HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-7-13, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST Entrance Schoo 1 Results NEWSOF THE DISTRICT Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents RLUEYALE • WALTON Mr, and Mrs, George Peacock of The 'Leif,\ -O. are aiding a pie Ottawa are spending their holiday- nic en Wednesday, July 20th a1 Dir wlbb his parents Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Tho', ryilTheretns 1willtbe games and Peaenelt. Mr, and Mrs George Patteesou meats of all kinds, Come and d •ou of Termite are vieiting bring your basket and enjoy a afta1a>oot. Everybody Booth on grounds, With Mr, and Mrs. George Thorn• pleasant toe and family and the trines. Welcome, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Johnston xielted with MIr, and Mrs, Harold finale of Tilsouburg Mrs, Johnston is saying for e couple of weeks, Mire, Manch- Costello of MIolttreel is v1 11111e with Mr, and Mlee. Geo. Thornton, Mr. Rey Monsey et Toronto ie apenditt5 his holidays with :lir ctrl 'Aire.. Alvin South of Illuevale. Mr. and M vs,. Cooper Nethery and slaughter visited 011 Sunday with her parent: Mr, and Mrs. Riehurd Johne• m, let line. • eliee Viola Mathers spent Sur:day *elll her father in Bluev'ale, Mr. and Ars. James' McTavish and son Ales,, motored to Sault Sts Marie *.itis week to attend the fan - t tai .,t' lir<<r aunt Jiro, Steve Play- - ford. Tiley were accompanied by Mr. ami Are. David Walker, Ford- Mr. and Mrs. H A Shaw and ell Alex., 31r. and Mrs. Robert Shaw end 31r. and Mrs Arthur Shaw attended the funeral of their t.ru. ill. Mrs. Wardell at Wootletoek on Wednesday, Mice Edna Procter, B1u,evele Road has hu:ded in }ter resignation at S. N. No. 7, Morris after comp's+ting rive years teaching, On the eve of her departure, pupils and parents, gathered at the hone_ of 31r, and Mfrs, George Coulter where a social `ono was enjoyed. During the. eve- nt Jim Courter read au addres's d Grace (Jolley and Mildred Ilig- ne. presented Miss Procter with a h1b. brush and mirror eel•, to which M}ss Procter made sultaL c. reply Several from here attended the barnaising on the farm of TLonm- as Wileou, 2nd Concession, Grey tow•-thip on Wednesday aftern•een. Lawt'eme. Scrimgeour of Blytn is the contractor. The timbers were not all put into place and were catnlrleted on Thursday. Mr. Wheeler, principal of the Pub- lic School is to be congratulates: on the success of his Entrance pupils. Russel Hollenbeck, Heleu Thomp- een, George Thompson and Harry Wettlauler were recommended on their year's work. Spence McKin- 11elt and Donald Cameron wrote their examiations at Winghatn and were suceentel, Jack Mowbray has •been informed that he has been awarded 1st class •honors, in his musical examination, tried recently. Jack deserved d'ntile congratulations' as he put two year's work into one, He is a punct of Mr. Cook of Blyth, Miss Leadel McKinnon leaving successfully- passed her commercial examination at the Wingham High School has accented a Position in the ofdee of A. E. Lloyd and. sons. Wingeram, Gordon Mlt.tndell is furthering his atudtes et Guelpb this, summer. Visitors: Mrs, George Harris, Mr. and Mrs, Burton Harris and two chidden, Mr, and Mrs', Grant Hooper, Ingersoll, with William Thornton; Mr, and Mrs, Meelowan and two Mende from. Detroit with MIr and • Mrs'. John Hookeridge; Mr. and Mrs, Weellaufer, Bright, with Mir, and Mrs. W, J, Wnttlaufr'r; King ML e, MIt irsal, with Mr. ante Mui,, 1. 0, King; Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Dickson, Seaforth, and Perak ani Bruce Scott, Toronto, with their enuadns, Mr, and Mrs, R. F, Gamiest John Moffatt, Regina, Sask.. with his teeter, C, B. Mof- abt; M]r. and Mrs, Ernest Wylie, Seek„ with John and Miss Isabel Kiri,rn; Mrs. Fred Bowlie and sem, Fred, Toronto, with Mrs, Laura Kir- ten; Jim and Donald MaoIkan, 'W11nbattshene, with their ,rl'enu. Parents, Wr, and Mrs, 3. ,1, Sellars; mea hers of he l.0,1., attended Divinr invite. in Mitcham on Sun' day ,vsatg, Rowland—Flynn Miss 'tone Flynn, etaugbter of Mrs, Fyne awl the late Dolulllc Flynn of Clinton and Mr. Lewis Rowland of Walton. nun of Mr. x'111 311s, John Rowland, were married on Monday in St, Jooeplt s Church, Clinton. Rev, Fr, Sulil ran otticaaa ed. Miss Ella Ryau of Tll'lnles- ville played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her b.'other, Thomas Flynn, the bride worn a gown of embroidered net over coronation blue taffeta and etrried a bouquet of white delphiniums. • Mr's. Fred 'rhumpeon was her sister's attendant and wore em- ' broidered net over s'trawber'ry taf- feta. The bridegroom's brnher, Mr, Norman Rowland of Loudon, Ont., was beat man, The einem were John Flynn and John Curran. The reception was held at the home of the bride's mother, who received in a gown of black sheer, The ceupie left for Detroit and vic- inity. The bride travelled in a blue gebgrette suet, w^bite accessories', Dile out-of-tcwn guests were MIr, and MTs, John Flynn and Theresa, Detroit; Mfr. and Mrs. E. J, B, Dun- can, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, John Curran and family of Clarkson; Muse lima Freeman, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Xi'', McCauley, Stratford; Mies, Ella Ryan, Thamesviile In Memoriam Edgar—Tn loving meanory of ct dearly beloved husband and fath- er Wilikam Charles, who died July 19411, 1535, "Sweet meunories will linger forever Time Cannot change them itis. true Years that cannot • sever Our loving reattelnlhiranee of YAM." Saly missed by wife and daughters Joyoe and Mee. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1304 ioa MONCRIEFF The month I ytlteeting of the \'1'0• oleo's Missionary Society of Mlon- eriei'f Crated Church was held at the Route of Mrs, Martin Fume on Jull eat, The ,meeting opened with 113/1111 502 followed with a pray er by Mrs. Alex Speiran, The • BELGRAVE Scripture reading nes t Mrs, J. palate after which the roll was called, The minutes were then read and the business, dis- cussed, Mrs, Valiance Inglis gave the devotional and Doris Bailee and Esther Ludington sung a. duet, The offering was received and Mrs. Alex Hann tools the Iopic. The Women's Association then held their meeting, following which elynin 500 was sung, and the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. The July meeting or the W1.zteu's Iusiitute will be held at lute borne of MIro, J, Holmes on Tuesday ai;ternoon, July 19, The Education committee with M1rs. W. Areasee tg and llrs E, Annersoo as convenors will be in charge of the meeting and the following programme will be presented: Roll Call, Your favorite memory gem; Current Events, Miss Si. Armstrong; Address, :Mss G, Ross and Miss C. McCracken: Mule. Miss E, Walsh. and Mrs, N, Montgomery; Lunch Committee, Mr... E. Anderson. Mr, and Lirs, R. H. Coulter and Billie, Mrs. H, McGuire, MIr and ' Mrs. Robs. Stonehouse spent the week -end' In London, GREY Miss Kathleen Bremner who teaches near eloorfield it attending the summer school at London. Misses Helen and Dorothy Turn- bull spent the latter part of 'net week visiting in Seaforth, Mfrs, James .hoses and also Bessie Mlosee. is' enjoying a visit with Mende at Sault Ste. Marie :hey took the boat from Sarnia. An enjoyable picnic was held at S.S. No. 3, on the grounds in con nectiou with the e'dhool and also Barker'sbchol joined in the fun, games ad races were the order, or the afternoon and also a good lunch prepared by the ladies was Partaken of by everyone. L1iss Laura Ellacott and Eliza- beth Brewer are to be congratulated on being successful in passing their Entrance examinations, Miss Pio1a Wilson who is attend- ing Toronto Business College is bcme fnr a fnw holidays, Mrs. Clark, Toronto, is' a guest at the home of her parents, James and Mrs. Fulton, 10th con, Deputy Reeve Thos. Wilson, 2nd con., had a barn raising on his farm Wednesday of last week and ad- ditions are being made so that the balm will measure 70 by 5S ft, when finished. Over 100 men bad a most bountiful supper on the lawn. Congratulations are extended to Miss. Velma Wheeler who was. sue- cessRul in passing her music exam- inations• also to her class of pupils, Dorothy Wade, Mary Wheeler, Shir- ley •Chaanney, and Ross' Prooter who were also successful in their music examinations in piano, 1 Mts. R, W. Procter has. returned bome after visiting her brother, Will Henderson in Indiana. She was accompanied home by her brother and his wife. Mr and Mrs, D. C. Scott of De- troit were visitors with relatives bere Pians are made for holding the Unlled Church Sunday School pic- nic on Friday .afternoon, July lei at Mr, 31. M. McClennaglmn's, 0 is beeped that all the members of the Sunday School will be preesnt and an invitation is extended to ad the congregation ,to attend, MOLESWORTH The anual Mheihell Reunion wan held. ,July Lit at the commie:r.cs reseiclente of Jantee and Mrs', Ban - berry, Mt, Elgin, Oxford equlrt:l, Mrs. ilanberry was formerly Laura MIfitchelt, upwardee of silty con1100' Gone arrived' by noon and a most hearty reception was glven by the bolt and hostess. 'I`be double garage was deceetted with evergreens• and [fags and where a most anrnpitunue dinner was aot'ved, the afternoon wall' most pleasantly spent in games and social intercourse, 'Guests were present from Toronto, Listowel, Molesworth, C•hesiey, St, Catherhtes end 'Carthage, Before separating a corntnl!:ten was, formed to make plane for nerd Year's reunion and Mrs. Conrad Krug, Chesdey (Betels Machete, wae appointed, president, when a 'happy time together is looked .for. Ward to In another year, ETHEL Arnold Earl has gone to London and Is taking up a summer course in music. The July meeting of the Woman's Miseionary Society of Ethel United Church was held in Thursday after- uroon, July 7th, at the home of Miss E. Pearson, The president occupied the chair and 15 ladies were pres'ent. The theme of the meeting was Racial, Brotherhood, The meeting was 'opened with , "The Lord's Prayer repeated in unison, after which the urinates were read and roll call answered with a favorite verse. After the business period a dialogue on Racial Brotherhood wee given under the leadership of Mrs. Jos, Pearson, Hyntn 251 was then sung. Mrs, H, Speiran read the Sorlpture Lesson from Acts 10-1-34 and gave a short tall based on 'selected passages oil Racial B,'atherhoocl. Mrs, Bray read a short article on India for the Watch Tower, Hymn 514 was sung and prayer was offered by &Ira. H. Speiran and Mrs, Bray, A sglendl'i synopsis of Chap, 1V. of the Study Book, "The Ministry of Healing," was given by Mrs H. Love,. The meeting was closed with hym't 523 and the Benediction, Arnold Sari ' received his marks from Toronto 1ConservatOry or Music in his recent examinations Of History and passed with honouree Congratulations', An 'ice cream social will be belts At the home of 31r. and Mrs, Jos. Pearson on Thursday evemeg, July 2eth, Keep thte date elem and watch for further' notice, Mies Beetba Earl who has hard two week's vaeation Iter hew) has' returned eo Seaforth Iia+pltnl to take up her duties as ner tein- f raining. Mrs 'Pities. Ilowes and gr'lnrlsott, Verne are spending a few weelre with A, A, and eine Shaw, Brig,icn. BIRTH Cardiff -4o Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Cnr• diff, 14th Con. of Grey, ort Sun- day, July 3rd, 1038, a son, William. Stuart (Keith), ETHEL CENTRE Passed by Recommendation, Bateman 'entre Engler Muriel Franklin Elsie Jacklitt Evelyn Pfeffer Lloyd Love, Ronald McLean, Ian Machan, Ralph Pearson, Florence Thompson, Kenneth Turnbull, Jean Passed by Examination, Barton, Isobel C. Cox, Jack Hamilton, Violet Jaoklin, Metejorle Kreuter, Gordon MacDonald, Elizabeth I, Mauu, Muriel E. 13ae, Murray (Honour's) Smith, Mac MANLEY CENTRE Passed by Recommendation Blanchard, Gordon Flanagan, Helen Passed by Examination. Beuermann, Alvi u Byers; Warren Campbell, Beth Campbell, Ruth Eeket't, Margaret Eldigson, Alvin Gaffney, Betty Gaffney, Bobbie Gaffney, Jean Caffney, Madeline Henderson, John Henderson, Lois Holman, Marie Lawrence, Maxine Leonhardt, Florence MacFarlane, Robert McKay, Stephen Morris, Tom (Honors) O'Rourke, Frank Pryce, Jean Stleabach, De}ton V'ard, Floyd Williamson, Florence SEAFORTH Spec1aICornmercia1 Course Wingham High School offers a commercial course for students who have taken two years of high school work. While the course is' primarily planned for those who wish to become stenographers or bookkeepers it is also of value to anyone desiring a knowledge of business practice. The cote. mercial course includes the following subjects: Shorthand, Typing, Bookkeeping, Business law and Office Practice; Business Arithmetic and Rapid Calculaton; Business Cor- respondence, Penmanship and Spelling. For further information apply to W STANLEY HALL, Principal, Wingham High School, Wingham, •Ontario. Passed by Recommendation, Ahrens, Norma Bannon, Betty Bannon, Jerry Bell, Fergus Broome, Spencer Burke, Bruce Belson, Iua Chandler, Dorothy Clarence, Mildred Coleman, Dorothy M. Currie, Jean Dexter, Norma E. Eckent, Teresa Finnigan, Mildred Harrison, Keith Hay, Wilma Hillebrecht, Melinda Holmen, Kathleen Keating, Kenneth Kelller, Leroy MacKay, Donald Mackenzie, Dorothy MacLean, Donald McGrath, Eleanor McMillan, Miles Jeloffate, Janie Moore, Ahyvonne Mowbray, Irene Murray, Mary Oldelekt, *Shirley E. O'Reilly, James Papple, Clave I. Pethick, Margaret Pretty, Ruth Roes, *Clifford Ryan, Frank Scott, Harry Smile, Doris 31111111, Billy Southgate, Lillian Wilson, Etltet Mae Wood, Charles' Passed by Examination. Ainsborough, Henry J, (Honottrsi Barry, Phylis M, (Honours') Chesne)", H. Pearson D'eitz, Wm. John Doyle, Maly .1. Dunlop, Amnia' K. I3iannery, Janney P, Lane, Elizabeth I ( Harlon re) Leiper, Itoss L. IlecLean, Bruce M, McKay, Gertrude Colleen MirrKay, William H, Nicholson, Maciceez.le Ross hang\+, Lloyd H. (luillier, Armee J, Rapson, Dorothy Jean (I-Ioaohra) Reil, Kenneth Roach, Loretta 0, Sandlie), Kathleen E, Somerte, Wray Glenn 'Williams, P. letarlo THE BRUSSELS POST 75c For 6 Months A community weekly newspap ers If you have any friends visiting you or news items send it in, or Phone 31 Round Trip Bargain Fares From BRUSSELS Fri. &. Sat., July 15th & 16th To Oaihawa, Bowatuanville, Port Hope, Cohourg, Trenton Jct,, Belleville, Napanee Kingston, Ganasroque, Brockville, Prescott, Morrdsburg, Cornwell Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Oampbellford, Newmarket, P.enetang, .Oo'.1'liingwood, Mearfortl, Barrie, OrilUla, Mid- land, Graven:hurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, Calendar, NorthBay, Parry Sound, Seellntty; all towns in New Ontario on line of Temla' ]canning ee Northern Ontlarlo Idly„ Ndpissing Central Rly., Kaptelme. ing, Longlae, Hakim, Ta.ehota., Sioux Lookoht, Getmlditon, Saltine Beardmore, Pont Arthur. Meoford, Barrie Orillia, Medford, Gravenhurs , Bracebridge, Sat. July 16 to TORONTO Also to 13t'anttlond, Chatham, Mosley, Clinton, Durham, Ex. oter, Fergus Goderfoh, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, I•La'itlston, Inger' soil, Kincardine, Kltebener, London, Ltatonved, Mitchell Niagara P0115, Owen Sound, Pai>31eY, Palmerston, Panda, Port Hgln, St, Cakharines, 5t Mary's, Sarnia, Sowil asnpl:on, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkoreon, Wlarbon, WIagham, Woodstock, For Fares, Itothurn Li,mtba, Train Inforniatton, Tiokete, consult nearest Agent, w For Fares, Rem Linde, Train tnfdnnation, Tlalets, consult nearclt Agent. See fiandbler, t• CANADIAN NATIONAL