HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-7-27, Page 4Weclnodal, July 28th, 1933
_.. _. ., .... - -.. .. - Alfa, all glovers, peas, beans, turnips
,a�THEL. initiation of candidates. Saturday Discuss Control
its early ripening, is,`s'carco y at a
Ethel citizens are asked to eo. Listowel atractions were given a
Sunday, atter
l t loot week with, Mrs., Nart pointed' to matte Ethels Big Day— church seders, concert
V4 'V9v1an ITarroa oY Millbank operate with the committees' ale big patronage band sroncert by
and potatoes Inc. free 2i'otn attaok,
Of Army W orrn Winter shoot probably because of
1 11
.—..-,. 1 injured, Most anjuty has been
Ins,, Brussels Baud. urnMonday, Ethel -At. wo Baker Speaks at I clone so tar to oats and barley in-
•a:1. wood softball game at Atwood. Prof. A,. W• ham rad of Dorn," g k
Ethel ills s'nftba l T— Professor ]raker stated that the
year. United Church. girls broaeast acklress• worm can easily be controlled.
team were in attendance Wednes• 1 speaking in a
at N'ingham Prof, A. W. llaker of ' "Tale cost of treating even heavy
necessary for 4 branch of the 011' fields of oats or hariny is no's costo
1 t1 i further uPtelhl 1 Agricultural u1'ural CalleJre that b .
tt ,
It is -being noticed that t P se)eful for Union Wong st
.berries are not, at all pleauttful this •1"izesday, lawn i 1
Alf King is having buildtngi e1. C- ,
ted at his fua fault s day, Seafnrtlr attractions Thursday,
Ethel tinned church lawn sot:iai, the entomology
t Aug, 4th a well deserved sue
Pk and Mrs. Wilson, W. C and
Moralism spent last weelt•end
at Grand Bend.
Miss Dols Allen has returne.l to
her home in Hamilton after 'spend-
ing two Weeks with her cousin Hiss
Annie Franklin.
�'i'Uss ,Jean Franklin of Llratltfotil
ls' $l)encling her holiday in 1;tirel
with her Grandmother Mrs, W.
Sl.emou and her aunt Mrs,. Georg'
1 Rowland who has been cs i for extend- 1.h worms t is
toted n ,'150 Per acro, and many
tteaclrl of fo nn u
311011, of fox 1•a3lchhig. - I T( litany 1 illness
Tet M to learn i ddit0 'r ('. ' fields 0011. 1)e p10150led from attach,,
outbreak of the ineO common profs of
1 a wlpter's of the critical illue5s of Mrs', Doctor, that It Is 24 years since Ontario had i
1 Ante, 1105 .secure' Sincere au ou
su1)Ply of hay, by harvesting a 11'.4t.1 MuJlaster at Seatorth.
on the share system at M I. 11):i0t'$ wishes for recovery 15 expressed. army
1. Tltl prevention of frequent Dud I
v mile east of Bthnl.
sent ,..oYa
e 1
Tile aria' 1 of the treasure
Mrs. of a
bmhy girl to Stu1t, and Mrs. Alex. breaks ,Dotes from the Incl Lha '
� Y• , Ralph, nn•r' t 0 .. na?ltnai enemies• such as tuseeta and
ander, was act occasion birds ordinarily ones be0 Keep o
This area was fnin falls
In re- ,giddy tlunuglt haying Ing lnatpipe: t tnglatu]ations' 1 under control, and it is, only once in
craving [Wo heavy twin tall, 1c'eut- a -.u, has also completed slunilar
1y= without any (10114 fable schen work, last Saturday at his own 1 'lite family of :111.. Brown their
a while that these Motors 1>eaonnl I
Yarn, iu the same n„ig t - '' faun Lianu•el last week to their• weakened and allow an outbreak, damages, They attack only timothy, blue
the favourable harvest w••at'1er S.; -me events took place duets,: new home in Ethel. Mr, Brown
IY h ha= taken over the mauage•met of grass and other greasOS, oats batt
the 1)acicsmttle shop. and has been tory, wheat, then and ,unlet. All
continues [r); a Yew day., the fait 1.h. past week which were of int
wheat. crop will be secute:l :tt:.l ,•t t,, d.ffert•ut group- of I,th'li [,,. here for .general weeks. hiker important crops such as all -
wheat me:•till4
'probably considerable th -::i1.; 1 t:',iay night, C. 0. - - ,
especially bells of lora, at about
batt 11115 Cost.'
The speaker called attention to
the fact tba't at Lite first sign or
in doubt about any matter the farm-
er should call the agricultural repre-
sentative at once.
An yone
ALE—Anyone Wanting to purchase
house or wanting to rent Mrs. W
phone 79 Mrs. Won. Sinclair
4"fi4+`bo+;e. fad•,-tirrRv n'•3 Y. a. 7 • .°?r:�. -''ti
' `•,"lkt o s'` 1`' �' is aw y..,,:. 'Rae••S°;.'S"r- •,5 k+:N.."aiar"�71).:T x .. .'a o : x 1..y -..s .
�a yes�!Veni>t7�
E+1. -..^
Parade at 1 o'clock Sharp
Headed by the Band
In The Afternoon On Confederation Park
Consisting of Novelty Races Tug of War
Men's Soft Ball Tournament
Good Prizes, Come and Enjoy the Fun
A full afternoon of fun something doing every minute
A]Grand Concert by Shiell's Family of Mt. Forest, Consisting
of Musical, Selections Songs Comedians, Tap Dancing & Etc.
Concert to be presented in Presbyterian Church Shed
Jithey Danci «t' in . the Park
Come and Enjoy A Good Time
All Roads Lead to Ethel on Thursday, August 4th
Len Sinclair C. R. Dunbar Stan Alexander
Village Trustees
Notices In tins column cost
25c up to four lines; 5c for
every extra line. Cash must
accompany ad. Orders taken
over 'Phone 35c.
Good Cedar Ladders. 1-p
phone 90 John 13atemau
"Man for Rawleigll Route, Perman-
ent if you are a hustler. rot par-
ticulars W'0ite Rawleigh's, Dept.
No. NI L -15524t30, Montreal.
Good Clover Honey , Bring your
pull'' and have theist filled, 1-p
phone 21-1.•S Stanley -Wheeler,
Con, 8, Grey
Brick Veueei House, on Princess
street, former home of the late
Walter Yuill, 2-p
a-1iIYto Sohn Yulll or
Je;1ul Bowman, Executors
1 White Sow came to the farm of
\Vol, Cardiff, 14th con. Grey, last
work. Owner mu have same by
provh:g property and paying tor nd.
phone 42-r-22
Notice To Farmers
Pas:hnl work clone withtractor.
All kinds of tractor work, including
cutt 1:5 or grain with tractor and
binder, For prices call —
Penaington Bros,
Phone 23 r.14,
Excellent farm adjoining the Vil-
lage of Brussels -33 acres of hand
gond well, comfortable dwelling
and out buildings. 20 acres of wheat.
Apply Elmer 1), Bell, Brussels, Ont,
On, the main street of Brussels on
Snlurday night, a book named LB..
lends Solos and Duets., Finder
please return to
Mrs. Stanley Wheeler
phone 214.S
Mortgage Loans on Improved farm
properties at S%, No valuation
fees or chattel morgage required.
H. 3, CO TTY Sc CO,
Farm Sales Service, Stratford
Rugs, Stuck of late importer, in-
cludes Wiltons, Broadlooms and'
Orientals, estretmely low prices.
while stock lasts, will ship mall
orders promptly, write tor price list
Traders and Importers,
54 "Wellington St West, Toronto
A Court of Revision on The Hack•
well Drain will be held In the Town.
ship Hall, aliorris on aI00 tl.y.
August 15th, 1933 at 2 o'diock.
Panties Interested please ettend,•
A, 3Sacl:wen, Clerk Morels,
Notice To Contractors'
'Phe Municipal Council of the
township of Morris' are askn g for
tenders for painting .elle Cruick-
shank's' bridge. The bridge Is to be
brushed! and painted,
Tender in two hays, supplying
the paint or having the council sup
ply the paint.
'renders, will: be considered at
the to,nehip hall on Monday, Aug.
ust fifteenth at 1Wo o'clock.
A, Mack,WEN, Clerk
Notice To Contractors
The 'Municipal Council of the
Township of Morris wilt let G. eon,
Gavot for cleaning parts of the Mc.
Arthur, The Myth Creek and the
Doekett Drains by Auction.
The McArthur Drain on Tuesday,
August 2nd at two o'clock.
The Dockettt Drain on Wednes4aY
August 3rd dt two o'clock.
The T31tynLlt 'Creels Drain on
Thnrwtllay, Annal, 4111. at 2 olclock
The McArthtt1' contract will 1)e
let 1.nt the ds'aln .0t George' McAr.
thur"s; The Duckett dtutle will be
let on. the Second lire at the drain
In Oharlog: Forrest's,
The I31yth Creek brain will be lett
al Simpson NidCali a1., at the drain.
A. 1V40614W41,1, Clerk,.