HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-6-1, Page 7THF BRUSSELS POST WI DNIYSDAY, TLTNI'S let, 1938' D, A. RANN FURNITURE 1: FUNERAL s AMBULANCE; _, SERVICE L'oensed Funeral Director and Embalmer els. I Blend in flour. Add milk gradual. 1y and cook, stirring conetaiutly, Me 1 t;i mixture lhlckeos, .Season elth s•al.t awl pepper, Pour seine of I, bot mixtua'e over beaters egg yolk. IAdd to sauce. 'Cook 2 minutes, Remove Prom heat, Add lemon 1 jilloe aai4 .remaining tablespoon butter, Serve with vegetables or fish, Phone 36, Brussels TESTED RECIPES Ham and Celery Custard 4 eggs 2 cup milk 1 cup clumped celery 1 cup ham, finely chopped 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Salt and pepper Beat eggs. Add hot milk, celery, haat and seasonings. Pour into buttered baking dish or individual moulds. Place in pee of hot water and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) hath mustard is firm. Cream of Mushroom Soup % lb. muCkreome 1 slice onion, half incl) thick 2 ceps water 4 tahleepotos butter 4 tablespoons flour 2% cups milk Salt and pepper Wash ntuslurooms, peel and cat caps into pieces. Place skins and stalks cut in pieces with onion in sauce- pan, 'Cover with water. Simmer 20 minutes. Strain. Melt butter. Add mushroom cape. Cook gently until browns, blend In flour. Add zeilk and liquid strained from stalks (approximately 1% cups) and sea- sonings. Stir and cook until smooth and :thickened, Mock Hollandaise Sauce 3 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons' flour 1 cup milk Salt and pepper 1 egg yolk 1 tablespoon lemon juice Melt 2 tableepoons of tbe butter. i Butterscotch Spanish Cream 11/2 tablespoons granulated Gelatine 1 14 cup cold water' 2 tablespoons better r/2 mei brown sugar I3 egg yolks 2/4 lease!; coil salt 264. ceps hot milk 1 teaspoon. vanilla 3 egg whites Soak gelatine In. cold wader, Melt 'putter, add sugar, and cook together until a rich brown cciour, Add egg yolks, gait and milk. Cook, stirring constantly, unlit mixture coats the spoon. Dissolve gelatine in hot nee:tuse, Cool .and: ads' flavouring, When Mixture 'begins to thicken, laid las sadly beaten egg whites. Tern into moulds and chill. SMILE! Smile, aid the world smiles with you, `Knock" and you go alone; For the cheerful grin Will let you •1n Where the kicker is never known. Growl, and the yay looks dreary, Laugh and the path is bright, For the welcome smile Brings sunshine, while A. Drown shuts out the light. Sing, and the world's harmonious, Grumble, and things go wrong, Yet all the time You are out of rhyme With the busy, bustling throng, Kick, and. there's trouble brewing, Whistle, and life le gay And the world's in tune Like a day In Tune, And sorrow will melt away, ADVER1Ibt1NG RATES Card of Thanks 25c Engagement Notices 50c Birth and Death Notices FREE In elemtorium 36c Classified Advts, (Over the Phone 35e) 25c Cash 7eSNAPSPOT CtJJL "CANDID" BABY PICTURES ..xee No camera -consciousness in this youhg maestro! Any parent will treasure an album of expressive snaps such as this one. HAVE you ever thought of taking a series of "candid" or "off - guard" pictures of the baby in his lighter or more active moments, and saving them in a special album entitled "We Knew IHim When"? Any parent who owns a camera can built) up a splendid. collection of pictures such as this, and, if your baby is lire moat babies, the same pose or expression will never pop up twice. A small baby is probably the lvorla's ideal subject for "offguard" pictures, because he is altogether lacking in camera consciousness, Once he learus that you won't let him chew the corners off the le, teresting black gadget, or pull the shiny piece of glass out of the front, he dismisses the 'natter aid pro- ceeds to more important things. Thereafter, you can shoot away to. your heart's content. You don't Beed a high-speed mini- ature camera to take "candid" plc. tures of this sort. A speedy lens is helpful, because then you can use higher shutter speeds and catch the youngster when he Is trying his skill at tiomoraanits or endeavoring to smash his rattle to pieces and see what makes it work. But a box cam- era will do the work pretty well if you are careful to watch for momen- tary pauses In the action, Even the most Industrious baby comes to a brief halt now end then. During the winter months, most of your "off -guard" baby pictures will be taken indoors, and many of them at night. Amateur photo bulbs stile ply enough light for the night snap- shots, and your 111111 dealer will have booklets or leaflets showing how to arrange then(. With lights arranged properly, the eight gimps are almost as simple as Leese outdoors 111 sun' shine. In shooting the off -guard baby Pio' tures, watch for expressive gestures and Ileeting expressions, and trait yourself to catch them instantly, Snap tears as well as smiles, for they will help you remember your baby as he is now. And, whenever you put a picture in your special al- bum, write under It the day and year when it was taken. That will help make the book a day-by-day biography which grows in value as the years roll by f79 John van Guilder Bobby Porter Blazes I PethPtol'lajorLeegues • Young Canadian with Toronto Mapie Leafs is playing brllltant baseball for Dan Howley's team, 1's 13ob:by Porter blazing a path to a major deabee baseballs career, That is the question that 'eorou.to fano are asking themselves these days, '9t- :an lae,jetLawercit with an emphatic afllt'iuM1Ve judge% by the way the Balmy ]3eneb boy, one 0f the few yomrg Canadians in proles. &:oral baseball, ccnttnues the brie 1.l;tnt play he has shown with the Toronto Maple Leafs during the past (maple of weeks, Porter, It will ibe remean'ber'ed, was wicked off the Toronto s'and- 1o's a couple of years ago and taken South weth the LE•a,fs, H•e impres- sed Ike Boone, then manager of tbe Toronto team, and was siyne.d to a 00nt-rout, He was optioned out to lite Mareball club of the East Texas League, where he played moat of the the 1936 season, being recalled by Toronto late in August. Bohby has been with the Leafs ever since. He started as a regular when the 1937 campaign opened, but alternated in right held with Adam Oomor&ky when the Leafs faced left hand pitching, It was believed that Porter corldi;t bit well against southpaws. But Bobby has disproved that theory convinc- ingly this year. Ile has hit well against all kinds' of pitching, His reecnt record of segen consecutive bits in as many times at bat was is on every can of MARTIN-SEROIIR 100% PORE PAINT The pure white lead and zinc used in the manufacture of 100% Pure Paint actually provides a thin coat of metal over the surface. Because of the use of these fine ingre- dients—as guaranteed in writing on every can -100% Pure Paint retains its color beauty longer and gives your property greater protection. 100 % Pure Paint is economi- cal too. The quality materials used in producing it give it more body, thus providing greater surface coverage. 100% PURE PAINT IS economical AT THESE PRICES GALLON QUART $4.35 $1.25 F. R. SMITH Phone 62 made against owtstanding Roche&t- ' z cr Uhler;, i_cluding Oscar Judd, southpaw, who was bora in London, ,Ontario, but now makes his home in (Ingersoll whore he first attracted abtentIon a& an. amateur star, In 'the recent Ove -game series against ,Rochester, Potter made 11 hits in '18 trips to the 'plate, a .611 batting clip. His hits' Included three 'triples and a double. His fielding was just as sensational as his (batting, and he was easily the all - 'round star of the series. It has been Porter's ambition to gain a mejor league teiai, and the Toronto youngster who was, an out- ,stendiug football stat' with the (Balmy Beach club before he ever took up baseball seriously, is work- ing hard with that end in view, Manager Dan Howley, of the Leaf&, has, insisted that Porten' La one of the best major league prospects' he has seen in years, and all he needed was the experience to make him a great ball player','. tt le likely that several major league clubs will be bidding for his services this. year, The fact that "Goody" Rosen, an. 'ether Toronto boy, has been play- ing so well for Broikly'n in the National Leavue, has drawn at- tention to Canadian -born (players, and major league scouts are comb - professional and amateur base- ball in Canada now in search for new talent. Other Maple Leaf players are po- tential big ltague.lw in the making, 'but Porter's sensational climb to 'well over the .300 marl: in the bat- ting averages' has focused the spot- light 011 him. Manager Ilowley is aletermined that the Leafs will be in the thick of the race all the way crud is sparing no effort or expense to build the 1111111 into a pennant contender. Howley insists that his players deliver the geode, or else , , The Leafs have been hustling, and have sold themselves- to Toronto Mils. But bad weather, injuries' and other cire.ums antes have ham- pered the team its the early weeks of the campaign, anti several games have lost that never should have been, But that's baseball, anti the 'Lea.'el haven't let it disconrage 'then, The T0roatto club is starting night baseball ea.riier .than ever before since the floodlight& were first in- stalled et 2laple Leat Stadium, eVbeni the tea nlreturns )tome for a feu' -game series against Montreal Royals, starting June 1, all the 'guin'ea' will be played under the lights, including that of Saturday, June 4. Sattu'clay night baseball will be made et regular feature at Maple Leaf Stditum this season, leolleeiing the series with the 'Royals, the IeUfs clepa et lot' their longest road+trip of the scheclule, three yecps, They return on Juno 27, ams, will be home all that week 10 play night games' against, But. 'lido and Itoollaster, ONTARIO MOTOR CAR DEATI-IS INCREASED 40% IN 1937 'Ontario motor car accidents Caus6 ed 766 d'ea'ths la 1937 coanparee with 546 in 1956, an increasa of more than 40 per emit., according Brussels, Ont. to official statistics of the Highways Deipapgment, There were 12,092 persons injured compared with 10. 251 in 1936. Number of fatal accidents ilr• creased from. 503 In 1936 to 686 last year. Total economic loss through car accidents in 1937 Is estimlaied at $33,300,090. This includes mone- tary lee's 'through deaths, Injuries, and property damage, inclrldine hospital care and other costs aris- ing oust of collisions, Speed The Major Cause During 1937 there were 304 hit- anderun drivers involed in acct. dents, as against 221 the preview' year, this type of driver .being re- sponsible for 14 deaths and 15S injured, Pollee apprehended 170 bit -and -rue motorists. •Exoesstive speed was given as the greateslt contributing cause in acct. dente, with driving on the wrong side of the road next. Figures also showed the most dangerous time on highways was between flee and eight o'clock in the evening, Some With Physical Defects Lest year 230 drunken ;rivers were involved in accidents, as' coot - pared with 177 in 1936, 16 of the accidents in 1937 producing fatale - ties'. Ninetyaix drivers with var. ions' physical defects in seven fatal accidents', HOUSEHOLD HINTS s: * Pork sausage resuires slow c'ook- ing, If much fat collects, drain it off --to prevent greasiness. Pierce link sausages several times with a fort: to prevent theta from buretiug while cooking. To form a brown .crusty covering on sausages sprinkle then(. with flour just before they are cooked, * * Handle chiffon carefully during laundering. Squeeze it gently after it has been rinsed in warns water and mild soap suds, Never twist or wiling the Pewee. Shake it out and press it on the wrong aisle when it is nearly dry. Use a moderately warm iron, never a bot one, ' * s: The Frenoh way of yaching table napkins, is good, and makes them wear mach longer, Wash in the usual way, teasel and ,blue, then, while still 'wit, Iron with a very bet iron first on the wrong side to show ftp the ;pattern, then on the right side to polish the linen, By the time yell have finished, the nap- kins will be perfectly dryand look- ing really beautiful, I O.O.F. Decoration Service The Otncers and Brothers of Western Soar Lodge No, 149, are holding their Annual Decoration Services on Sunday, Tune 6th, 1935, lIr, A. D. Caineron of Mitchell will be the guest apeaticer. Brothers' will meet at the Lodge Room at 2,30. Visiting Brothers invited, Band in attendance, Herb, Hawkins, ee, T, McCracken Noble Grand Rec. Seel, BALTE by Grant Fleming, M. D. atErusmo A HEALTH sER1ICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSIOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES HOW WELL DOES YOUR DOCTOR KNOW YOU? The difference hetweeu a locomo- tive engine and a pile of scrap iron is that one is highly organized while the other is not, At least that is one very real difference. The engine will fail td deliver the power tension. It bas to be gone over by experts regularly and it must rest from its labours' at intervals. I0 any important part fails to function the engine will fail to deiirer the power it is rated to deliver, But despite all efforts made to the contrary the engine in time does wear out and become the pile of serail) iron one may sec in various railroad grave- yards. The human body Is much like an engine:. It is highly organized with many parts that muet function in perfect harmony if normal power is to be delivered. Like the engine. WO. the human body wears out. But during the span of life proper care alit regular' ret'( will keep the mechanism functioning normally while ear'cful inspection by an expert will reveal these pants which spew signs of wear or are in n'ee'd of rest or treatment, Fortunately for mankind, the hu. man body utrlikc the engine, passes- >'es marvellous regenerative ;etevers, If given a chance to function and perhaps' a helping hand by the aid of scievttdflc skill. It is eo110 common canoe to have your body. yourself, carefully goue over by an expert at least once a Year-end if you are driving your- self at top speed --oftener than olive 11 year. A seleudid birthday present and one that is p.ayiac teal health divi- dends to many a wise roan ie a coin• plate cheek up by his physician, Moreover, from year to year the results of steel examiutltions may be compared, Yon can note wbeth. er you are losing or gaining weight, how your arteriae, are behaving, the condition of your various' organs' end all in alt get an intelligent opinion abnnt what should be for Yon one of the most interesting and inrpnrtanit things in your life -your health, But this is not all the value which will acrue to you by any means. By allowing your physician to go over ou regularly you are adding lea toile lly to his accurate know- ledge of you. Then if an illness Comes of you feel off Color 01)0 colt - salt hint he la Inuch better equip. Ped to judge exactly yhat changes, 10 any, have taken place in you, all of which is an advantage to him ' (and to you) he applying the corm treatment. Thousands of lives are literaliy- thrown on the scrap heap of diseases and misery each year beeanse et neglect to be examined and treate>'J, at the proper time. Finally, do not think you are a su'p'er -human and say that this ad,- vice does not ample' to you because You are always well. 'The wearing out procesls' is going on just the same, And strangely to many, but not to your Doctor, mental and bodily crashes often do come where tbey are least expected. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sOc3asion, 184 College Street, Torun- , to, will be answered personally tber letter. Announcement A representative of tae Hudsoa, Fur Manufacturing Company, Tor+ onto, will be at the Pares' Ladies' Shoppe the week beginning tsltTa .liay 30th for the purpose of teeing; orders on new fur coats as welt as repairing and restyling your Old fur coat, 1f convenient for you to 0011 at the store kindly make arrangemaentea by phone or letter a represents e tire will call at your home, PARIS LADLES' SHOPPE, Listowel, O•etariet Schedule of Brace League iF The following is the schednee s; twanged for the S=nitbel'a llrot1 Cr. to Breve League. June 1--Teesevater at Kineteratee 4 ---Port Eight et Kincardine. S--Winghanl at Teeswater. 11 -Kincardine at Port Elgin_. 1S-Tees''ater at Winghatr._ 1S -Port Elgn at Tiinnardir;,p 22-Khi ,adine at Wingllant 23--Tetswater at Port Elgin_ 29-Winglinnt at. Kincardine. 30 -Pont Elgin at Teesw'ater. ' -w5y 2 --.Kincardine at Port fig. 6--Wingham ah Teeswetee. 7 -Port Ielg,in at Kincardine; 9-.-Teeswater at WIneltatst.. 14---Teewater at Port E'gcat„ 16 --Kincardine at Wingttame • 20-Wingliam at Kincardine 21 ---Pori Elgin at Teeswatete 23 ---Port Elgin at Winghart_ 26----Kineardhte at Teeswate0, 31;--Tees'a1er at Kiatcardiutt. 30_.-Winghatm at Port Mere. , Women's Liberal Association The 13011ase111 Women's Lfet-rte Association will hold Its regulae meeting at the home et Mrs, Ballantyne on Thursday, June 2, S p.m, Mrs. J. Wilton will bring it. report of the Ontario Liberal Were men's Associntion's' oonventdort s4 Landon, Ms, Deaohman'& report in Legdslation and on the •meeting; of National Federation of Libeere Woman, held at Ottawa will also be given, A full attendance is, re: quested.