HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-5-18, Page 8A BIG DIFFERENCE With the Use of Paint, Many things about a place can be made like new, also Fresh Wall Paper will greatly add to the attractiveness of a room. WE HAVE THE AGENCY FOR— Martin-Senour's Paints Also a Fine Assortment of Sunworthy Wall Papers Porch Paint For Outside Steps and Veranda Floors Now Is The Time For It Best Quality Porch Paint, made to walk on and stand the weal — — Choice of Colors Quarts $1.40 Pints 80c To Keep Moths Away Package Red Cedar Flakes and Large Moth Proof Garment Bag Both for 49c Elkays Moth Fume Spray with hand sprayer both for 59c Moth Balls, Moth Killer Crystals, Oil Cedar and Gum Camphor JUST IN—The New Complete Pictorial Review Catalogue Sommerand Sommer Pictorial Review Quarterly. Look them over when wanting the most up-to-date patterns I. R. SMITH Starer' 'TELEPHONE NO. 62 s` DRUGGIST and STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 "Buy At Horne" Superior Store Quality 6ervice SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Kellogg's Corn Flakes Dutch Set Onions Maple Leaf Salmon 1/2's Brown Sugar 4 lli for Royal Purple Vegetable & Flower Seeds ... 6 packs for Mangel Seed, loose . . per ib Rayon Silk • • • • • • per yr Ginghams . per yd Dress Voiles per yd Chintz & Cretonnes per yd Linen Towelling .. per yd Boys' Cottonade Pants with elastic band per pr Girls' Cotton Sockees • • • • per nr 3 pkgs for. 5 lb. for per tin WM. ZIEGLER 23c 25c 17c 25c 25c 20c 19c 15c 20c 19c 17c 79c 15c THE BRUSSELS POST SPECIAL VALUES IN NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITES Frim $49.00 up Your Choice of Coverings Also Chesterfield Suites Recovered Re -Built and Modernized 'WJD1119SUAY, MAY 18th, 1938 For prices, samples of cloth Write A. W. Vandrick, Listowel, Ont. Tvvcrve Months To Pay • a=do ozzoi====orao=====o=or ozsoo Y O Baby Chicks — —Pullets ROCK and LEGHORNNBABY PORN ULLETS C$17. perp 100er 100 WEEK OLD LEGI-HORN PULLETS $19. per hundred a TWO-WEEK OLD LEGHORN PULLETS $22. per hundred We Guarantee 100% Pullets These are all sired by male birds bred from high record trapnested hens. If you have been dissatisfied with the sizes andnumber of eggs you have been getting . from • your pullets try some of these., There is a difference. The Goverment experimental farms and all up-to-date poultry farms raise t;ieir chicks the first week on wire floors it is more sanitary and the chicks are larger and better. See for yrurseif and you be the judge 0 0 10=0 Wafter Rose Phone 96 or ring 4-38x 0 G 0 a u p 0 Q 101=10=====01=101=201=0)====01=t0. oao opo osteo ol=t0. Sale of Ladies' COftTS AND DRESSES -- ONE DAY ONLY -- Satu r f ay, May 21 All the Latest Styles in Stock Prices to Suit Every Purse A. W Phone 24 Brussels, Ont. i R McCUTCHEON LAID TO REST ON SATURDAY HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE Robert McCutcheon, of Alamoila Phone 2211 Ethel, Ontcamanunity, Sask., Tossed away at his home there on Friday, April 241, after a brief illness cans• tl by grief RED BAND STORE SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Phone 12 Coleman's Pure Lard 2 lbs. 25e York Choice Quality Tomatoes 3 large tins York Choice Quality no. 4 Peas 2 tins York Choice Quality Corn 2 tins Butternut Peanut Butter 24 oz Tip Top Tomato Juice 3 tins Fresh Sair Dates 3 lb Fresh Ground Mountain Maid Coffee • per lb 29c 21c 19c 23c 29c 23c 35c Moody's Cleanser ••••••.••. 2 for .••.•.• 9c Palmolive Soap 2 cakes with sample • • .. 110 Mangel Seed per lb 25c Super Suds with extra package all for • 20c Eggo Baking Powder 1 Ib tin 1c When you buy one for •••• 28c Good Brooms 25c Gum Drops for that cake per Ib • • . 18c Fresh Tomatoes 2 Ib 25c This isthe best Week toGetYour Pineapples LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS at the recent passing of his d:rugh- ter Mary. Ire was born in Brussel-, Ont., in 1261 married Tessio L• Kelly on September 20th, 1803; they moved west in 1991 and settled at Deloralne, Man. In 1900 they went ;o Alameda community and homesteaded. The deceased, aged 77 years, 1 month and 4 days•, was Predeceased by his wife in 1921. '111e funeral took place on cs•lur day, Aprlil '3012, with interment 1u Frobisher cometery, The ()evens• cd: is survived by two dal 'st'sr Mrs. 3, A. Kennedy of Francis, Sank.; Mrs. Fallis, Prairie lover, Baser; .and one son, Melvin of Pic - ton, 73.C, all Roacid Lemifo I1ARDWARE LI STOVkEL Xesfare with IN' sock QUA1'Y - - SERVICE MAPLE LEAF SALMON 1-2 Ib, tins 17c Hemphill's Wheat Berries per bag Princes Flakes 3 Regular Pkgs Calumet Baking Powder Kova Health Salts per tin A Few Large Raisinsat Tuna Flakes per tin Crunchie Sweet Pickles ler lerr-e jar Yellow Sugar ••••.••.•••••• 4 Ib ••••h Star Chocolate Drops per ib Pork & Beans 21 az ,.. • • • 3 tyre GET YOUR PINEAPPLES — QUALITY IS GOOD Chick Oatmeal for Your new Chicks Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 pkgs . 23c Garden Seed in Bulk A Good Assortment Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs . . 25c Toddy in 1 lb tins • • • • • 39c Lipton's Orange Peko Tea 1/2 lb Pkg 35c Light Bulbs 25, 40 and 60 Watt Each 15c Carol bell's Tomato Soup 3 tins . • • • • . • • - • • • 25c 2 1b 25c 30c 10 and 25c 18c 23c 15c 25c 25c 19c 25c a � Thursday hursday Brussels4I�Wit Eckoiirz Hone6rday WEEffigaganiNEEENOMMaIliiIMMII FLOWERS IT IS NOW TIME A Real Bargain to order Flowers for Bedding Boxes and Hanging Pota Mrs. Sal lantyne will have a good supply as usual the beginning of next week F. F HOMUTH Phm. B., h, 0. Western Ontario's Most Modern Optical Service OUR AIM—"BETTER EYE CARE" HARRISTON, BRUSSELS phone 110 Phone 26X 10 lbs. Jewel Shortening for .1.00 (you supply the' container) Bacon Breakfast 30 cents In piece 33 cents sliced Back Bacon 35 cents In piece 39 cents sliced Bargains accordingly in Beef and Pork of Choicest Quality This week we offer Pen Fattened Pork The flavor will win your approval ..LARD 2 for 25e or 9 lb, for 31.00.. —.Fresh Fish arrive every Friday.,.. ....(To be sure of fish order early).— IAN MCDONALD BruseIs General Stnr9 Pii-EONE 61 ..............................,:z.0 Another big shipmenrt of Curtains and Curtain Goods Opened To -day Dainty Marquisite Goods 42 inches wide, colored, spots or patterns in all wanted colors • Very Special 25c yd. (Frilled or Plain with colored spots on ivory with pain spots) Fried Curtains with colors or Green . Gold or Blue Trimmings Full Length 59c pair Nottingham Lace Curtains 36 inches wide Patterns that please $1.00 pair See Turkish Towelling 15, 20, 22, 25 & 29 Special Ml Linen, Red or Gold Border • • • • 25c yard A Real Snap in Shadow Cloth, made to sell at Two colors only 75c yard 50c yard MEN Get that new, Suit for the holiday This week -end all 25.00 suits passing cut at $19.95 Your Size is here. Spring Overcoats Up-to-the-minute colors and styles Reduced to $16.50 Broadcloth Shirts with collar attached or Two Separate Collars, Sizes 14 to 18 A Circle Bar Special in Men's Socks Regular 50c • •• 3 pairs for $1 00 BrdlP,ratztatoz'!:c4r ztetsue;tae6r6rsivite„rg+h',tcimatog'noetoatzio.iocteimegiewicteis E. j. IVIcTAVISI-I GENERAL STORE