HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-7-27, Page 1the 73rugotts; PoIct
Ripley Trims
Brussels Girls
On Tuesday, Jelly 26th elle Bruse
eels los/Sloe cleated weal the Ripley
Reds In the hardest /ought game of
the season. 13h.e Dotes*, gale
Were out to win and were in tip top
shape holding the Ripley Rode or
five ionings, only allowing two
runs, .Jean McLeod the plteher
for Ripley allowed five runs for the
same period. The better), of
Lowry and Jewell for Brussele and
McLeod: and 1i Lon or ipley
played the entire game.
Doing the .game Wilma Lowry,
Brussels brilliant pitcher had twelve
strike oats; 'while Jean 11.1cLeo'1
had only five.
Towads tbe end Brassie suffered
a lithle nerd leek and Ripley came
thrlugh with a win of 10-8. The
Brussels girls, have shown a dee:dee
1=11cent-i1ea in holding this team
which have had years of experience
to each a Close ecore.
The line-up was:
Ripley--Fulneten cLeod, 11c.
Donald, Jarvis, Funeton, Emerson,
.MoDonale, Finlayson, •Smith,
Brussels—Russel, 13aeker, eliller,
Beeker, Stiles, Eckenier, Lowry,
Fox, Jewell, Rowland, Fox,
Former Wingham Man
Gets $5,000 Bequest
Gluevale, July 26—Reverend Dean
Frank E-, Powell, rooter of St, Bee-
eabasChurch, Toronto, receives a
bequest of $5,000 from the will of
Mrs. hiabelle Horliek Sidley, molted
intik heiress, who died recently In
Toronto, Mr. Powell was• a Turn -
berry boy, a son or Mr, Thomas. K.
Powell of Wingbam mid well kaciwu
to many in ,this neighborliood. ease vary greatly, such as fever,
tiff neck, headache, loss of tome
Barn $truch
By Lightning
Th•e fine burn, owned by Alex
Ameseroug, an lot 6, COB, 5, Grey
tOWnsthip wee COMpletety cleiaruy-
ed by fire Tuesday morning. The
building Imo struck eor lightning
cluriug the electric sea= about 610
In the morning,
The fire bad, gained too 1)10011
headway, when observed, to save
the contents, twitch included' 10 1000
Ot5 hay and a nuptiar or teem Imple-
in en te.
The burned barn ie not the one ort
the home Banns but on the farm. on
the eeame eonceseion, owned be Mr.
A, Arinstreng,
Infantile Paralysis
As the period when infantile par
elysle le usually most prevalent is
aPProacthing, it Is advisable that par-
ents in a home where there are
children, eliould from now ou, be on
the lookout for any seen of sickness
in the tbrnhly According tbe
latest report from the Provincial
Board of efeelth, there were 2544
cases of infantile paralyses in On.
tarto. wilt 109 deaths. 05 1437
peralytic cases, approximately See
have died, 59% are etill
paralyzed and 32% have re.
covered. The period for develop.
meat may vary from one to forty
seven days, average about 15 clays.
Case rate. highest from 3 to 6
years. The onset of the disease
veetdcleno in 50% of casea.
The resells of the 1937 experi-
mental trial use of zinc .sulphate
nasal slimy doss not justify the De-
partment in endorsing thisas an
ekeetIve preventive measure.
The symptoms or an on-zom ing
1 Lite, sick itomach, vomiting, sore
throat, pain in back, irritability and
REGENT 1 many others.
SEAFORTH 1 The Brusesls 'Pose will take
1 their annual holiday the week of
August 3rd. The office will remain
' open for business as usual. ,
pat O'Brien Joan Btondell
Back In Circulation
Sunday, July 31 Beginning at 12.05
Bette Davis Henry Fonda
George-arent Margaret Lindsay
Bette Davis In her most human role
Special Matinee Aug. let at 3 p.m.
Lew Ayes Helen March
King of the Newsboys
Alison Shipworth Alice White
A drama that will tug at
your hearts
Loretta Laing Richard Greene
Four Men and
a Prayer
Still, how'd mu like to be so
homely, that whatever you dad, pee -
Pie wouldn't talk about youi
REV. H. J. MAHONSY, B.A., 13.D.
10 a.m.--Sunday School
11 a.m.—Morning Worshop
7 p.m.—Evening Worship
Melville Prestebyrian
the services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
will be conducted by
of Montreal
10 a.m.—Sunday School
All Members and Adherents are
Invited to Attend these
Band Night
Friday, August 5th
Bands & Concert, Company
Shiellis Family of Mount Forest will
provide the programme at
Victoria Park, Brussels
Admission 25c
Followed by a
Monster Street Dance
If you would like the Rawleigh
Owing to tbe seeious IlMese of
dealer to call ilow, phone Bruseele
IVIr. and Mrs, Wm. Hal), wIll ell ear
68 ami special delivery Will be made
CI, D, Payne, the flawleigb dealer,
At The Bowling Green
Tee fine evening and tbe settee
did emelt...lion of the greens mime
beta. to the succeee of elie jitney
bowling at the Mete greens elenday
evening when Blytk bowlers pdrticl-
Winners for the evening Were as
follows: Alex Rueledge, A. Wood.
R, Somers, Blyth; J. Rowland; It,
Bowman, 11. Downing and 3, Dell-
h,ortn, Blyth,
W. M. S.
The Women's hellseionary Saciety
of elelvelle Preebeterian Churce
are holding a meeting in the Chervil
Fridley evening of this week at 8
Miss etwiel 13rothere, recently re-
turned elieslionary of India, will be
the guest speaker, and will speak'
on The Work if the Ohurch in the
New India, A very cordial MY!.
tation is extended to everyone.
Little .Stars :Ea;
Mission Band
The Little Stare Mission 13e10d of
Melville Church held a very enjoi-
able picnic last Tuesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. elms. David-
son, with an attendence et over
100. There were games, recce and
swings for the children. A very
pleaseag feature of the afteuooa wae
a talk by Miss Muriel Brother, re-
turned Missionary from India, Who
was a former member of the Little
Stars Mission Bend.
82 Years Young
Mr, John H. Brown and daughter-
in-law, eiret Eva Brown, or Neepawa
Man., elle are spending six menthe
with friends in Ontario, are at pree
et visiting the feranees brother,
Mrs. James Brown. He has licen-a
resident or the Neepawa district for
over einetee33 years, previous to
erhich he farmed near Cranbrook.
Time has dealt vey kindly with. Mr.
Brown auel, he might quite easily be
taken for a men of about sixty-five
nether than eighty-two.
Teacher From India
Is Brussels Visitor
Mies, Muriel Brothers, a teacher
of the Baptist Mtiesion helm Cocoa -
1101111, temlabiet, India, arrived Mee
on Tueeday to visit her aunt, Mrs,
Duncan McDonald. She traveled
home by Egypt, Palestine, Fleece
and England, landing at New York.
It is seven years since her lase
furlough. A number of her girl-
hood friends met her at the Bruseels
station on Tuesday evening wheu
she arirvell.
Women's Institute
A Rally for Offieers. and Members
ot East Muni. Women's. Institute
under the able direction of Mrs, C.
Hayes'. Goorgetown, Ont., wall be
held in Brussel Librney, ou Tues-
day, August 2nd from 10 am, until
4 pen, The course of study to be
taken up will be, lot Melee of
Officers, 20c1 Preparing Pler. of
Work; and 305 -Reports and Re
cords, All officers, chairmen of
standing committees and members
are Urgently requested to attend
this meeting If at all possible.
owners please refrain from leoeleg
baud concerts. and ball gamee. Also
their car horns, while attendJug 130311 "i'li1011 le vle:ttng
children while passing this rest- Mr, Arthur Hallam and Me. Un -
deuce kindly refeain from Leo much
John's Neighbor Speaks
I have u Mat gem of Black
Cherry Jam made in 1895. just 43
years ago, Picked the cherriee and
made it 111,Y -self, on the old form
111:ontieerwlalenid'e Ilitevoekds Nvelttellarfatttalideand
thrown the glass. A. bottle of cooa
oll 69 years oicl or father's3 and a.
Fort Fra
bottle of goom oil 37 year; 01 ncis, with Mr, and,
Wesley Kerr,
Eleizeletb, Baeker and Margaret
Gibson visited with Mrs. John Pat-
terson, in Fordevieh..
Mrs, Frank Davidein of Los
Angeles, Cale l visiting her
mother, Mrs. Ewan.
It is indeed a compliment to the
Little Donnie Riley evae auforture
Ageicuitusel Departments- at the
ate In failing Of the milk. wagon
ProNlinclal and Federal Govern -
of E. Cardiff, injuring himeese
meats 05 the Provincial and Federal
Mrs James, Merkley of Waterloo
Governmenits that from praetleallY spent the week -end with her sister
all of the acleacent States, not to
Mrs, D. Badgley.
speak of some farther afield,
Mieees Dorothy and Helen Arm.
students of agriculture are emit 10
strong are holidaying with friends
their hundreds to attend and study
in London.
the agricultural, horticultural and
Zinsser ad daughter Tillie
livestook displays at the Canadian
Zimmer of Toronto are enjoying a
National Exhibition. holidlay on the tam east of =use*.
Mr. and Mrs 0. Northwood and
Girl's Garden Club son George are home from their
Go On Tour vacation spent at Vietoria Harbour,
Ou Friday afternoon, July 22, the Georgian- Bay.
Girl's Garden Club met at the, lee- Mr. and Mrs. Roy OleKey and
racy and formed into groans to visit Helen and Shirley or Toronto are
respective gadens of the Chth mem- geeeite ties week of his pareuts Mr.
Imre. and lire. (leas. McKay,
Before leaving town they visited T. S, Armstrong and son, Billy,
the home of Harry (Merin where of North Bay, Ont. are spending
many interesting id•eas were dis. part of their vacation with hlis.
cuseed by the propiietor, Jae, Armstrong, Flora St.
The following gardens were in. Miss Maggie Wheeler et Mottleal
%peeled: Margaret Tarvey, Dorothy was the guest of her sister Mrs.
Bone, Velma Duncan, Betty Currie, Wm, H. Wright and also her metber
Betty Raymond, Della MeGinuls, ! Mrs H. Wheeler of Jamestown.
Mau Mobilo:eh, Helen and Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. Nedby Robinson and
'Turnbull, leiabel McColl, Mary eie. daughters Lila and Berva left on
Donald, Mrs. Thoe Wiener, .Jr,, Friday for their home in Edmonton
Mona Miller, Mrs, 11. Speirs, Elaine : after an enjoyable visit with Mends
in Grey one Morris.
Miss Della McGinnis received the Flunk Scott, Tom Meradzean
highest credit for ber garden. and Bill leckrnier have spent a week
The tour was completed at the ca the young People's Presbyterian
home of Mee. Wilbur Turnbull Camel at Kintail,
where a etunetwatte Much was eery- .eir. and Mrs. Ed. Bates and Jack
and Doris are spending a few weeks
iu ankl around Ottawa combining
I bnelame nue, pleasure,
Mr. and Mrs,. Duncee McDonald
and their guest Miss Muriel Broth -
At a recent meeting of the Huron ors are spending a week at Port
Plowmen's., Association which was Elgin with their daughter Mrs. Cot -
held in Brussels, the directors were trill and family.
of the opinion that Huron County Mr, and ell's. 3, A. Bailey, Mr,
should be represented at the Inter- and Mrs. C. E. Bell, Blyth and Mrs.
national Plowing Match this fall . D. Crettinden of St, Thomas, spent
by a team of throe boys who would Sunday wi•th Mr, aim elm W. J.
compete In the Inter -County come- Procter,
thion for Ole Farmer's Magazine ' Mies. Helen McLaughlin of Van.
trophy. This competition 15 opea mixer, (laughter of George Me-
te) one team of t111 00 boys from Laughlin, formerly oe Brussels le
each county in the Province and visiting with her relateees, Mrs,
members of the team must not have Robe Thomson and It, 3. McLaugh-
reached •theer 2teth birthday by lin,
October lst, 1938, Splendid cash Mete George Edwards of Ethel
prIzee are provided at the Inter- nlso Mis, Will Edwards or Howlett.
national :Match for conteetente. spent an hour at tee home of Mrs
in .the enter -County CoMPetitinn. D. Ihulgley also with Mrs. ,fames
Ie all 16 cash prize s are awarded Me•ekley. They are all Scheel
to the ranking contestants, ranging girs of Ion ego,
from a first prize of $40.00 to a
1Stit prize of $4.00, Seaforth Beavers Take
The directors of the Huron Plow- Third Place, Beat Walton
men's Aesockttlon euggetted the
faireet Way to select a team would Seaforth Beavers care through
be to have interested boyscompete with a 2-0 victory to take third place
at 11 Junior Match, aud 411e three in the HUMS Football League Fre
*highest boyo would be selected to clay night. The Beavers defeated
repieseat the county at the Inter- the Walton team atter .both teams
Olise Mary Fox agent the week-
end in London,
Mrs, le. B. Warwick 15 *pending
a few days at the lake at Drente,
Sullivan is away this week
on a motor trip to Callender,
Church Notes
Services, iu 7,Ie1v1110 PreebYteriaa
Chitral Sunday were conducted
by Rev, Dr. Forbes of Toronto. His
morning text eves. Laken fvom
ians 3.18, “That ye may he able to
cOMprellend What is the breadth
nud height and cleeth,e and in the
evening he spoke from John 8-32,
',And ye etiall know the truth and
Vie truth shall moke You free."
At the morning service WIlIlahll
Slifer sung "Teach me to PITY."
00 Friday evertieg, gia8 Alltriet
Bieetlieve, teacher teen ace.managn,
Burin will ;mettle! She Is a fernier
Breesele girl, and Will seealt of
"The WOrit of the Muriel in India.'
Rev, 15, A.. Pritchard or 111011tre11l
Will conduct tbe services next teme
tiny in Melville Churele
Services, in the Milted Clitiech
on Sundae Were conduoted uy Bele
15, j. Mahoney, B.A., 13,D.
tlerwood of Landoll visited at Wm,
Reetledges on TuesdaY.
Jack Backer uf Toronto visited
Sunday web his permits, Mr, and
Mrs. C. Baeker.
Misses -Virginia and Lois Plum
are holidaying with relatives in De-
Miss Bessie Wright 05 Terence
was home for a few days at Mr.
and Mrs, W. 15. Wright.
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Procter of
Single Copies Sc
mother's, Tbey sure are keep-
MB, D. Shedden
Agrcultural Department
To Be Complimented
ed the lawu,
Huron Plowmen's
not Ontll 31atb, To look after
the proposed Junior Match the fol-
lowing comueletee was appointed:
13ert HemingwaY, Brasesie; Robert
Michie, Ilrueeeke; R., L. McDonakt,
Bruseels; Gordon MeGavia, Walton,
ion MacLeod, Clinton, Peuspee-
eve conteecants are asked to notify
auy member of the above mentioned
(me -melee on or befoi'e August letb,
if they intend to compete at the
local Junior Metele The eoutedttee
hope that there will be a suClieieut
netubee of Metrics so that 0 Junior
eleteh may be eoudueted temb a
team eteleeted to plow In the Inter -
Costly competition at the, inter-
national which 10
belie; held near 1301110, Minh the
second week in October.
had played, to a no-seore tie in
their fleet game at Seaforth last
Tuesday. Jaelt Hunter and Allan
Nicholeon stored the two goette in
the sechel half ot the bard
fought game and the visitorsp.
Peered to have the edge in the
1/307 anoat of the game.
Grey Township •
Couple Mark
Golden Wedding
marriage is the only telng, Dorset
let the court:thee be too long either
and: at Same time don't merry eme
70T1113heg'se are a few woe& of adeiee
from a temple weo ehold know
that about whia they are •tallting
because it was fitly years ago
Monday that they eiaptee thole
voyage 00 the sea, of metre -Ilene.
'('he are Mi', and Mrs. Amos
SmIth, beloved pioneer resedente
grey leveraship, ref:Siding ahotet
three miles from Lieterwel, Today
be the twilight of their livesehey
live happily on the farm on which
they settled 50011 after the wedding
or half a century ago.
On Monday afternoou friends
neighbors aud relatives gathered to
honor this beloved couple, They
were offerednumerous congratule-
tions' and expressions. a hope that
they may enjoy many more Yeare
of 'happiness together.
tur;Nriclect' Yies°11tugcle 1)21111e '
ae 111..°1111-eled^ ptc4s-
sibly ma. 11 is the only thing,
Two can get along together better
than being alone. They *holed know
within a year after keeping emu-
pany whethe tbey are •suited for
each eher," orenumencled Mee,
Smith. And her husband agreed.
They were married by the hate
Rev, Mr. Calvert at Norwicsa in
Oxford county.
Sports Rank High
The Canadian National
Sports programme is always, of keen
in.terest to athletes and onlookers
aliPe. One of the high -lights will
be the 15,0111e canoe letaathon, the
otikataiidlligee ol lis 111114 <111 (110
continent and one Which attracts
mny partieipants, as Weil as throngs
of eager specte4ors who crowd 1110
Watexeront grandstand,
Bride From 10xford
"They told me I could do better
In getting a bride around here,
but 1 did all right," laughed Mr,
Smith, It so happened that hire,
Sm,ith, Who eva.s formerly Miss
Elizabeth E. Seeds, of Ox7orel,
county travelled through the die -
trick as a dressmaker.
An speaking of drese matinee the
bride of halt a century ago ap.
peered on 'Monday in the sumo
dress site wore when she became
Mrs. Smith. It was mode he her
own lianas and Is a resnaikably
flne piece of work, being dorm
mostly in lace and brown in color.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith have had
their ups and downs. during their
01003' years: of married life, but
feel that they have much for which
they should be thankful.
hit*. Smith bas lived on the sante
farm all his life. His father. the
late John Smith, came to this sec-
tion from East zone and settled
in Grey, taking the south belvee of
lots 67 and 68 en the Met conces-
sion. The farm is now being. opera -
tett by Mr. Smith's eon. Francis
W. Smith.
"\Ve have worked hard together.
I can remember years when -we
took the whole crop oft by hand
together. It wee: hard going 0
Years and 'there '\'Os always Pi
of work to do," commented
"Yes, and I remember wine/
were building the silo and youlied
to do the cooking for all tbe men
and that same day you Worked
most of the day in the field," added
the .bridegroom in praising his: good
lite imam
13esidee the s,on who eperatee the
farm, tbere is one daughter, Mrs,
Stanley Dougherty, of Illytb.
Military Tattoo
Dozens of military bud—glitter.
ing scarle1 and gold—martial musle
such as brings' a patriotic sure to
the Para of everyone—this le the •
Military Tattoo, one or the out-
standing ateraclions a•t the Can-
adlan National Exhibition, held this
year on Saturday, Augese 27111 only.
Civic Holiday
To fall In line with other Melee.
panties in the Province, the bust.
ness people ask that
Monday, August 1st
And 1 hereby proclaim the same
and ask that all citizens observe
it as such.
Walter Kerr, Reeve