HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-5-25, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST
717""itit "14,
4 efr,/
chotien 1110 lit/elms fee method it
WATSON 1It/T ihoted be fairly and evenly ine.
linforttelietely Mr. Howe has had
Mile or 00 eaccess eelling tale
idea to (lanadian radio ueers, On
the contrary they are being eacour
aged 10 10ek on ht latest attentpte
at tux collectioti as a Mute of bur
ea tiered c import! not n no. Appall:tie
ly C. B, 0. has 111 11 yet to 'lo 1/
sell teteetr to the
.1,014000 vit.040
- iT'S 001.
. ..................
• •
This Family has
no Distant Relatives
Not that the Watson family is so small. On
the contrary, there are uncles, aunts,
cousins,nephews, nieces and so on, scattered
across the Dominion. But they never lose
track of each other. Long Distance brings
them together again on many anniversary
and special occasions throughont the year
. . . at surprisingly little cost.
Reductions in telephone rates—local and long
distance — in 1935, '36 and '37 have effected
savings to telephone users in Ontario and
Quebec of nearly one million dollars yearly.
110 place to weigh the V. Tbere
The Brussels Post \MS a small set of scales in the
FOUNDED -1873 granary but you couldtet put the
clew on that.
et. W. KENNEDY — Publisher Then too the hired man bad (mite
an intrecote system about the
Published Every Mednesday amount of meal which the cow
afternoon Mould get. Eveey time the cow
Subscription piece $1,50 per year, gave four pounds of milk then the
paid in advance. Subecriptions in cow had earned the right to ea L a
United States wilt please add 500 pound of meal, If tee eow was
givng 30 etoundo 01 miik per day 11
figured about 7efi pounds, of meal,
and when the hired mao started
getting tractions of pounds, into his
calculations- grandfather was sure
to say it was time he quit being a
hired man and steam' writing bul-
letins, for the government.
FEEDING A COW Grandfather alweys, contended he
There was something tu the Paper did not need a book of rules to feed
a (sow.. He could tell by looking; at
,the other .cloy about a 11150111101(515
a cow ond /toeing how she amed it
somas Catlin meeting, and. one Man a
ttlmore outspoken than the she was getting enough to eat.. He'd
always done things that way end lin
others said he did not believe in
feeding his milking COWSmuse them wasn't inclined to change, Of course
15 pounds of hay per day. rile said all that referred to the time whet)
he used to feed mole than that but eh, cow woo millong.
When she
=snit then the diet went. down it
found. by cutting down a little he
not in quantity then in quality; the
was gating Just 11.S good restate.
Wo do am know if a dozen farm- cow Would, be Ilkely to lied elle bad
to eel a bit of straw along with her
ere could gather together arid agree
on that, 'They used to argue con- bay, But never at any time was
selerable about that problem on Lot there entire agreement about how
Four ceneeseee Tea u good many much a now should: get to eat. The
years, ago. And inose or the MO' nearest they ever came to a :lathe
ntent was ibeteveen grandfather factory answer was all contained in
and the hired mem The hired men one word 'enough,"
(envoys- had s011113 'books ancl some
govehnnent 'bulletins on feeding a
caw or anything else tbat might RADIO TAX NEEDS
have taken up lodgings r0L111.0 the BETTER ACCEPTANCE
premises, But grandfather
waye insieted be could tell without . Can:ekes Minister of Transport
the ald of the government Just how seelles to 11010 the bad luelt 01 eon--
nen:et a cow should get to eat Meetly rubbing the electorate tee
As wo recall it he 5011.5 0.3'011g 011 wrong way—especially in the mat
20 P01tfldS of hay. orvoinething ter of radio broaden:ling.
Pretty ,cloee to that, The plan for Earle ;thie year he we,s tee bete
Peon& lets wee never clearty regu. erteanteaton of tile policy 01
1Med or defined. It perSbably de- 00011(11011Broadcasting 01)1001.11111(1p
ended on how the hired man feet er Nest he raised weal! may be a tem-
Sor postage
Telephone 31 —:— Brussels, Ont,
Alberta's policy 501 10 he eo
17 to starve out the repreeentalli
of the King. Te is not a matter
about which Ontario can do 111115111ctittletzing either.
Han. Imel
an lelecleee Says it le
the duty of ell intelligent staffs to
read all the newspapers', We meet
remind our circulaelon cleereetment
to send hew our rates.
—se -e—
Canatmee volunteer soldiers may
be Provided with boots by a grate-
ful country, The only surprIeng
thing about. that It was net done
years ago,
Alberta is to open a ProPagantle
bureau and if it is to sell Soviet
Credit to tbe rest of Canada it will
neec1. to be operated by .experte.
German. soldiers are being OINK(
to fight .Tune bugs and ,the world
leoiees ,the Reich's armies will coo -
fine their battling to that kind of
It would be heed to convince
thousandS of folke in Cleveland
and Chicago that a recess,lon 001
Just the sae thing as a depression.
TChineee general warns, that the
Jepanese are preparing to use
100111011gas. The inemination will
not suamrise the world.
A. etalifernia frog broke world rec-
ord with a leap or 15 feet 10 inehee.
A good, ninny pedestrians are alive
and well today because they have
been able to do better than that„
measureng or forking hey out In 20_ or etetienestele criticism of 1110
whether be was in a hurry, Ile WAS
eieva7e quoting Some figures el/Mr
the weight if the cow. 10 the cor
was 1000 pounes thee site shoule
have ewe patentee of hay for Gael
100 pounds; weight, But there WEIS
Money is Tight
But there are people who
ore constantly looking kr
oppeetunitles to end money
on Ikeda security. If you want
to borrow a few dollars, Or a
few thousatut,out Want Ada.
Will put 'yOu in touch with
wthnse who have m"eY to
ell issue in the ucxt federal cent-
peign—the inceettee eadio le
from $2 10 2,50,
Lam, week he got another had
em use" by a perfect ly proper
telemet to eteeen dietetically the
Powers of search and seizure in
retepece01 nomikensed radios,
The mefettunile feature or tee re-
dlsouseion bae, further etrengtheited
necle.rneinii .the poWer end authority
of the Government to collect the
ladle ,tax. Too teeteli support has
already been given by eeeeiti news-
papers 41 11d opposition spokesmen
to the idea Chat the radio 11001150
tee is an unreasenable intemet to b14
evarlititl ir pot:mil/le. Last week's
discussion hes further t5t4ll11l111'1 10
the reeleug ou the pnet or thousands+
of a:Itemise law-abiding .eltieens
that if they cite get out or., paying
the tax they might. to cia so,
* s
The tette tax le, a. reasettable
levy foe which moet people get gene
Value in return, Too many citizens
now evade payment. Prom many
impede It migle he Trreternble to
11000 11 direct govermnent srleetlY
in tarry 0, fl, C, bilt Tee 1011 Win
A farmer in Western Ontario is
changing ten cents for people tc
come end look at a calf with two
legs. That's clear profit as it
doesn't wear the calf out to be look-
ed at,
According to a New York dentist
.meet C01 tile pain from dental opera-
tions is imaginary. We bPlieve
that is, right se far as the dentists
themselves are concerned,
giro Are Items rakers .Pro*
Tiles of the Pon of 80 1
out 15 Years Aga
Mr, ad Mrs, David Tineall
been on the sick Bet.
* *
Rev. 3, T. Legear anti wife were
113011115 at Cloderieh this
'Rev, 0. 13, Heeele. M.A., will
Preen at, Jaime ireleue's resilience
on Pridey evening or this week,
* 1 *
Chas, Hingston and family have
pemoved le Temperaumwille, York
is on every can of MT-SEN01111 100 % PURE PAINT
The pure white lead and zinc used in the manufacture of
no% Pure Paint actually provides a thin coat of metal
over the surface. Because of the use of these fine ingre-
dients—as guaranteed M writing on every can -100%
Pure Paint retains its color beauty longer and gives your
property greater protection. 100 % Pure Paint is economi-
cal too. The quality materials used in producing it give
it more body, thus providing greater surface coverage.
IS economicai AT
$4.35 $1.25
Phone 62
Brussels, Ont.
anthill to brick dwelling,
* * dr
W. J, Hunter hoe put a Melte
1 I went and bought a book of
fence around his lot this week,
1 rules, likewise auother set oe tools,
111511 oil within a can; the rule book
1 tuld how care should run, how
quick repairs were easy done. upon
my pink dan.
Dr. and Mrs. Jackson returned .
My pink sedan's a stubborn
frem Toronto on AlondaY. I thing, it's been that way 010 50
* * * mune the sewing, it travels very
Dan McTavish returned from To -
Mow: semetimee i1 stupe when I'm
rare) where he had spent 15 Env away. and when it teops it Mops to
days, on Monday. stay. and I 00.11.:t make It go.
il And so with all this book of
ruins, and buten down with shiny
tuols, 1 walked with happy men;
for if my pink eeden would quit,
1 would LIOt have to watt and site
I'd make It go again.
4,I, I tried it oat Just seeteeltr.
when 1 5010 fifteen miles away, My
ear Just went to seed; I'd feel the
method that It took, by working ou
my new -round book, so I begun to
el But I found nothing there at
all, that told me why my car unlit
stall. Just wthat to do or 110501 for
by his sketches and hie, plan, be
()twee* knew my pink sedan, for
(bey don't make them 1100.
Aire, Robert Trench, Toronto, was : le He (long describe repairs 1
a holiday visitor at the home of need, -or how to Teeth a bole with
Thos. Davidson, 11111 con. ! speed, or how to change my etre;
* 5 * 5 says not a word on saving time, be
Andrew "Aldine, Elm11 tewneeee tielug theme with binder mite —
has purchased the Quip Farm, Ilt or using stovepipe wire,
34, Con. 9, Grey.
Pink Sedan
* 5*
T. W, and Mrs. Gibson and Miss
Josie Gibson, Toronto, visited over
the holeday with Mios F. V. Dickeou.
err. and Aire. Leech have returned
toil the cheese feetory started on
'l'ho 1,`10S.,:'1".a. etellonalel have.
Malted thole shingle mill and IL 10
now In geed running order,
Miss. Bessie Moses attended the
wedding trf her Menet Min Tene,
Wateca to Wm Morrison, at Kin-
cardine, Wednesday of last wee.
Alles Beetha Ball is home Mout
* rt.
Mrs. Robert Hamilton and little
son Gordon, spent the holiday with
her sister Ales. 3, T. Waddell,
* *
A Stmelay School Motile eVil I be
'heed in Angus Shaw ee geove oetite
Qativilibi Birthday,
1.11! Covent Or Lateknew
visiting in town this week.0.
IteLtgl 1eleteter0es *visiting In Sea.
The home or ex-Deetity Meet-,
Kirkby, 71h liue, had a close call
emu serious damage from a colt 1(1
lightning recently,
Santee ane Mrs, -Keneedy,
0515, were visiting at the home of
Jelin Thesis, 4111 line, over Dictorla
* *
A fire took piece at the home oi;
George Armstrong, 7111 line. ateb-
ing in tbe roof but by energetio ef-
D. V. Rose bag made improve;
W, A, (1411fielt 111111 000rti vvr.
fetes wee drenched out and the
dangerous, of (11.,s,:etttetott averted.
behavieue, the lose do we a
child or the adult for elm g
1 whatwhat(s, to us, an andeairable way.
Wary, a girl in her 'terns, bee al-
' wnyie quarrelled. She has 1101505daughter seamed able to play 11151301115 with
1 lir elder sister, and at 0(1110411 her
life has been a continuous battle
with the °eller ehildeett.
u141tals1 ye,s; a•Asiasroy obtrit)ekee hoanit:tle
in 1111311) ri
oar 1111105 and town' herself route.
It was then that someone realized P.
would he desintbk t<1 5151(115 Ale 17
and So trY (0 111.14 our the 1'0118(111 10
ber behev,leur, in order to help her,
' 13111178 lite m
at hoe had not been
Mem True, she W0.0 Oil 011 01111U:01
in the wrong, hut to her that emir -
tel (0 be et no importance be,ause
her parents- blamed 1150' too matter
who W115' 0,111
'Fier school life wag not much L
better. Sec had difficulty welt her
mewed workn
ad she was Memos I,
tor (Itis. Mille called etepid and 111'/y1101'tevehere dieliked 11155 because
she wee n 1111010000 40 them.
No 0110 seemed' 10 1'00* 'Mat
E L..r
by Grant Fleming, M. D.
Mary's fighting back and her mute-
rell:ug were perfectly natural
things Inc her to clo under the dr-
curastances. 'She del net create
her home or school situation, so 0118
certainly was not to blame.
In the home, Mary felt insecure,
Sh,e WraS blamed and to her, the
blame was unfair so she struggled
to assert herself which ie a nitwit
more healthy thing to do than to
lie down and accept the situation
Mary's, intelligence is b.elow 105'
mal, which would account for her
difficulty with school work. She
has 110 control over the intelligence
with -tehich she la born, so no blame
tem be ataehed to her on that
This problem did not, as a wbole,
arise because the child was. of Poor
intetligence. That is meeely an In-
cidental. Mary 10 a peoblem be-
cause she has not been treaded with
understanding. It is the treatment
which she has received—the lack
1)1 undersitanding—weich has brou-
ght Mary to the court as a. eelin-
fluent. Mary would hare grown up
to her present age a healthy child
if her parentes, and the school had.
been able to glee her sympathetic
and understan,thing guidance, which
would have made her secure 111
her home and in society,.
Rue-9.0one concerning Health, ad-
dressed to the Canadian Medical
Association, 184 College Street, To-
ronto, will be answered persenelly
Sy letter,
Huron County
Council to Meet
The more we tinderstene mune 1
1 1 tre the
b vtin in
A. Reymann and Earl N
L011(1011 Vittoria Day.
Mrs, 3, J. Gorealitz and
were In Gat (lit, 15.00k,
Jobn Bryans wee elected to retire -
sent elchel Meng at. the Methodist
conference to be held at St. Thomas
opening next yeelt.
1' '1'
Mr, and Mrs. Givens, Saseateon,
were vaitieg at J. K. liniwn'e..
Miss, Mitynte Areldbael, Lea eiery
wee a guest of Mies \V111 01+11 :140g,
101 Vheoria Day,
* it;
Miss. Ateeteltel nett 31511 01.
011eeley, Mies 0o(1'% Rose, lehlear-
able. Joira end Mee. ele0Inre, Lend- I.
bury and Mr. 1110111 or Dolt were
vide:tors at the bourn oT Daym itIso
(1110118 Imo wel,
The next meeting et Huron
County Council will be held in the
Counci Chambers, Court Haase,
Goderich, commencing Tuesday,
May 31st, 1938 at 2 P.m.
All netounts, notices Of demote -
tions. and other business Teeming
attention should be in the hands' of
the comity Clerk by May 27111,
J. M. Roberts, County Clerk,
Goderiele Out