HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-5-25, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, MAY 204]i, 1938 IfflIONO Court of R evision A. Court of Revision on the As- sessment Roll for the Village of 13rusisels 1038, will held M the Pubic Library on Monday, June Oth 1938 at 8 o'clock pm, Parties having eonlpi'alnts to make Please attend this meeting, , 11. S, Warwick, Clerk Notices in this column cost 25c up to four lines; 5c for every extra line. Cash Must accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35e. FOR SALE— Feed Buckwheat also a little mixed 'grain, phone 23-r-11 1-p FOR SALE— Two reconditioned Fordson Trac tors, 1-1) Box 254 Durham FOR SALE— A quantity of hard and soft wood, 12 to 14 ,Inches long. 1-p (Phone 1S -r-4 Pieter Bros. FOR SALE— — Flowers and Vegetable Plants, at Dan McTavish''s Store or call Mrs, Chits:: Worknman, phone 33-r-17 1-c FOR SALE— One 2000 ib. Platform Scale with high -beam, good as new. phone 22-11 Wm. Ziegler FOR SALE— A. 'yearling Hereford Bull, also a Cow, 7 years old, freshen in June. apply to • 1,p ,phone 40-r-7 Cameron Cochrane FOR SALE— Tomato and Cabbage Plants, 60c per 100; Cauliflower and Sweet Pehaper Plants $1.00 per 100. 2 p H. Querin, phone 19X FOR SALE— W1l1ys Knight Sedan House or rent one half of it, apply to Mrs. Sinclair Brussels, Ont, HOUSE FOR RENT— House and acre and a half of land itt South half lot 28, con 9, Morris. Privilege of using stable, Keys. Kitt 04 Gilbert 1LcCallum's. 2.5 Mrs. John Lamb,( Seaforlh FOR SALE— KATAHDIN POTATOES Highly recommended variety Grown from certified seed, 1-p T. C. McCall, Bruss'eis FOR SALE— 1 ,Thoroughbred Ayrshire Cow fresh wwath calf al foot; 1 three-year- old Dublin' Helfer, duo to coir middle of June also 14 (hunks of pigs. ' 1-e phone 20.1'45 Stewart Turner FOR SALE— Rugs, Stock of late importer, in- cludes Wlltons, Broadlooms and Orientals, extremely low prices while stock lasts, will ship mail orders promptly, write for price list Traders and Importers, 54 Wellington St, West, Toronto Notice 7'b Creditors Obituary MRS, JAMES DENMAN Funeral services were conducted Satttrcimy afternoon, for Mrs. Jamhes' Denman, who died at her home, on Wag street following neAss with heart trouble, Formerly Mise Minnie Huller, she was born 72 yeast agog Prior to moving to. Atwood int 1924, Ms', and Mrs. Dem men farmed for many years on the 12th conees'seon of Grey, Mr, Deft - ratan dieclto 1930; Throe daughters saa'ylve, IMrs, William Little, of Monition; Mrs, Stanley Strachan, of Akwood, anal' Mrs: James Kemp, or Toroatto, .also one sister, Ml's, Jaynes I3;anua, .of Erskine, Alta, Funeral serviices were conducted in United Church by the pastor, Rev, D, A,. McMillan. Interment was in Ethel cemetery. Ceram_. Philip J. Jardine There passed away on May 10111 at the home of his sister, Phillip J, Jardine, in hie. nth year. The de- ceased wase born on the 5t11 coneys - :lion of ILowisik, a soon of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Jardine, and had lived all his life in ,the Township The late Mr. Jardine was never a strong person, and for the past ten years has suffered from a heart con - Lest New Year's he con - booted influenza, from which Imam tibial pneumonia ' developed, Lt March he was removed to Kit. ben- er-Waterloo llosittal. where It was found necessary .to undergo a serious operation, in leis weakener: condition other complications set lis, making recovery intposs'-bde. He leaves to mourn his ?eosin.; three sisters, Mrs, W, J, Gamble, of Hawick, with whom he resided, Mrs. Geo. Bennett and Miss Margaret Jardine, of Wroxeter and four brothers, Gilbert, of Valley River, Man., John and Norman of Tuga.ske, Sask., and Win. T. of Brussels. The funeral was held to Gorr'e Cemetery on Thursday, Mlay 12 with Rev. y, J. Fydell, pastor of the United Church, conducting the ser- vice. The pallbearers were: 1iesans, Thos. 13radnock, A, Sander- son, Jas, Douglas, David Gathers. Kenneth Heade and Milton 1tastie. Friend;, front Paisley and Cheslc'y, as well as a large number in this community attended the funeral, G -=31=L WILLIAM SELLERS In the Estate of Alfred Vance, late of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 15th day ,of February, A.D., 1938. TAKE NOTICE that all paries having claims or demands against the .estate of the above-mentlonod deceased mast nail partisulars and proof of same to the under -mention- ed, solicitor on; or before the sixth day of June, A,D, 1938, upon which date the under.signed executor will proceed ,to distribute the assets of the said, deceased with r'egar'd 0013' to those claims which he shall when have received. DATIOD at Br116s08 this 12th dm'y of May, A.D., 1938, Jones Ernest Orme, Executor London, Ontario, by his, sol4cdtor Elinor 1), Boli, Bruse'els, Ontario. IIIOAD 1T 0R NT: Ben Johnson 13nglisih writer, war buried 111 an up right position iu '%Vesttn ts!Abbots Shortly after coming to with his wife on friday afternoon, May 6, one of our best known and h<ghly respected fanner citizens, in the person et Win. Sellers, had Pass ed away in Dr. Morrisons office, about half an hour after an a^oplec• tic seizure, , Mir. Sellers had carried some eggs into the egg pool station, and to ail appearances was' in a quite normal condition. From there he pro. seeded to the Iinmerlal Bank where Ile transacted some bttslness and after cashing a cheque, left that in- stitution. On reaching the street, he began to weave about in a man. liar a n - liar so peouhiar that Jos, E. Houg'= attention was attracted, and Ile hurried across the street to render aid if required. The slacken man infonaut' Mr. Houg as to the nature o1 h,fs ,trouble and was immediately conveyed to the doctor's office, where strenuous efforts' were made to offset t110 seizure, batt the patient rtrickly passed from brief con- sciousness, when bo re•oogialzed his wife and a. few others in 111e room, but lapsed. into a state of comet snap tiZfter, from wvirichalt efforts :o re- wd;ve hint proved futile, The late William Senors, was horn In Brpssels, In 1883, In 1904 he Was united in marriage to Martha M11y II,awtluoarne of \\'dngham who Pro - deceased hint two years ago last March, 'Co this' 1111 10n was born one ctattghter Leta (Mrs, Gillen Qnesnelle) of 11Moosejttw, in 1911 he came to th4s district, at. which Dime he located on a home- stead thee miles west of Mossbank, where he had singe resided, In 1987 be was united in marriage to Mrs., Rhoda ;McIntyre, who as left to 1110011 the loss of a 11811lg hus- band, He is also survived by one daughter Mrs. Gilbert Quesnelle, Moosejaw, two brothers, John, o1 1214105ton and Percy', and two sisters, the three latter living In the east. Percy and one atelier Airs. George Bone arrived for the funeral, bwt ,the other sinker was unable to attend, Deceased is survived by 11V0 grandchildren The Mineral was, hnicl on 'rues - day a210111oon and 'leas conducted by Rev, le, Waite, i11 the peesnet; of a Vargo eftmtlIler et relatives rani 2fxi11n,1 r01dPeheee seurviicehntheerindlauatt twhes mnd.o in Messbnlnk cemetery, r William, 'Sellers had n.i\raya py0n ed a citizen o4 true Worth 'With an town Inaatn Neinte of honor and honesty that gained to him at reputation I arty Dian tnig111 well evolve, We know of au 11(11101 epitaph 10 Inscribe on any tomb, than "dere Beal an hoheet milia,' bt olt \r 11hiun Sellers wail long be re. membered and his (1181111 sineorely regretted by the people o2 this tl:s. tric•t, Coined from The bake J.:lulltal Star. CRANBROOK 1 Mr, Maldwyn \w i li:uns of linos College, Toronto spent the ww,-elf' end at the home of its Porents Rev, W, A. and; Mrs, Williams;and heft Wednessclay for Mahone Bay, Nova I Scotia for the summer meanie, ,Ml's. L. I•I. Gordon was home over the holiday. Mrs. James Richie and Miss Marie Cantles were vistors at the home of 11r, and 'Mrs, A. Cameron on Tuesday. 'MTs. Adair 02 1'ionktolt was. a visitor at the home 01 her daughter lirs. G. Switzer, Misses Mulled Williams and Mae Iebeher, 1laldavyn 'Williams and Stanley Fischer atteedud the Leo.i- ershilp; Training Class in Brussels Presbyterian church on Monday evening. lag. Don't forget the play "Dotty & Daffy'' to be lout on by the Ethel ., Pres:bytel'ian choir on Tuesday evening May 31, in the community hall, Cranbl:ook, AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE Stop JOHN H. HISLOP Part Lott, Concession 16, Grey Twp. Close to Walton at 2 o'clock 2 Iron Bedsteads and 3 Rocking Chairs 1 Invalid Chair 2 Couches 10 Kitchen Chairs 1 Bureau 1 Secretary 1 HIghbaclk Cupboard 1 Gramophone S. records 1 Washing Merebine 1 Kitchen Stool 1 Heater with oven 1 Rug Number of Hooked Rags, Cooking Utensils, Dishes Light wagon Top Buggy 1 -Horse Plow Lght Sleigh Lawn Mower Harness Horse Collars \lndfre5s' Lap Robe TERMS—CASH Geo, EIlott John H. Hislop, Auctioneer Prop. YOUR CHEVROLET HE ER SAYS 1Urutrahed-• Cberro1n Mortar Do Lexc Garb with trunk. WEVV know you'll believe your own eyes ... your own feelings ... your own comparisons! .. . That's why we're so eager to have you inspect and drive the new 1938 Chevrolet! We know your eyes will tell you Chevrolet is more beautiful—your feel- ings will tell you it's safer, more spirited PRICED $ FROM 2 (2 -Passenger hipster Business Coupe) MASTER DE LUXE MODELS FROM $892. Delivered at factory, Oshawa, Ont. Government tax, freight and license extra. Convenient terms on the General Motors Instalment Plan. and more comfortable—your compari- sons will prove its superior quality and workmanship—and all of them will tell you, "It's the Best Chevrolet in Chew rolet history!" So why not take the wheel—today! Drive Chevrolet once, and you'll want to drive it always! We have a car all ready for you. * O11 Master De Luxe Models. C.2188 TUNE IN—BRvanc,Ey BAXTER, MP Trans- atlantic Broadcast from London, England ...Every Tuesday Evening over Canadian Broadcasting Cor- poration Network. Orval itfamoGarae II S. Vi ff Y27 russeL'a Game Called. At 6.30 p. r. Admis„ '. o .Art 1 5c, Children free