HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-6-22, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2rnd, 1089 NEWS OF THE DISTRTC'I Written,for the Post By Our Own Correspondents WALTON 1 ETHEL The U, F, W., 0, held thei4± June meeting at the ]tome of MTs, An- drew CouGts with an •a'Ltendanco or 22 ladies. The topic "music in the hone" was taken by Mrs. C, Cumming, Papers were also read Icy Mrs. An- drew Turnbull and Mrs, W, Leant - Mg, A -sole was sung by Deree l Coutts. Plans' were made to hold a piovle on July 201;11. ,Mrs', Leonard' Adams of Grimsby spent last week with her fat11er and mother, Mr. and Mrs, David Living- stone; Mr. Adams spent tihe week- end iii the village and ,'St's, Adams retuened home with him on Sunday evening. Word has been received by C. Settees from Inspector Nelson that three of his pupils will be ex.. enspt from having to try their ea - trance exam4nation. The pupils are Jean. Farquharson, Betty Small - don and Alice Stoddart. Mr, and Mrs.. Henry Last of Windsor spent the 'week -end with ,lir. and Mrs'. R. Hoy. At the fotebell game played at 'Winthrop Friday bestween Nasion and "Winthrop, the score was 1-0 in favor at Walton, The Walton Comtmun•ity, have been busy this, week hauling gravel and jacking up the 'hall, ,gelling ready to build the wall under the new community hall. Mre. Houle, 'Mildred and Ruth, and 111, A, Brown of Heidelberg spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs, C. Sellers; Mre. Isabel Bate. man spent the week -end with her Parents, Mr. and Ma. R. Hoy; Mrs, MdGiney of Detroit is visiting her aunt, Mies Ellen Coleman; Gordon Murray who was injured in a tar accident a week ago, is' hame from 1'1-ingham Hospital and able to get around; Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Rut. ledge spent Sunday at Farlwieh with Mr. and Mrs. Rae. GREY Mies Versa Fischer spent the week -end with 11,lssee IIelett tura Dorothy Turnbull. Mr, and Mrs. H, Glazier and Gor don, of Stra13ord visited at the home of lir. .and Mrs. W. E. 'l.'uen- bb11 on Sunday, Wesley and Harvey Steph:!i r'on motored to Parini and Niagara Falls on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bruce, of the 17th c'0uces'sion of Grey attended the dance held in Blyth Hall, Wed- nesday last week. The annual anion picnic of 0.8, 4, Grey and V.S,S.i 16 IIowiak and Grey, will be held on Thurs- day, June 3011 alt SMODonald'a bush, The ladles are requested to bring lunch and each person to Tiring his own cup, A meeting regarding this picnic was herd on June 6th wheu the following conml;lttees were 00 - Pointed: Sponte -rebs, .MacFarlane; Vc'ne McDonald, Andrew \LacLentem, Norman Mulligan, IC. Edgar an4 L, Naylor, Lunch -Mrs, Thos. Wilson, Mr:', John. Eraser, Mrs. J, 1Laclearhllle, Sirs. Arnold Brown, Mrs, 1im I•Iar- die, 'line, Verne Ilrponald, Coffee -'1'11101 .11lulligau ,slid .ill's, MacLennan, BooLls-ISandy Johnston and Verne McDonald. 1Srnings-Tom MacFarlane, ltun- a14 Mulligan, Water-1.la\vren'ce Willis, Dane MadLennan, Verne McDonald, Planks-ISaud)y Johnston. 'Save -Dave MaoLennar►, The ladles of Union United church. held .their State meeting at the hong of Mile, 11, Rolninson with an attendance of 24, Mrs, Brown led the meeting witch opened with lihe benne "J31ost be 4110 'tie (bit bhmhs,'' :followed by the Lord's Prayer iu unison, The roll call was answered by "My leneotllite hymn: The minuses of the .pravtous' meeting were read and .adopted. The Sefipturo lite - eon, the 15th Psalm was rend by Mie. Machan, A Tellpenancc prn01810 wars then 0Ou'ducleel I nthe form or a ttial011lie. A chapter 'tram the siud'y boost was taken by tides. !Cox, Mrs, Snell and mos, C. 'S'.potr1u contributed a very pleasing piano •duet, The, meetlug Closed. With. a hymn and prayer by tho leader. S.S. No. 3 and .S,S. No. 0, Gree are holding .tt Monte on No, 3 school grounds, of Thnreday, ,Tune nodi, Races beget at 1,30, Pleal3t1 be 011 tame ascii' h1'lnl bMlt66s, !Mr, A; Fletcher and Miss Irene Pease of Stratton] were week.eatl visitors at Mrs, Geo, Batelllau'e Cl, A, Dunbar left Ethel Monda;✓ morning, June 200, for North Bay, To attend a two-day session of Poste anagtel's' eonventioa being held there, Alter which, aceompanted. by his family, will v'isih his brother Roy and other friends at Timmins and other points' enllomte. Laet week Whine engaged in lnalaing some adjustments at her home in Ethel which neceseitated the use at a step -ladder, Mss Eila H!ansuid had the misfortune to have on ankle injured severely. The accident not only caused pain and suffering for a time for Miss Hen - mid, but dellaye(1 her schol work at a very interesting period. ..•',;pec• tally for the Entrance class in S,S. No, 6 Grey, where she is teacher. Mrs'. Wan, Gorden o1 Bru'swets visited with her coasin Mrs, Geo, Bateman during last week, The time spent gave nehteal pleasure. Road improvements are the order of the day in this comnnnntty, both county anti township work is being done in drainage and resurfacing, Roy Hall and fanldly and the Dob- son families attended the Switzer family reunion held last Saturday at Stratford. Nuls'e Bertha Parse while home for a week -end holiday spent Salm- day,June 18 at Gerrie set the fam- ily reunion with which the Earl? tamely .are a port. At Baydeld on June 18 the Web- ster family reunion was celebrated, This was of interest to the Pearson families at Ethel and Ethel vice). icy, A apenlal meeting of Court Ethel No. 261 C,O,P was held Frida)' night of last week for the Wheaten of candidates, 12 new memubers join- ed the order, x A garden party at Cranbrook uncle rthe auspices of •Cyan Crock Pres'bytea'inn church was ,,an at- traction for quite a number at Mettles, Tuesday, June 21st. Our football boys, played a los- ing game to the Brussels-I:tisel game at Brussels last week. How- 1 ever the team is not daunted. The 5(0000 was 2-1. Quarterly Official Board of Ethel United Church met Monday night, when several important items of busyness were concluded, The Ethel Brandi of the Wo- men's Institute lied toter June meeting in the Township hell with i a large attendance. It being the 3ti'tlt anuivensary of 'she orgalhhIn- tion of the Society. The n)e eng opened in the usual way by sin.q'ng the Institute ode and all repeating the Lord's - Prayer. After the minutes of the previous meeting were read autl adopted the following program was' presented. The Rall Can for 1902 & 1905 was read by the Secretory, ,after this all Ju.ocd it singing 'Blest be the tie that binds.' li)s. J. King gave a hun,n'- one reading entitled "Just like a wo- man." Then the Roll Call of 1018 was• read, After this Mrs. Jag, Pearson ga\e a reading entitled "Pa, \•uta & the telephone" ell soloed in community singing The Roll Call of 1923 was, read, Misee Jessie and, Joan Peeriiton tamed with a x0(181 41101; an autobiography of the Institute since orgauizali011 was read by firs, Wardlaw, The Roll Call of 1935 wee read rider which a mnemorial for the I'rcel- dents' who had passed on took pl:ere Mr's. Ames p10100Ing a flower in '1 v. ell et basltct as 1'(11'1(1 nano was as read out, All joined in einei111; "Abide with 111e" at this point Airs. W. 14, Love who has beeu a mended of the lnstittute every year slime 1903 was called to the platform 41111 MIS, J. Bremner rend a short ed• dress and Mrs, Stan Speiren, the President on behalf of the Institute preccenteel MIS. Love 'with a Life Membership ccrlttdcat11 and pin, lethe1, Ont. June 9th, 14.10 I Dear Mrs, Linen- Tt ,seemed to us, the members 11 ' the Ethel Women's institute cd 1,; nineteve thirty-eight Met we (.nnld. hit allow the thiels, arch anniversary of the organization of this branch to p,ls3. without paying tribute to you, You have the %miglle honor or be- ing the only chanter Member to be n pied up nreanber each Year tot` Orr, I thirty -flue years' Ilse Instil ate hit been An117111g, 01118 Qt)111 lAItii(y, You have always beets intensely intileeted 111 our cr0sulzatioe tutu wi116ng lo do 0(1 In your power ter the Derr, intonate of "dome and Country." You kava atttnded• the meetiage as regularly as health would Per- mit heve been generous .in giving your home for meetings, in prepare leg topics, and laking part in the discussions before the meeting and in every worthy effort we were sure of your co•operittion and help. We look to you av an example for any member to follow and so We ask you to accept this life member- ship eeetigcate and, pili a1' a token of our appreoiation for your service in the past and will hope that y0i1 may be spared to continue to work with us for many years. Signed 'on beheld' of Ethel Wo- men's' Snettitu'te. Mrs, S. 0, Speiran, Pres, :111i. G. Kreuter, Seery -Trees, Mee. Love taken completely by S'iIITrise replies] thanking the mem- bers of the Institute for their thougb11culnese. Another interest- ing feature was the. Birthday Cake, made beautiful with the white icing and 36 yellow candles in' holders', Mrs, Geo, Addy thenext in line. of membership lighted the candles and Mrs. Dilworth the oldest mem- ber cut the cake. The meeting closed by singing "God Save The King." Snapshots' were taken and a dainty 1011011 served. BELGRAVE A very smcceseful garden party was held atrthe Knox United Church Belgrave, on Friday night wheu a large crowd gathered to enjoy the shlendt0 cold meat sultrier which was served by the ladies in the basement of the church, The Blyth Cltszens+ Band was' Present and played dhring the early part of the evening, A good ball game was also played down on the ball grounds which was snatched with Interest when ell had been served supper, The band presented the following program to the audience assembled on the lawn of the charch grounds. A selection by the band; vocal solo by James Sins; reading, Billie Stewart; snit+, Mrs, Shaw; clarinet solo, 13, 1[c- Eliroy; reading, Eva Stackhouse; vocal Selo, Stanley Sibthorpe; selection, brass quartette; vocfll solo, Miss Bary Stewart; selec- tions' by the band; piano solo, J. 1\'oitlaufer; selection by the or- chestra reading, Billie Stewart: solo, Miss M. Stewart; vocal duet, Stanley Sibthorpe and Harvey Mason; iarstrumeatal nolo, Helen Kechnie; readings', Blva S"taOkh1nse, solo Stanley Sibthorpe,11ore selec- tions by the band closed a very en- joyable program, Anniversary Services Held Very successful ntutiversary ser. vices were held at Trick United C'hur'ch on Sunday. The church was filled' to rapacity, and Wa large audience listt:ned to two splendid serrilons delivered by a former pastor, Rev, James Scottie of Wilton Grove, At the morniug services the choir contributed two anthems' anti a sale by lie's. George Taylor were nil (1111011 appreciated, Alt Gm evening services an anthem by the choir was contributed, also a duet by lir, and sirs, Norman Keating, A puartette with Gilbey: Bee0n'nrt, Mary Dow, Lett le Pim co and W'ilfned Reid also was 1'u' joycd. A Memorial service will be belt) 1.11 Suts'hin) e me1te•y Olt Sllrl slat y, June 26, at 3 p,n1, The following Sunday, July 3rd, memorial service will be held In Brandon cemetery at 3,30, 13r, and Mrs, James \Vigllturan and children, of Lisiowei ,spent the week -end with relatives here. 111', and Mre, Cecil Binek of 1l'nle1'w0t't11, visited here o1 Sunday. Miss Agatha 0cultes, R,N, of leergut Wetted at the home or her pare (1111, Mr, and bins, ye, Coulte,e, Mitchell :edible accemp.n1011 10, fa, her h1(1' over the weelt•ei111. Mrs, 13, W, Procter Is visiting reionde' in London,' Detroit and also her brother, Will 1lendersod and Mrs, Henderson, in Indiana. MORRIS 111:111 Mnrh' halter, Ethel and Messrs 11111 'Crlrttitnli and 11111 i1:e TeStgal'l. Welton spent SIM 1ny 51111 Mi3i1 Margaret Tu1"fny, 8040011 11110, CRANBROOK. I 'file June meeting of the Tenni Women's Acv Maly was held 11' tla.' home of Miss Genie Pride with the pre eideut .ills;, ,11,01' Fiedler Arc:• siditrg, lust Thursday 0tternooll, The meeting opened with singing et hymn no, 169 and repeating to Lorrl'11 Prayer in tintst111, The Sc'riptur'e )eetson token from St, John 14:6.20 wee react by sirs. James Teeyu, The roll call was answered with a verse of scripture. The minutes' of the April meeting titere read by the secretary Miss Jean Cameron, Hymn 545 Was 11(10;: A very interesting story was reu:l by Miss Jean 'Cameron. After the offering Wee received the buainesl was discussed, The topic was read, taken from ''11141a on the (1111011,', The current events were read by Mrs', Alvin Hauler, Hiss (lecke Pnide, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. C., K'eal'agllan, Mrs.( A. Ctuplorce. Hymn no, 666 10110• surtg and Ma's. (Rev,) Wllttams closed the meet- ing with prayer. After a socia? boor a dainty lhnch was served, The July meeting of the Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mee, Mae' 'Fische'. A large number of young people from this, community attended the band concert MBrussels $0111107 evening, 'Miss Verbs Fischer :nein the week -end with Misses Dorothy and Helen Turnbull on the lath conr-es- slot of Grey. Mrs. A. I-Iiggins and daughter are visdtlog with Mrs. Higginx' par- enls, Mr. and sirs, James Noble, The Cranbrook Presbyterial' An- nual Garden Panty was' largely at- tended 00 Tuesday evening, The Lucky Seven Cowboys of Fergus provided the program which was greatly enjoyed by all. BLUEVALE Mr. W''m. Thornton is' vi3Ltilg with. !fiends at Gaulle -1d and sue m!. soli, '-11r, John Messer is spending a couple of weeks \rite Ilr. and 1Irs, Harvey Messer cud Mrs. and Mrs. Chas. Messee in Toronto. Miss May Davidson of Wroxeter spent Sunday with Mr, and Mee Wetter Davidson and took in the Presbyterian Anuiversary at Blue vale church, Hiss Jattet Robertson spent the week -end at her hone on the 1',': line and took to the Presbyteran Annlvers:lt'y 011 Suncluy, Knox Presbyterian church, Bete, vale, observed the eightieth anni- versary nn:versary at its organization on San - day, when one -vial services' were held morning and evening, conduct- ed by a former pastor, Rev. W. ,J, \fieot, M.A., Stratford. The ser- vices of the choir under the leader- ship of Mrs, J. C. Higgins, welo much appreciated, Solo and duct part; were taken by Miss Jal'et Robertson, Mrs. Parker, Mre. Mow- bray and lir, Ramsay. The church was tais'tefully tlec10atel, the rotor scheme being. ccurried out mos: ly w pink and White. The evening eervhe in the 1'ni- ted Church was' 51111(iratvn is1 order that members, could attend the ollniversary services, The hca- edtotion was pronounced by Rev, A, 0. Robb. Visitors: Miss' Ruby Duff, Reg. N., and dletition at the Woman's College Hos'gldal, Tcrorto, spelt the week -end with -Flies Duff and llrs. Alice Allele. She was' ac•compau- fe'cl by her 421)1)11111, Mrs. J10ep11 Shaw and son, Douglas, of ileg:na, Sask. elee, Shane was comers' Mies Via Duff, eldest daughter 01' the late ,111, and Mrs. W. G. Caul. 131, Duff was a former teacher in the Blnet-41e school, Guests at the home of elr, and lits, Peter S. ela(Eeven on Sunday Included: Mrs,, A, Y, YOtttnans and son, Jaunts, I'letr'oit; 11i's', Genrge ltrl'Rknulld. Clinton; 111, and Mrs, Nelson Caa'ciiff; Alex l'nili, Thug - til; Robert, Thomas and Miss Jes- sie Sirurban, 14'1'usns'els, and Will 111111 .101,51 llnssge :\Cases, .liOt•ris, TIM areaien was 1110. 31st 1111111. vu'sary of Mt, 01111 MI's. 1Cac'hlw,at's marriage. Visitors: Mrs, Neil MeliInei een, Aire, ('has, Witsiade, 11r. and sirs. Nall 13, licl,enchcrn, Louise and Gilbert, Mount Payee with 31r. and Mre, 10, h', Chemise; Miers' Mae liav- itle011, Wroxeter, wait lir, and 'etre, W, t3, Davidson; lir, and Mrs. Edgar 11'eNl hael and daughter. 'rosette), with 3i0, and 'Niro, Wit- limns it- t rn s 31t!eMieherl; elks Tliide Fow- ler, Louden.- 119111 Mise Florence I owlor, EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Mr. Reid has maintained an office in Brussels for more than four years. Hundreds of perfectly satisfied clients. --- Modern methods and very reasonable prices "See Reid rnd See Right" R. A. Reid Stratford's Leading Optometrist For Nearly 20 Years AT. BRUSSFI S OFFICE -MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2,00 to 5.00 ?one 51 for Appointment ANNUAL PICNIC IS HELD BY HURON COUNTY COUNCIL Harbour Park, Goderich, Scene Several Happy Gatherings Saturday Afternoon of The annual plen'lc of Hurn11 ('oun- ty Council was held iu eiarli;,rr Park, (loclerich, on Saturday after- j noon and was largely attended by the members, their families and friends', Warden Wilmot Haaeke and a colnmi-tee composed of Reeve .R, 1:;•, Turner, chairinaa, County 'Treasurer A. H, F,r,•dcin'', t Reeve Feagan and Harry Edwards, 1 assisted by Ccunly Engineer R. Patterson and J. R, Reynolds, were in charge of the arrangements, Owen Geiger, former reeve and ex -\Verden, 1111 Hensall; Alee. Young, former reeve of Colborne, veterans in county affairs and lcets- lation, were present. A full program of 50001s was run off and a bountiful basket slip- per provided. Generous treats of ice cream cones and bars were sup- plied to all. Grace wits' said by 1Ir, Owen Geiger and after the meal Warden Ilaecice presided over a brief program of speeches, Mayor H, 3. A. Macl;wen ex- tended a civic welcome and others called on to speak were Owen Geiger, W, D. Saunders, Mr. Begg, of Mesas, and Quinlan, comity e0(1111 - More and R. E. Turner. A prize for the oldest lady mere on was, given to Mrs. Owen Geiger, and to the oldest gentleman, Mr. Alex, Young, Colborne township, The snaky prize ems: won by 11.:1.100 Roland Grain, of Turnberry. During the afternoon, for those wishing a saIi on the lake, Bert Mc- Donald's boat made frequent trips. The weather was too cold for bath- ing butt ninny wandered down ti the beach and piers, Sports Events, • The results' or the sports were: Clothespin talt'e, ladies' -S t Mrs, W. Hatt:ke; 211d, Mrs, G•large Feagan; 3rd, Mrs. Erie Kenae'ly; 40, )ties Irene McKay. Gentlemen -R, E. Turner, L. E. Cardiff, R, ,Shaddick, J. M. Eckert. Boys' race, 8 end under -Bruce Shatidlc"k, Bruce Ersleine, Chester Finlay. - (lithe; 8 and under -Harlon Stew- art, June Kennedy. Boys, 10 and under ---Don Shep- hard, Ross Kennedy. Girls, 10 and under --Pauline 1'ttt- teeson, Teresa Eckert, Boys 14- and under - Douglas Fraynei, stems,' Feagan. Girls, 14 and under --Pauline POs• lers'on, 1411na El'kert, A game of softball was played Three ehee1'' and a tiger were given for the Warden, and the gathering sang the Notional Anthem, WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME William Street, Brussels, Ontario PERSONAL ATTENDANCE • 'Phone 65 Day or Night Gall• MOTOR HEARSE B G, WALKER Director, le mbalmer and Funeral BLYTH• Service 1n Anglican Church wee 11e1d on Sunday 'morning with Rev. R, 11, Weekes in charge. In Untied Church Rev. R. A. Brook took as his subject, "The Magna Carta of the Human Race." The baptism of 111e infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Franklin 1381110011 (Gleu,s Marjory) took place at this service, On 'Sunday next, Rev, R, A. Brook wild preach his farewell ser- mon to 71111' congregation here, leaving in a few days toe Hensen. On Saturday afternoon the Hor- ticultural Society, served a tea at the home of Mrs, H. Young ad- joining Memorial Park, which was well patronized, Blyth Citizens'' Baud gave their first Sunday evening concert on Sunday evening. They also pro- vided the programs, for the United Church garden panty, Belgrave, on Friday evening. YOUR EYES DEMAND THE BEST EYE SERVICE POSSIBLE That is why we glue your Eyes a COMPLETE Examination using the Newest Precision Instruments, Let us Examine your Eyes NOW. F. F HOMUTH Registered Optometrist Harrlston Phone 118 Brussels Phone 26X �i Why let all G that space in your basement go to waste? Let us show you how little it costs to turn it into a game room offering fun and relaxa- tion for young and old. We'll do the job quickly and with- out disturbance to the hour- hold routine. And, best of all, it's another of those jobs you can finance, if necessary, under the Home Improve- ment Plan, LOCAL ADVERTISER'S NAME HERE