HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-6-8, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST
Written for the. Post By Our Own Correspondents
The June 'meeting of the W. M.
S. of Knox church was' held et the
Moine of 'tit's, D. Heather, The
meeting opened with eInghlg of
a tam and, the Scrilituro leasee 1
read by Mrs, Wmt, Rwandan, Urs? 1
1I, Hunter led in prayer and the nol,
call was answered with a Yeree o
scripture, A. story was, given by
Mrs, J, Keys; The topic was. gIvc1{
by Mrs'. 10, Olmstead. Mrs' 0,
Evens, gave an 'interesting stay.
After the minutee' of 'the last meet-
ing were read, the offering wee' re
eeivecli and Mrs, D, Huether closed
the meeting with pr'ay'er, The Jul,
meeting will he held at the home
of Mrs; George Evans.
Rev, W. A. and Mrs, Williams/
were in Toronto last week. Mr:
llnillltams returned to Toronto again
this week to attend the meeting of
the General Aseemibly,
1MM1esee. Mee Fischer and Elnned
WllUfenra, Stanley Fischer and Ivo
Williams attended the Leadership
training claw's' in Teeswater eien•
day night,
Among the. many who attended
the nurse's Graduation. at Clinton
were Bev. A. G. Robb and itis
.Mies Mary Edith Garuiss one of
the graduates is a member of Itis
The many friends of Mr. Henry
Daemon are glad to hear h'is health
is improving anter having his cye
removed in London, Mr, Beaman
returned loane last week.
Mr, Robert Shaw, Bhtuvale,
preached in the absence of Rev
The Browntov.'n church Is holding
its, service at 10 a.nt, and Sunday
School at 11 am. instead of the
afternoon services.
tenets' M. Olive Slott presided at
the Ladies' Md meeting on Tl:urs
day afternoon and opneed the meet-
ing With singing "What A Friend
We have In Jesus,' and prayer, The
repents from the 'four circles show
the amount raised this' quarter tc
be $51.11. Several items' of busi-
ness wee discussed, flower eoneeit-
tees were appointed for the sum-
mer. each circle being responsible
for 0month,
The most Important iteral of bus-
Ineas was uhe decision to hold a
garden party in connection with
the eightieth anniversary of the
congregation on Jane 21st. At the
close or the business session the la-
dies, of the Tutnberry Circle xerved
a cafeteria lunch and all enjoyed u
anoint hour.
Guests with Miss^ Fowler for the
meetings were Airs. Dale, \valtcn;.
:Alis[;' Galbraith, Miss Clara I'lr.te--
ney, elm, Reed, Mrs. McMillin and
Hiss Jean Scott, Sealortit, and Mrs.
N. L. 1'1tclLatighlin, Wingham; \^Irs.
D. J. Fa.lcaner and Miss Betty Ann
and Mrs. Cameron Lnbl'es, Lietowel.
Mess Florence Fowler aliened her
hone on Thursday afternoon for the
monthly meeting of the W. M. S
of Knox Prestbeterlan dbUreh,; The
president, Mrs, MowbttY, presided,
After .singing a hymn the president
read, the Scripture lesson and' Mrs.
J. R, Greig offered prayer. An love
t,'1rt0n wee received Erni the Teen
warier W. el, 5, ^to attend the six-
tieth anniversary of the organiza-
tion, 'Mrs, '11'Iow'bray and AOlse.
Hazel Mundell wee a committee ate
pointed to arrange transportation
,Mins, W, S. Davidson, the supply
secretary, reported that all E'nppldea
for the allocation were received, in
including $2 in cash, 'Mies Jeau
Miellurney had cha'r'ge of current
ears, W, H. AI'OWhlnney gave an
interesting cl'egctitptien of an Am.
CtCcsri 'mission Vcheol -at Moga, in
the Punjab, lndia, where boys were
taught to cook and serve, They
wet3 educated in the art of farm-
ing, reed work and business prim
espies, as well as' being trained 10
be god Christian •cit.izene, The
meeting closed with prayer.
niltttcl0y visitors: ell., and Airs,
\v 11 ITu'ttdn;ieou, Toronto, with Me
ate Mrs. Robert Hutchison; Airs.
Mille, Auburn, with her dttngieter,
11is; Jas. J0hnsl,on; Miss Attnte
(l:t1g, night superintendent Walker.
to General Ilospital, with het
brother, Rev, J. R. Greig and Ae',
Grdlg; ate. Mid M1'e A. V, 1towbray
and Mr, and Mts, TCenneth Mowbray
end elbild'ren With Mr, Med 11x4'
Alex, Alnwbree; Mrd, lllaileh COs
1;6110, 1Nnittrelllt wvt11 Mf, gild 411.
George Thornton; Mrs. Alice Alt -
ken visiting her brother, Miss Dor.
oily Mitten at Drayton; Mies Irior-
ence Fowler witLi her cousins, the
Musses' Cresswell, at Seaforth,
Mr, and Mrs. Russel Currie, Mrs'.
Jas. Bryansa, Mr. Robert Currie and
Mies M'arlita 'Currie motored to
H'aonitton on Saturday where they
attended the funeral of Mrs. Earl
Sunl:thh, 1Sbe may be known better
to the people of the community as
Velma Bayne,
NIr, and. Mr's, Frank Duncan and
tV11sa Velma Duncan spent Sanday
in ,'Paesevater visiting Sant Bell .and
IMr. and MI•s. Van Hopper and
family have returned to Detroit at -
ter spending the past, week at the
home of Jas. Bryans,
Joe Brewer was in Windw'0r this;
Misses, Betty Currie and Velma
Duncan spent Monday at Pinkerton,
The Ladles' Guild of Trinity
Anglican Churchheld their regular
monthly meeting and,a 10c tea at
the 'house of Mrs. W. J. Cole en
Thursday 'afternoon. After the
regular business session a short
programme was, presented, A
reading by Mrs, W. Brydges; u
Plano duet by Airs. W. Vaucamp
and Miss Nora Vencamp; a paper
by less Nora Vancem,p, a :esding
b3' airs. w, Scott; a duet by Mr's,
C. Wade and Mee N. Geddes Tea
wae'th'en served to about eighty and
a social time enjoyed. A veto 01
thanks' was extended to :Mrs, Colo
and Mrs: Montgofer•y 'for their
kind hospitality.
The closing meeting for the year
of the A. Y. P. A. wee held in 'the
school room in the form of a socia;,
The election of officers: took place
we follows: Patron, Rev, A. I-1.
O'Neil; Pres„ Jessie Pauline. vice•
pres., Jeanette Adams; areas„ .Robe
Paulin; presrs sec., Mrs. Wesley
Paulin; sen„ Helen Milligan; organ.
lei, Isobel Milligan; captains, Wes-
ley Paulin, 13111 Idur'tln,
Irwin Du'rstt is a patient in Toren.
to General Hoepital,
Mrs. Frank Morton and son, Em•
pire, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
S. Griffith,
The June meeting of the Il. F.
W. 0. will be held at the hone of
I[a•s. Andrew Coutts on Wednesday,
June letele at 2 pan. The topic
'Musk in Our Homes,'' to be taken
by 1Ims. C. Cumming and Roll Call
to be answered by "Our favourite
On Wednesday evening of list.
week a very- enjoyable social even-
ing was held by the members of 5•t.
Georgets 'Church, in the home at
Mr, and 111rs, Wm. Humphries, The
first part of the evening was spent
In playing orokinole and other
games atter which a program was
given by the following, Beth Shan-
non, Mary Humphrey, Hugh Shan-
non, airs. Graham, Jimmie Kelly,
a sketeh by Mrs Ilollinger, George
Poliktrcl, Mary Humphrey and Beth
Shannon, there was also community
singing. Refresh^meats were seri,
ed, there was a splendid attendance.
and a 1nos4 enjoyable eveuiug was
spent., Mr, Graham moved a
hearty vote of thanks to Mr. and
A•frs. Hunitrhrey for the use of etch'
home and also to those conhibutiug
t0 the program,
'Mr. 0111,11 MIs, Roy '1.nwson and
Minion vltilted at the home r1' AIr,
and Mrs. W. d3roatyfoot on Sunday
Quite a number from this vicinity
twit in the circus at Stratford last
Dane forget the lbe Cretan Social
at Wesley Ste.phenson's on June 14.
A'lt', elle airs.. Lawson end dnngle
ter, frc.nr t5eador'tlt were *deers
width =Sir, llrott foot' and Olivet
Mrs, Fnnly Stewart, Senforth and
Sin's. Janes 17. Stewart, Calgary and
and' Mr's. Chester Ilend.n'sen
and, son from Melelllop were
visitors pith Mrs. David G Clark,
The union United Church will
hold, annual Garden Party Jute' 2e,
'rIlo Excelsior Querlotle Of Palmer:
ate \VIII pd'011fltlt entirely new 01(11
dlfteront program, ten :Gurrtllor tl(lvt,
The s'howe'a of t'aln, although
frequent, are in general, coneidered
yenenelal for the pre3'ent time.
Rev, 14. 'Shell, returned from
church cou.ferent:e tit Gha0810 'to
take the regular servlcee last Sun-
day, at home, Ethel United church
Ethel Mllclnay game of foot-
ballplayed on Ethel grounds, Tues-
day, May 31st, resulted In a win fur
Ethel by a one goal lead.
The 'funeral of the late Mrs. Julia
Menzies' :held from the home of her
daughter, .Mrs'. Alex McDonald, 2nd
con, Grey Twp., to Brussels ceme-
tery, was egieptionally largely at
tended, ,sbocang conclusively the
high, regard in which she hal been
held, in every community, in life's
The arrival of a foal, on Juue
41h, increased the equine stock of C.
F. Hansuld. Fortunately the little
animal is, normally O.K.
Harvey Dobson is enjoying. the
accomenodaillon of a Willys,Knight
car, recently purchased.
B, F, Carr went on a motor trip
to Stratlirl during the past ,week.
Ethel Pesbyterian church talent,
presented the play Dotty and Daffy
to a Cranbrook audience Tuesday
of this week under the aus'plces of
Cranbrook Presbyterian church.
Ethel football •teams went to
Mildmay, for the league schedule re-
turn game, Friday, June 3rd, Mild-
may won, 'scoring two goals to the
Mi r i
su Fed S ie•
a br,
c e 1 i, Brantford,
was guest at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. P. N. Currie ovee the week-
The Associate Ilelpers Meeting of
the W. M. S. of Ethel Uaiten
Church was held on Thursday at.
ternoon, June and in the Sunday
School Auditorium. The Vice-
president, Mrs, H. Speiran, presid-
ed and 21 ladies were present,
The 'meeting •was opened with
hymn 513 and prayer. The minutes
of the lash meeting were read and
approved and the Roll Ca11 answer
eel with a favourite verse.
Following the business period
a very interesting Temperance
Dialogue was gtiven by Mrs. JOS'.
Pearson, Sirs. Q. Dobson, Mrs. H.
Love and^ &Irs. Jas, Pearson, A
resionslve sprayer .followed. A
number of Daily Thoughts on Tem-
Peranee were given gy several
The meeting closed with hymn
389 and the Benediction. After
'the meeting a 15c tea was Served.
tete June meeting of the Wo.
men's' .l'Iissionery Society 01 Mon.
Crieff United Church was belt at
the hone of Mrs. Ken, McLean.
The meettog opened with the use
of hywn 490, which was followed
wtih the Lord`s prayer in unison
Hymn 501 was sung and the scrip-
ture reading was 'taken by Airs, Jno.
McLean. A duet was sung by
Lillian and Wilma Iiarris'on, The
se0retttry* called the roil and gave
a report of the minutes of the last
meeting, renewing which the offer-
ing was received. The topic was
taken by Mrs. Alex Seiran and the
cleetng Myren 259 wes sung, The
closing prayer was. repeated by Mrs,
H, Lnd'dington, '(the ladles aid then
ltelel their monthly meeting,
Set -vices In ,the United Church
were held morning and evening
with the pastor, Rev R, A. Brook
In charge. The evening service
was taken franc the story of Pente-
The Sunday school had . a large
attendance, Tine orchestra a,,else
ed with the tingling and gev0 a site -
dal nttmbe',
Tire Anglican s'erviee was heel
on Stnukty morning with Rev, R.
Al. Weekee' pies,:cling. Conrmuniotl
was dispensed at This service.
Woele ne11 tormented' en M.ondaY
emitting ,to remove the old tions in
the ecalnol room of United 011110011
in preparation for laying a new
hardwood door. Other repairs will
also be made,
Vt:a:tors in town and vicinity over
the week -end '.were; Irene A'aylor.
nurs e-in•ttytlittug (n Goderlah 1106-
p:tpl, with her Iglrenta', lir, Intl
Mee, hoer. T4iy'1or1 MItt9 Zelda
Scott, Toronto, wee her father.
Riahartl Scott; Mrs. Buffett anti
children of ililchtgUn, also Mre, 0,
Coal e -v and all ROI er, Ilei„''; we.
with their parents, Sir, and -airs.
1't, c, Alcacalmn; .lanes' Mc Gill,
who has been a student Art West-
ern University, London, is spending
hoL1'dsays with hie parents, Mr, and
Mr's. James, McGill, East Wawa.
nosh; Mrs, Maize and children.
Enid' and Neil, of Montreal were
guests, of Mr, and rs. George
NAM VIONIANW44414.4144 4•441144/1.11,44
MDs'q Ipvelyu Cunningham, Reg
N„ Brantford, was p, weekend
great at her home here.
'Miss Nellie, Jardine, Horashy
was the guest of iter sister, 'firs W.
S. Soots.
Mr. and Mrs, A, Jamree, (1111101
spinet Sunday at .the home of Ma
and Mrs: Win. Little,
Dick McCracken, who went to
New LIsbeard a short titre ago, has
been seriously ill.
Mr, and Mrs, A; Wilson, Heim
Baeker and D. C. \Valerick r1 ere
Sunday visitors' in Stratford.
Mr. Sue Ward of Windsor Is at
present in town. His parents were
residents. here some fifty years ago,
'Miss Helen Baeker and D. C.
3 'irwiek attended the Lourloi
Horse Show held at Medway Farms
last Saturday.
Mr. anal Mrs, 13. 0. McDonald and
sons, Cromarty were Sunday visit
ors with the former's mother Mrs.
A, H, Macdonald.
Mr. and Mrs. F, Meyers and a•Iiss
M, B1Lbtt, Toronto were Sullday
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. S. Warwick.
Misses R. Clegg, B. Reynolds', L,
McLellan and Mdse. Carrie McCrack-
en,, Toronto, were weekend guests
the home of ,the latter.
'\^Irs, L, Eokmier and Glen, Greta,
Velma and Helen of Toronto were
Sunday visitors at the home of the
former's. mother, Mrs', E. McKelvey
coming for Decoration day.
%It's^, lata Lowry attended the
Convocation 'Ceremonies at West-
ern University, London last week
Her nephew, D, Metson Sharpe.
graduated in medicine. He will be
an interne in Hamilton Hostpital.
ale, Chas'. Dodds, Palmy Beach,
Cal., is, the 50081 of her sister,
Mrs, ee Baeker, Mrs. Dodds leaver
New York an June 17, on a trip to
Scotland, She will visit in Ed;n-
hut'gh until September,
Mrs. Jack Mitchell and son Wil-
liam from London, Mary Smith sls-
ter of Mrs. Kerney aleo of Lemke.
and 'Mrs. R. W. ,C4•oome, Thistle.
town visited, 1^lr, and Mrs. F. leer
ney, one day last week,
Mies. Florence Buchanan left on
Thursdtay for Detroit, where she
will join Mr. and Mils. W. 13u-
cbanan and, children on a motor
trip to Delorance, where they will
visit Dr. Harvey and Mrs. Buchan-
an for three weeks,
Passed away in ,Torotno, on May
31st, ',hiss Carrie Ross, R,N„ daugh-
ter of the late Dr. Ross of Clifford
and a cousin to the late Caroline
McDonald of Winghanl, her mother
was a cousin of the late Wm,
Old friends' of Jim Lowry's wit: be
glad tri hear he has' been pronated
to Buyer for Marshall Fluid Cn.,
Chicago. He sails on the Man-
hattan from New York, for Efglend
and France on June 15 test, Jim
is the yeugest son of Mrs. Ida
7drs. Jamas' 'Merkley and see
Floyd of Waterloo event the week.
end: at the home pf Mrs, D. Be:lg
ley, the Iadtes, are sisters and Mr.
and Mrs. Line Tiekeatle and three
chi ides n of Kitchener, They all
called cat Mrs' C. Sproat of Wrov
eter, another sister also with Earl
and his wife. Tltey spent a fern•
Iat Delmore, their old home
Frank Farrow. son 0f Mr, and
Mrs, Robt, Farrow, fell off his, bi-
cede ellen a petite broke. He suffer-
ed a double fracture of the arin, He
Is' to Clinton 'hospital, Frank Is
having more ^than his share of
trouble. 'Be suffered Mr a nn.uber
et months last year from a `teflon'
broken Itm,b and alma had an arm
brolten previously,
alas. Mildred Logan, a remelt
,lune bride had the honor of being'
the (Inst bride to go from the
eadie,a' Dowiing Club siuee its
ofgandzartton 1n 1937, As such
site was. lienorce by the club 111011.
bees' and made the recipient o•° an
electric glilotle when a committee
all ladies with Mrs, 0. Sonars as
11011001101' called neon 'her at her
home and manly the pressse'tititdon
['houtgb Miceli completely by sur-
prise 'Mildred 0xdlr00504 her thanks
and anlire:rlfhloll el the t11t111'9' reg
Round Trip Bargain Fares
Fri. & Sat., June 17th & 18th
To Oshawa, Bowmanviile, Port Hope, Cobuurg, Trenton Jct„
Belleville, Napanee Kingston, Ganatrogne, Brookville, Preecatt,
Morrisburg, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay, Petoxemro, Oamnbeiltford,
Newmarket, Penetang, Coling,wood, Meodord, Barrie, GMIlia, Mid.
land, Gra'venthurstt, Bracebr'ddge, Huntsville, Calendar, Norlfll Bal.
Parry Sound, Sudlbury; all towns in New Ontario on line of Tennis:
kamying & Northern Ontario Blly., Niplseing Central Riy., Kapieloaa
hag, Lowglao, Naleina, 1lashata, Sioux Lookotut, Gerakibon, J'elllcop
Beardmore, Foie Arthur. Meoford, Barrie Orillia, Meaford,
Gravenhure'd, Bracebridge,
Sat. June 18 to TORONTO
Also to Brantford, Chatham, Cheslery, Clinton, Durham, Ske-
sseter, Fergus Godericlb, Guelph, He nilbIi n, Hanover, Harniaton0 Inger
soli, Kincardine, Kltcbener, London, IAsbdwed, Mitchell Niagara
Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Pares, Port Eein. St.
Cah1iatines, St Mary'a, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Stratlhroy,
Walkerton, Weirton, Wtingham, Woodstock.
For Fares, Return Lirmbts, Train Information, Trinkets, consult
nearest Agent,
For Fares. Return Limits, Train Intonnadon. Tickets. consult nearest Agent. See Handbill,. 9
Mr. Henry Weissburst, popular
Listowel businessman, is nun . of
these new Canadians• who is thor-
oughly appn•evkil ug the privilege of
living in Canada„ Coming here from
Frankfort -on -Main, Germany, in
1924, Mr, \veissbur'stt was uaturaliz-
ed, nine years' ago and he pardon-
ably boasts he would not sell his
Canadian eiazenslrip for one million
dollars, Many times that much
money would not buy the personal
liberttpes and freedom that Canad-
ians enjoy, he says.
Harbinger and Stewartensia go
quickly those wanting these are •
to secure ,thein early.
Our Zinnias', Dabliaelonvered, Fan.
tasy and IPom pen are beautiful for
Beds or Boquets,
Phone Carlow 235, Stewart Bros.
Benmiller Nurseries
Six years have passed since
Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth, was
opened for Divine Worship. The
corner ,shone leas laid cadet
ic auspices' by the D. D. G. e1, of
the A. F. & A. M, on July 1st, 1878,
a'nd the first Service was held' in
the. Church on Sunday, December
29111, 1878, with the. appointment of
the first Rentor, the Rev. W1111anr
Many changes, have taken place in
the Church and in the Community
s:nc'e Trinity first opened its doors,
Many of 'the early pioneers are
new with the Church Triumphant,
In grateful remembrance• of all
those who have laboured for this
Church in the past sixty years, and
in grateful thanks to Almighty God
for the many bleseougat vouchsafed,
Stpecpol Services `will be held oa
Sunday. June 13th, at 11 a,m. and
7,30 p,m. The Rector, the Rev, R.
M. Weekes, will preach at the mn:n-
ing Set -vitae, and the guest soloists
will be 31r, V, M. Bray and Mr.
Stanley Sibtlloiipe, A forayer Rec-
tor, the Rev. W. H. Hartley, t,,The.,
Rector of the 'Church of the Mes-
sitnh, ICincardine, will be in charge
of the egening Service. AIr. James
McCrae, of Belgte.ve, will offer a
vocal solo, and a ladies' quartette
coasts:lug of Mesdames. C. Wade,
N, Geddes., N, Montgomery and R.
el. Weekes, will sing,
As far as on be learned, the fist
Anglican Service was, held in Myth
in the year 1860, wheu a young
Irish mis' lneery, namely, he Rev.
Carmichael walked from Clinton to
hold Services' there, Rew. Car-
michael was afterward conseet'ateI
Archbishop o1 Montreal and' Pri-
mate of all Cattalo.
For ninny years. Services' were
held' In the Orange Hall two and a
half ;miles' north of Blyth., until in
1878 the congregation decide) to
builds a Horse of Worship,
Trinity 'Church has. been singe
tarty Mewed went devou't and earn-
est Rectors., ninny of wham bays
passed from the scene of their
1nlboutts' 'while others etre 11000 wont.
ing in other parts of Gods Vino
yard. Those nerving the congrega
tine before the Church was built
were: Rev. Carmichael and his
bro'the.r-in-law, Itev, Duberdtte:
Revs', Mup•hp', of 'Wingliem, Davis
et Winghitm, Gallagher of U, S. A..
and. later, the Rev, William llender-
eon 'wes aprpotnied as tine first
resdden4 Reinter, Other Rectors
tylia - have ^faelatully s'er'ved the
Parish are: Revs'. F. J, Parke, 14, A,
Thomas, George W, Remy, T. E,
Higley, Clharies L, Mills, George
MotQntllan, 3. Ldbnondie, Willie in
1I. Hartley, T, H, Parr, W, 13, Haw.
eine, A, .Share, L. V, FOeoclt, A, A.
114t10ney, 0.1111 11110 111050131 xi1titmm,
Ilia MY, , M, Weokts,
Notices in this coltmrn cost
25c up to four lines; 5c for
every extra line. Cash intuit
accompany ad. Orders taken
over 'Phone 3&a
Seed Bareic Vicat. 1-c L`
apply to Clarence Hollinger
phone 45-r-5
A quantity of ,Seed' Buckwheat,
well cleaned $1.00 per bushel. 1-P
phone 16-t'-5 Harry McCt tcheon
Japanese Seed Buckwheat heavier
yielding than ^Shaver Hull, free from
Shelling in dee harvest time,
1-p apply to Geo. Wheatley
phone 2494-14 Sealertit
A ytoun pig on Cranbrook side-
roadi by Thos, Pennington. Pig
can be had at Dod Smalldon's and
for paying eemens'es', 1-c
A De Laval Separator, 680 lb,
capacity, good condition. 1-0
Ben Hallenbeck, phone 10'9
Con be seen wt Lot 25, Con, 9, Grey
Anyone wanting to purchase
house or wanting to rent ltlrs. W.
M. Sinclair',s house apply to
75 Vtotor St.
London, Ont.
Mortgage Loans' on improved farm
properties at, 5%, No valuation
Lees or chattel tmorgage required,
H. J. COTTY & 00,
Farts Sates Service, Stratford
Baume and acre and a half of land
at 'South 'half lot 20, non 9, Morris'.
Privilege of using stable. Reye
lett at Gilbert M'cCall'uan's. 2w
Mrs' John Lamb,( Seatorth
Sell Rawletgh Products', Needed
every home, Easily sold, Pleasant
work, Should start earning $30
weekly and increase rapidly. We
teach yell hews Rawlelgh's
Dept, M, L. -15240-F
Rugs, Stock of late Importer, Me
eludes Wilsons', Broadlooms and
Orientals, extremely low prices
while stook Mate, will ship mall
orders promptly, write tor price 113t r
Tra'derrs end Intport0rb,
M W9111ngtt111t tit, Wed' T*rolltp