HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-5-18, Page 173rttostto Pool, POST PUBLISHING HOUSE BRUSSELS, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 18th, 1938 Maitland Presbyterial W. M. S. Holds " Annual_ Meeting L.arge Number Attend Gathering At Ethel—Offerers Elected MChoueh the lay was dull, it did not prevent ladies turning out In large ntumbers• to the 24th annual neeaOing of Maitland Presbyterial of t'he W, M, IS. of the Prescyter- Ian C:,uneh in Canada at Ethel cu Tuesday, May 10th. The theme of the meeting was "Love Overflow- ing." The morning service opened at ten o'clock wth the Presbyterial pt•esidenit, Mrs. Kenneth MacLean, Winston:F, presiding. Mrs', Harold Parker, of Brussels, read the 96th Psalms which dealt with the theme "Love Overflowing In Worship•" speaking of God's' love and the strength and beauty of wo strip. Afire, Mex Strachan of Brussels, of fered prayer. Warm words of greeting were extended to the assembled ladies by Mrs'. W. A. Williams of Cram brook. Reports Encouraging Detailed and encouragng reports were received from the secretaries of each branch of the work, Young Women and. girls, Mrs. T. A. Cur. Me, W8ngham; Mission Band, Mrs. J. S. Armstrong. Teesevater; Horne ^m (Continued on Page 5) DANCE IN BELGRAVE Friday, May 20 Music by Jack Enest's Orchestra Admission — — 25c THE UNITED CHURCH REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., Bee. Minister Anniversary Sunday In St. iohn's Church 11 a.m.—Celebrating the Bicenten- ary of John Wesley's Conversion May 24th, 1738. 3 p,m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Evening service and Hymn Festival. .,•,Subject "Spirit of John Wesley/ The world is my parish, and it needs our combined efforts to- day as it never did before" Thursday, May 26-8 p.m,— Official Board Meeting Sunday, May 29th—Sunday School Anniversary. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Henry Wieduttes of Detroit. Special music by the children's choir, Melville Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, MAY 22nd— the services at 11 a.m• and 7 p.m. will be conducted by Maldwyn Williams, Toronto University Sunday School at 3 p.m. All Members and Adherents Invited to Attend these Services ar Anniversary Services will ha We this year in St, John's Anglican Chureh, Brussels, ou Sunday the, 189th Julie, when. the special Welk* Atlxitiary orgtiniied at Ethel, he creased me nbership: and givinga in all the young wom.eu's Auxihtries, Brussels has the ,banner 11iseden Baud in numbers and giviugs; Home }Tapers open a way for ev- ery woman to to something; sup• plies were bigger and better, can- er for the day will be the Rev, Wm. Wallace of Stratford. This. wilt he reale seventy-eighth annlrrarsal•y of the Anglican church in Brussel:'. Anniversary Services will also be held in St, George'tl An;lica'1 Church, Walton, on Sunday the 30th June, when. Ole srpecial speaker will be Rev, Bernard Buley of Atwood, 'Bishop Seeger will be in St. Johns for Confirmation Service to be held Thursday evening the 16th June at 8 o'clock, Many people Ike to hear Bishop Seager and no (Louie: many residents of Brussel" ani the vicinity will make a point of being present on this' oocalou, The *public will be cordially wel- come. During the months of May and June all Anglican Churches in the Deanery of Huron are holding kind of revival, when all Anglican people e REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Tyrone Power Alice Faye Don Ameche In Old Chicago As sweeping as the flames that devoured Chicago MON., TUES., WED. Dunne Douglas Fairbanks jr• Joy Of Living —WITH Alice Brady Eric Blore Guy Kllbec Theodora goes wild again In a laugh, song love fast that tops the awful truth CARTOON Irene 11 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Engagement Announcement Women's Institute 11r, and Mrs.. John. Legntt The May meeting of Bruseet.e Wo- annonanae the engagrmeut of toed' meat's. Itla tute will be held en Fri. daughter Mildred Jean„ to George clay, May 2011t, at. tlu•ee O'c9Oce in Alexander Snarling, of St. Marys,the Pultlic Library. The Boil son of All's, Mary Seal'liug 08 is A New Member and Payment of Clinton, the marriage 6o take Placa Fees, The last lesson in Bny)nan- early in Jnne, ship will be given on "Hots to Buy Silk Stockings and Shoes" ant Mrs, LOO.F. Lodge R, J, McLouchlin and .hiss A, B. Notes Downing are the instructors. Last Wednesday evening tiorntaa Relport of District Executive Tborepeon wus appointed Dletrict meeting will also be beard, Will Deputy Grand Master of this die- you be there to answer the Roll trict at the district meeting held 10 Call? Wdnghaan, Walter SV'iliiaulsan end —k— R. J. Bowman were the represertfa Lady Bowlers flue from the I. 0. 0. F. tt (stem 1 Held Card Party Star i,otlge No. 140, W. B. 1icCoul The halt(( Bowling Club held a of Winghami is the Past District Deputy 9Ia, ter and Sr, Warden,500 party Friday evening, The Jack Good of Teeswaker, ho:tenses were Mrs, It. J. atcLaucle 27 members of the Od'1fr-ilosws hit Mrs. D. A, Bann, firs. R. Dumil- Lodge attended Che I. 0, O. F. '"on, Mrs. Ie. Semis, Mrs. Geo .Samir, church service last Sunday evening Mrs, A, fleeter, Mrs, H. O. Walker, at Blyth. Mrs, A. Wilson, Mrs. Geo. North - _e --r_ wood and Miss Jessie Little, One Church Notes handt•ed and eighty-four attended Services in Melville Presbyterian the party and lunch svgs served at church on Sunday were conducted the Carnegie library. The ladies' by Rev. Scarth Macdonneli, B,A„ of Ottawa, who teak for ]tis morn- ing text Matt, 18-21p '`Lord, bow aft shall my brother sin against me, and, I forgive him." At the c'veutng are being asked to take a Preen n" service the text Wel taken from tet est in the Church and its wont. John 1_46, "Can there any good One feature of this revival iv, that thing come out of Nazareth?" and all members. are asked to b; 10 Church ,on. Sunday. Another fee. tore is a special service svbich will be held in St, Paul's Church, Cin tan, on Thursday evening tete 260. May at 5 o'clock, when an out'-'alld- tug preacher of Diocese will give the address, and to which all Angli- can people are being asked to come from all the parches in the Doan cry, The theme of this revival is "Personal Const.'ratIon and Chris- tian Fellowship.'' Bishop Seager's address to the Synod of the Diocese of Huron which was held in London last week, was outstanding, and was printed by special • request, The If shop's. address dealt with 1115 subject of the Tetaiitarian State., as seen in Germany, Italy and Russia, the weaknesses' of Democracy, and the place of the Christian Cheryl: in the modern world, Referring to Canada the Bishop said, "Surely it is not necessary that this great country should be allowed to drift to Use very verge of baukruptey, as it is doing, before the common sense of the people strangle the selfish influences which are btiog- ing it about.'' NEWS NEXT 'NUBS., FRI„ SAT Sonja Henle Don Ameche Happy Landing Ethel Merman Cesar Romero Queen of the silvery skates, more radiant, more beautiful than ever OOMING-'-~• �y 'Victories, then Great 1 'r1Ntp fiAf'i°1-$ WOWipAvti TULIP TEA Under auspices of MELVILLE LADIES AID IN CHURCH THE BASEMENT Philip saith, 'Come and See.'' At the morning and evening services the choir oontribtlted an anthem. Services in the United (hotel. en Sunday were conducted by the ntiu- is.ter, Rev. T -I, J, Mahoney who took for his morning text "Gambling," Gen. 3-19, '•In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread," and itt 'the evening the subject was "Saht•atn Observance' 'and the text was tak- en front Ex. 20-8: ''Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy," An- thems were contributed by the choir at both services. The True True Blue Class On Monday evening the Trus Blue Class of the United (Murcia Sandey School gathered at the home of Miss Dorothy Wright' for a social In honour of Mtn Merle Sanderson who is leaving Brussels to reside in the West, Artee a sing song and many in t eres ting Menet; and centetits 11. Melvin an Melt was served by the hostess. Later in the evening the girls pre- sented Merle with n doll laden with handkerchiefs and also an auto- graph hook. Although taken by surprise Merle made a IItthig reply to the poem read by 11Iss 0. 1-Iing- ,ton, the class teacher. The girls wirhed Merle a safe and el nems Journey and they Moped that she will sots return to Brussels, THURSDAY AFTERNOON MAY 26 St. John's Guild A meeting of the Ladies' (111110. was held at the honte of Mrs, Cole- man, with a good attenaaace, The meeting was presided aver by Uhl president Jars, Cole.ma11. The: opening hymn was folioawed by Prayer offered by the rector and also a passage or 80lt'pt1irl, real by tete rector. 'Tiro minutes' of the previous' reeding were recti- by Itte From 4 to 6 p,m. EVERYBODY WELCOME Trouble Comes to Town Comedy In 3 acts to be presented by Walton Y,P.S, IN BASEMENT OF CHURCH WALTON Friday, May 20 at 8 p.m. prize was won by Crs. Sas. Bryans anti the gentlemen's' prize by Robert cess and pleasure. Mrs, A, C. Baelcer, Miss Helen Baeker, firs, .1. D. Warwick end Miss Millie (Grewar spent Saturday in Loudon. lirs, It. 'McKay and hits Olive McGill of Blyth were Sunday visi- tars at the home of Mr, Mark Buchanan, Mrs. Robt. T. Strachan is in Toronto this week to attend the Graduation Exercises of her laugh ter Ruth on Thursday of this. week. 1lrs., John Pryor of Windsor is a .guest this week of her cousin Miss Flo. I, Buchanan. Hiss Joan Adams of Morris has returned home after spending a holiday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, James Grant, Miss Janet Watson and Mr. Car- son Watson and Miss Galbraith of Gerrie spent Sunday with Mrs. Butt Watson of Brussels', lir ,and Mrs, Arthur Wheeler of Jamestown called on Mr,,a,,ttd Mrs. win, Wright of Brussels on Sunday and also Airs. Wright's. mother airs. henry Wbeeler Sr. Mr, and eirs. H, B. Allen and children spent Sunday at Wroxeter. Rev. Juo Graham was in. London last week attending the anual Synod of Huron Diocese. Rev. E. L. Roberts, Owen Sound was. a guest at St. John's rectory last week, Carl Plum and Archie Hollers -it, London, were week -end visitors at their homes here, Miss .Margaret Gentles is venting her eis'ier Mre, Scott in West Lorne the week. Bowman Galbraith. Toronto, has been visiting at home. Duncan Cartwright, Coldwater, called on friends Mere on. Sunday, :Misses Maynle and Eileen Me- Quarrie have returned from a vaca- tion itt Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Garf Baeker left Por their home in Fort Francis al- ter spending a few days with Mr, Booker's mother, Ilarry •Chamlpioan attended the Synod, which mer in London last Welt as, lay delegate from St. John's ch titch, Mr, and Mrs. Roy McKay and Helen and Shirley of Toronto were week -end visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas, 11TcIaay This is their jeer. visit alter 'six months spent in Florida where Mr. McKay has many interests. Single Copies Sc T o All Subscribers of The Post, Contest Closes Saturday Renew your subscription this PEOPLE WE KNOW week. You may win a bag of Seger, bag of Flour or Set of Dishes A Sp arling, St. Marys, was 0 Sun- Draw for prizes on Saturday night p at 9,30 p.m„ et Brussels Post, day visitor with friends. Be on band' for the &raw. Reeve 11r, Gee. Irwinen Mr. 'Llowas a Walter Kerr of Brussels will draw guest of bis' friendW. A. the lucky tickets'. Lowry last week. Send you renewal subscription or eek -en Lowry, Toronto, mss a bring same to Brussels 'Post, office -end guest with his mother, not later than 9 p.m. on Saturday Mrs, Geo. Lowry, of this'week. sisal Louis Wells, Minns , has Read your iwbel for expiring data. been a visitor with his sister, Airs. George Baeker, Ladies' Bowling Club• Ms. anal Mrs', T. Lamont, Kin- The following are the recently cardiae were S brotherovtsand with elected officers for ,the ensuing year tJs to. and and stater' Hon• Presildent Mrs', D, A, Bann Alan A, and Miss Mary Lamont. President Miss C. IIlugstou 1Tt:c11 Emma Mcfiill of Belgrave isi Sties Pres. Mrs. RabL, TMMomson was a vuc,te .last week at the nems 2nd' Vise Pres., Mrs. J. Ballantyne of her uncle 11r, 'Mark Buchanan' Secretary ..,Mrs. Cleve Baeker Hiss Mary E, Lott was in attend - awe at the funeral of 1A'. J. C. \s'oeles of Stratford. The intert,ten, took place in St. Marys, 11rs. Percy Mitchell and Helen and Miss Tena Dickson and \'Lias Bande eloCraeken motored to To- ronto Wednesday morning to spend a couple of days oombiuing busi- Downing. Cast of Characters sectltbary, firs, H. Srrettou, 111', 'Smith—Ordinary Husband A bee lvtts pians(: for the ltlr•lh Stuunt Beyatis of June for the purpose of wasll;ng Airs. Santth Ordinary Wife the globes and also to work at the Ethel Shaw quilt, Mangarot Smith—•Daughter of it was decided riot.. a tea be Reid Smith Ethel Sellers ilt. J'itly, Helen Mallory—Bacot Chum The .June meeting is to be held Mary Humphriesat Mrs, II, Bryans and elle Wee, Tune Evans—School Cham nre all asked to bring lowel,e to this Malty Buchanan meeting to be kelot for file bazaar, Beatrice Sawyer --.Scheel Clime The meeting wag ¢lased with Iletlt Shannon prayer by Mr, Graham. after welch Elinor Lovelace—School Chum n dainty lttnc•a was' served by EarAwn5revertsau ltosless, lir, Graham moved n vote AR* Ilatshlrtls Plain jackof thanks Io Mr's. Coleman far her 19m: Tnrubuil kinilnese 10 having rho Guild. Harry 01141—Plain Harry Following The conclusion or lee Arum, Beaky stetting the W, S, net is Clyde Marley l'Iniu CiYdtt t^hnrge er the terveidrnt, Mrs. 1: 1Car1 Crofts tirtihatn, The. 1nee(ieg opened with ,Mtt'rls Manley --..Plain Morris - ' the members prayer repented In Jas. Murray Wilson. The hasiuess' period itt. Robert Mine—Plain Bob eluded a d'larussion or Deanery, con - Alvin elcD:lneld trlhttime of 2 pair of ]willow rases Peter 13, South- -Plitt Duly greet and a 11)1111 towel. A splendid and ratan on earth T1erl TrevIe interesting report of the l\', A. Mr, Aloe Strath. -._rather of Perri• aminal meeting was given by 1Tto. f1, 1110 (heal lt0ilprt lih4tby 01.011011+,i �l tut"t10d1101lri1 i'110 1',ettr. t t(Itf4atti*f {1§ 1III C1I'9ll brl -- Grand Master Will Visit North Huron District W. 3, Dunop, Toronto, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge 08 Can- tada in the Province of Ontario, A, F. & A. 11,, will pay his ofdeial visit to North Huron District on Friday, flay 20th. A banquet will be held in the town hall, Wroxeter, commencing at 7 p,nt. to receive the disRinguis•h- ed visitor. It is expected that about four hundred •Masons from - Nurth Huron District and adjoin- ing communities wi11 be in attend - ace. 110, Wor. Bro. J. Howatvi wane, D,0,G.M. of North Huron Dishflot, will preside, Blossom -Time You need not drive all the way to the Niagara Peninsula or eleewhere to see 0 muet magnificent display or leessanis. All you need flu is drive past the large orobard of Mrs, Bebt, Thomson, just out of mosso, on. the 5th con., of Morris, The pink and white blossoms of those tipple trees present a lovely Spring. time picture well worth taping time to view, Three ,varieties of miles, are grown, 1-ielntos'h -Reds, Spies and Delicious and the quality of fruit ham this (travel is widely and favourably kltawn. Tato huntiree and fifty small trees were recently planted and a 600 gallon tank with pressne system installed for vitoay- iug purposes, This year there is the p'.ontise of a homelieul crop now es'tiutatel at 5010 lechers if nothing Ito -peens to tleseroy the fruit before it reecho:- maturity. eacho:n:aturity. Walton Edifice Becomes Community Edifice The former Methodist Clench at Walton was moved last week le the site formerly oceupted by tiro. Neal sieve lettere It will be used as a c,antntunity hail. This is the second thine in its history the building ens been moved, as it mistimes., stood at Retire rerner, about Ona 111110 south of Walton. In 1903 it was, mese t:+ the east edge of the village where it cenli[tued to be used as a Melee or worship tuttil the time at c'htlrcli Innen. The Walton L, 0. t,, la I er purchased the bundle;; and 1 it will be lilted np Cor commit:14,os meat ttllaity hall, 11r. harry Bart or Steam lh had the contract (1 mitring the bttihlillg. The roof had to be removed, being too hige tc piss under the hydro writes, "Chats who luwietccl with the Job: Tint 1111:tcn, Alex Murray, Pier Shannon, ;Melt Bromine Of Strati ford inti formerly of Dublin) Jim It la Russell Starks, Cliff Smith T. Murray, ,eleotge ,'Marshall, Andy C,tllte, Delbert Travis$, Barry 11'rt, 'i'be holding Is 32' x 49'. It was 111 ,vrd thirty-five year's ago by Wm, 11 icy of I.undeehOro, whose son. 11 wry Miley is the owner of the t1 +twnn4 voiti15n1Pltf /vas' '5f 11 11141 WM1/41t, Treasurer Convenors: Social Com, Jitney Membership Mrs. A. Wilson Mrs. H. 0. Walker Mrs'. R. 3, McLauchl'n Mrs, D. A Bann Obituary Mrs. Luke SpeVran There passed away a"t her home on Monday tOtetheriue eleTa-ggart, beloved wife of Luke Spetirsn is her 64tH year, (Born on the 16th con- cession, Grey Township, the daugh- ter of Mr, and M•rs. Donald McTag. gart, in 1902 she married Alexander McNabb, who passed away one year later, leaving a son, Alexander Mc Nabb of Rocklloet, Illinois. In 1917 she married Luke Speiran of ' Gney Township, who survives, 'tud two daughters, Mrs'. Russell Shines of Monkton and Miss Berva at Moate. In 1937 they retired crime to town, where she made many friends who well miss her, The funeral was, hell Wednesday. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. EMPIRE DAY ENTERTAINMENT In Duff's United Church WALTON MONDAY, MAY 23rd at 7 p.nt• Special Speakers --- Rev. Mr. Townettd Rev- Ms' Grant Rev. Mr. Mahoney Rev. Mr. Craw Also Special 'Musical and- Readings DONALD McNEIL The funeral of 'Donald McNeil at Flint, Mich., took place trona Mel- ville Presbyterian church, Brussel(, conducted by Rev. W. A. Williams of Cranbroolt, on Saturday, May 14. Interment was made in the family Plot in Brussels. cemetery, Pallbearers were: Mr. '0', Schnooks, Mr. R. J. Andrews, Mr. A. Baxter and Mr, 'W. Crow, all of Flint, Mich., teed .two nephews, LaWr•en,ce and John McNaught, Ms McNeil or Donnie, as he was faandliarly known around here was born on February 3, 1876, on the 14th con., of Grey towt,s'htp. He was the son of John and Mary MoNell, He never mantled and some years after the death of his. mother he went to Fent, where ire since re- sided. Of a quiet disposition, •lie made a host of warm friends and was highly respected by all who knew him. A large number of friends and relatives from a distance attended the funeral. They i11cluded: Peter i\fclNsil, eile*ille, Alta,; Wan. Mc- Neil, Fort Bragg, Cal.; Mr. end Mrs. Ray McNaught, Badvlli't, Sask; Mr, and. Mrs. W. N. Seitnock and daughter Viola, Mr, and MM. R. 3, Andrews, Mr. W. Crow and Mr, A, Batter, Fllint, Mich; Mrs., H. Rounenbarg, Mr, and Mrs., J. el -- Naught, Lawrence -McNaught . and Chas, McNaught, Manleton, There remains to mourn their loss his brothers, Peter McNeil, Esieville, Alta., and William McNutt of Fant Bragg, Cal„ and' a sister, Mrs. R, - MloNawght of Ytadviltc, Sask. The deceased was a nephew 'al' Matcher and Mrs. Spatlling, Deus. $olar, Huron County Courcil to Meet The next meet in of Huron County Connell will be held In tiro Count' Chambers, Court Mouse, Godot'ich, comeneaicing Tuesday, May Mat, 1988 at 2 p.m. All accounts, notices of donuts. Numbers tions' and other besiness rooting attention should be in the hands of the 'County Clerk by May 27th. A•dn01551010 •-- 25c . & 10c 7, M. Roberts, County Clerk, EVERT QUX W> GAMI t"totlnrit!bf aAt'