HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-6-15, Page 2THE k1RUSSEL , POST
To prepare Salad Greene
Wash leevevs and exaltline very
carefully for )rand or peradiles.
'WVhon thoroughly washed pile leav
('u )Ig'ht1Y in 0he01e1101.1) and keep
on lee,
Six Secrets for Salad Suceeas
1, Serve salad greens very void
and crisp,
Save the outer leaves of let-
tuce, shred thein rind use, as, the
foundation for fruit or vegetable
3, Never put salad drseaing on
lettuce or other salad greens until
just before sewing as it makes the
green» limp and wilted,
4. Marinate In french dressing all
1egelablee, meat and tisk to he used
in :Wads.
1;,, Make ylur salad attractive to
leak at 1,x4 well as to eat, Dever
throw the ingredlents earelesele 1.0-
14,' 1i.,;•
S. less', let your salads becerne
metre r,r U$. Vary them fregaeutly
eed eirv,- different dressings.
c wt 4 ',hard-boiled" eggs in
halves cr(rsewise in such. a way
th,lttaps of 11a1vcs rutty be out in
ranal1 points. Rem010 yolks, mash,
and add all equal amount of finely
(-bopped( 'nuked chicken, 1416;etee
wth French dressing,and refill
White.;. Arrange on lel4uce leaves,
gerni.,it with redie214 s cut in fancy
shaocs, and serve with French
Put a slice of pineapple on each
individual plate, with lettuce halves.
On once place ball macre of cream
cheese and chopped raisins 03011•.
1en1 d With salari dreg:ein4.
Bananas, cut in quarters leng(h-
wtse, then in 140411448 crosewiee.
Dates, 140011 d and cut in etrips,
11res1ng, on tip then a sprinkling of
ch(apated nuts• all in bed or lettuce,
Arrange a mimed pear on a let -
'Luce leaf for each serving. Fill
the cavity with it ball made of
cottage cheese, cover with cooks('.
d10814Sng with whipped cream fold-
ed in it, and put fro>_sh ripe 51.raw•
horr11s on ten.
On lettuce leaves arrange alter)].
ate sections of oranges, grapefruit
and slices of free/ or canned pears,
each overlapping the next, Serve
with whipped cream dressing.
Hot Weather Hints
You'll be more comfortable and
more attractive (luring the hot sum.
.mer months if yott follow these
Carry oneof those new com-
pacts or oleaneing pads in your
Puree and clean your face with
them several times, a dray. Sat
orated with non -oily pre1aration.s.
theme tool as they cleanse.
Druid) your * hair w(lth a Moan
hairbrush every single night. And
have a shampoo even oftener than
you (lid (luring winter mouths,
* a' *
Substitute 1lghtly scented per-
fume for the heavrrr odors you
liked' ]fist winter. Or give up per-
fume except for evening and nee
toilet water during tine day.
Use o. fairly hard, fairly lintel -
Bele 111rstIlllt, If you intend _lo Cling
to pont, oily, soft lipstick, then
1)1 acre to "set" die 0o1er with
cleansing demos after each ,1pp11.
* * *
U811 a bit of special footpowder
on your :feet ,bo1are putting on
Pat en clean underwear anal
elven •141ar111nge each and every
• *
Wear wash11h10 treason i11 the
country or stibnite, ji'urtllarmar0,
it your hudgc1, won't eland the
strain) ol'-pretty large (try <elostn'ng
blots•, better wear w'asha1le1, in town
* * *
I" ase. tee •elmeily ars Possible
9 * 9
Cnrnih y'lnr, hair oft yetrr neckline
111 you don't wttat to port wl•th Yottr
Tong 1011 111141 a halydropmer who wi11
0'0E411 rt 0o11filro 011011 O0,11 be -Weill
11)1' 0Y 401101
Ten Rules For
A Perfect Wife
By Seeking to Fulfill These Re.
quiretnents Any Woman Gan
Make A Home a Place of
Merry Oe Aueti•'a11un girls have
jest decided what mattes 111" per-
reot wife,
11y following ileum 10 simple
dales, they mufutain, every wife cm
make her Milne en esantple of mart -
tut buses,
(1) Keep your husband's house
du order ebeaply,
(2) 'fake an Intereet in bis work-
aday problems,
(3) Raise a family.
(4) Piece your own health ldrst
for the sake of your husband and
children—'but never b0coute a
fend "faddiet." or a sufferer from
imaginary ailments.
(6) Treat the servant as a hu-
man being and never complain
about her to your husband. No
man wanes to bear talo of trivial
domestic mishaps.
(6) Cultivate a good temper,
(7) Read books and newspapers
and keep yourself interested in af-
fairs beyond the back gate.
(8) Keep attractive, Never
wear old clothes or slippers 141 the
(9) Never become a social snob,
(10) Don't nag.
by Grant Fleming, M. D.
it Is generaly known that appeud-
icitle is a comparatively common
disease. It is not so geaerally
known, however, that aPPendlciti;, is
responsible for between 1.300 and
1,400 deaths each year in Canted)
Particularly is it not known that it
is a condition occulting among,
children, Duping one year, of the
1,321 deaths due to this cause, 470
were these of ob11311011 under fifteen
years or age.
We have secured recently from
the Iiospital for Sick Childrea, To.
ronto, some information reger/iing
appendicitis, containing 1tatemete
which are of great public Import -
ace. The experience of tfiis insti•
Cation shows that appendicitis is .1
common ailment of children or all
ages- When the condition is reeog-
uized early and is propely treated,
the results are most satisfactory It.
however, there is delay in securing
Proper treatment, and the eoudit.icn
is allowed to progress until the 0P
11en(lix rule ures, the not fergtlent
result is the dearth of the child des -
pile all afford» to save him.
Tho condition calla for a repe-
tition of what we have so often
stated—early proper treatment is
'nece*veary il' the patient Is to be
given a fair ebance for 1'eel4ere
through ihe benefits of medical
eat ence, The physician candor
help those who do not come for his
advice. The Cause of delay in
securing treatment generally re=ar'
with the trarental' who are unaware
at the dangers that may ace(nlrany
severe abdomnlad pain, The ',man'
in the stomach" ie thought but
Mlle of, and the child is freque't'ly
given 11 dose: of castor oil or meow
other purgative which sets the di-
gew6lvo tr'ac't. in motion just a' 1.1141
time when nature wishes to be at
When appendicitis nectars there
is pain, Older children say It is
cramp -tike and usually pollrt It out
ns being du the region of ihe, inn•
Vinous. Younger children jurat
point in the abdomen when asked
whore the pain is, and cry as it in
Pain, tinselly there Is lenitive
and vomiting. There is only one
4ouvi1110 thing t0 be done for the
child wish 11)dom11ml pain, and drat
IR to call tho doctor and refrain
from giving any lieusehold reeve
flies, This may seem a ne4dlc:.;
amount of fu31m .and boliltm, mrd Ivo
aro not ouggestl)ng that every
re runnel) .2Mee ' is r1 Ppelidicitis, nuc.
we. (I(1 say (hail unMsw abdominal
pain is (1711y¢v regarded eeri4usiy,
cases of a.ppenc1riel'11e will be n,.
gleeletl. and chdl(iren will continue
to be sacrificed to •pro4ra,atinati,tl
Alp arenily 1t makes, a differ -
mum whether one statute or slit,:
Customer --4'1,o brought the las.
pair o,@ trnn8era, to be re-aaate1,
You know I alit a tot,1'
1i'a110r---"Yrs, antl 1 holm y()u'v'
i1rn11gitt Ilia bili to be rso0l tel6
YOU 1t110W VI 6600 6 lb r"
Gard erring
Those Bare Spots
How tarn you get rid of those
unsightly bare spots 1n a lawn.
There le 'usually all underlying
cause for those fad's. Either tbx
top soil is too thin or under it
there has accumttletet +a residue
of rubbish or perhaps huildiag ma
serial left over when the property
was first laid out for building,
In ally event the baro s'pot3
)3hould be dug tip as the thin top
s041 and presence of too numb,
drainable :material is allowed to
exist beneath it. If the spots are
round, aspear in damp, muggy
weather, and gradually enlarge,
they are pro1ab(8 caused 15y a
Mega)) disease which you can cure
by spraying or dusting with a fun-
gicide according • to dfreotiona on
the package,
Water thoroughly after treating
Jue't as you would ellen you apply
plant food. Portions that have
been dug and found to be tbia in
Lop -soil «hent snould be filler!
to a delrtb of ten inches with geed
top -soil content should be filled
will remain Dna Preeent the speed
01 brown spots t0 ota?r parts of ,tae
Transplant ng
''1ransOlanting dese.ves the gar—
dener's careful study, Almost 07
,plants will submit :0 it, firmed
Unite a few annuals resent the
procedure unless .uffic:cut earth
is carried along to prevent lis.
turbenCe to the roots. Even w'th
subjecs that tral,a)1ant eeedly,
saving as 03.111111 of the root system
lessens the shock. Never par1l11�
the root to dry daring removal
butt keep them shade,; with a wet
burlap bag. Always) replant,
promptly. In repeineing, spread
the roots in a natural position, and
especially beware of having the
ends turned up. writer thorough.
1y and 'protect for 4eveml trays
against drying out by the sun
and 'wind by placing an inverted bo
or flower Tot over tiie top.
Llllies•ofthe Varley
L•_11(es'oralle-Va11ey are among
the most prized of all garden pleme.
Once elatablished, they grow into
bele of considerable size. They
like shade or semi -.,lade and revel
in a moderately 01:1'c1 eon aliot,nd-
ing in Ieale loll, Feeding of estah•
Itched, beds is of the utmost import -
anew for an abundeut'0 of blooms.
A. complete planrt fleet or fertilizer
applied soon atter the blooms have
faded will restore the vanished food
When the beds became roe
crowded, lift out clumps at eig11,-
inch intervals) anti fill up the holes
with good cone : ,t sell, The
spreading root stocks will gtUck17
fill the open nine( :4. With (t 'gall-
op(' program of opening Up tale
Meriting, the enthe, cell in a bed
may be replaced completely within
the (-curse of four to six years
without losing any (fewer display,
We don't believe. that the "tv.'iters
of these three elate • ae(I. advor, 1-e.
meats Bald rust what the)
"WA,NTED--A y(11ng man to
look after a 'horse el the eletho•
diet persuasion," '
eLOST A eaane0 brooch, repro -
smiting Venus and ido1110 enlist
walking in Mete Pall. on S'mday
morning last."
wAN'r1)D— A w. en.,3, in the
far weird i:1 wash, iron and milk
two coeur."
Read It Or,Not
More Spanish guiltily are sold
in 11411131(1 411:1 14 I-1aW1111(1 guita1s,
Honolulu music dealers report.
East Wawanosh
(bunch islet in June 7th al: a
Court of Revision on the Assess.
meat roll, with all the members
pre=sent, Having been duly con-
stituh041 as a Court the clerk report-
ed that nu appeals of any fle;(:11p-
tlan had been received by hint 10
the time stipulated for tee{'1t'iue
sante, it was then moved by C'oen.
Beecroft and I11ack that the 4,434
meat rill be the authorized ass(• i-
ntent roll be the authorized aaricss-
Court of Itevisiou be closed.
jCouneil resumed and ordinary
busdness proceeded with minutesof
last meeting were read awl ap-
The Dept,. if Highways gave
notice that the amount of expendi-
ture on Twp. roads this season on
which a subsidy would be given
must, 1102. exceed 34600.00. A
promise was given that the usual
grant of $111,00 would be forthcom-
inv in aid or the 11411b,'ava school
The following accounts were
Advance -limes, advertising
N. Mc•Dowe11, salary
as Assessor 70.011
John Taylor, grading :1,20
John Currie, gr'ad'ing 11,20
Geo. Carter, grading 9.20
H. Perdue, lra@dap 2.60
John Penton, guard fence 1.90 1
Cliff Pardon, guar(! Peace 2.00 :
A. Cornelius, guard fence 1,70
Alex IR.obertson, blasting .... 50
Tp. W'• Wawanosh, (!ragging 30.00 '
3, C. Pardon, operating
Chas. Robinson, ornshllrg
gravel 2341 ;fit)
doe Kerr, trucking gravel 293,00
W. 'Walden, •weeping ......„, 3,111
gravel 19.40
Leonard Crook, draggil g 3.00
lt. Vineene, dragging
It, Vincent, ehedking grit...
H. )ttcllaunn, tblastiag
material ..,..••r_+r,•••
:1ICBurey, salary
W. C. Cox, eurveyjug
drain •,,. 1,00,
Sam Hutchinson, repairs .... 1,50
It, Ch&mney, gravel 11,a4
The Pedlar People, culve.t 30.02
Council will meet aga'ln on mon.
day, July 4th,
A, Porterfield, Clerk,
Willi N14SPAY' JUNJ4 lull 1.038
Better Look Qver
Your Bookcase
"1 give humble and )learty
thenlce for tide safe return of this
book, 44hicli havini, endttred the
Perils of airy friend's bookoas'e and
,the booketteee of lily feienil's
trioxide, now retnrxts t0 me to Tea-
sonably good Condition,
"I give humtple anti! Hearty
thanks 411at my friend did not see
fit to glue this hoot to his infant
ea a plaything, nor use it. aa• nn
etehii'ay for hie burning cigar, nor as
teething-ulvg for itis puppy.
'When I Tont. Oils book I deem-
ed it !oat. 1 was resigned to the
bitterness of the long parting, 1
never thouVltt to look upon its
pages again,
But now that my book is eaIno
RECIPES FOR REST back to me, I rejoice and am ex-
ceedingly glad, Bring hither the
fatted mn,00co and let us rebind
the volume and set it on the shelf
of bettor: 'For this my book was
lent, and is returned agitin.
',Presciely, therefore, 1 may re-
turn sonie of the hooks that i my-
self have borrowed."
ween at night you sleepless lie
And the weary hours drag by,
Lift your thoughts to (net abler.
Mending down to you in love,
Feel His presence by your bed,
His soft touch upon your head.
Let your last thought be a te i•1'
As you nestle in Ills care,
Ask Him ail your way to keep,
Then, why then (11(1p off to sleep.
Canada's birth rate has been
steadily (lecttl lac, te. the past 17
yl.ars, In 1921 01,. Canadian hd11i,
1•(R 1:. r 1,4uo 1::4 111at100 was 21'..i
s_ • 1h'. Yukon and Northwrs.
Territories, while .iu 1936 the figure
w1,, 211.
Moncrieff United Church
Friday, June 17th
Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m.
Entertainment by
The London Favourite Four
Pauline Wilson—Cellist
and Reader
IVlyrtle Armstrong—Violinist
Gladys Cornell—Contralto
Maybelle Smith—Pianist
Admission, Adults 35c
Children 20c
"Come Take
ti IUdEand
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lllu,erared—' Chevrolet Matter De LOX, Coach with trunk.
know you'll believe your own
eyes .. , your Own feelings .. ,
your own comparisons! ...
That's why we're so eager to have
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We know your eyes will tell you
Chevrolet is more beautiful—your feel-
ings will tell you it's safer, more spirited
PRICED $82 : (2•PaesertgerMaster
FROM artsines,4 46111)11%
MASTER DE LUXE MCI:at ,'ROM $892. Delivered at
factory, 0ehnwa, Ont. Government tax, freight and
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Motors Instalment flan.
and more comfortable—your compari-
sons will prove its superior quality and
workmanship—and all of them will tell
you, "It's the Best Chevrolet in (:hey
rolet history!"
So why not take the wheel—today!
Drive Chevrolet once, andyou'll want
to drive it always! We have a car all
ready for you.
* On Mester De Luxe Models.
TUNE IN..-.11t:1t0l.11' ),Inx'rtsn, tt,a.... Tramp.
(atlantic Bron(1e11ct from London, Englund ...Every
Tuesday Tvenlllg 0443' Canadian Broadcasting Cor.
pentane Network,
tiryai WhIttield,Thampi[d Garage