HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-7-13, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST "THE INTRUDER" By Than Rhodes SYNOPSIS Dora Sheldon is engaged to Ralph Ransom, a young bank clerk aha has known for vnly a short thee. At their engagement dinner an unexpected visitor Tansy Aare, who claims to be a niece of the former occupant of the house, arrives. The Sheldon's, take her in as she has no place else to go. Ralph is much attracted by Tansy. He takes her to board with his landlady until she bears from her aunt. Taney is not a governess as she claim, but a chorus girl out of a Job. Site means to have 'Ralph fall in love with her and seams to be an. compliehiag her purpose. He entertains Tansy one evening whee Dara is unable to go out with bim. Tansy, her funds almost ex hau: ted. is becoming desperate �ct.s Ralph as her only hope a'ml eareugthens her held on him. Dora breaks her engagement af. ter fiudit:a. Taney in Ralph's arms. Tan -y and he plan to marry, They two alone and apart, in the gi000i of the taxi, the lighted streets, and the crowds around, yet far away. And presently the shad. owy Park. dim as some enehante'1 world wall the spirit of Pan abroad in the night-time railing to ',Aldo/ lovers of the old immortal lure. Ralph and Tansy talked little that night. To Ralph, at least, it as all like same page from another life, rap- turous, yet unreal, The soft pressure of Tansy's cheek against his own, the silken r,ofLuess of her curl.., the caressing touch of her little ]sande, ali this in- toxicated ]nim. He could not break the spell by e 4sair, alisk ss .ione, and Tabs knew that with every kine her /fewer over him increased. When he left tier they had Planned a meeting on the morrow, and she had no mare anxiety as she wetst itp 10 her room. Neither had she any remorse on Dora's amount. It Tansy's opinion, Dara had been 'HILDREN of an ages thrive on fOCROWN BRAND" CORN SYRUP. They never tire of its delici- ous flavor and it really is so good for them—so give the children' "CROWN BRAND" every day. 1 Leading physicians pro- Deunce `CROWN BRAND". CORN SYRUP a most satis- factory carbohydrate to use as a milk modifier in the feeding of tiny infanta and as an energy producing food for growing children. THE FAMOUS ENER Y ��JAv • o • 4 4.441 m �O CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limned ( beeteu in a fair fight, She should have known bette how to keep her I lover, The next day a messenger boy , brought 'fansy a present. A box of the softest, most delicate ";loves and folded between each Pair was a I crisp ten -pound note, "The dailiug boy," murmured Tant?y, as she read Ralph's Nttle note. "Hew thoughtful he is." He need not have been so afraid of hurting her pride, * * * CHAPTER VIII, Carnival Three weeks had gone by, and Taney- still in her little room at ' Brixton, was dressing for a big, Public ball to which she had beguile ed Ralph into taking her. He had not needed much beguiling. He was ready for any amusement in these days. In the day time he was still a bank clerk, but in the evenings the butterfly emerged from the chrysal- is. and he became the young man about town, with a charming com- panion to help him to be gay. He was young enough and reek• les:, enough to care more for the fleeting joy of the present than for the uncertain future. After -years of enforced catetal• 'less he spent freely—and Tansy helped him, Ile took her to dances -or theatres almost every night. He sent her all the costly little luxuries that girls love—flowers, bonbons, 103s and trinkets, .And as It was clear that she must he suitably dressed to ;o about with hint, be allowed' her to buy whatever she fancied is the way of clothes, and gaily paid the hills. Ralph, with some lingering rem- nant of prudence, or some scruple as to his recently -broken engage- ment. had not suggested an in: - mediate wedding. Iiut Taney was sure of him now, "We'll go for our honeymoon as soon ae I'm free, darling," ne had saint to her one day. She had suggested that the South of France would he delightful at that time of the year, and he had agreed. Ile was experiencing the reaction after years of repres ion, There was no talk of selling down in a hoer.• of their own, II.. meant to hare a long holiday h«tore he looked around him for congenial occupation than had been hie hitherto, And Tansy dd not suggest rue. ponsihility. She bad no matelots to interfere on her behalf, Site war as ready as he to live for the day. and let the future take care of Its' lt. She wore a big fire opal, bur OW11 civic,., on the third finger of her irf; band. and she felt that the 'tv; id was icing well with her at she dres" sd for the. ball. Her room looked just the saints, and It did not worry her in the least that it owed everything to Dora. or that she had never supp'iea the geed,. for which flora hail Paid in advanee, What did it matter, The Shel- d ass' could afford it, argued 'tuna;•, and they had ignored her existence eine?? that fateful evening when Dora had given Ralph back bis ring. Taney gazed at her own reflection in great delight, though she Nigher] In rain for a long mirror to reflect the whole of her charming P":son. She had chosen a very daring I.a;etern dress, with Turkish trous- ers of golden gauze, and floating draperies of rose and violet, Her dark curls clustered under a -adaft. I✓l✓Y✓-/,l✓./,/-./.✓.✓./✓✓.r ✓•./!.l'..✓',/✓✓Y'.!Y✓`✓ll ../✓✓✓-/lam THEWORLD'S cevery day through GOOD NEWS I came to your } THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR sg' da International Daily Newspaper ?f, Tt reaerdo for you the world's clean constructive doings, The Monttisr dace hot exploit Crime or senoatt8n; neither does tt ignore thank, bot deals correctively with them. Ventures for busy men and all the g family, Including the Weakly Magazine Section, The Christian Selena Publishing Society - 145:' One, Norway street, Boston, Maesaehusltte Please enter MY sthacrilsMten to The Christian Science Monitor 155 it period of 1 year 49.00 5 months 34.60 3 months 52.25 1 month 76e Wednesday Issue, Including Magazine Section; 1 year OM, 0 'Mee 250 0 Name 8ddra9s §etoOte Gri}iy et) Ittgrierl genus jewelled turban, The costume while itiseemed its drape ber figure, yetblack every lovely line, She bead a velvet cloak with a collar of silver fox and a lining of rose and silver brocade, to wear over her evening dress, and Ralph was' sending a motor for her. She felt very pleased with her es- cort when they met. She had al- ways admired Ralph's looks, and he appeared distinguished in a mill, Lary costume of some mythlual State, taken from a popular light opera, It was remarkable how easily he had slipped into touch with titin Dow lite. Though only a few weeks had passed since his parting with Dora, it already seemed years ago, When he left the bank--mhlolt he was soon to leave for everMhe drop- pedt itis olt' identity and became that Ralph who had so long cried out for life, prieoned -within the breast of the routine -bound dao. A Ralph with freedom to roam the world, and make his bid for happi- ness, 'take his chance of ecstasy or misery. He gave himself little time for thought, Tansy was waiting for bine, and the world of pleasure was opening Rs doors to them both. Tansy was !:articularly elated on the night of the ball, Once or twice she had encountered old ac- quaintances, but nobody who mattered much. Here she was sure to meet people she knew, and site was beautifully dressed, she had a handsome escort, site wanted to be seen. In spite of his widening ideas Ralph had rather a shock when he saw her without ber cloak. He wished site had not displayed her charms brite so freely to the public gaze. ''Don't you like it?" she asked, looking dleappointed, "It's rather theatrical, isn't it, dear?" he answered, "It stakes you look adorable," he added beet- ilye "But I should like it to be for me—just ole," "Silly boy:" She laughed, "It in jIlat for you, really, Nobody else, matters." In the ballroom were many cos- tumes far more startling than Tansy's. Ralph bad never neer to a ball like it before, and int spite of the gaiety of the scene, ne had a sense of loneliness; even with Tansy be• side him. All these people in their varied costumes, . gorgeous or grotesque, were strangers. The scene, with its fantastic dec- oratieus. was like a Place In a dream, There was a babel of ,'Dices and laughter. The constant whirl of +lancing figures constantly form- ed fresh combinations of colour, and the dance and the music was wild in its invitation to carnival merriment. Ratith and Tansy joined the danc- ers. He had made wonderfii pro- cites's. 5104* she had taken him in hand, and she was quite please•I with. him, even in a crows] that in- cluded some. of the beet (tenure in town, After they had danced a while they stood watching the crowd and a girl in a wonderful Russian cos- tume of blue and white and silver came by with a young man dressed like a jockey. He was undersized and far from good-lookurg, and lie looked Insignificant beside lite talc and beautiful Phyl Ray, Phyl paused, and she and Tansy exdhauged dazzling smiles. 'Oh, Tansy darling, how sweet You look!" tired Phyl, 'and how nice to meet you here, You and Bobby have meat before, haven't your "Yes," returned 'Tansy, "And this is Mr. Ransom ---•my fiance Mis:3 Ray—Ralph, ''Lucy maul!" t•omntented Pisyl, "I don't tlninit it's quite a folly bail es it was last year, do You, tier, Ransom ?" "I Was not here," he Confessed, ',Tansy was,'' said Phyl, With a roguish glance at the other girl. "We've got a box,!" she went or, "Creme up presently and have wine supper," "Yes, do conte," snpplemrnted T3'obhy, eyeinig Tansy appreciate' ye. - ly, "We shatld Love do!' 'site said, There was final directions, and • then Phyl and her lover went off, and. Rallih and Tansy began to dense again, "Who are those people?" be ask ed presently, "A girl 1 used to know and the man she's engaged to,'' Tansy re- plied, "You seem to know a lot of people," Ralph remarked. It had begun to dawn on hint be- fore to -night that Tansy's know• ledge of London's world of pleasure was rather remarkable in a quiet little nursery -governess, Out she always explained it by her sojourn with the wealthy and indulgent old lady, whose son had persecuted her, That night she exchanged nods and smiles with seperal people, and even paused to talk to some, 'there were ladies with free -and easy manners, an others' who, like Phyl Ray, had the air and tone 01 welibred Society folk. 'There were )•Dung men with the Oxfara ac- cent, and the highbrow earner, and one or to elderly men whose at- titude was more familiar than RaiPb approved of, He was not happy as the night wore on. He hated himself for the half formed suspicion, and yet it was certain that the Tansy of to- night was a very different being from the gentle little creature whom he had first met in the Sheidous' drawing-roo-m. He had had several shocks lately, for Tansy, at first on her guard, was getting careless, She was as loving and fascinating as ever, but in many ways she was revealing herself to him in a differ- ent light then that 1n which be bad first seen her, They went up to the box where Phyl was playing the hostess. Half a dozen people were there, an Bobby was ordering an extrava- gant supper wl!h wines and liqueurs in abudance. Pityl gave Ralph a seat beside a red-haired, girl dressed as a Ban Chante, with real grapes hanging from the fillet that bound her curls'. She was a beautiful creature, the faourite model of the sculptor we ho had brought her—a particularly ugly man, who was' waiting upon a sulky -voicing girl who seemed en the ve" ge of tears. "Here, Tansy, heer's an old friend," field Phyl, !ant the shudoW a man carne for, ward, lie wee la the evening dress of the f:Otties, and looked very well in it, ' filo was about A+'e-aud•thirty, fair, la rte e}ed and florid, a big Muanor• ful41ooktung mall, With the calm assetrance Of a dei'S'olt el'ths'e Placa in the worldle seeui'e, f;ai(lb, bolt the sljeraalugalry wwt vedhbfeuilsaw thee took Tansy's band, caught the cur - ions emotional rlug In the gn.1S laugh; light though silo tried Ito'' make tt, "Oh, Bill!" she said. "You're prettier than ever, little witch," scald the man site noshed Bill. Was thief the girl who sat, a sub- dued little figure', in Mrs, Hliders- ley's austere drawing -room? A mongst all these people she was transformed, She became one of theBm, 31 took possession of her, and she seemed quite willing, They talked and laughed like two people who had fany 2nemories In. com- mon, (To Be Continued,) Milk Pasteurization Compulsory October 1 Pasteurization of the milk supply In all cities, towns and adjoining suburban areas becomes connpui- sory on October 1, as a result of an order in -council approved by the Hepburn Government under the terma of a new milk pasteurization legislation passed at the last soieion of the assembly. Furthermore )futeurization of milk supply throughout the entre province becomes compulsory by December 31. in the meantime the department of health will conduct an intensive educational program in those section of the province where milk pateurization is now provides by local laws. Many surrounding Lawns have compulsory Mile pasteurization, but Brussels dairymen have never been forced to do so- Whetho- the October 1st date included villages we do not know; but by December 31st all milk sold must definite) ybe pasteurized, rv,M141111 REMEMBER YOUR WEDDING With a PORTRAIT By The Russell Studio Listowel, Ont, RtesNAPSNOi CLJIL SUMMER CLOUDS AND SKiES ,J Clouds help your outdoor pictures. Use a color filter to record them more effectively. SUMMER is the outdoor season, responding shade of gray instead of and one of the seasons chief picture charms is its wonderfully rich blue skies against which cloud masses stand out in magnificent full- ness and contrast. Given two pic- tures of identical subjects in which the sky appears, it's a safe wager that your attention will be held by the one effectively showing the clouds against a gray sky and not the one with the unnatural and un- attractive flat, white firmament. Here Is the way to picture clouds and skies as your eye sees them: load your camera with chrome type or panchromatic film, and slip a Yellow color -filter 011 your lens, The diagram below shows how a yellow filter works—it preserves the sky tote, recording blue in the cor - white. Thus, the clouds and sky are more drametically recorded and much is added to the appeal of your picture. Summer clouds and skies are pic- torial studies in themselves. Tl'y Picturing clouds alone—the different types of cirrus and cumulus; fair - day de 'ria and stormy -weather clouds, the sky and clouds as backgro,.- or your pictures, of peo- ple, Work them into your landscape Views. They give your pictures real- ity, and a warm, summery feel. Use your filter for ail such pictures, in- creasing exposure according to the instructions that 00010 with the 111 - ter or with tate flim yott use. Such practice pays rich. snapshot dividends. 194 Jahn van Guilder, GO SCENE K-1 FILTER FINAL PRINT Color filters are traffic cops. A yellow filter (K'i or K•2) stops part of the blue light, so that In the print, blue shows up as grey, Filters come In several colors, but a yellow K-1 or K•2 le whet you want for general use, WEDNESDAY, J Ule7 lets, 1938 FURNITURE tie` ' 3"it *It o§.441t3t tt0e4 :s. FUNERAL Y & AMBULANCE ',i _. SERVICE ;j i' 3 Licensed Funeral Director ' and Embalmer Phone 36, Brussels ' YOUR EYES DEMAND THE BEST EYE SERVICE POSSIBLE That is why we give your Eyes a COMPLETE Examination using the. Newest Precision Instruments. Let us Examine your Eyes NOW. F. F HOMUTH Registered Optometrist Harriston Brussels Phone 118 Phone 26X. Fi MFR D. BELL, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc• Phone 20X - Brussels, Ont - HAROLD W. LOVE General Insurance Agent Ethel, Ont. -- Phone 22-& James McFadzean Howick Mutual Fire Insurance —Also- -Hartford Windstorm —Tornado Insurance —Automobile insurance 'Phone 42, Box 1, Turnberry A8, Brussels, Ontario JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron, Sales attended to :n ale Parts of the country, Satistactiola Guaranteed or no pity. Orders lett at The 'Pest' eromp:iy attended to. Belgrave Po»t Office PHONE: — Brussels Phone 14-r-9 WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent, Conveyance:/ and Commissioner General Insurance Office Alain �ireet, — Ethel, Ontarits .00009009104b9041009919110119g9M,i NOW is t'tiE TIME TO HAve, YOUR HARNESS REPAIRED N CHAPMPI Brussels, Ont. ;lc Money is Tight But there are peopte who are constantly looking for opportunities to lend .money on god security. if you. want to borrow'a few dollars, or few th6usand a;our Want Ada. will put you In touch -wlth chase who have _money to loan" ......J......... i