HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-6-1, Page 3-..eeneittofe,....- ake REDUCTION ofHCOMCp vt .. r k,E Save dollars through- out the next heating season by filling your bin with Hamco Coke NOW . Ask your local Ham co Dealer for full particulars. GET A DANDY HAMCO COKE SHOVEL at a fraction of regular cost. See your dealer. 0 Ask him, too, about the new HAMCO AUTOMATIC DRAFT CONTROL and HAIVICO HOT WATER HEATER HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA %. N. McDONALD 8& CO S. F. DAVISON J. H. FEAR (E:bel) CO—CIIINADAtS':F'IN (5 COKE T he Brussels Post FOUNDED -1873 R. W. KENNEDY — Publisher Published Every 1lednesday afternoon Subscription price $1.50 per year, ;maid in advance. Subscriptions In United States will pleaseadd 50e Or postage TIID 'NOST' PRINT BRLTSSO1La CANADA Telephone 31 —:— Brussels, Ont, HONORING JOHN WESLEY • The t'nitstl Church of Canada has been pitying tribute to the memory and work of John Wesley, Three hundred years ago he did his work. The word 'amazing+ is used when :.:00' of the commentators tell of his work and the word is quite right. How closely statistics were kept by John Wesley himself we do no know, but the claim is that In »50 years he travelled 250,000 miles, m=at of it on horesback; he Pre'ach- ed about 42.000 sermons.. ;His fol- lowers numbered 100,000 and most 01 them came from the ranks of the 1(0(11• 31110 folk who were unlearned. Religion was at. a 10w' ebb when John Wesley stated his work, He came into prominence to do some- thing' which no other person seemed capable of doing or Inclined to bother touch about. What's. more, l\',siey was an organizing genius, 2111 instead of having his converts spend time In argument he turned their attention to the need of testi- na.;uy, Ile relied much on having his folk tell others, of what they had round in them' new 3luith and that i:' why 111s wort spread, Ws have healed both ministers and laymen express the belief that John Wesley could not have clone his :great work in this ago. Snell arguments are based on the cnn3en. lion Dot people are more highly educated today; they ere not so 'readily turnedt0 the views' ex• 2 "IlIl1 ,1 by it preacher; the forces Willch work against the success' of a 0l ':,t ', rivet of religious feeling tae' afore highly urgawize1 today ?h ,n over before, and utero is a Net+.;:• of materialism prevalent tio- day which was not present in equel rise in the days or John Wesley, The ((('g11111e111 18 slip•plemente1 by the claim that people are not of cu0 1o;1ld today' es they were 30. year's ego; that religious groups aro many trim(.' the number inlown In the dray- of Wesley and each of those is delving in its own direchlon, leor that ta3(011 the appoai of any one 111o11 has to be directed to the 'Coyle of hi., own denomination and there. fore tris chances of success are unr, rowed to 1.1(x1 extent, r\,galnit all that form; Of reasoning Is the plain tact that people 10 the yorkll today by the tens of tllou51 amts are 1101 sat isfi+.d, they have a yearning for s m"1h.t ,; whirls th(•y _IU0;w they do 111.1 p l.sess: they may subete I::he to a torte of 'Is:nvard religion but i11 it fitly End no jay and front It they are ex;rac•t. Ing 1::'11(1 which is beue,Ec'a1. Every header a; relig:ous thought or life admit : c :(lily enough there is need for a trel,cnduus revival today if the church is. to t'1'tr ,illne, So marking the as::: versary of John Wesley and taking once more on the great place 11., filet in the life e:f his getter:Rimy i, nit mei ely a historical review ,. a s nc,.:a• ack- nowledgement of what 11 man 'called0 of God was able'' do. 1t is actual- ly a anger post pointing to the need of the day in which we live, \\'e dare say if John Wesley were living 111 the year 1910 he would 1.• about Ws work ae(0131ing to the dales as h.o found them, FOREIGNERS 'LETTING 1IWCH LAND. HERE (Brantford Expositor) The warning uttered here last week by Hon. P. 1I. Dewan, Ontario Minister of Agriculture, that rural Ontario was pa_'sing out of the con- trol of the Anglo-Saxon race and Into that of foreignaborn or foreign - descended petIrle1 of various' hocks, has drawn, co:n:meut from 111e Lon- don Free Pries. That newsq)aper say editorially, that it has been noting for some time past the changes taking plice in Western (Ontario in the smatter of population trends, Thus, it finds, whereas the pendia:nth was originally settled largely by English, Scots and Irish set.tlera, If the present tendency in- creases', "this old 1114tixh country" rill soots be populated by citizens from Belgium, the Netherlands. Czechoslovakia. Hungary and else- where, "The movement," The Free Press ob c 11 c s, "waited h1 the (03(1001' and bort sugar dish -has of Essex and 1iew1 Counties'. 111. 1 tedious wort( and Belgians, inti Hollanders were largely brought In to do the manual labor, Then when, the tobacco areata of Elvin, No; folk and Oxfnr0 were 'Ironed up, aliens of all kinds, well 11111411 OIL 1(10ug WW1 303)4 110 1((1111c,tl 111p1,s from the Southern Skates," rhe Free Press pot's en In suggest that llhe .old l?, 1S, Lnyal',st County or Norfolk to- day prol:etbly ha8 a Majority Ole (alien population.," x101 adds that "these newcomers (('e industrious and hardcwo1king, They hove mode money and ((.re now baying up 011- tlle farms," While s4attstlos; Whether relating - to birth rales o1• movt110'l(t*' or ((03)01111(131 of whot not, aro usually dry 111.1 0l lutcre ;:iIlg, this portion. tar :Monte is ono that. can be ob- served vauully by a few bouts.' lour or !dip In n11(nled, it is not a theorists wi11(1 forecast but somen:log la actual process of ac- tual 'ro0ess of acronlpiishiuemt, H011. 141r, 5)013(4311 blunted the roan. THE J3iWSSELS P0ST Onion on the declining rural birth rate and the cow Inned nloveipent of pe(,ple from rural to urban centres. Whatever r the cx,; ianatIon, if 'the 11 end is not ulcered the (53:51 of It re alias will assuredly pass Out the- borne:, of rhe Anglo-Saxon I' ;els ((8 the .11'11: tel rums, The alae:l :jut constitutes titutes a ('hsl- Icit,e Millen The Free Press (11111 - /muted d that these Ila WCt niers are Inc u r 1 i, 17 H ' Il( '1 - u a 1 11 11 < > nn , a U it 3 g,' pr!:hahly intended no Innuendo. But the more tact that 'aliens' so called h:l1 n'ita,; under the handicaps corn. 1111;11 to all in1o111granls f.•Un( foreign 1.cm1.4, con perturam the etefil0us Welt," end Crake mailr•y and buy up fatale, (11.10 (ttlei 'nl phjert lesson tlt:'t IV" A0g1U-Saxons' miff Ili stu0y n adruntage, 1 LET US LOOK AT THE PAST E,-'-•+ .tre am* ?'akon Prow Frites of the Post of 50 end 1(S Ysara Ago 1.0 YEARS AGO BLUEVALE \!'111. 1h:.er has had a double 't: ('• a 'h glass top, made for his :67 8, 4' '1' .r• ,loh t l\ lu..l.y, who has been tln- vr 11 (1, a long 111110, 1(1:1 :est week 1;;1 Chatham. +I: Tho., Nixon's "Lacs" won the 2nd IuCSP of Kinc.1:'dine • 011 the 4111 of May, 3)11e lv:111(1 have won 1st bet. clic IV( -111 100 last and b1oka 8;rvet%I times and was accordingly put 2(1(1, .clic3 Annie Jackson a1^11v4l home . fc;iy from Detroit one: day lately. MORIt1S Wm, Jcwitl is busily engaged at 3`sing 1110 hare. ETD EL EL J.11n N. Robertson, has sold ilio 11..4. 1 10 J, Burton, of Berlin. He 1'11:, pmSsr.soion the '1st off June, A number of our residents have a• vcd from here recently. J, T, and family moved to Brno- •• : .Vex Smith and family moved t'-:.t•rle and E. H. Tompkins and and Geutge Jamieson and _111.ily have gone to Brussels. BRUSSELS 'r1-nuis—The Lawn Tennis Club (fast organized for the season. The •aicerss are:—J. M. McIntosh, Robt, Graham, Vice -Pres.; J. Ila(;greuves, Sec,-Treas„ J, R, Grant, W. 11, Slncsair, Rev. W. T. C'laff, Dr, lief aughton and D. C, Ross, Executive Committee, Mrs. Backer Michigan is visiting her parents, \V.m. Iiueeiitel and wife ill (MU. ;: * • Sterling Purr goes along with James \t'ilkin: uti to Escanatta Mich.; where Ile will work at his trade. —*—x- 25 YEARS AGO BELSRAVE llrs, W, H. Ie'ergnycnt and ltrs. A. T. Cole are among the visitors at Toronto this week at the :Iis- stotary Congress, This week Iie•v, iiilpatrick is at- tending the llcthoflisa Conference at London. II, 111:ppc'r i:• the Lay Delegate, WALTON Joseph Nicholson fid daughter. Mise,' Jennie, McKillop, were the guests of It. anti Mrs, McLeod anti J. .11, and 311'x, Goforth, (Ley, y, nt- enntiy, M'ORRIS Mists 1'lilrabe::h 11•yls, who has been et New York, Is 1•;s'liug et the home u1'' W. 17. l"('Orus,u.:, ,a tri', 41 :1, •1 Mrs, Dodds anti d•.ucthter cS Bartle, are visitors w;th t,;• 111.1 Sir's, Davis, the parent, , f ll;h-. 71111(10, 114 their Immo on 111" ;1154 line, :F a: WROXETER I)r. (1, I Jacks to 11x, Pardus( d n now nnlotn-,bile, • r, Jca' Musgrave and l'ltnlily, Tnrtr- llorry, left lest week for (1 two month's, visit yilli friends al differ. cot points 111 Alberta and Saskatoon, BRUSSELS Mrs. John Meadows was visiting relatives in Loudon, 1 w tit 'MI'S, P. Watton tirade a holiday visit with hem Sitters at London and , WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1st, 1008 l'elt'olia last weep, 1; , 1'. W, and' Iles1,k 1ylcl''8rlaud and, Ills, -Scott of London and hiss Blanche Vincent, of Little Current Ont„ were v'18tkors 114 J. T. fl'ood's fora fete daYs Milds' Mae wood yen( to 1,0110011 with them In their motor car. :s :n 4' C. 33, and Mrs. Duncan and Miss Florence of 1'as fur, 11aa„ have born calling 011 1',041118 a 11 old friends. in and around Brussels, 4' * 3 lllrs. F. It. :11.oPll+trsoli, 13tnseert.11, 11011., was here our.ng the past week renetvitag old friendships, * n: This week fleotho iieeys left for Moose Jaw, where he expects. to A:pent The 111x1 few mouths. TEN COMMANDMENTS TO GOVERN BUSINESS 1. Handle the 11ar ,a jsb first cochh day, Easy One_ are pleasures. 2. Do not be afraid of Mlles— ca•lalclse yourself afa,rn, J. De clad 111d rejoice in the other fe4iirw' stos•es .-...s!auly 11:s- mattock. 1, D., mot be 1111s14,1 by dislikes. Acrd ruins the anew. fabci014, How- evc •, both di 1 hs and adds may he use:.$ to 11na.lut 1,.1", 5. Be en:hn-3.,1i,r-1('14 con, tagious, U. Do not have ;h'. niton that snc'c"me. 111C1(1( 5'111itty wOneyu:ak- tug. 7. Be ('1111', 1111'1 do :1 1, 14=1 „P'• Ile - CCP( -act were clay i(1 the scar. 11. Honor the chief, There nn1.4t be a head to everything. 0, Have confidence in yourself, and make yourself it, 111, Harmonize Your sunshine radiate and penetrate. work, oars:®. ..5®.515 Let NOTE AND COMMENT As usual when the railway goes- tiuu ie to the fore so loo is plenty if eollsiderati0n for Leh railway vote, s, ,1' m How Vancouver's' unemployed 11Ope to help their cause by squat. sing 111 public buildings has not Ir 1 u c ltn1ained in any story that has yet (,.111,1 (rola the toast, Mr. McBride* s. ys that the textile wage .441011ule is working 501101(10• to i1y, We 'presume he- means to plctc(s where textile workers' are working, s( - Algoma 1(1,11 selnv on May 24th and we f.-rvola.ly 10<::e that efforts to keep that fact out or toodst ad- vertisa:g wItl basnct•o.r,;'fnl, * '1 0 +K $t'1looltnas-tcr Abortion may find t clildcult to keep his Saskatchew- an etas 4..8 of elect,ai's unci -.r centro! --etrperi::ily when it cremes, time to mak the=ir ballets, >r A number of people in Toronto wore 11-1011 where, alley would like to lice if tile.; coni(I not live in Canada anti not one of th+ m picked Germany or Italy --which tarries its own moral, 1I1 L'' -n> tis s(01' :fruit that the Canadian 1"ariiame 1 cannot sal w :h' r oar shoe. sh111111 be invad- -el, our dills and cities bombed be - ....me that i.1 for the enemy to say. w''1I take a 11't of answo ring, :n * It is:141 thele is an 11n,t1•stand- tng br-deer, n the C.C.F. and C enser- valivrs in Ea':fatelt<wan, showing that the lion: fend the lamb (11111 sometimes lie down togetl]e'r, But afterward it is the lion 'that gets 1(P• • e:: .11' 48 Lectures in safe driving may be given 10 Toronto sercontl4D'y (4(010018 next year. That would result in turning corners. with mathematical exactitude and speaking to traffic officers. with grammatical precision, :a 'm 'n )11 tier 'n n -th Baron Tt 111. l e comment 1 Un e Japanese -Chinese war situation have earned the rebukes of the Ii0use of Commons for the new Japa11cse minister. (However he 11as' had the sallsfaclion of Snaking it and that f,rohably will make 1Up for the criticism, x * * Britain is now considering plans for evacuating people from congest- ed areas 111 the even: of an attack. The grim seriousness. yith whilh 8(13.11 programs are being considered 01101vs, 11(1W serious the situaton ap- pears to the eyes (1f the British, authorities. d: :n :1< The town (.011111111 of Prescott pur, chased a car of crushed stone from a filum in HulI., Que.. but when the stone was Inspected it was found to lye ten tuna light weight, COM - plaint was 0111(11' to the railway and a 1101e• was found in the bottom of the ear, and through that hole the feu tons of clashed stone must have d101111ed out (luring the brio from Hull to Prescott, The railway cm-At:ally will pay fur the loss al- though the company may realize it has, the ten tons fit stone distributed along its own property, READ IT OR NOT: Ben Johnston English writer, was buried in an up- right position in 1Vestrti'n,'.er Abbey, YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER SAYE . d,. an urs 341 rtfu)trated-' Chevrolet Matter De Luxe Coach with trunk. Wittig! W`it ]E know -you'll believe your own �l �t eyes , your own feelings ... your own comparisons! ... That's why we're so eager to have you inspect and drive the new 1938 Chevrolet! 'We know your eyes will tell you Chevrolet is more beautiful—your feel- ings will toll you it's safer, More spirited PRICED $�p;� FROMA' (2•Ptnsengcr Diaster Business Coupe) MASTER DE LUXE MODELS PROM $892. Delivered at factory, Oshawa, Ont, Government tax, freight end license extra. Convenient terms on the General Motors Instalment Flan. and more comfortable—Pour compari- sons will prole its superior quality and workmanship—and all of them will tell you, "It's the Best Chevrolet in Chev- rolet history!" So why not take the W11ec1—today! Drive Chevrolet once, and you'll want to drivel it always! We have a car all ready for you. * On Master De Luxe Models. TUNE IN — Brrgat,ax Barren, iv1,P.... Trans. atlantic Broadcast from London, England , Every Tuesday 3coning over Caundialt Broadcasting Cor. pormion Netwol'k, iJrva ?iiithefrJ4ha pi'rage