HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-6-8, Page 1The, 73ruostio t POST PUBLISHING HOUSE BRUSSELS, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8th, 1938 Brussels Trims Listowel 4-0 mru00010 won their third Weigh/ genie of .the season, whiLwashiug iAstoWel by the score of 4.0 here on Tuesday evening, The 10001 team showed better team play than the last game here with Atwood. Listowel started off with Heed' math almost wooing for the visi- tors. L Steles broke through for Bruss'oks but lits shot was wide of the goal. C. xsaeker, on a nice p.uw scored the first goal ot the gaou0. C. Baker came right bank to almost score again, C. Riley stopped several shots that were labelled for goals. L. Russell and H. Bowler played a nice oomblptt- tion, but could' not beat Johnston W, Wray for Listowel broke through on a rush but his shot went over the post. In the second period J, Bryaus played' a great gauze feeding file forwards' in fine style with 0. Baker and L. Sttedss scoring goals' in gtsldt succession. Brussels kept the ball down in the Listowel terr'itor'y most of the second period with L. Russell finally getting the last goal of the game to make it 4-0. Ltstowel tried to break though on several tries but m180011 many opportunities to o000e. Listowel -Johnston, Bean, Woods, Greer, Spence, Weber, Heuckeroth. Bowman, Wray, Thompson, Dick. Jones, Zut'brigg, Brussels - C. Riley, J. N1ob011101, H. Bowler, J. Bryan, J. Rutledge, R. Fox, L. Steiss, J. Lowe, A. Kee- fer, C. Baker, D. Miller, W. King, W. Stephenson, L. Russell, Referee. -'P, Stephenson, GARDEN PARTY Will Be Held at the CRANBROOK Presbyterian Church TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Supper served from 6 to 8 followed by a program by The Lucky Seven Cowboys of Fergus Including- The Valley Boys -radio, harmony singers and comedians Guido Pellin-Accordianist Roe the Ventriloquist and Magician L. B. Salisbury -Manager Admission - Adults 35c Children 20c Melville Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, JUNE 12 - the services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m, will be conducted by Rev. Lindsay Strnpson, Valleyfield, Que. 10 a.m.-Sunday School All Members and Adherents are Invited to Attend these Services REGENT HEATRE Women Liberals Receive Reports The Women's Idbeeal 011th met et the home of Mrs. James Ilallantyre on. Thursday evening faith the President, Mrs'. A. Strachan, presid• Ing. The meeting opened with the singling "rhe Maple Leaf Forever, The secreitary, Mrs, J. Wilton, gave her report, which was adopted. Mrs, R. Thomson, the treasurer, al- so gave her report, mins; 3, Wilton gave a splendid report on the On- tario Women's Liberal Couvel,tiof held in Lohdon on May 0 Moved by Mrs. W Huggins and seconded by Ml's, Mc,Donvell, that the cite year end' in March to correspond with other Liberal clubs. Mrs, W, S. Scott read Ids. Deachman'e: re- port at London on "Legislation:" A hearty vote of thanks was tender- ed Mrs, Ballantyne for the use of her home, Brussels Anglers Land Big Fellows tlie.eo11s D. A. Rano and H. B. Allen of Brussels' were visitors in town last Frtiday evening while on their homeward journey after week's fishing trip art Madawaska Lake. Mr. Rutin, who is a veteran fol- lower of the Isaac Walton Clan, landed two fine specimens of lake trout weighing 13 and Jo" pounces, SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Walter Winchell Ben Bernie Aces of the .airways in Broadweys biggest musical smasheroo ` Love and Hisses Simone Simon Joan Davis MON„ TUES., WED,, Carole Lombard v,s Frederic March Nothing Sacred. Ch.orles Winninger Walter Connelly Greatest fight of the century A Comedy Drama while Mr. Allen disaplayed a couple of lesser averdmpois weighing slight- ly over eleven and nine 'pounds, ' Both anglers declared fish were plentiful in that region, getting nib. bees galore from big fellows which at times took the works right ;ander. On one occasion Mr. Allan almost lost his balance in the boat when a 'rush order" from below threatened to start a few merry -go -routed stunts, The black flies, they said were just beginning to bud, and make quite EL disturbance when shifting from one spat to another. -Tete Gravenhurst Banner NEXT THURS-, FRI., SAT Dorothy Lamour In The Hurricane Jon Hall Mary Astor C, Aubry Smith The effects of a South Sea hurricane on the Iivcs of Visltors and natives COMIINSea Dead End (YiATINES ".. Al,O6, HO,,IDAY$ Moncrieff United Church GARDEN PARTY ' Friday, June 17th Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m. Entertainment by The London Favourite Four Pauline Wilson -Cellist and Reader Myrtle Armstrong -Violinist Gladys Cornell -Contralto Maybelle Smith -Pianist Admission, Adults 35c Children 20c ICE CREAM SOCIAL Tuesday, June 14th at the home of Wesley Stephenson 16th of Grey BALL GAME Ethel - Walton 6.30 p.m. Followed by a good program of Readings, Vocal and Instrumental Numbers Admission - 10c Booth on Grounds Everybody Welcome Single Copies 5c n I Town Council Holds 1.0.0.F, Annual Court of Revision Decoration Service Largely Attended 11 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Will Build Teeswater Stand The contract for building the grandstand at 'reermnter Agricul- tu'ratl Park lees been let to R, IIueston, of Gorrle, Golden Yellow Bananlas are sold at Greltft :. for Cash whicin means' we sell them for Less. Buy your Oranges', Lemons, New Cabbage,. Garrotte, Fresh Let - lace at Brewer's., you will receive the best at less. money. We Sell for Leen A. GROWA1't Mailing List Corrected The nutting Iasi has been revised this week, 10 your label is not correct please •envies us' at once. 100 Ash to thank those it'orn whom we have received uew and renewal subscriptions. Employee Fined D, Lemon proprietor of the Arneri- can Hotel at Brussels, wishes' It made known that it was an enn- pioyee of the hotel and not he wi.o was lined in Goderdelt court foe a violation of the Liquor Control Ant Mr. Lemon was in London when the act was violated and had no poison - al knowledge of the matter. The hotel license is, however, Issued 11. his 1181.11e. Sample Of 'C,,00d Crops Fall Wheat appears to be in excel- lent contrition. We have in this of - lice a stalk of fall wheat, from '.be farm of Philip Ament, measuring 3 - feet 4 -Inches in length.. Rye also is maturing quickly this year. Sev- eral farmers report their's alreaay in head, 10 one can judye by present ap- pearance the farm'ets will harvest, a bumper crop this season. -e o -- Band Concert The Metz Sunday evening band concert of the season was presented on the Library lawn, instead of at the park as usual. because of ilh.ese in the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hall. Under the leadership of Mr. Seeden of Winghain, the band show- ed innleroveaneut after then' winter months of practice. A good crowd attended. Lovers of band music are looking forward to many such enjoyable Sunday evening concerts GARDEN PARTY will be held at Ebenezer Church, Browntown Wednesday, June 15 a cold meat supper will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock followed by a 3 -act Play entitled (Dollars before Cabbage) staged by the Y. P. 5. of Whitechurch United Church Monologues, Songs and Musical Numbers between acts Come & enjoy a good Supper. and., a splendid play Admisison - Adults 35c Children 15c Booth on Grounds THE UNITED CHURCH REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B,A„ B,D, Minister 10 a.in,-Sunday School 11 a.m.-"Conference Echoes" 7 p.m. -'Masonic Service with St, John's Lodge NO. 284 A.F. A. M. In attendance June 20th --•Motion pletures of t'C»Itc of Ghrlet" OFFER GOVERNMENT HOUSE TO HOSPITAL The Ontario Government deci'lea to offer Government House. 21,000,- 000 resilience of the province's lieutenant -governors until recently, to the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children for whatever purpose lite hospital board mus' decide upon. 'The hospital may use the Chotley Park home for hospital ptu310855, sell the 'novelty or rase the nous° and build a new structure,', Prem- ier Heipburn said. "We don't care what they do. But they can have It" MINISTER OF LABOR DIED AT BRANTFORD Hon. M, M. MacBride is Stricken With Heart Disease CARD OF THANKS 1 w1011 Cu 0xlares5 my aPpreelatioa and thanks for the ninny kind words and deeds. extended to me 07 friends an neighbors, also the 11'. A. of the United Church during the weeks 1 have been shut in Their kindness NI me will never be forgot- ten, Mrs. Laura Lake, WE SUGGEST For to -night's' Desert Tutti Frulttl Brick made by Borden's, it is' a com- 1l:na.lion of pineapple, cherries, strawberries and walnuts In gen- erous supply make this, a poputar Brlcik, 1115101 on Borden's Ice Cream. It costs no mote' and you have the pent quality money can buy. Sold exclusively by A. GRLWAR in Brussels. Phone 6. Church Notes 'Services' in Melville Presbyterian Church on Sunday were conducted by the Rev, Lloyd Higbee of 'Mel- bourne, Quebec. The choir mutrr- buted anthems at both service. The Rev. H, Lindsay Simpson, of Valleytield, Quebec, will conduct the services in Melville Church on June 12. - Morning service in the United Church on Sunday w'aa' conducted. by Mr. Orville Drummond, Prin- cipal of Brussels C•ontinuatio1 School In the absence of the titin. aster Rev. H. J, Mahoney. -5-5- Home Helpers Hold Annual Conference The annual Home Helpers' con- ference of Melville Presbyterian Church was held on Friday after- noon with a 'good attendance, • \Ire. A. Parker, president, presiding. Mrs. (Rev.) K. M'crLean, Wingbant president of Maitland, was the guest! speaker. Mrs. Thos. McDonald read the Scripture lesson from John, 11th chapter, and also gave a reading on home helpers' 'work and a short reading on prayer. Mrs. 10, M'icLear. gave the address, which was very httea'estttng. It was taken from Acts 10-28 verse, "Jesus' went about do- ing good' and healing." Mrs. W. Berr sang a very appropriate solo. 'Phe meeting closed ev11h all re- peating the Lord's Prayer, A dein. ty lunch was, served in the base meat and a social hour spent. The 11 -est Group of the W. A. of the United church held a silver tea on the church lame on Friday at- te) noon. The weather being ideal e very enjoyable t'tane was held. The Program oousls0ed• of a solo by Mrs. "Rev.) John Graham, a duet by Misses Helen and Mary 13aeker, and a piano solo by Miss Mao' Davison. LADIES SOFTBALL ASSOC. FORMS SCHEDULE Han, Morrison Mann ;4R+Ilride, whose lifetime of work in the 0411180 of labor was recognized lase fall with lilts appointment as On. lurid Minister of Labor, is dente. A heart mated: ended his. life Sunday morning, Shocked by the sudd'itlt"'s GI his death, leaders of Ontario's ov- Posing political parties united it paying the 00 -year-old white-haired inlets et' tribute. He had, returnee hoarse from Toronto Friday and was ordered to heel Saturday litter he complained of feeling ill, ills death, Premier Hepburn said in a tribute front his ,St, Thomas farm 1)0015, left a vacnney In the Ontario cabinet that may be dtffi- oult to fill. Mr, Macllrirle was with several of his rabhlet colleagues on tate special legislature commit- tee inquiring 11110 aloha of the Ontario- hydro Hied etc Power Comanisellou last weep, anti was an apparent good health. Resumption of the snob -I, acednlcd for today, has been rostpoU6d to Wo4ne8dsy, A. meeting of :the 1001. t' :Tommi club was held, in Teeswater wit„ a representative from each tr am present. It was decided that male the sante teams as last year would. be allowed to compete such as Tees - water, Ripley, Tiverton, Wiugham and. Brussels, The following sehednle was dawn op: - July 1, -Tournament fn Teeswater 4-Teeswater at 11'inghum 7 -Brussels at Ripley 8-Tivertnu at Teeswater 11-Wiugham at Brussels 11 -Ripley at Teeswater 14 --+Ripley at NV -Ingham 14-Teereoter at T17001011 10 -Tiverton at Ripley 10 7'eesevabter et Brussels 22 -Brussels nt Winghanr 2G --'.Ripley at Brussels 27--11'ingllnln at Tiverton Ang. 1-Tosrimment at ILiplei 3--10111011am a•t Rspley 4 -Brussels at Tiverton 4 -.-win inlaid at Teeswater 0 --Tiverton at 11'ing1o0n1 12---''liruaeels at Teeswater 10 - Iventon at Brussels 1.5-Teestwate1' at Ripley Brussels, June 6th, 19115 The Municipal Council of the Vil- lage of Brussels' mat in the Public Library on the above date, All member's being preeeat. The minutes of the last meeting being read it 1004 moved by W. Little; seconded by F. Sem1s that the minutes. be adopted. -Carried. The following bills were paid; - 0. McDowell, May salary .,,, 60,00 Geo. A, Campbell, May salary 20,00 R. S. Warwick, May salary 25.00 R. W. Kennedy, advertising 3,00 H. Workman, hauling gravel 20.00) H Sullivan, cleaning eta.... 28.06 Jno. Gibson, Mdse. repair 11.93 Jas. Kernaghan, wk, on sts. 2.63 Geo Bishop, hauling gravel 0,25 Jos, Wilton, salary as 70.00 asseesnr Clas. Miller, caretaker of dump Treas. of Ont„ Licenses C, N. rent of scales Transfer to school Municipal World, Badges .... Treas. Huron County Hospital Account R. J. Bowman, Labor fire house Chas'. Meadows, labor fire house Ned Rutledge, labor fire -house Jno. Logan, rent of mixer ... Ed. Henderson, Misc, haul- ing & cutting park Brussels Hydro -Electric, street lighting 109.00 Hall lighting 2.55 Relief for the month 30.25 It was moved by F. Samis, sec- onded by W. Little that the ac- counts be paid, -Carried. Moved. by W. Cameron, seconded by H. Champion that during the summer months, up to and Includ- ing September, Council will meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7.00 p.m -Carried. Following the regular meeting the Council sat as Court of Revision for the 1939 Assessment Roll. Moved by F. Samis, seconded by W. Little that the Reeve be Chair. man of the Court. -Carried Moved by W. Little, seconded by F. Samis that on the appeal of Mrs. Grace •Sinclair the assessment be lowered $100.00, =Carried. Moved by H. Ohtemplon, seconded by W. Cameron that no action be taken on the appeal of Miss Mee Birt -Carried. Moved by F. Semis, seconded by W. Little that the assessment of Mrs. W. H. Kerr be lowered $200.00, -Carried. Moved by W Little, mediated by' F. Semis that the Court of Revision be closed and that the assessment roll as corrected by the Court of Re- vision be the assessment Roll for 1935. -Carried There being no further businbss the meeting now adjourned. 10.00 6.00 2.50 600.110 .69 8.75 10.25 7.00 3.50 6 00 9.75 We4sttern Star Lodge L 0, O. Ie. and 'Morning Star Rebekah. Lodge held their annual decoration ser- vices at the Brussels cemetery on Sanday afternon, A uimber of - vdsttitng Ocidfello05 from various surrounding towns joined the local members In their service. The parade from the mile•and-a-quarter corner to Ole cemetery wins headed by the local Citizen's bend. At the cemetery gates' the Oddfellows were joined by members, of the Rebekah lodge, The large gatherting, which ex- ceeded that of the past few years, were welcomed by W. Little. The Chaplain's prayer was, offered by N. Mittelman. The nomas of the departed brothers' were read by R. G. Bowman. An appropriate ed - dress Was, delivered by Mr. A. D. Cameron 0f Mtitehe1l woo stated he considered the X. 0. O. F, one of the greatest lodges of today. Hs said it was the duty of the member? to endeavour to improve the con- ditions of the preseut troublesome bines, a great deal of ,the trouble arising from the selfishness ot mankind. He stressed the fact that we cannot get along without the church even though some may consider the radio better. Life as lived today is too fast. People must settle down, be a brother to all men and women. Ile closed by expressing the -wish that the spirit of 0dddellonvshdm might be better exemplified. That there might be more self-denial, not a'e10. The address frown, the Rebekah lodge was given by Mrs. N. F. Gerry, N. G. and the Chaplain's prayer by Mrs. Oliver Hemingway. Graves of deceased brothers and sisters were decorated, The 'service was concluded with the Past Grand charge delivered by C. Matheson and the closing prayer by she Chaplain. ONTARIO ADOPTS 1939 COLOURS 'Osntario'at 1939 motor markers will have white numerals on 0 black 'ba'ckground and will be of the new '0pectrulpte'' construction, furnish- ing unusual vision by night. They will be made as usual at the Ontario Refotvnoitory, Guelphs, and will cost $20,000 more than plates of ordinary design and make. When they will be placed on sale has not been de- iermined, because tate present 1935 markers are good until April 1939. The 1939 choice was made at Queen's Park atter members of the cabinet headed by Premier Hep- burn, had viewed an exhibiti50 at several proposed plates. Second choke was black on yellow. This later color scheme may be adopted In 1940, it is underetood, with a re- turn to white on black in the fol- lowing year, DR. AND MRS. COLQUHOUN HONORED BY FRIENDS About •fou• hundred and fifty friends, neighbors and patients of Dr. end Mrs'. Colquhoun gathered in the Township Hall, 1•;thel, on the evening of Jnne lst, to enjoy ti social evening, and bid farewell to 1 them beloro their departure to Sea - forth, The first part of the evening was taitpen up by a program .consisting of readings, solos, duets' and musical umbers: with addresses by Rev, W, A, Williams of Cranhrook, and. Dr, I0, A 1•Lclllaster, of Seafot'tb Atter the program Dr. and , Mrs Colquhoun 'were called to the plat- form, ani adderee tvee read, and Dr, 'Colelilhoun was presented with a Gladstone Beg and Mrs. 00100110mi a Cedar Chest, The Doctor in a few well chosen '1vm'tlsc thonkecl• all present, on be- holf of Mrs. Colquatoun 0nd lnlnts'nlr, for dile lovely gifts' and for the very enjoyable evening He said. he had Belgrave United Church been in nearly every home in the GARDEN PARTY ccmlauundty and had enjoyed very Friday, June 17th nlmrlt his stay here. As for Mrs. Cold Meat Supper 5.30 to 8 C0Pquholrn 11 would mean her )env Blyth Band will furnish music hag her home, and home town. and later present a varied After n lunch or sandwiches, cake pcaogram of readings and coffee were served the 1alanc0 vocal numbers and musical selections Admisison -- 35c and 15c Everybody Come four years ago from the Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, luyluS Dr, McMaster's practice, and has carried it 0n since,. He is a very fine type of young man, very clever in his proles - cion, and has been very successful here. Three years ago he married Miss Dorothy Fear, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I3. Fear of Ethel, and they have made a great many friends ;n tb,at time. Dr ColKluhoU1.1 has' taxon civet Dr. _ Burrow's., and Dr. Jarott's practices in Seofoath, and he and Dr, Mc. Melte willl upon a 'Clinic there, They - aye equtpollmg their offices with a new X-ray machine, and will have other up-to-date equipment. He intents, to direct his studies to Sur- gery and at present is, taking Surgi- cal. training do the City Hospital, N.Y. Tire people of BOO and commnni- Ity regret losing this, young couple, and feel Seaforth is very for'.una'te- 111 11.50)ng professional men of this oaililber, Dr. Richmond of H0milten, has taken. over Dr. Collnhoun's pract.iee here on Juno lst, and comes here Very highly recommended, or the evening was spent in (lane - Dr. Colglllulloun came to Iuthel Notice - have repossessed my barber shop and will return to work Friday Morning lr9 Mg{.e n