The Brussels Post, 1938-7-6, Page 4Good Catch Reported
As Bass Season Opens
Gomm:CH-00a. catches of black
bass were reported last Friday. the
openhig day of the season. Dee -
steady downpour of rain.
fishermen were at the grounds at
the month of the Ma)4iaud River at.
midnight. Thursday night and by
daybreak the river was dotted with
boats. Many got their quota, the
bass averaging 11/2 to two pottedv,
Farther up the stream, at "The
Falls," five miles from the mouth,
or- fishing was beater, A six -pounder
was' reported.
Notices in this coltunn coat
25c up to four lines; 5c 'for
every extra line. Cash Rust
accompany ad. Orders taken
over 'Phone 35c. .sly
To -eetees of shading mixed hay.
phut:'- :-5 W. S. Forrest
lsf t n r.u'rante. large and tr'eeh.
phone 77-r-4 Alex Woodrow
core Cultivator and Mower 1-P
,leen. eel Joe Kelly
nleii Farm at Cranbrook, Ont.
g,.a,•,.aable. Not able to work. 1-1)
R. el. Scott, R.R. 3, Beueeels
F d Grain $1.40 bus; n'imbei
oak ',manes. euirable for mower or
tial .r. 1-1)
plane 42-r-16 N. L. Cardio
fur Rawleigh Route. Sales way uT
tine year. Real opportunity for
r glu. luau, We help you get
started. Write Rawleigh's Dept,
No.M L-152.O.F,
';an int 9, Con. 5. _Morris on Or
p Ju e loth. one black Steer
about St)d lbs, Two s4F-
.lipe on his right hip. Any -
.body knoing whereabouts p'.e tie
n,;fc. 1-e
phone 14-•-4 C. R, Coultas
For Rawleigh Route 800 fam'1'es.
Write today. Rawleigli s Dept. No.
i4L,152-1-G, Montreal.
Maid by Jnly 16 for two adults.
Guetide No objections to older
girl. Apply stating qualifications.
age. and wages expected to box 119
The `Post'
1ixcellent farm adjoining the Vil-
lage of Brussels -38 acres of land
good well, comfortable dwelling
and out buildings. 20 acres of wheat.
Apply Elmer D. Bell, Brussels, Ont.
HARRY QUERIN telling you of
your lost chance for Cabbage, Cauls
flower, Pepper and Tomato Plants
also numerous Flower Plants. Con-
signment just arrived, so hurry anti
do not be disappointed. Phone 19X
Anyone wanting to Purchase
house or wanting to rent Mrs. W.
M. Sit lair's house apply to
75 Victor St.
London, Ont
Mortgage Loans on Improved farm,
properties at 5%. No valuation
fees or chattel morgage required.
Feem Sales Service. Stratford
R' gr. Stock of late importer, In-
c ,le• s Wiltous, Broadlooms and
Die dells, extremely low prices
while stock lasts, will ship mail
order;, promptly, write for price list
Traders and Importers,
51 Wellington Ste West, Toronto
Notice 1s hereby given that dump-
ing on the roads will not be Wier.
axed in the Township of Grey.
By Order of the Council.
J. H, Fear, Clerk,
Complaint has been made t, me
that certain parties have been
dumping weed seeds In gravel pits
and in swamps on the roadsides
Sud, notice is hereby given that
said practice must cease and that
anyone found disposing of their
weed Seeds• In tills, manner will be
prosecuted J. H. Fear,
Weed Inspector
Mildmay Takes
3-0 Trouncing;
Listowel Loses
Brussels Tunes Up For Grudge
Game With Atwood
The Brussels football team, still
smarting from Its' one loss of the
sea x,n, at the hands of Listowel,
had partial revenge last Weelmeoloy
night by blanking Mihd'may, 3-0,
in a Huron League Contest,
As the score would indicate, the
home team outplayed the visitors
all the way. Louis Russell scored
two goals for Brussels, and Lorne
Steins got one. The game served
as a warm-up for au important
gaiise here on July 5, when Atwood
comes here for the replay of a
Previous game which the Atwood
club 'protested.
Brussels, Goal, Riley; backs,
Nichol, Bowler; halves, Bryars,
Klug. Fox; centre, Steiss; wlags.
Russell, Lowe, Baker, Miller; eats,
Keifer Rutledge.
Mildmay: Goal, Bailey; barks,
Kunkel, Howard; halves, F.
Schmaltz, G. Lobsinger, Schwalm;
centre, Yensen; wings, Welber,
Lobsiuger, Loch, H. Schmaltz; subs,
Lanahan, Sohnett.
Same Score
Ethel, June 30—The Ethel TA=
whtrh failed to catch a place in
the Huron Football League play-
offs administered a sound tr>unc-
ing to the Listowel team, white
16' assured of a place In -the play
offs, in a league game here last
night, The score was 3-0 for Ethel
The home club derived coneinee-
abe satisfaction from the win, as
the 'Lstinvel team was the only one
that had beaten Brussels during the
Come all my dear old comrade s
And spend a little time
We'll take a trip ou memory's ship
To the days of Auld Lang Syne
We'll stop at a red brick building
And enter in at the gate
The scene will be familiar
For the school is nunvber eight,
There's' a church on the other
Built by our forefathers' brave
Long gone to be rewarded
For the souls they sought to save.
So we'll let our minds drift
Till in fancy again we can see
The girls and boys of nineteen
From the lines one, two and three.
The Ohne-chills came from Bl'tevalo
A pace of late renown
Met by Johnston and MacEwen;
On their ay to school at Brown -
The Jewitls and the Bosnians came
And they just numbered four
They, were met by George meati e -e
Ere they got to the school houa'_'
Boy Smothered
In Bin of Wheat
Alex Weatherhead, 9, of Mildmay,
Carried IntoChute Mouth
Elevator Workman Grasph Victim's
Hand But Too Late
Mildmay, June 3011Niue-year-old
Ales Weatherhead, sort of :1L'. null
Mrs. Chester Weatherhead, of the
Station Hotel here, was sarfoeatei
about 2 p.11. today iu a bin of wheat
at the elevator of Joseph Goetz,
across the road Dom the lad's haute.
The little fellow, unnoticed to the
men at work iu the elevator jumped
into a bin. of running wheat which
mea at wont ou the lower float ere
The stream of wheat carried the
lad aro the mouth of the ehutc.
His cries drew the attention of
the men, and they hasteued to the
floor above. One of them graspeu
the hand of the boy but eras un-
able to pull him out 1pefore he
The parents and a brother, 11.
Dr, Thomas A. Staclair, cor.,ner,
of Walkerton, called to investigate.,
has ordered an inquest.
The Agars and the Turveye came
And down the hill would race,
Miss Murdie was' the teacher
And site kept us in our Voce.
The Warwicks. and the Souchs
Came merrily dawn the line
And joined the Ttutledges at the
With Jack and Mary Thynne,
The Knoxs' then came down the hip
With Garry blyth.o and gay
And Brewers carne up the side road
Then all started on their way.
And many a laugh anti jest was
1'111 they came with lingering feet
And would sample Fereand's berries
Brut s;he whistled the old drag Pete.
And we'll how our hearts in
tm armory
Of some Mats' vile before,
They were, called In their youth
and 'beauty
And are :safe on the golden shore,
Jay (Mrs. James) Annie Thynne
Dirndl prints in peasant cOtolne
tor dirndl tashiOns,
Sixty Girls Exhibit Work At Annual
Event Held in Clinton-
lintonOn Thursday
A. record attendance of 75, sixty
of whom were iudividuei exhibitor's',
featured the fourth annual Hurca
County Achievement and Program
Planning day held on Thursday in
the agricultural office here under
auspices of the Ontario DOliar Link ltt
of Agriculture Institute Branch, and
under the direction of Mise F. M.
Dentin, Home Economics coach.
Fourteen of the individual exhibi-
tore entered in two ,projeets. Teens
were seven clubs represented in the
contest 10 "Cotton AccessOrie i' For
The Club Girls' Bedroom. and
seven in ''Cottons May Be Stunt".''
Miss Dwain was assisted in. the
incising by Miss Kenn McKercber,
Home Economics coach, Helen Pee -
more, clothing specialist, and Jeer
Scott, Women'e Institute Branch,
Toronto, The local leaders' in the
housing project are Miss Edith
Hillen, Mrs. Ray Nott, Seaforth;
Mrs. Fred Oster, Myth; Mrs, Wel-
ter Pocock, Belgrave; Mrs, A: Os-
baideston, Clinton; Mrs. F. 0, Dem
erling, Forderich; MIs Bober:
Bremner, hiehel. In clothing projee'
Mrs, Fred Osler, Blyth; Mrs, F.
Demeaning, Forth -lett; Miss Nettie
Keddy, Huroudale; Mrs. Wm. Old
field, Miss Edith I•Iillen, Seaforth;
Miss Agnes Gillespie, Whitethtirell,
and Mrs, Harold Speir, Brussels.
The morning session opened al
9.3u and continued until the noon
hour. The afternoon program con-
sisted of demostration, presenta-
tion of certificates and program
planning. 'Certificates of achieve-
ment were presented by local Lead
ers, Mrs. Oldfield, Mee, Doig and
Mrs. Hillen, Seaforrh; Mrs, Dent
erli¢g, Fordw+ich, and Mrs. Pocock,
Blyth, to the following; In the
" Cottons May Be Smart " project
Helen Elliott, Olive Pryce, Edict
Panner, Jean Gemmell, Grace Wal-
lace, Lillian leleClure, Jean McFnr.
lane, Helen Blanchard, Edith Hill -
en, Elizabeth McFarlane, Seaforth;
Mary Frieihy, Anna McDowell, Helen
Yttili, Bebgrave; Dorothy Ile.:rlt^,
Fordwich. In the "Supper Club and
Cotton Accessories for the Club
Girl's Bedroom," Margaret Ley -
burn, Seaforth, and Ma1'ioa Noy
Cash prizes for skits were won
by Elizabeth McFarlaue and Helen
lio, eafoh; $3.]tor
ingElbyttMSurielrrHockwell00, andIn Mary
McTutosh, Ethel; Edith Hillen and
Olive Pryce, Seaforth, who also won
in clothing project.
The four club members who will
represent the county at the Cnn•
adia¢ National ISkhfhition at Tor-
onto in September are Dorolby
Hestia, Fordttich. Edith Bitten,
Seaforth, Pearl Baker, Ethel, and
Mrs. Pudner, Seaforth.
The program planned for the Fall
Project in Dressing Up Home-
grown vegetables and for the Spring
Sleeping Garments',
Promotion Examinations
Nantes In alphabetical order.
%Subjette in brackets must tie re
pealed with Grade IX; ,r. pupil pro-
moted conditionally
To Grade X
Billie Bremner
Jim Dunbar
Elinin Hall
Leslie Jardine
Daviel Kerr (Agr,
Jack Mills fart)
Edythe Pearson
Helen Pearson
Elmer Sleighthohn
Dougas Wbit.liedd (history)
To Grade IX
granted entrance on year's Work
Bruce Bateman
Muriel Engler
Elsie Franklin
Ronald Love
Kenneth Thompson
To Grade VIII (Sr. IV,)
*Billy Dobson
Lorene Engler
;;,Doris Heackw•el1
Billie Ziegler (honors -
To Grade VII
flop Cunningham (honors)
Donald Dunbar (honors)
B: uce Heibein
Ilurlel Heibein
Merlin Love (honors)
Maurice Speirau
To Grade VI
Lawrence Dobson
*Lorne Engler
Rota Earl
1 v1111'IeI Kreuter
Dore thy Lake
•BcaIrice :Macdonald
Walter Roloff
Shirley Thompson
': Leve,'ne Vodden
To Prade V
Bob Bateman
Mary Dunbar (honors)
13111y Ecktnier
Leona Engler
N. Fear; M. Sttill eus--tea(Mere
Elephant's Life
F:IephiRtts seri: w 110 etaths'utic
records of having Iivr r1 its lone
as matt, In spite, Of their reputation
for long lite,
;eel collate s have ben' given
credit for liv're of several 1,11ar1i'ed
years, but (-old faces fail to beeve
:his. Srldun, has an eta:Maui
bt•eei known to reach tate century
mark, and 70 would he a much more
acourale expectation of life for 'lie
greet pearls,
"You have a'Mee collection of
hooka, but you should bane more
I k.noav, but nobody shame to
lend the Shelves,`'
Round Trip Bargain Fares
Fri. & Sat., July 15th & 16th
To Oshawa, Bowtnaaville, Port Hope, Oobourg, Trenton Jct„
Belleville, Napanee Kingston, Ganranoque, Brookville, Preeeott,.
Morlesburg, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Qampbellford,
Newmarket, Penetang, Coilingwood, Mea'ford, Barrie, Orilbia, Mid.
land, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, .Huntsville, Calendar, North Bay,
Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in New Ontario on line of Tonna
laming & NOrthern Ontario Itily., ',tiptoeing Central Rly., Kapiehas
kegs Longlac, Nakina, Tasheta, Sioux Lookout, Geraldton, SellieOe
Beardmore, Port Arthur, Meoferd, Barrie 0111118, Meaford,
Gravenburs , Bracebridge,
Sat. July 16 to TORONTO
Also to 13ran,teotul, Chatham, Medley, 01inton, Durham, Ex-
eter, Fergus Goderiob, Guelph, I3amilton, Hanover, Harrlston, Inger-
soll, Kincardine, Kttcbener, London, Listowel, 'Mitchell Niagara
Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, PaLmeeston, Pares, Port login, St.
Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Sonthnntpton, Stratford, Strathroy,
Walkerton, Wharton, Wingham, Woodstock.
For Fares, Return Limits, Train •Information, Tickets, consult
nearest Agent,
For Fares. Rentor Limits, Train in/or/nation, Tickets, consult nearest Agent. See Handbills.
� rp
Car Overturns
Seven Injured
Teeswater Group Hurt in Crash
Near Wingham
Machine Goes Out of Control,
Strikes Bridge
Where Thoughtlessness
Is a Real Danger
When you consider the millions of
flies that may be bred if even one
single female house -fly is allowed to
mature, it is obvious to what extent
these carriers of "typhoid" and
other disease germs are a menace
to any community where they are
Permitted to multiply.
Fres' are no respecters of persons.
The baby in the millionaire mete or
the workman's cottage are equally
in danger if proper care is not ex-
ercised to keep files from entering
the home. Flies frequent the)
filthiest feeding places outside the
]tome, then, if allowed inskle,
carry dangerous germs to feeding
bottles, liquids, foods, everything
that is left exposed.
The important point then is 10
"Clean-up" thoroughly wherever 110
tential breeding places exist--_sur-o1'-
dome, around the house, And, 'n
make doubly sure, screen all win-
dows and doors and cover all milk
and food wherever exposed. 1f
these precautiou- were followed by
everyboly, it would go a long w•a> to
solve the fly .problem. But we
most of us apt to be titaugh'tees
of others, perhaps ,all so the thee
have a new lease on life.
If files get into your home, a
clean quick way to kill them ae they
come is to place W3laon's Fly Pads
in convenient places around NIL
house till fly -time ie definitely over.
Just a little care and rhoughtul-
loess for the other fellow is the way
to make the health authorities
dream of tt flyless community conte
Seven residents or Teeswater
Are brought to the Whigbam Hos-
pital shortly before midnight Thurs-
day last after a ma,torcar oveet.urn•
ed on No, 4 highway on the ont-
sitites of Wdnghaln,
Two of the number, Robert Ilen-
dr•rsOn, driver of the machine, and
Marlys' Brown, agent about 18, a
pa:-senger, are believed to hive
fairly serious injuries, The Brown
girl was the most seVerelY 11,•
jural. She suffered possible in-
ternal injuries.
Others' in the machine' wbro
Donald Iiabkirk, Molly :M' Gregoe,
Teeth' Il'yslop, l)orothy T3r:11 autl
John Thompson, They sufferrtd a
shaking up,
The party was returning at tiro
time from e camp at 141nlall,
Traffic Officer Callender, of
Milrhr•ll, who iuvestigated, found
tbat the machine went out of con-
trol, sen.ished the corner of the
bridge, turd then overturned Mtn
the ditch, The Oar was wreelted,
Mrs, Henry McCarter returned
from a two -week's 'vacation With
Mr. and Mrs, Dr, T, C, Maghora of
Cabbage maggots attack such
Plante as eah Mentes, cattlifloer, tur-
nips, and radishes. The adalte,
which are two -winged flies, lay
eggs on the e,:ems of the plant about
the time the European 'plum first
comes into bloom. Cabbage mag
gots than be controlled by the u80 Of
corrosive sublimate, which may be
Procured at utast seed houses, and
when used is diluted in water at the
rate of one outlets to 10 gallons, As
the sublimate losses mull. of its
streugill wlien brought into coulee:
with n:,c•tal:, it should be mixed in
and appiiecd front glass, earthen-
ware, or wooden vessels. This
point is very important,
Two or three days after the cab-
bage and cauliflower plants have
been $51 out in the field, or garden,
the solution should be poured over
the sterns and around the bases or
the plun•ts, using about half a cupful
for each plant. Care should be
taken to wet the stents thoroughly
as well as the soil immediately sur•
rounding the base. Two salt€e-
quent api tilctttione should be made,
the geeond seven day)) after the flret
application and the third seven days
later, making three treatments in
all. It Le imawrtaul to make the
liner application early, se the elle-
cess Of the mut rot depends very
largely on this point,
Zi1Gax Hardware
For Gifts
"It pays to deal at Zilliax Hard-
ware Listowel, for gifts -of Diana
items to choose from."
Ask your local
dealer. Learn how
to save dollars by filling your
fuel bin with "Canada's finest
Coke" NOW.
at a fraction of regular
coat, See your dealer.
Ask him, too, about
the new
J. H. FEAR (Ethel)