HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-6-22, Page 4THE PRUSSELS POST Big Clearing but ale This Sale Begins Saturday, June 25th, For a Limited Time Only If Running piiipoprimmartidwaso DRY GOODS Men's Overalls and Smocks reg. 1.95 • • • • Sale Price $1.59 8 oz. Smocks, Overalls, rivet Pants reg. 1.45 on Sale $1,15 Boy's 7 oz. Rivet Pants sizes 26 to 34 reg. 1.00 on Sale .75 Men's Work Shirts reg. 95c & 1.00 • • on Sale .78 Men's Work Shirts reg. 75c on Sale 59c Men's Doe Skin Winter Shirt reg• 1.50 & 1.35 to clear $1.10 Penman's no. 71 Shirt & Drawers reg75c • • to clear 59c Wool ribbed Underwear Shirts, Drawers and Combinations 20% off regular price Men's Work Socks All Prices 20 off We have a quantity of fine Shirts, Socks, Ties, Thread, Full Skein:, Straw Hats, Caps, and Numerous Other Items Clearing At 20% off regular prices Corn Flakes GROCERIES Shredded Wheat Benson's Corn Starch Carbolic Soap Square Deal CIeanser Handy Amonia Beehive Corn Syrup 10 lb tin 8c per box llc per box 3-1 tb pkgs for 25c 10c •• l0c 4c per pkg 3 bars for , , 3 tins for Canned Peas 3 tins for 5 15 tin 56c 35c 23c Canned Corn & Tomatoes 3 tins for • • . • • •, • • 25c A LIKE REDUCTION ON ALL GROCERIES IN STOCK alaCelgiVik Other Items For Sale Coleman Lamps & Lanterns Frame Garage 12x16 ft. HARDWARE Lanterns (Beacon Lanterns) reg. 1.35 on Sale $1.05 Pitch Forks 3 tyne reg. 1.15 • • • - on Sale 95c Fork Handles reg. 60c • • . on Sale 40c Garden Hoes reg. 80c on Sale 59c Garden Rakes reg. 80c • • • • on Sale 45c Calf Pails reg. 25c . on Sale 21c Horse Pails ......reg. 75c . on Sale 63c Milk Pais reg. 60c on Sale 45c flame Straps reg. 25c each on Sale 39c pair Steve Pipes 7 -inch • • • • reg. 20c on Sale 17c Elbows . reg. 25c on Sale 21c Stobe Pipes 6 -inch • • • • reg. 18c on Sale 14c Elbows reg. 23c on Sale 19c Sweat Pads reg. 65c on Sale 45c Zinc Washboards • • • • • • reg• 39c on Sale 25c Granite & Glass Washboards at like Reductions 12 -gr uge Shot Gun Shells • • , • - 95c per bort Mica Axle Grease 3 tb tin reg. 45c on Sale 35c Oilers • • • reg. 15c on Sale 12c reg. 3.25 on Sale $2.45 • • • reg. 1.00 on Sale 79c reg. 50c on Sale 35c Wash Tubs . reg. 1.45 on Sale $I.15 Nails all sizes •• 5c tb Staples 51/2c lir Paint3 Flo -Glaze reg 1.10 qt• on Sale 85c qt. reg. 75c pt. on Sale 45c pt. Enamel, Flo -Glaze reg. 1.60 qt. on Sale $1.29 qt. reg. 85c pt, on Sale 69c pt. Exec! - All Paint reg. 6J9c qt, on Sale 53c qt. reg. 39c pt. on Sale 32c pt. Lea_l_er Gloves • • . • • • • reg. 1.00 on Sale 79c 20% Reductions off marked price on all the Leather Gloves and Mitts in Stock We have a large stock of other Shelf Hardware Not Mentioned ALL LINES REDUCED 20',11, Cop'zr Boiler Tin Boilers Dish Pan We have enjoyed doing business in Cranbrook in the past few years. In appreciation of your patronage we are offering you the above bargains and hope you will take advantage of them. GOR'O CRANBROOK SWITZER - PHONE 52-9 Howick Council itiroxe'er, June 15th, 1.01!! The Council met in the Tiwns)i:p flail, according to adj ours me::-, members were all Present, ••- Reeve, .1, A, Bryans, presiding. Minutes of last regular meetin;, Count of Revision, and special Intel: - were read and on motion Strong and Toner were adopted. Moved by Winter and Baker that A. E. Cooper be appointed to !ts Live Stock Valuator, during the. ab- sence of James Douglas. --(arried. Moved by Strong and Baker that the Report of the School Attend- ance t n'i- ance Officer, as read, be act—p.31.1 and placed on tile, t as e11, Moved by Strom; and Baker tl7:t- By -how No. 3 for the year 103S, t- read. the third time he finally pm: - ed. —Carried. Moved by Winter and Strome that the following bills be paid, —Currit d, Milton Leonard, hal. salary in full as Assessor, 1938 Cecil Grainger, sheep killed' by dogs Robert B. Gibson, repairs to Wroxeter Twp, ball Wm. 'Sanderson, taking Harold Hart to hondon Sanitarium John Hyndman, taking Har- per girl to London 1lttniclpul World Collectors Bolls, ltct Miss' L. Macpherson, register- ing 4 deeds for Twp. of Howiek Mae M, C, Knight, pt. salary as School ,A,ttendatlre ofaacer; 1038 irl108el 11:01:11151- sow 1011104 or 11.33 0', 40 14.90 :7,09 12,37 10.10 10,130 a injured by tag., ',-)11.09 Isaac Gamble, part salary as (lark ,,,....... .: fir? Wm. Brown, Sr., chairs for Twp. hail- (lo,, L o:.art. trua•king chairs to T-wp. It:ti:s Howard Run i 1 . w^ashir:g chairs W. R. F ea. e.r. M.D., medical s'-rvie"s f<>r and Hobbs fam1Iies Hi-lef. for May 3:r.51 Road Expenditures Glad. Edgar. drawing plank and fixing bridge S, Zimmerman, repairing bridge Wm, Wilson, filling holes in road :Manfred Irwin. draw:nz gravel, sod, and putttng (1 r112V'rt 4 iVn,, Young,. parting In culvert Richard ,)ark1nn, travel John Hyndman, gravel Carman Bride, plank, tilt: 1 rt.p4iring culvert 1,23 Oliver Fergnsm. repairing culvert Jame,•. Walkout, tallying gravel Thos. Lovell, freight on blades .3') :5tanlr'y Bride, gravel 1.17.30 Gonia Garage, gas and labour s,3 J. T. Shera, hiactemilhinfi 14 :114 John Mont golnpry, operating Power dlra(ler 61.30 Rert Markin, 111rtekstiOI111 ng 1,30 Karl Patterson, gas and oil. 1.13.44 Roy Vogen, c:rusiihing and Irucking 003,13 For(lwielli, Power Grader .,,, Mervin Miller, labor on catch basin 4.00 1Vttt, Stew01't, team. ,,,•,,teer 1-13 13 . ss3 1,i, 1.31 1. it ;;H II .n7 1.34 1,90 $.60 Henry Baal, lab.:r r_..g Jamey \taikon, l;:l,•,r Thos. Pritchard, 1 Adan. Zurbripg, Gro. Leonard, :rut k:ng .., Tho;., Lovell, Road 4upt. salary Norman Behr:. w ds s l 0 i Wm. Elliott Si Sol tiles • for Fordw°+.i: George Lennart. 1. ticking fie Moved. by Toner and Baker Cann1,:'l do n•,w ad lora to mart in net TownshipH l'. Gorrie. on the Third )loud....; Jul} or s' to flan t,t' I Gemhlc . Clerlt 13,1U 11.89 0.33 1 !. tr 5.011 ;hat Autopsy Held In Death Of Farmer , Copeland Inquest Postponed Until June 29 Dr. E, R. Fr: :nr+t:+•r,.ieg tl 'x1.':• 1ie11,.rrx. +I 1, anlopsy on '.h+ 3 �,4" •ri `r �';', ... c'opolan'i. iia: r, 1. lers,er, effort to do erfnit(,, •. r. 4,14j t,'r, death. The aut'.1','y was pr; f-7 1. - ed Friday and fit:rkagi ly be ttnaounod at the :-.•p' which ie. to he 1ell hero on J11.'. The inquest. was :rigatoni!), s t for June 21 hut Marl 4', be 1,o.a'para4, Mr, C opel:fnrl died Thursday a1- lernnnn in 1.4'o3el Memorial Hoz.. Mini where he bad been confined since Jane 1, it it semi -rune arae condition. Flo tea• satd to have, snl- fnred head injuri', when lie rias enfi/rged in a st,niffle with a hired man who wnrltr41 011 (lir farm ,uo. tni.''de the 11011(9 of ltarrl«.lnn, 1.nt February. McOI1W1180, Wilfred Anthony who lives near the village of Cari.- rufre, and who was urrested by Po - lee Investigating the death of Mr. Copeland, appeared in pollee court at Guelph Friday and. was remand- s detght days on request of Crown Attorney J. , Keane. K.C, Iia i_, be.:n held on a vagritucy 4h irge Golf was arrested late Thursday )tight by Provincial Officer John M. Douglas of Stratford at nit. - home near C'arislnrhe. ;following the autopsy it was re- ported that 1)r, Frauki-h hail re- nsvvr:d a portion of the brain for exaninut ;on. NOTE AND COMMENT When we rear. that an, overm,;,..e.1 r'.:'i1rrator Mei 1.•:40:1,.,,1 a fir, Quebec.. we really began to - xtteti:z': how wot.rlctlul s44enr. Moscow was. off `la'.;_• , elr c .t. ora it r '.late tatLt Vk+-iy many [3..r- . , . . ,:i: 100.01'....'., 0ro . a.. M` (11.,•.:1,, 1,4ar v."a tv >, ti.. H.tg 1•,1 1.1,1 .+1 F.,' OSI, +t lit, 11,. There „, 0:el7ca,iderabbx• talk at. the 3( 4'ni, probe 14 bout ni•,w,.paper headl'r+e,., but [Imre is tor rento 4 to PO 414,1 any of the politic ane. ar'• irdi, r,-4,1 1^, ,' knit of lh14,3. Junior . "3 say, mother, If 4oi tufts to die would he go to lea r, u7'' '11•,)8(1' .--- hash, Junior! Who', been pnt:rng suet rl4lculouq :bass' lots your baud?" CLEARING AUCTION SALE Laurence Addle has Instructed, F. W. Kemp Auctlonecr ,to sell by Public Auction on FRIDAY., JUNE 2..h tot 4, Concession 13, Grey Ttwp. The following will be offered for sale at 1,30 p, m, CATTLE Durham Cow 4 years old fresh Durham Cows 5 year old fresh Blue Cows 5 years old fresh Hereford Cows 5 year old fresh . 3 Yearling Steers . 2 Spring Calves HORSES Bay Gelding 10 years old POULTRY- 40 OULTRY-- 40 Rock Hens 1 year old PIGS Tam Sow due in July 2 York Chunks IMPLEMENTS M, H. Mower Fanning MIlI Rubber Tired Buggy Steel Tired Buggy New One•horse Sleigh Harrow Cart 1 Walking Plow Riding Plow Scuffler Set Harrows Set Sleighs 000 feet 2 -inch Plank Hay Rack Waggon Gravel Box Single, Harness Team Harness wheel Barrow 2 Horse Blankets Spring Tooth Harrow 163 feet Rope Hay Gar, Forks, Shovels etc. Trip rope De Laval no. 16, Separator FURNITURE.— Stove URNITURE—Stove Electric Washing Machine Coal 0:1 Stove Sowing Machine Rocking Chair Floor Covering New Kitchen Range Sanitary Toilet Extension Table Kitchen Table New Electric Stove Day Bed 40 lbs, Lard 56 the, cured Meat Desk Wash Stand Mantle Clock Step Ladder Atwater Kent Electric Radio (60 cycle) 2 Chesterfield Chairs Electric Table Lamp Parlor Table New Rug 9 x 12 Camera Tools Wood Stove Book Rack Morris Chair Arm Chair Eid'scn Victrola & 100 Records Cream Bed, Mattress & Spring Cream Dresser 2 Cream Chairs Cream Table Curtails, Drapes and Blinds Dresser 2 Small Tables Radio Set Lamps Bed lamp Dishes, Pots, trans, Cutlery Crocks, Jars, Etc. Ice Box REAL ESTATE - 100 acre Farm more or less on the property there is a good Bank Barn 50x70 and a' complete concrete cottage both in a good state of ,re- pair, ..A never failing spring 10 acres Bush, a Drifted Well, the alto• alienia good; 10 aorta of crop and 2 acres to Hay. ...All seeded down, WhiDlik.)Sl?AY, d tiNE 22n'1, 1033 eau Airway:; of the United Status, were begun last year. Giant dying boats trpannetl the ocean on non- stop flights behvatn k nglsnrk .and Newfoundland, proceeding through, Canada to the 'United States, No Passengers Yet The plan. is far the ocean seit'ylce to book u11 ev tually with Canada's protected transcontinental airline, This numtrner, I•Iowe said, no pas- sengers -will be ferried on the At- lantic trips; there maY be some in the fa11• TERMS Chattels Cath TERMS --•Rest Estate node known or, day yf sale L. /DOME. Prop, F, W. KE1MP, Auctioneer, Monument Dealer aimaiselmemssessemasioss Ocean Fltgl4tr�, About :)city S Minister of Trarsprdf ;deem., 'tra- Clarca Testa be /0Lirrehr SRr vice, to rte ft, aeur+rn1, f:13per,tn+n'el fb.v.roPq hrnr At14ir.31r ;11 prcpttraflon 104 .7 4,1 1, i nrra44 413.x4 401(0r pervies• .,till r wr .(h•rlll July a," Dominirr, 'Ira t,..441.. 31in:+,'e,• llowe mild tell week, The nights, by r;cepa Urt'ait,'2 lmperIol Airwnyq and PMPIvItt8 t - Notices in this column Bost 25c up to four lines; 5c for every extra line. Cash mut accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. s u FOR SALE— le- 1?'.a in good condition, will `'?!1 rIllap. APPly at Post' FOR SALE— 10 Hu('kllag Pigs, Apply to phone 70-r-4 Ben Hayden FOR SALE— ("hater Strawberries, is appreciated. phone 1;•x=23 your order 1-o Stanley Spoiran FOR SALE— Standing Hay, Timothy and Al- falfa. APPly to phon,. 14-r-12 W. McQuarrle FOR SALE— Number (if White Leghorn Pul- lots, 41 weeks old Pullets, 1-p phone 3"-r-2.4 John Wheeler WANTED— Man with ear for Profitable Raw. lei4h Rout, Products well known, Real opportunity, Write Raw- leigli $ Dept, No. ML -152-119F. FOUN0— A gun of money in Presbyterian church sired, Cranbrook, on night of Garden Party. Owner can have same by paying for this notice, Allan Cameron, •Crenbrook FOR SALE— Onr• quarter acre lot --Lot 1, Con- ces:yso,n 8, in the Village of Ethel, a good Unfitting inopo ty, 'with clear title, APply to Mrs, Robert Doekett phone 574-1G l:;thel P.0, FOR SALE— Pxtellem farm .adjoining the Vil- lage of 13:11,..1s---3.8 acres of land. good will, comfortable (iweiling and ourbail/Bugs. 20 acres; of Wheat, Apply Elm, r 1), 13e11, 13ruasels, Ont, FOR SALE— HARIIY QI'IORIN telling you of your last chance for 'Cabbage, Caull- Rover, Pepper and Tomato Plants also numerous Rower Plants, 0o11- signment lust arrived, so hurry and do not be disappointed, (Phone 19X POR SALE— Anyone wanting 4o purchase house or wanting to rent Ml's, W. 1I, Sinclair's house apply to 75 Victor St. Loudon, Ont. FARMERS ATTENTION„^~�^^ MONEY TO LOAN ,)Mortgage Loans an lnipreved, fat al piopertfes at Sq;., No valuation fens or chattel tnorfiago required, H. J. (10'1'TY & CO, Farm Salo,' Service, Stratford HOUSE FOR RENT— Bonne and acre and a half of Irn1d a,. ti,auh half lot 2S, eon 0, Morriss. M rtv,lega of using staple, ]Goys loot n+ ffilhert'I('CaUuin's. 2.5 Mrs. John Lamb,( Seaforth Poll BALE - 4)40t1:, Stook of ludo Importer, in - 40441, Minna, Drmndloonts anti 11,4oelute, axlrrintly low prlCoa Male Mori( laa'ls, will ship mall, 0(4410, promptly, write for Prleo list 'f t;,+tr,fu and imparters, 144 Wellington St, West, Toronto VI MPR D. BELL, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc, Phone aO lrt��llal Aft+