HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-7-20, Page 6ENTITLE "THE INTRUDER" By Allan Rhodes SYNOPSIS Dora Sheldon is engaged to Ralph Ititnsonl, a young bunk clerk she has known for only a short time, At -their engagement dinner an unexpected visitor Tatty Glary., who claims to be a niece of the farmer occupant of the house, arrives. The Sheldon's take her In as she bas no place else to go, Ralph is touch attracted by Tansy', lI» takes her to hoard with his ,antheiy until she hears from her aunt, Tansy is not agoverness' eta she ,rfaiuta, but a chot'ue girl out of a job. Site means to have Ralph /ova with Iter and seems to c u:mashing her purpose. He entertains Tansy one evening when Dora is unable to go out with frim. Tansy, her funds almost ex handed. is becoming desperate sties Itainh as her poly hope and strengthens her hold on him, Dom breaks her engagement of - ter finding Tansy in Ralph's arena. Tansy and he plan to marry. • fall in be an - The girl in the 13aCehante's dress pulled a grape from the dangling cluster over her left ear, and offer - "d It to Ralph as a mark of favour. Ile was obliged to respond, but he found himself iU at ease. There was a great deal of noise and laughter, and a couple of other ung Wren came into the box, and voted themselves to Phyl, Site had Bobby in attendance, l'u' was a good deal occupied by his nodes us host, It dawned on Ralph, with a aenee of disgust, that It Rao" GA-10Why let all that space in your basement go to waste? Let us show you how little it costs to turn it into a game room offering fun and relaxa- tion for young and old. We'll do the job quickly and with• out disturbance to the house- hold routine. And, best of all, it's another of those jobs you can finance, if necessary, under the Rome Improve- , ment Plan. LOCAL ADVERTISER'S NAME HERE C'41:144:°11 -A, R!1Ov�Mk'MTI Berths, and. the newcomers were more than a little intoxinated, The Bactlitante lulled against iRaitilt as the food and drink went round, anti Bobby- tauatruecd Phyla and stories were told --stories wort us Ralph etinside;cd in vary bad taste when ladles, were present, )nut nohudy set reed to mind. The man c:died 13111 had 'drawn '1'a::. -y wall into the shadow of tht cilia a; M. '1 It es seemed to bo siding very tie together, Ralph Hamed. Suddenly everybody hemm aware that the eullc.n-boffin; le uty who had refused to join in the laughter was in violent, 1tsster- les in the sculptor's arms. She was raring fur'ohel'tntly ahoat hav- ing done whit st'tu body for ever. I'hyi arose in coast ern atinn. "Ohdear, he's. begun ago it:!'' site utcred, c`llagda darling, don't!" ".he can't help It, my dear, s'lir.'e 00 tenupsrnneutal✓" said the se•rlp- tor. "There, Magda, don't distie�s yourself so. Let ore go turd Lind Jim," "Na, no, I dott't want ever la see him again! I hate him!" raved Magda, "I wish I was dead," "She's a fool to upset herself. I wouldn't,' said the Bacchante to Ralph "I say, let's go and dauce— shall we?" in the Midst of the din Ralph looked round for Tansy, but alio and Bill had disappeared. He allowed the Bacllaute to teal ltin back to the ballroom, and he had seldom felt more depressed. He must lok for Tansy, lie thought. No doubt she and 13111 had joined the dancers, but in that crowd it was difficult to Lind any. body, Surely she would go brick to the box! He Glanced with the Bacchante, and the fun was faster and more furious, They were caught in many coloured streamers, pursued with bath:ems, and somehow it bad all becc:tte stupid and meaninglez.. At last he saw Tansy leaning from the box with Bill betide her, and as soon as was possible Ralph escorted his partner back. Tansy greeted tltent with smiles. A whispering and embracing couple hat at the hack of the box. The people who had beeu there be fore ltad all disappeared for the time being, "Are you Coining to dance with me now Tangy-? asked Ralph In dangerously quiet tones. "Oh, yes, If you like!" she ,said. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were feverishly bright, The big fair man never took h1a eyes from her, "The next but two," she promised as she left him, Who's that," asked Ralph, when they were in the corridor, "0h, a ;tan I used to know! He's Edgar Frampton, but we call hits 13111," she answered. "lie's in love with you," said Ralph accusingly. She laughed. "Well, suppose he is? " she said. "I can't help It can I?" Ralph did not answer. He took her into ,the ballroom and they danced, but all the zeat bad gone out of it for him, Tansy, in her little roots at .Brix- to11 and now Tansy amongst all these people! What links h,od she with the sant of life they led. In some mysterious way Edgar Frarntton found his way to Tansy"s side when the donee she had Promised ilius fell due, Ralph could not, without appearing ridiculous, refuse to give her up to her new part a er. As, 11.e turned away he .happened 11 f THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will came to your home every day through THE CHRiSTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. .1n International Daily Newspaper tt records for you trio world's clean, constructive. doings. The Monitor [toes not exploit crime or sensation; neither docs It ignore them, but deals o0rreetivell' with mom. Features for busy mon and all the rattily, including the 'Meekly Magazine section. 0 0 1 00 l The Christian Science Publishing Society 1 One. Norway street, Boston, Massaehusetta Please anter my subeerittton to The Chri:elan science Monitor for a period of 1 sear 00.06 0 months 64.50 3 months 02.25 1 month 720 Pitdneeday Issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year 62.00, a Issues 256 Address erniilhli Copy on gorAttJ THE BRUSSELS POST to encounter Phy'l with cluotlter girl. 1: was but courtesy to a,Slc his hostess at sapperto dance, and Pltyl willingly complied. She had taken no particular in- terest in Tansy when they hal rust in the 'tea-rooms, but she was quite ready to welcome her :manta conarattion now that she appeared to be enjoying the smiles of Roitune, 1�hyl .puke of Tansy in quire an are catenate way, and during that danec Ralph Made the discover Y from some Outlivem starlt of Phyi's that Tansy had told hint many lies Th» fact that she had earnarl n precarious living as a dancer in re- vue Tilade no d'ifiereuce to his feet ing fur her. It was the deception that counted, She had been eel, Ing a part the whole time. IIs began to wounder how nitron of her professed love for him ]vas real. After his dance with Pity) he looked for Tansy in vain, Ile stood aboat the ballroom, he went up to the box and watched the dancers and felt as if all was sham and ;take -believe, In the meanwhile Tansy had ben led by 13111 to an alcove of the cur- ridors, and there they sat, looking in each other's eyes, He loaned forward and clasped one of the girl's. arms caressingly, "You treated me very badly, you know, Tans'y," Ole said, "I didn't," she returned with a choke in her voice- "You pl'onlis• ed to came and see me at Notting- ham, but you never did," "Couldn't," he declared, "I was tied by the heels, my dear. Game a crupper clown at the Raughton's plate, The beast they gave me to ride landed Inc in the ditch, and instead of a week -end, 1 was at -Marley Dene for weeks," 'You never wrote," said Tansy. Raf1:l1 would hardly have recog- nised her, She was not acting now. "Never do," returned Bill, una- bashed. "Hate writing letters. -Meant to come and look you up as soon as I was about." "The tour was over thea, I sop• pose? said Tansy bitterly, "011, 'what's the use of talking about it?"' "Have you forgotten?" he whis- pered pulling her close to hits. She straggled, "I believe I hate you!" she cried below hes breath. "No, you don't. You're going to love me again, Tangy,' he said. I'm not going to let you go now I've found you." "You'll have to!" she flashed at him, "I'tn going to he married," Even that had very little effect on him; He laughed down into her duelled and quivering far_, "Not you," he answered. "You'd get sick of It and kiok over the traces if you tied yourself to unit young man. What sort of a life is he going to give you?" 'I. shall have a good time," said Tansy- defiantly, "'Vldere did you find hint? At Suntlay eahool?' Wugtled BI. "Let me go! the cried. And for answer Edgar Fratnpton kissed her full on the lips, and then bead her a lite away from him, What would Your young man say if I told hill you were my little girl, a few months ago? he said, "Yud don't coaly care about hitt, you little humbug!" "Yes 1 do," "But not like yott care for 12,e '' insisted. "You know very well you don't, There! 1'Itat'a the way 1 used to kiss you earl 1 want yen back. You shall Have every inertat tiling you take a Laney to. ' if it wasn't lar the old girl I'd marls,. You myself," "I've tried to be In love it hbn,'' slud lousy', with ieaii.,, lo.u:i in her t1 ,h, ' ile ,. a sa,.' 1 buy, I3iit, Aute 1 le for thought i should yetr you ttguiiu, I thought you didn't fait:---wtai 1 is:,•1 .c hate you!" "No use," said Bill t1'iunipluu,lly. "Lank here, Taney, I've had 1 rite: of lux k lately, and I'll see you het your chonre, PI pot sninetlang into that ntiw :phew of 13tivin,r's, and gri you u decent pert Ifow will thtlt do? I always promised You Yd do something for you, Wail, t Mean it," "Ott, What shall I do?' said Tansy, with a sob, "He'll break his hieert l'' "No he won't. Taney, I want you," cl)eSNAPSIIOT CUIL WLDNDSDAY, JULY 2401, PIC OBAC PICTURES ON THE FARM VA Everywhere on a farm there are pictures—simple, pleasing snapshots that will give your albums new appeal. THE man who says "nothing ever happens on a farm" certainly isn't talking about pictures. On al- most any farm, 11 you keep your eyes open, you will find enough snapshot material to keep the cam - a'r't busy from early morning to late at ni,.ht—and still not exhaust the 5011017. Fttrnl animals offer scores of pia- ture chances—woolly lambs in the stun, a hen fussing over her brood of chicks, cows being driven in for milking, pigs at the trough (or their owner summoning them with a lusty shout), horses drinking, docks wad- dling in a line about the yard or taking an afternoon "cruise" in the pond. Work scenes In the field make excellent pictures, and fresh -plowed land with long deep furrows is good for pattern snapshots. The orchard in bloom is a scene of beauty, and all around the house and barn lot there are details which make pictures. Get a snap of Grandfather whit- tling, mending a single -tree, or busy at a whirling grindstone. Pic- ture shady fence corners, old-time zigzag fences of laid rails, the bat- tered wooden bucket at the well and the worn saw -horse or chopping block In the woodlot, Look for snaps down by the shady spring -house and brook. And watch the special seasons—such as hog -killing time later on—when there is some un- usual activity ,to picture. Yes, there are plenty of farm snapshots—everything from a calf being fed from a bottle to corn-huak- ing shots at harvest time and foot- prints in. the snow in winter. You can point your camera in almost any direction, and find something. Try it, every chance you get, and watch your picture albums growl 168 John van Guilder. Tansy allowed clasped and cnress Tile spell of the stealing over her, strong will was weakness, (To Be Continued.) herself to he ed, oldpassion was Tile force of a mastering her There are few families left who are so far behind .the tenses that they shill enjoy the sinyple things of life, NOTICE! Complaint has been made to me that certain parties have beet, damning weed seeds in gravel pits and in swamps on the roadtules and notice is hereby given that said praetice must cease and that anyone found disposing of their weed seeds in this manner will be. prosecuted J. H, Fear, Weed Inspector THE BRUSSELS POST 75c For 6 Months A community weekly newspapers If you have any friends visiting you or news items send it in, or Phone 31 PIPE TOBACCO FOR A MIL D.000L SMOKE Jlnt-.-iSo you kissed Bees when she 1otlsn'C looking? 'Wee' elle ail' ltoyet1? Sob_ -...Oh, quite a lift; In fact 1 had to do it ores again when she was' looking, REMEMBER YOUR WEDDING With a PORTRAIT By The Russell Studlo Listowel, Ont, F1 MFR B. BELL, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc` Phone 20X - Brussels, Oa HAROLD W. LOVE Ethel, Ont. — Phone 22-8 General Insurance Agent James lcFadzean Howlck Mutual Fire Insurance —Also-- —Harttrrd Windstorm —Tornado insurance —Automobile Insurance 'Phone 42. Box 1, Tornberry 8t Brussels, Ontario JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales attended to in all parts of the country, Satistactioa Guaranteed o1' no pay. Orders left at The 'Post' promptly attended to. Belgrave Post Office PHONE: — Brussels Phone 14-r-9 D. A. RANN FURNITURE FUNERAL r p. _ UL AMBULANCE f SERVICE =_f Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone 36, Brussels \1 4tvw NOW 1S tHE TIME TO NAVA. YOUR HARNESS REPAIRED Brussels, Ont CHILDREN of all ages WN BRAND»' a CORN CSYRUUP, They clever tire of its delici- ous flavor and it really 1s so goochildren "CROWN B ire theD ev�daay. $physicians OyWNi IHANro. nouaae I,,, CORN SYRUP a most satis- factory carbohydrate to use as a milk modifier in the feeding of tiny infanta and as an energy producing food for growing children. THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD The CANADA STARCH COMPANY tlmltep ct