HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-6-15, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
WireDNESDAY' JUNE 15t1i 1038
to be shown with mesio..
"LITE OF CHRIST," Is, veritably 0
treasured hennageof the ages, to
all Ohtdsielan people, whose faith Js
a'nc'hored lu the 1'0511 reotion tit
Jesus of Nazareth, The dramatic
vere'lous, given 'periodllttally, in
Europe, at Oberamnnergan, and F1'ei-
'bai'g, are vie ted JJy hundreds of
thousands of Ob2 staan people, from
all sections of the World, at eu0ree
ons expense,
Produced In Europe and Palestine!
The public of i3BU$SDIJS Is to
be &vee the rare opportunity of
Seeing the worldefaanous "Passion
Play" motion picture based upon,
and patterned after, both Freiburg
and Oiberantmtergau produ;ctionse
and actually produced fn Europe,
the Holy Land, and Egypt, with
special organ, orchestral and choral'
music, on sound equipment, depict.
ing 'many famous sreues in the Life,
Crucifixion, and Resurrection of
29th at 3,15 pen. Everybody is' in-
vited, and admialson tickets are not
necessary, A silver offering will
be taken, to assist in paying ex.
1,..i' Y r. ,+.r .�"< •ter .--• - -,^
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
Mre, Rudd attended e tamely re-
union last Wednesday at Brantsure
and visited with frfiends at Palmer-
Mr, Slpftrling Johnston has been
busy tearing down the kitchen of
their house and putting up a ileo
one and snaking other improve.
/Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Slathers
and Doris and Helen spent the
weekend with his father in Blue
leless Dona Sndth nurse-in•traleing
at Clinton hospital is visiting with
her mother and brother, 2nd line.
The Women's Institute enjoyed a
good meeting at the home of Mrs.
S. N, Gallaher on Thurpday after-
noon with the president Mrs. Wick-
::tmad, n charge. After singing the
ode mei repeating the Lord's Prayer
en t-ule'nl, the roll was' called and
stttu new suggestions were receiv-
ed for the year's vrngramme, Miss
Ilazei Mundell gave a report of the
Girl+' Conference at Guelph, which
carried net the theme, `•Personal•
ity." She was impressed with the
growing popularity of the merle-
f'ii('e. The opportunity it offers
young girls of tearing and seeing,
iecturee of the best, and the tome
of the green&; and building,• were
an education.
Mrs, Alice Aitken gave another
talk on "Buymanship,'' the lesson
included the buying of ready•mades,
compared with making at home.
The methods of buying and paying
and a ,study of sheets and pillow
tries, standard household cotteas.
Alter singing "God Save the
King" Mrs, Gallaher and Miss
Florence. Fowler .served refresh-
Mr, and Mrs. E. B. Jenkins, 13;ue-
vale Road, event Friday at Brant-
ford attending the graduation of
their daughter Edna, who bas been
training in the Brantford General
Hospital, They were accompanied
by Miss Christine Iebtster and Mr,
Murray Jenkins.
Visitors with Mrs, R. F. Garniss
and Miss Olive Scott, Mrs, J. W.
('adyei.l of Winnipeg, Man., who at-
tended the National Conference of
Liberal Cornea in Ottawa and Mrs.
E. 13. Jenkins, Wingbam, J. Wesley
Beattie and daughter Florence of
Many were shocked to leara of
the sudden death of James Harrie, a
Howiek Townehler farmer on Satur-
day evening. Bore in Turnbery
township son of Mrs, Wms Harr!.
and the late Mr, Harris, He had not
enjoyed very good, health for some
time. He suffered a heart attack
and passed away before medical
aid could be steered, Ile Is sur-
vived; by h1sewife, formerly Mi,s
Jannis MOBurney, four stens and
two daughters.
The funeral was held on Tuesday
afternoon tram his late residence.
Rev. J. R. Greig conducted the
regular service in Knox Presbyter-
ian church on Sunday morning. He
took as his' text "Ye shall know the
froth and the truth shall maker you
free,"' and spoke on the subject of
"Magna Cbarta," The lydleance of
baptism was observed when Mr. and
Mrs. H, Robertson and Mr, and M -s,
Barry Elilobt presented their infant
sons for baptism.
Mr. and yrs. Archie Scoot, Mr.
ani! Mr's. James F, Scott and Miss
Jean Score, Seafonth, visited' with
Mise Florence Fowler and brelher,
JIltuber; Mr. and Mrs, Gelge Don-
aldson, Mese Sanderson and Mr,
Thompson, Temente, sit their stint.
MEW borne here; Mess Muriel Mead-
ows, Milverton with her sister, Mrs,
Money is Tight
But there are ppeceple Who
are constantly reeking for
opportunitfes to lend money
on goo3 security. If you want
to borrow a few dollars, or'a
few thousand, our Want Ade.
ee Wilt put you In touch with
those who helve stoney to
D. 'i3, Lowry; Mieses Brown agile
bOlss Doty Mioleswortih woman,
led Mies Naylor and spent the
week=end with Mr, and Mrs. 3. C.
On. Thursday evening Gordon
Greig suffered au aeeldent. 311e was
engaged, with Alex Mowbray, who is
opentering a gi'aveI crueller near the '
Nile In Wawanoele They were re-
tuning to workatter supper. Gor-
don was riding on the trailer and
fell off striking ,the road. He re•
eeived a nasty !lead cut and a Re-
vere shaking up, He was taken to
Goderich, for medical attentioa and
was able to return home later In the
Mr, end 'Iles. Robert J, Me.
Lennon and two children, Jean and
Scott, left this week for a motor
trip to the Canadian West where
they will visit Mrs.MCLennon'e
parents and other relatives'.
A fine new barn is being erected
by Harry Dennis, 7111 con., the
building is 50 by 56, a snaeessful
barn tatistog was held Wednesday of
lust week.
Mrs. Jas S. Armstrong was a
week -end Mellor with Dr, and Mrs.
R.amntage, Vineland,
Mr. anti Mos, Edwin Abra, Owen
Sound, is visiting for a few days
with Miss Jessie ,Strachan and
Mee other friends' in the vicinity,
James Deitner, 0th con, has had
his barn split and considerably en-
larged. 3, Saunders has the con-
Ed, Salesman, 'while aseiseine
to shingle 'the roof of 'Mrs. Hugh
Lamont's bara was unfortunate iii
falling to the ground and was badly
shaken up, was taken to Listowel
Hoseeetal but was able eo conte
home again, he might have been
much more seriously hurt,
The Union United Church will
hold annual Garden Party June 15.
The Excelsior Quartette of Palmer-
ston will present entirely new and
different program. See further
advertisnient in next week's paper,
The Belgrave Women's Institute
will hold its June meeting at the
home of Mrs. J. NI. Couttes on Tues -
lay, June 21st at 2,30. This meet-
ing is in Charge of the Community
Activkfes and Relief •Convenors,
Mrs. J. M. Coulees and Mrs. J. S.
Procter. The address w111 be gtl-
en by Mrs. Jas, Michie, Current
events, Mrs, W. Armstrong; Com-
munity singing; Music, Mrs, Neil
Montgomery; Roll Call, A Worth-
while community aottvtty,' Lunch
committee. Mrs. Harold Procter,
Mrs. J, S. Pricier and Mrs, N. Mont-
gonsey. All the ladies are Invited
to attend this meeting.
A very successful garden party
was held at Brick United Church on
Friday night when a goodly number
sat doom to a s'pieudid stepper
which was served in the eburch
steed and later gathered in .he
thurch to enjoy a play 'Behind the
News" which was well presented by
a group et young people front Blue -
vale United Church, Before the
play was presented and else be
twesn acts music was furnished by
an nrcheetra from Belgrave with
I3'eda Jordan at the organ, John
and Kenneth Leitch violins, and
Clarke Johnston with guitar.
There will be no service at !Mem
United Church at Belgrave nevelt
Sunday, June 19011, on account o1
the Anniversary servicee at Brick
United Church when Rev. reamer'
Senble of Wilton Grove, 1'nrmer
pastor, will be the special speaker,
Mee, , .person 'Irwin and son, Jim-
mie, spent the week -end in Tor.
Rev, J, B, Townend exchanged
pulpits with Rev. Fydell of Gerrie
mr SuudaY.
Dr, Gorden Stanebotse of Van.
cnuver General Melilla! is event/.
ing a few weeks holiday with his
parents Mr. and Mrs, Imbert
Stonehouse and other relatives.
•C, R. Gou0tes has had new ce-
ment stables lesttalled in the barn
en the tarn he purchased last 1sum.
!Stanley .Marke has purclueee
the '200 acre fanm of Chas, King in
Pease Wnnvanosli, ales the farin
stook and implpelnents, He will
peeve to lids' new berme In the fall,
The Women's Association mei 1'r
the ebereh Weclneedag atternoo i,
The president, ?Ms. 3, C. Procter,
wars in charge. The chief matte;
nt bus'Iness was triPking final 01"
rangemenite for the 'Garden Party
Friday, June 17,
Mies' Jennie Towneltd, R,N., of
Ann Arbor spep11t the week -end
at her home here.
Mess Stella •Netbe:y, who bile
been teachiing in Satrketoon the
past year, has' returned home far
the vacation,
Mrs, George Cools, Mildred and
Evelyn %Pea the 'Wist week In
Hamilton weth her sister, Mrs', A,
Nethery and family.
There will be no service fa the
local United Church on Sunday ow-
ing to the Anniversary in Brick
Church, Rev. Jas', Stobie will be
the preacher and Mr. Tawnend will
take 'the services In the West-
minster charge,
The Sunshine Cemetery Board
have arranged for a 'Memorial
Service to be held in the cemletere
on Sunday, June 26th. The Brus-
sels. Band will be In attendant;:.
The service will be in charge of
ministers from Belgrave and Brus-
sels, The service will begin at
3.00 and the cem,nittee suggests
that the decoration of the graves
be done before the service begins.
A "Bee'' will be held on the Pre-
ceding Wednesday, June 22nd, to
cleats up the grounds.
Mr. and 'Mrs. FIa•oid Coulson or
Milton have ween s4pending part of
their wedding .trip among friends
and eelertions In Morris. The pride
was formerly Miss Gladys Martin of
Georgetown, granddaughter of Mrs.
Wm. Michie,
Word was' received of the death
in Royal Oak, B.C., of ,Frank L.
Armstrong, son of the late Richard
Armstrong and Maria Ingtaan ot the
3rd Con., Mortis. Deceased had
been in 'poor health for some time.
He leaves to mourn their loss, his
widow and four brothers, Richard,
W1i1 and Alex of Grey Twp. and
Les -e of •Morris Twp. and two
sisters Mrs, Hester Abbey Kindere.
ley, Sask., and Mrs, W. Rutledge..
Langdon, Dakota, mlerment kook
place in Colwood Burial Park.
On Sunday afternoon decoration,
services were held in Union ceme-
tery., Rev. R. A. Brook delivered
the address. The band was in at-
Ort Thursday evetving friends o1'
Hiss Hazel Cowan numbering
twenty met on the elver flats at Au-
burn and enjoyed a weiner toast
A large lrinflre adtl•.11 to the enjoy-
ment of the evening Miss Cowan
leaves next week for Orangeville
where she will commence a oeuvre"-
eurscof business training.
Biyh citizen's band met for or-
ganization on Monday eveginr,
when the following officers were
elected: President, B, M. Masee;
vice-president, Gletn Kechnie; sec-
retary_treasuren V. Mcl3ray; mana-
ger, ,Stanley iSibthorp; librarian
Wray Dobyn; a:eetriciar„ Glen
On Sunday next the congregation
of Trinity Church will celebrate the
sext'leth ann6.versary of the open-
ing of the church hare. Rev. hlr,
Rarely of lihncardne will he the
special *Oaken Special music wilt
be provided,
Pride Reunion
Held at Monkton
Claence Steffen is New President
of Group
The third annual Pride retinlop
was held in Confect ere lion I'ark,
Mvnrkton, Saturday, when over 50
of the clan were present. The aT-
tet'neon was spent in ranee, een'.eets
and games which resulted as ful-
1:rive: boys' race utter eight, Bill
Rowland,' boys' race. over eight
John Purvis; three years and under,
Dicit Adair, Eileen Ree; ball tI low•
ing, Margaret Rowheirl; ball throw-
ing, over lefty years, Mrs, Fred
Brown; balloon race, Orval Itnw•
land; consolation, 13311 Rowland;
bean content, Mrs, T. Shertvfn; con.
solation, Mrs. Wheeler; stepping
twenty-two 3)arcis, Mrs. F, 13r'iwn;
oldeet Denson, 'Mrs. J. Anilc.'ap:
Youngest, Darold Colnig,
The election of 'Mimes took plane
and resulted as follows: President,
Roy Meehan!: teasurer, Seth
Pride; reports committee, Orvn1
Rowland, Gertrude Pride, Doris
Yung. Friends wee. 3mes'en , (rem
'Listowel, Waterloo, Mitchell, At.
wood, leloakitou, Sleittryn and Ethel,
An interesting event Souls Mince
this last ween 111 Ceanlli'ook (31)0)ch
when 7 children were baptised, 3
new members received and tiw.o new
elf'>1.2 assisted in the Comet ttlinlr
Get vice,
We desire to congratulate Meld
wyn 1Vi1,11an1 on attaining his 31,A,,
Degl'ee le the Untversii•y of Tor.
0J'4th yellow blossom sweet elobor
in an advanced stage and ,ince
geode Ile)ds ready for cutting almost
any time now, haying will very
soon be the work lu progress In
this earennttllty.
A barn raising held at J, le, Peep
Ethel, Returning Monday mii'n-
last week, was the occasion fOr itn
old 'thee thrill for Ethelites who
attended and other helpers..
An abtraotion for many 31 our
citil'eens for Tuesday night, was the
garden party, held at Melville Den-
nis,' 4th con. Grey, under the aus-
pices of Rae's church on Ethel
United church circuit,
Henry Kreuter enjoyed the
week -end holiday at his home in
Ethel. Returning Monday morn-
ing by motor to Elmira vicinity
where he teaches sebool,
Robert Currie of Morels twp.,
-visited Ethel friends Sunday after.
Quite a number of Ethel young
people, were at the Elmira twp.,
barn dance, at Dixon's' held last
The arrival of a foal, last week
registered an increase in the equine
stoclk of C. F. Hansuld. A simile!'
arrival this week scores+ ,lnuti'e"
Count. Fortunately all the animals
are normally O. K.
Ethe1.L elowel football gams at
Listowel, June 4, resulted iu a tie,
The score being 1-1.
The Ethel Presbyterian C.'htn'ch
are roldnig their annual Garden
Paty on • Wednesday, June 29th.
Keep this. date open,
10theli'tes, returning rrom Listow.
el Saturday niee1t report having
visited the scene of the flee burn-
ing on the Shearer farm in h brio
Mr. and Mrs. Joe fiamiltoe and
son Mark attended the graduation
exercises at Western University
London, of their son Robinson who
graduated with an bouor B. A., Co.-
Mrs, Hugh Fulton spent the week.
end in Toronto with friends.
Mr, Robinson Hanriltoti, )3,A,,
visited last week in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs, Joe Carter and Mr,
and Mrs. Relit, Campbell and daugh.
ter of Brussels spent 'tbe week-
end with friends in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Bruce and son
Stanley of Miami and Mrs. Dave
Chesney of Winnipeg, Man„ Mr. and
Mrs. James Fulton, Brussels and
Mrs. Andrew Bruce, Grey spent
Friday evncnig wish Mrs. Hugh
1(6x, Hugh Wilson who spent last
week w•ilte his sister Mrs. Fret!
Ennis has returned to his' '.tenet
In London.
'Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Andersen
elleene liver the weekend with their
daughter near Blyth.
'Mrs, 3. Hamilton ot the Boundary
east visited her friend Mrs. II. P'ui•
ton on Monday.
On Sunday week the 26th Jeuee,
St. George's Anglican Church will
hold enuiversa,'y services, when the
Rev. Bernard Braley, BD., of At-
wood will be the special preacher.
Mr. Buley is. one of the very prom-
is•Ing young urea of the Auglieen
Church. These services will be at
11 a,n1, and 7 pen,
Tuesday afternoon the W U.S.
Met in the- church basement, . Mrs,
Bryaos. presiding, "World Peaeu"
was the theme and the eleiRittop
ladies presented the seedy chap'er,
A piano sole was' rendered by Miss
Davidson, Fourteen quiets were
forwarded in the bale packed May
27th. Sirs, Davidson read a elate -
meet for the second quarter and
Car of Screenings
About June 17
$1.20 per cwt.
Formers Store
BRNSSELS Phone 46 at 78
thanked the Society far the card el
syMpaithy extcuclod her in her 1'e'
cent bereavement, A lette • wits
read from the Neigh crllood Wore.
ere reque0tl'ug farm homes take
City children for 'Uuro weelco during
July, No. 514 wee the closing
hymn, x
That is why we give your Eyes a
COMPLETE Examination uelne the
Newest precision Instruments,
Let us Examine your Eyes NOW.
Registered Optometrist
Phone 118
Phone 26X
Laurence Addie has instructed,
W. Kemp Auctioneer to sell by
Public Auction on
'Lot 4, Concession 18, Grey. Twp.
The following will be offered for
sale at 1.30 p. m.
1 :Durham Cow 4 years old fresh
2 Durham Cows 5 year old fresh
3 Blue Cows 5 years old fresh
4 Hereford Cows 5 year old fresh
6 - 3 Yearlong Steers
6 - 2 Spring Calves.
Bay Geld'ng 10 year: old
40 Reck Hens 1 year old
Tam Scw due in
2 York Chunks
M. H. Mower
Fanning MITI
Rubber Tired Buggy
Steel Tired Buggy
New One-horse Sleigh
Harrow Cart
1 Walking 'Plow
Riding Piow
Set Harrows
Set Sleighs
500 feet 2 -Inch
Hay Rack
Gravel Box
Single Harness
Team Harness
wheel Barrow
2 Horse Blankets
Spring Tooth Harrow
163 feet Rope
Hay Car, Forks, Shovels etc,
Trip rope
De Laval no. 16, Separator
Electric Washing Machine
Coal Oil Stove
Sewing Machine
Rocking Chair
Floor Covering
New Kitchen Range
Sanitary Toilet
Extension Table
Kitchen Table
New Electric Stove
Day Bed
40 lbs, Lard
56 lbs. cured
Wash Stand
Mantle Clock
Step Ladder
Atwater Kent Electric
(60 cycle)
2 Chesterfield Chairs
Electric Table Lamp
Parlor Table
New Rug 9 x 12
Wood Stove
Book Rack
Morris Chair'
Arm Chair
Edison VIctrola A. 100 Records
Cream Bed, Mattress & Spring
Cream Dresser
2 Cream Chairs
Cream Table
Curtains, Drapes 001
2 Small Tables
Radio Set
Lamps Bed lamp
Dishes, Pots, Pana, Cutlery
Crocks, Jars, Etc.
Ice Box
100 acre Farm more or less on the
property there is a good Bank Barn
50x70 and a complete concrete
cot{age both. In a good state of ,re.
parr, ,.A never falling spring 10
acres Bush, a Drilled Well, the situ.
ation Is good; 10 acres of crop and
8 acres in Hay, „„All seeded down.
TERMS Chattels Cash
TERMS—Real Estate made
on day of sale
L. ADDIE, Prop,
F, W, KEMP, Auctioneer,
Monument Dealer
Notices in this column Dost
25c up to our lines; 5c for
every extra line. Cash Must
accompany ad, Orders taken
over 'Phone 35c.
A Deering :llnwer, 6 foot cut also
13 -disc D:i11, Beth on first class
condition, ]-c
Phone 275 I3t't Johnston
A pair of Fnntball Boots' at Ethel
on Monday night . Finder kindly
leave at Geo. Ditnbar's Store Ethel,
.A quantity of Seed Buckwbeat,
well cleaned $1,00 per bushel. 1_p
phone 16-r-5 Barry McCutcheoa
I'or 8M) family Rayleigh. Route.
Permanent if you're a hustler,
Waite Rawleigb's Dept, No,
l4 ,L 152-1231'.
One Oliver Riding Plow with foot
lift in god condition, also a Mower
gve-fnot cur, (Vill be sold with a
Satis'Iactictl or eluney back guaran-
tee. 1+p
Phone 36.10 Hartwell G. Spelrin
Rat, 3, Brusesl5
A De Laval Separator, 650 lb.
capacity, good condition, 1-0
Ben Hallenbeck, phone 10-9
Con be seen at Lot 25, Con, 9, Grey
Anyone wanting io purchase
house or wanting to rent Hire, W,
\l, Sinolith"s house apply to
75 Victor St.
London, Out,
Mortgage Loans on improved farm
propeteits ill S';;:, No valuntlon
fees or chattel fenrgage required.
11. J. COT'rY & CO,
I''arin Splen Service, Stretford
House and acre end et half of land
at South half lot 23, con 9, Morrie,
Privilege et using stable, Keys
left at t,}ilbert eleCtllunes, 3-e
elm. John Lomb,( Seaforth
Rugs, Stork of late import'el', in-
cludes Wiltnna, Broadlooms and
Orientals, extremely low prlcoe
While sock lusts, will ship malt
ordertt 000inl'tly, write for price list
Traders and Importers,
61 Wellington S”. Wast, Toronto
Barrister, Solicitor) Etc•
Phone 20X Brunialrf Out'