HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-7-6, Page 1tt
Atwood Football,
Teem Defe.4.ci
,1.1ss, Helen Baeker is attending
Single Copies 5c
Brussels Council
r Sets Tax Rate
At 33 Mins
Frosirar''''vE Kivow., LOCAL NEWS I' 14 MS
30% of Relief Costs Bruesels, JulySt
last night on actionut or the Atwood Miss Edna. Devisee is attentlieg w. scote; 3rd, Arm Rutledge; 90, Welfare aed Menicipal Affairs, WereThe Municipal emend' oE tlie Vile
team protesting a goal which they '; Lege of Bruseels met M the Plthile
era liela their 'regime jitney wita
sports fens, The game :payed over: ,
Detroit visited at his borne here. i the pr Mee: 1st H, CluimPlen; 2 0,4, with Hon. Erie C roes, Minister of
Mr, and Airs, Ward Budeattan al the -following winners taking home Ontario mayarb iu . cenference
disputed was not over the ilue some Summer senora at GuelP11- Robt. Dangling. officially notified that relief ceeie,
for the balance of the year will he Lilewry on the above aate, AU
time ago. i air. and Mr% Iiarry Cita-melon , --e--e— members being prevent.
Brussels had the most of the PlaY i visited friends in Alsia Craig. 1 McKillop Man Suffers stared cm a basis of 45 per tient for The minutes of the lat meeting
in the first half, L, Russel and I Miss Grace Hogg 01 wtagiusul nus 1 Serious Injuries In Fall the province, 30 per cent far the being read it Was moved by F.
Dave Miller 2.se4 ntimerms i beea Insiting Mrs. 'Willim Wright. 1
eV, L. Leatherdale of Win- 1 with a serious accident Mondey al* the Donfietem Government,
Alexander Stirling: MeK111011, met municipalities, and 25 pee cent for SEMIS; seconded by W, Little that
the minute:, be adopted, —Carrietl.
. ts 1
ni Jen is visiting here nailing on ' toroon when he fell from a load ot The following bille were
i 1 ti in W Montgomery's yard in
Garden Club present ed :
Girls Meet Receiivey General, scale
H. Thomas, labor, Are
ins.pection .......................... 12.50
Ou Wednesday evening, June 02. .
velie Garden Club Girls held tbeir house .................. , .............. ,.. 10.00
first tneetig in the Public, Librare. H, Sullivan, streete• ............ . ... 9.50
Jas. Kernaghan, streets . .... . 19.50
The Club was organized in ee,p-rn Blekle-Seagrave, soda five
district eoack; with Airs, N. Spiers E. Somers, FAITI,t,, ...... ., ........ 23,50
engine .............. . ............... , ... , 1.01
under the direction el Miss Darnn,
Ell. Henderson. cutting weeds
as leader,
The following officers, were elec. and hunting : ........ . ............... 12.00
ted: President, Velma, Duncan; Chase Davidson, hauling
Secretary, Della McInnes. Transfer to 'e.ehool ................ 300.00
Tne demonstration for the even- Lleyd: Kernagban, streets. ..., 9.25
tee cooking of potatoes and aspare- R. S. Warvelek, June salary 25.00
Jae. Logau, labor fire house 55210
ing -conducted MTS, Spiers wa's
Chas. Meadows, labor Are
Wan, Smith, paint and
Geo, Campbell, June salary 42.75
house .
Mrs, Marshall Burled
The funeral of Mr8, Mary Ann
Marshall, wife of Mr. Samuel
Marshall, of cote 10, 'Turnberry, was
held in St, Paul's Anglican Church,
Wroxeter, Airs, Marshall, who Mid
been in poor bealtla for some thee,
was in bee 5E0 year. She w
Wen la London Township, he fain
ily atterewirds moving to East Wee
wanoeh, She is SUrvived by her
husband: one seal, Mervin, at horm,
and three beothers, of Blyth; Wil-
liam of Loudon, and Thomas', or
Wens 'Ruth Strachan, RN, ilea re- Montiay might the local bowel Municipal' P y
Iiiruseels team defeated tbe At- Summer Seined in Toronto, , Bowling Jitney
Ines To a
011 wood football boys here on Tuesday
turned to Toronto.
eventeg before a 'large member of
dances to score with tee
going .over the Post,
One: 00 :the prettiest combination
Plays we have seen here 11 a long
time enable the locals to score their
first goal with Dave 'Miller pass
it over to C. Baker who in. turn
kicked it over to the right wing to
L. Russell, who, scored the first
counter. Atwood eane back hard
but, for the sipectaeular work et C,
Riley, goalie, et -a -Pin -11g many 911013
il= going iu the score would have
been tied up.
In the seeood period H. Bowler
on a lone offoet scored the second
goal for Bruseel% From. then on
the play was fairly even, both teams
tiring fast With Atwood playing
'wide -ripen football to try and equel
uP the score. Their efforts were
finely awarded when T. Holman
scored near the ead of the game.
But Atwood was not strong eaougb
to oversome the lead. puts
Brussels Or top position of their
group In the Huron-Pe:rah football
Robert J. Clougherty
Robert J. Dougherty, a eighty et'
teemed resident of McKillop Twp,
passed peacefully away at hits late
home, Let 10, Con, 14 on Monday.
lutie 20th in his, 64th year, after a
long trying innees Ibilowleg a
critical oPeratian 2 years age it,
Kitchener Hosintal,
He was a san of the late Johu
aud Rebecca Dougbenty, 12111 Cote
Grey, where he war barn and some
his boyhood, 29 years ago June 29.
be was married to his now bereft
partner Mies' Emma Daey and they
took tep residence on 6 con. Grey
Mr. and Mrs, R., W. Kennedy aad 1 town sustaining injuries to his be,
old friends
Air. N. Chapman are vacationing at i When found he was un -
Rental). coecious and was taken to the Scott
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Northwood nodi Memorial Hospital,
son are holidaying at Victoria Hat.
boar, Georgian BaY. PRICE _APPEAL .......................
Mrs, Win Oliver returned name These priree talk Large Juicy
Melville Presbyterian
from Detroit, after beteg awaY Or Lemons 30e Doz, These eeittee
several mouths, shout, Your puree will cheere tbe
jack Baeker and his cousin Frank lowest prices' in town, StialciSt
Thompson of Toronto spent 01c Oranges lac Doz. You, will And
week -ed et the formers home here: Grear's a convenient market for the
Mr, W. Cousley, of Medicine Hot, I purchase of all seasonable fruits
Alta, is rettewlog aesuaintauces I elle vegetables.
the services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
will be conducted by
StratfIrd, Ont,
10 a.m.—Sunday School
Ali Members and Adherents are
Invited to Attend these
Cash and Carry
air. and MVS. M. Yolleolt and A. GREWAR
family oE Torinto 0011 holltlaylhg We Sell Pm, Lesre
here. —*--e—
Mee. William LOwrY of 11011900 Milk Pasteurization
and Mies Florence Jones of WM] Compulsory October 1
nipeg sent Sunday -with Mee. Ma Pasteurization of the nelk supply
Lowry. in all cities, lotus and adjoining
Air. I. Gerry a 'Partner 'BrusSets 1 suburban areas becomes compel -
old boy of Fort William was visit- I
sory on October 1, as a result of an
ing relatives and friends. here,
Gerry itas been over to the Old
GOUntry for the last three neontbs,
Mrs. M. Ballantyne -motored, to
Clinton over the holiday.
Miss Florence Buebanan has re-
turned home from. a motor trip to
Mrs. William Wright, we are
sorry to report is net in the bese of
Mies Margaret Dowing is awaY
attending Summer School in Ham-
Mrs, N. Hunter, and Miss Costa
McCracken are the guest et 'Mies
Bye McCracken.
Mr. and Mrs. Ranpaport of Ta-
re holiday guests with Mr.
Big Boxing NIht
at Palace Rink, Seaforfth
Saturday, July 9th
at 8 p.m.
Jack Messenger, Monktms
M. Rau of Zurich
160 lb
Jack Holland, St. Columban
J. Schenck, Kitchener
160 M class
Ted Carroll, Dublin
Jack Connigan, Kitchener
140 lb class
Jack Hardy, Walton
Doc Cameron, Seaforth
135 tb class
3 Flyweight Bouts
and 1 good wrestling bout
from Kitchener
Gordon Smeltz, Kitchener
will referee
route w e
and Mrs. Yolleck.
M.r D. 0. Walker of Windsor and
Mrs. 'Walker and daughter visited.
at itis parent's home Me. and Mrs.
S. Walker an dottier Etienne for a
few days,
Mrs. Le E. Shortt TeL.C.A1,
Manchester, England is the guest or
Rev. and Airs. :le Graham at St.
John's Rectory. Mrs, Shortt came
from England to attend the gradu.
rutin of her daughter from Wsstern
Univereity, London.
Airs. Wm. Sinclair will be et her
home alter the 11th anti will cell
malty pieces of furuiture and. car-
pets; and fixtures.
Mr. and Mrs, W, meKelvu or
Montreal were guests over the
week -end at the home or the 10010.
or's Motho', Mrs. E. McKelvey.
Mr, and Mr% Athol AleQuarris of
Toronto were holiday vieltors with
Mee. Melee AleQuarle,
Atr. David Walker ol
was Moue with his parents, AM (tad
Mrs. Sam Walker, eomenenietints !taking dim beam
Ili, and Mr% William Little and
met. Sunday evening service wee
Miss: Jessie Little motored to
withdrawn during the mouthe of
'Mount Forest, July and ..atigteet.
ordereitecounell approved Y
Hepburn Government under the
terms of a new milk pasteurization
legislation passed at the last sessiou
el the assembly.
Furthermaiore irateurization of
male supply throughout the entre
province becomes contrafia017 by
December al., In the meantime the
department of llealth will connect
nn intensive educational program in
those section or the province where
mirk pateurization is now Provideo
by local laws.
Many surrounding towns
comoulsoey Milk pasteurization, but
Bruseels dairymen have never
been forced to 40 so. WIletler the
October 1st date included villages
we do not know; bat by December
31st all milk sold must deflnitel yhe
01141) Is Linder
the direotion of the Women's In- 13 years late they moved to Ale
gue. 'Phe Oar n.
lop where they since resided.
stitate, Deeeaeed was a quiet kindly die.
position and in spite of suffering
was most patient and cheerEul. lie
VMS a life loeg member of Meth°,
dist and later Hutted Church always
Interested la its activitiese also a
member of the Gonadial) Order ot
He leaves to mourn his loss be-
sides' hie wife, one brother Thos, of
Henley -a; Mrs. Charles Cleaver,
Grey; Mrs, Daniel -Mecham McKie
'Lep and airs. Oldneld who passed
away some yeare ago.
Funenal 85011020 were in cliarge
• of Rev, Mr. Ceew, assisted at grave-
yard by Rev. Mr, Snell of Ethel and
were largely attendel shelving the
high esteem in which deceased was
held. Burial as in Harvey's ceme-
tery, Logan.
Pallbearers. were 6 nephews:
1121117 aud Will Davey; Stall Me-
dian; Ross, Alton and Burne•t Old-
field, Flotal tributee were beaat
fat and from the sollowingr hie
wife, brother and sisters, Mrs. IL
Menne Porter and family. The
Ghttlelds; S. Alaelian anti family
and Bethel church.
Friends from a distance Who at-
tended were 31r. and Mrs. Darns:
Mr, and Mrs, Austin Alton, Water -
down; 3111 aud 3104. Ross Oldfteld;
110, and Mrs. Aton Celled; Miss
Dell and Burnett Oldfield, Dundalk;
Mrs. Waddell and 0111, Windsor.
We canton think of them ae. dead
Who walk with us no more,
TAlhoenyg 1,000 hot
90112r.)f1-ifbeet‘Nci-ree,t rtetcl
Public School Results
Airs. W. Humphries The raeee
—0, -0 --
Achievement Day
At Clinton
The fourth 'annual Huron CeuirtY
Achievement Day WeS laeld in the
agricultural offices at Clinton on
Thursday of last week wader the
dieedion et Mis's F. M. Duran,
horae economies coach for the day,
Those from thie district Who attend-
ed: Mrs. Walter Scott, as President
of the 'Women's, Institute, -gIrS,
Harold ,Speirs, District President,
Mrs, FranCln Dullean, Mies Vienna
Delman, Betty Currie, Dorothy
Bone, Helen Belgrave; Eliza-
beth and Jean MacFariane;
McClure; Helen Elliott; Edith Ha.
1en; Helen Blanchard. all oe Walton.
Airs. Walter Pociook, belgrave; and
Mr Robert ISreanner from Ethel.
Walt DIsney's supreme achievement
Snow White and
the Seven Dwarfs
Sunday, July 10 at 12,05
Regular Prices
Church Notes
Services in Melville Preebyterian
Church were conducted by Rev H.
A. Pritchard, Montreal.
Rev. G, T. Robinson, Stratterd,
will conduet. the sere -Wets next. Sun-
Servites in the Untied Chureh was
conducted by the minister, Rev, H.
J, Mahoney when the Sacrament of
the Lord's Slipper WeS admitite-
tered, In the evening the Rev,
Charles Cunnuing, Walton, conduet-
ed the servka 'AIrs. Je C. Scott,
Regina, sang a eolo,
The .0amp for boys 12 years' and
over is being held at Goderich from
July 4 to 11,
ScrVica In St, john't Auglitran
011.00011 was conducted he the Bee -
tor, Rev, John Graham. Holy Com,
amnion was held with the new
Bolton Reunion
L. Turvey, labor fire
engine .................. . ........ 144.13
Mra Ballantyne, flowers 22,00
A. paninbell, streets, ............ 1,00
Brussels. Hydro, street lights 102,00
Hall lights ......................2 39
D Miller, Labor
&ogress: ................ • ........
G. McDowell, June salary 60,00
IL J. Bowman, Labor
Fire House ................. . ...... 42.90
Chas. Aleadowe, Labor
Fire House ........................
On Friday, July 1, 1935 the Holten
famile beld their reunion at Harbor
Pary, Goderieb, with 35 menthere
the different teethes Present.
13,eween eleveu and twelve o'
clock care began to make their way
t oHnebour Park hearing membere
of the 1301ten clan, After the greets
lege were over 11111011 was served
aud Antrie were eon in full Vtel 119.
These consisted of 11011100005 Xinte
while every one took part, direrted
by Glee WIN:night. The prize Pot
the largest faintly on the grenn.!e
wee won by Alree L 11011011. rhe
. e
bean gueseiug conteet was won ee
Leslie Howard Joan Wendell
Stand In
Humphrey Bogart Alan Mownray
Walt Disney's fine Academy Award
Cartoons combined Into ono ra
tion including The Three Little Pigs
The Gold Diggers
of 1938 NOTi
with an alt star cast
AND TEN cerri. 'ESA
Fire House ........................ 7.4
John Logan, rent of mixer 9.03
Jake Burstein, scrap iron 1.00
Ned Rutledge LaJbor fire
House................................. 19.40
Wm, Elliott 2z. $ees, scale
tile . Z.50
DO T. T. McRae, convene
ele ,enees. .................... 10.00
Winghama Publishers
In Distress
Our synepathies are extended te
the mibliehere 01 . el:Ingham-
. Advance -Times, Alessis W. W.
AP1119010119 and '111, 11. EvieCAml. 10
luet weeles, Issue of their paper, Air,
for children undr‘r six as won by: Result of Promotion Examine.
Robley Monaghan; under tea, jaek. tions. Room 111, 1938
MeNInight; under fourteen, Clifford Jr, IV to Sr. IV—
Elliott; married melee race was Armstroug Helen (II)
won by Lorne Elliott; Young Inex's Bryanie Mena
Davidson Cleve
rave to Earl Bolton; Young woleleiC!i'.
raee to Betli Shannon; three -egged Davideou Elope?
race to Mee. H. Monaghan stud Glee Lawless Ross
McKnight, clothe* vita race to Ainry Riley Ferguson
liumehries aud Bert Gliddin; neck Riley Oliver
tie 11130, 00 Min. and Jim Elliott; Sandersou Imogene
ladies' tinnt 11130 11 M.'s. A. Wade; Scott Graeme al)
delving .1113 nails was Won by Mrs. Sr, 111 to Jr. IV --
W. Humphries; dropping the Allan Jean
clotheeniite. into the bottle was Bell Margaret
won by Ales. 1, Bolton, The prize Baeker Mao
Was Won by Dorothy Bolton id (hid- 080113131 Douglas
nig the mysterious Mise lioltoa 01111.2s. Harold
who wee In the crowd, The rays- jardMe Dorothy
Kellington Wm,
Loeerie Norah
Si eipneusou, Gordon
Sitiles Annie (31)
Sullivan WM.
K. L. Ashton, Teacher
at 3 P.m.
Armstrong WAS reported 111 with an
terioue Mtly Was Helen Elliott. A
Under the auspices e
St. John's Ladies Guild
REV, 14. J. MAHONEY, 13.A„
10 a,m,--Sunday School
1 1 a.m.—M Worshop ,
7 p.mEvening Worship
4th-110—Teo noys man rov
attack d quins.y and, not 11121113
bail pane lollowed in which evel, -
been up to par for some time, he
one entered with nouth elitbeeinete,
intends taking a couple et menthe'
Boa t 01 il tug was then enjoy( A
Vaeation to ramperate. In the
all or whicli olive -re eve elect ej
same 100110 eves the sad news, that
Alr, leloCenel'e mother who had bail 'rut lb(' f°11(YwIllg Yeav: Pre8e ;NU%
Pert Glidden, Clinton; Vice Pres.,
8001011s root trouble for a couple el
Mr, Robert Campbell ol Wintietopi
valre ad Olen developed into
Sete-Treas„ Mrs. W. Hempbrie4,
Wilt011; evert committee, Miss
Campbell, tlodeeleh Mr, Jiro. Elliott,
gangrene, had been taken to a. Lon-
don hospital the ewevious Sunday
and had her right leg amputate:1
Don. a
Dv. H. Hart, medieal
attention 82,50
H. Garuiss, sharpening
mower ........... ...................... .75
Jim. Allen, misc. labor ..... 9.55
M. MetTaggart, tile .............. 3.25
0. Elliott, Engine parts .. ... 4.50
W. C. Kerr, tax collection
costs ........................... . 5.20
Relief for the month of June 2e.ea
Moved by H. ChamPion, see:ended
by W. Cameron that the aceottets
be paid. —Carrie:1.
Moved by -W. Little, seconded by
L. Santis that the tax rate for 191e
be 33 mills, made up as followa,—
Scheele rate ......... ..........
County rate .......... ............... 4
Town rate ..............1
33 Mthe
There being no farther business
the meeting now atilottened,
31110811118 of leittthener were vieitere
at the home et Ale. aud Aire. Jaeoe
Filcher over the week -end
Misees Eluned Williams, Ma'
11201120, Mr, Ivor Williams and Rev.
Willitone attended the P. et", P. S
Picnic in Kintail last TburslaY.
Alias Lena Noble spent lima wool
at, the home of her friends Mr. au,
\Mrs, James Noble.
Rev, Wilkie of Teeswater too
the services in Cranbroolt and Etbi
Presbyterian elmech on Sunday.
Miss Bloated Williams. left Men
day morning for Toronto- where sb
is attending Stammer Seltool,
Atisses Helen and Kate AleNah
St nttending Summer School iu T
Air. and Mee. 10011081 Siwiraa all
children of Detroit are visiting wit
relatives hes,
Rev, Mr. Williams was in Tee
wnt-e'r last 90114101' taking the re
vices in the Presbyterian Came
air. 0. yinntliton or Lisiowel w
a Sentlay visitor at the 110111e
Mr. anti hies. Jacob Fleeter,
Mr end. Ales, A. 13eefeltz of NV
Mr, Mattlevyn 33,A., *tete
le taking charge of a minion church
in Mahone Bny, Nova Scotia for the
above the knee. She Was rep001,,d Atwood, Arr. Buseel Raton, 51111111102 111011G110, bad the privilege
boys 12 years and coler will e na" improving remarkably well eoni thv(111, Mr. Glen McKnight, Sxeter, of taking the. evening service ie the
BIRTH t ef $ The cheetth Waa 110111 in the
held at 004001013. elderhig her condition. After which semptuous topper oldest Presbyterian chtwee in
11 was eerved by ladies which evevy. Canada Jane 29th in Lunenleergs
Deanna Durbin
Mad About Music
JAM I ESO N-711 WI ngrnm Hospital
,.The Entrance School Results on July 5th, 10112, to Dr. ;tad Air%
will be published in the Post as W. D, S, JaillicsOn, a datighter
soon as we reeelve them from (131111 born), Burial in Malta
the school inspector. Porese,
one enjoyed. A 21,
and sport committee. Those who Mrs, John N'oble ne 11. daughter 1 lace wen visitore at Mr, and Al
thanks was extended to the otacers year of 1770,
it:olden from a dielance were. Mise Yvonne of Hanever were visitors at P. Jeskie ea Runday.
Evelyn Nuippee, Miss Dorothy I DM hime or Mr, and Mee, Janlea Mr. and Airs. 0. Eiseber of Kit
Bobton muot Mr. William Bolton, Noble last week, ener was e lediday- vlstior
all front 'cloche:4er, New York. Ws 0, Krnuter and daughter and Aire. Sack Ffsebee,