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KickedBy Horse
McKillop Farmer
Severely Injured
William Somerville Suffered Most
Unusual Accident When
Haying; Rescued by
Seatertie July 9—\'V7lilam Somer-
yile of KaratRep metwith mete ac-
cident on Thursday when taking a
load of hay Into the barn on lits
farm in which several of ]tie ribs
were fractured' and his' head anti.
legs injured.
He went to move the hay loader
chain and one of the horses be-
came frightened. He fell recross the
tongue of the hay rack and the
horse kicked him ter:times.
His son-in-law, who was not far
distant stopped the horses and res-
cued hint from his perilous position,
Mr, Somenelle was then taken to
the Scott Memorial Hospital. An-
other prominent McKillop farmer,
John A,itcheson, had the misfortune
Friday to receive severe injuries to
his thigh when the whipple-iree
broke as he was taking in a load
of hay and struck him. He 'was also
removed to the hospital,
Trio Injured
As Cars Crash
•Mother and Daughter Hurt In
Collision At Goderich
Goderich, July 9—Three were
slightly cut by flying glass and
braised when automobiles crashed
at the interseetlon of Kingston
street, No. 8 highway, and Vieitoria
street, Thursday evening.
Mrs. J. R. Wheeler, driver of one
ear, suffered an injured knee, and
her dnugleter, Gertrude, sitting
alongside, cuts about the arms and
Mrs, G. W. Harrison, of Los
Angeles, with her husband la the
second car, also required medical
The Ladies Aid of Bethel Church
Will Hold A
at the School Grounds of S. S. No. 9
McKillop on
FRIDAY, eve., JUNE 15
The Young People of Ethel
Will Present their Play
"Dotty and Daffy"
Admission -26c and 150
Melville Presbyterian
the services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
will be conducted by
Mr. W. J, West, of Stratford.
10 a.m,—Sunday School
All Members and Adherents are
Invited to Attend these
Rudy Vallee" Rosemary Lane
Gold Diggers in Paris
Hugh Herbert Allan. Jenkins
Gat an earful of swingy songs
and merry maidens in the newest
gold diggers of the lot also
Charlie McCarthy Edgar Bergen
Beginning at 12.05 Sunday, July 17
Deanna Durbin who sings the songs
the whole world loves In.
Mad About Music
Herbert Marshal Gall Patrick
Arthur Treacher
Gene Autry Smiley Burnette
Spring Time
In the Rockies
Polly Rose
A western with music, action,
Your A Sweetheart
Bowes Re -onion
The third minuet reunion of the
Bowes eauelly wen held at the home
of Earl and Mrs Bowes, Ethel, on
Saturday, July 211d, About sixty
guests registered, coning from San-
dusky, Wa.tentawn tad Peck, Mich„
Brigden, AMitebell, i tidotvel, Atwcod,
Moucrieff and Ethel.
After the dinner served on the
lawn, skle•e were chosen for a Same
of baseball, which resulted in a Lie.
An interesting programme followed,
coneleting of: Speech, Debt. Bowes,
Pres,; Song, Bowes' Fancily Sung;
Reading, Mrs. Byron Hickson,
Piano Solo, Ivan Smith; Vocal Duel,
Shirley and Earl Tucker; Duet,
4'tolhr and Piano, Mrs. Jno. McTag-
gart and Raht, Bowes; Reeving,
Mrs, Arnold Hoff; Plano Solo,
Bobbie Smith; Song, Marion Mahal
Reading, Mrs, A. A. Shaw; Speech.
Thos', Earl.
At the conclusion of the program,
races were held on the lawn, the
following being winners:
Children under 6 --Joyce
Laura Earl.
•Chrldre under 10—Jane
Reba Earl, Bobbie Smith.
Children under 12• --Earl Tucker,
Bobbie Morey, Shirley Tucker,
3 -legged race --Laura Earl and
Joyce Morey, Bobbie Morey and
Earl Tucker, Shirley Tucker and
June Morey
Wheelbarrow race—Earl Tucker
and Bobbie Morey; June Morey and
Bobbie Smith.
Mea—Chester Earl, Stanley Wilson,
Earl Bowes, -
Women—\rise Nairn, Mrs, E,
Bowes, M'rs, Wilson.
.Slipper Kicking Contest—Mrs, D.
Bowes, Mrs. A Tucker, Mrs'. Wilson,
Tinie Guessing Contest—A, Mann,
Mrs. A, Mann, A. A, Shaw.
Tug of War—Earl Bowes' team.
The following officers were elect-
ed for the ensuing year. Pres., Robt.
Bowes', Listowel; Sec, -Trews., Mrs,
A. A. Shaw, Brigden; Programme
Committee, A. A, Shaw, (1, Snaith
A. Tucker, 13. Hickson; Sports Cone
mittee, A. Mann, S, Earl, E. Bowes,
The next reunion will be hell on
July 1st, 1980, at the home of
Arthur and Mrs. Tucker, Listowel,
9 Aee,
Howick Farmer
Killed In Field
Charles Muir Dies in Runaway
Charles Muir, 68, bachelor, How-
k•k Township farmer, was initieutly.
killed Saturday afternoon when his
teats ran away and he was crueiied
underneath the wheels' of a fare`
wagon loaded with hay,
Muir was• climbing up the ladder
at the front of the load when the
team started to run, He was
thrown to the ground and was kill-
ed almost instantly Morley Bell
his hired Im1'1, who was also in the
field, ran to the scene but Muir was
dead by the time Bell reached him.
Authorities decided nu inquest
would not be necessary,
Bananas are sold at Grewars'
those largo full grown Bananas that
taste different, Buy your banana
at Grewars' and you are assured or
the best, Sunkist Lemons 30c doz.
(Cash and Carry). If you wain
Fresh Fruit or Vegetables Grewurs
have it and at the lowest price; It
payee' to shop at Growers and save
those extra pennies,
liailvvay's, steamboats, steamer
and 'bus lines .ere Once more an.
noanciug excursion rates to Toronto
the home of the Citnedian National
Exhibition, daring the period of that
great "Show Window of the
REV. -l. J. MAHONEY, B,A., B,D,
10 a.m.—Sunday School
11 a.m,—Morning Worshop
7 p,tn.---Evening Worship
July 4th -11t11 --Tae .boys camp for
boys 12 years and over wIll be
held al Goderich.
If you would like the R+iwleigh
dealer to eall now, phone Breeeels
58 and special delivery will be trade
C, D, Payne, the Rawleigh dealer,
Music by Jack Ernest
and his orchestra
Bowling Jitney
A jitney tournament wets 'held on
the greens here. The wiunere were
Joh Lagan, R, Boman, P, Stew-
art, 0. Beaker,
Church Service
Services in Melville Presbyterian
Church on Sunday were conducted
by Rev. G, T, Robinson of Strat-
ford. _Marguerite Logan coutriLuted
a solo at the morning service
Services in the United Chureh
were conducted by the minister,
Rev. II, J. Mahoney,
Rev John Graham conducted
services iu the Anglican Church in
Goderich on Sunday
Visiting Friends
In Sault Ste Marie
Inepreeeecl' mainly by our moun-
tains -which are a contrast to their
low, rolling lands, are Mr. James
Moses and Bessie Moses, here visit-
ing from Brns'el Ontario. They
regard the entire area a beautiful,
and stroke of the many perfect Pic-
nic spots that they had seen, 1'Iiss
Moses', who is here for her health,
ands Algoma's dry, invigorating air
very beneficial, and by the end of
the summer hopes t6 find her health
merle Improved , . , The ladies made
the trip nor=th on the "Noronic," and
were awed by the splendor of the
scenery. They intend to see ;"all
there is to see" during the summer
While in the city, they are gueetts
at the home of Mrs. G. Gordon, 613
Queen Street east, who was ' once
a sohooinate of Miss Moses,
St. John's
The July meeting of the Ludlea
Guild was held at the home of Mrs.
Watson with a good attendance,
The meeting was opened with
prayer taken by Mr, Graham. The
minutes' of the previous meeting
were read and the roll was caller,
Arrangements were made for the
Tea and Bake Sale to be held July
the ninth.
As there was no other boniness
the spent the remainder of the
afternoon patching a quilt,
A very daint lunch was serve,l
by the hostess Mrs. \Vatsou, assist-
ed by Mrs', Somers,
A hearty vote of thanks we, ac-
corded Mrs. Watson for her !inept -
August meeting will be halal
at the home of Mrs, Roy Thuall and
will take the form of miscellaneous
shower of small articles to be kept
for the bazaar,
Brussels Tied Wingham
Grurjling Game
On :Monday, July 11th, the Bt'us-
sets• softball team played their first
home game of the season which re-
sulted in a score of 24.24.
The large crowd in attendance
winterised one of the most thriilieg
games of the season, At the be-
ginning of the game Wingham pat
on the pressure and retained their
lend till near the end of the game,
The Brussels battery of Lowry
and Stephenson, after allowing fif-
teen runs., seventeen hits were re.
Placed by 14dt:nler and Miller 1" the
third inning. At 1111 same time
Rae, the pitcher for Wingham was
replaced by IIenders'un, after giving
up nine rung, toed twelve nils.
Prom then on the Brussels lassies
reely went to town. It the lose of
the seventh Brussels was 'three runs
dewti, two men of and two 011 bases',
when Gktctyti Rowland slammed the
hall for a homer, tying up the old
boll game, Tho next batter ground-
ed out which ended the bal gave.
The line-up was:--
Wingham — alerrywea.ther, Hut.
Henderson, Currie, Temple-
man, Leppard, McLean`, Edgar,
1 Miller, Rae.
Iirussele -•- Ecmtmte'r, Siephousoa,
Styles, Lowry, Baelcer, Jewell, Pox,
Baden., Fox, Rowland, Miller,
To Spend Summer
In The West
Mrs, H. Porter of Brussels, Ont.,
arlrved in Carman last week to
attend the Sharpe -Porter welding,
She intends to spend the slimmer
with her eons, R. H, and E. H, Por-
The Duffed!' Leader, Carman, Man.
Grenvar'e hrie]c freezer is tint
cOicl, 1t 'freezes a brick of City.
Daffy Ice Cream that hard that you
take it out and• take it bone and
use it two hours after sad It i:-: still
hard, We have your fa valvae
brick, eleven different kinds to
choose from, Ask the person 'hat
buys City Dairy ice Cream it costs
no more than the ordinary kind and
you have got the best, Insist on
City Dairy.
Won Bowling Tournament
At Wingham
Three rinks of Brussels bowlers
took Irart in the Bowling Tourna-
ment, held in Wingham last Thurs-
day evening, Fifty-three rinks from
surrounding towns competed.
The Brussels rink composed of,
A. Rutledge, W. E. Willis, Vi', C.
Scott and Mr, Armitage (Wingham)
carried off first honours for the
evening Each player was made
the recipient of a handsome Over
tea service.
All Brussels bowlers were in the
money and were prize winners, The
rinks were composed of L, Procter,
R. Bowman, H, Champion and W,
Kerr; R. Downing, D, A, Rano, W.
H, Bell and A. Wilson
Billy Ziegler is holidaying at
The shower of rain which fell
Sunday, in this, area, although of
shoat .duration was much needed
and was very welcome.
Saturday, June the 9th, shortie
after 6 o'clock p.ni, the life of Mrs.
R. Docket of Grey Twp, near Ethel
suddenly ended, due to a severe
heart attack. It so happened that
12r. Docket who has an agency for
selling oils, had been away for
some days on that business and bid
not know of the sudden occurrence,
till 24 hours later. After his ar-
rival home, the funeral was arrang-
ed for. And was held Tuesday at
ternoon, July 12th to Mount P1sas-
ant ceattetery, Ethel. The Angli-
can church minister from Awood
officiated. \V ,H, Love was tuner.
al director.
Ethel L. 0, L. celebrated July 12
at Stratford.
Miss Dorothy Franklin has relent-
ed after an enjoyable vacating of
two weeks.
Miss Jean Franklin will spend
part of her Iwo week's vacatinr
with Ethel friends,
Mrs. D. C. Ross of Brussels visit•
ed during the week with her sister
airs Maguire.
Friday night of last week h1 Grey
TSi, Hall with Charlie \Varen and
bride (nee Mae Cook) as greats of
honor, a Merry time was enjoyed
when community friends and neigh-
bors tendered them a miscellaneous
shower in token of appreciatiyn of
former ascociatious. Splendid muse?.
was. provided for the dance nt0(1'
bars, Lunch was served, C:nn•
gre,tulallone and best wishes, to the
happy couple were in order.
Jos, and Mrs, Antes and grand-
daughter Helen Bateman were at a
Bryant(' family reunion Satureiav
afternoon at tite home of J. A. and
Mrs. I3rysus( Fordevich,.
\Viler(' Michel has acquired a
driving bora*' and some other recon.
nary equipment in exchange for his
An up-to-the-minute lavatory eye.
tem is being Metalled in lethel pub.
lie school.
Another ilio has' recently been
completed at ltlhei C,N.l1, yards
for J II Fear, which gives arrunt-
inodalttan for storage of summer
shipnteais of cent,
Quite tt number of l.thelites
went to Stratford for the Orange
celebration 'Tuesday,
ltiss Doris' Cunningltaut has pats•
ed hex junior examinations in
,Single Copies 5c
PEOPLE WE KNOW. Celebratebinwwvi,,,„/Al. vetn;wr vvvwe , Golden Wedding
airs. 1\', M, Sineladr hag returned
to her home from lianciltou,
airs. 0, O. Barclay of Ottawa Is
visiting :lies Grace Stewart,
Dr, Will Bryans of Lethbridge is
a Sister is town.
Master Bialy Freelnan is elsiti»S
his grandmother at John lisi.eini1..
Mr, and,llre. 11, Coates, -Chicago •
are visitors, with .friends ]fere,
Mrs, A. H, Macdonald has been -
visiting her eon Burton, (ho,nart y.
Jaek Edgar, Fort Francis i, visit-
ing at the home of .his br-eller
1lurd le.
-Miss 11, Potts, Omaha, Neb. ie
sneer. at the home of Mr, and Aire,
D. R. Cunningham,
Mrs, C, McLaren of Norw]ea is
spending a couple o1' weeks with
her mother, -firs. A. Leiteh,
Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Reg,N.,
Brantford, is vacationing at her
home here.
Rev. 300 Graham, Mrs, Graham I
and children Patrick and Monica.
are holidaying at Kintail,
--errs, Bari Shotildice of Toronto
is visiting her parents Mr. and airs,
Jas. Kernaghan.
, Mrs, A. 4.. -Dixon and son George
of Deatroit were guests at the home
of :Ir Will McCracken.
, i\ir, Ernest Miller of St, Thomas'
was here last week to visit his
mother who has suffered a stroke.
Mr. and MMrs, G ,Northwood anal
son George are holidaying at Vic-
toria Harbor.
Mr, and Mrs, George Miller and
son Bobbie, Essex, have been holt-
'daying with friends here,
Mr, Walter Lot of Whitechurch
was a Sunday visitor at the home
of Mr, and Mrs, Chas MoKay.
airs, J, Petrie of Donegal and
Mrs. D. Barton of New Jersey were
visitors at Mrs. E, -aleKelvey'e last
Russel Brown, Mrs, Floody and
Mies Floody, Toronto, calked at the
.home of Mary Helen Kerr Sunday
Dr, he A. arc Master and Dr J. D.
Colquhoun, Seafor-ib, have opened
their new clinic on Gtnlerieh etreet,
Bob Mee and alley Edith Fitz
•George of Stratford were visitors
.With the for'mer's grandmother, -Its,
Walter WIlbee,
Mrs. A, R. Kennedy, Peterborough
and Hugh Keltue'ly, Toronto, were
Wednesday visitors at the home of
the teener's son R W. Kennelly.
Chas, Davidson, Fred (hassle: and
Dave Miller heft Mondr), mot•+ril.
to Tincm'ins where they hope to se.
cure work,
Mr. and Mrs, H. Champion were
recent visitors at Oshawa anal 1'n -
roma, ,\rtes Pearl H ssey-, 'Torun.
to to visiting at their hone;
Mr. and Mrs, I. Gerry of Fort
William are guest, of relative: Ira
teem They have just remrued
from a trip abroad.
Mrs, W. II, Berr, Miss Mary
Helen, Miss Ik+ri Armstrong, Ross
Duncan and Frank .Scott spent last
Tuesday at Kincardine.
Mr, and airs, Ernest De Le:rnte
and sou Keith of Detroit were week-
end visitors at the house of Miss
Flo, I. Buehanan.
lir, \1', J aleCateken and Misses
panda, Eva and Carrie 1McCraekee
anti airs. Rueter were Sunday visa.
torp with relatives in Tara,
Mies Luelia .MeCutcheon and her
friend Mrs, Palmer of Detroit
motored to town last week and are
visiting the formet''s sister Mrs,
Sylvester Fox,
Mr. and \frs. D, Rae and son
Maxwell of Winnipeg have been
visiting with lits', Rae's sister, Mrs',
George Derr and other friends,
Miss, G. J, \t'ilebn, Billy and Mary
of Cayuga spent last week at the
hone of Mr, and Sirs, Wes'. Derr
anti ether friends,
Mr. and airs. Will Leatherdalc of
Winnipeg and firs, Roy Pryaa of
Toronto, former residents of Brae
stele wire renewing o1d friendships
In town,
111 s, Zimmer and Miss Tillie
Lhnmer, Toronto, are guests of Mr,
and Mrs', Russel Zimmer and child.
ren alio are elpen ding the summer
on their farm here.
she. Iq. T, Bell, Miss' Thede Slone
and :friss Hilda Graham and Mrs, J.
\\7, Kerney visited airs. Jas. Sp'=ars
on •Sunday, Mrs, Kerney is ex-
tending h visit.
ares, Gorge Lott of \Vingbant
,and her daughter -In-law Mrs, Clay'
•lou Lott and baby of Detroit spout
.Ms', and Mrs, Wiliam Cameron
were .guests of honor at a gatherh,g
iu C.ranhrook Hall, 'Monday evening,
on =maian of their Golden Wed-
Congratulations and best wiehes
were extended to the bride and
grellal1 of 11fty years ago by a num-
bee of speakers including Mr.
Brown of the West who to Mvs,
Cameuou's' brother, Reeve, H, Keys:
of .Grey, Tilos, Dougherty, D, 11, Mc-
Tavish, Brussels:; on behalf of the
B al. and G Telephone Co„ of which
air. Cameron is a director; Jno Mc-
Nabb; Mr. Ritchie of Gall Raht,
McDonald and J, 11 Fear, I 'het. A
short program was presented; read-
ing, Mrs. Fischer; vocal trio Murlet
and Mary McDonald and Edna Cam-
eron; :piano solo, Jinincy Cameron; •
solo, Geo, Evans: nru,4ic, arta. G.
Evans, Bill and Stuart McNair,
During the course of the teeming
3lir, and Mr:a Cameron were Called
forward while Nancy Cameron ane
Morgan Cklnreron, to the strains cif
the wedding march played. by Mrs.
G. Evans, showered them with con-
fetti, .presented airs, •Cameron wit,`
a bouquet of sweet peas and gave.
Itev, W, A. 'Williams the ad<.dre;s
which he read to the happy temple.
They were made the rectpients of a
handsome floor lamp and nee:rose
preeentecd by Geo, Evans, Arced?.
Engel and Alex Steins for which
Mr. and Mrs, Cameron expreeea
their grateful thanks.
Lunch was served and dancing
enjoyed. for the remainder of the
delightful oecesion,
Says Wheat Cutting
May -Start Next Week
Early Cutting Record Anticipated
In Huron County; Grain Ripenig
Agricultural Representative Ian
MacLeod, forecasts that wheat cut•
ting will be in progress in some
parts of Huron County :Ibis week,
and if so an early cutting record of
upward of one week over former
seasons will be established, Sonne
few fields of fall rye could be cut
right. away. The wheat throughout
the county i of splendid quality,
heads well filled and straw strcng
and firm. Spring craps are locking
good, fiekt beans and corn making
rapid growth now. Prospects or a
heavy yield in all classes of field,
orchard and garden crops is looked
,Wedue'sday with Mr. and Mrs, Chas.
McKay and other friends,
Mrs, Seale and Miss Stilwell of
Galt visited with Mr. and Mrs, Sant
Walker last week,
:Iiss alargaret McLean of \Cir
ham, repent the past week wail 11
sister airs, F. NM, Semis,
.flies Alice Pope, hiss, Mary Ds
i=nn are taking a summer course,
at Goderich
Geo. Davidson and Robert Brown -
bridge have left to join the orew of
the freighter, Captain Secord, at
Mr. Ralph Coulter attended the
kit]) of July celebration in Strat.
ford, M:r, Connor le in his Seth
year and for the past 63 years' has'
been a member of the Orange
Mr, and Mrs, A, H, McNeil have
returned hone from Detroit after
visiting their daughter Mr, and Mrs.
Arthur 'Smlitlt and other friends, and
attending the Bender-\\'hitigar wed-
Congratulations are being extend-
ed Lo Mise Mary Davison who re.
celttly passed her Intermed'nte
Piano Examination with honours,
She is a pujp,t' of 1Ir, A. W. Ander-
Air, A, E. Mellish of Toronto was
visiting stere an Monday, calling on
old friends. He opened up the Met-
ropolitan Bank here 50 years ago,
Mr. Mellish said the towit leaked In
goad shape belt did not think that
they did the lankness here ;tow as
in by gone days.
- .CorrneIl us'
Hoare, veteran Clan
tion resident and son of the late Mr,
Mid Mrs, Thomas Hoare, of Auburn
lclistrict, was' married recently in
iLoudon at Central Baptist Church,
do Elizabeth Jean Rigby, daughter
;or the late Mr, aid Mrs; David ltig-
by of Pall Mal street, They will
,res'ide in Clinton, tier, Iioare Is
(well known fly many In Bruscsis.