HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-7-20, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, Jt'L,Y eOtb, '1935 TELEPHONE TALK HE WATSON FAMILY Muriel'Watson used to worry about Bob's fre- quent trips to the "raw edges of civilization"—to mining towns and construction camps where life was rough and comforts few. Now he telephones her and the children from each new location, cheering them, and himself, in the process. 'After all", he muses, "you're never out of civiliza- tion as long as you have the telephone." Reductions in telephone rates—local and long distance — in 1935, '36 and '37 have effected savings to telephone users in Ontario and Quebec of nearly one million dollars yearly. IT he Brussels Post FOUNDED -1873 !L W. KENNEDY — Publisher Published Every Mednesday afternoon Subscriptton price ;1.50 per year, paid in advance. Subscriptlons In United 'States will please add 60c ror postage THE 'POSY" P*tONT BRTJSSF ee CANADA Telephone 31 —,— Brussels, Ont. NIN+/•-NI4,NNMNMN-NN1MrN HOG PRICES ARE GOOD The prion of bogs ire quot'.I at el 1.135 in Stratford and that it the higllettt priee paid since 1930. The only tiat<°}t in the situation is that the price is good only for those farmers who happen to havo some hog's Featly for the. market. A lemon hue ie sr,m."t.hng whish comes to its erIling time at a definite paint about t:x nlan'ha. of age and Lot nnteb or' r the 200 -pound 'mark. A 14404m hog is not o,rne ping which Dan h„ heel indefinttely waiting for tbe market to improve, It is sem 1, he high price 11 due le io''i";14''d exports to Ilrpain and also to the fart that a number of farmers. went out of breeding hogs a eoople ,,f years ago when the pries,Of fred WWI too high . It Js 1 interentint fe reread the statement made at that time by one well- known farmer with a number at yr„ora r,f raven] experience bellied him, 1113 c+mlelvRerl that rat) -141g. 1tuf;a wax. eonu t!,11,g 1 1dr'.l) had to h” do0e 4:0ntltniti4( y, 114: said: ''1 rlo 2401 drink (1. 'o pOn11/11, to go la and out of !rosiness. rine must he pre- pared 10 1,1rept the high prier, with the low notonly nn tate price or hogs but on The ('04f Of ferel, it le the average nn the long run yhlelt Count% anri 1 httve Perron that hogs Pay 1410 a little better Chan anything on the farm, When the Weil price ettmes ills» bra'c'ts• who tuts elaytri In the, htts'lnesti bas 1otn0lhing to sell and he has a ebonies to ewe11 up a4114l101 the I1.rnr.9 when the twirled was, lrrw, bill the man wb, dretperl 0ni bt'r•tinrw, of low hog prime and high food 104118 nenn0t pcnm1bly get bort ht the nlarliet In time to ealmh it when it. is up hacau111 T buten 1141.11011 brut) 11111. 10 tell when 11 ie 1O1111$ up, ''boil Urn only two elrursete epee, rite is, 10 go In for broed!ing bogs and 3)1.113 1n, and tho other is le slaty out entirely, leer twypunt I prefer to stay lit," G7*,. DO THINGS "THE HARD WAY" illy tI(e,' ew Tl. ('melee, Gomm(icr. 3]1nnd 1111,r17'cm tit Olivet College) There are ihCre who voice a 010101untg ayti,illalhy or volt grad" u11(01, They see you today accept- ing a diploma, from your college, and to -morrow setting ,foot into au economic word that has gone askew They see that world as a idle, stay neat place. They see it barren of opportunity. They feel it bolds no welcome for the young men and young women who come into it eager for advancements and seeking a chance to be of use. I have no patience with. that Point of view, Nor do I sympathize with you. On the contrary I e11v3( you, deeply and sincerely, as any- one mulct- who even dimly see how great and how implacable are 'tbe needs of the world—needs which in future only its young men ono young women can supply. And where need is --there will you find opportunity. }1a,e the world, then, no needs? In our OW11 country, are all the old tasks, find/Ilea, all the new 0nt3 be- gun? Is there no call for courage, for diligence, ter understanding, for wisdom, for invention, for self- reliance, for 1eedershlpp? Have we found the perfect solutions for all our probleme--for unr ploy - merit, for euetce ate between all then, for tinily among all Dui people? 11ra„' everyone everything he want,'? Are there no better way,, of making things, or of male ing better things, or of malting more things/ for more people? You knr,w better, In ihls sense, the times are far richer in Opportunity than our we have ever known. * * * You have d1em/vs:reel that ee mat: ter bow 11100, 7011 have learned. there are vest areas of undiscovertM foot remaining for you to explore. Ansi right there you bavo matt one of the rr11)lities many others have, yet. to learn. Perhaps you remember the comment of Maras '!'.wain erne corning hie father, "When I wits t, boy or fonrtteen” /mid !'lark, a'1nY fatter was en ignorant I could hard- ly alanyl to have him arnuntl, But ween I' got to be twenty -tote, 1 rotas un110uislt,.d 114 110w bhe old man Iran lectt'ned In %even Years." The clamor in recent yearn' is ai- to,gether Chola tee 117014ts1 Unci Mier. ties of citizens, leen and lest Is heard elent 1. their rC1rpon1fle1 LI es which Mote mato right and Mier - lies possible, Iresst numbers of trill. sells have relegated Ihe41' moral anti rueennamle In leipemdetsvo 4o othen'e, and have arueepled the role of a Vita Um or a bnnrrflei4tl'y, lyl1,m whole prnortruai 1 lint dis011s ing has been a'Dllly tletitelsibed: ee the /nom Whole- aa114 d'egredletIotl of 0hareelter 11111 lr"1ia0nold'Iy wl1iD11 tho world has eves' b0e11', 1 aim C0nscionat HO 1 speak to yott now how Melo 1 oan really giro you e11llor of advice or experience. The 3t111^u law of nature that o0OrytltIng to he of mem ,music be earned, Mends in llie way. The /struggie tutted, be yours. to make 1Ls, triumph y0u1'5, The world greatly neede what You ,oan glee, Do not think there Is 00 Make for you; there te, Do not make the nuisrake nt thinking the Joh le finished; it is barely h.lean. The world l4 weilali It deatperate le Its want of men and weenen who can do better what fe already being done, and who can der nobly w.mt yet to come, And if you want a word of suggestion, let me a'ay this. There is a mierent Phrase often scornfully used nowadays called "Doing it the hard way," * * * Yes, Whether you teach or farm or clerk orr mind a machine ur run a surveying chain or sell geode or drive a shin or rune factory or go tato politics; do it the hard way. Give more of yourself than your job bas a right to expect. The mere you give the more you will have in your- self to give. The more you have,tr gave the ,greater the call for your e'rviees. The mr,re you think the more you etretch your skull. The more you stretch your skull the big- ger the thoughts you have root. for, Whatever you do, give alt of your- self to it—imemrse yourself in it, surrender yourself to it, time your. self into it, lose yourself in ft. Every moment in that proreee you are adding to the only capital that no. one can take away. Think ahead of your job. There nothing in the world r:an keep the job ahead from reaching out for you. I know oris eounds old-fashioned. It is, but it has built tbe world. NOTE AND COMMENT We boast about peace in 0 Mario oblivious to the righting on the army worm and the grasshopper fronts. Premier Hepburn has been visit- ing the mining country but at leaa'1 must be given credit for not mak- ing any stpeeehe1. This iso the season when Toronto has many visitors. That explains Why the press photographers are able to dig up go many pictures of pretty bathing girls. .Federal by-elections in Ontario are not to be held until autumn and that Is a break for the good folk of London and South Waterloo. By the number of Toronto ears seen In this district over the sum- mer week -ends there aro a lot of folk who do notcare what Is open in the Queen City on Sundays. Hon. Dr, Manion says the press reports' of the Conservative conven- tion were eminently fair, Shucks! We nould have told him that before the thing started, Federal revenues dropped asveral millions in Junk: as compared with the Immo month last 7)ar. The 0P- timist will see in that only the fact that we bad to pay several millions lesti t811414. Deer living near Sault Ste. Marie are said to have become so 41)404' that residents will not Have the beast to shoot them when the hunting smarm arriihes. If they do not wish to shoot them no pe i,tdl is going to force them to do so. J710au Built six cruisers but now it is reported tests have shown they are not "seaworthy, The Jape attended to the building the101. 1Va8 so that there le not even the satie. Motion of blaming some, ether nation. We learn that people in Ile *ow, Alastkth, are ;p''`repping freely with the thermometer al 67 degree., We have a feeling that their perspiring sopi)aratus w011111 operate sore freely en one of our 92 days, The feleit. stallion at Sl., M try', wear robbed and 9 rents' t11kn11 aw'ny. Now when the, C,P,g, (alts, more about uhifenlfell with the C.N,R, 11. will be -plain they are not going to bring 'mums elute to the new deal, An aelor 1n a piny at Coventry WW1; actually stabbed 'luring one sr+nnn but ma1fta7t.41 In continuo bu- tt] the show 14119 over before goleg to hospital, The lenge probably neede realism, MR how many actors Ore willing to have i1 placed or 111114. 11141(187 10 IOngland the Malden 1IItolrict commit bas warned cavae tenannts they meet' tc0np,.ti10Ir dogs inkier (quern] when Dict rent coilector ea 11s. Without knowing 71)1101) 0f tele case we would altuemla0 that 1.h( dogs eel iblted a 001/l44lte114lfhlit degree of htielligence In electing Moir *taunts, SET US LOOK AT THE PAST Eters Ars items xtskaw tiros Miss of the Foal: of 50 en4 IN Tsars Ago 50 YEARS AGO BLUEVALE Irving Cle^e:horn has returned from Detroit wllee he has been to the past six months, * * * Mr, B1ckle and wife formerly :Mss Rutherilord, Walkerville, are visit• ing at Mir, Ruthertod'e this' week. Chn�rles Herbert. has heeu re- engaged as precentor in the Presby- terian church for another year, MORRIS John Skelton, sett of Geoge Skel- ton, who went to Manitoba about PAX years ago, la here on a visit. * Silas Johnston,* son of Wm, J. Johnston, who had his ar merolten Some time ago by being thrown oft a horse, i3 getting all right GREY Thos. efeLau0hlin arrived borne Prem Montreal last Friday, a +c a. 3 Joseph Webster went to the 01d Country, * * 8 Wedding—On Wednesday of last week Rent. Work, Langdon, 'Dakota, formerly of this township and miss Kate MCL 0011IIn, who went to the West a few weeks ago were united in marriage, CRANBROOK Jn0. McIntosh Is re-engaged 11S teacher of the Cranhrook etboril for 1989. Our flax mill man,* Adam Rykert, Crediton, bas purchased the com- fortable dwelling of A, el, McKay, hardware merchant. Brussels and will become a resident of Cran- brook. BRUSSELS James Rossi played cricket with the Listowel team on Thursday of this week against the Hamilton Junior eleven e Tall Flax -,James, Sharp, 5th line Morris, brought: e, ',ample of flax, pulled from his 3 -acre patch that m0atsered over'4 feet. * ' * C. Shine, Detroit, spent a few days with S. 'W, Shaw this week, 25 YEARS AGO WROXETER Miss R.uhey Lewis, Darrel, Man., is spending tw•o weeks with 3318:, Ethel Seutt, ,4 * * Miss Elsie Gibson, Winnipeg, ie t-110 guest 07 her grandmother, Mrs. ,ilio. Gibson, * 0 * Mrs. Din accompanied her son-in- law, A. Snider, on his return iq NOV Liskeard lest week. MONCRiEFF Donald Crerai•, of Sarnia, vi ited his brother-in-law, Geo, McKay, sr, Leslie Mcliay, youngest son of W. V. McKay, broke his right are: lust Friday by falling out of an apple tree, Tele is the 1>e;Oucl time it has been broken, • 8 i't'm, Kelly and daughter of 13a genie, Sask., have been here visit- ing friends., * 8 * Mee, Alert of Detroit, is visiting her parents, Ie', and Mrs, debits, Will Cameron, New York, 144 holi- daying with Itis parents here A, Raymanu be away on a tw'o- inonel's trip through .the Caur.dial Wast, MORRIS Misses 1:-11101 and Ella Lodgewood, (snelplr, were visiting at tthe home Of S. and Miss', Walker, 641 line, Welcome vied!orb' are here Iron) DcloraInl, Man., in the persons of el re, Adam Suwflh 4414 clatughtors, Misses Anne and Verne. BRUSSELS Mies It, Mimes le, back from a visit to mint, Mich, * * * Mrs, George A, Vert and son Gor- don arrived home from an enjoyable trip to Winnipeg aid outer pointe Into week, * * * Mrs. Alex Sirnclla/1 and daugl,ter R.&GI Used Cars 1936—Ford V8—Grey fxnisix fine running order 1934—Pontiac Coupe,A rea bu', good tires and mechanical shape ;it4St 1931—Bulich Sedan—Privately owned in best of shape 1928—Buick Coach—a real buy. 1933 --Ford Model B --,Short wheelbase Truck—in A-1 mechanical shape, good tires. ALL ABOVE UNITS COMPLETELY OVERHAULED AND GUARANTEED Huron Motors WINGHAM PHONE 99 Miss Isabel and Miss 'Verne Walker left this week for a trip to Win- nipeg and other Western point.; for a few months, A Topsy-Turvy World Kamloops ,B.C., Sentinel There's a. wheat shortage. in Europe, which possibly mean,' that there will be no general conflagra- tion On that war-torn continent this year. There are also idlcations that there will be lots of wheat on the prailres this year, and probably western Canada will be once more the granary of the world. That means higher prices for wheat on the Prairies, more work for rai:w'ay- men and sevedores and shippine, agents and sailormen and loggere in British Columbia. It will mean bet. ter times evil cote because of worse times+ elsewhere. Such is the topsy turviness of this world. A Word To Local Press Secretaries The Post is well-esulpped In its typesetting department to handle 11e local 144111). But that dotes not mend that we are able to handle all the neiv:a of the week on the last two days'. It takes a week to set the paper, .t take our Linotype, busily going, alt week to set the paper. Events that happen on Friday and Saturday should be in the printer's honda the same or following day. We are us- ually crowded with material the last two days, When it comes to the last, the hot news has to reneive first atten- tion and the news reports by press ecre:ariee and correspondents whittle were sent in several days alter the events -happened, neces- sarily go t0 the waste basket, We would say to the press zecrc torics of various church societies and service clubs; that if they wish to see their copy Ste the paper, thee Mould send it in promptly and give the printers a chance. Such co-oper- ation is good all round and helps to avoid misunderstanding. Thank You! We did not write the above ar- ticle, We copied It from the St. Marys Journal Argus and we be- lieve it will apply to most weekly newspapers. CilleSNAPSPOT CUJI "CANDID" BABY PICTURES No camere consclousness in this young maestro! Any parent will treasure an album of expressive snaps such as this one. HAVE you ever thought Of taking a series of "candid" or "oft- guard" pictures of the baby in his lighter or more active moments, and saving them in a special album eutitled "We sinew IIim When"? Any parent who owns a camera can build up a splendid collection of pictures such as this, and, if your baby is like most babies, the same pose or expression will never pep lip twice. 'A. small baby Is probably fila World's ideal subject for "offemard" pictures, because he is altogether lacking in camera consciousness. Once 110 learns that you won't lel 111111 chew tho corners off the in- teresting black gadget, or pall the shiny piece of glass out of 1110 front, he dismisses the matter and Pro- ceeds to more important things. Thereafter, you cart Shoot away 00 your heart's content, You don't nood a high-speed mini- ature camera to take ''candid" pic- tures of this sort. A speedy lens 18 helpful, because then you can use higher shutter speeds and catch the yomlgeter when he le trying hes skill at somersaults or endeavoring to smash his rattle to pieces and see what makes it work. But a box cam- era will do the work pretty well if you are careful to watch for ntomene tory pauses in the action. Even the most industrious baby comes to a brief halt nolo and theft. During the winter months, most of your "off -guard" baby pictures will be token indoors, and many of them at night. Amateur photo bulbs sup- ply enough light fee the night enap- shots, and your filet dealer will havo booklets or leaflets showing how to arrange them, With lights arranged properly, t110 night 811ap8 are almost as simple as those outdoors in slut, shine, In shooting the off -guard baby tures, watch for expressive gestures and fieothtg expressions, and train yourself to catch them instantly. Snap tears as well as emiles, for they will help you remember your baby as he 18 now, And, whenever you put a picture in your special al- bum, write under it the day and year when it was taken. That will help make the book a day-hy-day biography which grows 'In value as the years roll by, 179 John Van Guilder