township wonaa, charged with the murder of her ten:.months- old baby, 3l.iidred Ruth tMagee, was remanded •to jail for One week by F, G. Weir, Justice of the Peace, Thum, day asternoon. She was not asked to plead or elect, The preliminary hearing le fixed for Thursday, Aug- ust 11, On Wednesday at Wingham, a coroner's jury named Mts. Willianm Magee as the killer of her baby which she la' alleged to have drown- ed in a water trough on their farm, on Weelnesiay, July 27. Coroner Dr, R. C, Redmond of Wingham, pre- aded at the Inquest, REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH MODERN AIR CONDITI'ONINC NOW PLAYING Gene Autry Smiley Burnette Public Cowboy No. 1 MIDNIGHT SHOW Sunday, Aug. 14 beginning at 12.05 MON., TUES., WED., Errol Flynn Olivia De Havilad The Aventures of Robinhood t Errol Flynn olivla Hovland The beloved story in technloolor .Every child attending .receives a Robinhood target free NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT Joe E. Brown Wide Open Faces Jane Wyman Alison Skipworth A nitwit detective turns a crime wave tnto waves of looney laughter also Rob Allen Eleanor Stewart Ranger Steps In COMINQ— The Ritz Bros. Kentucky Moonshine August Town Council Meeting Brussels, Aug, .241d., 1938 The Municipal Council of the Village of Brussels met in the Public ,Library on the above date, All nrembet's being present. The minutes of -tire last meeting being read' it was moved by W. ; Cameron; seconded by W, Little that the 'minutes' be adopted. —Carried. 1 The following hills were presented: 0, McDowell, July salary ,,60.00 R, 5, Warwi k, July salary 25.00 Geo. Campbell, July salary 40.10 W. Williamson, painting fireball , 15,00 Commercial Stationery, office supplies .66 Morris Township, grading Sireets 3,755 R. W. Kennesy, printing 5.00 Dr, Jamieson, medical services 27.50 Jho. . Gibson, mistrehire fire dept, 10 35 Chas', Meadows, labor fire dept. 1.25 E. Sorters, hauling gravel 12.00 Davison & Son, material fire dept, 59,30 J. I ernaghan, shovelling gravel 7,00 D. N. McDonald., material fire dept. . , 160,63 Brussels Hydro, street lighting 103.00 Hall lighting 1.92 Clinton Hospital, medical service 4,35 Relief for the month , 26,06 Moved by H. Champion; second- ed by F. Sands that the accounts be paid. It was decided that a new ohim- n.ey would have to be .built at town hall. Councilors Little and Senile were appoiaten to have this work done. Dogs running at large and doing damage to gardens and lawus was also up for discussion and Constable Campbell was appointed to look ,into this matter•. There being no further business the council adjourned, Melville Prestebyrian Church SUNDAY, AUGUST 14th the services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. will be conducted by REV, W, A. WILLIAMS, Cranbrook 10 a.m.—Sunday School Induction of Samuel Kerr into the pastorate of Melville •Presbyterian Church, will take place on Thursday August 18th, at 8 p.m. REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., B.D, Minister rty August. 14th at 11 a.m. Sam Henderson, of Palmerston August 21st at 11 a.m ,-- Rev. A. M. Grant, B.A., 3.0., of Wroxeter August 28th. at 11 a.m.— Sam Henderson, of Palmerston During August Sunday School will meet at 10 o'clock a.m. ..Theer will be no evening services ..during the roliday season. MOTION PIeTUIBES UNDER AUSPICES OF BRUSSELS LEGION Town Hall, Brussels Monday, August 22nd HOWARD HUGHES' WHITE-HOT THUNDERBO.IL 'li. 1h PAUL MUNI • ANN DVORAK 055005 PERKINS • KAREN MORtEY BORIS- "rRANKENSTEIN" 'CARLON, a HOWARD HAWKS produeiioe' Adapted by Ben HeeM fro,n`' the novel by Armiteee Troll UNITED ARTLSTS PI TVRR EXTRA COMEDY AND SHORTS ADMISSION — -- Adults 25c Children ISc Firemen's Ball Owing to tho inclement weather on Wedlteedray night the Firemen are holeing a jitney street theme here on Friday night, August Uth, Extra attreeton, big floor show, We11 Drilled Last week Jack Cameron had his well drilled by F. L. Davidson, , •ell dri#leis of Wingham. They report• ed that they hit rock at 15 feet deep and ,that the well was drilled to a depth of 90 feet deep, CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the Crimes and neigbbirs for their kindne., shown in our recent bereavement o; our uncle John A. Earls, also for lour of cars, McLennan Fatn'.ly, CARD OF THANKS We wisr to thank all our reigh• hors and friends for their faithful work and heroic deeds done at our recent fire, Also sympathy end kind acts. Mr, and Mrs. Angus Brows —5—,n— Ladies Jitney Bowling The ladies held their weekly jit- ney on Tuesday evening with Mrs. R, J, MoLauchlin winning first prize and Miss Margaret Gamins taking second prize. The winners of last week's jitney were Mrs, D. A. Rann ' and Mrs. Walter Kerr. Weeds! Weeds! All owners of property take notice that weeds growing on their lands must be crit down and destroyed by August 16th and kept cut "L.uugh• out the year. Falling this, the weed inspector will cause tate same. to be destroyed and the cost cna1'ged against the property in taxes. Brussels Council. Local Bowlers Compete at Kincardine On Monday a rink composed of D. A. Rant, Alex Rutledge, Bid Bell and W, S. Scott, skip, took sixth place at the Merchant's' Bowling Tournament held at Kincardine. Last week `1', Willis, W. S. Scott, Bid Bell and R, Downing competed at the bowling tournament hed at Lucknow but were unable to get in the money. Sad Accident Word has been receiven here with regret of the very .,e'. i e':u- dition of Robert Fairless, Winnipeg, 21•year-old grandson of Mr,;, Ge•ugv Backer, who is in the Geeer' rhes pilau there suffering from a i' ,lees neck. I -lis condition as he fights for his life is reported as vile Lair, A program director at tito t .m,- munity camp o the Aesiniboine river at 51Charles, he suffered the crack of the fourth vertebra as the result of a camp prank ,tin'', by Younger boys at tre cnmip. Sudsy morning, giving the yumrn-r bey, a chance to duck him he was push- ed off the pier to shallot water. Since abovewas written it has been learned that the yotutg lean Passed away as the result of the in. jury. Tire many faintly filen', here express their s'ynipathy in the end- . den san bereavement, Win Softball Game On Monday, Aug. '1st, four teams, Bennelller, Teeswater, Tivor- ton and Brussels met in Ripley fon league tournament. The lent game Played' was 'betereeu Teeswater and Benntiller with.. former winning 8-1 The next gouts between Tiverton - Brassels resulted in a decisive vie• tory for Bru,sseie tt'1tlt a score of 15.5, During this game a star player Mary Backer who had the misfortune of spraining her right ankle while running to drat base, was replaced by IA Mau Funsten from Ripley, The special attrac- tion of the, day was a sensational grime between Owen Sound Lady Greys and Ripley Reds, the latter winning 7-1. The two winners of the .pt'eViom games Teesatet' and Rruesels played. ort for firsi. Piave with Biauirsels whining to the tune' of 7.1, With this' victory they 'brought home dist money of six (lagers. During this Mee 'Clara Russell hied le be replaced by 'Mary MacDoadd of Tapley. ICE CREAM SOCIAL At Ethel Presbyterian 'Chlurch Under the Auspices of Ladles Aid TUESDAY, AUGUST 16th Program and Games Booth on Grounds Admission 10c Everybody Welcome Can You Duplicate This? Great things have been happen - ins on Queen street during the past two weeks but this beats the rase! At the home of John. Simanotts, John found a potato whirr meaeurt:d 355 by 11n, while digging potatoes for dinner, If you have one as large let us hear about It, Band Concert Followed By Dance The Band Put on a pro;'tml 011 Friday night in Victoria Pan 001• listing of band and Concert G repay of the Shiell'5 family of Mount Forest, who gave a very delightful concert. This was folloyed by a street dance. The night was i,'ile suitable for the occasion and, a large number attended, The Baud will play at the Park this Su'.nley evening, MEL-O-ROL Come into Greiar'a and have a cone of Borden's Mel -0 -vol Tae Cream' in that Peach Melba flavour. Mei-O-rot, you know, is the new wrapped ice cream that everyone is talking about. Its extra smooth, extra delicious. Insist on Borden's Ilei -O -Rol. Sold exclusively at GRE W Alt' S .,..Phone 5 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for the kindness shown us during the illness and death of our sister Re- heeet, McNair, These sympathetic words' and acts do much to help us in our time of sorrow and are most highly appreciated, Our thanks are also extended to frieds for the beautful floral tri- butes, ributes, , • Parade Is Bid' Feature of bliss Cettlarlae Walker of T05an- Celebration t0 says a a toi • 'Aliss Grace Calder of Hamilton Many Fine Floats In Line; Sports was renewing )riedsbipe. in town, 'Program Rounds Out Moat Enjoy - kg his mother Mrs, Geo, Lowry, Leslie Lowry of Toronto ivvisit able Day At Ethel. Mrs, Ballantyne and son Jack of lm_e the aSternoon would have done Stratford are holidaying with Mrs, people entertained one'Of jargelet Ballantyne, i crowds in its. history last Thursday 11r. and Mrs, Jim Turnbull of at the big oelehantion sponsored by Guelph were Civic Holiday visitors the village trustees. The parade with relatives around Brussels, through town to 'Cusnfedetlauton Park Airs, R, T. Strachan spent the This gaily decorated village of 300 week -end in Toronto to see her credit 'to places many tlenes larger daughter Ruth who is quite ill. than Ethel. An extraordinary Miss Bernice Day and Mr, T. Vitt- amornt of effort had been put into tie were Sunday visitors at the tre preparation of the anany fine Howe of inn's, lea Lowry, floats which yrere entered, and the lir. Wes. Artustrt:ng was a wet - judges had au enviable task in pick - come visitor with relatives and old ing the 'inners, friends last week, I A great amount of treat for the Mr. and Mrs, D. C. Rosas and Dr. success of the eelebretlou goes to and Mrs. George Ross and daughter the village tluslePs anti' to the men of Wingham visited at 'Callender who lent their flue assistance, last week,Chairmen of the various commit - Mr, Will McCracken and Misses tees included; George A. Dunbar, Mande, kava and Carrie McCracken Parade; Rev. H. Snell, sports; J. spent the Civic Holiday week -end at H. Fear, program; Saar Alexander, Widemere, Muskoka. grounds; George Kreuter, advertis- Misses Aieen Gibson and Hada- f Ing and decorations; and Etl Jar. leve Spelron, nurses-iu-training at ive, lighting, Neorly every home the Toronto General HisPital are and store was decorated for the home on their vacation, occasion and cedar arches and Rev, 'Robert Maunders, Lenora, welvotne signs were exerted at ire is a. guest of relatives and friends entrance to the village, here, He is accompanied by his Snoy White ad the Dwarfs nephew Edward McNeil. Mee Beryl Carter of Landes- ! One of the funniest features of borough and Miss Jean McDonald the parade was the appearance of of Brussels spent last week visiting nine children dressed up ae Snow with friends, at Lueknow anti Point White, Prince Charming and the Clark, ; Seve Dwarfs, The children were Mr. and Mrs, F, Lento and Mr. Edith Spierajt as Prince ,Cbarniing, and .lirs. H. Bown and their (laugh. Annie Franklin as :Snow White, ters, Betty and Pearl till of Toron Bili Dobson as "Doc," Layreuce 4o, visited with Mr. and Mrs. I. YoL. Dobson as "Doc," Lawrence leek for the weekend. Dobson as Sneezy, Maurice Spieran • Mrs. Baud Fckmier has retuemed as Happy, John Purvis -as Dopey, home to Toronto after spending two Bobby Bremner as Bashful, Leverne week's vacation here at the home of Vodden as Sleepy and Ronald Lve her mother Mrs, E. McKelvey and as Grumpy other friends. I Atwood softbadlers walked oft lIl'. and Mrs. Fred Richards of with the softball tournament prize Edmonton are vieitiug at the home after defeating Brussels S5-12 in of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hoover. Mrs. the final game. The tournament Richards is a sister of Mr. Hoovea was part of the day's program-' Ailsa A. Pot who Inas. been In the first round Brussels Piled Yours gratedully ts, Sisters and brothers, visiting at the home of hIi•, and up a 24-19 score to beatLlthel, yhile Mrs, D. 12. Cunningham, left far her Atwood eliminated Walton's entry, St. John's Guild , home In Omaha, Neb., last Thurs. 22-19, The regular moninly meeting of clay, The Race Results the Ladies Guild and W. A, was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Roy Thuell with a splendid number attending, The meeting was presided over by the president ,airs. A. Coleman. The opening hymn waw' followed by prayer offered by Mr. Denham anti oleo a passage of scripture was read by Mr, Graham. It was deeded that the quilt be taken to Mts. Bryan's to quilt and and it was left with her to set the day. The articles brought for bazaar were priced, The W, A. meeting was opened by the members prayer iu unison. The ladies were asked to give an article for a layette for the bail. The Rector closed the meeting with the benediction, A very dainty Innolt was served by the hostess. The Septenitber meeting will be held at the home of Alrs, 0. Davis. F C Al C B 1 s.. N. . Gerry, rs, C. ae ter and .11rs. C. Dunbar recently attend- Results of tre races were as fol. ed a district meeting of the Rebekah lows: Chldren under 6, Laura Earl, Lodge et Milverton, hlayine Spieran and Noreen Spier- ' Mr. and Mrs, TI, Champion ac- an; boys, 6-8, Bruce Spieran, Billy oompaniect by Miss P. Hessey of Bremner and Howard Ryan; girls', Toronto have been enjoying a motor , :MMnd, trip in Northern Ontario, SperlingG-3argaret anti FerncDuMuaicNeilly; boyDorothys Mr. Fred Wilton of Windsor was 9-11 Jack Willis, Alurary Ward and a holiday vieitor at the borne of Lawrence Dobson; girls 9-11, Isabel his aster, Mis. Duncan McDonald, Cardiff, Shirley Thompson and Miss Muriel Brothers returned with Leona Engler; boys 12-14, Ronald him, Love, Italy h Mahn and Charlie F. W. and Mrs. Freeman and Lake; girls 12-15, Jean Turmh .• daughter and Mrs. W, L. Sltuee and Los Mahn and Elizabetr McI son, Bubble, all of Toronto, spent aki; young men, Jim Johnston Civic Holiday with their mother, T3irh Fiamiiton; young ladies', J Mrs, F. Freeman, at the home of Tuvbull and Doris Heyitt; ht John Bateman, shoe race, Charlie Lake and Les. I Mr, and Mrs. A. Roy McKey and ' ,Tonins; birls' three-legged race, Helen and Mise Gertrude Coates Loilies Machan and Florence Poarsou, were weekend guests of Mr. and Alargaret Baker and Kathleen Airs, Chas, McKay, They tante to Sleells,; boys' wheelbarrow race, help celebrate. Miss Shirley', eighth Kenneth Thotnpsan and Laidlaw birthday who is speeding her vacs- Strachan. Lanvreuce Dobson and Murray Ballet; clothespin race, Jes- tion with her grandpareuta CRANBROOK Rev. F. 0. Poole, B.A., D,D., of se Pearson au (Mildred McTag- Miss Evelyn Huether of Waterloo Detroit, Director of Religious' Ede- gart. 'was at the hone of her parents cation for the S:ate of Michigan, The var'ous withers in the par - here, Mr. and Mrs. D. Huether over wife and son Jack were t'eeent 1'3si- i ads sere: Best decorated trucks, the week -end. Sliste Mae Fischer returned home on Sunday after spending two. weeks visitingwithrelatives in KR - treater and Helmer. Mr. and bins, Frank Muter and children of ()Omit were visitors with relatives and friends here last heck, Miles Mary Mother of Brussels' Was at the home of 11er parents last Sunday. AIr. and Airs. Karl Baker of Detroit 'were visitors at the Monte of Mr, and' 'Mrs, P. Baker last week.Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Fischer and 'family were in Kitchener on Sttttday vi1•iahtg with Mrs, C. Kreuter and duugkter Madehte, Airs, Jacob Fischer narrowly es- ralt0d, death by lightning when their Thome was struck during the terrific electric storm •Wed'neadny evening of this week. The shoes wane torn front her feet by the force of the shook, the sole's being completely ripped off them and the toes 'torn to shreds', Suffering from severe shock Airs'. Fischer will 'be endued to bed for some days, tors et Airs. Ida Lowry's, Tho ifil.liaau, Ziegler; 1), AR:•t.nu d the ladies are sisters, Eihel Women's instttwtean; best trailer, George 1Crauter, el, H. Love, Robert Bird, Morris ell -Keret' a .George A. Dunbar and E. L. Jar - broken vertebra of the neck, when he fel font a load OS oats to the horn itoor when the trip trope broke:: Ile was. rushed to Clinton hospital who're he will have to remain for three or forte weeks. Mrs, C. V, Gladevell and son (Bud) of Regina, Sask., were visitors' at the hone of Airs. 1, McKelvey last week, while touring tln'ough ont, Mr. Clad/well who is an Oarsman, was competing in the Regatta re- cently held at Kingston and won the honor of third prize and first for the Western Provinces, An engagement notice of interest to many here appeared n the Globe anal AMR recently. It was that of Jean Louise Fox, to Mr, David George Currie, von of Mr, and Air, Joseph. Currie stf ("arliale, Ont, The marriage to .take place the latter part of Augast. Miss Fox is the dangliter of Mra. Tot of Oshawa, and the late James Fox of Brusstals. dine; best decorated car, Ames Pearson, Miss E. Cunningham, Miss E, Fear and J. T, Niehoison; beet •decorated bicycle, .eltorey Baker anti. Gordon Kreuter; best decorat- ed baby carriages, Airs, R. A, Brown; beet comic oonveyauce, 171- •11100 and Jennie Hart, Jtm Dunbar; Oiowns, Snow White .and the Scveu Dwarfs; iliiss' Franklin and Mise' Berard; D. Stevens; Ponies, Doris Hoed and Joyce Iteys, KEEP COOLI California Juicy Lemons. Beep cool the night my, Buy those large Lemons at Grover's only 30c Doz. Sunkist Oranges good size 230 dos, IBuy your fruit at. Grewar's we Huy only the best Grade and sell only one Grade No. 1. CASH AND CARRY A, GR.EWA,R WE ZELL 1OR MSS