HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-6-22, Page 7T he Brussels Post
R, W, KENNEDY — Publisher
Published Erery Mednesday
Bubscrlptiet, pl10e $L14U per year,
laid in advance, Subscriptions in
United States will please add 60e
for postage
Telephone 31 —;— Brussels, Ont,
!Prow. lvmmer.
At 111e annual Toronto Pollee
field day on July 16 there will be a
•young lady selected who will after-
ward be known as 'Miss Toronto.
Then Mio's Toronto will be slapped
off to Atlantic City ;some time In
August to compete with other glees
there, 'We learn that tate girt who
wins in Toronto this year will have
to be something .mare than merely
pretlty, 'Size will have to be Pos-
sessed of that 'strange qualify
known as Personality. If she 15
as pretty as min be 'hilt ha.e no Per-
sona4ity then her chances are 011111.
,Contests of that kind have been
going on for a long time, and we
have not yet been able to find any
particular reason why they should
be coetlnued. alley have proved
nothing at all; they have establish-
ed no great point and we doubt very
much if they have male any person
happier. Certainly they have
htlmbbled a great many vain girls
who have entered wbo would have
been much better advised lied they
remained at home,
Beauty whether in a bathing suit
or a tun -blown gown 15• not the las''.
standard by which girls should 1d1
Judged, When a young man 1e
looking for one he might better do
part of his judging by her exhibit
of balling powder b[s'oults end ".ere
way in which she can tidy up the
London, 011t„ Old ilone Week ex-
ecutive has decided to eliminate
what was to have been "Inter-
national Day," It a'1 started over
the use of the swastika emblem of
Nazi Germany, and there were
people in London who didn't like
that emblem because they didn't
approve of what had been lone
under its auspices, Tbey overlook—
ed •tbe fact that there was no othe"
flag or em61em which a German•
Canadeau sectioncould use.
There leave been a good many
lneetinge, dealing with the incident.
but nothing came of ,them. If the
little peace. clove fluttered about at
any of the meetings then there was
no place Where it could perch or
roost—or whatever it is such birds
The decision to eliminate the In-
ternational Day was regarded as the
may possible solution and London's
experience in that natter may he
'wettable to other organizations. or
conbm rabies dealing with a simper"
Problem. The reunion should not
stiffer In the least because people
wile will go to Lonion will not be
attending for the purpose of car-
rying flags and 'p1'0cltuimhlg elle
country from which :they carte,
?anther will they be sent on o. -'Tell
of visitation %lith folk whom they
knees years ago.an:d have not seen
for some time,
There are endo .tlltnps which
people who five 'le cities. know a
good deal about, and •again, there
are other matters on whioll they are
not well in comet, One 0031(1en;
or 0 good' •city laughed heartily
today When It Was stegge•lted to hint
that a 001V alight Bait her litter of
pigs', 'There had been a antler n1
{lie ONice aura he had mentioned he
had lost seven little pigs, and ha(
conte to the conelueion that the
mother had eaten them, The city
Men thought the gentleman from
the broad aches'was having a little
jolto at 111e. expense and was after -
Wand 1)0001115 11 around.
Such a thing used to happen now
and Then along the Ten'h Comes-
/hal; .it happened on Lot 4 all, cue
'hum wilen we related that le the
city mal) 110 laughed 'sone stere,
When sub a thing look place. time
Wes Ovate's, 0 gied Beal. of !lacus.
sten, end the biro when the mother
Lock smell ort of a litter of tine
the discussion wont on for days be.
tWeen grandfather and the 11i1'c3
1i1a11, The enroll plan WOO aiwaya
read10g thitig,y 0111 Of n 11)1011 and
eanle111111d 1165 1l4ln '1)1 "1
thele about 'Ulree datye old, had
been eaten by thele mother. There
was aenlathing wrong with the diet
that made the old peg cranky; site
was mad and - 311'aved for vveletk)10(1
she wasn't getting,
its wilts abort the only time gland -
father an¢1 the hired man ewer
agreed on anything, but grand-
father had a rattler pointed way or
ad!mttting lids agreement, for he
merely said lie lead ltnowli all
about that for litty years, He held
that a pig was an outdoor animal
and cl'id best when out in the 11yn11
some ptaee 'rooting around to flea
whatitneeded from the soil. His
claim was, that a snout had not
been put on a pig for an ornament;
1t was fixed 'tha!t way for rooting'
in the ground,
Grandfather was not Much on
books, 'bat 110 used to take the hos
wagon now and, (then and drive
down past, the Broken Front road
to a sort of bog 1511000 there wee
peat, He . said there was some-
thing in that which a pig needed
and, alien it came 'on winter be al.'
ways kept a little heap o tliat stuff
in the corner of the pen. And when
there was a litter of little pigs
gl'an(father always knew what to
deo If they were not canting too well.
He'd watch for a 'bit at brown
scurf on the back anis Hien he'd go
to his bench in the drive shed and
scant mixing and tinkering and he
aright add lime water to the feed or
he'd Prepare to add a little mineral,
Never tilt' he lose any in the first
five weeks, and he figured if he
didn't lose a pig before it became a
weanling then be wasn't 'going to
lose them after.
"But It's a fact, or .at least tt was
on the Tenth Concession that a
mother pig can get p1'etty mean if
she's not feeling right, and prob.
ably they feel just the same today.
They said then it was diet, and they
say the 'same .today, The fact
that a farmer a :few days ago had
seven of his little porkers eaten be.
fore they were a week old indicates
things today must be about the
some as they were on tete Tenth.
No doubt they know more today
than they used' to, but they base
not yet succeeded in producing a
feeling of Contentment, joy and
pride of family in all the mother
There used to be a less serious
problem of what to do with the
speckled hen when she .started eat-
ing her eggs, We say the speckled
hen because they were all speckled
on the Tenth, There were n
number of -things tried and the 111r.
ed man being rather scientific tried
Jelling a hole and making a little
Pocket where the egy would slide
down so the speokled 'sen could not
get it, The idea may have been
the forerunner of the trap nest, but
gretultather never thought much It
it. He said the beset thing to do
with a hen that got such a habil
was to take her over to the chop.
ping block in the Woodyard. And
of course that did cure the. lien be.
cause the axe was generally viand-
ing within reiteh,
rte.. ..
(By A, R. K.)
IT my Netgh'bor A, a goodly friend,
asked 11 1 had an hour to lend, he's
drown the street two blocks; when 1
called on hien I was, Chilled, beenusr
e'ti started In to built, a fancy
windrows box.
IT 1 really 0011M net understand,
10113' bed asic me to lend a liana, so
he could: get It 1111'ou:glt; to malting
things with saw nod Melte, so they
will look dressed up and stone,
something 1 can3t do.
if When Neighbor A teals up the
plane, 1 seals that he %0315' much the
Pune, 0115 slow 3s any snail; when
he cut boa'rdta' like they shouldbe.
then it leas easy like to see, he
couldn't drive a nail
IT And 50 I worked with Neigh-
bor A„ 110851 a1 11 there a white
each day, six times 111tt lily thumb;
the boards we ctrl were fairly long,
we ('rove big 5Tlkes to snake it
strong, and it was nearly done.
jf The folk who passed expressers
surprise, they -marvelled it its
weight and size, they thought it
very big; they knew that when we
got ft through the thing we likely'
(rad in view, wits flattening Pup a
fl Tho thing is big we'll both (d -
mit, there's not a window it will let,
the workMartsltip .is ronic; but
Neighbor A's a goodly soul, he
says that now we'll dig a bole --and
have a swimming tank.
Junior ,.1 "I say, brother, if dad
Was to rIllo would 110 go to heaven?"
Mother --. Dash, ,1uniort who's
hrelt 1)11 13{1114 513011 rttllllllliltls 11a'
ictal y1tlt' IMO"
More Ire items Takagi Prow
Piles of the Poor of IN
and 111Ya
W, P. Dray tae been lending a
1le11p11)5 hand with 3. W. Pollard,
bleekemith, Ethel.
Ml's', D, K. L• ivingston and Miss
Malde arrived home 100111 a holiday
visit with the former's mother,
Belmore, last Monday,
Misses B. McInnis and A, Mell-
visitors till L. and Mrs% McNeill,
Rev, and M*, Ross, of B,C., are,
vlisdtors with. L, and bfri. McNeill,
14th con.
* * *
Miss Minnie MoNais', Toronto, at-
tended the Moragga)'rtPorter wed-
ding last week.
'Mn.'sGeo, D. Campbell and little
daughter Phyllis are visitors. at
the home -or jean Long. air,
Campbell' is expected later,
Townsildp clerk McDonald and
family were away on a. brief holiday
at Wiarton,
* 4' *
Last week Mrs'. Dresser, daugh-
ter of Mrs, Isaac Gill, arrived here
from Yorkseire, Bugland, for a visit
with relatives and friends.
Mrs, ,los', Godwin anis baby daugh-
ter, of Brantford., are visiting her
parents D, and Mrs. Badgley,
4, * *
Mrs. J, McCktsll was hero on a
holiday from. Kincardine,
Jno Rutledge has, returned
a week's visit at Cochrane,
'k 'k 4,
Tthos, Rapoport ihas returned from
Toronto and taken a position in
Hemphi11's 01111.
* * *
W. 0, Elliott of Tugaske, Sask.,
is the guest of his brother-Ia-Pew,
Win. littrhell, Howick,
tMrs. Strang, of • * Balder, Man„
visited her sister, Mrs, W. S, Mc-
Kerches' and other relatives here
last week.
Mrs, Eclnval'ds and*children, who
have been visiting ,the formers'
sister; Mrs,. G. P. Jackson, left on
Saturday far Bayfield where they
will spend the summer.
* 0 *
1, tv, and John J. Gibson, Toron-
to and 0, F. Gibson, Vancouver,
soils of .the late Alex Gibson called
on friends here on Tuesday,
'Miss Sadie Lamont, 11111 con.,
has. gone to visit her sister, Mrs. la,
1. Campbell and other relatives at
Gaylord, Miele She will be away
tot' a month or s0.
Contractor*Avery is busy with
(111' 00110110 foundation for the none
Union Church, 111h con,
* k *
Reuben 1Mrinnis, Davidson, Saelc„
to renewing old triendelaps to this
locality, The family were former
residents of the let eon,
Albert Crooks, '111 lime, rhes :1 flue
barn, having tattled 20 feet to tele
centre. 238311ding le now 00 x 70,
1011', and 81lrs, Clu1 U, Morris; Lan,
are renewing old tl'ienels'hdps,
* * e
John T, Pickett„ Mettle Creole,
Sask., e, former resident of the 5th
line Morris ite ccl111115 on old 101'.,u.lo,
O 'n a
Mies 3elnote {'ole has gone au 1t
holiday to the 1t'es't,
G, C. and Ills, llnlbers toast err
Ole extension to Detroit this 151(311
by s 051111er G1'eybo uul fr0m Godo•
)1iao Edythe IIYt't11'n.ckell, C'Iev2-
latiili 01110, iia til ll,'il1g it 11I1lltlUll
visit 1n 131088els this week.
Ronald Sinclair 1e 'b03l3e from
* * a�
hast Saturday Jabez Jermyn ar-
rived Home from a trip to the ;'Vest,
Wiltinuh ante Devil Milne are away
on a trip to Muskoka,
* as *
Rev. ,l, T, Legear and family are
expeoled home this week.
Mies Elia McNeil, asxietant in our
school, ie at home this geek with
measles, Mary A, Sharp has
charge of the little folks in het'
Tames Sharp is erecting a new
'dwelling on his farm on the 5th
1111e, It will be a veneered brick
and wild be 'e, convenient and com-
farrtablo structure when completed.
* 4 .r.
'Lasa Saturday, Rdbt. Armstrong
arrived home from the Northwest
where be had been for the previbul
five weeks, He visited the leading
centres In Manitoba, Northwest Ter-
ritory and Dakota, His son Wn1. J.
has taken up land in the latter
Last Wednesday a goodly s'um-
bel- of relatives' and friends as.
sembled at the residence of Jno
Rabb to witaess the nuptials of
308111 Clut'rle and Miss B, Robb, Thy
ceremony was performed by Rev.
Jno, Ross, B. A, Brussels, Miss
Currie sister of the groom and Mr.
Robb brother of the bride were the
attendawts, •
'Mr. Reading and• wife left on
(1(1011(13' morning for the.
e e
;111x, S yle,:: is the guest of airs. 1
Lewis thisweek,m * ,,,
1411ss Jane Casemore left on 1
Tuesday nhorniug on a visit to 'her
sister at Selland, I
WEDNESDAY, ,TUNE 22nd, 1938
f11'•alllc:l NOTE AND COMMENT
Last -Saturday we. were shown a
sample et iiax pulled from Jno.
Steiss' field, 13th (30n„ fltat measur-
ed over 22 inches. 1
* * *
On Wednesday of this week
James McDougall and Thos. Fergu-
eon left for the levet. The former
goes to Dakota and the fatter to
rt '0 ,p
Sannlel Dickson, postmaster of
'Seaforth, has Purgbased from his'
father the two 100 -acre farms on
the lith con., two and a half Miler
from Brussels. air. Dickson now
owns 400 acres beside his town
The first kiln of brick at the Byes.
sets Brick yard ie now ready for
* * *
Walter Coates has disposed
the New York grocery to J.
Sturdy of floretston.
* W 'k
The New Park—A meeting of per-
sons interested in the purchase of
the old Driving 'Park was held on
wednes¢liay evening. The 10110 w-
ing Board of Provisional Directors
were elected, Donald)jeLauchlin,
Wm, Grieve, Rabt, Graham, R.
Leatheradle, D, Strachan, A. Koenig
and P. S. Scott.
011e tieing is chile' that it these
Probes continue some of the hide
is 11kat be toPten o� theHydro.
y t o
Alberta is getting ready to set tip
10 own 'banke, 131t then, of
G01151s0, you .aro not forced to .put
your money into thein.
Probably the report of the peut-
Oeutlary probe was 'held back to
matte elu'e that nothing that could
be said against .General Ormond had
been overlooked.
It coots Toronto four (times as
much or the upkeep of sidewalks ak
it did do 1918. That is. peculiar do
view of the tact 'here is not nearly
so much walking nowadays,
A correspondent toe, contempo-
rary uses some space to prove that
twitch glass is a blessing and now
we suppose a champion 0 ragweed
will next take the stage.
Accordling to a story from Mos-
cow an anti-Soviet group of 49 has
been "liquidated.'' That is a
more effective and.more penmaneut
fay , than Qhebec's mous padlock
Perhaps .it is the discovery that
George S. Henry has' been paying
all the expenses of an Bast 'York,
oburch that has caused Mr. Rep
burn to take a flying leap at the
united- Church,
Uncle Sam is paying a plan $513
—far 243 turkey eggs destroyed by a
WPA blast on the ground{ that the
eggs might have developed• into fine
turkeys. It is fortunate that eggs
generally are aloe sold on that
Why Concentrate on Beer?
Opponents of Government Control concentrate their
attacks on our industry. This alone, to any thinking
man, is enough to throw doubts on their wisdom.
If the cause of true temperance is ' their object,
rather than a tactical advantage, they surely should
not devote so large a part of their time to attacking
the mildest of alcoholic beverages, and one which is
not habit-forming.
But because a democratic law makes our product
available by the glass to working men, under Govern-
ment Control, the opponents of the present system seek
to drive drinking underground—where they do not see
it. The truth is, that the individual is less likely to
commit abuses in public, and the abuses are more easily
In fact, licensed hotels are very seldom the scene of
excess. Because an intoxicated man is seen near a
hotel —it does not follow that he acquired the means
of intoxication in a hotel. But it does provide the
unthinking people with a useful text , .. if they do
not bother to prove their conclusions.
We find no definite evidence to support the theory
that satisfying the taste for beer develops 'a craving
for whisky. On the contrary, we believe that if beers
.. are more easily obtainable than distilled liquors
and are sold in different conditions, there is reasonable
ground to expect that the taste of those who wish to
drink will be diverted to the lighter and less harmful
"Toward Liquor Contras"
compiled by Rockefeller Committee
This advertisement is inserted by the
Brewers in the interest of a better public
understanding of certain aspects of the
problems of temperance and /oval option.