HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-6-15, Page 173-rootto Vogt POST PUBLISHING HOUSE BRUSSELS, ONTARIO VVEDNESDA"Y, JUNE 15th, 1938 Monerieff United Church GARDEN PARTY Friday, June 17th Supper served from 6 to 8 Entertainment by The London Favourite Four Pauline Wilson—Cellist and Reader Myrtle Armstrong—Violinist Gladys Cornell—Contralto Maybelle Smith—Pianist Admission, Adults 35c Children 20c p.m. GARDEN PARTY Will Be 'Held at the CRANBROOK Presbyterian Church Supper served from 6 to 8 followed by a program by The Lucky Seven Cowboys of Fergus Including— The Valley Boys—radio, harmony singers and comedians Guido Pellin-Accordianist Roe the Ventriloquist and Magician L. B. Salisbury—Manager Admission— Football ETHEL Vs. BRUSSELS On Friday, June 17 At Victoria Park, Brussels Game Called at 6.30 p.m. Admission — Adults 15c Children Free Come out and help the boys win DANCE IN BELGRAVE THURSDAY, JUNE 16 Music yy Jack Ernest ADMISSION — 25c St. John's Anglican Church Special Services Thursday, 16th June, at 8 p, m. Confirmation Service by Bishop Seager Sunday, 19th June at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Preacher Rev. Wm. Wallace, ..M.A. of Stratford The public is cordially invited to all of these services THE UNITED CHURCH REV. H. J. MAHONEY, Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a,m,—Church Service conducted by Rev. Charles Lewis, -B.A., B.D., of Klrkton, The .Evening Service is withdrawn in order that all may worship et St, John's Anglican Church Anniversary .June 29th—Beautiful motion pic- tures with .sound .,accompani- mentof the "Life of Christ" and the "Pasison Play? Th1s is not a commercialized program but a great Gospel Message, A Collection will be taken, B,D, REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING The effects of a South Sea Hurrt. cane on the Lives and loves of visitors and natives starring Oorothy Lamour Jon Hall Mary Astor in The Hurricane MON„ TUES., WED., Sylvia Sydney Joel McCree Dead End Humphrey Bogart Wendy Barrie Claire Trevor _Life is cheap — in this drama of death and defeat NEXT THURS., FRI,, SAT Alice Faye Tony Martini Sally, Irene & Mary Marjorie weaver Joan Davis Make merry with stars who ,sparkle in comedy and song 00 M I NC1— The Goldwyn Follies MATINEE SAT, Bo HOLIDAYS PEOPLE WE KNOW. essaseewseserreemereasevveleveweeseaer Mrs, R. S, Hamilton has gin:' to Edlhrouton, Alta„ for a Wien On, and Mrs, Harry Champion w'er'e Sunday visitors at Owen Sound, Mr. -Ralph Connor went to Toren- ' to Saturday to spend a week with relatives, Mr, and Mrs, B, 0, Macdonald u1 Cromarty were Suatley visitefe with Mrs. A. H. Macdonald and friends. ',Mr, and Mrs. Orville Drummond were Sunday guests of Dr, and Mrs', Pequegnat, Kitchener. Me, and Mrs. Thomas' Champion and von of New Yore are the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Champion, { Mr, Wilson, Kincardine, is p. lieving 'agent at the c. N, R. while Reeve W, C, Kerr is on his holidays. , Mrs, J, 1i, Short, Toronto, Out., ' was a recent visitor with her mother, Mrs. James Armstrong, Mr. and Mis. Edwin Abra of Owen Sound have spent the past weee with friends• and relatives in Brus- sels and vicinity. The Rev, J. Gralknnl attended a meeting of the Diocesan Board of Religious' Education of which he is the secretary, in London on Fiiday last, J, J. Strachan is home from To- ronto where he underwent a sec• eessirul operation for the removal of .ca,taraot, Dr, Clarence Hill being the attending surgeon, air, and :Mrs. Orville Drummond motored to Toronto last Thursday accompanied by Sirs. Druylirnmond's' mother, Mrs, Anthur Thompson, who has been the guest for a week, Mrs. J. Graham attended the Huron Deanery meeting of the Anglican church in SeaIorth last Friday, Mrs, Graham was 1'e. eleuted secretary of the Huron W.A. Mr, and Mrs. It. T. Armstrong, Winnliveg, Mane visited at the home of Mrs. James Armstrong, Flora St„ while touring Ontario on their va- cation, They weer accompanier) 'by Mr, and etre. W. J. Thompson, Auburn, Ont. The following attended the Ses- sions of the Spring Meeting of the Deanery of Huron, held in Seaforth on Friday last, Cr. and Mrs. John Bolger Mr. Harry Bolger, Mrs, \'l, Hunnpbries, Mrs, Edgar Hollinger and Ms. J. Graham, • Owing to Mr's, Dark being laid aside with Sciatica and unable Ni care for her sister-in-law Mrs. Gord- on, site has gone to reside with Mrs•, Lamtont where Mss. Gordon will be cared for for a time at least, Garden Party Friday, June 24th To Be Held on the Lawn of BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH Supper Served 5.30 Brussels Band In, Attendance During Supper Hour SOFTBALL GAME Following Supper Wroxeter Vs. Brussels 3 -Act Play 'Marrying Anne' presehted by members of W. A. of Union -Chuch in Town Hall at 8.30 Admission — Adults 35c Children 200 A TREAT FOR EVERYBODY Big Boxing Night at Palace Rink, Seaforth Saturday, June 18th at 8 p.m. John Holland, St. Columban vs. Jack Messenger of Monkton (160 Ib crabs) School Boy Sharrett of London vs. Dan Johnston, of St. Thomas (160 lb class) Ted Carrol, of Dublin vs. Battling Simpson of London (140 ib class) One other major Bout from London Guaranteed at190Th WRESTLING Joe Scott, London Vs. Elmo Johnston of St. Thomas Both Dominion Finalists 2 Local Fly -weight Bouts at 90 and 75 'lb Jerry Holland of Dublin will again announce ADMISSION ,,•.w 355 Single Copies 5c 11 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS NOTICE ! The Ethel '1'resbyterlon Church Ire holding thole annual Garden Panty on Wednesday, June 290. Keep this chute open, advt. !Brussels Earns One -All Draw Brussels and Mildmay divided two points In a Huron Football League game played in 121ldmay Tuesday night, Aleter Haruki Howard, Mildnlay's centre forward, had scored a goal in the drat half, his mates held Brussels scoreies until within about three minutes of full time, when Brussels tied tine score. Annual Masonic Church Service The ,annual Masonic church ser - elm of St. John's Lodge, No. 281. A. F, and A, M. took place in the United' church, Brussels', on Sunday evening with the pastor, Rev, H. J, Mahoney eondueteng the service. Members of the local lodge to. geltlier with visiting brothers from (Xenia lodges attended, Rev. H, J. Mahoney delivered a splendid appropriate discourse, A delightful solo was contriauted by L. W. PJelrmier, Bad Accident At Dangerous Corner Kenneth Shurrie, his Lather, end Gordon Murray of Walton are sat Tering Injuries received in a ca: accident which took place, at the lee corner south of Brussels, early Saturday afternoon, The car driven by Murray was travelling north on tlit. gravel road while ear driven by len. Shurrie, accompanied by his father was crossing the gravel roan goiug west. The impact sent both cars off the road into the ditch. All Ehree Hien were knocked tllnconsdious. Murray is suffering from a severe gash across Iris chin and chest 'in- juries, Kenneth Shurrie reecived a bad bump on the Merit and his father suffered slight shock. Both cars, while neither one up- set were badly damaged, Trail", Officers. Lehrer of Clinton and G, Evans of Di -masts were notified at once. Walton, Atwood Soccer Winners In Huron League Clinton Drops, 2-1 Decision At Walton; Ethel Blanked On Home Grounds Walton and Atwoote turned in valuable wins in the Huron Foot- ball League Monday night. Walton scored two goals In the second half, to ecru tt 2-1 decision met- Clinton on 11ralton's home grounds. At 13111(1, the. visiting Atwood team blanked the )tome team, 2.0, 'rhe Ethel teuen was under -staffed be- cause of absence iron. The village or one player, and lnjune4' of two others. Walton Defeated Clinton Walton refeated Clinton 2.1, in a keenly -contested Huron Football League fixture in Walton Mouday night, Carter and Steins gave the home team Chair victory by booting goals in She second half. The ivalton teatu's line-up was; Goal, Taylor; iacks., I•Iolland, Struthers; centre, Stc:iss: wings, Carter, Dar- ling, 13i11 Farquharson, mein Far= qultarson; sobs' Marshall, Sin.tlldnu, Referee, W, 11. 'Bid' 13e11. llrusaels, Ethel Blanked Atwood gave I3lhel n 2-0 beat t,11 hi a Iluron Football League game played in Ethel Monday night, The visitors were full value for thee' having most of 1111 play-, 13lhrl's squad was not at full s'trnnnth for the game, Cliff Dun- bar was absent In "Detroit, and Roy Pearson was unable to siert the genie, Imeans'c of an injured bark, To add to the home tennt's trouble', Ralph.Pearson suffered stn injtn'y' to his knee, vve Mules after the game got under way, non was for, rrcl to retire. The Ethel team lined up ns fel- 'owe; Goal, Snell; 'backer, hill, Mat - toy; halve -4, „Mettles: Dobson, Row- land; centre, Attlee; wings, ;nyder, Bowes, .7. Dunbar, Coli'; subs. R. Pearson, Raynnrrl, Dave Miller Of llrnssrele refereed the sante, • Lucky Winner At tan McDonald's Three persons' were 1 Ib, ou' acid a tie for the Beef Quailer Guessing Coolest in Ian McDonald's on Sat urday, The three persons were Betty Kirby, Jas, Herr, M1s'e An- dy Jecklin 9th Grey. On a draw to decide the whiner Mrs, Jaekltn proved the lucky one and won a fine Smoked Ham, -- Women's Institute The Brussels Monieu's Institute are holding their June meeting on lune 23rd, Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, in the Public Library. The motto is to be taken by Mrs', Wltbut Turnbtull, The Roll is to be an- swered by "An Agricultural Pro- duct which is expo.ted,'' We are to be especially favored by an ad- dress to be given by Mr. Ian AIc- Leod, Agricultural Representative of the County, There is to Pe other interesting program, The members are all urged to attend and al Mile ladies' in the community are invited to be present and meet the Representative. United Church W. M. S. The regular meeting of the Wo- man's Missionary Society of the United Church was ]held on nearly afternoon, June 10th, The meet- ing was in change of the Home Helpers, In the absence of the President, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Proc- tor presided. Scripture lesson wi•s read by Mrs, A. Armstrong, Mrs, S. wheeler and Adelene Cardiff a'onedered solos, accompanied by Mary Davidson, Miss alae Skelton gave a very interesting report of the Branch Meeting which was held in London early in May. At the close of the meeting a dainty 1tmoh. was served by airs P. A. McArthur and committee at: charge. Special Seryice In St. John's Anglican Church Attention is drawn to the nicer• tisement in another column in this paper regarding special services ;o be held in St, John's Anglican Church nn Thursday evening or• this week and also on next Sunday, 0n Thursday evening at eight o'- clock 131sbop Seager will be here for confirmation when the rector 01 at. John's, the Rev, John Graham tl•Ill vesent some twenty young People for 911e Apostolic Rite of the "Laying On of Hands'," as found in the eighth and nineteenth chap'ers o£ the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, and in the sixth chapter of the lOpisdle to the Heh ewe. Other clergy of the Deanery hove been invited to take part in th service, and it is expected th.lt a large number of peons will oe present. And on Sunday next the nine- teenth of June, anniversary services will be held in at. J'ohn's Chute 11 at 11.00 tem., and 7.00 pane to ctem- atemorate the seventy-eighth anni- versary, when the special cpresener will be, the Rev, William Wallace of Stratford, .11r, Wallace is n1 elranl;er to Brussels', hnving ems ducted Harvest 't'httnitsgivting ser- vices on more than one orceeior, and again it is essec'ted that ruga congregations will be present. The public Is cordially invited t t any or all of these special services. St. John's Guild The regular monthly 1110511ns; et the Ladies Guilt) was held at the 110u1e of Mrs. I1, Bryan with a tale nunilber pr08eni, On e'count of the absence of the President. the vice-president, airs, George Davie took charge of the meeting, The meeting was. opened 51111 prayer Mittel by Mrs, Davis. A passage of sc•t'iplure was reaJ by lits, Graham, The minutes of the !prat/lolls Meet- ing writ' rend and aal00ted. The ladles• donated toward a box of fruit to be sent to Mrs. Coleman, who has been quite 111, ret was decided that the Guilt) hold a eniscellaneons .shower at Iii Aagust leveling, suitable for tee homer, A teeand butte sale was. planned, Annual Live Stock Judging Competition The 12th annual Huron County Live Stock Judging Cotnpetitiul was held in the Clinton district on Friday, June 10th, under the direr tion of the Huron County Branch of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture, 99 boys' tools part in 11110 competition 101ch 11515 ()pen 10 1111 boys in the County 26 years or age and under, Two classes each or heavy horses, beef cattle, 'dairy cattle steep and swine were judged on the following farms; J. H. McEwen. Wiles= Ball, Ephraim Snell and Willis VanEgnnond, In addi'ion to the above farmers Will M^.Ewep. Clinton and Edward Glen, Clinton supplied animals to complete two classes of horses. The judges who placed the clays. es and scored the contestantsto oral reasons are as' follows: Heavy Horses, R. ee, White, Dept. of Agriculture, Stratford, Beef Cattle, R. S. IticKercher, Dub- lin, Dairy Cattle, C. R. Peterson, Dept of Agriculture, Walkerton. Sheep, T. S. Cooper, Department of Agriculture, ivlarkdale, Swine, Wilson Richmond, 'Whyte Packing Co., Stratford. The prize list was divided into junior and senior sections, 22 boys. taking part in the junior section and 27 boy's competing in the senior section. In each section a sliver trophy W11.5 awarded to the high boy and five cash prizes of $5, $4, $3, $2, $1, were awarded to the next rank- ing individuals, Mr. John Deeves, Clinton, won the silver trophy in the senior section with a score of 701 points out of a possible 750. and Jack Ferguson of Clifford won the trophy in the junior section wits a score of 666 points, The C.N.E. Shield for the high novice was aloe won by Jack Ferguson as he hag never previously taken part to the annual coin•petitiou. The following were the six prize winners in each section of the prize ilii• Seniors— - Silver Trophy—John Deeves, Clinton Cash Prize $5—Alf Patterson, Lucknoty $4—W, Shortreed, Walton $3—Donald Thompson, Auburn $2—Albert Taylor, Luckuow $1—,S, D. McEwen, Clinton, Juutors— Silver Trophy—Jock Ferguson, Clifford Cash Prize $55—Joe Delaney, Dublin $4—Clifford Sturdy, Godericli $3-1t. E. McMillan, Seaforth $2—Gordon Shortreed, Walton $1—John Wolsh, Dublin Book prizes were awarded to the high Junior and high Senior in each of the live glasses of live eland. judged, In the judging o7 beet cattle, Russell wen, Lucknow, 111 the Junior section and Alfred Pat- terson, Lucknow, in the Senior section, each received a copy a3 the book 'Shorthorns in Canada," py the Hon, Duncan Marshall, Copiee of the book 'Feeding Farm Animals' by the Hon, Duncan Marshall were awarded to .the high contestant; in the ostler four classes of live stock and were won as follows': Seniors— Horses—Wilfred Shortreed, Walton Dairy Cattle—S, D. McEwen, Chilton Sheep --John Deeves, Clinton. Swine --Edison Forest, Kiipipen Juniors--- Horses—Jack Fcrgls'on, Clifford Dahy Cattle --Waller llovlauus, Goderlcl't Sharp-- R. 13, MrMillen, Sea!orth Swine—Clifford Sturdy, Godericti NsKesNsNtiNsN1 e,MNMM/NM for July ninth, JIOrI' the business, the Seem the remainder of the anon gthilling, The raveling was closed after 11111111 a dainty Butch NM served by the hotetess. Mrs. Graham moved a vole of thanks to Mrs. Bryan for having the Guild, The July meeting is to be held at Mis, Watson's, July the seventh. ladies Mies BIRTH WARD—Ta Mr, and Mrs, Walter Ward, Grey Twp., on Wethnesbay, June Sth, thee. Greta Hulley a daughter, Fair Dates for Huron County Are Announced i I Dates for the annual School Fairs I' in Hlirori 00110ty w'ere announced j by Ian MenLeod agricultural i•epre- sentative for the county. Prize lists have been given to the printers I and will he ready shortly. Lass Year all the 5011001 fairs in. Huron were cancelled owing to the polio - The The date for this year's fairs are as follows': Grand Bend, Sept. 15: Heneall, Sept. 16; Beigrave, Sept, 20; Gonne, Sept, 21; St. Helens, Sept, 22; Curries Corner, Sept. 27; and 'Carlow, Sept. 28 Dates for Fall Fairs in the county this year are announced as fol- lawsa Clifford Sept. 16-17 Blyth ••. Sept, 16-17 Goderich Sept. 20.21 5551 111 Sept. 22,23 Exeter ....Sept, 23-29 Balfleld Wingltem Sept.Sept, 28.28.3929 Brusgels Sept. 29.30 LacknowSept, 29-30 Kirkton Sept, 2980 Fordwich .......,.. Sept, 30.0ot. 1 'Lunch Oct, 3.9 Dungannon . Oct, 0.7 The dates for ail these fairs have been veelfied by the secretaries or the various societies, except Exeter, learkton and Zurich. The dater for these three fairs are only tentative, and are subject to revision. Teeswater W M S. of Knox Church Celebrates Diamond Jubilee The W. M. S. of Knox Presby- terian church Teesevater celebrated their Diamond Jubilee on Wednes- day, June 8th with a registration of over 250. The President, Mrs. Good presided, DevoOione were conducted by Mrs, G, K. Anmstrong, Teeswater, reading psalm 46 and pnayer by Miss McCallum of Kin- cardine. airs, Dever, Teeswater welcomed the members at visiting auxiliaries in a few well chosen 'words, Greeting were brought fon Mast - land W.M.S. Presbyterial by the President, Mrs. Kenneth MacLean, Wl ng'ham and 'Mrs, S. Brill extend- ed greetlings from the W.M.S. of the United Church, In the absence of the pastor Rev, J, D. WSLkee, greetings were brought frons the session of the church by Mrs, S. D. Stobo, Mrs. Linklater gave a btied and interesting- outline ,of the activities of :the organization for the past sixty years. Mrs, Rev, J. D. Wilkee, Tees - water was the special speaker for rtite occasion and spoke on the work in leetvnosa, The display of Chinese and Japanese antdrles proved an interesting feature of the ,programme, •Musical numbers were presented by mensbers of the C. G. I. T. group under the Ieader- ship 01 the organist Mrs,IShtg, Mrs, W, H, Arkell presented Life Meme bership oertilicettes to Mrs, Andrew Mr'Kague from her fellow workers and tdMlss' Mary Reta from her ,grandmother, 'Mrs, MacDonald who is. the only surviving charter mem- ber of the Society. 1VIrs, 3"an. 'Cense on behalf of the ctna11eary extended a few words of appreciation to all ivho had assist- ed in making the occasion a suc- cess, ,Mrs. Alex, Stestehan, of Brussels Honorary President of the Ptosby- terfel offered the closing 6irayer. The gnes,ts were invited to the lecture rooms e,w,hich was tttstotully decorated in white, gold and purple. A three story birthday cake orna- mented the centre table, A dainty lunch was served and a social time enjoyed, Melville Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, JUNE 19th the services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. wlil be conducted by Rev, Mr, Murray of Beauharnois 10 a.m.—Suhday School All Members and Adherents are Invited to Attend these Sere/Igoe