HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-7-13, Page 5VIE BRUSSELS POST
Notices is this column cost
25c up to. four lines; 5c for
every extra line. Cash aunt
accompany ad. Orders taken
over 'Phone 35c.
A. quantity of "'heat 90c rer
bushel, 11)
phone 41-r-13 Prank Purvis, Ethel
2 well bred Corkshire Hogs about
ready for service, I3argali to
quick pur0heser• 1-e
Phone 65-r-6 J. P. Mointoslt,
Lot Sl, Con. 12, Grey
One young purebred white York-
, shire Sow, carrying first litter, due
the last of July.
One Sow earying fifth litter, clue
Oct, 25th.
Pure-bred white Yorkshire wean-
2ng pigs sold in pairs or'separate,
phone 250 Wnl, J, Grant
you can make yood money with a
Rawleigh Route, We help you get
started. No capital or experience
needed. Steady work for right man.
'write Raw•leigh's, .liontroal,
Box No. M. M. 153.2x.
Meid by July 15 for two adults,
Guelph, No objections to older
girl. Apply slating quallficatinus,
age, and wages expected to box 99
The 'Post'
Isxceilent farm adjoining the Vil-
lage of 13ruesels-38 acres ot land
good well, comfortable dwelling,
and out buildings, 20 acres of wheat.
Apply Elsner D, Bell, Brussels, Ont,
Anyone wanting to purchase
house or waiting to rent Mrs. W.
phone 79 Mee. Wm. Sinclair
Mortgage Loans on Improved farm
Properties at Sic, No valuation
Sees or chattel morgage required,
Farm Sale' Service, Stratford
Rugs, Stock of late importer, in-
cludes Wiltons, Broadlooms and
'Orientals, extremely low prices
while stock lasts, will ship mall
orders promptly, write for price list
Traders and Importers,
£4 Wellington Se. West, Toronto
Women's Missionary Society of
United Church held their monthly
meeting on Monday afternoon in
United &emit school room with the
drr•esident, Mrs. W. Jenkins, pres'id-
'Ing. Atter the opening hymn
Scripture was read also Prayer by
Mrs. C. 13e01 and prayer offered .he
the pesident. +Minutes ot regular
and ojlecial meetings were read by
the secretary, Mrs. N. P, Garret',
The treasurer's report showed the
finances in a splendid condition,
'Bee supply e'ecetary reported a
splendid bale of quilts, clothing,
shoes, Pillows', etc„ sent to the West
Tor reikt,
The 'Mission and Baby Bard
members were present and present.
eti part of the program, which was
,use foliates, r'tlano insitrunteuta 1,
lean Phillips; recitation, Frances
Nesbitt; chorus by sten Mission
130ud girls; recitabion, (Marguerite
Mall; solo, Sbirley Wnlece,
The Temperance Department of
the W. Id, 5, gave a temperance
program le dialogue f011i1 with Mee,
C. Granby, Mrs, G. D. 1.4.101, Mrs. el,
Pelts au(1' Mrs, i7. Pollard taking
'pant, A .ton cent, tea was serves] al
the, clone,
Several tram. here attended the
funeral In Wingham on Sunday of
th late Mrs', 'John1IIa.ok, Who wne
a resident tor many years 0i 0th
ton, ]Last W'awattosh. Bottomed
Wa stolen:erly Mary Anderson, I3er
1usband. died SeVeratl years' ago.
Site is survived by ,two s0un,. James,
Of 1<ata.nla e°, Mich., and John, De-
troit., also one tlattglutert ]Mat John
Pager, Wtngblarn,
lvl1', and, 'hire, Ilaht, .hoover of
l3I'unets were week -end guests of
their deudider, 1Jrs Duncan Me-
tuGallant, Hallett,
Manion Dons
Mantle As Leader
of Tories
Veeran Politiclen and soldier Wins
Clear Victory at Closing Session
of National Ounservative Party
Convention; Two Ballots Cast;
W, D, Herridge Strikes Not?, of
Gloomy i'orboding When He De-
soibes Resolutions as Junk.
Ottawa, July 3—Grizzled cateran
of the wars' of both ballots 0(1(1 bul-
lets, Hon, R, J, Manion at the age of
56 surveyed Itis new Deltic -al empire
today and prepared for new cam-
paigns as Leader of the Naliona2
Conservative Party.
Armed with a fresh rannate from
his aseuclates, a new platform and
the plan for a new organization,
with pledges for support Frain the
Youth and veterans of the party and
from the French and Lnglisii-apealt-
ing Conservatives, Dr, Manion don-
ned mantle of leadership shed 10
Itt, Hon. R. B. Bennett who has
been leader since 1927.
Wins Clear Victory
Two ballots at the closing session
Thursday the three-day Conserva-
tive convention gave Dr 'Manion,
Trish -Canadian native of Ontario,
and long-time Federal Minister ler
Fort Wiltlam, the necessary clear
matority over his opponents'.
Thus was answered the quest ma
which has intrigued• political minds
for 4hree years, ever sines Mr,
Bennett was stricken with a ecrious
illnes's which was followed by ad-
vice from his physicians to gtve wp
the 'burdens of his high office,
"Who will succeed to the Con-
servative Panty leadership,' has,
been the query heard and speculat-
ed upon at fr•ebuent intervals' duruig
the period, Mr. Bennett himself
forced the issue when, last 'Watch,
lie declared a convention would be
nee ary to select a new leuaet.
and that he could not continue
longer than the session of partite
met just ended,
Five In Field
Dr, Manton, Minister of Railways
an Canals in the last Conservative
government, and defeated in the
1935 campaign, won over four other
candidates. They were Murdock
MacPherson, of Regina, Hon, J.
Earl Lttw'e'OO, Joseph Harris and
Denton Massey, al of Toronto,
Levi by ,lir, MacPherso, the de-
feated candicla,tes alt joined in Urg-
ing the convention to make Dr.
Man'ion's election unanimous and
all pi0dgtd their support to the new
reader, Mr. Macrher'son was a
runner -u01 with 6.15 votes on the
second 'hallo.
llalloting for leader ended the
convention in a thunder of acclaim
ed higlh spirits but not before W,
D. Herridge, former Canadian Min.
later to Washington and Mr. Ben.
nett's brot1erdu-law, s'truelc a note
of gloomy torbodIng,
Resalution.s adopted at the inn
vention were "Bette more than a rat
of junk," 1.1r. Herridge exclaimed
"They are a treachery to the people
of :tills country, They are the
supremee0eompllshanent of re-
action within Ilia Conservative
"Yon have lost your great leader
God help you, because of reaction 111
this party, and you have stirred the
pmelous of religious and racial
s elta"
Els, ameri(Ument to the finance
resrolattlon ceiling for a pledge to
monetary reform was lost without
Adoption of the proposed plat.
Poem, Mr, Herridge warned, would
:neon •tile panty ".passes out of the
realm of Cons'eivaelsm, and disap-
peat's as a eentenlPItibie and dis-
honorable element to the Fascist
g'ove1•nbnent that Is to be,"
Bennett Not Present
Mr, Bennett wets not prevent at
the 'balloting nor was 111, Hon
Arthur M'eigheu, former leader, Who
stirred the first tiny of .the con-
vention with a iteyiote opeech on
empire relations.
Complaint bas been 11a(lo to me,
that cent0in patties, have been
dumping weed seeds in gravel 11115
and in swamps on the roadiele•i
and notice is hereby given Hutt
said practice must 1.085'0 and that
anyone tonna, disposing of their
Weed seeds 11t this 'manner will be,
pI'0805nteit 0, I•.I, Fear,
Weed. Inspector
Nom Aro items 2'ak•n Prates
Ms of the Post of i0
end SS Yaera ,,yo
S. of T,---'i'he following are the
names of the officers lustnlle(1 for
(iWI'ent quarter 11 Ethel Division,
No, 140, Sons of Temperance ;--W' .
P,; M. S. B, elegine.; Assoc'ate,
Miss C. '2, Davies, 11, S„ Miss
Emily Holloway,
A Robertson is Improving hOs
a. *
Wm, Anderson met with a palette
accident when his hors'e suddenly
wheeled and kit+ked him.
Wm. Brytlen, mason, bas been
working at his .trade in Clinton.
John Skelton, son of George Skel-
ton, who went to Manitoba, about
six years ago, is here on a viait,
Silas Johueton,u son o4 Wm. J.
Johlsstou 10010 had Itis arm broken
some time ago by being thrown. by a
horse, le getting all right.
Thomas' 3'OdLaucltlin arrived home
Cram Montreal East Friday.
John McIntosh is re-engaged as
teacher of the Cranbrook schual for
1339 at a salary of .0500.
Jamey Ross played cricket with
Listowel team on Thursday of this
week against the Hamilton Santer
* * *
James Sharpe, 5th line, Morris,
drought a sample of flax that meas-
ured over 4 feet,
Mies Maggie McNair met with an
accident last Saturday at
Deadmlan's when lighting a coal oil
M• arried
Cameron Brown—In Grey at the
residence of •tine bride's mother
on the lith Inst„ by Rev. D. B.
McRae, Mr Wm Cameron to ,Miss
Agnea, eldest daughter of the
late Robert Brown
Miss Lavine Afdenson spent Do-
minion Day at Hamilton.
I•Iarry 13allolf, bitc'hlgan, wee
visiting H. Smaildon this. week,
* *
Huetber Bros. had a very success.
rut barn raising this' week.
reties' Pearl Ashton, Gerrie will
teach the Boundary School, Grey
a11(1. Siow•ick, tor the newt term, suc-
ceeding Miss, pavans,
niisc8 Marion Smith was vi,itbig
trlends h1 Morris,
* * *
S, R. Crerltr and son Ross, Tor-
onto, were renewing old trlendships
darting the Hast week.
Mee. 5, Dodd, Barrie, is a visitor
at the parental home, She Is a
daughter of James and Mrs. Davis,
5111 line.
* * *
Marne Bought—The fine 100 acre
farm of Samuel Jordan, Sia Lot 7.
Con. 6, Ives' beet, purchased by
James \'li'dhile of the Mille locality,
,friss Miller, Prince Albert, Sa.s'k„
Is i'he guest ot relatives In 'his
Mrs, '1', Cnult r * of Baleares,
Saab,, and Mrs, Thew, Miller, Tor.
r onto aro vlsbting here.
* „ *
Jamey' 14(7)410, Allan leralick, 12, 3,
Mann Jne, Patterson VV, McLean
and Anthul• Stint attended the ex-
ewrsion to Toronto and. Niagara
l,+ J
Mrs, Thou, Calder of Irtnisfail.
Allis„ is r0n0Wing old friendships
WEDNESDAY, JULY 13th, 1938
In this locality,
Walter and sCllue *Scott took a
halides tr:11 to Sneath,
Miss, Barbara 1rleKelvey, 13,A., rias
gone en a holiday trip to the West,
a1 Ise Jessie Ctiuuilgham 1s holt
Haying in Palmerston with her
brother Herb for tt week,
Marjorie Porter
Weds Elton Sharpe
The wedding of Marjorie Etele,
daughter of Mr and etre R. 1I, Pee
ter of Carman to Mr, Elton ,J,1,t
S1laree, son of 31r. and MN. 11. wee
Sharpe of Miami. took plates S3111(3 -
day, Julie 4, at 4 pan, se St. An-
drew's United tthnrob, Rev. ilavi,l
Coaly conducted the t•ur_tltony, Tali
fells and standards of lilacs- 011511,- e
'pretty selthtg far the ceremony,
e a'ony,
and 111e eesee leeerlt.d for thea
gueets were nla,kcd with 11111f)
white tulle hews,
As, the organist, Dick Sand•rsnn
of 31,lanmi, played the Ilri'11a Chortle
front Loheilgl'iu, the bridal party
approached the altar. pr.:wettrd 1,
the ushers'.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, ware a white htlk eat
over bridal satin. The floor t.'nget
skirt was finished with deep floun-
ces, forming a V In the center Rent.
The low bodice was. covered by a
bolero jacket of net. showing full
short sleeves, ending with 11ry
frills, Her veil was held with a halo
wreath of orange blossoms an.1 ald-
er in. lull billowy train appiqued in
satin, She wore a gold Pennant,
gift of her uncle, Clarence 3110,,
Who gave his life in the great war,
and carried Brier'cliffe roses, lilies
of the valley and muiden_hatr fern.
The bridesmaid slips Muriel
Porter, sisitre of the bride, wore a
floor -length, gown of pink Belle -
sheer, the waist -line marked with a
sash of Forget -,lie -Not blue -rens-
parent velvet. She wore a pink
bolero jacket with taurines' of blue,
Her shoulder length veil of pink
net was held in place with a halo of
blossoms. Her bouquet was or Pink
Ca:rnatious and fern,
Mr, Hurry Waltman acted as hest
elan, and the ushers were Me:Pers.
Hilton Drake and Earl Lawson,
During the signing of the regi ter,
Mies Roberta Porter, sister of the
bride, sang "A Perfect Love."
Following the ceremony a recep-
tion was held at the home of the
bride's parents, the guests number-
ing one hundred, The rooms were
prettily decorated with lilacs and
sweetheart roses.
The bride's table, ligluted with tall
ivory tapers and centered with the
wedding cake, was presided over by
Mrs. James McCullough and -3I1'-•, T.
H. Graham.
Mrs. Sharpe chose for tracelling a
einem tailleur of pearl grey wool
crepe, the coat opening over a
blouse of pink lace The hat 1000
an off.the•face model of nayy blue
felt with veil. The corsage was of
eweetheau't roses and lillies of the
Mr. and Mrs, Sharpe left aurid
showers of confetti for Minneapolis
Minn., Where the honeymoon will be
spent, On their return they will
make their home at Miami, Man.
\'Irs, Porter, mother of the bride,
wore an ensemble of navy blue
cheer over printed crepe, the long
coat of navy made on single lines,
Her hat was a. wide brhnmed model
of white straw, Her corsage We
Pernet roses,
MIS. Sharpe, 1/1011101' of the bride-
grooms, wore a frock of prluted
crepe le shades of blue and white,
with a. long cent of printed she er,
She wore Peanlet roses,
Mrs. H, P0ntcr, grandmother or
the bride, wore a black crepe en-
semble erintm0d with white, Her
corsage w'as Taiisman roses,
The Du6ferlu Leader, Carman, alar,
E. Wawanosh Boy,
Aged 5 Fears
Drowning Victim
WHY, Only Son of Mr, and Mrs,
Hugh Blair, Meets Deatn
in Creel<
On Monday evening at about. 7
o'cleek 11111y relate five-year-olti eon
of Mr, and Mrs: Hugh Blair, con-
cession 0, East Wawanosh, met his
death `by drolr'n1ng. The dr'ownine
took plata in a creek near the el5111
line srliool and. not far from the
Blast ,home.
13111y, who 1s an only s'en, w'as
swln ring with a companion, Mthly
Neti10ry, aged 11, son .of Mr, and
Mrs, Albert Netdlery of blast Wawa'
nosh, and the boys were ready 10.
Mr. Reid has maintained an
office in Brussels for more
than four years. Hundreds of
perfectly satisfied clients. --
Modern methods and
reasonable prices
"See Reid ( nd See Right"
.cd Stratford's Leading Optometrist
R. A. iFor Nearly 20 Years
'@shame 51 for Appointment
leave the water when Billy disap-
peared below the surface. Tree
other lad, not seeming to
what had happened until his +'haul
disappeared from sight, ran home-
ward to bring help. He was nee by
Harty Black, who went to the
bridge on the sixth cen('eseion ro'td
beneath which the boy.e were swilu-
ming, The boys were able to bring
the body up from the hole into
which the atilt had fallen, Neither
lad, however. knew anything of
artificial respiration methods.
The boy's body was removed to
the Blair home whore Dr. '1.
Connell of Wiltglram., attompts'd re-
euscitation but ail attempt; were
unsuccessful. 1).r. R. C. Redmond,
coroner, of ti'1'iugham was called
to the home and after viewing the
hods and hearing the facts (O:tcerll-
1ug the fa,tatity, decided an inquest
would not be nec eeea1y. Death was
atdryhuted to drowning.
Natives of the ditric' said that
boys, neither one of when: is be-
lieved to have been able to swirl,
were in the habit of going to the
creek regularly,
Miss Janet Hood
Early Mouday nuorning, Jul:'
1111, a sudden death occurred hien
Miss Janet Ilood, in her eighty.
third year, passed peacefully away
at the home of her sister Mrs.
Isabella Cole, Blyth. ;Hiss Hoad
was born in Selkirkshire, Se eland,
ana caste to Canada In 1670 at the
age of thirteen,
She settled with her parents at
Sunshine, Huron County, and after
the death of her father, she and her
mother moved to Blyth where she
had resided until the time of her
death, Born of Scottish parents,
.hiss Hood was of sterling charac-
ter, a firm believer in the Bible and
all Its teachings' and in her earlier
Years, a friend h1 need to mady a
minister and their families', escpec-
ially of the Methodist dhur•ch.
She le survived by two sisters
and four brothers, Mrs, Isabella
Cole, Blyth; Mils. Coned, Guelph;
Rev. Wm. L, Hool, Rapid Ctty, S.
Dakota; John, Gldeoa and Alex, all
of Michigan Three sisters pre.
deceased her Some year abo.
'Ole service which was held from
the home of her sister was con -
dilated by her pastor, Rev, Sinclair,
of the United Church, of whi.11 she
was a faithful m'1mher, Mrs, H.
Phillips sang three verses of that
beautiful old hymn, "The Sands of
Tante are Sinking."
Pallbearers were: Jas. Richmond,
R. C, McGowan, Dave Fioody, Rob.
err Watt, Jas', Clark and 1'. J.
Itltellaen't took place in Team:
cemetery, Blyth. The flowers' were
numerous and beautiful, shoving
the esteem in which Miss Hood, in
her long and useful life held with
those she came in contact 10110),
Why let all
that space in
your basement go to waste?
Let us show you how little it
costs to turn it into a game
room offering fun and relaxa-
tion for young and old. We'll
do the job quickly and with-
out disturbance to the house-
hold routine. And, best of
all, it's another of those jobs
you can finance, if necessary,
under the Home Improve-
ment Plan.
r R.& G. Used Carse
1936—Ford V8—Grey finish fine running order
1934—Pontiac Coupe.A rea buy, good tires and mechanical
1931 --Buick Sedan—Privately owned in best of shape
1928—Buick Coach—a real buy.
1933—Ford Model B—Short wheelbase Truck—in A•1
mechanical shape, good tires.
Huron Motors