HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-7-6, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST NEWS OF THE IJISTRIC'T Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents L+T•�EL tering defeat et ,the heeds of Cho ETH Wroxeter team. Mrs, Ben Holle'albeck, Doreen and Miss Lula:teultla Steinhoff is' ac- Mlalitate. or. Palmerston spent a , ccmupeaytng Mr. esti Mies Peter fate [taus with the fomner's ender, ; Gartl':ner, Leneon, formerly of Mee. S. ,J. Wilieirt and took 'a the Blyth on a meter trip throw h tar Garden Party held ,at the Presiry- r tel:,herr Stales and Western, tn-. (Ieniau ehtuxb. hfere, Wednesday t ado, Mies Kate Barrett who has sired a couple of weeks with Mr, and Mas', Chas, Fraser, Baylield, return- ed !tome this week. evening, June 20.th. Congratulations are due Doreen 1-iollenbeck, in the wlnuing of the 'Goad Medal affet'ed by the Women's Institute of Palmerston to the pupil taking the highest narks in the entrance class (luring the year. Out of a clash of seventeen, six of wham Obtained their certificates without waiting the Departmental examination, Doreen pa'ss'ed high- est, taking honors, She was a former pupil of Ethel Public School for some years. S, J. Wright and Mrs, Wright ah- coanpanted by Andrew McLennan of 2uc1 con, Grey, motored to }Janet - to, Sunday, June 26th visiting their sister, firs'. W. G, McBride, Hannon. H. licllurchie of Lueknow was was a week -end visitor with Mr, and Mrs, G. A. Dunbar. Miss Dorothy Franklin le taking .two week's vacation Aram her duties as companion nurse for Mrs. Will, Slommon for whom she has been waiting on for since time, Sirs. Arthur Henry receives many invitations to engage in practical nursing or to assist 0,5 general ef- ficient helper In time of need. Grey Twp. Council convened Sat- urday, July 2 in regular monthly meeting at the clerks office as per usual. At a family reunion held July let at the home of Alonzo and Mrs'. airy Windows" was read by MIrs, Heath, con. 1.1), Grey Tem., near Livingston, A sale et home-made Ethel, although weather eonditio'is baking wits' held and a quilt was were net aS favourable for pleasure made. Mrs, (Rev.) C. Cumming as could be wished for, the day was closed with Prayer. happily spent together and at part- . '.'lies Annabel] Kerr of Bay ''ity in grime the company expressed the is visiting her aunt and uncle, \Ir. hope that future similar gatherings would be as -lunch appreciated, A two weeke recreation is berg pleasurably enjoyed by Miss Doris Alan of Hamilton with the girl friend, Miss Annie Franklin. Justice and Mfrs, Lake and daugh- ter of Hamilton. who wit Ibe on holiday for the next several weeks vi !ted for a few day's with member* of the Lake family 1n Ethel and E'hel viiuity, while enroute for .11 thigan, U.S., where they have chosen to epi hd pert of 'their va- cation. C. F. and Mrs. Ff'ansuld spent Du - inion Day in Tavistock. l:tshel- -Listowel football game played at Ethel est WedncaJay, ,Jay 20211, resulted. In a score of 3.0 in favor or Ethel. 'Che work of resurfacing the roans with tar and gravel. mixture 5059 commenced In Ethel al the begin- ning of the week, Ethel Presbyterian church gard.en party was held Wednesday, June it. A bountiful supper was epeved and a program was splendidly pre. seated. The proceeds, including, the return» of ,tire retres'Rnteut booth was quite worthwlcile and the •nurnagentent is to be congratulated :on the success of the occasion, On the Saturday followig the 1st ,of July under ideal weather condi- tions. The Earle family reunion was held at the farm home of Earl ;and 1lrs, Boas, nine miles' west or Ethel. The mery company thor- oughly enjoyed the entire clary, The baby daughter of the host and hos- tess bad tine distinetiou of being the youugeelt member of the family present, '1'he \Vomente institute will hold -their meeting en ithe Memorial Park on Thursday afternoon, July 111h. Everybody welcome to come and enjoy a picnic, 'The school children are s'pecial'ly Invited le attend, Please bring your baskets. in general Etbelltes bad a quiet at home on Dominion Day. WALTON Ma', and Mrs. J. H Huinghrlee of Waikerville spent the week-en<t with frlenda In the village Mr, H. Shannon, 14r. J. 'Marshall spent Monday in 'Toronto. Mise Lois Livtgston of Louden ,s visiting her grandparents, 1It'. and Mrs, D. R. Livingston, lIiss ltiveyn Iiulpper and Me. Wil- liam Bolton of 1to111ester, N.Y„ spent the week -end with friend: in the vicinity. Miss Dorothy Bolton oft' Roches- ter is visiting bee cousin Mary Humpbr]es, The Walton group of the W. M. S of Duff's United 'Church held a ePlemclid meeting at the home. or Mrs. 'William Woods, Mrs, D. K Liringst,on presided, Mrs, Lis iug• Ston read the scripture, Short prayers were given by Mrs. Wools, -firs. Reid and Mrs. Johnston, fol- lowed by a duet by Annabell herr and Mildred Sellars, Selectiius on rhe guitar ere give by 3lildreu Sellers and Beth Shannon. A chap- ter of the book "Through Mins`.en• and Mrs, Liles Johnston Miss Margaret Cumming is visiting her parents at the manse; Mr, and Mrs. R, Drager and family of Doon and Mian Barbara Doherty of Preston visited Mrs. Charles Drager; Mr. and Mis. Hall and Mr, and Mrs, Harold Livingston with VIr. and Mrs'. David Livingston; Lois and Donna 'Marie Livingston of Loudon are s;,ending their vacation with their grauciparents, Mr. and , Mrs. D Livingston; 1,111', tend Mrs. A. Traviss attended the wedding or their nephew at Toronto last week; Jack Mager of Toronto spent d few days with his mother, 'Ire Drager; Mrs, Isabel Bateman of Hamilton spent the week -end Witit her patents, 11r. and Mrs. R. Iloy; Mr. and Mrs, S'ilns ,Johnston are vie:tins at Haliburton; Master Charles Drager of Doon Is .spentl- Ing his vacation with his grand- mother, Mrs, C. Drager; Mr, and Mm, Jaynes Htun)phries of Windsor .pent the holiday with relative; here; Miss Shirley Bennett visited frienlh $t Seaforth last week. BLYTH The local btts'eball team sponsoe- ed a street dance and u large crowd Was present, The glee or C,G.I,T, and Miss Elsie 'Ilatullton'ss Sunday School class weer at !las Grave leticiay for a wetter ,•oast, 'i+troy mala the occasion an opportunity or exptes- ing best wishes to one of their number, Ruth Brook, who left with lier p'at'ents, Rev, R. A. and eine Brook 100 Itenea511, An addrotts was react and the prosentall0n of tilt unebrella was made, The girls or 131y1tli softball team payed at Wroxator Wednesday, stir - C. N. R„ ltas been transferred to Iilue'ale, 111', and Mrs, W. j, \Veetlenfer with Mr, and -Mrs, Cat] Wet•ttutte:' Maple Weed; 11r, and terms[ Fred J.thns.on, 'Toronto, with 111'. and Mrs, Arthur Shaw; '-lir, anti 11rs. Lowry, 'Miss Lowry, Listowel, aC .lir, and Mrs, D. 13. Lowry; Mr, and Mrs McKee, Montreal, with • 1h'. and'Mrs, Joseph Curtis; reeve 'i'huell, 'Blyth with her grand - temente, Mr, and Mrs, Joseph I3reckenrictge; Mr, and Mrs, Wil- liam King, Mr. and firs, Percy King, Wingltani, with Mr. and Mrs. 'Vtllia.m Nicholson, Visitors: Mlise Sanderson, 11rs, Wills, Toronto, with Mr. and 'elle. George Donaldson; Mrs. F. S. Ed- monds, Gerald, Douglas and Bub, S:raafm'd; Mr, :anti Mrs, Leslie Hetherington, Toronto, with -lir, and Mrs'. S. N. Gallaher; R. F. Garnier has completed his sawing contract at Derrnoch; teachers who have r•, - turned hone for the vacation. are: iss' Dorothy Aitken from Aytou, Mies Ethel Johe:on fro niByron, • Ralph Shaw fremi Bala, Gordon Mundell from Gerrie, :Ytiss Edna Protitor born Seaforth, hiss Isobel Fowler from Brussels, 0, Wheeler has completed the teaching year an the public hehooi here and has re- turned to Belgrave, MIiss Beruice Hoggarth )s 'at her home in Ctodet'ich, BELGRAVE Memorial services were held in 1 Brandon cemetery; Belgrave Sunday Rev. J, B. Towuenc was in charge, Doris Scott tpaesided at the organ. Rev. Dr, Barnett led in prayer and Rev, Mr. Weekes read the Scripture , lesson. The address was given by Rev. J. B. Towneud, A quartette from the United Chureb, Goldie 'Wheeler, John M. Coultes, Geotge Jordan Nommen 'Keating, sane, James McCrea sang a solo, Rev. Barnett closed the service n'itit 'he Beneollction, Mr, and Mrs, E. E. Smith, herlc- ley, Mlich„ Dr, D. E. Williams, Pitts - BLU EVALE Mr, and Mrs. Milton McVittle and son Jack of Flint, Mich, vsiited with Mr, and Mee. Walter Davidson at Biuevale. 'lir, and 'Mrs, Samuel Elmunds and family of Stratford spina let July with friends in iiluevale, Hiss Ethel Jolii a ou oa.me Mime on Sat4lta'clay and is spending her hoiideys with her parenth and brother on the 1st line. Oise 13, Hoggttnth is spending her Holidays at her home. We are glad to hear Miss !Evelyn Turvey is hotno and able to Ent up again, Mr, anti' Mrs'. Will Johnston end faintly of \Vinghsan visited an Sun, lay with her parents 11r, and Mies. (4eenge Wheeler, Mr, and Mrs, Addisou Fraser end 1)5010) spent Sunday with her Pale meta lir, and Mrs. Jas, Godkin, ,11 le 'Vin. Fraser spent Sunday with hie Wife Mrs Wm, Fraser in \V'ln.ghtun. Rev, J, 13, Greig nceutpied the 'mi- nk itt Knox Persbyterian Church Sunday, and based his remarks ou the etelth anniHtsery of England's open Bible mid Ds htflutn<e and cf. feet on the peodafe of the Bi'l lsie Isles, Airs, Mowbray end Alan Ramsay took solo and dtte•t parte in the anthem, '141'9, .751059 Kerney stepped 011 5 Jagged piece of ground, in her garden and sttffered a badly *prate eel: ankle, Laollard Elliott who leas been. section foreman at Norval Staten WEDNESDAY, JULY 0111, 1938 burgh with Mr. and Mrs, It 3, MIe, Kenzie; Mr, and Mrs, Jas', Wlleet• man, Distowej Weer vlsIlnl's' Imre Sunday Miss Lonist' McKenzie is home rola Sturgeon Falls for the holidays; Mlitses Terrell Higglal.e, Myrtle Yuill at Guelph; Mr. au.1 Mire. Sunitit, Lall<lan, with Ma', and Mrs, W, J, Cole; Mr. and Alm C, Black, Molesworth, with relatives; Mr, and Mfr's, Peder 151, Scott, with Mr. and Mrs, J S Scott; Mr. and Mrs, James Elliott, Bluevale with relatives; C. R. Coulees in Toronto; Mr, old firs. John Gordon, \Vs'.,ton, Mis Mary Coulee, 'Toronto, Hiss Minnie Anderr:ou, Weston, in lsel- grwv5; :Mies Beryl Cunningham is home for the vacation, During the sersllce at Knox 'Un- ited Church Sunday three children were baptized. The laughter of Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Armstrong; Donatt: Scott, sun of 1Lr, and Mrs, Albert Coultes; Kenneth Robert, son of Mr. and MI's, R. J. McKenzie, GREY The annual harden party nude' the auspices of S. S, of Union Unit- ed Church was bell on the chinch grounds Tuesday evening, June 2e. Weather was ideal and a large crowd attended. A clod meat sup- per was served is the basemen: by the ladies in A-1 style. A deayht- fully humorous and enjoyable Pro- gram was given by the Exree'.sior Yale Quartette of Palmerston, who are no stranger's and were well re- ceived. Proceeds of evetliu amounted to $10S, 1111'. and Mrs. Ernest Speiran and the 'former's sister of Detroit were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Hareld Keys, lent con. Mrs. Ross Seeiran and childree Sally Ann and Keith, of Saginaw are enjoying a holiday at the Lame of Mr, and Mrs. John Pride and friends. Mr. and firs, Tiros. Doudiierty, Hefryn and 11r, and Mlrs. D. Mac- han, 1ie-Killop, attended the Gal- brattli Reunion at Supper Park, Sat- urday, July 2, Harold Elder of Tilsonburg is visiting with 1Irs. W. C. Cunning- hem and Harold for a week. He erne to Brasesls from .the \Vatarlo r Band Festival at Waterloo. on Saturday where be received a silver medal In the solo class, Omar Cmut'itigham of Toronto is spending the summer holidays w" -e, 1 Round Trip Rail Travel Bargain From BRUSSELS JULY 16th WINDSOR, ONT. $4.16 DETROIT, MICH. Equally low fares from all adjacert 0, N, R. Stations. Ask for handbill and complete information from Agents, CANADIAN NATIONAL his grandmother and uncle Mr;, \V A. and Harold C'uunittghum, on the gravel road, Mr. Jolla !loses of Grey Twp. silent a few days vislthng relat•.ves in 11c1illlop Twp. The following pupils were pro• muted in S. 5, No. 1n, -Grey, their names being listed in order ut Merit, - Grade VIII— Hunours- Lois Meehan hazel Ward Alice Baker Charlie flake Pill::^ Auue 5hatychuk Bill Stt'atychuk Harry Evuus - Grade VII— Honout's— Ilurary Baker M'argaret. Verheye Olive Speirtn Grade VI— Honours-- Clarence Ward Pass— Betty Evans Joyce Ward Murray Ward Aylmer Hart !promoted) Grade V— Honours— Janet Verheye Pass— Charlie Hart Grade Iv,- Honours— Margaret V—Honours-- Margare't Inglis Barry Bremner Mergarie Evans Lycille aril Garde 11— Iva SlPirau Glenns. Machan Donald Ward Ivan Speit'att Jimmie hart Teacher --Margaret Druver WROXETER Vietiors: George and Daisy Dab- ble. Dertoit, with lir. and Mrs, - Robert Gihsoo ; Isobel Wilson, Grand Valley, with (les Isobel Mule ligan; Mr, and Mrs. Percy Rogers, Detroit, with Iles. E. Pauli; Miss Margaret Durst, Clinton, with Mrs. I. burst; Ray Waller. Elsie Dusome, Len Hayes, Leo carr, Toronto, with Mr. and lire. H, Waller, Dr. and Mrs. W.. A. Spence, Toronto, with ,lir, and Mrs, R, J. Rann; Mr, and Mrs' Austin Martin, Toronto, with Mrs, le, Douglas; Mr. and' Mrs'. Nor- man I3randon; Harold Peters, Lon- don with Mr. and Mrs, Reece; Stocks; elr, and Mrs. Les Hether- ington, Toronto with lir,- and MB'e. 111. Sellars; We. Gertrude Sang- ster, Detroit, with Mr, and Mrs. James 'Sangs'er; Mrs. William Parka is a patient in Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, W. Wawanosh Farmer Has Five -Legged Pig George Hallam, Wes'[ Wawanosh, has a pig with five lege. This was not noticed until the animal was eight weeks old, REMEMBER YOUR WEDDLNC With a PU RTRAIT By The Russell Studio Listowel, Ont, CHEUROLET HAS THE EST ENGINE for o LOW-PRICED CAR, Illu:lrated—Chevrolet 5.pasten8er Matta De Luxe Sedan mob tarok, hie eee BECAUSE the Valve -in -Head type engine is the most, efficient known, it's the kind you find in record! -breaking racing errs, speed bouts, airplanes , and on the new (:hrerolct! Vulvedu-llcnd efficiency meters t.hat more power i5 developed from gasoline. Or you taut put it this via) . , . Chevrolet gives owners 0p to 27 miles per pntlari of gas --without sacriliriug the full 63-1 1,P, performance needed for acceleration, hill -climbing and smooth cruising Spred. Add to this the fart that Chevrolet's exclusive Valve - in -head Engine cuts down oil consumption to a new low minimum—reduces carbon formation—is famous for dependability . , . And there you have the reasons why a Valve-in-Hetid Engine is the very best kind for a car that emphasizes low muting and upkeep costs. (:our to our showrooms today. Take' the wheel and experience the thrill of Valve -in -(lead power! (I Provo for yourself its matchless economy! C 11 E V RO LE T t,•aa6 O PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES GENUINE KNEE -ACTION ROOMIER ALL -SILENT ALL -STEEL BODIES... VALVE -IN -HEAD ENGINE FISHER NO -DRAFT VENTILATION NEW. TIPTOE-MATIC CLUTCH PRICED FROM 82 (2 Pass. Mosier Business Coupe) Master Do Luxo Models from $892 Delivered at factory, Oshawa, Ontario. Govern. went tax, freight and license ewe, Easy tsy, Monts on she General Motors Instalment Plan. t