HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-7-20, Page 173T ViDD k
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Brussels Belles
Win From
' Teeswater Lassies
On Tuesday, July 19th, Bell's
Belles, staged one of the most
brilliant performances ever wlta.ees
ed by such a large ct'awd o2 spec-
At the first of the game the two
teams were very evenly .matched
but towardre the end of the game
Bruesels, held them scoreless for
four 'innings trine they themselves
slammed in a score of nuns.
It was the ill luck of one Brus-
sels player and two 'Pees\vater
players' to receive injuries. The
Teesevater pitcher and catcher both
]laving fingers' dislocated, thereby
crippling the battery. A subset uto
antsier was Worked in. but too late
to overlonte the teed of their op-
In the last of the sixth with. two
men on and two out Elizabeth
I3aeker slamuned the ball far out in.
to centre field scoring Jewell and
Beeker ahead of her,
The winning pitcher for Brussel
was Lowry who pitched the entire
game allowing no walks, The
sensational pitching of Lowry ac-
contlaianied by the sparkling double -
plays allowed Brussels to hold. Tees -
water dowel to tate tune of 1S-7.
Held at the home of
Tuesday, July 26th
14th Concession of Grey
'Everybody Welcome
Brussels Team
Defeats Atwood
ATWOOD—A large, wildly cheer•
lug oro'twd attended the football
game 'between Atwood and Brussels
here fast 'eight when the Aeneas
won a hard fought game 1.0 iu the
last half,
Jack Rutledge scored the `tinning
goal for Brueseis,
The ,teams, neither of which have
been 'playing recently, were fairly
evenly matched and there was little
to choose between them, espetinlly
in the first half of the contest. At-
wood will play in. Bruss'eie on a date
winch will be set 'some time in
the near future and this game, will
deckle who is to play the winner of
the southern geoulp. The latter
group has still a number of gannet_
to play off.
The line-ups were. Atwood—Goal
Hymen.; full-backs, Hanna, Nind;
halilrarks, Messenger, Gordon, R,
Danbrook; forwards, 7', IIolman,
Wright, G. Danbrook, Hart; subs.,
valiance, E. Danbrook,
Brussel~ — goal, Riley; tu3-
packs, Nichol, Pearson; haer•bacgs,
Fox, Bryans, King; Steiss, Baker,
Bowler, Lowe, Russell; subs,,
Keifer, Rutledge.
Referee—Percy Greer, Listowel,
Gene Autry Smiley Burnette
Polly Rose
Spring Time
In the Rockies
Sunday, midnight, July 24 at
Alice Faye George Murphy
Your A Sweetheart
Andy Devine and the radio rascals
Ken Murray and Oswald
You'll sing, swing your way to love
in the merriest of shows
Pat O'Brien Joan Blonde!!
Margaret Lindsay
Back In Circulation
Bette Davis Henry Fonda
Church Notes
Services in Melville Presbyter.
Ian chtinob were condueted by 'Rev,
W, 3. Si eut of Stratford.
If you would like the Rawleigh
dealer to cell now, phone Brussels
58 and special delivery will be made
0, D. Payne, the Rawleigh dealer.
Walton and Seaforth played to a
scoreles tie here last evening in the
Hest of the two -game series to de-
cide third place in the southern sec-
tion of the Huron Football League.
The game wile a typical Piay-0C
game and each side put every effort
into their struggle to gain the
upper edge. Throughout the whole
game it was about as even as the
score would indicate.
Shortly after the game got lnder
way, Seaforth was awarded a
corner kick. In the melee that
followed one of the altos players
touched the bal with his arm and
Seaforth got a penalty shot. Herald
Nicholson took the penalty, shot and
drove the ball directly at the Wal-
ton goalie hut be managed to hold
it out. The Seaforth team got
Plenty or practise in kicking corners
as they were numerous'. Neer the
close of the game there were four
of them in a row.
Walton --Geo. Taylor, Goal; It,
Holland, 3. Soothers, backs; J. Mc-
Cool, 11, Ilry-aus, W. Farquharson,
halves; 11. Carter, J. Johnstone, A.
Farqubarsen, A, Steiss, G, Love
forwards; 13, Marshall, J. Smalidon,
Under the auspices of
Thursday, July 28th
At the Home of
4th Concession of Grey
ADMISSION — — 25c and 15c
Everybody Welcome
The memorial service of the Elma
Centre cemetery will be held to Ole
cemetery on Sunday, July 24th t.t
7,30 p.15,, with Dr, D, Smith 0f
Stratford as special speaker.
Band Night
We wish to thank the neighbor
and friends for the kind deeds and
synuipath.Y shown us in our sad
bereavement of our 'sister, Ellen
Kissol, Sister and Brothers.
Friday, Auguit 5th
Robinson—In the SesJorth Hospital
on Monday, July 18, 1938 to Mr.
Hrnrriston Defeats
Local Softball Team
'Dhe Herrdston softball girls'
team played a practice game on
Wednesday lash with the Brussels
girls' teatll. The visiting team won
with a score aid 21.12.
Engagement Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. 11, R, Rudd, Guelph,
announce the engagement of their
eldest daughter, Reta B. to Stuart
11. Noble or Hanover, eldest son of
Mr, and Mrs, James Noble, Crate
beook, Ont, The marriage to lake
place in July,
Can You '
Duplicate This?
The other day at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, John SimnIOne a Jar of
black currants was opened and
thoroughly enjoyed by those who
ate them,
That's not news we hear you say,
but this is news, That two•quaet
jar of block currants was preserv-
ed by Mr. Simtnon's mother Unite
Single Copies 5c
Mrs, 3. Oliver spent a weep 10
Toronto and Geol'getown.
Mt', Ralllit Connor is v leeting
relatives in Owen Sound.
Mr, and Mrs. S. Carter, Seaforth,
were visitors it town on Sunday,
\Its. 1'., Bnedin and children, To-
ronto have been visiting her Parents
Xi' and Mrs, 3. Galbraith.
Mrs, Wm. Sinclair Is at her bome
and will Fell nutny pieces of ftu'ri-
tute> caplets and fie -tures,.
Mrs I orse-'tkt end Miss Rose Arm -
sort of Shatnrock Seek., are visiting
friends in Brussels.
Mrs. W. B. Ferguson and Mise
Annie Mclean of Stratbroy are visit
Ing Mies Gi'bee Stewart.
Miss Verla Fischer, Cranbrook
spent the week -end at the home of
M. and lira, It, W. Kennedy.
lir, and firs. Harry Bowler were
at Chesley Friday attending a ehow•-
et' anx reception given for a friend.
Mrs, Gordon Mooney, Winnipeg
is visiting at the home of Mr, .and
Mrs. Jno. Simuron.v and other rela-
tives and friends. The ladies ere
Mrs, W. Speiran and daughter
Jean have returned to their home
after holidaying with relatives' in
Galt and Toronto,
M•r, and Mrs. C. W. Simmons, and
son of Horwlek were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mee, Teo Simmons
Mr, F. B. Kennedy, Stratford call-
ed at the home of bis brother R. W.
Kenney on Wednesday,
Mrs. Wm. Golley, formerly Carrie
Warwick, of the 2nd con. of Morris,
of Grinrod, B.C., is visiting friends
and relatives in the vicinity, IL
Is 37 years spree Mrs, Golley has
been in this vicinity.
Mr, and Mrs, J. Henry Hoover
who have been making their borne
with their slaughter and son-in-law,
Mr, and Mrs. Normae Wightman of
Gore Bay are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hoover of Grey.
Mr. Will McCracken and Misses
Mande, Eva ani Carrie McCracken
and Miss Flo. I. Buchanan spent
l it. e
Seeley visiting friend_ in Clinton.
Miss Muriel Brothers, a forme'
resident and teacher of Entia.tie
class returned to Brussels Monday
evening from India where she has
been for several years a teacher in
a boys school. She is risitlug
her aunt Mrs, Duncan McDonald
and other friends',
Rev, Wm. Moore and Mrs, Moore,
who are spending their valation at
lnverburon Beach, called on friend's
here on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. C'unn'iugltam
and Evelyn Cuuuiughanu, accom-
paied by Mre, M. Potts', Of Omaha,
N,'b., ;ere v'ieitiug with the former's
daughter Mre. W. Pascoe at 093.111
Wu. Mrs; Cunningham, hiss Eve -
and Mrs, Cecil Robinson, 14th five years ago. The fruit was per-
son, of Grey, a sou (Wayne fectly preserved, There was nut a
Maurice.) suspicion of mould ou It and it
—e -_e— tasted as' fresh and delicious as any
Band Concert that has been pdes'erved thin season.
A terse crowd gathered at Victor-
ia Park to enjoy the Sunday even- Obituary
leg band concert presented uy the
local Citizen's' Band. These eon- esw'
Miss Ellen Hislop
evnt_ presented every other Sunday It is the east auty Ole week to
evening are lookeddforward 10 end
thoroughly appreciated by the res+i- 'chronical the death of Mi -e Ellen
dents' of the village and community, Hislop which took place at her
home in Howick township, Saturday
morning, July 9th' Death came
CARD OF THANKS very suddenly although ailing for
We take tilde Opportwrity 0f ex-
tending to one and all who 1a any several years. She was favorably
known by a large circle of frietds
way assisted us m our sad bereave.
and neighbors and will be greatly
meet also those who s generous- missed, She is survived by two
ly lent theit r car's and also fir, the
brothers, Ben and George also
many and beautiful floraltribute:.
They will ever be remembered sister (Jennie). Mrs. T. H. Savage.
The funeral service was held Mon -
R. r gratefully. very D y' day afternoon and was' conducted
13. Dgckett and Armstrong family.
by Rev. Mr. Grant, in the P
rte• nee
large number of bowlers com-
of a Tarte lirele of friends' and re -
Bowling Jitney troves. Interment was macre in
peted for Ole weakly jitney bell et the Wroxeter cemetery. Pailbear-
tlue local bowNing greens on Mou- ers were: Lyne Jateklin, NO111Fan
Mulligan, Jack IlcCutcheon, Morley
day night, The following were the McMichael, Frank Wright and Will
prize winners, J. Logan, A\\':lson' Wright. The flowers were beauti-
A, Wood and D McTavish,verinks
fel showing the high esteem in
Last Thursday seven rinks from
here took part in the Brussels which trill Hislop was held in her
I3owling tonruament held in Wing- long and useful life, by those site
hams, The local baevlers made a came in contact with.
good showing but were not up in Friends from Dunnville, Wainlieet
the running to bring home the and Parkhill and a large number in
this conimnnity attendee the
prizes. funeral. (
School Grants *Paid Christens 51: A mstrong
By Huron County Council There passed away in Grey Tawn-
C'heques, totalling $39,494.42 were. ,;'trip on Julr the 9th Christ ua E.
recently Placed in the •mast by
Bands & Concert, Company
Shiell's Family of Mount Forest will
provide the programme at
Victoria Park, Brussels
Admission 25c
Followed by a
Monster Street Dance
Couauty Treasurer A. H. Erskine,
addressed to various secretaries: of
collegiate institutes, high schools
and continuation seboois. The
money is to pay for the edttcatinn of
pupils• from outside the respective
Swltco1 districts, The list(: (;ode•
rich $5,506.82; Wingham $5,3(11,68,
Seaforth $5,583,86; Exeter, $4,781,3',
Clinton $7,365.49; Henkall, 31,3(ll:
76; Blyth, $1,252.26; Brussels $1,-
490,33; Wroxeter, $1,305,26; Ford-.
wish $1,179.93; Arthur, $4'248;
St. Mary school $2,301.7'/; Parkhill
5500.08; $2,036.78; Lis-
towel, $627,72; Haruiston, 5113.00:
Clifford, $370,92; Ivlitchell, 569.77;
London Technioal $186,93,
Grain Cutting
Being Rushed
To Halt Losses
Farmers Using Several Methods to
Combat Menace of insect
Pest; Huron Also Affected
Crops Are Infested
BLUEVALE — The amity worm.
hes made its appearance in Morrie,
Grey and Turnberry 'townships.
Barley, oats and cora have been
principal crops attacked..
Huron Fields Attacked
WROXETEB.—'Crolxs in this sec•
thin of Huron. County are being
seriously meuaced by army worms.
Three 4'bousaud acres between here
and Harristou, a distance of 1G
mike, has sees many fields' attack-
ed: Farmers have been revuested
to report the firs: sign of the ,r.'st to
the reeve of their townhip and in-
structions far combating the worm
will be given, These repotting to
date are T'homa.s Shearer, Frank
Green, Ewart M:cKereher, John
Strang and Cecil Grainger.
Armstrong, beloved wife of Robert lyn Cunningham and hiss Potts. will
Dockett in her seventieth year. De- also enjoy a motor trip to Kingston,
ceased lady was born iu the Town -
and other points iu Eastern
ship of East Wuwanosh, July 13th, Ontario before returning
1868. She was the daughter of the
lane 3, P. and Mrs. Arniet: ttg.
After the death of her father site
moved with her mother and the
rese of the family to the Townshi,.
or Grey where she ntet and married
her new bereft husband, Ia re-
tligion she was Anglican, beteg a
member of St, David's church, Iten-
fryn. Being of a kind and cheerful
nature site won many friends who
will be sorry to learn of her death.
She was a firm believer in the glor-
ious. resurrection. Besides her
sot'nowing husband she leaves to
mourn their loss, one brother and the table menu suPplementerl from
three sisters, namely: \f. G. .Arne
gardens with peas, bows,
The Post has decided to close strong, Mrs. Mary T. Ward, Mrs, cereals, beets and new potatoes and
clown the first week hi August for Joeph Savage and Mrs. William strawberries, in plentiful quantities,
its holiday week. Further an. Gursatlitz, all of Grey Township also Tote W. I, auxiliary, held tie
nouncernen+L evi11 be made in next four nephews, W. A, Ward, Elute, mauthly uneetiag fur July iu picnic
week's issue. ' 31/4)4111 T. Ward, Hutaville; John Say fainn in %Ethel Memorial Paris, lase
August Rupp or Detroit was a
guest at the first of the week with
the Hanetuld fainiilee,
'Alias, Jean Snell of Jameetuwn
who holds a Position in Toronto is
on. vacation and Is s'pen'ding part of
the holiday time with her cousin,
Helen Bateman and other relieves
and friends in the village,
The dance at Belgrave Friday
night of last week was an attraction
for .a. big group of Ethel young
The Brussels Band will play in
Ethel this' Sunday evening,
Ronald Lave passed with honours,
his Grade II Taronto Conservatory
of Iiusic Examinations,
The rain of Sunday afternoon
which fell in this area could surely'
be counted as of the million dollar
varlet y.
Dating hack to July 1st several
housewives. in the. village have had
WALKERTON—Many farmers
this southern section of Bruce
County have reported over the
week -end the invasion of their:
crops by the army worm. Dozens
have reported already to Agricul-
tural Representative George R.
Pattereuu seeking advice on how to
battle this enemy to ,avoid heavy
in some eases the greater pert of
a len-acre field has been stripped,
especially oats, although all spring
crops, are said to be damaged to
some extent, Some of the farmers
are using a spraying solution,
which is said to be most effeeti.ve..
Tile story is. reported by one fartu-
er that in attempting to prevent_
the pests' from going into a sec-
ond field after almost etnleeping the
first a number of furrows were
plowed around the field and so
thick were the wortns that plowing
wets almost impossible due to the
greasy formation caused by the
the plow.
worms ad a h
In some cases' the grain is being
cut, to .avoid further loss, this cut-
ting being used for green feed.
The worm wraps itself around the
straw near the grain head, cute it
off, and, failing to the ground, i.l
attacks she inert stalk,
10 a.m.—Sunday School
11 a.m,—Morning Worahop
7 p,m.—Evening Worship
Melville Presbyterian
the services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.nt.
will be conducted by
REV. DR. FORBES, of Toronto
10 a.m.—Sunday School
All Members and Adherents aro
invited to Attend these
age, Grey and Johnston Armstrong,
Red I3ctidge.
The funeral wee held from her
late home on Tuesday afternoon
and was largely attended to Mount
Pleasatut Cemetery, Ethel and was
In charge of Rev, Bernard G. Deley,
who spoke comforting words to the
bereaved. A beautiful solo wee
rendered by Mrs'. R. Vitae, "Look.
tag Ole way.'' The pallbearers
were; Messrs, Alex and James Col-
lins; Andrew Bre.mmel', Albert Car-
diff, \\'all, Ward and John Savage, people,
Friends attended the funeral from Doreen Hallenbeck of Palmerston
a distance Gram Huntsville, Blyth, is holidaying in Bthel.
Benet, Auburn and Goderici, Plaits' and preparations are under
''Where the Angels Bright are way' fct• holding a Big Day in Ethel,
singing August elle Further 'particutttre
Where no sorrows 'ere can conte later.
We will meet our darling sister, Ethel Presbyterian church V. P,
In the blight eternal home presented alletr popular play
Critically Hurt
As Hay Fork Falls
Archie Scott, Morris, Rushed to
Clinton Hospital
A seeking accident happened on
the farm of Archie Scott, Con. S,
Morris, on Thursday morning when
the stay fork which WES in opera-
peration fell, penetrating the stomuch
of Mr. Scott, He was rushed to
Clinton hospital where he le la•iug
treated. Ills, condition is veep
Critical Archie is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Scott, Morris.
"Daffy and Dotty" recently at
Grey Twp., gravel crusher heated
in Holleubeek's pat, has finished the
allotment for this' division and are
now in operation in Moucrieff divi-
Doctor Richmond has had the
pleasure of a holiday visit oe his
parents, from Hamilton, during the
past week,
Mies+ Annent of Seaforth, tomer
teacher in Ethel school was a holi-
day guest over the weekend with
Miss Dorothy Fs'ankliu, -
Mr. and hies. Sim.ps+on of Atwood
spent last Sunday with Geo. and
Mt,ss. Kraoter,
Civic Holiday
To fall in line with other Munich.
pailtles In the Province, the bushe
ness people ask that
Monday, August ist
` And I hereby, proclaim the saint
and ask that elf citizens observe'
it as such,
Walter Kerr, Reevle