HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-7-27, Page 5TJ -IE BRUSSELS POST
Wedneetley, July 28th, 1938
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
The Cheerio Workers of Knox
Presbyterian Alilu'oh held L)lelr
July teat -ling Met Thu :sway after
noon, at bee home of llis's Mne
F 100110,', The meeting In charge
of -11rs, James' Keys opened witi the
singing of a hyme end repeating
the Lard's Prayer le unison, The
Scripture lesson was read by Wei
Doris Porter. The secretary Miss
Jean Coniston read the minute, of
the June tweeting and the roll call
wets auswered with a verse of Serlp-
ture by teventy-one pr'eseltt, Mrs..
M. Engel lead 10 prayer, A hymn
was sung and the Topic was lead
Vote .the study book •"India on the
march," by 111'x, -C. Kerueghen,
The Current events• were taken by
Mast A. Cameron, Mrs, tee A.
Williams, Mrs. 0. Switzer and
Gerrie Pride, A very hew -sting
story wee read by Mrs, J. Keys
Durhlg the business discussion, The
auxiliary 15 invited to the home of
Mrs. Williams for their Septemiee
A very pteeeaut event then took
place wben \ars. Gordon ewtiger
was presented a gift from .auxiliary.
The following address s was: real by
the ,president Miss Mae Fseher
end Mr,, W. A. Williams presented
the gift to Mts. Swi'zt'r,
Craubrook, Ont,
ply 21, 1935
Dear Edith:
\\'e, the members, of the C,'1cerla'
worker:s of Knox Preeh t•,rino
church, Cralnhrook, learnee, with
l egret aha: you ore leaving our
You have been a valued worker
In our auxiliary during yuu.r resi-
dence amongst us. For two years
volt were our president and lie
cllarg' d your duties as such, with
falthfulucss and efficiency.
Your ever w :lingoes., to 11e1p and
your cheerful' eh -position will make
your absence tooth felt and regret.
ted by all your frit -els. Though we
are sorry to lose you we wish Y*11
happiness In your Dew home tied
knew that wherever you are the
c,:mntunity iu which sun live wilt
be the Jollier because of your
We could not let you go without
some tangible expression of Otto con-
tinued friendship and ask you to
accept us a small token of uur es-
u em, this electric table lamp,
The Cheerio Workers
Mrs, Switzer then spoke a few
word to the Auxiliary and thanked
motor to C'nlifOrne for a mouth's so is enjoying Iter vacation at her
vistt haute here,
M henry Hoover, who
!Mr, and OS,
have tome the past year at Gore
13x3', are vi. terg fuu,do- in town
and catnn tlIiI.y. Tiny were aceuut'
panted by 31r, and Mrs.-Notm1111
V1'dgh'bmau and family, the funnier
being inspector of schools In Mem
t'toulin island,
Patnieta, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Weht'ulan, underwent on op-
eration in Sick Chlhbren'e iloolital
on Tllcaday, site having severely
cut her hand, from which co'.tp10-
mattens followed.
A. most enjoyable time was silent
by the members of Blyth Lodge, A.
F. and A.M., 31 being pack masters'
night, The shah's were occupied by
itt, Wor, Bro.1 J. 13, Tierney as W.
M.; Wor, In'O, R, D. Philp, 0, W.;
Wor. 13ro„ J, H. R. Elliott, J. W,;
\Ver, 13.e. Robe, Newoomb, secre-
tary; Wort,13ro, P, W. Slott, 0, 1),;
Wor. Bra,. Harvey Brown. J. D,;
tars; Wor, Bro. P. W, Scott, S. D„
Wor, Bra.. George Brown, Wee
The Master Mason degree was con-
ferred on two candtdates, atter
which refreshments were served,
Mrs, Pocock, Brockville, is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. J.
Powell, this week.
Frank and Gurdon Elliott, Misses
Clertrntly Elliott, Irene and Mary
C'llvter of London left this Weak by
motor for Beardmore where they
will spend a week with their bro-
ther, W. A. Elliott, local manager
at Beardmore for Richgreen Geld
Mines. The trip was made by °M -
ruga and Duluth to Fort William
and from there by rail to Beard-
more, The 0,5017 lvdil matte the re-
turn trip by Way at the south shore ,
of Lake Superior to Sault Ste.
Marie and Sudbury. I
Mr, and ,firs, Ed, W. Bryant,: and
Jack accompanied by :Wise Mae
Smith of Hamilton have been eft a
week's motor trip , to Ontaw,t tura
outer Eesteru Ontario points.
Five pupils from Walton school
received their entrance eertiticaten,
Jean Farquharson, Betty Snlalldotl
and Alice Stoddart were recom-
mended and Leslie Rutledge and
Ruth C-unnaeing wrote at Blusie•; •
Mr. and hire, el, La Combe of De
trait, Mrs. 0, Dlu'get' and Mester
Charles Drager spent a few days i.0
Toronto and Doon.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Chalk, and 2001-
117. Brussels, and 12r. and. Mrs, Ray
Carter and Betty Smalldon, Walton,
spent Sunday at G•otleric1,
William Brownlee, section fore-
man, is Iravig two week's neurine.,.
The Walton Grottp of the \V, 11,
S. will hold their monthly meeting
iu .the church on Thursday after-
noon, July 28th,
At the service in Duff's United
Oberon Sunday morning Rev. C.
CAntming took for his. text Lx Mee
(Intended for last Week,)
Dr, John and Mrs, Munro and
daughter, of Copper Cliff, visit
ed' for a few days recently with
Mrs, Janet Munro.
- Miss jean Sangster, of Toronto,
is spending a few days at the Monte
of her permits. Mr, and 1Trs, Jas.
11r. John .Muir, of Stratfird, spent
several clays hast week with hinds
Earnest an4 Mrs. Wylde of Kern' I
chrr Sesk„ were recent vlsltors
whit Midltle 3atnlilies',
Albert L. Cole and son Teddy of
Saaltataoon 'ls visiting with his
mother, Mrs. ('ole of Blyth and
Mrs. James Michie, Mot'nis. Twp,
'\'Miss Adtab• Gras'by is visiting it
'lirKillop Twp. this week, a guest
at the C'ow•au-Millen wedding.
Miss Jean Martin of Cieorg'?tewr
is visiting with her grandmother
and cuter Mewls,
Artie S1o11, who was so serious-
ly Injured last eels by a hay ferlt
dropping and piercing his 5( ?111acil
is recovering nicely.
BELGRAVE JIrs, M. Sellers has returned
,tome after several weeks' vial:
A very enjc3•ayle time was 8318113 with Toronto friends.
on Friday afternoon when the Merit. Mist Noakes and daughter, 1Ire,
hers of Vie \\Vonien's Atte:dellary Oberman, of Winnipeg, are vis,tlt'g
Society held an afternoon tea, Bur- with friends here,
Ing the time musical selection were Miss Elsie Davidson, of Newton,
played by plains Walsh, and called on friends jeer on Sunday.
Freda Jordan. Duets were also Miss Lorna Tenent, of Toronto.
sung by Mrs. A. Manning and ,firs. is visiting at the home of Mt. and
George Aileen and E, Walsh t111c1 Mrs. 1, Dtirst.
IIathleen Towuend. Tea leas eery- Misses' Marion and Elsie Gibson
ed at tables on the lawn and a and Children, spent Sunday in Lon -
social time enjoyed, don,
:lass Jennie Townend, R,N„ is 'Mas George Allen has been on the
"Itlencling a holiday at her home sick lis( for the past few days,
here. Mr, 7. R. M, Spittal, lay-reador, of
1U'a. N. Moatgontery spent the Wing enc had charge of the service
Past week in London with her xis- at the A:ngLicau Church here on
ter, Mr . W. 01111111. Sunday evening, in the absence of
Rev. A. H. O'Neil, who is on vane
tion, Mr. Spittal chose as his
thence "Fellowship."
'12iss1 Mae Davidson is 8)41131131
with friends at Thorllilill and
Mrs. Clarence White is visiting
,her sister, Mrs'. Lueelle Rana to
London this week,
Miss Rona VanVetsor, who is tak-
ing a sooner course at Guelph,
sperm the week -end with her par-
entis, Mr, and Mrs, W. E. VauVelsor.
Dr, Frank Allen, Boston, recently
spent a €ew des with hist parents,
Mr, and Mrs. George Allen,
The meeting closed w'ibh singing ' 11, and MIS C.1. WO lab spent the
week -end at Wastage, Beach,
of a hymn and Mrs. Williams led Jlr. and 1Its, W. Smith, Mr. and
In prayer, After a social ],oar on Ml's. Radian. and sons, Brock and
the lawn, 11111011 was served l'y the Balsas of London, spent the week -
hostess. ed wilts. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cole.
Mr, and firs, II, Cameron of Lon -
This, district received Its first
din are the guests of Mr's, P1, K. real rain in almost two months on
McDonald, Friday night 1vtten a heavy rain
Mr, Ralph Noble and Mr, and fell,
liars, A, Higgins abtended the Noble- lIhe Judy meeting of the Bepgrave
Rudd weeding in Goderich, Satur- Women's Institute was held at the
day' home of Mrs. J, Hodmes in Morris
Morris Cameron, 0011 of Mr. and on Tuesday afternoon when thee:
Idrs. A, Cameron, was the victim of was a slpendld Qttendanoe. The
a serious accident which happened
at the !tome of this uncle, Wm.
Cameron. The aedident occurred
while 11e 111As assisting with the
hay^ing, 'tee trip .rope broke letting
him fall ,from the top of 111e load
to the barn floor. He stuttered a
broken arm and a severe cut above
the eye which required two stitches
ami' ,the left side of his face was
badily bruised, He was, removed
to .Listowel 7tospitai but returned
home atter his injuries, had received
attention. He lune fortunate that
111e accident did not have more ser-
ious results,
The nonny Sriends of Mies Rebec-
ca McNair deeply regret her serious
illness in the Klechener-Weterloet
Done fagot the monster Sports
Celebration in Etl101 on Thursday,
Augtus4 41 h.,
Oscar and .Mfrs'. Iittehn Stelvavt, t
Doll of Conestoga. spent Stintlmy etI of Brusesls were Present and
with, Mt', Louis Steles and 10lnylene, gave 41 veiny interesting and :steno -
live talk on Choir Blip to Jnthan,
'they lied Several souvenih's of the
BLS�TH trip with t,henl, which were very in-
llea'eeting, Miss Edith Prooler
Mr. Miall firs, William G'rnhnm, gave o reading, A copper contest
LaWrence Graham any Miss Breek, blvd been conducted diming the
Sttutbfoed, were guests this ;week at post month and when they were
Mr, and Mos, Agri )3arr, counted' the 0itle with Mee, 'C. R,
Blyth band will give a Sundae 'Willem' as' captain had the most.
evening sacred concent in Port Al. The meeting was (dosed with the
bert, Nattionai Anthem and 11111011 lues
lilts,. Russel Slutw and daughters, served by the hostess• assisted by
Helen and Rhea, left title Week for
Seattle, Washington, where tiles
wii inset relrs, Shaw's' sister and
president, Mrs. N. Keating, Wily in
tate shah', The meeting was open. Smithy visitors at the dome of
eel with the Ode and prayer, The Mr, and Mrs, A. S. 1DacNaugtlton
minutes of the last meelting were were: Ms, Alice CJin•kenbroonler,
read sed adoptextand the lrooeur. Evanston, III„ Mrs. Charles Veers-
er'st report received. A letter e- cheer, of Ann Alice; Mr. and Mrs.
ceilved spoke of the elides, to be Win, Corbett, Fondhvlair, Mr, and
aeon by Mss E, Slicer' at Auburn Mr's, I. J. Gamble and Miss Evelyn
on Aug, 4t11. Tit was decided to :,ell Gamble of Fordwtch,
bee screen and 'bedspread made by 1Mr, .Ernest Wylie, from the West,
the sewing daub tend to dtlp'ay who foretell), lived in 111 10 10111n11101 -
them et James Taylor's star: in its, is a visitor et the home of Mr.
Be1grove, Homes were received John Kiloton, 4th lire,
for the short co08S'e In nursing in M1a'. A.. 12. Clam and- children
the fall. The roll -cell was re- spent a fenv (lays at their cobluge at
spouded to with a asvot'tte nlelnory Grund Bend recently,
gear, ;Mise! Martha Armstrong had Mr. and Mrs, J, Riddell find
the paper an current events, Mae daughter, Florence, New Hambtlr•g,
Trilby gave a good report of the also Mr, Rbbent Long, Shakespeare,
ACiliel'emenit Day held in Clinton tit were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs.
June, Mrs, 011, Antiersni had a J. Lovell,
tatltoet paper cru Better lOuglish,
Miss G, Ross' unit Miss C. McC;acle
Lloyd and Glenn Wheeler and
also Graham Work and Lloyd- Sand_
preen, bad a most enjoyable motet
trip last week to Toronto, Hamil-
ton. Niagara fulls and Buffalo,
Wheat is being cut and a fairly
good erop is anticipated. Thrrsltit15
is expected to begin any time.
The Lam ou:s, Bawene ns and
Yullls and. also the Johnsnans of
Trowbridge spent a. pleasant day
last week at the Lake, Kincardine,
The army warm lots 1118011 1 sc'v-
eral farms In the toWnsllip, which
has caused considerable alarm some
maintain that their crops have been
damaged, but we. hope the grain will
turd out to good results.
George \'*heeler of Guelph Was
visiting with Glenn Wheeler, Silt
.lir- and Mrs- J110 Work and Mr.
and 111, Gordon Walsh of B.'lgravo
were away on a motor trip ora --'r the
week -enol. They called at 1\":urtln,
Suable Beach, Wasaga Beacn vial
Cnrmeta McNichol of M1,Kitlnp is
holidaying with her sister Mildred,
at Alex Arm -t'ong's hone,
Cairn of Toronto spent 1051
week with her cousin Mrs. Bertram
Hemingway on 18th con. Crev.
Congittliletitlns to Emerson :WIWI]-
e!1 of S. S. No. 1. Grey, who passed
his Entrance exams with honors,
1Ms le Milligan spew. the
week end in 1Ia.m.ilten with f ends
Mr, and 1Irs. Wilbert Math:l s re-
turned to their hone at H.eppwotll,
afte a weeks visit with itis Melte'
and outer friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Johnston visited
on Sunday w•Itlt his parents 1Ir, and
Mrs. \\'all Dobie at Auburn.
Mr, and Mrs, Ben Hollenbec'k
visited on Sunday evening 10111 lir.
and Mas, Robert MdCleilnau and
fancily Ise line.
Miss Viola Mothers ;.pent Sunday
with her father in Bluevale.
Mr, nod ,It's. Richard Johnston
attended the Johnston re -Union at
:1'Ir, Harvey Joltnstou'a at , Walton
on Tuesday.
Grey Twp, Council
Mr, and Mrs•, Arthur Fitch anti
fnmdty were visitors at the homy of
Miser Beatrice and r1r, Tont %bearer
on Sunday.
Week -cirri guests of Mr. 1411)1 Mrs
D, Ilene were, Dr, \V, A, and Mie.
Spence, Toronto, Mee Mr, and 11rs,
Alpin Rano and (0m1137, Brussels,
li: 1s interesilnug to note alta tu-
creasin'g popularity of harness horse
racing across the border, This
thrilling sportbats never lost Its
populara•tiy in Canada, pal'tit'ulnrly
al ,the Canadian National I;xhi1):
tion, This ea the prize money
Mrs, James M3 3it0, May, W, Arm- offered aggregates $10,000, Revell
strong 811(1 Mrs. Earl Anderson, thoncatul4 dollars In fnttu'ttie3 and
Miss Gettig Armstrong of IVlod. three thousand dollars le pu1'S03.
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In Memoriam
HUFFMAN—In loving mens v of
our dear sots Deride, who died „
years- July 27, 1935.
If all the world weer out's to give
\\e'd give -11 yes and more
To see his loving smile again
And x:51.1 hitt at our door
1-1.W oat there comes heone, u±
elle, dear face kind and true
Far death eau u' ccr take away
SW0at menlot'ie' "son" of you.
Lovingly rcmtendbered by
Mather and Dad,
Luta and Orval
Howick Council
(l.arie, July 20111, 11130
The. Council niet in alta' TOWn-liip
Hae, accoreling to elijouruutent,
numbers were all present, tite
Reeve, J11 A. Bryalls preseli115. "dee
of hie -1 regular,
special meeting, were lead and oat
motion of 'goner and Baker were
adopted, p
Moved by Winter and. Strung 11't
the Sk'hocil Attendance O.hu+r's
Report, as react, be adopted.
Mored by Winter and Strong that
By-law 11.o 9 of the Teem:d a of
Howlett for the year 1935, as read
the third time, be finally passed,
Moved by Strong and Tuner that .
tide Council hereby request the
liydeo Eh ethic Power Cotnalissioa
to cancel the Contract on Lot 3,
Centee street, \\'r'axeter, as the
premises. is now vat'aut ane, the
owner has moved to Lot 4 Centre
Street and lax signed a nein con-
tract on said Lot 4, W. E. FaUVeleor
being tbe owner of both lots,
• —Carried
Moved .by Winter and Baker that
Bylaw No. 11 for the year 193e, as
read the third time, be finally pass-
ed. —Carried.
Moved by Toner and Baker that
By-law No. 10 for the year 1931. as-
sread the third time be felony pass-
ed. —Carried.
Moved by Strong and Toner
Chat the Clerk be heee111y antho.ized
to adver'Citte for Tenders- for repair-
ing and painting the roof of the
Township Hall, Gerrie, —Carried.
Moved by Toner and Baker that
.this Council purohase, from the
Pecl3ttr People 244., a steel Arch
Abutment Culvert, 24 feet long and
5 'feet wide, also a steel Calvert
pipe, 29 feet long and 4 inches in
diameter, —Carried.
Moved by Strong a11(1 Tuner that
the following bills• be paid,
N. Wade, Inevence on Rood
Grader, 1 Lloyds
R. 13. Waiters, Sheep lolled
or injured by doge
Milton Leonard, equalizing
11,5,5. 12 & 11:5:5. 1-5 , ,
Isaac Gamble, Part salary 11s
C. White. relmiriltg sidewalk
in Wroxeter
It, I -I. Stephenson, hood for
Twp, Boll, Corms
Jo1111 Hynd(n'an, taking
Hamer girl to London .,..
W. C. KeLg, to error in tax
Dolle etious
innate (11118ble, nseleting
toad auditor
Mrs. 13, Adams, care of
Jean (11tn'118111
Roller for month if June •.••
Road Expenditure6
J. W. l4ireller, Wirt: fence
Wm, Wilson, duelling and
w•eedls, 5,0
Hari Corbett, weeds 2,0
Bertram Ashton, weeds 2,0
Jack V01101011, weeds' ,,,, 1,0
I't'ault Wright, Weeds ,,o 2,6
Council Meeting, July 2nd, 1939
Minutes, of last meeting were a-
dapted on motion of Alex Aleeander
seconded by T. C. Wilson,
1,1oved by T. C. Wilson, see, 113'
Le9ilie ,\IclKay, that we make the
1180'1 gram of $25.00 to the Ethel
P11111'10 Lihntry, —Carried
Moved by Alex Alexander, sec. by
Leslie McKay that this council oP-
pn'ove of the lisps submitted to he
related by the County Valuators.
Moved by T. C. 'Wilson sec, by
Tilos'. Dougherty, that this council
request (3Jr, George McCubbir, to
give it s statement in regard to the
payment of any extras on The 13san-
ohalup Creek Drain, he to state if be
thinks any should be pati and it so,
what account, • —Carried.
,loved by Alex Alexander, sec. by
Leslie Mc -Kay thaut all appr0vad tie --
comae be paid.-'Car:fed
Moved by Leslie McKay, sec, by
Atex Alexander, that 1'e do noW tee
iourn .to meet again on August. 6111,
a1' nt the call of tale Reeve. ---Carried
'Cilie following a(1001111 40 were paid.
Geo. Dunbar, refund re wood
lot 9.53
Welter 1loaditnut, refund 1'e
wood lel 4,10
(',alas. li.ietner, 11eafl01o111131 1110,00
Ethel ldhlnry, twit. Grey 25.00
1011(01 ia110a,tr, Ethel 23,00
Tem, 1:)nla, yeller amt. moo
Ont, Blank 1!'ounee-wsu711,1'tes- 18,6e
John K111uder, Inspect woad
lots 4;00
'County Huron, hospital
At'Con'nt 10,550
Geo, Se+l'un'g, 13, McKay drain 3,00
School Section No, 11 200.00
School 50111011 No, S ,,,,,,,,,, 100.00
School Seotioa No, 7 960,00
Sdheol Seetion No. 4 350,00
Tow11e1t3p Road acets 339.19
J. I3, Peer, Clerk,
weeds 3:40
Ed, Burton' 2 Si
Wm. iii ehottz, weeds ...... •••-
lien. \Veigllt, weeds ........
(:eo,'go Hubbard, weeds
11. Foerter, cutting weeds
and taking out ..tone
Fred Looking, weedy
E. -Franklin, weeds
John Giles, heed
Mos. S. Angst, wc- 1 .........
11e_='on pickei't weeds
Walter Redden, weeds .
Norman Koehler weeds
H. Spading, weeds
Wm. Edgar, weeds
George Kiel, weed-
Mautred Irwin, weeds 10.00
Ted Malone, weeds 8.00
Arlhie Irvin, wee& 4.00
Liudst1Y Galbraith. Woods ,,. 3.00
R, 13, W.at.tere, weeds 13.90
George Baker, weeds 1,40
Earl Baker, weeds 4.80
Wm,, McElwain, weeds 1,00
Frank Gahan, wood, 1.20
IIe'rman L11). weeds 1,00
Leslie McLeod, weeds 6.60
3 50
T1Mlc. Padfield, weeds .........,
Howard Cowan, woods
Win. \V itsou, hauling sods
Itich ;rad Griffith, weeds. and
repairing 'newel leille ,.
Allan Griffith. weeds d
'rhos, Jacklln. w' etis
Wm. Stewart, weeds
H. Eaetmau, weeds
H. Bast, weeds,
Jas. Walkom, weeds
Cleve Stafford, weeds
Archie Steurnol, weeds'
Waldo Weir. weeds ,
Robert Brown, weeds
James \Cat'rell, weeds
W, Underwood, dragging and
John Montgomery, road
supt. 54.00
Joint Hyndtman, culvert tile 47.73
E. G. Denny, wire fence 16,00
Pedlar People Ltd., steel
culvert .13.11,C1school signs 107.78
Gordan Wright, weeds 6,SC
Garnet 'Wright, weeds 1,00
Thos. Inglis, weeds • 3.41
Wan. Caudle, weeds 2,20
Thos. Sangster& weeds 1.00
A. H. Deitz, peeling and
weeds 12.25
Allam Brown, weeds' 6,6'JWins. Reiss, weeds 1.20
Paul Zimmertan, weeds 1.20
E. Bratttigan, weeds .70
J, 111, Kreller, weeds. ...... , 2.60
Robert Iitulrbard, weeds .40
George Hubbard, weeds 1,20
John Finlay, weeds' 1.40
3 70
Sterling Finlay, weeds
Thos. Strong, weeds
R. J. Hnesion & Son, plank
for bridge ,,, 49,70
Moved by 13akor and Winter that
(emnvll do 11010 edit -turn to meet
is 411e United C perch Hall, Ford-
wicae, on the third Wednesday in
August, or at the call of the reeve.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
1.110 Kincardine. July 14--A lilelont •
resident of Huron Township, 30111 '
17,25 Wuitiotl died in bis 71,411 Year follow -
Ing a illuese of :rix weeks. Funeral
5.00 services were beld tram Pine River
Culled Chnrrll to Ripley Cemetery,
108.41 with the minister, Rev, 3, (1, Nichol.
soil„ officiating, assisted by- iter, 0.
5.00 M. Stott, Kincardine.. Mr. Watson
served on the Huron and Kitties's!
7.00 Telephone System as commissioner
43,85 tone as a director of Bine River �.
Cheese anti Butter Can1p'any. In
8,00 polle4es he was a Liberal anti iu
religion a Presbyterian. Surviving
0 are the widow, three elelers', firs.
0 M011001alt J, Mk'ILgntl, Irort Frances.
0 and Mrs. Angus Centime Laurlutnr
e Mich„ and 4 brother, Wtljlatn Wgat'.
J 8010,