HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-6-29, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
Geo ellnausuy, tile and
ddtcliing "•'"'
bile Ritchie ditching 5,00
W C lfaarison, repatre Plow 4,29
John Kt ltd r, re1nth asa''illl
roll boX ,'$
Written for the Post By Our Qwn Correspondents County Huron Hospital 14,36
`_ ' Atttos eiartltl, Ba.kor drain 10A0 i
BLUEVALE Children of 101j'rla, Ohio, are vial- peotrude Paine, Hanover, Ws" A T4 elan , )3 Inspector's. at•'& ` 0,00
to to I tons with Mr and li'be'l 3. Dunbar. week -end visitors with their Pttr- meeting
The alumni Garden ,Party in eon- Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence Bath and sots, B. and Mrs. Paine, 2nd co.^.. Municipal. Waxltl S1tpPliea T',+it
vection WHO the e}glatoetll aniirer, Oacr4l here returned from a meter Haying is well tinder way this 3,H, Fear, snlury for June 41.56
eery of Isuox Pres'Uyteriau clml'ch trip t the enarat, peek, and rvlth gotlo weather a. goad Dr. J. D. .Coiquhoun, mop
wea held Tuesday evening. The ,CeptaM and Mrs, Stanley Apple- crop is aletici-ported. Ivied, Coevention 20,00
weather wee: ideal for the cocasioit i ton of AMianti, Florida,were visitors Mr. and We. Fred 13oyes o1 Lam- `�nlipu. Tuimhuil, attend,
ited. a large ntiniber was present. , sirs, Uetii and' Mrs, Bayes' sisr, rra, :Hisses' Court 7.00
ei the for with¢1•awieg their Young ? with Sir, and Mrs. M. J:Cale, 8.00
W Smith and Mra Croke of Lb. , Tena and Edith Long of Montreal poo, Dunbar, stamps .•,,.,, ee
OE the church tollorvp ey a play t don were visitors with Mr and were visitors on Sunday at the Clttf Dunbar, testi Tsthel
preeeeted by your' peoie from the.i
Mrs. W. T. Cole, home of J. J, ut1'aahau• scales 4.7ti
Ethel >,PrS ontltlod, "Dotty and A community memorial setviee Several fanttYere on the 0th con. Stanley Aloxander, operate
Daffy:' Music between acts was will be held in the Brantllon cense- are having hydro inste11ed1 in their Matndainer 69.62
the orchest�'a of St,
presented by Sunday tery Beignave on Sunday afternoon, names the conuectioll is Using ear- Mrs, Mary J. Gill, gasoline 70,40
Andrew's Presbyterian July 3rd at 3.20. The local crinis, rted over front the Sib as of is in Walton Community Hall 23,00
Srhtxii, Winghaan. ters will be in change and tee fatal close proximity to Hydro on that J. el Fear, Clerk
Alfred Alger who bad the nits -
choirs will lead Ube singing, line. Chas, Diviner is very comps- Mr, and Mrs'. Wm, Rands and
to fall aid break a bone in �_�� tent to his crit in connection with their niece Moss' Lauren Ball or
his foot while papering a ceilin; at WALTON wiring UUlldingy, their go weer visitors for a few
the home ' oC Mr. (tS, Wheeler, A ddl4ghtful three -act plc " Y1ar- Ken.
Y days with Mr, and Mrs.
l: t concession eiarrts, is able to gat St. George's Anniversary tying Ann,' 'was preseuteal hr (he Situate and Mr, end Mrs, St nleY
amen with the ale of crutches. Anniversary services wore 2teld fawn heli alter the uatl ga,uls, by -Wheeler Mr and Mrs. Thos, Randa'
Pottineeter A. D. Smith is attend- St. Geoege a gatochurch on Sunday with W.A ,meurbens' of Union Church. of oe3er ala visitors at ands'
leg the ieetmester'er convention at large congregations' gathering to
TUe Play' 11•aa' 0tormi;hiy enjoYeJ Uy homes and weer the Ois, ors iliacs
worship nd thanksgiving' those present. home Ma, and Ache tb, c . 'Mo
� n -It Bay. Sbaw, specialpreacher for the day was
Dr. Arthur Shaw and rots', Grey Council Meeting Mr. and Mrs', Stanley Wheeler
Timone) visited his•. parents, .11r. Rev, Bernard :Riney, of Atwood who Ailuutes' of council meeting Veld were visitors in Owen Sound, Wiar-
antl Mrs. Arthur Shaw. delivered two inspiring se underene J1tne 4th, ton and Lions Head recently.
sirs, 0 Wray of 'r, Mi ow, ease., Special music for tbe day was under Minutes of last meeting were
is visiting her sister, 11is's• Berbera Marythe leadership of the organist, 'stee ,read and approved' en motion of _—__.--
Thyme; S
and otter relatives. Huanphries who was ass`stea read Aleaatuler seconded by 7 Uos•
Th.. anttual garden party under by a s'pleudtd' choir. At the morn- Alex Alex
the ens/eves of the United Caurcb ing service a solo was' sung by Tugs Byte having been sot as
was heldon the church grounds. bliss Mildred Sellers and an ant0001 Court of Revision on the eavess-
The supper feature was tranber• was saeg by the remit, At t'ce Cent al The following appeals,
ries and creme. Following the evening service in addition to t)e 01 n rob notice had been given to
solver, young Pe'oip'le form Salem anthem a duet oris sung by .Mies the clerk, were taken up.
United Church presented a play en- Beth Shannon and Mrs. J. Grafton.
theEtry Bratrdbn, assessed too high
ruled "why Say Quit:' Musical The congregation wish to express
Wm. H. Speiran, assm:'sed too high
emote -re between acts• were proved. their appreotatiou to the mt't'ster Win. Hoy, asses10sed too high
rd by an orelmetra from the United and congregation of Duff's UnireC �_ Kealey, 04 Ings removedChurch, Betgveve, Tea was served in the school roam
Wm. MLtohell, business+ di continued
..Mrs, 3, R, Greig, Mrs. Peter S. People's. service,
Moved.by Leslie McKay, seconded
MeeDwen, bliss Olive Scott, at. end- St. George's Guild & W. A. be Alex Alexander, that this council
ed the executive meeting of Mait- The regular monthly meeting of
include the following in the appeals
land Well -S. Presbyterial at the St, George's Ladies•' Gulld. and W.A. to be heard at the Come of Revision
tools of eire. II• 0, MacLean in was held at the Noma of miss. Mar-—Cari•led.
Wiugliam; Mr, and hit's. George garet Kelly with a very large at- RicUard Pratt, betiding removed
Donaldson, Toronto, at their hometeudance or members and Lrieuds' Fanny Dames, awed too high
here; Mfr. and Sirs. ,John Hall, Nor- The guild meeting 09 opened by Bert Hemingway, exemption wood-
man Ball, with Mr, and Mrs, J. W. the rector, Rev, J. Graham who lot
Master, Parkhill; Miss Hilda Few. offeerd prayer. The president Mrs. lots following adjustments were
ler, Frank Fowler, London, with F. Scarlett pesided during the bust loads: W. G, Kaadey's .asesasrnent
Miss Florence Fowler, Hess session The secretary, Mrs, on Lot 21, Con, 9, rues reduced $300
_ _ Bart Anderson read the minutes of on account of 9, we'ngs removed:
BEI'GRAVE the previous meeting, The afghan t\.m. liitch,ell's business assossnlent
made by the ladle& and put together
by Mrs. Soariett was. on display of $200.00 w
d may
written off as busl-
anay be seen at Humphries nests was discontinued; Mohan).
store. A shower of miscellaneous Pratt s ass'esmtent on Lot pt 31, con.
articles for tbe bazaar was held and 16 w•as, reduced $200.00, 071 accettit
many dainty articles were given in. o'O'buildings removed.
It was decided to hold the oongre• k'loveI' by Leslie IlicKay, sacond-
gational picnic et Goderich on July ed hY Thomas Doteghenty, that the
20th and arrangements were made appeals on assessments having been
Tor lunch and sports. Arrange- duly considered, we •dee}are this
meets were also made toCourt of Revision tensed and the
quilt sen- Morris Council Meeting
eral quiJta; assessment roll to be as revised for
The W. A. meeting was in charge 1933. --Carried.
The June meeting of the Belgrave
Women's Institute was held at the
home of Drs. 3. M, Ccultes Tues-
day afternoon with a good att,end-
eance present. The president, Mrs.
Keating was in charge of the meet-
ing w•htch was opened with the ode
and prayer. The minutes of the
previous meeting were reed and
adopted. The treasurer also Say.
her report.
Mae Frisby and Anna McDowell
Mrs. N. Arnold and daughter,
Ed1te and Grace of Hamilton, spent
tre ueedt-enol at the home of rola A.
E, Crooks. Mrs Arnot% is' continu-
ing her visit with her sisters,
Lewis Anmsltr•ong Hud brighter
Aerie spent a few days :a Haantttott
Robert Currie is visiting with
frientis in H4amdtten,
John Hamilton and family el At
wood spent Sunday at Frank Dun.
Mr. and Mrs. 1';d Lockeere and
daughter spent Sunday at the flume
of sirs. Lowe.
Miss Velma Duncan was a visteir
in Toronto this week
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Currie, Betty,
Will M1eCracken and Amanda spent
Thursday in Ilamitton.
Wilma Bell of Teesw-ater spent a
few days last week with Velma Dtui-
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Bradley and
little sen were visitors at the home
of Russel Currie on Sunday,
Ed, and 11rs• Abra of Owen Soiled
were recent yisitans with C'hus and
Mrs. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs'. Arthur McBride
were recent visitors wit bChas. and
don visited with Mian Mae Wilkin-
son, the latter being a cousin,
'tr',Jri IIISDAY, JUNE 20'tJ1, 1033
Mr. Read has maintained an
office in Brussels for more
than four years, Hundreds of
perfectly satisfied clients.-^'
Modern methods and very
reasonable prices
"See Reid cnd See Right"
• Stratford's LeadisS Optometrist
Ra A. R i For Nearly 20 Yeah
'Phone 51 for Appointment
were appointed al delegates to the of the president Mrs. Hi1n1 Vries Moved by T. C. Wilson, seconded
Achievement Day at Clinton Thur:. was comet • with a hymn and the by Leslie McKay 11101 we accept
day, June 30. 'The report of the members prayer. The minutes et the resignation of Dr. Colquiloun es
Distrfot Anneal held in Blyth was the previous meeting were ren'1 Medical Officer of health and that
given by Mrs. Keating. It was de- and approved and a report 91700 or Dr, Clifford R, Richmond be ap-
cided to hold a short course on the recent social, podntett as his suceast)1 at salatp of
health education in October. Mrs. 3. Graham gave a report of $150.00 per year. —sCurried.
Flowers and plants had been do- the Deanery meeting held in Sea. Moved by Leslie McKay seconded
hated or purchased and planted ]u fonah by Thos, Dougherty that we appoint
tete, cemetery flower bed. It hes The rector pronounced the bane- J. H. Fear as 010 Axe Pension te-
als° decided to holda copper stet diction to chose the meeting follow•- vestigator with remuneration sl
test. Community singing was 041- Ing which a bountiful strawberry $L50• per applicant and lir per mile
joyed. The roll call was responded tea as served by the hostess assist- necessarily travelled. —Carried.
to with a worthwhile community ed by friends,
Moved by T, C. Wilson aecondeo
activity, A beauty vote of thanks' was 00- by Leslie McNay, tent we give a.
Mrs', E, Anders -an .gave a few corded Mose Kelly for a most en- grant of $25.00 to ,the Walton Cole.
points. of procedure which It would joya.ble and Profitable afternoa.
be well to observe at any mac: ug. At the service in Duff's United
Mrs, W. Armstrong bad a very churoh Sunday morning, Rev. C. ended by T. C, Milson, that. this'
Interesting tl8seussion on eurtent Cumming ryas tbe preacher. The council give permisinn and he,•eby
events, Sactlament of the Lord's Suppe: authorize tlto Council re the 'Town -
Mrs. Jas. Michie gave the add: ese was, adurrinistered, abip of Logan to apply to the
lvhich was antler rile title of rose. Mrs. 0, Walker et Brussels sang Drainage Referee for leave to pro-
muu4ty activities end she had two heauitful solos which were 01100 the report of an Engineer to
many spiend.id ideas on the topic much appreciated by the eong;ega. vary the proportion of assessments
She suggested that the eebools in time
in the Township of Elmo, Grey, Mc -
Die communities should net be left Mrs. Thomas Clark of Hamilton KIIIop en0 Logan on the Drainage.
closed so much at the holiday tame. and Mr, and Mrs. Louis Peec iclt work known as' the North West
or evenings during the winter but of Clinton, called on Mends in the Drain, —Carried,
be used by .tbe people as a molal village on Saturday. Moved by Alex Alexander, second'
centre and also for a 901110rine The Walton 100050, of tee W. M. S. a0 by T. 0, Wllson that all approved
Place to Meet and educate our. or Duff's' United Church win meet accounts be paid, —Carried,
selves' to think and: consider the at the home of :etre. William Woods Moved by T,, C. Wilson seconded
pr0bl ens+ of the day, We must he on Thursday afternoon et 2 pen, Moved
Alex Alexander that we do grow
neighbors 1n week anti spirit add when rite ladies will quilt, adjourn to meet again July 2nd ,1r
serve others by working in chuteb There passed away on Saturday at the call of the reeve. --Carried.
or Sunday School and other or- ,Jane, 25, Ann McLeod, wife or rite Thi follinving accounts
ga.nizati0ns. late 3Oseph Taylor, after a lingernie were paid':—
A violin solo by Mn, Neii liont- illness; The funeral was held Prov. Treas. 111000 a bolt.
gom1rey accompanied by Mains ; Tuesday from her late residence, ball
Welsh at the piano wee much er- 311111ett teowirsllp. 5Cha01 Section No. 0
1oYed, Mors community Singing Chas, Ilisdner Beauchamp
wail eddoyed ttud the meeting was G+R Y
.G Creek brain 150,00
closed with the 3atinnal Anthem, i41ra. Sark. Brewer, 0th eon. has en, Dr. J. D. t"olquhtuu, attend.
Lunch was served by •t'he bestow turned home atter a pleasant visit Indigents..,.
ass0s'tet by Mes, Harold ProeMr, width .hies slater :Miser Verna Brewer Dr, 3. 'D, Colquhoun, meeting
Miw, J. S. Prosier and Mrs', Neii
Monitgomery, v Owen Somnd, of B, O. H.
Mies Viola Turnbull has been re. It, '1, Hoover, meet 13, 0, It
Get Entrance Certificates engaged as, teacher In S. S No, 3, II. A. Keys, meeting 13. 0, Il,
Mins Lane hes received word Mr. Geo, Warwtek, 3m lint, had a
that three of herr four entrance T, IT, Dear secreting 11, O. 13.
valuable team of horses killed re. Tiros. Smith, dltrlcing
class pupils have been granted
Robert, Claronee Hoy, r oileridir, BLYTH
Clifford and Woodrow at home; one Sunday marked the closing of the
sister, Mrs. RobeTulyey, Morrie;
five brothers, Alex and John. Mus- past0ra'te of Rev, R, A. Thick in
taw& or Morris; Robert, William, United ch.ur'Cih here, Four years
James Woodrow, of Saskatchewan. ago he came to Blydth from liilver-
Beautiful sprays were sent from ton and leaves tibIs week for Hen.
friends at Stratford, a sgeny front all where he exchanged with Rev,
lousily; a .^.lay from the Grandchild-
ren; a spray, Mr. and Mrs,. Wallace les pas orate here on Sunday next
Agar and Jim Purvey; a spray, Mr. July Sul,
and pets. Robe lurrey and family; I she induction of Mr. Sinclair will
a besltet o: dowers from the Hay I be held In United church on. Thurs.
family of Brussels. Six nephews' 1 day evening with Rev. G. M. Bur.
were etelnerers: Fraser and Simi -ton of Ontario street church, Clin•
ley Meetterd; )timer Selletvs; Jim ` ton, presiv
ing. Mr. Button will also
Purvey; Lloyd and Ross Purvey. ` ares the minister while Re
Friends attended the funeral from 1•( Hugh Wilson of Auburn. will ad.
Stratford, Walton, Brussels, Blyth, { dress the people. Special musts
Winghein and. Luc.know. ( will be provided.
0'n Sunday morning Rev, Mr,
Brook took as the text for his rare-
MONCRIEFF well s'et'm,on; "I commend yip to
God and the word of His ;race,
SIiss Velma Harrison. returned on which is able to build you up" and
Sunday alter enjoying a eee1Cs in the evening tbe subJe01 was
holiday in Toronto, "Building according to God's Plan."
Examinations are the order of 1121 The Sutltlay school had an open
day. Four entrance p 1)0110 are : session with a temperance program,
writing their exams in Ethel. One Mr, ,Pae, Ricunuond presiding. Scrip -
pupil, fan IneLean, was Promoted lure lesson was. read by Rntli Hi1-
by recommendation,born; a reading by Doris Moody
Miss Phyllis McPherson obtain• and a reading by Ivan Ililboru; . a
ell tshnnors 1n Grade i solo by Luella Taylos,
TUeoryfirt nmclasssic exams of the Tormto Dr. II, A. Vokes gave an illustrat-
Conservatory of Music, :Miss Jean ed eddies,: where he demonstrated
Harrison is the teacher. Both pu1'tl the effects of alcohol placed in a
and 'teiiclier are congratulated, glass. of water In whish were small
Mr. and Mrs, A. RIesbery and net,
family epee!. Sunday. at 13r4g111. Sunday hues thlhlran's day 1,
With relatives and friends Miran church, The address- was
'Mrs, Archie Brake and children of given by eirs, (Rev: R. M. Weeks.
Listowel are holidaying at tee Scripture was, read by Mr, James
name of ctrl and il1rs. John Brat?. Tierney.
Miss Margaret Jenkins, nnres In
SEAFORTH CLINIC ' TO BE training at Clinton is spending bar
ESTABLISHED BY DOCTORS holidays at her .home here.
— — Mrs, w• Jenkins and her sister
Dr. McMaster and Dr. Coiquhoun hers. Shipley are seendine a few
Purchase Resdience of Dr, F. J. days in Si, Catharines,
Burrows Where They will Open The marriage wee solemnized ea
ate a Medical Clinic._ Saturday at noon at the Butted
-v-- church manes of Mr. Benjamin
ilt has been rumoured and is now Taylor and Mis. Mary Tanney, both
confirmed that Dr. L, A. McMaster of Blyth. Rev, IL A, Brook per.
and Dr. J• b. Coiquhoun t�i}l nneratr formed the ceremony, The happy
u m0000111 o11n0 5.t tee town of Sea- couple left for Wing+hano whore
tenth which will 'be known as. the dinner was served, later retusn1ng
"Seaforth Clinic." Dr. McMaster 25 to their hone ]fere on Westmorland
well known locally but Dr. Goleta- street.
houn is a stranger to most of ns', Mrs'. Thos, Evans and fancily of
coming from the Maritimes attil Stretford are spending a week with
leaving had a very enemata career. Mr. and Mee, George Coteau,
For the purpose of the clinic, the
apatlous' residence and surgery of
Dr. Burroova ou Goderichr street WROXETER
Daus been purchased. CARD OF THANKS
The operation of a clinic seeuld
be a rear boon to the town and sur- Words menet. exIlIess' our sincere
rounding country as it represents a appreciation of the many kindness•
determined effort to make more et. ,',' .,hone us by dui' good friends anis
Ilolent the treatment of disease and neighbors during the '1111ess and
other human M1ine1110, Combining passing of our clear mother. Most
the knowledge of .invo or more PIM, especially we wishto th1uk Rev,
ic'ians. It provides cOhsutatlons as ni A. Granit, Nurse J011eton, Mrs,
marten of 'course for earth patient t\'nde, The Fryfogies, `clic Wylie
and allows the installation o1 the families, Mr. and Mts. Sangster,
most modern equipment and the Dve and Mr, and Mrs, John McLeod.
latest and best treatment to be 11e give,101 1-rls Beloved Sleel%
given. t$lseclalleation increases Herbert Henning and family,
skill which advantage accrues to — —.—
the patient,
In the operation of the clinic, each ' NOTICE!
physician retains Ms own patients
Notice is roadie
hereby given dram clump•
and makes his reenter calls and via -
its, but has the advantage. of Om Ing on the rwill not be alar
facilities. which 'idle clinic proeides u:ed In the orill of Grey.y. Order of titre Couhcdl,
for special treatment Where such J. II, Cont', Clerk,
becomes. necessary,
In the elittia, each, pllyiclan is re NOTICE
(mired to spen(1 considerable time
each year improving hie methods by Complaint hats been mute to me
a carinae if study and training In 'bat certain 111001ie's. leave been
rho more adeeneed hospitals ,of dumping weed seeps' in gravel pits
Canaria, and Ibe United States: Dr, '3110 in 1110(1111pe on the ,'calories
Mc'Mnater has intimated that tibia nod' ientire le hereby given that
a0nns'e will be folleWed in tiro Sen. :Mil practice tuts, cease and; that
forth Cllnle, anyene found. disposing of their
Seaforth may eougeadtebale 1153711 weed 81,0400 in lliiry manner will be
an dire enterprise 00 Dr, Mehlaster 11roseollted 3, H, Fear,
and his colleague, Dr, Coiquhoun, i J.
Minutes of council meeting lteld
in the Pownsrhlp Hall on Albany
June 13th, 1933. 'fbe members of
the council were all present,
The minutes of the last It100r11111
The minutes of tee last meeting
The petition of Freeman • Hack -
well and others asking for a muni-
cipal detain at \vniton was read and
been:led end the clerk wee instruct•
ed to send a eon of the petition tO
the County lhngineer at Goderich.
By resolution of the Council the
Reeve wile appointed, to sign the
petition for the alwnictltutity of
Morris' at the adjourned Court of
Revision on tee assessment roll the
enmity Hall Fund, —Carried, following decisions were recorded.
Moved by Thos, Dougherty sec- Exemption for woad; tots Thos,
Burke 3400; Geo. Coulter $200;
Milo Claymore, no action; 3. Ntt•h.
olsont reduced by 350; Gilbert 0115-
Caltum, no action,
The Court Of Re'wislou was then
Advance -Tines, advertising ,DO
Blyth Stentl1td, advertising ' 2.00
Iloward Smith, making
SO Ote 40,00
20 bags cement 13,00
W. le. Willis', supplies'
(indigene) 0,70
County Treasurer, taxes 59,68
Nelson. Higgins., stamps els, 1.50
R. Warwick, bal. of sliced
bill 5,00
Stewart Procter, inspector 1.00
County Treanurer, taxes 270,03
W. T, Brydes, collector 1270,00
Carl Oakley, relief 10,00
3.00 The Council ellen ocllotirnerl to
180.00 meet at dile Ball en Monday, July
18, 1032. A. Macewon, Cleric.
(intended tor last week)
their entrance certid1ates on these
yearts work, These three are Ber-
ne Yuma, Russell Ke11y, and Belie
•Mr, and. 11001. Louis Hayes anti
ceutly, during a severe lightning Thos, Smith, Jr„ ditching ,,,,
storm, the team were standing- 12017t. Bowes, d11101ing
under a tree, it means unite a lost. E. L. Ill 1114"e' rep' 1nacb, ,,
to the owner.. Canadian 011 -Go,
Mrs, Fowler, Ohesley end mica M. J. Engel, gasoline
On ,lune 61 11, at her Nome in Port
Albert, Mrs. Robert J, Hoy pnsesd.
away in bet 041,11 year, Her maiden
name was ,Tes'sile Woodrow, Iter
home was on fire 21120 tion, of Morris
having moved to Port Albert. 30
years, ago. 13es4des her husband
site leavers' a family et eight chilli.
ren: Mrs', Roy Petrie, Pont Albert;
Mrs, Neal Scram, Goder'le1r, Mrs,
Charlie Petrie, Pant Albeit; Victor,