HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-5-18, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
wmDNl1SAAY, IAT 18th, 1833
Notices in this column coat
25c up to four lines; Sc for
every extra line. Cash must
accompany ad. Orders taken
over 'Phone 35c.
One 2000 lb. Platform Scale with
legh•beeen, good as new.
phone 22.11 Wm. Ziegler
leve, Collie Pape also 1 female
C'•arlie, 1 year old. 1-e
phone 16-r-10 Lorne Nebel
Tomato and Cabbage Plants, 50c
per 100; Cauliflower and Sweet
lei per Plants $1.00 per 100.
2 p H. Quertn, phony LOX
10 rod of Chicken Fence, 62 iticb-
es high; only need 2 menthe; sacri-
fice for quick sale. 1-p
phone 16X Lloyd Sanderson
5 Canvas' Coal Bags with handles
stamped C. & Mer. —Reward.
if retured to
D. N. McDonald
Geed work mare well broken to
work; also three shorthorn hulls,
ready tor service. 4-e
Plione 35-9 Theme Kerr, kl'enfryn
We will have a quantity of fer-
tilizer on hand for the remainder of
the seeding season. 2-c
Stan Alexander, Ethel
W'illys Knight Sedan -c
House or rent one half of it,
apply to Mrs. Sinclair
Brussels, Ont.
Rugs, Stock of late importer, in-
cludes Wiltons, Broadlooms and
Orientals, extrepnely low prices'
while stock lasts, will ship .mall
orders promptly, write for price list
Traders and Importers,
54 Wellington SI. West, Toronto
Sealed 'renders addressed to the
undersigned and endorsed "Tenders
for Coal," wi11 be received until 12
o'clock noon (daylight saving),
Monday, June 6, 1988, for the sup-
ply of coal and coke for the Domin•
100 Buildings throughout the Prete
ince of Ontario.
Forms of tender with specifica-
tions and dond6Ions attached can be
-obtained from the Purchasing Agent
Department of Public Works, Ot-
tawa; and the Supervising Archi-
tect, 36 Adelaide St., East, Toronto.
Tenders should be made on the
forms supplied by the Department
and in accordance with depart-
mental speciRrations and condi-
tions attached thereto,
When the amount of a tender ex
oeeds the sum of $6,000.00—wbether
it he for one building only or more
—the tenderers' musk attach to their
tender a certified cheque on a
charteredbank in Canada, made
payable to the order of the HonoOr-
ble the Minister of Public Works,
equal to 10 per cent at theamount
of thetender, or Bearer Bonds of
the Dominion of Canada or of the
Canadian National Railway Co„
and the constituent companies, ua-
e,ontlitionally guaranteed as to pi'in-
oipal and interest le, Domrinion of
Canada, or aforementioned bonds
and a certified clrequei if required
to make up an add amount.
The Deportment also reserves
the right to demand from aay
auccesaful tenderer a security 43,
position in form or certified cheque
or bond as above, equal to 10%
of the amount of his bid, to gaaren-
tee the prosper tuliilment of the con-
13y order,
J. M, Somerville,
Pepdrtment of Pwbilc Wgrlce;
tMvul MOI Or 183a
Goode •Ba'erevlaeat Seed. 1.0
phone 36-r.,15 N. McCareee
1ldghly mecoutnicuded variety
Grown Brom certified treed, 1-p
T. C. McCall, Brussels
BOWLER•---Qn Lletawol Memorial
Hospital, on May 14th, to M". and
Mrs. Harry Bowler—the gift of a
Court of Revision
A Court of Revision on the Assess -
merle Roll for the Township of
Grey 1938, evil the held, le the
Clerk's o6fice, Ethel, on .Saturday,
June 4th, 1933 at 10 o'clock rem,
ParUles having complaints to male
please attend tele meeting.
J. H. Fear, Clerk,
Court of Revision
A Comet of Revision on the As-
sessenent 11.011 for the Village of
Brussels 1938, will held in the
Public Library on Monday, June 6th.
1933 at 3 o'clock pmt. Parties having
complaints to make please attend
this meeting.
R, S. Warwick, Clerk
Court of Revision
A Court of Revision on the Assess-
ment Roll for Morrie 1933, will be
held in the Township Hall on Moe -
day, May 16th, 1938 at 11 o'cock a.in.
Parties having complaints :o make
Please attend this meeting.
A. MacEwen, clerk.
Notice 212 Creditors
In the Estate of Alfred Vance, late
of the Township of Grey in the
County of Huron, Gentleman, who
died on or about the 15th day .01
February, A.D., 1938.
TAKE NOTICE that all par'ece
having claims or demands' against
the estate of the above-mentioned
deceased must mail partisulars and
proof of same to the undermention-
ed solicitor an or before the sixth
day of June, A.D. 1938, upon which
date the undersigned executor will
proceed to distribute the assets' of
the said deceased with regard only
to those claims which he small then
bave received.
DATED at Brussels this' 12th day
of May, A,D., 1938.
Jaues Ernest Orme, Executor
London, Ontari.r.
by his solicitor
Elmer D. Bell, Brussels; Ontario.
Notice To Creditors
1n the Estate of James Nichol late
of the Township of Morris in the
County of Huron, Farmer, who
died on or about the eighteenth
day, of February, A.D. 1938.
TAKE NOTICJE that all parties hav-
ing claims or demands against the
estate of the above-mentioned de-
ceased must mail particulars and
Proof of same to the undersigned
solicitor an or before the 'twenty
fourth day of May, A.D. 1938,.upon
which date the under -mentioned ex-
ecutor will proceed to dstribute
the assets with regard only to
those claims which he shall then
have received.
DATED at Brussels this 2nd day of
May, A.D. 1938,
Prank Nichol
by his s'ollcitor
Elmer D, Bell, Brussels, Ontario
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of John Spelr, late of
the Township of Morris in the
County of Huron, Retired Farm-
er, who died on or about the six-
teenth- clay of March, A.D, 1988.
TARE NOTICE that all parties bay.
Ing claims- or demands against the
estate et the above-mentioned de-
ceased must mail ,particulars and
proof of same to the undersigned
solleitor on or before the twenty-
fout O'heley of May, A.D. 1938, upon
which date the undermentioned ex-
ecutors will proceed to distribute
bbe assets with regard only to theee
claims whieb, they shall then bave
DATED at Brussels this 2nd day
of Mlay, A,D., 1988.
Gorden Walsh
Dr, T. T. McRae
by their solicitor
earner 1D, Sell, snit el01 00a,1'0
ilv •
(Signals generally understood by Canadian
Mart accidents arc matorlsts)
nyi clearly sl8 oiling our intention beforan e
mokinP a right or left turn,
Hand and arm extended
upwardat moved with a
swooping (notion from the
roar to the Rant.
or greatest safety get Blue Sunoco;
we challenge you to find a quicker
acting motor fuel .. .
In an emergency, its lightning quick
pick-up snaps you to safety .. .
Its high knockless power minimizes gear
shifting; reduces one -handed steering .. .
Its freedom from harmful chemicals
and from corrosive action makes it
safer for your motor.
Hand and ann extended
hortxontoliy. Manyddven
also point with their Wee.
Hand and nun extended
,RFORMANCE at regular gas price
Phone 68
Brussels, Ont.
Date of Party Coi vention is
Advanced From October
Ontario Conservatives preperve
Saturday for a party convuttta
July 21 at which the ]tarty leader.
ship and policies are expected to be
under tliscusslou,
Executive of the Ontario Conser-
vative Aseectiaition derided at a
meeting here yesterday to hold the
convention originally scheduled for
relay 28 land postponed until
October, two weeks after the
Thermion party convention in
R, C. Wood, who terms himself
acting s'ecretury of. the "Committer:
For Conserve.tive Action;' which
recently has pressed for Me Iwldielg
or a general meeting in Juni,an.
nounced his saltsraotion with the
executive decision. The executive
had done "the best It could and we
weer that," he said.
The convenelon iNill be the first
sauce 1936 when Hon. Marl Rowe,
member of parliament for Differ -
in -Simeon, wet) choaoen leader stut-
esetling former Premier George S,1
Henry. Mr, Itowo suffered prrr'son. l
al defeat in last (lotober;s proven.
cial elenlion and the party is' lets int
the legislature by Leopold Macau-
lay, member for York South.
The executive yesterday declined •
to admit Wood to Ito meeting at
which the Committee For ,Antoni.
demand for a June convention was
reported to have been tit uc' e'.l.
Wood eald after the meeting the
cnnnnitl 00, welt HI he claim:; tu-
cludes many prominent Conservn-
tiv."s, would demand ut the tem
ventilon a now leader be elected
and a new progressive platform
adoptee. Thu committee then would
'I tbaud,
he said,
Announce South
Group Games
Officials. of the Huron Faoteah
League cnnai;1 led the drawille of
the south section schedule le. a
Meeting Friday evening,
The games are;
May 20—Winthrop at St, C'rltt e
Miry 23—Walton at Clinton,
May 28--Seaforth at St. Colimitme
May 81—Wintbrot at Walton.
Jurie 2 --Clinton at Seaforth,
,lane 6--43t, Columhan at 'Win-
June 0- Seefart'h et Walton.
June 10—St. Coltmnhan at. Clinton.
Juno 13 ---Clinton at Walton,
June 14 --Winthrop at SeaC, '11.
June 17 ---Walton at \Vtntlrree
Julie 17—,Clinton at St, Cot'ui hlru,
Jun 20 --St, Columban at. W.rlton,
,lune 23 --Winthrop at Clinton,
.luno 24--ttellon at Seafarer,
June 27 --Walton at St. Coln /Oar,
Juno 26—Sell forte at Clinton,
Tune e0 ---,Clinton at 'N•ritl-throp
July 1 --St, CM en he at Snnforth
Jiffy 4—'Seatprtit at wltithrop,
The W. M. S, or the united
c11111(31 met this' week, Mrs, Wil-
liam Jenkins presided. Pruye.•
was offered by Mrs. Robert Vight-
n1xn. The scripture lesso'a WO
read by the president and a prim
o11 Peace war! read by Mrs', 11'.:Viills.
A solo was sung by Luella Troller,
accorupenit'U by hes mother o i the
piano. An invitation has been re-
ceived from the `Vetetield Auxil;nry
to meet with them in June. The
sharpies in the study book was taken
by Mrs, Bernard Hall. Plans' were
nide for tr membership drive 1„ be
conducted by the v1eeepresldeets,
Letter was read by 3lr's. Millen
Laidlaw nu the naw anneal rep art.
Word wits recelvc(1 here an.
Thursday of the death in Gotlerich
or Mrs, Amoy Challenger, which
took place following a stroks of
paralysis, Mrs. Challenger was, for-
merly Misr,' Henry, of East 1Vuwi-
nosll, and bad many friends in the
commit y.
Hem Phillips, who resides with
Mrs, Edna Doherty, voltam) a
stroke of paralysis an Wednestltry
mai as e. result le in a precarious
A eleventh]. fel tea wits 51)angored
by the Guild of Trinity Church at
the borne or Mrs. Ir. Si]llbs on
Thursday afternoon.
General Insurance Agent
Ethel, Ont, .*. n 'hone 22.8
Several farmers, watched with in
Wrest. the demonstration by the
Massey -el -orris Co., at L, E. CardiENs
rami on Moittlty.
People who ore passing around
the report about the council pay,
ing other's doctor bills are asked
that no more be said. This report
is absolutely not tram and if it isn't
steeped people will be asked to
Tickets On Next Draw
Sell Goad At A'.I cocl
Atwood, Flay 17
ISorneone in Gorlor'tch is a bit of
a psychologist, Quick to cash in
on the fact that Aaron Bopp, local
butcher won the' $1,00o prize in the
Lions draw at Stratford last Friday
night, the Godorieh Lions Club had
a •marl and a womanhere bright
and early Monday morning ealling
tickelts on draw to be held next
August 26. And—believe it or me—
th() tickets wore going good,
Atwood: people apparently thought
Ilea If Aaron Itopp Merle win $1,000
at Stratford _there was' Ito reason
why they couldn't Wiii the car to be
given away at Godei'leit three
mouths' Prem now, The Gotlerien
3ione meet hnvo figured Atwood
Deere& Would he le Just that Tram()
of mind Anil they cathed its Op 11;i