HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-6-29, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST Of Spacial Interest to Wornen Readers Bailing A Vegetable Is .First Step in Preparation To Many A Fine Cook Tim common way of 0 preparing carrots and Cauliflower is to boll them. However, there are those women who boll .111310 a bit bard and. then start from here to rutty prepare the vege13able for the even: ing meal. Some will eneam them, others mix then with an assortment of vegetables, but there are recipes from the West that are a bit tlleer- enrt, The women who thought up these recipes had good ideas and better food sense -411w fried them, FRIED CARROTS Wash, scrape nod curt, some tender young carrots in Quarters, lengtb- wise. Throw them. into bailing salted water and parboil thein for tell nldnudee. Drain off all the water and let the carrots Mand in 0 col'and'er for a few lniinutes. Heat three tablespoons of butter In 0 lerge frying pan; add the carrot;, not too many at a time, and fry to a light brown, turning to brown ea the other side. Take out with a large for k and serve In a hot dleh, FRIED CAULIFLOWER ;Cut a head of cauliflower into pieces about one and one-half Meter. long and boil quickly in sidled water for 15 minutes, Drain thor- oughly and wipe each piece dry. Beat the whites- and yolks of two eggs separately and mix them. DIP the pieces of the caullliouer tete the 'mixtures;; fry in butter on boot sides until a light brown and serve immediately. SCALLOPED POTATOES WITH HAM For ail around good eating and for fine flavoring for potatoes there 15 probably nothing that will late the place oe Tram. And IC you have never eaten ham flavored potatoes, you have missed a real treat. Scalloped pa-atm.A with ham is u great favorite in the West and is something that is well worth know- ing about in all sections of the 001111 - try. Scalloped Potatoes With Ham 4 to G potatoes 2 small onions, slicers 1 slice 'ham, about one inch thick 1 tapleelpoon butter left teaspoon Pepper Milk Peel and slice the potatoes about onegtfarter inch thick. Butter a bat; ing dish and place a layer of the Po. tatoes in the bottom, add half of the onions- and then the slice of ham. then the rest of the onions and env. taste and a little of the mayonnaise er with 'more sliced potatoes. Det 1th butter, sprinkle with p3PPe1'- Why let all that space in your basement go to waste? Let us show you how little it costs to turn it into a game room offering fun and relaxa- tion for young and old. We'll do the job quickly and with- out disturbance to the house- hold routine. And, best of all, it's another of those jobs you can finance, if necessary, under the Home Improve- ment Plan. LOCAL ADVERTISER'S NAME HERE and cove' (vlith milli, Cover the dish and bake in a moderate OVCI (360 degrees F.) for one andm1e half hours'. RemoVe the cover and bake 30 mintules longer. { A SUPPER. SALAD - i DOT 11 healthy and delicious' meal serve a: Cooked Vegetable Salad 4 harts' boiled' eggs 1 cup sliced: boiled potatoes 1 cup sliced beets 14 cup coked cut up siting beans !French dressing 2 small heads lettuce, spiced and cooked 1 cup •meyounaise 'Salt, capers, anchovy filets, ripe olives Chop two of the hard boiled eggs tine and mix with French dressing and the vegetables. Add suit to Make a circle of the chopped capers around the edge. Then Place the anchovy, filet's' so as 10 make nu eight or ten point sitar, 111111 a small circle In the centre with chopped black olives'. Decorate with slices of 6110 two remaining hard boiled eggs, This will make eight aerv- hlge and should' be served from the table from a salad bowl. Hatless Mode Is Injurious Going Without A Hat Is Not cot,- duoive to Lovely Locks, Says Beauty Expert. Wear a hat outdoors if you want to keep your hair, Vie ',hatless fad" which uperoPe every spring because of the notion that lots 00 sunshine will stop hair from falling and make It grow feet- er Is in reality a major cause of baldness. "Going bareheaded outdoors• is especially harmful in 5Pning and summer'," according to a scalp specialist, ',While It is true that the hair, like vegetation, grows faster in summer, both the smite and hair often become seared and bleached by too much sun. ".Hanm:ftil effects 'inevitably re suit from steady exposure of the bare head .to the two kinds of rays, Mara -violet and infra -red In direct sunlight, although both rays are beneficial in moderate 'closes'.' 'Sparingly, infra -reel rays are a stimulant, especially to the scalp's blood' system, while the ultra -violet expertly applied, have a tante and chenrdc'al effect on the stomp tissues. "An excess, of ultra -violet rays. however, dries' ,the ecalp and fides the hair. The hair becomee lus- treless, and brittle, breaking off 01 splitting at the ends," Picnic Points Moths Different From Butterflies 'Mast people call Moth.; "butler - files,', yet 1h le are attain attic bines as' many moth families as butterfly [u li11s', Because butt fettles fly by [lay, awhile moths are nigh't.vye--rs. the former are common sights to the Most casual observer. There are, however, IIUIUer'olle ways, of telling 111301 apart, Butterflies' fold their twinge: high over their baeks' when at resit, while initis fold theirs down flat, 13ulterfiles have cluteshaped antenna, while those of moths' are feathered, Lar too many of u0 have so iliac eanaelat'ion of the real value of tints thee we waste the greater part of today either lamenting yeslartlay or clay -dreaming of tomorrow. Now is the accepted time. Remember that yesterday is tone 'incl tomer- row never come0, Lip Readers Enjoy Attending Movies "Lip-reading," saysr Miss Ora Forster, of Winnipeg, "will never be an exact science. It is. an art," She was In Toronto last week for the 'Canadian Federation of Lip - Heading organizations,. "There are some sounds which appear to be almost identical as' formed by the lips. It I were to tell you to amuse the baby, you aright think I had asked you to abuse the baby," she explained, "lt e111bn:lces a whole lot more ob- servation than merely watching the movement of the lips-. The general expression of the 0005, tate movement of the tongue, if it can be, seen -the people who don't open tbeir mouths are hard to read -tile muscles of the throat, all assist in discovering the words, "Charlie McCarthy (the ventril- oquts-'s' dummy- I've watched sev- eral times in the movies, and lee movement:' are good, Clark Gable is easy to reed, and Greta, Garbo ismost difficult to catch." 'Peop'le who contorted their Mouths and used gangster lingo out of the side, were hard to un- derstand, she added, Going on a 'Picnic -Then Don't Forget These Here are a few things which you nnlstn't forget to pack In your picnic 'basket: 1, Salt and pepper. Lack of these can epo11 the most carefully Prepared food. 2, Tin opener and cork screw - disastrous to leave these behind, 8. Cutlery. Teaspoons, and a 8611.11) knife for cueing bread anti carte, 4, Sugar, 5. Cold .math or cream. For your Lea. G. Boat milli, S31)111ato vacuum flank full to go with coffee. 7, Paper napkins, A plentiful • 8, 'Cold ~water, Bo sure to take some 11, a bottle it tt dog to Ile- ' e0trtpttnying the party, also so1110 kind' of drinking vessel for him. 9, Methylated Spirit, if you tulle a Stove, 10, Dantp teacloth, For wiptu4 crockery before re -packing. They're Not Colors Neither black nor white are 0,e• Ora' tart 1.1 is wrong to d,i rr 1', 111l1111 es such, if .you examine a spectrum, suet as tt rainbow, you Willi notfinis black or white amene the. colors, White is only tout 1 In pm'e light, and is a combine. time of all the colorer thus, when it is refreeted, it breaks up into the u'eleeknoWu spectrum, 111 11- Se1f 11. Is not a color. lllaek, 011 the other band, is it Odell abaenve of all color, and it absorbs all hues that shine 110011 11, gtvilig off n0110 itself. WOMEN'S PRIVILEGE A• little girl setting in church, watching a wedding, suddenly ex claimed: ' '\iuln•nly, leas- the lady chargee bel' mined?" "What do you mean?" the mother asked. "\Vhy," replied the child, "she weld tip the aisle with one nab and carte brick with anotherer Brothers Under the Skin The words of preacher or sinner Are very match akin When against a misplaced chair He bark_' his shin, General Electron Corning This Fall Speaker .Decl'trea A£hton le, Douglas, London, Warns North Huron Conservatives to Prepare for Contest Absolute certainty that a tec1011) general election is coining this fail o1' early to the new year was 1" t- preeeed yesterday by Ashton 11, Douglas, K,C„ of London, president of the Western Ontario Conxrt've- 11ve heemelatlau 1n an addrese to the annual meeting of the North H11000 'Conservative Association aC Wingham, He strongly crtslciz- eat ,the present Liberal administra- tion and expressed the conviction that a general election 'would be sprung in the very near future in the hope of catching the Conserva- tives unprepared before they have time fully to organize After they' fot't8tcaniing Dominion convention He, urged that immediate steps' be taken to put the North Huron or- ganization in shape for a vigorous election campaign. End of an Era. "We are faced with the end of an era, an est that was begun b;' the'Conservative party, back at' the time of •Confederation. We had a railway problem then, in the torte of a railway. At that time: e was the building of it and now it is the control of a public utility, so that it will net drag the people down. "Pete taxation system has to be modernized and brought np-todate, so that taxes will not be contfuually emptying the people's pockets' whet: they have no way to pay it. From these problems', we must flail our modern policy, so that Conservatism can leaQ( the Dominion once more, back to the place where it has wandered from,'' deelared Mr. Douglas, Mr. Douglas' sketched the present system under which the legisla- tions' of each province are set up againsit each other. He charged Premier A,Uerltart of Alberta wee seriving to vet himself np in con- trol from the Great Lakes to tete Pacific coast. He told how Premier Hepburn was asking for income taxes, said Mr. Douglas, "so 11:' Could abolish unemployment in Ontario anis improve the Brine conditions. This would mean a Net- ter system of wages' in Ontario and so a tariff would have to be set up against other provinces, suctl as Quebec, adhere cheap labor was still employed, All this 15 tending to disunite the Dominion." WIaDNP1SHAY, JUNE 29th, 103$ 7,Ir. Douglas also said Prenier King hard bolited' to Washingirn right after his election to make a deal with President Roosevelt, the teems df which as yet have never been disclosed, adding: "Premier Hepburn is striving to help the private power interest of New Ynrk State, where power liar' to be sold for two and one half tltnee' to three times as much as in Ontario. 10 Premier Hepburn bad the permission to export tale Power, what would there be to .1111 him from raising 1110 surplus and Ask your local dealer. Learn how to save dollars by filling your fuel bin with "Canada's finest Coke" NOW. HAMCO GET A DANDY HAMCO COKE SHOVEL at a fraction of regular cost. See your dealer. Ask him, too, about the new HAMCO AUTOMATIC DRAFT CONTROL and HAMCO HOT WATER HEATER COKE HAMILTON BY•PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA D. N. McDONALD & CO S. F. DAVISON J. H. FEAR (Ethel) INSIST`ON HYAMGO-- C1 NADA'S FINEST COKE so exporting all the more power to New York. help out the private power interests with whom he had made arrarlgement , beef ore the election. "We must build n Conservative organization of young people, be. cause 011 these young Conservatives and the Conservative party. there reeds the future of the Dominion of Canada. The preserve system can. not Mee and people are becoming more and more disgueted with the present g0verrtntent. The curre111 d["0,1unquestloaanly the dull - 0e4 one in the history of Canada," cletrlaved the speaker. Opposition woe voiced by IV J. Greer, of \Yiughain. on the reap- pointment of former officers to pos kinns on She executive, He stated that the young people are net being given the proper chance and for that reason do not show au interest in the Work. hacottse they feel they are not wanted. Community Picnic Suggested The 11ouglet 05 e'xpreseed by a I number of delegates that the Con- servative defeat in the riding at I the last general election was large- ly due to future to interest youth is the Policies of the party. Mayor John W. Hanna, Wingham eagges'- I tel that a conuuturity picnic be or- i ganizcll al which the youth of the riding could be made acquainted with Conservative aims, The sug- gestion met with favor and will be acted upon later, Election of officers resulted as follows: Honorary pr'esiden'ts, Dr. James Armstrong, Gorrie, and Reeve Peter Scott, East Wawanosht president, Mayor 11. J. A. Mac - Ewan, Goderirh; first ice.p'es'i- dent, Warden Haadlte, Huron coun- ty; second* vice-president, Mrs. Wil- liam Johnston; 'third vicetnresidenl, John Bryant •treasurer, J, W. Han- na, Wingham: secretary, Elmer D, Bell, Brussels. Read It or Not Jacksonville, nllincls, is the only city in the world having an inter- section on which are located four churches, one on each corner and each of a different denomination. They are Baptist, Episcopal, Meth- oclist and Presbyterian, Condemned to Church The local mayor of New Castle, Indiana, bas sentenced a man charged with drunkenness to "serve eleven Sunday in church. FORMATION Ol?TRE 1)0811N1ON Ole CANADA, lst July, 1$87. Statesmen who Inaugurated the Linton of British Provinces in North Ata 1. N. Bernard, Secretary, 2, W, A, Henry, Nova Scotia.. B. L. Palmer, Prince iddwsrd Island. 4. W. U. Sleeves, Now Brunswick. 6. C. 'Wisher, NoW Brunswick. 6. 1.192Whelan, Prince Edward Island. 7, Col. T. It. Gray, Pr. 16dward Island 0. 0' 1.. Coles, of Now Brunswick. land. 10. F. II. L Carter, Newfoundland. 11. A. Shea, Newfoundland. 12, J. Chapala, Canada blast. 18. 10. B. ('handler, New Brunswick. 14. A. Campbell, Canada. 15, A. C. Archibald, Nova Scotia. 16. Bir 1I, !Angevin, Canada East. 11, Sir Jobb A. Macdonald, Canada. W, 18. Sir G 1':. Cartier, Canada East. 18. Sir E. 1'. Tache, Canada Leat. 20. Hon, Ueorgo Brown, [',,nada West. 21. T. It. llnvlland, 1'r. Edward Island. 22. A. Galt, Canada West re 28. 1'. Mitrhell, New I3rmnewlck, 24. 26..1, Hon. Cockburn,MCan da Weat. Canada West. erica. Dickey, Nova Sootla, 27 Sir Charles Tupper, Nova Scotia. 28, Col. 3. Ii. Gray New Brunswick. 29. W. ItPope, Prince Edward Island 80 W. McDougall, Canada West. 81. T. D'Arcy McGee, Canada. 82. A. A. McDonald, Pr. Edward Ia1ana. 82. J, McCully, Nova Scotia. Si, J. M, Johnston, New Druniewtek, ,